IQ 200 Host Transmission Manual Rev JA

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Host Transmission Manual

iQ200 Automated Urinalysis Series

iRICELLAutomated Urinalysis Workcells
iWARE Software

300-4941 Revision JA
iQ200 Automated Urinalysis Series
iRICELL Automated Urinalysis Workcells
iWARE Software

Host Transmission Manual

300-4941 Rev JA (March 2015)
iQ200 Automated Urinalysis Series and iRICELL Automated Urinalysis workcells includes the following instruments
as individual or workcell (connected) systems:
iQ200 Microscopy analyzer

iChemVelocity analyzer

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Revision History
A Greg Loa
B Greg Loa
C Greg Loa
D Greg Loa
E Carol Eden Updated Header and Footer
F Greg Loa Updated transmission samples
and screenshots.
Added DRBC in the Appendix.
G Greg Loa Updated example 8 and added ASP,
Count Controls and Body Fluid Control
in the Appendix
H Greg Loa Added table of content, updated the
definitions, added LIS changes between
Software versions, updated examples and
added letter to customers and distributor
I Greg Loa Replaced 7.0.1 with 7.0.2
No other changes from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 are
J Greg Loa Replaced 7.0.2 with 7.0.5, added changes
from 7.0.2 to 7.0.5, added ASA in the
JA Greg Loa Extensively rewritten based on revision J

This document applies to the latest software listed and higher versions. When a subsequent software version affects the
information in this document, a new issue will be released to the Beckman Coulter website. For labeling updates, go to and download the latest version of the manual or system help for your instrument.
Safety Notice

Read all product manuals and consult with Beckman Coulter-trained personnel before attempting
to operate instrument. Do not attempt to perform any procedure before carefully reading all
instructions. Always follow product labeling and manufacturers recommendations. If in doubt as
to how to proceed in any situation, contact your Beckman Coulter representative.
Beckman Coulter, Inc. urges its customers to comply with all national health and safety standards
such as the use of barrier protection. This may include, but is not limited to, protective eyewear,
gloves, and suitable laboratory attire when operating or maintaining this or any other automated
laboratory analyzer.

Alerts for Warning and Caution

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. May be used to indicate the possibility of
erroneous data that could result in an incorrect diagnosis (does not apply to all

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe
practices. May be used to indicate the possibility of erroneous data that could
result in an incorrect diagnosis (does not apply to all products).
Safety Notice
Risk of operator injury if:
All doors, covers and panels are not closed and secured in place prior to and
during instrument operation.
The integrity of safety interlocks and sensors is compromised.
Instrument alarms and error messages are not acknowledged and acted upon.
You contact moving parts.
You mishandle broken parts.
Doors, covers and panels are not opened, closed, removed and/or replaced
with care.
Improper tools are used for troubleshooting.

To avoid injury:
Keep doors, covers and panels closed and secured in place while the
instrument is in use.
Take full advantage of the safety features of the instrument.
Acknowledge and act upon instrument alarms and error messages.
Keep away from moving parts.
Report any broken parts to your Beckman Coulter Representative.
Open/remove and close/replace doors, covers and panels with care.
Use the proper tools when troubleshooting.

System integrity could be compromised and operational failures could occur if:
This equipment is used in a manner other than specified. Operate the
instrument as instructed in the product manuals.
You introduce software that is not authorized by Beckman Coulter into your
computer. Only operate your systems software with software authorized by
Beckman Coulter.
You install software that is not an original copyrighted version. Only use
software that is an original copyrighted version to prevent virus

If you purchased this product from anyone other than Beckman Coulter or an
authorized Beckman Coulter distributor, and, it is not presently under a Beckman
Coulter service maintenance agreement, Beckman Coulter cannot guarantee that
the product is fitted with the most current mandatory engineering revisions or
that you will receive the most current information bulletins concerning the
product. If you purchased this product from a third party and would like further
information concerning this topic, call your Beckman Coulter Representative.

Revision History

Safety Notice


CHAPTER 1: ASTM: Low-Level Protocol

ASTM Physical Layer
Serial Data Exchange
Data Link Layer
Establishment Phase
Transfer Phase
Frame Number
Receiver Interrupts
Termination Phase
Defective Frames
During Establishment Phase
During the Transfer Phase
Receiver Waiting for Frame
Sender Wait on Reply
Restricted Characters
Transport layer Sequence

CHAPTER 2: Iris defined XML: High-Level Protocol

Message Content
Communication Verification Message
Specimen Analysis Report Message
Specimen Information Query Message
Specimen Information Response Message
Specimen Information Response Message for Unrecognized Specimen
Chemistry Control Report Message
Count Control Report Message
Body Fluid Control Report Message

APPENDIX A: Additional Tables

Test Identifiers/Upload codes
APPENDIX B: Iris defined XML: Sample Messages
Verification Example
Specimen Information Query Example
Specimen Information Response Example
Specimen Information Response for Unrecognized Specimen
Specimen Analysis Report Example
Chemistry Control Report Example
Count Control Report Example

Body Fluid Control Report Example

APPENDIX C: Glossary


The Laboratory Information System (LIS) feature of the iQ200 Automated Urinalysis System,
iRICELLSeries, iChemVelocity, iWARE Software allows an external laboratory
computer to communicate with the System Manager through a serial connection.
The iQ200 Automated Urinalysis System, iRICELLSeries, iChemVelocity, iWARE
Software make an interface standard available:
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
The ASTM 1381-95 interface standard is used as low-level protocol and Iris defined XML is used as high-level

ASTM 1381-95
Low-Level Protocol which consists of two parts:
Physical Layer (see ASTM Physical Layer in CHAPTER 1, ASTM 1381-95: Low-Level
Data Link Layer (see Data Link Layer in CHAPTER 1, ASTM 1381-95: Low-Level Protocol).

Iris defined XML

Message Content (see Message Content in CHAPTER 2, IRIS-defined XML Protocol:
Message Layer) which contains the specifications for each of the records that are used to
pass information between the instrument and the laboratory computer.

The iRICELL Series with System Manager Software facilitates the connection of the
iQ200 microscopy analyzer and the iChemVelocity a workcell configuration.

The iQ200 Automated Urinalysis System, iRICELLSeries and iChemVelocity

can be interfaced over Serial connection only.

The iQ200 Automated Urinalysis System, iRICELLSeries and iChemVelocity

do not have the capability for TCP/IP and remote access.

ASTM: Low-Level Protocol

To accomplish a successful interface between the System Manager and the laboratory computer, a
compatible environment, both physical and logical, must be established. At the lowest level, the
physical connections must be defined and the behavior of both the sender and receiver of
information must be specified.
The Low-Level Protocol to use for transferring messages between the Instrument and the laboratory
computer is the ASTM 1381-95).

ASTM Physical Layer

Serial Data Exchange

All serial communications are expected to use the EIA-232-D communication protocol, based upon
the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) standard EIA-232-D. The instrument is configured as
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).
Protocol: EIA-232-D
Connector: DB-9 Male located on the back of the Instrument Console PC

Table 1.1 Physical Parameters

Physical Setting Default Value Possible Values

Baud Rates 9600 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Data Bits 8 7, 8
Parity Bits None Even, Odd, None, Mark, Space
Stop Bits 1 1, 2
Table 1.2 DB-9 Pin Assignments for EIA-232-D Connection

Pin Instrument LIS Port Configuration Laboratory Computer Cable Must Provide on
Provided on DB-9 Male DB-9 Female
5 Ground Ground

NOTE Connection from computer to computer usually requires a Null Modem Cable as indicated in the
above table.

Figure 1.1 Host Cable Connector Diagram

5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6
Ground on pin 5 TXD on pin 2

RXD on pin 3

Data Link Layer

The data link layer has procedures for link connection and release, delimiting and
synchronism, sequential control, error detection, and error recovery as specified in ASTM
1381-95. There are three distinct phases in transferring information between the System
Manager and the laboratory computer. The three phases assure the actions of sender and
receiver are coordinated. The three phases are establishment, transfer, and termination.
The data link layer uses a character-oriented protocol to send messages between directly
connected systems. The data link mode of operation is one-way transfer of information with
alternate supervision. Information flows in one direction at a time. Replies occur after
information is sent, never at the same time. It is a simple stop-and-wait protocol. At times the
two systems are actively operating to transfer information. The remainder of the time the
data link is in a neutral state.

Establishment Phase
The establishment phase determines the direction of information flow and prepares the
receiver to accept information. A system, which does not have information to send, normally
monitors the data link to detect the establishment phase. It acts as a receiver, waiting for the
other system.
The system with information available initiates the establishment phase. After the sender
determines the data link is in a neutral state, it transmits the <ENQ> transmission control

character. The receiver ignores any character other than <ENQ> while in the neutral state.
Sender will ignore any responses to the <ENQ> other than <ACK>, <NAK>, or <ENQ>

Receiver State Sender Receiver Reply Sender Status After Receiving

Receiver Ready <ENQ> -->
<-- <ACK> Transfer Phase
Receiver Not Ready <ENQ> -->
<-- <NAK> Wait 10 seconds, then send <ENQ>
Receiver sending *1 <ENQ> -->
<-- <ENQ> *2

*1 Line Contention condition - Receiver also has information available and sent the ENQ at the
same time as the sender.

*2 If Sender is the Instrument, wait 1 second and then begin establishment phase by sending <ENQ>.
If Sender is the laboratory computer, the laboratory computer goes into a neutral state for a
minimum of 20 seconds or until the receive message session from the System Manager is complete.

Transfer Phase
During the transfer phase, the sender transmits messages to the receiver. The transfer phase
continues until all messages are sent. Messages are sent in frames. Each frame contains a maximum
of 247 characters (including frame overhead). Messages longer than 247 characters are divided
between two or more frames. Multiple messages are never combined in a single frame. Every
message must begin in a new frame. There are two types of frames: intermediate and end. The
intermediate frames terminate with the character <ETB>, checksum, <CR><LF>. End frames
terminate with <ETX>, checksum, <CR><LF>. A message containing 247 characters or less is sent in
a single end frame. Longer messages are sent in intermediate frames with the last part of the
message sent in the end frame.

Frame Number
The frame number permits the receiver to distinguish between new and retransmitted frames. It is
a single digit sent immediately after the <STX> character. The frame number is an ASCII digit
ranging from 0 to 7. The frame number begins at 1 with the first frame of the Transfer phase. The
frame number is incremented by one for every new frame transmitted. After 7, the number rolls
over to 0, and continues in this fashion.
The checksum permits the receiver to detect a defective frame. The checksum is encoded as
two characters, which are sent after the <ETB>, or <ETX> character. The checksum is
computed by adding the binary values of the characters, keeping the least significant eight bits
of the result. The checksum is initialized to zero with the <STX> character. The first character
used in computing the checksum is the frame number. Each character in the message text is
added to the checksum (modulo 256). The computation for the checksum does not include
<STX>, the checksum characters, or the trailing <CR><LF>. The checksum is an integer
represented by eight bits; it can be considered as two groups of four bits. The groups of four
bits are converted to the ASCII characters of the hexadecimal representation. The two ASCII
characters are transmitted as the checksum, with the most significant character first.

After a frame is sent, the sender stops transmitting until a reply is received. The receiver
replies to each frame. When it is ready to receive the next frame, it transmits one of three
replies to acknowledge the last frame. This reply must be transmitted within the timeout
period. (See Timeouts for additional information.) A reply of <ACK> signifies the last frame
was received successfully and the receiver is prepared to receive another frame. The sender
must increment the frame number and either send a new frame or terminate. A reply of
<NAK> signifies the last frame was not successfully received and the receiver is prepared to
receive the frame again. A reply of <EOT> signifies that the last frame was successfully
received; the receiver is prepared to receive another frame, but is a request to the sender to
stop transmitting.

Receiver Interrupts
The receiver interrupt is a means for the receiver to request the sender to stop transmitting
messages as soon as possible. During the transfer phase, if the receiver responds to a frame
with an <EOT> in place of the usual <ACK>, the sender must interpret this reply as a receiver
interrupt request. The <EOT> is a positive acknowledgement of the end frame, signifies the
receiver is prepared to receive next frame, and is a request to the sender to stop transmitting.
The sender does not have to stop transmitting after receiving the receiver interrupt request.
If the sender chooses to ignore the <EOT>, the receiver must re-request the interrupt for the
request to remain valid. If the sender chooses to honor the receiver interrupt request, it must
first enter the termination phase to return the data link to the neutral state. This gives the
receiver an opportunity to enter the establishment phase and become the sender. The
original sender must not enter the establishment phase for at least 15 seconds or until the
receiver has sent a message and returned the data link to the neutral state.

Termination Phase
The termination phase returns the data link to the clear or neutral state. The sender notifies
the receiver that all messages have been sent. The sender transmits the <EOT> transmission
control character and then regards the data link to be in a neutral state. Upon receiving <EOT>,
the receiver also regards the data link to be in a neutral state.
Defective Frames
A receiver checks every frame to guarantee it is valid. A reply of <NAK> is transmitted for invalid
frames. Upon receiving the <NAK>, the sender retransmits the last frame with the same frame
number. In this way, transmission errors are detected and automatically corrected. The receiver
ignores any characters occurring before the <STX> or <EOT> or after the end of the block character
<ETB> or <ETX> when checking the frame. A frame should be rejected because:
1. Any character errors are detected (parity error, framing error, etc.)
2. The frame checksum does not match the checksum computed on the received frame
3. The frame number is not the same as the last accepted frame or one number higher (modulo 8).
Upon receiving a <NAK> or any character except an <ACK> or <EOT> (a <NAK> condition), the sender
increments a retransmit counter and retransmits the frame. If this counter shows a single frame
was sent and not accepted six times, the sender must abort this message by proceeding to the
termination phase. An abort should be extremely rare, but it provides a mechanism to escape from
a condition where the transfer phase cannot continue.

The sender and receiver both use timers to detect loss of coordination between them. If a reply of
an <ACK, <NAK>, or <ENQ> is not received within 15 seconds, a timeout occurs. After a timeout, the
sender enters the termination phase.

During Establishment Phase

During the establishment phase, if the computer (as receiver) detects contention, it sets a timer. If
an <ENQ> is not received within 20 seconds, a timeout occurs. After a timeout, the receiver regards
the line to be in the neutral state.

During the Transfer Phase

During the transfer phase, the sender sets a timer when transmitting the last character of a frame.
If a reply is not received within 15 seconds, a timeout occurs. After a timeout, the sender aborts the
message transfer by proceeding to the termination phase. As with excessive retransmissions of
defective frames, the message must be remembered so it can be completely repeated.

Receiver Waiting for Frame

During the transfer phase, the receiver sets a timer when first entering the transfer phase or when
replying to a frame. If a frame or <EOT> is not received within 30 seconds, a timeout occurs. After a
timeout, the receiver discards the last incomplete message and regards the line to be in the neutral
Sender Wait on Reply
A receiver must reply to a frame within 15 seconds or the sender will timeout. A receiver can delay
its reply for up to 15 seconds to process the frame. Longer delays cause the sender to abort the

Receivers that cannot process messages fast enough to keep up with a sender may cause message
buffer overflows in the sender. A sender can normally store at least one complete message. Storage
space for more than one outgoing message is desirable but optional.

Restricted Characters
The data link protocol is designed for sending character-based message text. Restrictions are placed
on which characters may appear in the message text. The restrictions make it simpler for senders
and receivers to recognize replies and frame delimiters. Additional characters are restricted to
avoid interfering with software controls for devices such as multiplexers.
An <LF> character is not permitted to appear in the message text; it can appear only as the last
character of a frame. None of the ten transmission control characters, the <LF> format effector
control character, or four device control characters may appear in message text. The restricted
characters are: <SOH>, <STX>, <ETX>, <EOT>, <ENQ>, <ACK>, <DLE>, <NAK>, <SYN>, <ETB>, <LF>,
<DC1>, <DC2>, <DC3>, and <DC4>.

Transport layer Sequence

The following tables illustrate a transport layer sequence:

Normal Session Sender Receiver

Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR><LF> --->
frames continue until <--- <ACK>
entire message sent
Termination Phase <EOT> --> No Response

Delay Request Session (NAK): Sender Receiver
Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <NAK>
(Delay 10 seconds)
<ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
frames continue until <--- <ACK>
entire message sent
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response

Failure SessionPhase
Establishment (Max <NAK>s): Sender
<ENQ> ---> Receiver
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
<ENQ> --->
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
<ENQ> --->
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
<ENQ> --->
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
<ENQ> --->
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
<ENQ> --->
(Delay 10 seconds) <--- <NAK>
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response

Failure SessionPhase
Establishment (No Response) Sender
<ENQ> ---> Receiver
(Time-out after 15 No Response
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response
Retransmission Request (Multiple <NAK>s): Sender Receiver
Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
frames continue until <--- <ACK>
entire message sent
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response

Failure Session (Max <NAK>s): Sender Receiver

Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
<STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <NAK>
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response
Failure Session (Receiver Timeout During Transfer): Sender Receiver
Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- No Response
within 15
Termination Phase <EOT> ---> No Response

Failure Session (Sender Timeout During Transfer Sender Receiver

Establishment Phase <ENQ> --->
<--- <ACK>
Transfer Phase <STX> [frame number] [DATA] <ETX> [C1] [C2] <CR> <LF> --->
<--- <ACK>
Termination Phase No Frame sent within ---> No Response
30 seconds
message and
neutral state.

Iris defined XML: High-Level Protocol

This section conforms with Iris defined XML message layer. The intent of this section
is to develop a complete understanding of the particular records and fields as
supported by the Instrument.

Message Content

1. Communications Verification Message

The instrument verifies communications with the host by sending the Communications
Verification message, to which the host replies with the same message.

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified


element IRISPing

annotation documentation
Used for verification of the communications connection between the IRIS
instrument and the LIS. The instrument sends the IRISPing element, upon
receipt of which the LIS sends one back. The LIS never instigates the
2. Specimen Analysis Report Message
The instrument reports patient specimen results with the Specimen Analysis Report

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element SA

properties content complex

children PF AC FL tags reportTags validationTags CM ARV SEL_IMGS AUD SysCfg SL

annotation documentation
SpecimenAnalysis root element.
attribute SA/@BF
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration URN documentation
enumeration CSF documentation
cerebrospinal fluid
enumeration PLE documentation
pleural fluid
enumeration PER documentation
peritoneal fluid
enumeration PED documentation
peritoneal dialysate
enumeration PEL documentation
peritoneal lavage
enumeration PCA documentation
pericardial fluid
enumeration SER documentation
serous fluid
enumeration SYN documentation
synovial fluid
annotation documentation
Specimen type (Body Fluid type)

attribute SA/@ID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The specimen identifier

attribute SA/@SID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The system ID

attribute SA/@OP
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation

attribute SA/@ADT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example
of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)
attribute SA/@ADTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime String

attribute SA/@RDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example of
tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute SA/@RDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime String

attribute SA/@RP
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Rack position (tube number in the rack)

attribute SA/@SQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Sequence Number

attribute SA/@RSQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Rack Sequence Number (rack ID)

attribute SA/@DILN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Dilution numerator

attribute SA/@DILD
type xs:integer
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Dilution denominator

attribute SA/@IMP
type restriction of xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
minInclusive 0
maxInclusive 1

annotation documentation
Imported 1=yes, 0=no

attribute SA/@CDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Chemistry DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an
example of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute SA/@CDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Chemistry DateTime String

attribute SA/@REDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Microscopy DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an
example of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute SA/@REDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Microscopy DateTime String

element SA/PF

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content simple
annotation documentation
PreFace (lab information)

element SA/AC

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc 2
content complex
children AR

annotation documentation
Analysis Category

attribute SA/AC/@AT
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration Chemistry
enumeration Sediment

annotation documentation
Analysis Type

attribute SA/AC/@AS
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration Done
enumeration Not Done

annotation documentation
Analysis State
attribute SA/AC/@SO
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis category SOurce

attribute SA/AC/@DSLOT
properties isRef 0

annotation documentation
Chemistry dipstick lot

element SA/AC/AR

type extension of xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
annotation documentation
Analyte Result

attribute SA/AC/AR/@Key
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Mnemonic uniquely identifying the analyte

attribute SA/AC/AR/@SN
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Short Name
attribute SA/AC/AR/@LN
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Long Name

attribute SA/AC/AR/@AF
type restriction of xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
minInclusive 0
maxInclusive 1

annotation documentation
Abnormal Flag

attribute SA/AC/AR/@NR
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Normal Range

element SA/FL

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
annotation documentation

element SA/tags

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children tag

annotation documentation
LIS Tags as generated by iWARE
element SA/tags/tag

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex

attribute SA/tags/tag/@name
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
name of the rule

attribute SA/tags/tag/@result
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
rule output text

attribute SA/tags/tag/@ruleModified
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration Yes
enumeration No

annotation documentation
Has the rule been modified since the specimen was tagged (Yes/No)?

element SA/reportTags

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children reportTag

annotation documentation
Report Tags as generated by iWARE
element SA/reportTags/reportTag

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex

attribute SA/reportTags/reportTag/@RuleName
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
name of the rule

attribute SA/reportTags/reportTag/@RuleTaggingResult
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
rule output text

attribute SA/reportTags/reportTag/@RuleModified
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Has the rule been modified since the specimen was tagged (Yes/No)?

element SA/validationTags

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children validationTag

annotation documentation
Validation Tags as generated by iWARE
element SA/validationTags/validationTag

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex

attribute SA/validationTags/validationTag/@RuleName
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
name of the rule

attribute SA/validationTags/validationTag/@RuleModified
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Has the rule been modified since the specimen was tagged (Yes/No)?

element SA/CM

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
annotation documentation
Operator comment

element SA/ARV

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
APR ReVision
element SA/SEL_IMGS

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children SI

annotation documentation
Selected images

element SA/SEL_IMGS/SI

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
annotation documentation
Selected Image

attribute SA/SEL_IMGS/SI/@img
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Location of image on the instrument

attribute SA/SEL_IMGS/SI/@call
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The long name of the classification of the image

attribute SA/SEL_IMGS/SI/@note
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Annotation from operator, may be blank
element SA/AUD

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children XE

annotation documentation
AUDit trail

element SA/AUD/XE

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children ED

annotation documentation
Acceptor Entry

attribute SA/AUD/XE/@OP
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
attribute SA/AUD/XE/@dt
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation

attribute SA/AUD/XE/@EdFL
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

enumeration T
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Edit FLags (did the operator clear any flags, T/F?)

attribute SA/AUD/XE/@EdDEMOG
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

enumeration T
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Edit DEMOGraphics (did the operator edit any demographics, T/F?)

attribute SA/AUD/XE/@EdID
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

enumeration T
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Edit ID (did the operator alter the specimen ID, T/F?)

attribute SA/AUD/XE/@CM
properties isRef 0

annotation documentation
Comment (if the operator changed it)
element SA/AUD/XE/ED

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
annotation documentation
Edit Detail

attribute SA/AUD/XE/ED/@SN
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Short Name of the analyte changed

attribute SA/AUD/XE/ED/@FROM
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analyte result before the change

attribute SA/AUD/XE/ED/@TO
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analyte result after the change

element SA/SysCfg

properties isRef 0
content complex
annotation documentation
System Configuration

attribute SA/SysCfg/@MicroPresent
type restriction of xs:string
properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration T
enumeration F

attribute SA/SysCfg/@AXPresent
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration T
enumeration F

attribute SA/SysCfg/@iChem200Present
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration T
enumeration F

element SA/SL

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
annotation documentation
Signature Line

3. Specimen Information Query Message

The instrument requests specimen information via the Specimen Information Query
request message.

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element SIQ

annotation documentation
Specimen Information Query, contains the specimen identifier for which to retrieve
information from the LIS host

4. Specimen Information Response Message

The LIS responds to the instruments Specimen Information Query with
the Specimen Information Response message.

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified


element SI

properties content complex

mixed true
children RCS DEMOG

annotation documentation
Specimen Information; contents are the specified specimen's identifier
attribute SI/@BF
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration URN documentation
enumeration CSF documentation
cerebrospinal fluid
enumeration PLE documentation
pleural fluid
enumeration PER documentation
peritoneal fluid
enumeration PED documentation
peritoneal dialysate
enumeration PEL documentation
peritoneal lavage
enumeration PCA documentation
pericardial fluid
enumeration SER documentation
serous fluid
enumeration SYN documentation
synovial fluid
annotation documentation
Specimen type (Body Fluid type)

attribute SI/@WO
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration skip documentation
skip microscopy
enumeration gate documentation
use internal gating parameters to determine whether to run
enumeration run documentation
run microscopy
enumeration micro- documentation
only only run microscopy
enumeration chem- documentation
only only run chemistry
annotation documentation
Work Order

element SI/RCS

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children RC

annotation documentation
RawChems holding the raw chemistry values from the LIS Host
element SI/RCS/RC

type extension of xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 12
maxOcc 13
content complex
annotation documentation
Individual chemistry result in the element text; 12 or 13 (ascorbic is optional)

attribute SI/RCS/RC/@Key
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration BLD documentation
enumeration BIL documentation
enumeration URO documentation
enumeration KET documentation
enumeration GLU documentation
enumeration PRO documentation
enumeration NIT documentation
enumeration LEU documentation
Leukocyte esterase
enumeration PH documentation
enumeration SG documentation
Specific Gravity
enumeration COL documentation
enumeration CLA documentation
enumeration ASA documentation
Ascorbic Acid
element SI/DEMOG

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
annotation documentation
DEMOGraphics from the LIS Host

attribute SI/DEMOG/@LName
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

maxLength 26

annotation documentation
Last name

attribute SI/DEMOG/@FName
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

maxLength 26

annotation documentation
First name

attribute SI/DEMOG/@MName
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

maxLength 26

annotation documentation
Middle name
attribute SI/DEMOG/@DOB
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

length 10
pattern [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]

annotation documentation
Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

attribute SI/DEMOG/@Loc
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

maxLength 26

annotation documentation

attribute SI/DEMOG/@RecNum
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

maxLength 26

annotation documentation
Medical record number

attribute SI/DEMOG/@Gender
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0

facets Kind Value annotation

enumeration M
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Gender (M/F)

5. Specimen Information Response Message for Unrecognized

Specimen Identifier
The LIS host responds to the instruments Specimen Information Query with the UNKID
message when the host does not recognize the supplied specimen identifier.

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element UNKID

type xs:string

properties content simple

annotation documentation
The LIS Host did not recognize the specimen ID (UNKnown ID); the unrecognized ID is in
the element text

6. Chemistry Control Report Message

The instrument reports chemistry control results with the Chemistry Control Report

Attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element ChemQC

properties content complex

children PF QCR CM

annotation documentation
ChemistryQualityControl root element.
attribute ChemQC/@NAME
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The control name, e.g., "CA"

attribute ChemQC/@SID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The system ID

attribute ChemQC/@OP
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation

attribute ChemQC/@ADT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example
of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute ChemQC/@ADTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime String

attribute ChemQC/@RDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example of
tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute ChemQC/@RDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime String

attribute ChemQC/@LOT
type xs:string
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Control lot

attribute ChemQC/@EXPIR
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Lot expiration

attribute ChemQC/@DSID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Dipstick lot ID

attribute ChemQC/@DSEXPIR
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Dipstick lot expiration

attribute ChemQC/@RP
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Rack position (tube number in the rack)

attribute ChemQC/@STATUS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Pass (P) or Fail (F)

element ChemQC/PF

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content simple
element ChemQC/QCR

type extension of xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
annotation documentation
QC Result

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@SN
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Short Name of the analyte

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@LN
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Long Name of the analyte

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@ISTATUS
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration P
enumeration F
enumeration -

annotation documentation
Pass (P), Fail (F), ignore (-)

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@LL
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Lower Limit

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@UL
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Upper Limit

attribute ChemQC/QCR/@UNIT
properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Unit of measure (if not already in result)

element ChemQC/CM

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
annotation documentation
Operator comment

7. Count Control Report Message

The instrument reports count control results with the Count Control Report message.

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element CQC

properties content complex


annotation documentation
CountQualityControl root element.
attribute CQC/@CCType
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration +L
enumeration -L
enumeration +L2
enumeration -L2

annotation documentation
+L=Primary Positive Count Control; -L=Primary Negative Count Control; +L2=Secondary
Positive Count Control; -L2=Secondary Negative Count Control

attribute CQC/@ID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The control ID

attribute CQC/@SID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The system ID

attribute CQC/@OP
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation

attribute CQC/@ADT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example
of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute CQC/@ADTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime String

attribute CQC/@RDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example of
tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)
attribute CQC/@RDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime String

attribute CQC/@LOT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Control lot

attribute CQC/@EXPIR
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Lot expiration

attribute CQC/@PRODID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Product ID of the control

attribute CQC/@MEAN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Mean value

attribute CQC/@MNC
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Maximum negative count (the maximum count for a negative control)

attribute CQC/@RP
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Rack position (tube number in the rack)
attribute CQC/@SQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Sequence Number

attribute CQC/@RSQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Rack Sequence Number (rack ID)

element CQC/PF

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content simple

element CQC/MIN

type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Minimum to pass

element CQC/MAX

type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Maximum to pass

element CQC/COUNT
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Actual count

element CQC/STATUS

type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
content simple
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration P
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Pass (P) or Fail (F)

element CQC/REF

type xs:double

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Run Equivalency Factor

element CQC/CM

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
annotation documentation
Operator comment
8. Body Fluid Control Report Message
The instrument reports body fluid control results with the Body Fluid Control Report

attribute form default: unqualified

element form default: qualified

element BFQC

properties content complex



annotation documentation
BodyFluidQualityControl root element.
attribute BFQC/@BFCType
type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration BGC
enumeration BL1
enumeration BL2

annotation documentation
BGC=BFA Background Check; BL1=BFA Level I Control; BL2=BFA Level II Control

attribute BFQC/@ID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The control ID

attribute BFQC/@SID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
The system ID

attribute BFQC/@OP
properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation

attribute BFQC/@ADT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example
of tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)

attribute BFQC/@ADTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Analysis DateTime String

attribute BFQC/@RDT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime with time zone info (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SStz, where an example of
tz is "-8:00" for Pacific time)
attribute BFQC/@RDTS
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Report DateTime String

attribute BFQC/@LOT
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Control lot

attribute BFQC/@EXPIR
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Lot expiration

attribute BFQC/@PRODID
type xs:string

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Product ID of the control

attribute BFQC/@RBCMEAN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Mean RBC value

attribute BFQC/@NUCMEAN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use required
annotation documentation
Mean nucleated value

attribute BFQC/@RP
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Rack position (tube number in the rack)
attribute BFQC/@SQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Sequence Number

attribute BFQC/@RSQN
type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
use optional
annotation documentation
Rack Sequence Number (rack ID)

element BFQC/PF

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc unbounded
content simple


type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Minimum RBC to pass


type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Maximum RBC to pass

type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Actual RBC count


type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Minimum NUC to pass


type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Maximum NUC to pass


type xs:integer

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Actual NUC count


type restriction of xs:string

properties isRef 0
content simple
facets Kind Value annotation
enumeration P
enumeration F

annotation documentation
Pass (P) or Fail (F)
element BFQC/REF

type xs:double

properties isRef 0
content simple
annotation documentation
Run Equivalency Factor

element BFQC/CM

type xs:string

properties isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
annotation documentation
Operator comment

Additional Tables

The following table lists the Test Identifiers/Upload codes (in the Test column) for all tests that
correspond to each Simple Panel that makes up the Predefined Panel listed in
Table A.1, Predefined Panel Identifiers

Table A.1 Test Identifiers/Upload codes

Panel Specimen
Type Tests Description
UA Chemistry Urine BLD Blood
BIL Bilirubin
URO Urobilinogen
KET Ketone
GLU Glucose
PRO Protein
NIT Nitrite
LEU Leukocytes
SG Specific Gravity
COL Color
CLA Clarity
ASA Ascorbic Acid
Table A.1 Test Identifiers/Upload codes (Continued)

Panel Specimen
Type Tests Description
UA Microscopy Urine ART Artifact
RBC Red Blood Cell
BLD = Blood; BIL = Bilirubin; URO = Urobilinogen;
DRBC Dysmorphic
KET Red Blood
= Ketone; GLU Cell= Glucose; PRO = Protein;
White = Nitrite; LEU = Leukocytes; PH = pH;
Blood Cell
SG = Specific Gravity; COL = Color; CLA = Clarity
WBCC White Blood Cell Clump
ASA = Ascorbic Acid
BACT Bacteria
BYST Budding Yeast
HYST Hyphae Yeast
SQEP Squamous Epithelial
TREP Transitional Epithelial
REEP Renal Epithelial
OVFB Oval Fat Body
MUCS Mucous
RBCC Red Blood Cell Clump
SPRM Sperm
TRCH Trichomonas
NSE Non-Squamous Epithelial
UNCC Unclassified Cast
HYAL Hyaline Cast
EPIC Epithelial Cast
WBCT White Blood Cell Cast
RBCT Red Blood Cell Cast
GRAN Granular Cast
CELL Cellular Cast
BROAD Broad Cast
FATC Fatty Cast
WAXY Waxy Cast
UNCX Unclassified Crystal
TPO4 Triple Phosphate Crystal
CAOX Calcium Oxalate
CAPH Calcium Phosphate Crystal
CACB Calcium Carbonate
URIC Uric Acid Crystal
LEUC Leucine Crystal
CYST Cystine Crystal
TYRO Tyrosine Crystal
AMOR Amorphous Crystal
UNCL Unclassified
ASP All Small Particle
Body Fluid Cerebrospinal RBC Red Blood Cells
NUCL Nucleated Cells
Pleural Fluid
Peritoneal UNCX Crystal
dialysate BACT Bacteria
Serious Fluid
Synovial Fluid

The following table lists the LOINC codes.

Table A.2 LOINC Codes


Sample Messages

The communications consists of ASCII-encoded XML messages transmitted between the

instrument system manager and the laboratory information system (LIS) over an ASTM-E
1381-95 low-level protocol.
Messages from the instrument fall into one of two categories: reports or queries. Reports are
informational, expecting no response from the LIS. Queries, however, expect a reply from the
LIS. The only time the host sends a message to the instrument is in reply to a query.
The messages are in Unicode and ASCII-encoded. ASCII encoding takes the hexadecimal
representation of each byte of the Unicode message and sends that representation in ASCII. For
example, CAT has a non-Unicode hexadecimal representation as 434154, which in Unicode
is 430041005400, so it would be transmitted as 430041005400.

The following are examples of messages transmitted between the System Manager and
the laboratory information system.

Verification Example


Data: <IRISPing/><cr><lf>

Specimen Information Query Example



Data: <<SIQ>7071090187</SIQ><cr><lf>
Specimen Information Response Example
<?xml version="1.0"?><SI BF="URN" WO="run">7071090187<DEMOG LName="DOE"
FName="JOHN" MName="" DOB="1933-04-05" Loc="TESTING" RecNum="257314" Gender="M"

Specimen Information Response for Unrecognized Specimen

Identifier Example



Specimen Analysis Report Example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="C:\IRIS2K1\Templates\SpecimenAnalysis-style.xsl"?>
<SA BF="URN" ID="987654321" SID="AP" OP="GregLoa" ADT="2010-05-24 15:05:16-08:00" ADTS="2010-05-24 15:05:16"
RDT="2010-05-24 15:11:55-08:00" RDTS="2010-05-24 15:11:55" RP="2" SQN="14" RSQN="2" DILN="1" DILD="1" IMP="0"
LName="Test" FName="Iris" MName="G" DOB="2001-02-03" Loc="Iris Lab" RecNum="13578" Gender="M" CDT="2010-05-24
15:05:16-08:00" CDTS="2010-05-24 15:05:16" REDT="2010-05-24 15:11:23-08:00" REDTS="2010-05-24 15:11:23"><PF>Iris
Diagnostics</PF><PF>9172 Eton Ave</PF><PF>Chatsworth, CA 91311</PF><PF></PF><PF></PF><PF></PF><PF></PF><AC
AT="Chemistry" AS="Done" SO="S/N 40704031X" DSLOT="AX-Stick"><AR Key="GLU" SN="GLU" LN="Glucose" AF="1" NR="+-
">+4</AR><AR Key="PRO" SN="PRO" LN="Protein" AF="0" NR="+-">+3 mg/dL</AR><AR Key="BIL" SN="BIL" LN="Bilirubin"
AF="0" NR="+1">-</AR><AR Key="URO" SN="URO" LN="Urobilinogen" AF="0" NR="+1">+1 mg/dL</AR><AR Key="PH"
SN="PH" LN="pH" AF="0" NR="[none]">5.0</AR><AR Key="BLD" SN="BLD" LN="Blood" AF="0" NR="+-">-</AR><AR
Key="KET" SN="KET" LN="Ketone" AF="0" NR="+-">-</AR><AR Key="NIT" SN="NIT" LN="Nitrite" AF="1" NR="-">-</AR><AR
Key="LEU" SN="LEU" LN="Leukocytes" AF="0" NR="25">25 Leu/uL</AR><AR Key="CLA" SN="CLA" LN="Clarity" AF="0"
NR="[none]">Clear</AR><AR Key="SG" SN="SPGR" LN="Specific Gravity" AF="0" NR="[none]">1.000</AR><AR Key="COL"
SN="COL" LN="Color" AF="0" NR="[none]">Yellow</AR></AC><AC AT="Sediment" AS="Done" SO="142"><AR Key="ART"
SN="ART" LN="Artifact" AF="0" NR="99999999 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="RBC" SN="RBC" LN="Red Blood Cell" AF="0"
NR="10 /uL">Not Detected</AR><AR Key="DRBC" SN="DRBC" LN="Dysmorphic Red Blood Cell" AF="0"
NR="[none]">[none]</AR><AR Key="WBC" SN="WBC" LN="White Blood Cell" AF="0" NR="28 /uL">None Seen</AR><AR
Key="WBCC" SN="WBCC" LN="White Blood Cell Clump" AF="0" NR="RARE">[none]</AR><AR Key="BACT" SN="BACT"
LN="Bacteria" AF="0" NR="+">NONE DETECTED</AR><AR Key="BYST" SN="BYST" LN="Budding Yeast" AF="1" NR="+-">+-
</AR><AR Key="HYST" SN="HYST" LN="Hyphae Yeast" AF="0" NR="+-">[none]</AR><AR Key="SQEP" SN="SQEP"
LN="Squamous Epithelial" AF="0" NR="28 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="TREP" SN="TREP" LN="Transitional Epithelial" AF="0"
NR="6 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="REEP" SN="REEP" LN="Renal Epithelial" AF="0" NR="6 /uL">1 /uL</AR><AR Key="OVFB"
SN="OVFB" LN="Oval Fat Body" AF="0" NR="1 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="FAT" SN="FAT" LN="Fat" AF="1" NR="1 /uL">1
/uL</AR><AR Key="MUCS" SN="MUCS" LN="Mucous" AF="0" NR="MOD">[none]</AR><AR Key="RBCC" SN="RBCC"
LN="Red Blood Cell Clump" AF="1" NR="1 /uL">1 /uL</AR><AR Key="SPRM" SN="SPRM" LN="Sperm" AF="0" NR="6
/uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="TRCH" SN="TRCH" LN="Trichomonas" AF="1" NR="1 /uL">1 /uL</AR><AR Key="NSE" SN="NSE"
LN="Non-Squamous Epithelial" AF="0" NR="6 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="UNCC" SN="UNCC" LN="Unclassified Cast" AF="0"
NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="HYAL" SN="HYAL" LN="Hyaline Cast" AF="0" NR="2 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="EPIC"
SN="EPIC" LN="Epithelial Cast" AF="0" NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="WBCT" SN="WBCT" LN="White Blood Cell Cast"
AF="0" NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="RBCT" SN="RBCT" LN="Red Blood Cell Cast" AF="0" NR="1
/LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="GRAN" SN="GRAN" LN="Granular Cast" AF="1" NR="1 /LPF">4 /LPF</AR><AR Key="CELL"
SN="CELL" LN="Cellular Cast" AF="0" NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="BROAD" SN="BROAD" LN="Broad Cast" AF="0"
NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="FATC" SN="FATC" LN="Fatty Cast" AF="0" NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="WAXY"
SN="WAXY" LN="Waxy Cast" AF="0" NR="1 /LPF">[none]</AR><AR Key="UNCX" SN="UNCX" LN="Unclassified Crystal"
AF="0" NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR Key="TPO4" SN="TPO4" LN="Triple Phosphate Crystal" AF="0"
NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR Key="CAOX" SN="CAOX" LN="Calcium Oxalate Crystal" AF="0" NR="FEW">RARE</AR><AR
Key="CAPH" SN="CAPH" LN="Calcium Phosphate Crystal" AF="0" NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR Key="CACB" SN="CACB"
LN="Calcium Carbonate Crystal" AF="0" NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR Key="URIC" SN="URIC" LN="Uric Acid Crystal" AF="0"
NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR Key="LEUC" SN="LEUC" LN="Leucine Crystal" AF="0" NR="POS">[none]</AR><AR Key="CYST"
SN="CYST" LN="Cystine Crystal" AF="0" NR="POS">[none]</AR><AR Key="TYRO" SN="TYRO" LN="Tyrosine Crystal" AF="0"
NR="POS">[none]</AR><AR Key="AMOR" SN="AMOR" LN="Amorphous Crystal" AF="0" NR="FEW">[none]</AR><AR
Key="UNCL" SN="UNCL" LN="Unclassified" AF="0" NR="99999999 /uL">[none]</AR><AR Key="ASP" SN="ASP" LN="All Small
Particles" AF="0" NR="7500 /uL">[none]</AR></AC><tags>
<tag name="SG" result="Specific Gravity needs to be retested" ruleModified="No"/>
<tag name="Acidic pH Greg Loa test 1" result="Urine is not acidic. This is free text" ruleModified="No"/>
<tag name="Protein Greg Loa 2" result="Sample is not lipemic" ruleModified="No"/>
<tag name="Glucose" result="Call MD for result" ruleModified="No"/>
<reportTag RuleName="SG" RuleTaggingResult="Specific Gravity needs to be retested" RuleModified="No"/>
<reportTag RuleName="Acidic pH Greg Loa test 1" RuleTaggingResult="Urine sample is not acidic. This is free
text" RuleModified="No"/>
<reportTag RuleName="Protein Greg Loa 2" RuleTaggingResult="Sample is not lipemic. This is site specific"
<reportTag RuleName="Glucose" RuleTaggingResult="Call MD for result" RuleModified="No"/>
</reportTags><CM>Urine Culture Recommended</CM><ARV>42</ARV><AUD><XE OP="GregLoa" dt="2010-05-24
15:11:27"><ED SN="WBC" FROM="2 /uL" TO="None Seen"/><ED SN="REEP" FROM="NONE" TO="1 /uL"/><ED SN="FAT"
FROM="NONE" TO="1 /uL"/><ED SN="RBCC" FROM="NONE" TO="1 /uL"/><ED SN="TRCH" FROM="NONE" TO="1 /uL"/><ED
TO="6 /uL"/><ED SN="ASP" FROM="46 /uL" TO="NONE"/></XE><XE OP="GregLoa" dt="2010-05-24 15:11:27"><ED SN="URO"
FROM="Normal" TO="+1 mg/dL"/><ED SN="PRO" FROM="-" TO="+3 mg/dL"/><ED SN="LEU" FROM="Negative" TO="25
Leu/uL"/><ED SN="COL" FROM="Colorless" TO="Yellow"/></XE><XE OP="GregLoa" dt="2010-05-24 15:07:53"/><XE
OP="GregLoa" dt="2010-05-24 15:05:16"/></AUD><SysCfg MicroPresent="T" AXPresent="T"

Chemistry Control Report Example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="C:\IRIS2K1\Templates\ChemQCResult-style.xsl"?>
<ChemQC NAME="CA" SID="AP" OP="GregLoa" ADT="2007-01-08 13:20:15-08:00"
ADTS="2007-01-08 13:20:15" RDT="2007-01-09 08:27:00-08:00" RDTS="2007-01-09 08:27:00"
LOT="CA" EXPIR="2004-06-01" DSID="AX-Stick" DSEXPIR="2004-06-01" RP="8"
STATUS="P"><PF>Iris Diagnostics</PF><PF>9172 Eton Ave</PF><PF>Chatsworth, CA
91311</PF><PF>800.776.4747</PF><PF></PF><PF></PF><PF></PF><QCR Key="BLD"
SN="BLD" LN="Blood" ISTATUS="P" LL="+1 (0.06 mg/dL)" UL="+3 (OVER)"
UNIT="mg/dL">+2 (0.2 mg/dL)</QCR><QCR Key="BIL" SN="BIL" LN="Bilirubin"
ISTATUS="P" LL="+1 (0.5 mg/dL)" UL="+3 (10 mg/dL)" UNIT="mg/dL">+1 (1
mg/dL)</QCR><QCR Key="URO" SN="URO" LN="Urobilinogen" ISTATUS="P" LL="Normal"
UL="Normal" NIT="mg/dL">Normal</QCR><QCR Key="KET" SN="KET" LN="Ketone"
ISTATUS="P" LL="-" UL="-" UNIT="mg/dL">-</QCR><QCR Key="GLU" SN="GLU"
LN="Glucose" ISTATUS="P" LL="+- (30 mg/dL)" UL="+4 (OVER)" UNIT="mg/dL">+2 (200
mg/dL)</QCR><QCR Key="PRO" SN="PRO" LN="Protein" ISTATUS="P" LL="+- (10 mg/dL)"
UL="+4 (OVER)" UNIT="mg/dL">+3 (600 mg/dL)</QCR><QCR Key="NIT" SN="NIT"
LN="Nitrite" ISTATUS="P" LL="-" UL="-" UNIT="">-</QCR><QCR Key="LEU" SN="LEU"
LN="Leukocytes" ISTATUS="P" LL="Negative" UL="Negative"
UNIT="Leu/ul">Negative</QCR><QCR Key="PH" SN="PH" LN="pH" ISTATUS="P" LL="7.5"
UL="9.0" UNIT="">8.5</QCR><QCR Key="SG" SN="SPGR" LN="Specific Gravity"
ISTATUS="P" LL="1.000" UL="1.025" UNIT="">1.012</QCR><QCR Key="COL" SN="COL"
LN="Color" ISTATUS="-" LL="" UL="" UNIT="">Green</QCR><QCR Key="CLA" SN="CLA"
LN="Clarity" ISTATUS="-" LL="" UL="" UNIT="">Clear</QCR></ChemQC>

Count Control Report Example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><cr><lf><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"

href="C:\IRIS2K1\Templates\CountControlResult-style.xsl"?><cr><lf><CQC CCType="+L"
ID="PC04184H1005000000" SID="AP" OP="q" ADT="2004-10-13 09:15:20-08:00" ADTS="2004-
10-13 09:15:20" RDT="2004-11-19 10:07:07-08:00" RDTS="2004-11-19 10:07:07" LOT="184-2004-
PC" EXPIR="03-2005" PRODID="PC" MEAN="1005" MNC="0" RP="6" SQN="0"
RSQN="29"><PF>IRIS</PF><PF>Chatsworth, California

Body Fluid Control Report Example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="C:\IRIS2K1\Templates\BFControlResult-style.xsl"?>
<BFQC BFCType="BL2" ID="L206205E4810272000" SID="AP" OP="Manager" ADT="2006-08-24
15:37:12-08:00" ADTS="2006-08-24 15:37:12" RDT="2006-08-30 11:35:27-08:00" RDTS="2006-08-30
11:35:27" LOT="205-2006-L2" EXPIR="12-2006" PRODID="L2" RBCMEAN="48100"
NUCMEAN="2700" RP="3" SQN="0" RSQN="24"><PF>Iris LIS Laboratory</PF><PF>9172 Eton
Ave</PF><PF>Chatsworth, CA


This glossary is a collection of specialized terms and their meanings that are either used in
this manual or related to the information in it. If a term has more than one meaning, all
meanings relevant to this manual are included.


The most significant character of Checksum

The least significant character of Checksum

Carriage Return

The data contents of the record


End of Transmission

End of Transmission Block. For use only when a single record is too large to fit into one

End of Text. Required at the end of each record.

A subdivision of a message, used to allow periodic communication housekeeping such as error
checks and acknowledgement

[frame number]
Single digit frame number 0 to 7. Starts with 1.

Line feed
Negative Acknowledgment

Start of Frame


iQ200 Automated Urinalysis Series, iRICELL Automated Urinalysis workcells, iChemVelocity

The American Society for Testing and Materials

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Extensible Markup Language

Unicode is a standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text
expressed in most of the world's writing systems.

Communications Packet
All framing required for transmission of data. This framing includes:
<STX>[frame number][DATA] [<ETB> or <ETX>][C1][C2] <LF>.

Component Field
A single data element or data elements that express a finer aggregate or extension of data
elements which precede it. Components cannot contain repeat fields.

Laboratory Information System. (Laboratory computer)

The transmission of data from the LIS to the analyzer workstation

Work Order

The transmission of data from the Instrument to the LIS

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