Cobas 4u11 Host Interface Manual New Upload
Cobas 4u11 Host Interface Manual New Upload
Cobas 4u11 Host Interface Manual New Upload
cobas u 411
Version 2.3
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Document structure .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Audience ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Related documents ............................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Used syntax and abbreviations............................................................................................. 5
1.5 Support ................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Overview cobas u 411 analyzer............................................................................................ 6
2.2 Supported host protocols ...................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Sample ID length .................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Flags ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Transmitted Data ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Upload (cobas u 411 to host system) ................................................................................... 8
3.2 Arbitrary units........................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Download data (host system to cobas u 411)..................................................................... 10
4 Host interface configuration ................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Communication settings ..................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Host interface behaviour ..................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Serial cable ......................................................................................................................... 12
5 Error handling (behaviour of a failed transmission) ............................................................. 13
6 Description of the supported protocols ................................................................................. 14
6.1 ASTM plus protocol ............................................................................................................ 14
6.1.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 14
6.1.2 Communication startup ............................................................................................... 15
6.1.3 Record description ...................................................................................................... 16
6.1.4 ASTM plus trace file examples.................................................................................... 22
6.2 ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol ................................................................................................ 37
6.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.2 Communication structure ............................................................................................ 39
6.2.3 Record descriptions .................................................................................................... 39
6.2.4 ASTM Urisys 2400 trace file examples ....................................................................... 46
7 Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 51
7.1 Appendix 1: ASCII-table ..................................................................................................... 51
7.2 Appendix 2: Definition of test codes and test numbers (for ASTM plus protocol
only) .......................................................................................................................................... 52
7.3 Appendix 3: Printouts of control and sample results........................................................... 53
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the host interface specifications of the cobas u 411
analyzer. These specifications define the hardware and software settings and the data interchange
via null modem cable (RS-232) between the cobas u 411 and the host system.
This document is structured in a general part for all supported host protocols (chapter 2 to 5) and a
protocol specific part (chapter 6).
The general part contains information about host interface configuration, cable wiring, brief
overview about the different supported host protocols, description of flags and error handling.
The protocol specific part contains a sub-chapter for each supported host protocol, in which the
communication structure and the records are described. There is a detailed example for a
better comprehension, at the end of each record description. The whole trace files of different
data interchanges are added at the end of the corresponding protocol description.
There are additional information in the chapter appendices, such as ASCII-Table, Definition of Test
Codes and Test Numbers for ASTM plus and the printouts of the different Control and Sample
Results used in the examples.
1.2 Audience
This document is written for engineers who must configure the cobas u 411 host interface in the
environment of a laboratory. Depending on the type of host system and on the work flow in the
laboratory the cobas u 411 host interface offers a set of configurable features.
Related documents:
[1] E 1394-91 standard specification for transferring information between clinical
instruments and computer systems, American Society for Testing and Materials
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Used Syntax
<SpecimenID> Meaning any string (not containing delimiters), representing a
value of the ASTM field SpecimenID.
char Single character. Content specified by standard.
text String. Variable length.
pos_int Positive integer (0 to 65535)
d_t Date and time format as specified by ASTM
date Date format as specified by ASTM (YYYYMMDD)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
LIS Laboratory Information System (host system)
1.5 Support
In case of questions please contact your local Roche Diagnostics Service Department, or
alternatively the Global Customer Support:
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
2 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to describe the host interface specifications of the cobas u 411
analyzer. These specifications define the hardware and software settings and the data interchange
via null modem cable (RS-232) between the cobas u 411 and the host system.
The cobas u 411 analyzer is a semi-automatic urinalysis system intended for in vitro qualitative or
semi-quantitative determination of urine analytes, including specific gravity (SG), pH, leukocytes,
nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin, erythrocytes and color.
The cobas u 411 analyzer supports a sample ID with a maximum length of 13 characters.
2.4 Flags
The result data which is transmitted to the host system (or printed) must be checked for flags.
There can be different flags, which are sent in a Comment Record additionally to the Result
Record or in the Result Record itself, using the ASTM plus or ASTM Urisys 2400 protocols. On the
printout, the flags are next to the data. The meaning of the flags is listed below.
Attention: Flags are in order to bring some of the values to attention of the operator. Therefore
it is important that these flags are displayed on the host system. If these flags are
not displayed, this could mislead the operator to wrong conclusions and medical
Result flags
Flag Result flags Explanation
S Sieve Test parameter result corresponds to sieve criteria settings
* Abnormal For patient sample test parameter result corresponds to
abnormal criteria settings
# Changed reflectance Initial range table is changed
! Edited result Data has been edited
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Sample flags
Flag Sample flags Explanation
T Test strip Error during measurement of test strip or reference strip.
Possible reasons:
Strip upside down
Strip incompletely wet
Strip completely dry
Strip missing or wrong positioning
Calculation not possible
C Calibration exceeded Calibration interval of four weeks is exceeded
Control flags
Flag Control flags Explanation
S Sieve Test parameter result corresponds to sieve criteria settings
* Abnormal For control sample it means out of range
T Test strip Error during measurement of test strip or a reference strip.
Possible reasons:
Strip upside down
Strip incompletely wet
Strip completely dry
Strip missing or wrong positioning
Calculation not possible
C Calibration exceeded Calibration interval of four weeks is exceeded
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Transmitted Data
3 Transmitted Data
The cobas u 411 analyzer always initiates the communication to the host system. Hence, the
cobas u 411 analyzer is the master and the host system the slave.
Depending on the selected host protocol, different data is sent to the host system. The tables
below give an overview about the different protocols and their transmitted data.
ASTM plus
Data Data
Note: There are two different names for the same type of protocol, depending on which
analyzer is in use:
Using the Urisys 1800 analyzer, the protocol is called "Urisys 2400"
Using the cobas u 411 analyzer, the protocol is called "ASTM Urisys 2400".
Within this document the name ASTM Urisys 2400 for the cobas u 411 analyzer is
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Transmitted Data
ASTM plus
Arbitrary units are sent to the host system in combination with other units (Conventional or SI).
With the control results, the preset arbitrary values (default) are transmitted.
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Transmitted Data
The data download from the host system to the analyzer is performed on the cobas u 411
analyzer by clicking the <Download> button. The following data can be transmitted from the host
system to the cobas u 411 analyzer: Worklist (list of sample IDs)
Note: The ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol does not support this mode.
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Host interface configuration
The communication between the cobas u 411 analyzer and the host system is established using a
serial asynchronous interface cable. The communication settings must be equal on both sides
(cobas u 411 analyzer and host system), see chapter 4.1 below.
The host settings on the cobas u 411 analyzer are set to OFF by default. To establish the host
communication, the host settings must be set to ON. Changes in the cobas u 411 analyzer
communication parameters are only possible if the host settings are set to OFF. To configure the
host settings and to enable the host communication, go to the configuration menu: Utilities >
System Parameters > Host Comm.
The following host communication settings are configurable in the cobas u 411 analyzer user
The host interface behaviour can be influenced by the following configuration setup (user
The automatic result transmission is active when the host support is switched to ON.
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Host interface configuration
The cobas u 411 analyzer uses a serial asynchronous interface cable (RS 232) connected to the
host system. The port COM 2 of the host system is usually allocated to this communication, but
can vary depending on the host system.
According to the serial asynchronous specification, the maximum cable length is 15 meter. It is
recommended by Roche to use a 3 meter cable. All other cable length apart from the
recommended must be organized locally.
The following cable is assigned to use for connecting the cobas u 411 analyzer to the host system:
Host Interface Cable RS 232, IBM PC Null modem D-Sub 9 pins, 3m
Note: If flow control is set to None or Xon-Xoff then the pin 4/6 and pin 7/8 (handshake
connections) are not required.
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Error handling (behaviour of a failed transmission)
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
6.1.1 General
This chapter describes the ASTM plus protocol. The ASTM plus protocol consists of Records,
Frames and Messages.
A record is the smallest logical group of information
A frame is a defined data structure that contains a data block to be transmitted
Messages are a collection of several records packed in frames into a logical unit
Note: The ASTM plus protocol is based on the ASTM protocol specification.
A record is the smallest logical group of information. The ASTM plus protocol supports the
following records:
A frame is a defined data structure that encapsulates a data block to be transmitted. According to
the ASTM plus protocol specification, a frame may contain one or more records. However, the
implementation in the cobas u 411 analyzer contains one record only. Each frame has the
following structure:
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
The frame no. always starts at 1 and will be incremented by one for each record. If the frame
reaches no. 7, the numbering starts at 0 (zero).
Messages are collections of several records packed in frames into a logical unit. A message starts
with the Header Record (H) and finishes with the Termination Record (L).
Only the cobas u 411 analyzer can start a communication. The cobas u 411 analyzer is always
the master, the host system the slave.
Exception: After the successful handling of the worklist request sequence, the master function
temporarily belongs to the host system for the duration of the worklist transmission.
The host system can trigger a resending of the last sent frame
with NAK.
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
In this chapter, the meaning of the fields in individual records will be explained in the form of tables.
Fields which are not supported by the cobas u 411 analyzer are highlighted in grey. For a better
comprehension, there is a detailed example for each record description following the table.
Example trace files of different data interchanges are added at the end of this protocol description.
No: Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Content: [STX] 1 H | \^& | | | cobasu411^8^^Int | | | | | |
No: 11 12 13 14 CR Frame
Content: | | P | | 20110315101822 [CR] [ETX]71[CR][LF]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
No: Frame 1 2 CR Frame
Content: [STX] 2 P | 1 [CR] [ETX]3F[CR][LF]
Order record
In the Order Record general sample information such as sample ID, sequence number, etc. will
be transmitted.
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
No: 15 CR Frame
Content: 20110315101754 [CR] [ETX]F0[CR][LF]
No: 15 CR Frame
Content: 20110315100924 [CR] [ETX]68[CR][LF]
Result record
The cobas u 411 analyzer uses the Result Record to transmit the measurement data. Each test
needs a separate Result Record. Flags are sent in the Comment Record and must be observed.
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
No: Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CR Frame
Content: [STX] 4 R | 1 | 1^SG | 1.005 | | | | | | | service [CR] [ETX]AD
No: Frame
Content: [CR][LF]
Comment record
The cobas u 411 analyzer uses the Comment Record to transmit the sample flags and result
flags. When at least one flag is present, this record will be attached to all corresponding Result
Records of the sample.
Attention: Flags are in order to bring some of the values to attention of the operator. Therefore
it is important that these flags are displayed on the host system. If these flags are
not displayed, this could mislead the operator to wrong conclusions and medical
Example (result record with additional comment record edited result: !-Flag):
Content: [STX]5R|2|2^pH|6|||||||service[CR][ETX]10[CR][LF] Result Record
Example (result record with additional comment record abnormal and sieve: *-Flag and S-Flag):
Content: [STX]5R|2|2^pH|8|||||||service[CR][ETX]12[CR][LF] Result Record
Example (result record with additional comment record test strip error: T-Flag):
Content: [STX]4R|1|1^SG||||||||service[CR][ETX]B9[CR][LF] Result Record
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
No: Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 CR Frame
Content: [STX] 0 M | 1 | RR | 11^COM | blue | 78.19 [CR] [ETX]1C[CR][LF]
No: Frame
Content: [ETX]8F[CR][LF]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
No: 10 CR Frame
Content: 20111001 [CR] [ETX]06[CR][LF]
No: Frame 1 2 3 CR Frame
Content: [STX] 2 Q | 1 | ^ALL [CR] [ETX]F3[CR][LF]
Termination record
Each message is closed with the Message Terminator Record. This record is mandatory.
No: Frame 1 2 3 CR Frame
Content: [STX] 1 L | 1 | N [CR] [ETX]04[CR][LF]
Scientific record
This type of record is not used in cobas u 411 analyzer (the character S would identify the record
as a scientific record).
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
Sample 3 (with *- and S-flag for pH and sediment data for ERY and LEU)
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
Host 10:36:27,234 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,312 [STX]1R|6|6^GLU|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]48[CR
Host 10:36:27,312 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,390 [STX]2R|7|7^KET|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]47[CR
Host 10:36:27,390 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,468 [STX]3R|8|8^UBG|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]44[CR
Host 10:36:27,468 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,547 [STX]4R|9|9^BIL|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]40[CR
Host 10:36:27,547 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,625 [STX]5R|10|10^ERY|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]AA[
Host 10:36:27,625 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,703 [STX]6R|11|11^COL|p.yel|||||||service[CR][ETX]4
Host 10:36:27,718 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,781 [STX]7R|12|12^CLA||||||||service[CR][ETX]56[CR]
Host 10:36:27,797 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,875 [STX]0M|1|RR|11^COM|blue|78.19[CR][ETX]1C[CR][L
Host 10:36:27,875 [ACK]
u411 10:36:27,953 [STX]1M|2|RR|11^COM|green|76.80[CR][ETX]83[CR][
Host 10:36:27,953 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,031 [STX]2M|3|RR|11^COM|orange|76.23[CR][ETX]ED[CR]
Host 10:36:28,031 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,109 [STX]3M|4|RR|10^ERY|green|69.07[CR][ETX]98[CR][
Host 10:36:28,109 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,187 [STX]4M|5|RR|10^ERY|orange|73.75[CR][ETX]05[CR]
Host 10:36:28,187 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,265 [STX]5M|6|RR|3^LEU|green|77.50[CR][ETX]61[CR][L
Host 10:36:28,265 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,343 [STX]6M|7|RR|4^NIT|green|77.37[CR][ETX]6E[CR][L
Host 10:36:28,359 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,422 [STX]7M|8|RR|7^KET|green|61.63[CR][ETX]64[CR][L
Host 10:36:28,437 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,515 [STX]0M|9|RR|6^GLU|green|78.90[CR][ETX]69[CR][L
Host 10:36:28,515 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,593 [STX]1M|10|RR|5^PRO|orange|70.13[CR][ETX]F8[CR]
Host 10:36:28,593 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,672 [STX]2M|11|RR|8^UBG|green|75.19[CR][ETX]8A[CR][
Host 10:36:28,672 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,750 [STX]3M|12|RR|9^BIL|green|74.79[CR][ETX]8B[CR][
Host 10:36:28,750 [ACK]
u411 10:36:28,828 [STX]4M|13|RR|2^pH|green|36.18[CR][ETX]5E[CR][L
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
Sample 3 (with *- and S-flag for pH and sediment data for ERY and LEU)
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
Host 10:08:06,890 [ACK]
u411 10:08:06,968 [STX]6R|3|3^LEU|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]45[CR
Host 10:08:06,968 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,047 [STX]7R|4|4^NIT|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]4D[CR
Host 10:08:07,047 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,125 [STX]0R|5|5^PRO|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]4E[CR
Host 10:08:07,125 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,203 [STX]1R|6|6^GLU|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]48[CR
Host 10:08:07,203 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,281 [STX]2R|7|7^KET|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]47[CR
Host 10:08:07,281 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,359 [STX]3R|8|8^UBG|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]44[CR
Host 10:08:07,359 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,437 [STX]4R|9|9^BIL|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]40[CR
Host 10:08:07,453 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,531 [STX]5R|10|10^ERY|neg|||||||service[CR][ETX]AA[
Host 10:08:07,531 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,609 [STX]6R|11|11^COL|p.yel|||||||service[CR][ETX]4
Host 10:08:07,609 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,703 [STX]7M|1|RC|||2001601|20111001|ctrl|123456|201
Host 10:08:07,703 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,750 [STX]0L|1|N[CR][ETX]03[CR][LF]
Host 10:08:07,750 [ACK]
u411 10:08:07,796 [EOT]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM plus protocol
Host 10:35:01,875 [ACK]
u411 10:35:01,953 [STX]5M|15|RR|1^SG|orange|05.43[CR][ETX]A7[CR][
Host 10:35:01,953 [ACK]
u411 10:35:02,047 [STX]6M|16|RC|||2001601|20111001|ctrl|123456|20
Host 10:35:02,047 [ACK]
u411 10:35:02,093 [STX]7L|1|N[CR][ETX]0A[CR][LF]
Host 10:35:02,093 [ACK]
u411 10:35:02,140 [EOT]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
6.2.1 General
This chapter describes the ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol. This protocol consists of Records,
Frames and Messages.
A record is the smallest logical group of information
A frame is a defined data structure that contains a data block to be transmitted
Messages are a collection of several records packed in frames into a logical unit
Note: The ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol is based on the ASTM protocol specification.
A record is the smallest logical group of information. The ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol supports the
following records:
A frame is a defined data structure that encapsulates a data block to be transmitted. According to
the ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol specification, a frame may contain one or more records. However,
the implementation in the cobas u 411 analyzer contains one record only. Each frame has the
following structure:
The frame no. always starts at 1 and will be incremented by one for each record. If the frame
reaches no. 7, the numbering starts at 0 (zero).
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Usually, the ASTM protocol contains one record only per frame:
[STX] + Frame no. + Information (record) + [ETX] + Checksum + [CR] + [LF]
The ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol is a special implementation of ASTM. All records will be packed in
one frame. According to ASTM standard the total length of the data in one frame (message) is 247
bytes (including frame overhead). Messages longer than 240 bytes are divided into several frames,
called sub-frame. Such a sub-frame is terminated with an [ETB] character:
u411 10:46:36,385 [ENQ]
Host 10:46:36,385 [ACK]
Information 1
u411 10:46:36,682 [STX]1H|\^&|||8|||||||P|[CR]P|1[CR]O|
||[CR][ETB]97[CR][LF] [ETB] Device control
Host 10:46:36,698 [ACK]
Information 2
u411 10:46:36,932 [STX]2C|6|I||I[CR]R|7|^^^7|NEG|||||[CR]C|7|I||I
TX]D3[CR][LF] [ETX] End of text
Host 10:46:36,932 [ACK]
u411 10:46:36,979 [EOT]
Messages are collections of several records packed in frames into a logical unit. A message starts
with a Header Record (H) and ends with the Termination Record (L).
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Only the cobas u 411 analyzer can start a communication. The cobas u 411 analyzer is always
the master, the host system the slave.
The host system can trigger a resending of the last sent frame
with NAK.
In this chapter, the meaning of the fields in individual records will be explained in the form of tables.
Fields which are not supported by the cobas u 411 analyzer are highlighted in grey.
For a better comprehension, there is a detailed example for each record description following the
table. Example trace files of different data interchanges are added at the end of this protocol
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CR
Content: H | \^& | | | 8 | | | | | | | P | [CR]
No: 1 2 CR
Content: P | 1 [CR]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Order record
The cobas u 411 analyzer uses the Order Record to transmit general sample information such as
sample ID, sequence no. etc.
No: 15 CR
Content: 20110315101754 [CR]
No: 15 CR
Content: 20110315100924 [CR]
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Result record
The cobas u 411 analyzer uses the Result Record to transmit the measurement data. Each test
needs a separate Result Record. Flags related to test strip errors (e.g. strip upside down) are sent
in this Result Record in no. 7 and no. 9. Flags related to result errors are sent in the Comment
Record and must be observed.
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CR
Content: R | 1 | ^^^1 | 1.005 | | | | | [CR]
Comment record
Every Result Record has a Comment Record attached. The cobas u 411 analyzer uses the
Comment Record to transmit the sample flags and result flags. In case of no flag, an empty
Comment Record is transmitted.
Attention: Flags are in order to bring some of the values to attention of the operator. Therefore
it is important that these flags are displayed on the host system. If these flags are
not displayed, this could mislead the operator to wrong conclusions and medical
No: 1 2 3 4 5 CR
Content: C | 2 | I | | I [CR] Comment record without flags
No: 1 2 3 4 5 CR
Content: C | 2 | I | ! | I [CR] Comment record with flags
Example (result record and comment record abnormal and sieve: *-flag and S-flag):
Content: R|2|^^^2|8|||||[CR] Result record
No: 1 2 3 4 5 CR
Content: C | 2 | I | *^S | I [CR] Comment record with flags
Example (result record and comment record test strip error: R/X-flag):
Content: R|2|^^^2||||R||X[CR] Result record with flags
No: 1 2 3 4 5 CR
Content: C | 2 | I | | I [CR] Comment Record without flags
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Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
No: 1 2 3 4 CR
Content: M | 1 | RR | 78.19 | [CR]
No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CR
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Termination record
Each message is closed with the Message Terminator Record. This record is mandatory.
No: 1 2 3 CR
Content: L | 1 | [CR]
Scientific Record
This type of record is not used in cobas u 411 analyzer (the character S would identify the record
as a scientific record).
Version 2.3 45 / 54
cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Host 10:50:41,326 [ACK]
u411 10:50:41,622 [STX]2C|6|I||I[CR]R|7|^^^7|NEG|||||[CR]C|7|I||I
Host 10:50:41,622 [ACK]
u411 10:50:41,857 [STX]3RR|73.75|[CR]M|6|RR|77.50|[CR]M|7|RR|77.3
Host 10:50:41,857 [ACK]
u411 10:50:41,904 [EOT]
Version 2.3 48 / 54
cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Description of the supported protocols - ASTM Urisys 2400 protocol
Host 10:45:59,208 [ACK]
u411 10:45:59,255 [EOT]
Version 2.3 50 / 54
cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Appendices - Appendix 1: ASCII-table
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Appendices - Appendix 2: Definition of test codes and test numbers
(for ASTM plus protocol only)
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Appendices - Appendix 3: Printouts of control and sample results
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cobas u 411 Host Interface Manual
Appendices - Appendix 3: Printouts of control and sample results
Control Result
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