Win Ref Q Phy 4113 July 2017.iut
Win Ref Q Phy 4113 July 2017.iut
Win Ref Q Phy 4113 July 2017.iut
12 July, 2017
HDME/1nd Sem.
1. (a) State and explain Gausss law in electrostatics and hence deduce Coulombs (12 + 4)
law from Gausss law.
(b) Find an expression for the electric field E at a distance r from an infinite line
of charge using Gausss law. Take as the linear charge density (C/m).
2. (a) Define electric potential difference in an electric field. Derive an expression (12 + 4)
for the electric potential due to a dipole.
(b) Calculate the mutual electrical potential energy of the four charges +4.0 x 10 -9,
-3.0 x 10-9, +2.0 x 10-9 and +1.0 x 10-9 C, assuming that these are situated on
the four corners in cyclic order of a square having side length l.0 m. ( o = 8.9 x
10-12 C/N-m2).
3. (a) (a) State and explain Amperes law. Derive an expression for the magnetic (12 + 4)
field induction, B, at the centre of a current carrying ideal solenoid.
(b) A solenoid carrying a current of 5.0 A is 1.0 m long and its inner radius is 3.0
cm. There are 5 layers of windings of 850 turns each. What is the magnetic
field at its center? (o = 4 x 10-7 wb/A-m).
4. (a) What is time dilation? Derive an expression for the relativistic time in special (12 + 4)
theory of relativity.
(b) Find the speed of an electron having kinetic energy 1.0 keV according to
classical and relativistic mechanics.(mass of an electron=9.1x10-31 kg).
6. (a) What is radioactivity? Derive the relations for half-life and mean lifetime of a (12 + 4)
radioactive element.
(b) A radioactive material initially contains 4.0 mg of U234. How much of it will
remain unchanged after 62,000 years? (Given: Half life of Uranium=
2.48X105 years and = 8.88X10-14 s-1).
7. (a) Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors and insulators from band (4+6 +6)
theory of solids.
(b) Discuss different types of semiconductors from band theory of solids.
(c) Briefly discuss different types of bonds in solids.
B.Sc. Engg.(M)/1nd Sem. 12 July, 2017
HDME/1nd Sem.