Why To Calculate The Deflections?: Point of Contraflexure
Why To Calculate The Deflections?: Point of Contraflexure
Why To Calculate The Deflections?: Point of Contraflexure
x To make sure the structure not deflect severely and to appear safe for its occupants
3. What is the difference between shear centers flexural center of twist and elastic center?
The shear center is the centroid of a cross-section. The flexural center is the center of twist, which is the
point on a beam that you can add a load without torsion. The elastic center is located at the center of
gravity. If the object is homogeneous and symmetrical in both directions of the cross-section then they
are all equivalent.
4. What is ferrite?
Magnetic iron rock
40. What are the points in the stress strain curve for steel?
Proportional limit, elastic limit or yield point, ultimate stress and stress at failure