Pakistan's Education Crisis: The Real Story
Pakistan's Education Crisis: The Real Story
Pakistan's Education Crisis: The Real Story
Education Crisis:
The Real Story
by Nadia Naviwala
Available From:
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Pakistan faces a multitude of challenges that go beyond terrorism, political instability, and other security-
related problems that tend to attract the most attention in Washington. Pakistan suffers from public health
dilemmas, energy woes, water shortages, and high levels of food insecurity, to name just a few.
It also suffers from an extensive education crisis. Millions of Pakistani children do not attend school, and
those that do must deal with absent teachers and poor learning environments, among other things. What
makes Pakistans education crisis particularly troubling is that it exacerbates many of the countrys other
problems. The uneducated masses complicate efforts to groom qualified experts to effectively address
Pakistans many public policy challenges. Additionally, young people without sufficient education have
trouble getting jobs and can become desirable recruitment targets for militant groups.
The Wilson Centers Asia Program, mindful of the serious nature of Pakistans education crisis and
the troubling implications it poses for the country, has addressed this issue numerous times over the
last 11 yearsculminating in products that included a book in 2005 and a major conference in 2014.
Unfortunately, the same manifestations of the crisis highlighted in this earlier work remain present today,
and the education crisis continues to rage. The need for more work and discussion on this critical topic
continues to be strong.
One possible reason why Pakistans education crisis doesnt ease is that it is so often misunderstood.
There is a crying need for a clear and correct diagnosis of what truly ails Pakistans education sector. To
that end, the Wilson Centers Asia Program is pleased to publish Pakistans Education Crisis: The Real
Story. This report, based on dozens of interviews with officials and experts across Pakistan, seeks to
set the record straight. It reveals, for example, that contrary to popular narratives, Pakistans education
spending has increased significantly in recent years and is now nearly equivalent to the military budget.
The report argues, however, that Pakistan must spend better, not simply spend more, in order to ease and
ultimately solve its education crisis. The report also compares how foreign donors and local leaders have
sought to transform education in Pakistan, with emphasis on the central challenge of very poor learning
Nadia Naviwala, the reports author and a Wilson Center Public Policy Fellow during the summer of
2016, draws on her deep Pakistan-focused experience both in Islamabad and in Washington, and on her
extensive work on development challenges in, and development assistance to, Pakistan. The result is a
revelatory report that will hopefully serve as a useful resource for officials in Pakistan, and also for those in
Washington involved in Pakistan policy. Above all, we hope it will spark some much-needed debate about
a serious crisis that isnt going away in a country that cant be ignored.
Michael Kugelman
Senior Associate for South Asia, Woodrow Wilson Center
July 2016
Authors Note 1
Introduction: Elites Matter 3
Part I: Myth: More Budget is the Solution to Pakistans Education
Crisis 7
How Much Does Pakistan Spend? 7
International Standards for Education Spending: Percent of GDP
vs. Percent of Budget 9
Where Does the Money Go? 10
Absent Teachers 10
Non-Salary Budget 12
Development Budget 13
The Budget Process: A Political Problem 14
Part II: The Art of Reform 15
Punjab 15
Deliverology 16
Regime of Fear 17
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 18
Sindh 20
The Central Challenge: Kids Arent Learning Anything 24
Part III: Moving Towards Privatization? 27
Part IV: Conclusion 29
Policy Recommendations 30
For the United States Government 30
For DFID, World Bank, and other Donors 31
For the Pakistani Government 31
For Private Citizens & Foundations 31
Endnotes 32
Authors Biography 37
When my editor at Pakistans Dawn newspaper asked me to look into education, I was immediately bored.
Education is one of the most over-discussed topics in Pakistan. What could I possibly learn or say about it
that would be new?
But in interviews in Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, Islamabad, and a mountain village above Abbottabad,
Pakistan, I was consistently fascinated by how much is happening that is not reflected in public and
international debates. First, public education reforms are in full swing in the provinces of Punjab and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Monitors visit over 95 percent of schools each month and publish data online.
Officials in both provinces claim that there are no ghost schools and no ghost teachers, while teacher
absenteeism has plummeted. It has gone from 20 percent to 6 percent in Punjab since 2010, and 30
percent to 13 percent in KP since March 2015. However, the quality of learning is still abysmal, with less
than half of third graders able to read a sentence in Urdu nationwide. No one knows exactly how to fix it;
leaders are tackling the problem from many angles.
Most surprising is that the budget numbers tell a very different story from the popular narrative. First,
Pakistans education spending has multiplied since 2010 it has nearly octupled in Sindh province but
enrollment has stagnated in every province except in KP, where it has increased by seven percentage
points. Second, the education and military budgets are very close in size, at $7.5 billion and $8.2 billion
respectively for fiscal year 2016. Third, Pakistan is at risk of overspending on education given its limited
resources, due in great part to low tax collection rates. This year, the provinces are allocating 17 to 28
percent of their budgets to education, which exceeds UNESCOs recommendation that countries spend 15
to 20 percent of their budgets on education.
In dozens of interviews, experts and officials were unanimous: Pakistans education crisis does not come
down to how much the country spends, but how the money is spent. Pakistan needs to spend better, not
simply spend more.
My biggest regret with this report is that Balochistan is not covered. Due to budgetary constraints and my
own lack of familiarity and contacts, I was not able to go there for interviews. Suffice it to say, however,
that Balochistan is at a nascent stage in reforms, and a core challenge is the uneven development
between ethnic Pashtun and Baloch populations, due to an insurgency there. Still, there is optimism that
Balochistan could get ahead of Sindh if sufficient political and bureaucratic effort is put into reforms.
Finally, civil society efforts have saved at least hundreds of thousands of lives through health and
education services. For people around the world who want to help out kids in Pakistan, Pakistani-led
philanthropic foundations and causes are the best investment. The Citizens Foundation an organization
that I have worked and volunteered for is the most impressive. With over 1,200 schools in over one
hundred of the most neglected locations in Pakistan, they are one of the largest philanthropically funded
school networks in the world. They are worthy of support, and governments and donors can learn a lot by
engaging with them sincerely.
All this said, civil society cannot make up for the failures of the public system. The scale of need is too big,
and so is the scale of the problem. Pakistan faces the challenge of changing what over 600,000 teachers
do in more than 140,000 schools every day. In many cases, these are teachers who are not even used to
showing up to school. The public system must work if Pakistan is to be educated, but change will not be
quick, easy, or painless.
In the mean time, a discussion on education in Pakistan is anemic without discussing private schooling.
Almost 40 percent of Pakistani students are enrolled in low-cost private schools. These schools charge
between $3 and $25 per month. Their per child cost is half of what the government spends, but they
produce students who are two grades ahead of those in government schools. The mushrooming of private
schools suggests that the public is not apathetic demand for quality education is high.
I am grateful for the time and candor that people offered to me in interviews, particularly Ahmed Ali at the
Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS), Haroon Sethi of McKinsey (Punjab), Ali Inam of LUMS
Technology for the People (TPI), Umbreen Arif of the World Bank, Dr. Scherezad Latif of the World Bank,
Barbara Payne of DFID, Najiullah Khattak of Adam Smith International (KP), Dr. Jishnu Das of the World
Bank and Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab Schools (LEAPS), Naheed Shah Durrani of
the Sindh Education Foundation, Nadeem Hussain of the Sindh Reform Support Unit, Haris Gazdar of
the Collective for Social Science Research, Dr. Faisal Bari of the Institute of Development and Economic
Alternatives (IDEAS), Skip Waskin, formerly of USAID, Muhammad Anwar of the Centre for Governance
and Public Accountability (CGPA), Salman Naveed of Alif Ailaan, Neelam Hussain of Simorgh, Firuza
Pastakia, Abbottabad District Education Officer Zia-ud-Din, Khalid Khattak of The News, Mosharraf Zaidi
of Alif Ailaan, Shehzad Roy, and countless others who asked not to be named.
Special thanks to Michael Kugelman for his support and edits, Alhan Fakhr for fact-checking and charts,
and Aleena Ali for hunting down fiscal year 2016 budget figures.
I am also indebted to Zafran Khan and Nusrat Bibi who enable my adventures.
Nadia Naviwala
Wilson Center Public Policy Fellow
July 2016
Countries that have achieved universal public schooling have done so as part of larger elite projects to
create national identity, sometimes in new nation-states or countries emerging from war.
According to Haris Gazdar, Senior Researcher at the Collective for Social Science Research:
You can almost always trace it back to some political project of a political entity or an elite.
It could be the state, a bureaucracy, a church, or a political group that has a project of a
creating a particular type of society and socializing people into using common symbols,
common languages, and acquiring common values.1
A study by Gazdar tries to relate Pakistans experience with that of Sweden, Turkey, and Israel.2 They all
achieved public schooling as part of a larger project to construct national identity.
Sweden achieved universal literacy because the church held parents responsible for making sure all
children could read the Bible in Swedish. They achieved universal public education when the Parliament
passed a law requiring parishes (churches at the community level) to set up schools.
In Turkey, elites set out to create a national Turkish identity, out of the ruins of the multi-lingual, multi-
ethnic, and multi-religious Ottoman Empire. Establishing a modern Turkish language was seen as key
to this reform. Atatrk embarked on one of the most ambitious language reforms in history, converting
Turkish from an Arabic to a Latin alphabet. For Turkey and many other countries, public schooling became
a way for new nation-states to move on from colonialism.
Pakistan had a similar post-independence impulse but its leaders failed to construct an inclusive political
vision. An education conference in 1947 broke down in a debate over which language to teach in schools.
Some advocated for Urdu and Arabic while Sindhis and Bengalis preferred their mother tongue. The
decision was postponed and has not been taken up again at the national level.3
The country eventually came upon a more exclusive vision for education that stressed religious ideology.4
The earliest education policy, formulated in 1959 by the Sharif Commission under Ayub Khans military
government, stressed the need to create a homogenous national identity based on Islam.5 This document
has had a sustained influence on Pakistans education system a Magna Carta for Pakistans education
policy. Successive governments became more ideological.
Increased Islamicization of the system in the 1980s coincided with the growth of private schooling and a
preference for international high school qualifications through the Cambridge system over the national
metric system.
The military and political elites have imposed an unviable model of the nation state. With
every new cultural experiment, there is a wave of withdrawal from the system. The only
agreement we have now is that everyone can do what they want. The Taliban is closing
girls schools but they are also okay with people fleeing. Almost everyone is willing to let
you go.
When one group tries to impose their vision over another, we get violence: Then, we didnt blow up
schools and shoot people over what they thought about education. Now, we do, he finishes.
Faisal Bari, an education economist who teaches at LUMS and is Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives, makes a similar argument, referencing the Meiji
and Industrial Revolutions:
But elites in Pakistan dont really have an interest in public education. Unlike with the U.S., Europe, and
Japan, where vested political interests expressed full, personal buy-in for their countrys development and
progress, and were fully invested in their countrys future, Pakistani elites have the option to migrate out.
Elites have too many escape routes. Many have dual citizenship, they move in and out
of the country, and emigration to the West is always open. Other countries had a common
future. But our society is too fractured. People are living in very sheltered, sequestered
areas and dont interact with each other. They dont even feel like their children depend
on each other for a common future. Instead, weve felt that our safety is tied to being a
nuclear country with a strong army.6
The solutions that Pakistan has experimented with in recent decades have been based on channeling
public demand for education. These experiments have been: informal and nonformal education, public-
private partnerships, school adoption, strengthening parent and community involvement through parent-
teacher and school-management committees, and now low-cost private schooling.
But nowhere in the world has aggregating individual demand for education or mass movements led to
universal schooling.7 The idea of community participation is also problematic because communities in
Pakistan do not automatically have collective identities or interests.8
A number of assumptions are embedded in the demand-driven approach. First, it assumes that people
vote based on issues, such as the performance of public institutions. Rather, Pakistani voters vote based
on their patronage networks, such as for politicians who are likely to direct resources, especially jobs, to
their constituencies. Second, if voters do vote based on issues, it is likely to be those that take priority
over education, such as roads or electricity. This tendency is captured in the popular electioneering slogan
from the 1970s: roti, kapran, makan (bread, clothing, house). The voter-politician relationship is not about
performance, but jobs and resources. Finally, it airbrushes the reality that parents face when they put their
kids in school: illiteracy after years in school and possible physical or sexual abuse.
Thousands of schools in KP province like this one have been waiting for reconstruction since the 2005 earthquake, despite billions in
international assistance.
Many experts believe that the source of the countrys education challenge is underspending.10 Many
Americans believe that their aid helps Pakistan finance its way out of this challenge.
But Pakistan actually spends a lot on education: 17 to 28 percent of provincial budgets this year.11
Pakistans military budget is not much larger than its education budget. U.S. aid for education in Pakistan,
under a large program that made Pakistan the second-largest beneficiary of U.S. assistance in the world,
averaged in value a meager 2 percent of Pakistans education budget per year between 2010 and 2014.12
Pakistan has budgeted a total of $7.5 billion (790 billion Pakistani rupees) on education for fiscal year
2016.13 The figure is more than double the size of its $3.5 billion (304 billion rupees) total education budget
in fiscal year 2010.14 This is the combined value of the four provincial budgets (representing Pakistans
four provinces) plus a small amount that is allocated at the federal level. The federal budget is for higher
education (universities) and schools in the capital city of Islamabad.15
Most provinces have more than doubled their budgets since 2010 the year that authority over education
and several other social sectors devolved from the federal government to the provinces. Khyber-
Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, which border Afghanistan, have nearly tripled their budgets. Poorly
governed Sindh has nearly octupled its rupee budget from $230 million to $1.7 billion.17 Punjab, which
has always had the largest allocation, has doubled its budget.18
Pakistan sets aside almost as much for education as it does for the military. The military budget for
fiscal year 2016 is $8.2 billion (860 billion rupees), which is close to the $7.5 billion (790 billion rupees)
budgeted for education.19 The military budget represents 2.9 percent of Pakistans GDP. The education
budgets total 2.7 percent of GDP.
*The military budget does not include military pensions, which have been allocated $1.7 billion (178 billion rupees), or the cost of the nuclear
program. It also does not include the cost of military operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), which is offset by foreign aid
There are more government teachers in Pakistan than active duty personnel in the Pakistani military,
at 730,13126 and 643,80027 respectively. The total number of teachers in Pakistan (including private
schools) also exceeds the total strength of the Pakistani military (including reservists and paramilitary), at
1,461,74428 and 1,460,80029 respectively.
This is only teachers, and does not include non-teaching staff such as education department employees
at the provincial, district, and sub-district levels, or other school staff like chowkidhars (gatekeepers) that
schools are required to have.30 According to one estimate, there is one non-teaching education sector
employee for every four teachers.31
Fifty-five percent of government employees in KP belong to the education department.32 Fifty-two percent
of Balochistans government salaries go to education.33
Provinces do not necessarily spend the amounts they budget. KP and Balochistan have spent almost 100
percent of the budgets since 2010. Punjab spends around 90 percent and Sindh is around 80 percent.
Only KP utilizes its full development budget, which is used for constructing or rehabilitating schools.
The other provinces leave around half of it unused every year. Provincial governments make up for it by
overspending on salaries.
World Bank programming is larger, but these are mostly loans that Pakistan will pay back. The World Bank
estimates that 17 percent of Punjabs provincial budget over the past three years has come from the World
Bank and other countries, namely Great Britains DFID (not USAID).36 Unlike many bilateral donors, World
Bank personnel routinely reference how small their funds are next to Pakistans budget.
Domestic resources for education also dwarf foreign aid in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2012, international aid
per primary school child was $12 compared to $136 from domestic resources in that region.37
International Standards for Education Spending: Percent of GDP vs. Percent of Budget
Pakistan spends a lot on education, relative to the resources it has. But when Pakistans education
budget is expressed as a percentage of its GDP, it does poorly. Pakistan has budgeted the equivalent of
2.7 percent of its GDP on education for fiscal year 2016.38 The international minimum is 4 percent. Many
countries are increasing spending to 6 percent. Pakistan is behind other South Asian and sub-Saharan
countries when spending is expressed in these terms.
But this figure relates only to government expenditure and the 60 percent of students who go to
government schools. Parents in Pakistan spend another $8 billion on private education, which is more
than state spending.39 If one includes private spending, national expenditure on education doubles to at
least $15 billion, crossing the 4 percent of GDP mark.
Pakistan and Nigeria, which have the highest number out of school children in the world, are outliers
among countries because so many students opt for low-cost private schools. Private expenditure is not
included in international comparisons because it is difficult to track.40
The GDP measure does not seem to be a good fit for Pakistan. It tells us more about how little the country
collects in taxes, and therefore how little elasticity there is in the budget. According to the World Bank:
Pakistan raises only 9 percent of its GDP in taxes. Dedicating 4 percent of that to education is a tall
order, given other needs such as health, security, and roads. All of these things also help schools function
properly and ensure that schoolchildren have a future.
Pakistans economy is also growing faster than its tax collection rates. GDP is expected to grow by 5.5
percent per year over the next few years, so Pakistan will have to spend more each year in order to
maintain parity at 4 percent.
But if the economy contracts, Pakistan will not be able to roll back spending since the majority of the
budget goes into salaries for government employees. Introducing such a large new permanent liability, in
the absence of new tax revenues, could be fiscal disaster for Pakistan and the state of social services.
According to the IMF, for countries to finance the Millenium Development Goals, they must raise 20
percent of their national income through taxes. Pakistan and Nigeria collect less than 10 percent of their
national income through taxes. Wealthier nations only took on the responsibility for public education in the
20th century when their tax collection rates started improving.42
A 2002 World Bank report on education financing stresses that education expenditure must be adequate,
sustainable, and efficient. It concludes:
If Pakistan had met the 4 percent of GDP target in 2015, then provinces would have to spend the
equivalent of 30 to 40 percent of their budgets on education.47 The $7.5 billion that Pakistan spends today
would go up to $11 billion. Anyone making that recommendation should be worried about where the
sudden influx of cash will go.
Those who want to fix Pakistans education crisis must understand how the budget is spent, rather than
how much is spent.
Pakistans education challenge is not underspending. It is misspending. Without reforms, new money is
likely to end up feeding cronyism and corruption, rather than making a difference that children can feel.
Reducing the public discussion to budget numbers and worse, expressed in a way that most people
dont understand, as relative to GDP distracts from a more relevant, qualitative discussion about where
the budget for education goes.
The existing budget has huge leakages. The school construction and the repair and
maintenance contracts, like other construction works contracts, are commission-based.
Fixed commissions [kickbacks] to the engineer and government departments for
construction work are as high as 40 percent. Contracts for construction schemes are
largely influenced by political representatives.
The return you get on the huge salary budget is also very limited. Many of Sindhs
144,000 teachers remain absent a few days in a week or dont come to school for months.
There are instances where they pay someone else to work in their place and they work
elsewhere. The situation may have slightly improved after the introduction of the biometric
[verification] system for teachers attendances; however, the situation of the public
education system remains weak on multiple fronts.
The budget will be impossible to rationalize without full political support from the top of the
Absent Teachers
Seventy to eighty percent of budgets go into employee salaries, mostly for teachers.49 But historically
teachers have not had to show up to school or perform in order to receive their salaries. Teacher
absenteeism rates have been very high: 20 percent in Punjab50 and 30 percent in KP. 51,52
FY 2010 FY 2014
Balochistan 83% 71%
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 77% 68%
Punjab 82% 82%
Sindh 48% 83%
Education officials have not been able to compel teachers to show up. A report by the Society for the
Advancement of Education (SAHE)55 explains:
The report explains the link between teachers and politicians. First, because teachers are educated,
politicians tend to use them as political organizers in rural and semi-urban areas. Second, teachers are
posted as polling staff on election days. Finally, teachers unions are associated with political parties
although they are so powerful that they dont need the parties to exercise political clout.
Salman Naveed, a specialist at Alif Ailaan56 points out with respect to Sindh:
The biggest hinderances to reform are the political parties themselves. Teachers in Sindh
are not really teachers, they are political workers. As a member of the provincial assembly,
its important to me that my workers get paid. The moment they get fired, I worry about my
political future. Im more concerned about maintaining my patronage network rather than
service delivery.
Government teachers are also paid very well: five times what private schools teachers are paid.57 From
this salary, ghost teachers can pay off administrators to maintain their attendance record or to a relative to
show up in their place. The teacher then lives in a larger, more comfortable city like Karachi, or even as far
as Dubai or London, and has another full-time job.
Private schools by contrast pay teachers $25 to $50 per month58, and that is about how much it costs
a government teacher to hire a substitute. But in a private school, because of the direct accountability
relationship between the school and the parents who are paying fees, the teacher is always present and
makes an effort, resulting in higher learning outcomes.59
There are also good reasons why the absenteeism rate is high among government teachers, besides
weak accountability. Teachers who live farther from school are absent more, especially female teachers
who do not have independent transport. The government also often assigns teachers to non-teaching
duties:60 helping with anti-polio and anti-dengue drives, elections, and administering government exams
and surveys. A research report by Alif Ailaan and SAHE estimates that government teachers spend
a quarter of the academic year on non-teaching activities.61 Another very common reason given for
absenteeism is teacher training.62
Many teachers also offer private tutoring after school. It has become a norm for students in Pakistan to
go to after-school tutors. Teachers have an economic incentive to compel students to sign up for tuition in
order to learn material, or teachers may simply have less energy for teaching in school if they are primarily
concerned with their tuition classes.63
The danger of doubling Pakistans budget without reforms is that the increase can go straight into the
salary budget and be pocketed by non-performing teachers.
Sindhs budget today is eight times higher than it was in 2010. The salary budget is more than twelve
times higher.65 But the surge in salaries does not mean that new teachers are showing up or performing.
There was zero improvement in the learning outcomes of 5th and 6th graders, measured by Sindhs
Standardized Assessment Test (SAT), between 2012 and 2014 despite a 27 percent increase in the salary
Punjabs salary budget has gone up by 74 percent since 2010 but there has only been a 7 percent
increase in test scores.67
The first step for reforms is making sure teachers are in school. Punjab and KP have achieved this. They
have largely removed ghost teachers from the payrolls and reduced absenteeism to 6 percent68 and 13
percent respectively.69 According to Khalid Khattak, an investigator reporter on education for The News
who runs
Punjab doesnt have a ghost teacher problem like it used to. Its because of the monitoring
system that the government has put in place. They are also taking disciplinary action
against teachers who do not show up. Punjab has fired many teachers. We keep hearing
complaints from teachers associations.70
According to data he obtained through the Right to Information law, in 2015 alone Punjab took disciplinary
action against 22,972 teachers and removed 1,615 from service.71
But without reform-minded and determined party leaders, more budget risks exacerbating the tendency
of education departments in Pakistan to act like employment agencies.
Non-Salary Budget
The salary budget eats into the budget for operating and maintaining schools. The underfunding and
underutilization of this budget explains why schools in Pakistan are often in poor, even dangerous,
conditions. Children are expected to clean the school. The non-salary budget (NSB) funds the
maintenance of school facilities, basic equipment and furniture like desks, minor building repairs and
improvements, textbooks and teacher supplies, electricity bills, and fuel costs for district education officials
conducting oversight visits.
According to a World Bank publication, Achieving Universal Primary Education by 2015: A Chance for
Every Child:
Relatively abundant research indicates that books and other learning materials are highly
cost-effective complementary inputs in the learning process. Although less extensively
researched, teacher development and supervision, system management, student learning
assessment, school maintenance, and other items clearly are also important elements in
quality education systems. Yet most countries find that the pressure of teacher salaries
means the budget for these other items in constantly squeezed.72
Around 10 percent or less of budgets now go into the NSB, next to a global standard of 15 to 25 percent.73
More interesting, provinces are now putting schools through parent-teacher councils in charge of
FY 2010 FY 2014
Balochistan 13% 9%
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 3% 7%
Punjab 10% 10%
Sindh 42% 11%
Development Budget
The development budget is the most interesting budget category for foreign donors because it is
intended for building and rehabilitating new schools an activity that aid and philanthropy like to finance.
Despite the need for new schools, provinces often spend only half of their budgets allocated for that
purpose. But they accept millions in foreign aid for the same purpose. The expenditure rate varies widely
each year.
The broken budget process makes it so that funds in this category do not meet needs and, instead,
provide plenty of opportunities for misallocation by politicians who want to reward supporters and allies.
The development budget is not allocated based on planning. For example, in the United States, the
Department of Education prepares a budget request based on specific, planned needs. In Pakistan,
finance ministries tend to allocate the budget in bulk each year, such as for fifty schools without a specific
justification. Over the course of the year, the Chief Minister trades these funds for political cooperation
from treasury-related MPAs and to get support from independent MPAs.75
School-building contracts, like all infrastructure work, generate profits for both contractor and the MPA
involved, besides creating teaching jobs that the MPA can fill. Najiullah Khan, adviser on media and
communications to KPs Elementary and Secondary Education Department (ESED), whose contract is
paid for by DFID, explains: For the past 60 years, schools have not been built based on need but to
provide jobs. Its purely on a political basis.
But others stress the problems that occur in the contracting process. According to the SAHE report:
In Balochistan funds provided to Members of the provincial assembly [MPA] are mostly
used in the construction of education institutions whose feasibility has not been evaluated.
Mostly the incentive is to give the contract to a favorite.76
Muhammad Anwar, who once worked in USAIDs KP/FATA office in Islamabad and now heads the Centre
for Governance and Public Accountability, further explains:
As a result, there are more schools in areas represented by senior politicians while other populations are
neglected. There are five universities being built in Nowshera right now, the district of KPs Chief Minister.77
Meanwhile, in Tor Ghar, which was a tribal area until 2011 and is the smallest district in Pakistan, there is
not a single girls high school because no powerful MPA is from there.78 Similarly, in Sindh, some villages
have several schools while others have none.79
But the budget is ultimately underspent because the provinces get the money too late in the year.
According to Naveed: Underutilization is not just because they dont know how to spend it, but also
because the provinces never get the money. The federal government always overpromises and
The entire budget debate in Pakistan takes 14 days, perhaps the shortest in the world. Members of
parliament do not have staff, are handed large budget books, and pick out things at random to participate
in the debate.81 By contrast, the budget debate in the United States goes on year-round and has resulted
in Congress shutting down the government eighteen times. Pakistani parliament members are also
more concerned with spending the budget which is the education ministrys job rather than policy or
Of course many donors, with experience from their own democracies, have tried to fix the budgeting
process through capacity-building trainings and manuals. But this is not a problem of skills or knowledge.
There are political interests involved that affect electability. Politicians believe that they will lose their jobs if
they cannot dole out jobs and contracts, not if schools dont function.83
It takes the head of the party today, that includes Shahbaz Sharif, Imran Khan, and Asif Zardari or
Bilawal Bhutto to decide that there will be a zero tolerance for political interference in education.
According to Naveed:
Its more political than anything else. If you want to spend money on something and have
to do it in 6 months, youll find a way to do it, if theres political will. If you dont want to do
it, then we call it a capacity problem.84
But fixing infrastructure and getting teachers to show up are the low-hanging fruit of Pakistans education
crisis.85 With reforms ongoing in Punjab since 2003, the province has learned that they cannot assume
that children will learn once teachers, students, and schools buildings are in place.
Salar Khattak, a member of a teachers union in KP, points out that teachers do not have the motivation,
capabilities, or tools to teach:
You can use a stick and threaten a teacher to show up. Hell go on time and show up.
But how do you get the teacher to deliver to the student? In Pakistan, when you cant
become anything, you become a teacher. And if you cant become a teacher, you become
a maulana (priest).86
Today, less than half of third graders in Pakistan can read a simple sentence in Urdu, and the numbers
might be even lower if they were asked to write a sentence.
Many donors and experts working on reforms today have come to believe that the poor quality of learning
is linked to low enrollments and dropouts. Improving quality of learning is now a key indicator of the
success of reforms, next to enrollments. It is also the toughest challenge to solve, despite comprehensive
and even some creative efforts in the provinces.
All four provinces are implementing or wanting to implement a similar model of reforms, building on
Punjabs example, detailed below. The reforms are managed by some version of a service delivery unit,
an office staffed by experts, monitors, and data analysts that sits between a chief executive and his/
her education bureaucracy and monitors the achievement of reform targets.87 As the province makes
progress, the World Bank and/or DFID, depending on the province, disburse budget support against line
items that are, theoretically, exhausted by the reform agenda. But the results of this process vary, not just
due to variation in political will, but also differences in provincial leadership and management styles.
Punjab was an early mover in education reforms. The provinces Schools Reform Roadmap attracted
international attention thanks to the involvement of Sir Michael Barber, a British educationist at McKinsey
who later became DFIDs Education Envoy for Pakistan. He published The Good News From Pakistan:
How a Revolutionary New Approach to Education Reform in Punjab Shows the Way Forward for Pakistan
and Development Aid Everywhere in 2013.88
In 2010, power over education devolved from the federal government to the provinces. At the same time,
DFID entered Punjab, for its own reasons. In London, DFID re-organized its global programming to focus
on countries (1) that were the most poor and (2) where DFID had the best opportunity for impact. This
basis for engagement was a departure from the way most aid agencies, and especially USAID, operate,
which is to achieve diplomatic or security goals, although DFID has since shifted back to directing aid to
conflict contexts.
By 2011, when Shabaz Sharif announced the Roadmap and DFID initiated their program, the teacher
absenteeism rate was 20 percent. Within one year, the teacher absenteeism rate was reduced to 9
percent.90 Today it is approaching 6 percent.91
The education program in Punjab became DFIDs largest program in the world. Pakistan is also now
the largest recipient of DFID funding in the world. Ethiopia is in the number two spot. (For most bilateral
donors including USAID, until recently, Afghanistan was the largest program and Pakistan the second-
largest.) Today, the United Kingdom has displaced the United States as Pakistans largest bilateral donor.
Thanks to Barber, the reform program started by the World Bank got high level and personal backing from
Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in 2010. Barber, author of the recent book How to Run a Government so
that Citizens Benefit and Taxpayers dont Go Crazy is the architect of the service delivery unit, which he
piloted in the UK under former Prime Minister Tony Blair. It has been replicated in dozens of countries.
Service delivery units are designed to sit between a chief executive (typically Prime Minister or President)
and his/her ministers and secretaries. They are responsible for making sure that the bureaucracies
achieve the chiefs highest priorities. Their function and reason for existing is similar to the National
Security Council in the United States, except that service delivery units have concrete, tangible goals,
mimic standards of private sector efficiency, and avoid the type of abstract jargon that has bogged down
the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals.
Sharif was a good personality fit for Barbers theory of deliverology, the philosophy that drives service
delivery units. According to this philosophy, government bureaucracies can be made to perform if given
narrow and specific goals, intensive monitoring, and rewards and consequences based on performance.
Under the reform program in Punjab today, 94 to 96 percent of schools are visited by monitors each month
who record data on an iPad about whether the teacher is present, how many students are in class, the
condition of the school, and whether a local administrator has visited the school that month. The data is
available publicly online. According to the World Bank and DFID staff, Punjabs education system is one of
the most over-monitored in the world. In theory, the reforms are driven by data.
Although the Punjab government did not actually develop the reform program and goals, Sharif owns it.
The World Bank and DFID work in tandem to support it through long-term programming. The World Banks
second four-year program will expire in December 2016, and they will soon introduce a third. DFID is in
the second year of a six-year program that will end in 2019.
DFID and the World Bank release sector budget support to the Punjab government as it achieves reform
targets. This means that they put money directly into Punjabs education budget against line items that are
being exhausted by the reforms. The money is fungible, with one analyst joking that it could be going into
the Orange Line Metro, one of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharifs signature mass transportation projects.
DFID also finances expert teams from McKinsey and Adam Smith International to staff and
troubleshoot the reforms. World Bank funds are loans that the government can also use to staff its
monitoring unit. While the value of these donor funds is relatively small next to the governments own
spending a fact that World Bank staff routinely stress even though their loans are several times the size
of DFID and USAID grants it does provide the extra cash that the government needs to finance reforms
since its own budget is tied up in salaries.
But while Punjabs reforms appear to be successful, they face tough internal criticism. According to a
recently released World Bank assessment:
Despite over a decade of focused support to large scale education programs and what
some have termed cutting edge reforms, education outcomes, including enrollment rates
and learning outcomes, in Punjab are only marginally better than those in the rest of
the country. Gains made over the last decade have stagnated, despite increased sector
financing by the [government of] Punjab and support to the sector by the World Bank and
other Development Partners (DPs).93
The World Bank and DFID spar over whether the reform program has had any result at all since 2010
when DFID entered the province. The key performance metric has been increase in enrollments. DFID
claims that there has been a nearly six percent increase since 2011 based on data collected by its
contractor, Nielsen.94 The World Bank points to the Pakistan governments official statistics, which show
a one percent increase since 2007-08.95 Instead, the World Bank argues, also based on official statistics,
that a major spike in enrollment occurred between 2003 and 2007-08, before DFID entered the province.96
Regime of Fear
The most serious critique of the program is that the pressure for results from Chief Minister Shahbaz
Sharif is so intense that it is backfiring. Officials from various agencies and offices working on Punjab
education reforms were consistent in their criticism. One senior official who asked to not be named
described it as a regime of fear. According to another: Sharif has a heads will roll approach. The idea
is if you put people under enough pressure, they will deliver. A district education official under that much
pressure is bound to invent some numbers.
An adviser who has worked on the reforms for several years commented:
The problem with excessive pressure on an enormous education bureaucracy that is not built to cope with
it is that it translates into a perverse pressure to fudge numbers. These fudged numbers show up most
clearly in the governments monthly monitoring of student learning outcomes.
The monitors who visit schools every month recently started administering an iPad-based, four question
test to third-graders on Urdu, English, and math ability. Punjabs 36 districts are color-coded based
on their average score. Officials in charge of the highest- and lowest-performing districts must answer
directly to Shahbaz Sharif at stocktakes that take place every two to three months. The color-coded
maps and stocktake meetings come directly from Barbers books, which are manuals in how to implement
According to Faisal Bari, an economist and head of Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives
(IDEAS), Its ridiculous the pressure thats put on district officials to show progress every month. Things
dont change every month.
While Punjab is ahead of Sindh and KP in terms of education reforms, there are still
concerns on validity of data used for policy analysis. There is a high incentive to fake
progress due to quarterly review led directly by the Chief Minister. KPs numbers are more
realistic, so in a few years they may get ahead because they actually figured out how to
solve problems.99
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Officials and consultants working on the Punjab program are more confident in KPs approach to reforms,
to the point of predicting that KP could get ahead of Punjab in a few years time. According to primary net
enrollment rates, it already is. Since 2010, all provinces have stagnated in enrollment except KP, which
has grown by seven percentage points, moving from a position near Sindh to surpassing Punjab.100
KPs reform program is much younger than Punjabs it started in earnest with the PTI government in
2013. According to a DFID official, the program existed but had atrophied by 2013. DFID was on the
verge of scrapping it. Today, KPs program is primarily supported by DFID. The KP government has so far
refused to accept World Bank loans.
KPs program is also based on intensive monitoring and data-driven reforms. They started monitoring
schools in March 2014. Today, a field force of five hundred monitors visits over 90 percent of schools
every month and uploads the data in a central database.101 The data recently became public.
I tested the system by asking for data on an off-road mountain school I had recently hiked to. The school
building was destroyed in the 2005 earthquake. School was held inside a mosque instead. Officials in
Peshawar pulled up their monitors photo of the school and teacher taken the previous month that was
identical to mine.
There are several critical differences between the Punjab and KP programs that lead experts to have
more confidence in KPs program. First, KP actually owns their agenda because they developed it. After
elections in 2013, DFID offered but KP refused help in developing their education plan, but they invited
DFID to support them once it was developed.
According to a senior DFID official, KP doesnt want foreign help. Theyre much more we can sort out our
own problems. And theyre doing it.
Comparing KP and Punjab suggests that political will and agenda ownership are not sufficient conditions
for reform. We need to pay attention to what political will translates into, and management style matters
just as much. Sharif is ostensibly committed, perhaps over-committed, to the reforms because he is
personally involved and expends political influence on it. Its unusual for a chief minister to personally
monitor school performance at the district level. But his attention is backfiring since it relies on coercion
to produce results, rather than a nuanced understanding of the challenges and a calibrated response.
According to an adviser, if Sharif were truly invested, he would have appointed strong individuals to
manage social sector portfolios as he has done for sectors that are close to him, such as finance. So
Second, KPs reform plan looks beyond elections. Elections are expected in 2018, but KP is currently
developing their second five-year plan. Punjabs reform plan, by contrast, is set to be achieved by
2017. Timing reforms to elections can make sense since governments may change, but in this case the
decision-making is backwards. KPs government is more likely to change given that PTI is a new party and
the province tends to elect new leaders, whereas PML-N is secure in Punjab.
Finally, and most importantly, KPs reforms have taken on the frustrating task of working through the
bureaucracy, although with high level political backing from Imran Khan, the head of the party. The
reforms are led by an understated education minister who is close to Khan and the education secretary.
By contrast, in Punjab, the chief minister who is also the head of the party leads reforms himself. The
net effect of Sharifs top down pressure and a service delivery unit, staffed by young, energetic, highly
qualified and highly capable staff, has been the disempowering of the education bureaucracy.
Between Michael Barber, who sits with Shahbaz Sharif, and all the PhDs at the World
Bank, the department itself feels really incapacitated to contribute to the discussion. The
education department has become an implementer of the agenda defined by the donors.
But there are also reasons to be skeptical. Ultimately, working through a bureaucracy is slow and difficult.
According to Faisal Bari, The education minister is trying to stop nepotism and corruption to the extent
that he can but its not much, says Bari, Underneath him there is a huge bureaucracy.
KP also faces greater challenges in the form of militancy, floods, and earthquakes that destroy thousands
of schools at a time. The problem of shelterless schools is so big that the province has acknowledged
that there are limits to what can be done about it. One district education official told me, A school is not
a building, and a building is not a school, when I quizzed him about the thousands102 of 2005 earthquake
school reconstruction projects that were abandoned by the federal government or contractors.103
KP also has more schools in mountain areas that are off-road and only accessible on foot. Globally, far-
flung and hard-to-reach schools face greater challenges because they are difficult to monitor.
Most concerning is the PTIs vision for education. In order to keep the right-wing Jamaat-e-Islami within
their coalition government, the PTI has agreed to delete curriculum content related to Pakistans non-
Muslim history and photos of women with their heads uncovered, and instead include relevant verses of
the Quran in science lessons.
Sindh is Pakistans most patronage-wracked province where corruption is a part of every transaction, from
securing a teaching appointment to getting an authorization letter to form a parent teacher committee.
Rural areas suffer from feudalism, intense poverty, and active criminal gangs in certain parts.104 The
current education secretary has said that 40 percent of the teachers in the province are ghosts and 40
percent of schools are closed.105 A district official doing an informal survey of a sample of schools one
morning in Jacobabad district in Northern Sindh reported 70 percent of schools to be closed.
The political challenges to fixing education are so high that the province is struggling to follow in Punjab
and KPs footsteps. The World Bank is the lead donor alongside EU and USAID. DFID decided not to work
with the provincial government in 2012 because they questioned the political sincerity of the government
in pursuing reform:
Given political uncertainties about the depth of the governments commitment to reform
The reform program is led by Education Secretary Fazlullah Pechuho whose survival in office for 3
years is an anomaly. In the first three years of the reform program from 2008 to 2011, the education
secretary changed nine times.107 Short terms in the post can mean a lack of accountability, discontinuity
of reforms,108 and a disproportionate focus on profiteering.109 Unlike the rest, Pechuho may have lasted
because he comes from a powerful family. He is the brother-in-law of former President Asif Ali Zardari.
Sindh is counting on technology to solve tough political problems. Pechuho is described by staffers as
old but techie110 and wanting to create an education system he can control from his iPad.111 Technical
staff with experience in education referred to his vision as simplistic,112 although the technology has some
automatic benefits.
Sindh is at a nascent stage and struggling to hold teachers accountable. Over the past year, they have
been working to establish a clean, digital record of teachers113 because the provincial payroll included
thousands of people who were not employed by the ministry, had illegal promotions (through clerical
actions), or were ghosts living far away and with other full-time jobs, such as actors and lawyers. The
aim is to get the provincial payroll to match the ministrys employment records and disburse salaries
In the past, one employment letter could be copied and used to hire ten people. Now, the letters have a
bar code so they cannot be duplicated.
Sindh demonstrates how reforms can save provinces millions of dollars a month, rivaling the value of
foreign aid when the value of efficiencies are aggregated. In the process of digitization, the province has
so far stopped the salaries of three thousand teachers who did not show up to verify their employment
over the course of months. Failure to show up and verify suggests these were false records or ghost
teachers. At salaries that range from about $150 to $1,000 per month,114 this is significant saving for
Three thousand teachers is far lower than the secretarys own estimate that 40 percent of all teachers are
ghosts. One staffer estimated that there are still 30,000 to 40,000 ghost teachers in the system, and that
most of them protected themselves from termination by using political connections or bribes.115
If digitization is completed, and accountability measures are put in place to address closed schools
and ghost employees, Sindhs savings in one year could equal what USAID has set aside for the Sindh
education department over five years.
Teachers violently oppose switching from paper to digital records. In May 2015 teachers were asked
to come to data centers across Sindh with their files and to record their fingerprints. In Larkana, they
responded by destroying all the computers and servers in the data center.116 The exercise was re-started,
but with the servers in Karachi. A protest over teachers salaries in Karachi in May 2016 ended with water-
cannons, teargas, and a police baton-charge.117
Some teachers who wanted to protect their pocket money from the government flew from Dubai or the
UK to record their fingerprints. In Sindh, it is common practice for teachers to sub-contract a relative to
show up in their place or to pay off administrators to maintain their attendance records.
The next step is to make sure that teachers show up to school. Sindh is doing this through spot checks
by youth monitors. The monitors will record teachers fingerprints through devices attached to Android
phones. The attendance system is based on biometric verification.
Technology is seen as a way to short-circuit the collusion and corruption that is hard-wired into schooling
system, but the true test is if teachers and administrators face consequences. Sindh so far is stopping
salaries, but not firing missing teachers. Attempts to fire teachers are often reversed by the Chief Minister
who can come under pressure from MPAs.
They also get held up in litigation, with courts ruling in favor of protecting jobs. According to Umbreen Arif,
the World Bank official in charge of Sindh and Balochistan:
Teachers are rarely dismissed from service, mostly due to political pressures or protection
from the courts. The courts challenge dismissals and block proceedings through stay
There is a Supreme Court ruling that salaries should not be stopped till disciplinary
proceedings are complete because the family of the employee should not suffer. District
education officials have told me that they rarely stop the salary of an absentee teacher
because of the ruling.
This enables absent teachers to receive paychecks comfortably. The ultimate sufferer in
this case is alwaysthe child in the school!
The problem is not just politics but also culture. Pakistan is considered a welfare state
when it comes to government salaries. Once you have the job you will continue to get the
monthly stipend whether you perform or not.
Sindh also faces an impossible political challenge when it comes to rationalizing the distribution of
teachers. Urban centers tend to have too many teachers while rural areas show severe shortages.
Rationalizing simply means transferring surplus teachers to areas where there is a shortage. By one
estimate, a union council119 in Hyderabad has 119 extra teachers in the primary schools.120 But teachers,
especially females, will resist the transfers and the move to other schools even if they fall within the same
Sindh is most at risk of deploying technology without the political software to back it up. Some suggested
that Pechuho is playing the same patronage games behind the [technology] contracts. While observers
are easily impressed by technology, the situation in Sindh demonstrates that governance reform must go
USAIDs $7.5 billion, five-year aid package for Pakistan was intended as an experiment in government-
to-government aid. Education and other programs that were initiated under the aid package, known for its
congressional sponsors Kerry-Lugar-Berman, continue today even though the five-year period ended
in 2014. USAIDs strategic approach to education emphasizes: building schools, training teachers, and
providing scholarships for underprivileged students to access higher education within Pakistan.
USAID could learn from DFID and World Bank education programming in Pakistan. In early years, they
tried, acknowledging that DFIDs programming was much stronger. But much of that learning would be
Former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter wrote in a blog for The Brookings Institution:
Its one thing to define a task, quite another to apply it to a country where security
considerations prevented most USAID workers from visiting projects. Thus, in education,
we did what we knew how to dobuild schoolsbut often the schools were never used.
Teachers werent trained, and curriculum reform stalled. USAID officials oversaw budgets
rather than projects. We measured our commitment to Pakistan by how much we spent
rather than assessing our impact.123
But the U.S. government never could have had the transformative impact they envisioned by relying on
dollars alone. The money was too small, dwarfed by Pakistans own budget. Considering that Pakistan
now spends $7.5 billion in one year on education, KLBs $1.5 billion a year distributed across five sectors
was a relatively tiny pot next to the governments own resources. Over the five-year lifetime of KLB,
USAID spent $400 on education,124 averaging $80 million per year.
It helps to contextualize USAIDs stated achievements in the sector. In Sindh, the site of USAIDs only
government-to-government program, the agency will build 120 schools. Sindh has 46,000 schools. USAID
has trained almost 19,000 teachers in Pakistan. The four provinces have over 600,000 teachers.
Even if we assume that they achieve everything they claim, the impact is small and hardly the
transformation that Congress envisioned. Unlike DFID and the World Bank, USAID cannot aspire to shift
province-wide indicators in education.
Our tools are wrong. Pakistan cannot be built up or trained out of its education crisis. USAID can build
schools but they are at equal risk of being ghost schools if the teacher absenteeism problem isnt solved.
Similarly, teacher training wont make teachers show up. In fact, teachers miss school in order to attend
trainings and the same government teachers tend to be sent to trainings over and over again because of
the financial incentives (per diems) they receive for attending.
Training, generally, is the black hole of development aid,125 meaning a lot of money goes in and were not
sure what comes out especially when the goal is behavior change. The research on the effect of teacher
training is inconclusive, with some research finding that the teachers attitude and personality matter
At the government school I hiked to in Pehlwan, a small village in the mountains above Abbottabad, the
teacher I met was trained to teach Urdu reading eight months prior under USAIDs Pakistan Reading
Program. But her third graders did not know the first letter in Pakistan in any language. The other teacher
each government primary school in KP must have two teachers was missing. She was in training.
In short, government teachers are over-trained but under-motivated to perform. A former Sindh Education
Secretary explains the situation:
Rarely will you see teachers with so many qualifications. Training is raised in every
civil society discussion, but training is not the issue. The public school infrastructure is
crumbling, the attitude of teachers is poor, and there is no accountability. There is no viable
system of monitoring and regular accountability to ensure that the business of a school
is happening on any given day. Despite extremely poor student achievement test results
At the same time, DFID decided they would rather send their money back to London than work with the
Sindh government. They ended up working with the private sector channeling vouchers through a body
set up by the Pakistan Business Council.131
As to why USAID does not work with the KP government, this is what the KP education minister surmised:
Our main donor is DFID. The donors may have agreed between themselves that USAID
will do Sindh and Balochistan, and DFID will do Punjab and KP. We welcome anyone who
wants to help us. But maybe USAID has become too negative. If you say DFID, 99 percent
of people wont know what it is, seriously. But say USAID and people will say, Who knows
what kind of hamla (attack) they want to do on us, and what theyre thinking of doing in
schools. There isnt such a negativity factor for USAID in Sindh or Balochistan.132
Interventions in Pakistan have focused on increasing enrollment, since Pakistan has the second-highest
number of out of school children in the world. But the central challenge is that kids in school are not
learning anything, leading to dropouts and a high proportion of children making it through 5th grade
The two problems appear to be linked. As the provinces struggle to increase enrollment, many experts
and those working on the sector surmise that until schools become places where children learn, parents
Still, many parents do insist on sending their kids to school regardless of what may or may not be
happening inside of them. The demand for education is high in Pakistan, reflected in the mushrooming of
private schools. Poor families and especially those in cities see education as a passport to social mobility
in an otherwise highly stratified, impenetrable, class-based social system. If a government school is open,
you will find children in it, even if they are only being taught to sing songs and memorize words, rather
than read them.
Learning levels are atrociously low. A 2003 study by LEAPS found that only 31 percent of third graders in
Punjab could write a coherent and grammatically correct sentence using the word school in Urdu. Just
11 percent could complete the task in English. Only 65 percent could subtract single digits and 25 percent
could read and write the time from a clock. For about half of Pakistani children, this is the maximum
education they will ever get. Forty percent of girls and 50 percent of all boys either never go to school or
drop out by the end of third grade.135
The 2015 report of the independent Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), finds that 44 percent of
third graders in rural schools (public and private) can read a sentence in Urdu. Of those who stay in school
through fifth grade, 55 percent can read a story in Urdu. Although widely cited, however, ASER data is not
reliable enough to make comparisons across years.136
The design of the education system factors in that only the best will survive. Seventy to over 90 percent of
schools are primary schools, depending on the province.
Province % Primary
Balochistan 84%
KP 83%
Punjab 69%
Sindh 91%
Those who come out literate and numerate have a penchant for self-learning and are treated as smart
by the teacher. Children can be doomed from a young age, especially if they do not come from Urdu-
speaking families and appear to be stupid because they are not fluent in Urdu, the language of classroom
instruction or books.137 Still, students will be passed through the grades by teachers who do not want to
report failure. By the time of the fifth grade board exams, many students will realize that it is pointless to
Improving student learning outcomes has become a key objective of reforms in Punjab and KP, but
no one is exactly sure how to do it, especially given the scale of the problem.138 The governments are
tackling it from all angles.139 Most notably, teacher recruitment has become merit-based, something that
independent observers attest to.140 Governments are also investing in teacher training, which is one of
the most expensive aspects of reforms.141 Punjab has deployed a task force of District Teacher Educators
(DTEs) who visit classrooms once a month to give teachers feedback on their methods, but this initiative
has struggled due to the weak capability of DTEs. Punjab is revising their textbooks, while KP has
developed detailed daily lesson plans for teachers of every subject in every grade so that teachers know
what they have to do each day rather than making it up on a whim.142 They are also working on improving
testing and minimizing the opportunity for cheating notably teachers helping the students and
administering new tests to gauge student learning levels.
But there are two fundamental challenges: multigrade teaching and language. It is common to walk
into a Pakistani government school consisting of one room and find one or two teachers responsible for
The biggest problem is which language should be used and taught in schools. This is an issue on which
there has never been a national consensus.143 In fact, provincial policies are schizophrenic. In 2015,
the Sindh government announced that Chinese would be compulsory for grades six to ten within three
Children in Pakistani schools today are expected to be trilingual, but without proper instruction in any
language. For over 90 percent, their mother tongue is something other than Urdu, such as Sindhi, Pashto,
Punjabi, Seraiki, or Balochi.145 Research has shown that children learn best in their mother tongue. But in
school, children are faced with an Urdu language curriculum and textbooks, which is a major reason why
children are not absorbing the material.146
Some provinces are now trying to make government schools English-medium. In 2009, Punjabs chief
minister announced that science and math would be taught in English for first through ninth grade. In
2013, KP announced that all schools would switch from Urdu to English starting with first grade and for
each subsequent class.
English in Pakistan is the language of the elites, besides being the national language. The best schools
are English-medium, producing children who have better English than Urdu and are competitive for foreign
universities. Language abilities have intensified the stratification of Pakistani society.
The aspiration to have a public school system that turns out English-speaking children is justified, but it is
completely mismatched with the capabilities of the system. In Punjab, a study by the British Council found
that over 60 percent of teachers lack basic knowledge of English while most of the rest (30 percent) were
at a beginners level.147 In switching to science and math textbooks that are in English, Punjab and KP are
ensuring that kids learn nothing except how to copy problems and answers.
This is where rote learning comes in.148 It is common to meet a child from a government school with a
notebook full of word and math exercises. But if the child is asked to read the same word in another book
or to answer a math problem a different way, he/she will be completely lost. It is easier to harness a childs
aptitude to memorize forms rather than to understand concepts. Even in university, kids would rather
memorize essays for tests rather than develop them. For this reason, at higher levels, plagiarism (from the
internet) is a common practice.
Neelam Hussain, an educationist who advocates for mother tongue instruction, sums up the issue:
Were taking kids who cant speak Urdu and cutting them off at the start by imposing new
vocabulary and beating them up in the process.
Research shows that once you have a base in one language, you can learn others. We
should let them learn in their mother tongue. They can learn other languages later.
Between rote learning and rigid examinations, where is the education? You show up, you
learn by heart, you replicate, and you pass. You can have millions of schools and put all
the kids in them, and you still will not have kids who are educated.
The Reading Room Project is a small pilot in Karachi that has figured out a way to take an illiterate Urdu-
speaking child through English literacy so that they can navigate online tools to self-learn. This approach
circumvents weak teachers and could work in KP or Punjab, which are setting up hundreds of solar-
powered IT labs, but it is still small and experimental.
The most consequential PPPs harness the reach of the private sector and are run through provincial
education foundations: Punjab Education Foundation, KPs Elementary Education Foundation, Sindh
Education Foundation, and Balochistan Education Foundation. These semi-autonomous foundations
were set up by provincial governments. Today they manage voucher programs, help establish community
schools or low-cost private schools, support private sector school adoption of government schools, and
generally support a range of interventions that involve the private sector.
The provinces vary on their enthusiasm for privatization. Punjab is most systematically privatizing. They
have handed over 1,000 schools to NGOs as a test for transferring another 2,500, despite stiff resistance
from teachers.149 In health, Punjab is outsourcing entire districts to private management that may be
where education is heading.
Over 45 percent of children in Punjab already go to low-cost private schools, which charge anywhere from
$3 to $25 per month and turn out children who are two grades ahead of the government sector.
Percentage Private
Balochistan 16%
KPK 25%
Punjab 46%
Sindh 34%
Pakistan 38%
Punjab has stopped building new government schools. Instead, they are enrolling kids in private schools
through a large school voucher program that pays $7 per month per child less than half the per child
cost of government schools. In this way, Punjab is also utilizing existing school infrastructure. Half of
Punjabs publicly reported new enrollments in 2015 were in private schools.151
KPs approach is the opposite. While they also have a large number of kids in private schools 25 percent
according to federal statistics and run a voucher program through their provincial education foundation,
the minister has almost nothing to say about private schools, even when asked.152 Instead, he emphasizes
that his responsibility is to fix the public sector. According to him, 35,000 children have switched from
private to public schools recently.153
In Sindh, where governance is especially weak, individuals and groups who form philanthropic foundations
are also trying to step in and fill the gaps.
In the business hub of Karachi, philanthropy and management know-how run high. For that reason,
citizens of Karachi have long been taking over government infrastructure and privately funding free
services for the poor. There, philanthropic foundations and companies adopt government schools,
hospitals, even police stations, in singular arrangements. Typically the foundation pays for rehabilitation,
management, operations, and even services of government institutions.
The government may authorize these arrangements through an act of parliament. In at least one instance
(that of a hospital), the Sindh government provides some annual funding but exempts itself from any
management or oversight powers, knowing its own capacity to end up creating trouble for a privately
managed government institution.154
The Sindh government invites concerned individuals and groups to adopt schools under their Adopt-a-
School program.155
USAID has finally caught on to the trend of PPPs. One hundred and twenty schools that they are building
in Sindh today will be handed over to private management, but under a new Sindh government policy for
education PPPs that designates private organizations as Education Management Organizations (EMOs).
It remains to be seen how this experiment will go, especially since it keeps the government in the lead
management role.
When asked to identify a map of Pakistan from their textbooks, these kids were stumped. Mountain? one hazarded a guess.
The scale of the problem is too big for one set of leaders to fix in one term. According to Atif Khan, KPs
Minister for Education:
Youve destroyed schools over seventy years and you want me to fix them in three years.
Ive told [Imran] Khan, if there were 5 or 10 or 100 or 1000 schools, I could probably fix it
in six months or a year. But there are 30,000 schools. The transformation will happen over
five to ten years.156
Achieving quality education will be a slow and incremental process over generations, as one generation
is educated and becomes a better teaching workforce for the next. Today, provinces are having trouble
recruiting quality teachers, despite their qualifications on paper, because even government teacher
training institutions have deteriorated.
Public awareness is necessary, to keep reforms on track. Interestingly, reforms in Punjab and KP today
are supply-driven by the governments. A public debate internationally and in domestic media that is
relevant to the state of play today will help keep reforms on course and overcome special interests like
teachers unions that are resisting, especially in Sindh.
The double the budget mantra is overly simplistic, to the point of being misleading. It has probably gotten
the education budget to increase to the current level of 17 percent to 28 percent of provincial budgets, but
it is time now to focus on how the money is being used and misused.
The success of the slogan, however, suggests how effective international actors can be when they
leverage their political influence towards achieving governance goals, especially when those goals
coincide with domestic demand. This external pressure is more critical than aid the value of which pales
in comparison to Pakistans own resources.
As for the United States, its tools are limited to financial ones. Washington is constantly framing
development problems wrong and asking the wrong questions based on its capabilities. It either ignores
political problems or frames them as technical issues that can be resolved with skills training or
sensitivity sessions. Ultimately, little has been achieved, relative to the scale of congressional ambitions
when Washington authorized the United States second largest aid program in the world in Pakistan in
When aid is useful, it provides extra resources that can be used for reform expenses, such as revising
curricula and hiring monitors, experts, and analysts. Equally, a small cut of hundreds of millions of dollars
in aid is significant petty cash for an individual or institution. Unless donors distinguish between potential
The center of international and domestic attention, therefore, should be how countries are spending
their own resources rather than how much they are spending. Most parents in Pakistan have an intimate
understanding of how public sector resources are misused and why social services fail. Elites and
internationals, whose children do not go to Pakistani government schools, have distanced themselves
from the politics that govern the education sector by relying on metrics that are oversimplified but
unintelligible to the common man, namely the percent of its GDP that Pakistan dedicates to education.
Policy Recommendations
The State Department and USAID should identify an education policy objective to be used in high-
level meetings besides double the budget.
This could be related to ensuring that development across the country is more even,
especially Sindh and war-torn Balochistan and FATA.
Every province should have a strong and credible education minister who does not have a
reputation for corruption or crime.
With Sindhs PPP leadership, international actors should stress the need for teacher
accountability. The top of the political party must support the education bureaucracy in
holding teachers responsible for showing up to school and teaching. Ghost teachers must
continue to be cleared out of the system, an effective monitoring system should be put in
place, and the teacher absentee rate must be reduced. External pressure may empower
internal reformers in Sindh.
Broadly, the United States should reinforce DFID and the World Bank in their efforts to
support the provinces in increasing enrollments and retention, improving the quality of
education, and improving school infrastructure.
The United States should reinforce the provincial reform plans and work in tandem with DFID and
the World Bank rather than acting in parallel.
USAID should be allowed to select partners based on potential for development impact,
including holding back funds if such potential is low. Currently, USAID operates under pressure
to spend or what they call burn funding in countries that are strategically important to the United
States. Such funds do more harm than good.
Learn from DFID and decrease the public profile of aid, or separate what is done for public
diplomacy and political objectives from the development program. This will enable more qualitative
debate around aids achievements, rather than quantitative and monetary measures that are more
appropriate for press releases.
Reduce the emphasis on funding levels. The hype around programs that are monetarily large
increases expectations, while making effective programming less likely.
Congress needs to relax paper-based accountability processes because it has made working with
USAID too slow and cumbersome for sincere actors government and non-governmental - to
bother with.
Build a USAID that Congress and State can trust by reducing funding levels, empowering the
agency to think politically about development problems, reducing micro-management and
increasing autonomy. USAIDs postings also must be longer than one year in Pakistan and
security restrictions must be relaxed, at least on a case-by-case basis. Individuals, even as
diplomats, willing to take on discomfort and gain exposure in order to be effective, including as
stewards of taxpayer money, should be allowed to do so.
There is a need for more study on how Pakistans provincial governments are performing relative
to one another, and lessons learned for why some are more successful than others. This can help
the governments learn from each other and fine-tune the management of reforms.
Help raise public awareness about the content and progress of reforms and how the education
budget is used, rather than advocacy aimed at simply doubling the budget.
Bridge the gap between think thanks and the public. Think tanks in Pakistan have done excellent
analyses on education, but they have trouble communicating with the general public. The media,
meanwhile, finds it difficult to come up with meaningful analyses on development issues, largely
because they do not have the time or money for proper research and investigation. Donors may
not be able to fund journalists directly, due to conflict of interest, but they can help think tanks
communicate their work more effectively to the media.
Support Pakistani foundations like The Citizens Foundation. Pakistani foundations focus on
service delivery in education and health but tend to be overlooked by foreign donors of all kinds,
because they are not well-known, people assume that local organizations are unreliable, or
institutional donors prefer to support NGOs doing advocacy rather than service delivery. Because
these organizations raise funds and survive thanks to local donors, who hold them accountable
and see their work, they are the best way to help people, such as by putting kids in quality
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