El Gamal PDF
El Gamal PDF
El Gamal PDF
ElGamal has the disadvantage that the ciphertext is twice as When Alice receives the encrypted message (r, t), she
long as the plaintext. decrypts (using her private key dA) by computing t r A.
It has the advantage the same plaintext gives a different Note tr
dA k
A M (A )
k dA
(mod pA)
ciphertext (with near certainty) each time it is encrypted. dA k k dA
(A ) M (A ) (mod pA)
M (mod pA)
Alice chooses
i) A large prime pA (say 200 to 300 digits), Even if Eve intercepts the ciphertext (r, t), she cannot
ii) A primitive element A modulo pA, perform the calculation above because she doesnt know dA.
iii) A (possibly random) integer dA with 2 dA pA 2. dA
A A (mod pA), so dA LA (A)
Alice computes
dA Eve can find dA if she can compute a discrete log in the large
iv) A A (mod pA).
prime modulus pA, presumably a computation that is too
difficult to be practical.
Alices public key is ( pA, A, A ). Her private key is dA.
Alice receives the message (r, t) = (28, 9), and using her
private key dA = 67 she decrypts to
tr = 9 2867 9 2810667 9 43 66 (mod 107).