Literature in The Language Classroom
Literature in The Language Classroom
Literature in The Language Classroom
Literature plays an important role in teaching four skills like Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Collie and Slater
(1987: 3-6) support the inclusion of literature in the language classroom as it provides valuable authentic material,
develops personal involvement and help contribute to readers cultural as well as language enrichment. These advantages,
they move on to assert, can be achieved provided teachers use relevant and appealing material to learners through the use
of activities that promote involvement, reader response and a solid integration between language and literature. Following
this trend, Carter and Long (1991:2-3) propose three models to justify the use of Literature. The first model in their
discussion is the CULTURAL MODEL which represents the Literature that brings into the picture as regards of the
understanding and appreciation of different cultures and ideologies together with the developing of ones perception of
feelings and artistic forms. The second model is the LANGUAGE MODEL. This model emphasizes the fact that language is
the literary medium and that literature could be seen as an instrument to teach specific vocabulary and structures. Last, their
PERSONAL GROWTH MODEL entails students engaging with the reading of literary texts, appreciating and evaluating
cultural artefacts and, in broad terms, the understanding of our society, culture and ourselves as we function within. As
English teachers, Literature that is the literary text is one of the tools ready in our hands to offer them language acquisition
and contribute cultural knowledge and understanding. It acts as a catalyst to acquire and stimulate learning. It at once
appeals to the feelings and to their thoughts which in turn pave the way for the students language enhancement and
growth. It makes aware of:
The broadening of students horizons by giving them a knowledge of the classics of literature;
The students improvement in general cultural awareness;
The students creativity and literary imagination and to develop their appreciation of literature;
The psychological stress and attitude of the mind
The historical truths of life.
The philosophy of life.
The innate, inborn goodness of man.
The required changes in individual, society and even in history.
The masterpieces in British and American literature as an educative experience, and to add to students
knowledge of the world at large. (Akyel and Yalin, 1990: 175)
These three approaches to teaching literature differ in terms of their focus on the text: firstly, the text is seen as a
cultural artefact; secondly, the text is used as a focus for grammatical and structural analysis; and thirdly, the text is
the stimulus for personal growth activities. What is needed is an approach to teaching literature in the EFL classroom
which attempts to integrate these elements in a way that makes literature accessible to learners and beneficial for
their linguistic development.