0.3 Karen Carpenter
0.3 Karen Carpenter
0.3 Karen Carpenter
Karen Anne Carpenter
Born on March 2, 1950 in New Haven, Connecticut
Youngest of 2 childrenshe had an older brother,
Richard (born 1946)
Was active as a childwent to ballet and tap dance
classes, as well as played various sports.
Her favorite was Wiffleball, a variation of baseball, where she pitched and
played 1st base
Karen Carpenter
Entered Downey High School in 1964
Played in the school marching band for PE credit, where she was assigned
the glockenspiel
Sherwin Bash said: She had her sweater and her jacket and
everything on, and through it all I could feel the bones. She said
she was doing fine and that she was at the point where she was
well aware that she was a victim of anorexia. She said she was
doing better and under a therapists care.
H i s t o r y o f Pr e s e n t I l l n e s s
Outwardly, Karen seemed committed to the idea of
therapy. However, Carole Curb says: She was still
walking a lot, . . . and then she was into throwing up
and taking water pills that make you lose water
Levenkron invited the Carpenter parents and Richard
to a ninety minute family therapy session at his office.
By the fall of 1982, Karen showed no real signs of
H i s t o r y o f Pr e s e n t I l l n e s s
In mid-September, Karen phoned Levenkron because
she was suffering from extreme dehydration. He asked
Dr. Gerald Bernstein to meet him and Karen for an
evaluation. Karen was admitted to New Yorks Lenox
Hill Hospital on September 20, 1982, to begin
hyperalimentation, or intravenous feeding.
Harold was skilled at running the color printing equipment. Agnes operated a
thread mill machine until 1945. They moved to Hall Street.
Also became surrogate parents of niece, Joanie.
For extra income: car washing business; pickup and delivery service
Mom was known for having the cleanest garage in Connecticut, Karen
recalled in 1971. My God, if you mopped, the mop didnt get dirty!
She can take care of herself and Richard, Agnes explained in 1972.
When they were little kids, she always defended him. Shed take on
all the roughnecks and make them leave Richard alone.
Fa m i l y H i s t o r y
Richard became part of a band when he was
in high school. He helped Karen be part of
the schools marching band. She played the
glockenspiel, then the cymbals, and then the
tenor drum.
Given Karens track record with musical
instruments, her parents were skeptical.
They were quite sure it was just another
passing fancy. But after Karen urged them,
they bought her a basic drum kit and later
on, a Super Sensitive Snare. They asked
Richards opinion first.
Fa m i l y H i s t o r y
Richard Carpenter Trio, an instrumental jazz group with the
classic combo piano, bass, drums
Wes Jacobs, a skillful upright bassist
Karen took voice lessons
Agnes invited her friend at work, Evelyn Wallace to watch her kids play.
Agnes called out to her daughter seated behind the drums. Sing it,
Karen, she said. Sing out!
Wallace sat spellbound. I had never heard a voice like that in all my
life, she says.
Fa m i l y H i s t o r y
still lived with their parents
Agnes Carpenter took charge of her childrens
finances. She has put Karen and Richard on an
allowance, limiting what they spend on.
Fa m i l y H i s t o r y
Harold was the greatest. What a doll. What a sweet, sweet man.
Evelyn Wallace agrees, recalling Harold as a quiet man who was nice
to everybody. He was a real sweetheart, and I admired him so much,
she says. Many times I wondered how he could live with that woman
the way she used to yell and scream at him. She would jump on him,
and he would never ever fight back. He just sat there and took it. He
wasnt a sissy but just a real nice guy. Agnes was the speaker, so he
wasnt really one to get a word in edgewise.
Sherwin Bash: Im sure in her own way Agnes loved Karen, but it wasnt
something she was able to express. I think it eventually that was one of the
most serious problems Karen had...Karen Carpenter became beloved in the
world as a very special artist...who reminded everybody of the daughter they
wished they had. In her own home she never was told or maybe never even
felt that existed from her own parents, especially her mother.
This was surely good news, but it did not sit well with
Agnes Carpenter. She was set on the idea of her son
becoming the familys famous musician. After all,
theyd moved across the country in hopes of Richard
getting into the music business, and now he was being
disregarded in favor of his kid sister, a musical novice.
Spring 1967, she graduated from Downey High School
She eventually enrolled in college as a music major,
and had a fascinating talent of impersonating other
people with her voice.
At 17, Karen was 54 and 145 lbs. She had a classic
hourglass figure.
I was heavier, Karen said in a 1973 interview. About
twenty pounds heavier, to tell you the truth. I was just
tired of being fat so I went on a diet. . . . I found this
sweater I used to wear in high school. Good Lord, I
think I could get into it three times today. I dont know
how I ever got through a door.
Frankie Chavez:
This was a chubby young lady who could hide some of that chubbiness
behind all of these drums. She was kind of a tomboy, and the drums were
traditionally a male instrument. She was kind of asserting herself in a certain
way. The girl vocalist out front was a role that she wanted to achieve, but she
was insecure about getting out there. She wasnt sure she was slim enough,
svelte enough, pretty enough, or any of those things.-Sherwin Bash
In early 1971 Karen responded to suggestions that she
should abandon her drums for a solo microphone in
the spotlight.
Carole Curb: She lost around twenty pounds and she looked
fabulous. She weighed about 110 or so, and she looked
amazing...If shed been able to stop there then life would have
been beautiful. A lot of us girls in that era went through
moments of that. Everybody wanted to be Twiggy. Just about
everybody in the world has some sort of eating disorder--they
eat too much or eat too little. Karens just got carried away. She
couldnt stop.
Friends and family began to notice extreme changes in
her eating habits--rearranged her food around her
plate to give the appearance of eating, or offered
samples of food to other people until there was none
left for her
Evelyn Wallace read an article on a girl who had
symptoms similar to Karen, and was alarmed. She
suggested to Agnes that Karen might need to see a
Karens weight dropped to near 90
lbs, and she started to look for ways
to disguise the weight loss (layering
Karen had to purchase a new
wardrobe because of her new figure
o There was a collective gasp every
time she would take the stage--
some fans would approach her
managers with their concerns
about her body
When she over dieted, there was a
rush of attention from her family,
something she never had before---
she liked it and so she continued even
if it was at the expense of her health
Checked into Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center and was ordered to eat, rest,
and refrain from working first of
many hospitalizations
Tour had to be cancelled
Very early on Harold and Agnes found that Richard had this
extraordinary talent. He was a musical geniusno question about
thathe was and is, but from the point they realized he had this
talent, the whole familys energy was devoted to Richards career.
They moved coasts in order to give him more opportunities, and
everybody in the family was told, We have this unique talent in the
family, Richard is a genius, and We all have to sacrifice in order to
ensure that he gets the best opportunities to expose his talents. So at
a very early age Karen was told that her job in life was to support
Richard. That continued all the way up through their careers until
they became huge stars and beyond. If you were to go into the family
environment, where I was a lot, there was that same dynamic of
Everybodys here for Richard and Its really Richard whos the star.
Even when Karen had become the star, that dynamic still existed, and
she would fall in line.
Anorexia Nervosa
Substance use disorder (?)
Major Depressive Disorder (?)
OCPD (?)
DSM-5 Criteria:
Anorexia Nervosa
A. Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to a
significantly low body weight in the context of age, sex, developmental
trajectory, and physical health. Significantly low weight is defined as a
weight that is less than minimally normal or, for children and
adolescents, less than that minimally expected.
The minimum level of severity is based, for adults, on current body mass
index (BMI) (see below) or, for children and adolescents, on BMI percentile.
The ranges below are derived from World Health Organization categories for
thinness in adults; for children and adolescents, corresponding BMI
percentiles should be used. The level of severity may be increased to reflect
clinical symptoms, the degree of functional disability, and the need for
Shed put on so many layers of clothing because she didnt want people
to know she was that thin. My feeling always was that
she wanted to disappear. I certainly know thats not a medical diagnosis,
but that is what it seemed like. --Frenda Leffler
DSM-5 Criteria:
Substance Use Disorder
Problematic pattern of use that impairs functioning. Two or more symptoms within a
1-year period:
Low self-esteem
Crave attention
Perfectionism from mother
Attempt to be
Perfect Body -
overly controlling
due to perceived Attempt to grab
with weight and
lack of control mothers attention