Chapter 3 Discusion
Chapter 3 Discusion
Chapter 3 Discusion
Begin the chapter with a brief explanation of what the chapter is all about. The common introductory
explanation is as follows:
This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the study, the subjects, sampling
technique, research instruments, procedure of data gathering, and statistical treatment that will be uses for
accurate data analysis and interpretation
Research Methodology
This section specifies what method of research will be used descriptive, correlational, experimental, or
documentary analysis.
A distinction should be made between subjects and respondents of the study. Subjects are persons
investigated in the study. When learning abilities of pre-school pupils are being assessed in the study, the pre-
school pupils are the subjects. The pupils teachers and mothers who will be interviewed and asked to fill out a
questionnaire are the respondents of the study. Respondents, therefore, are providers of information needed in
the study, elicited orally or in writing.
It is important to state your number of subjects or respondents and who they are. Also, explain how the
number will be decided upon.
Sampling Technique
Explain what sampling technique will be used random, purposive, stratified, etc.why you used it, and
what procedure will be followed to carry out the technique.
Research Instruments
It is necessary to have a separate discussion for this, if several research instruments have been utilized in
the study. Research instruments are questionnaires, tests, interviews, observations, etc.
Specify the statistical treatment/s you will use for interpreting your data and why they are necessary. Also,
include the scale or verbal interpretation for the statistical processing of your data; mention the name of the
office or agency, or the person taking charge of it.
Sample CHAPTER 3 (NOTE: Past tense was used because it is a finished research. For proposals, future tense verbs should be
This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes the
subjects of the study, the instruments used, the procedure of data gathering, and the
This study will determine the effectiveness of Blended instruction in the teaching of
The descriptive, experimental, and survey methods of research will be used in this study.
Descriptive because its main concern is to get the holistic view of the characteristics of the subjects
exposed to blended learning as well as those receiving the textbook-based instruction. This study is
also experimental because two sets of subjects (experimental and control) will be compared in terms of
their performance in English subjects. Pretest and posttest scores of the subjects will also be
compared. Both quantitative and qualitative research shall be observed as it will elicit opinions and
selected to participate in the process. Five sections of which will comprise the
experimental group, and the other five sections, the control group.
study. Those receiving classroom instruction will be the control group. The subjects and
respondents of this study will be the first-year students of Centro Escolar University
enrolled Mendiola and in Makati. A total of three hundred seventy-five students (375)
will be composed of the experimental and control groups. They will be handled by five
faculty members in Communication Skills 1 in the first semester of school year 2009-10.
As seen in figures 1 and 2, ten sections will be chosen to participate in the
experiment. Five sections (experimental) will be exposed to blended instruction; while the
other five (control), to the classroom (traditional) instruction. Each teacher will handle one
control and one experimental sections that are comparable based on their pretest and GPA.
The control group will total 185 students and the experimental group, 190 students.
Therefore, Sections 1-5 will comprise the Control group as shown in Figure 1; and Sections
Convenience sampling will be utilized in this research. Since the researcher teaches
in the College of Nursing, she will use Nursing students as her subjects and respondents.
The four groups will be selected on the basis of their comparability computed statistically.
After determining them, the researcher will subject the two sections to online instruction,
1. Teacher-made tests. These are the achievement tests that will evaluate
quantitatively the students performance in the control and experimental groups. These also
corrections and suggestions will be incorporated in the draft for the next stage of
validation. The 15 students who will not be included as the final respondents will be
asked to answer the questionnaires. Their responses will be tested for reliability.
trained in the computer laboratory for one week. However, in the final selection of
their teacher and peers outside classroom hours. This will be their main site; other
Stage 111 deals with the construction and content validation of the
questionnaires and pretest and posttest materials. The 10 expert teachers in the
and the pre/post tests. The questionnaires will also be used for dry run to 15 students
virtual classroom. The five sections who will be selected as the experimental group will be
Stage V1 deals with the actual conduct of the study using blended and traditional
Stage V11 deals with administration of posttests to the control and experimental groups and
Stage V111 deals with the tabulating, analyzing and interpreting of the data gathered
Statistical Treatment
To interpret the gathered data, the researchers will use the following:
1. Percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviations to describe the profile of the
2. ANOVA to determine the comparable groups for the experimental and control sections.
3. The t-test (test of difference between paired observations/groups) will be used to determine
if there is a significant difference between the performance (posttests and final grades) of the