OPT-PDE and FRET Imaging of Molecular Transport in Live Cells
OPT-PDE and FRET Imaging of Molecular Transport in Live Cells
OPT-PDE and FRET Imaging of Molecular Transport in Live Cells
January, 2017
List of Tables ii
1 Introduction 1
1.1.3 Subdifferential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Preliminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Methodology 9
4.1 Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Sub-differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Declaration of Authorship
I, , declare that this thesis titled, OPT-PDE and FRET Imaging of Molecular Transport
in Live Cells and the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that all information in
this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules. I have
The paper entails development of the forward simulation system in live-cell image analysis soft-
ware package Fluocell. The paper also focuses on building an interface between Fluocell and Dr.
Banks OPTPDE solver software package PLTMG besides developing and characterize OPT-PDE
solvers simulations generated in Fluocell. The final task will be to pre-process live-cell images in
Fluocell and use PLTMG to reconstruct diffusion maps for the pictures.
Chapter 1
Molecular diffusion and transport are fundamental physical processes in biology and life. These
processes are essential for the biological functions in cell and tissue, manifested by molecular
transport and interaction in live cells, the propagation of cardiac action potential in the heart,
and the regulation of morphogen gradient during development. The diffusion or transport of a
given molecule can be mainly related to its activity or function. However, it remains an enigma
regarding whether or how the molecular activity is causally and quantitatively coupled to the
Posing and answering of these fundamental questions remains a tremendous challenge due to a
lack of quantitative methods to reconstruct the subcellular diffusion map based on imaging data,
and visualize subcellular molecular activities and evaluate the correlation between molecular
activity and transport. While the cross-correlation-based FCS methods are easy to implement
for analyzing the diffusion process in live cells, only images of low molecular density can be
compatible to result in accurate outcomes. Furthermore, the spatial resolution for FCS remains
relatively low [1]. In contrast, the model-based methods such as finite difference or finite ele-
ment methods have the advantage of being theoretically well-defined, with high spatio-temporal
resolution and less limitation on molecular density [5]. In particular, optimization models with
partial differential equation constraints (OPT-PDEs) are incredibly versatile and ideally suited
for these applications. The OPT-PDE analysis method for constructing diffusion tensor map
in live cells is a significant extension from current models and applications. This method can
be utilized to construct diffusion tensor maps for any molecule of interest from cellular images,
which so far has only been achieved for some small molecules with raster FCS methods [3, 8].
based diffusion analysis method aims at re-constructing spatio-temporal diffusion maps from
live-cell images. The diffusion analysis method will be characterized and tested with computer-
generated simulations with known diffusion maps. In this project, we will formulate and char-
acterize an optimization model with PDE constraints (OP T P DE) for computing the spatio-
temporal diffusion tensor maps of any given intracellular molecule. The corresponding large
scale linear system and solver algorithms will be developed and implemented with regards to
large scale linear system and solver algorithm, and investigate the convergence property and
In an attempt to attain the objective set, the paper will entails integration of leading-edge mathe-
matical science with quantitative live cell imaging, to provide a general and systematic approach
to reconstruct diffusion maps as well as maps of constitutive relations between physical and chem-
ical properties of functional molecules with high spatio-temporal resolution. The paper motivates
fields are anticipated in computational biology, cell biology, biophysics and biochemistry.
The following subsection outline the major definition of the basic theoretical aspect that must be
understood before understanding how the choice of regularizing functions affect the optimality
of spatio-temporal solutions for the diffusion equation. The subsection also show the outline of
the thesis.
If (x , t ) are the solution of the Navier-Stokes systems as portrayed by [2] with w bing on the
right hand side, and v > M(t ), then the control-to-state operator G : L2 () U is singled-
valued near w and Frechet differentiable at w . Furthermore, the derivative of the systems at
vt + (x.)x + (x .)x + t = v in
div x = 0 in (1)
x| = 0 on .
x = Ax + Bu, (2)
control objective is set from the initial state given by x(t0 ) = x0 to a given final state x1 in
minimal time and assuming that x1 Rt (x0 ) for some t t0 , then there exist a time optimal
If equation (2) is c.c. and the pair (A, Q) is c.o., then the control which minimizes
(xT Qx + uT T u)dt, (3)
is given by
P BR1 B T P AT P P A Q = 0, (5)
whose positive definite solution yields a unique solution of equation (2) [6].
1.1.3 Subdifferential
Figure 1: Sub-differential
min J(y, v, u) := (x, y(x, T )) dx + (x, t, y(x, t), v(x, t)) dx dt
+ (x, t, y(x, t), u(x, t)) ds dt, (7)
Subject to
yt y + d(x, t, y) = v in Q
v y + b(x, t, y) = u on (8)
y(0) = y0 in
and keeping u = u fixed,then v obeys necessary conditions for the distributed control problem
with variable v. On the other hand, if v is kept fixed, then u satisfies the necessary conditions
Validation of numerical methods for the solution of optimal control problems, control problems,
whose solution are known explicitly must be constructed. The constructed optimal control prob-
a Bang-bang control, where the all the control functions values lie on the boundary of the
admissible set.
u U if
lim = f (u)f U , (10)
1.2 Preliminary
Having given the basic definition of the major elements that will form key part of the paper, now
let us define the function that will be used to achieve the set objectives of the paper.
.(k(x)(x)) + (x)(x) = q(x) in ,
k(x)v(x).(x) + (x) = 0 on .
1.3 Objectives
1. To develop the forward simulation system in our live-cell image analysis software package
2. To build an interface between Fluocell and Dr. Banks OPTPDE solver software package
4. To pre-process live-cell images in Fluocell and use PLTMG to reconstruct diffusion maps
1.4 Research Question
How does the choice of regularizing functions affect the optimality of spatio-temporal solutions
Chapter 2
2.1 Overview
Chapter 3
Fluorescent diffuse optical tomography an imaging technique where an organic specimen is lit up
by near infrared light discharged from point-like light sources (supposed optodes). For example,
optical fiber or lasers and the fluorescent marker has been presented which specifically ties to
considerations to be recognized, e.g., tumor cells. The light then diffuses through the tissue while
being scattered and consumed by inhomogeneities including the markers. The photons consumed
by the last are remitted at a different wavelength and are then transported back to the surface,
where they are caught and used to recreate a tomographic picture of the stamped tissue. Be that
as it may, the diffusive way of the photon transport makes this undertaking challenging. The
Light can be made homogeneous inside a district of intrigue so that any variety conversely
must be because of the marker circulation. A comparable issue happens in photo-dynamic disease
treatment, where rather than a fluorescent marker, a photograph activable cytotoxin is utilized
to crush growth cells accurately, and homogeneous enlightenment is essential to stay away from
Because of the mind-boggling surface state of natural examples, the configuration of opcodes
required to accomplish this is a long way from self-evident. Already distributed strategies de-
pended on a discrete. The approach, where a (substantial) arrangement of conceivable areas was
specified previously, from which the best areas are picked with the end goal that a particular
execution measure is limited; this Ssums to a combinatorial issue with exponential complex-
ity.e Comparing ideal source sizes would then be figured in a moment step. Conversely, the
measure space perfect control approach as depicted chapter 4 yields both area and magnitude of
the point sources in a single stride, without requiring an underlying attainable configuration or
Chapter 4
4.1 Equation
Consider equation,
.(k(x)(x)) + (x)(x) = q(x) in ,
k(x)v(x).(x) + (x) = 0 on .
If the domain of the equation is defined by n and H 1 . The boundary of the model
equation, i.e. has an outword normal vector given by v, with absorption coefficient a and
reduced scattering co-efficient s while the diffusion coefficient k = n[(a + s )]1 . models the
reflection of the cells at the boundary resulting from mismatch with q being the light emissions.
minqM (wc ) 12
k|w0 z kL2 (w0 ) + kqkM (wc ) + :0 (q). (13)
If the solution exist, unique and bounded, then solution to equation (13) subject to equation (12)
q + min(0, p + ) = 0 (14)
where p is adjoint state, with subdifferential z. After discretization, the optimality condition
Ah h qh = 0
M0 h + ATh ph = M0 z, (15)
qh + min(0, , ph |w + = 0
with Ah being the stiffness matrix and M0 is bounded mass matrix in hei , ej iL (w0 ). Control q
can be removed by Newton method. Taking (k+1 , pk+1 ), in the system yields:
k+1 k
Ah Dk d
= (16)
M0 ATh pk+1 M0 z
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