Spiritual Exercises Vitvan
Spiritual Exercises Vitvan
Spiritual Exercises Vitvan
34) Begin with the eyes closed and turned up. The
focus of attention is the crown of the head, and the eyes
"look for" that point of light. Then inhale slowly until
the lungs are full. Be sure they are full. Practice until
the old habit of shallow breathing is replaced by a full
breath. Then inhale slowly and gradually. And exhale
slowly and gradually, using the full breath and never
breaking the focus of attention.
Do 15 min. 3 x a day for two weeks. Your whole world
will be transformed. Do 1st thing in AM and last thing at
night and one other time during the day. Be patient. Use
power of suggestion on the psyche.... get it organized,
channel it and talk to it. [From p89. Steps in
Self-Unfoldment, Lesson 12]
36) Put your mind on what you are doing while you are
doing it. If you catch your mind wandering, bring it back
and focus it like a burning glass, whether on a
five-minute job or a day-long job. Hold your mind of
what you are doing, then all your functional forces will
begin to channel into what you are doing. It is simple.
When you eat, put your mind on it, but don't talk
and eat at the same time. Eat and then turn your mind to
the talking or to whatever else you are doing. Hold
yourself steady and all of your forces will begin to
coordinate. This is just a little self-discipline and
nobody is going to do it for you, and I
don't suppose anybody cares whether you do it or not. But
if you want harmonic coordination this is the way to get
it. If you practice, it will not be many months before
there will be a great change in your life. (P.22 last par
7 Rays)
41) "There are two basic practices once you have the
force focused in the head centers. 1st, direct the force
to various areas of the brain... 2nd, involves focusing
the whole attention of the force upon itself. Be still
and know." p96 last par SMTM