1.man-Consumer Protection in The Age of E-Commerce
1.man-Consumer Protection in The Age of E-Commerce
1.man-Consumer Protection in The Age of E-Commerce
Department of Economics, Khalsa College for Women, Civil Lines, LDH, Punjab, India
The main goal of the paper is to explain the development of Internet shopping and its Impact on Consumer
behaviour. Change is the Law of nature and this phenomenon is applicable in the field of market also. Buyer and seller are
the main components of a market. In ancient times, Sellers used to approach the buyers. Then the buyer started
approaching the seller by going to the market. But now they need not approach each other in person. E-commerce has
made their contact quite easy. Electronic media which has touched every sphere of life has not left commerce untouched.
Online shopping or E-Commerce is quite beneficial for consumer as it provides him with convenience to buy products by
sitting at home, compare prices and quality of products and make a wise choice regarding selection of products.
But E-Commerce has its own dangers regarding leakage of one's personal information like one's name, address, banking
password etc. or cheating of buyer by seller by hiding full information regarding the Product. But all these shortcomings
can't overloud the benefits of E-commerce. If the government ensures safeguard of consumer rights by making provisions
in legislature, then it can play a very constructive role in the development of a nation and its citizens. What we need to do
is to educate the Public, So that they are not cheated due to their ignorance. Nothing comes without any risk, only a vigilant
public will itself put a check on these malpractices of online merchants. We need to update our self with upcoming
technology, if we want to have our existence in this modern competitive World of change and E-Commerce is the demand
of time.
A few years ago, the sum total of knowledge about e-commerce could be contained in one bucket of bits.
In coming years one might float on an Ocean of digital signature regulation alone. Almost every field of substantive law
has been touched by E-Issue.
Before you start learning to use shop site, it is helpful to know some basic information about the greater world of
E-COMMERCE. Majority of people are already familiar with E-commerce from the Shopper's point of view, and you may
already have some experience with commerce in the brick-and-mortar world. E-Commerce from a merchants point of
view is similar in many ways to both shopping online and running a concrete store, but there are also a number of unique
factors to operate a web based store that you may not be familiar with. In the emerging global economy, e-commerce and
e-business have increasingly become an essential component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for Economic
Development. So what does E-Commerce mean anyway?
Use of BOOKS, JOURNALS, NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET is being done to collect the relevant information.
Each time someone takes money out of an ATM, or uses a debit credit card to purchase goods or services,
that person is taking part in electronic Commerce, Electronic Commerce, Commonly known as E-Commerce or
ecommerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic Commerce draws
on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, Supply chain management, Internet Marketing,
Online transaction processing, electronic data Interchange (EDI), Inventory Management System and automated
data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the
transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. According to Pay mill, like any digital
technology or consumer based purchasing market, ecommerce has evolved over the years. As mobile devices become more
popular, mobile Commerce has become its own market. With the rise of sites like Facebook and Interest, Social media has
become an important driver of e-commerce. As of 2014, Facebook drove 85 percent of Social media-originating sales on e-
commerce platform shoplift, thus the concept of E-Commerce relates to practice of buying and selling products over the
It plays an important role in the consumer's life to make shopping convenient for those who have shortage of time
to visit any tangible store. It has various advantages which are discussed as follows: -
It is easy for consumers to compare prices as there are many shopping search engines through which they can
compare prices on shopping websites.
Consumer can access the stores that are located in remote areas. Especially for people who are not living in major
urban canters. This can be a big advantage.
There is no need for a physical store as e-commerce businesses saves one of the biggest cost overheads that
retailers have to bear,
In spite of all the advantages, like every technology e-commerce is also not without negative aspects.
E-Commerce is the pre-eminent buzzword of the online business revolution. It captures the excitement and focus of this
fast emerging market. But it is more than a slogan or glib party line. At its core it embodies a concept for doing business
online. It has various negative impacts on consumer which are discussed as follow:-
It is easy to collect a lot of personal information from a consumer using an e-commerce website.
Another negative impact of e-commerce is its effect on the security of a consumer. Online transactions are
inherently more insecure than those conducted in person because there is no way to ensure that the person making
the payment is the actual owner of the credit card used
Selling online means usually a higher return rate on products than when the purchase is conducted in person.
Online Images don't always tell the whole story about an item. E-Commerce transactions can be dissatisfying
when the product the consumer receives is different than what is promised. There are many products that the
consumer wants to touch, feel, hear, taste and smell before they buy, E-Commerce takes away that opportunity.
E-Commerce can only be transacted with the help of an internet access device such as a computer or a
Smartphone. Not just one does need an access device, one also needs internet connectivity to participate in
The customers are not made aware of the hidden facts behind advertisements.
The customer has to go through a number of processes in the condition of exchanging the product. So many
ignorant customers bear the cost.
In the light of above negative aspects of e-commerce and taking into consideration the rapid growth of this
industry, it is important that consumer groups in India should take this problem seriously and come up with guidelines that
can be used to make shopping on the internet a safe experience. These guidelines can be placed into the governmental
process of making cyber laws to assure that the issue of consumer Welfare and sovereignty during internet shopping is
addressed. E-Commerce operations are already covered under the consumer protection Act, 1986.
The Consumer protection Act provides for better protection to consumers interest under the law, Consumer forums have
been set up for the settlement of disputes.
A few Remedies can be suggested to safeguard the customers against the bad effects of E-commerce.
One should keep his/her personal information private and should not disclose one's address, telephone number, Social
security number, or e-mail address unless one knows who is collecting the information and how it will be used.
Customer should shop only with known e-merchants, as anyone can set up a web site offering something for sale.
A lot of consumers lose a lot of money by buying from bogus companies. If one is not familiar with
the e-merchant, ask for paper catalog or brochure to get a better idea of the type of merchandise the company
Know what one is buying. Information about products and service should be clear and easily accessible on
the Website. If one has any queries about the product, ask them before one makes his purchase.
One also needs to understand the terms, conditions and costs related to e-transaction. Before one completes
the transaction get an itemized list of all the costs involved in the sale and understand the terms of delivery of
If one needs to have a password to make his e-transaction, choose a password that has no logical connection to
him. Also, keep a record of it for later use, so that one doesn't forget it.
Use your credit card rather than your debit card to make e-transaction.
Check your monthly bank and credit card statement promptly and thoroughly in order to find the billing errors, or
unauthorized charges or withdrawals.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that e-commerce is the flourishing stream in shopping which has
equipped the customer with a lot of convince regarding purchasing. But it has its own negative side related to consumer
protection as many times they are trapped due to their ignorance regarding e-shopping and by bogus business sites. But all
these risks can be covered if the government is Vigilant enough to ensure the safeguard of customers by various policy
making decisions. For this purpose national governments should develop policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks
which are adaptable, enforceable, to the usage of E-Commerce. The provision of national Health and education services
need to balance community values, competitive priced services and accessibility. In this way e-commerce can play a very
significant role in the development of a nation and growth of its citizens.
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4. Global journal of management and business studies.ISSN2248-9878 Volume 3, Number 2 (2013), PP.131-138
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