Childrens Meditation in My Heart Copyright

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The Children's Meditations

In my heart

Gitte Winter Graugaard

Room for Reflection Publishing
The Children's Meditations
In my heart
Author Gitte Winter Graugaard
Illustrator Elsie Ralston

Room for Reflection Publishing

The Childrens Meditations In my heart
1 st edition in English 2016
Author: Gitte Winter Graugaard
Illustrations: Elsie Ralston
Translation: Maria Laugesen and Kay Xander Mellish
Layout: Tine Wammen
ISBN: 978-87-93210-07-3
Room for Reflection Publishing
My cloud is full of
I fill my heart with LOVE
With the universe, I share my
From my heart, I send

The Childrens Meditations In my heart contains four stories:

1. I fill my heart with love .............................................. 15

2. From my heart, I send love ......................................... 28
3. My cloud is full of love .............................................. 45
4. With the universe, I share my love .............................. 60

Thank you to Sofie Halkjr for the inspiration to teach
heart meditation. To Elsie Ralston for the wonderful illustrations.
To Tine Wammen for layout. A big thank you to my lovely children for
walking into this great universe with such an open mind
and showing me new ways to Heartland.


Introduction to The Childrens Meditations

In my heart

Dear parent,

Congratulations on the loving journey you are about to go on

with your child or children. During the past months thousands
of Danish families have loved reading these stories and it is
such a great pleasure for me to now be able to introduce these
meditations all over the world. I feel like a plane of love is
about to take off. One by one, children will become aware of the
beautiful art of self-loving all across our beautiful globe. I am
happy to contribute in this BIG small revolution of love. Sadly
there are so many things we cannot agree on across borders,
however, our love for our children is the same and is simply the
most valuable thing any parent has. We can all agree on this,
and this is where our focus should lie.

Childrens meditation is lovely for both you and your child. You
can read the meditations as small bedtime stories. Like many
other stories they are all about love. However, by closing the
eyes and tuning in on the body while listening to your familiar
voice, your child might be able to take in these words of love
more fully.


You will now have some loving and calm time together, which is
invaluable in a busy life. For a moment, you will come together
and turn down the flow of stimuli that constantly surrounds
your family.

They say that a modern person gets as many stimuli in one

day as our grandparents got in an entire year. We cannot stop
stimuli around our children, but we can teach them how to
navigate between them and how to find peace, balance, and
most importantly, joy in life.

With In your heart you are teaching your child to go inside

himself or herself to sense his/her body, mind and heart.
Considering the statistics on contemporary young people and
stress, this exercise will be an invaluable lesson for life. By also
teaching your child to sense her heart and share her love, you
nurture your childs feelings of self-love, harmony and empathy.

Let me establish from the very beginning that I do not doubt for
a second that your family love is entirely wonderful and very
unique. These meditations are not about the art of loving you
already know that amazing skill.

The Childrens Meditations In my heart and the symbols you

get to know from reading the book will help you as a family to:


Talk about love more

Become even more conscious of your love
Turn up the love even more

As a parent, you will be doing a guided visualization with your

child. Because your child is calmly lying down with closed eyes,
your voice can reach even deeper into the beautiful soul of your

Many people ask which age groups the meditations can be used
for. Heart meditation has no age limit. Children as young as 3
and as old as 18 have told me that they love the stories. Even
adults have found that they sleep better after these stories.

Heart meditation is not something I came up with. I have

merely rewritten the essence of the stories and added elements
I myself have been told or met in many different meditations.
I just love heart meditation and also teach the foundations of
these stories to adults through sessions and workshops.

Learn from your child

On this wonderful journey to Heartland, you will now be
going on with your child, please be aware that you can learn
a lot from your child. Maybe like many other parents in our
generation you sometimes feel locked inside your head but are


yearning to feel more in your own heart to get closer to your


In many ways, children are better at connecting to their hearts

than adults. I get a lot of lovely feedback from parents who tell
me how impressed they are with how naturally their children
approach the stories of In my heart, and how easy it is for
their children to reach into their hearts.

Children are born in Heartland and have a special gift of love

to teach us parents. Something special arises between you and
your child when you start doing the heart meditations together.
I write together, on purpose, because the room is even more
filled with love if you also reach into your own heart and do the
exercises at the same time.

Please benefit from this opportunity to leave Brainland for

a while and meet your child in the wonders of Heartland. In
special moments of heart meditation with your child, you can
experience the very fine feeling of unconditional, eternal love
that you know from the very first weeks of your childs life,
where time for a moment stood absolutely still.

Children want so badly to be where we parents are. If we dont

take care, they end up travelling with us to Brainland. It is


so beautiful when we instead leave Brainland for a while and

meet our children in Heartland.

Turn up the love

There are many very good recorded childrens meditations that
your child could listen to. In In my heart, the love between you
and your child is the focal point, which is why they have not
been recorded on audio. Your voice and your presence has a big
influence on your childs experience of In my heart. The more
you turn up the love, the easier it will be for your child to reach
into his or her own love as well as yours. Your love comes with
a big portion of energy that your child already knows very well
and wants to reach into.

Through In my heart, you as a parent will be helped to create

a language for love using symbols. Your love is the same as
before, but you will get more ways to express yourself, and
expressing our love often leads to relief.

Feel for yourself how many words of love you can accommo-
date, and how big these words can be, and notice your childs
reaction. Play with your words of love and adjust the story to
fit your child as much as you feel like. Maybe you already have
other symbols for your love. Go ahead and bring them into the
meditations. Talk about the symbols you already know and
implement them into the story. Maybe your child needs you to


talk about a specific emotion or a thought. Adjust the story to

fit the situation.

Let your little child invite you into Heartland

When you are both ready, you can turn up the love channel
together. Do not be surprised if your child starts using your
love words or is ready to turn up the volume before you. Pay
attention to your child, enjoy that he or she is so close to his or
her Heartland. Soak up that wisdom about pure love that your
child has come with as a gift of life.

When your child lies down safely, closes his or her eyes and
listens to your safe, familiar voice, all of your childs channels
are open and you have the opportunity to tell your child
the most precious stories of love. Through In my heart,
you can transfer a huge portion of love to your child or your
children. If your child falls asleep, just keep going. Your child is
subconsciously still listening even if he or she is on his way to
sleep. Send your child to dreamland with his or her heart full of

Help your child fall asleep faster

My own experience is that In my heart makes children fall
asleep faster. If your child has a lot of thoughts and a difficult
time letting go of the experiences of the day, In my heart can
be a big help.


When your child stops focussing on all these thoughts and does
not have to relate to anything else except the pictures that form
in his imagination, he experiences a lovely calmness in the
brain, which makes it easier to fall asleep.

That also means that you can help your child to fall asleep
under special circumstances: if the child has a hard time
sleeping when you are with friends or family, if you are going
for a long ride or flight, if it is noisy around him or her, or if you
are on holiday.

This is how you do it:

Before you introduce your child to the meditations, I
recommend that you yourself read them once or twice. You will
find some blank spaces along the way ,
where you can write your childs name.

If you have several children, I recommend that you start with

one child at a time. Try to observe whether you are using
different words for each of your children. Notice you may
instinctively realize that one child may need you to express
things differently than another. Reflect a little about the
difference and about what it means to your relationship to each
of your children.


If you wish to do the meditations with several children at the

same time, you can just say several names and address the
children in plural.

On your way you will also meet this sign: J J J

The sign is an invitation to make a short pause to give your
child time for reflection.

The first few times you read the stories aloud, you might stick
completely to the storyline. If you wish to change something,
just follow your intuition and change words and meanings.
Listen to yourself and notice what feels good to you.

Find peace within yourself and choose a moment when you

can feel mindful and calm for the meditation. Naptime is
often a good time for childrens meditation, and so is bedtime.
The children often fall asleep during your reading, and that is
completely fine.

Do not force your child to do the meditation. If you do, it will

have no effect. But try to find a way to make your child want to
take part.

Have your child lie down in a soft place with a blanket or a

duvet. Explain to your child that you want to tell a very special


story, full of love. Explain that you are telling this story because
you deeply want your child to know how much you love him or
her. Just keep on going if your child moves around. The child is
still listening.

Sit down comfortably and enjoy a loving, honest and mindful

moment with your child. Take some deep breaths yourself
before you begin. Feel the calmness descend. Then close your
own eyes, breathe deeply and find your way into yourself. Your
child will clearly feel your calmness.

Read slowly and take pauses. Let the pictures grow quietly
inside your child.

If you experience your children asking about the meditations

more and more often, I very much recommend you to take
the time to do them. The ten minutes of intense love that the
meditations offer are priceless to both of you. So leave the
lunch boxes, work or laundry for later and travel with your
child to Heartland.

You will now find the first of the four meditations. Each of them
begins with a special little introduction and ends with a few
encouragements on thought and reflection. I recommend that
you read them in chronological order and preferably with some
time in between. Through repetition, your child will learn the


individual steps, and he or she will be better preconditioned to


Please, enjoy the wonderful journey you will take with your
child. A precious time is about to begin.

I fill my heart with

First children's
meditation in the series
In my heart
1 | I fill my heart with love

Specifically for the childrens meditation

I fill my heart with love

In the first meditation, you will guide your child into his or her heart
and teach him or her how to fill it with love. This meditation is the
foundation for the other meditations in the series and builds up a very
special basis for your childs feeling of self-love and self-worth.

1 | I fill my heart with love

I fill my heart with love

Today, we are going on a journey together, you and I. I have

really been looking forward to this journey with you. You will
come on the journey with me when you listen to my words and
create pictures in your own imagination. You do not need to tell
me about the pictures. They are yours to keep. But if you want
to, we can talk about them later. For now, just listen.

Place your beautiful head on the pillow and close your lovely
eyes. Now well begin a wonderful journey into your heart
which is full of love.

Breathe calmly, all the way down into your tummy.

J J J (pause)

If you put your hand on your tummy, you might feel it raising
and lowering with your breath. Just breathe slowly and all the
way down into your tummy.

You might feel that you are able to breathe more and more into
your tummy with every breath you take.


1 | I fill my heart with love

When you want to find peace within yourself, you can ride
on the back of your breath. Imagine you can float with the air
into your body. The slower and deeper your breath, the more
calmness you can find.


Now, the story begins. It is a lovely summer day. Imagine you

are walking in a beautiful, green meadow with the prettiest
flowers in all of your favorite colors. Look, there is a nice flower
right there, your very favorite kind. Your flower is so pretty.
The grass is wonderfully soft under your bare feet.

The sun warms your body and you feel a nice breeze on your

Just take some time to look around you while you breathe
deeply into your tummy.


Look! Up there, in the tree, there is a little red bird singing. And
there is a purple butterfly spreading a loving message in the
landscape from flower to flower. Right now it is probably telling
everyone that you have arrived. I think it is saying Look, pretty

1 | I fill my heart with love

flower, (childs name) has come to visit us.

Isnt that nice?

A little bumblebee with pretty stripes and paper-thin wings is

buzzing around a bush with beautiful heart-shaped leaves. You
pick a leaf and smell it. It smells sweet, like roses.


In front of you, you now see a tall, beautiful mountain. You

want to go there. Carefully, you put one foot in front of the
other and take a little step on your way.

The grass is so pretty and soft under your bare toes. You quickly
learn that you can also run, jump and dance in this valley of
love just like you always do.


The mountain is calling for you quietly, and you go closer. You
then see a pretty little white fence with a beautiful gate. You
want to open it, and when you touch the gate, you can hear it
whispering. It is saying: Welcome, sweet .
We have been looking forward to seeing you. Go on in. It is such
a nice place to be.

1 | I fill my heart with love

Just keep breathing into your tummy. Now were going a little
closer to the mountain.

Behind the little fence you see a trail covered in small, warm,
white rocks glittering in the sun. You look around and enjoy all
the pretty things you see.


When you walk a little further, you come up close to the

mountain. And now you see that there is a big wooden door into
the mountain. The door to s lovely heart,
it says on a little sign.

You grab the door, and even though it is big and heavy, you can
open it up easily. Because it really wants to open up to you. Hey
there, so good to see you the door says to you. You go inside
and look around.


Here inside the mountain your lovely heart lives. A heart that
has the most profound wishes for you. A heart that whispers to
you what to do, when you are in doubt, if you just listen to it. A
heart that loves you so incredibly much. A heart, you take with
you everywhere you go. A heart so full of love.

1 | I fill my heart with love

Now place your hand on your heart and we will continue.

Breathe deeply.


You now see your beautiful heart that lives so neatly inside the
mountain. What do you see? What does your heart look like

How has your heart been doing today? Has it had a good day?
Has it been sad? Has it been angry? Has it had a good time?

Is your heart small or big today?

What colors does it have?

Is your heart cold or warm today?

If there are other things you want to explore in your heart, do

it now.


No matter how your day has been or how your heart is feeling
right now, you can always fill it up with love. My love to you is
huge. Every single day I send you a lot of love, both when we are

1 | I fill my heart with love

together and when we are apart. You can fill your heart with
that love, and in the exact same way you can fill up your heart
with love yourself. The more love we fill in our hearts the easier
our dreams can come true. It is magic.

It is now time to find your volume button in your heart. Can

you see a little button right in the middle of your heart? Yes,
right there, in the middle of your heart.


Now turn up the button and send love, light, warmth and
happiness into your heart. Just turn it up and fill up your lovely
heart with love.

Can you find the button? Now you turn it and fill up your heart
with love.


Just keep going a little more. And a little more. And just a little
bit more.

Fill up your heart completely with love.


1 | I fill my heart with love

Feel how the heat from your love is slowly spreading out into
your body. Feel how nice it is to fill up your heart with love.
Maybe your love has a special color. Maybe it is spreading out
quickly, maybe slowly.

Feel for yourself if your heart could use a little more love and
then fill it up even more.

Now let love float from your heart into your body, slowly:

- into your arms

- up into your head. Always remember your head it is so busy
busy busy all day long it really needs love.
- down to your tummy
- to your back
- down to your legs
- your knees
- your feet
- and all the way down to your little toe.

Feel for yourself how your beautiful heart can fill up your whole
body with love.


1 | I fill my heart with love

You can fill up your body with so much love that it feels like
the love reaches further out than your physical body. This is
your beautiful heart energy, which is spreading out to all people
and animals that are so lucky to be close to you. I am so lucky
to be close to you right now. The power of love in your heart is
like the wildest magic. With that power you can turn tears into
smiles, make dark clouds disappear and warm up cold hearts.
You truly are a superhero with love power. Take good care of
your magical power of love.

My love for you is unconditional. Now feel for yourself how

much love you also hold for yourself. Feel how nice it is to fill up
your own heart with love. Love from other people is wonderful.
However, the love you hold in your heart is your amazing super

Ending pick the one that fits your situation

Daytime: Now you are slowly getting ready to come back to this
room. When you are ready, you will open up your eyes and you
will wake up with a heart full of love.

Bedtime: Now you are ready to sleep. You can now safely travel
to dreamland with your heart full of love. Sleep well, my lovely

1 | I fi
lll m
y hear
rt with
h llove

Reflections after the meditation

I fill my heart with love

If your child is sleeping, you can choose to stay close to him or

her a little longer.

Notice how you are feeling right now. Listen to all the thoughts
running through your mind. Feel your emotions in your body.

Maybe you have filled your heart with love together with your
child. Maybe you now want to fill up your heart with love.
Maybe your heart also needs a refill after all the tasks of today.
Maybe you also need to leave your Brainland for a while and
visit your Heartland.

Go quietly over the meadow and into your mountain, and fill up
your heart with love. Spend some time to try to feel for yourself
if you fill up your heart with love often enough. Many parents
forget themselves and tend only to fill up everybody else with

Repeat the meditations after a few days with your child, when
you are calm. Notice if your child already has a different
attitude towards the meditation. Maybe your child will ask you
if you will please read the stories about the heart again. In the

1 | I fill my heart with love

time to come, try to notice if you get a feeling of having opened

an extra channel of love between you and your child. How does
it feel to say all those loving words to your child? How does your
child react to your loving words?

For some parents, it can feel very liberating to verbalize their

great love for their children. For others, it can be intimidating.
This is closely related to which words you heard yourself when
you were growing up. Despite your own upbringing, you can
now choose for yourself which words you want to send through
your love channel to your child. And maybe those same words
will be repeated when your child someday opens a love channel
to his or her child.

In our house, we have made a little song that we sing

occasionally. It is sung in a simple, little random melody by
just repeating:

I fill my heart with love

I fill my heart with love
I fill my heart with love
I fill my heart with love

We sing it when we feel that one of us needs love. It can be on

the way to school, in kindergarten, after an argument or when
someone is upset. And because our children (who are now 7

1 | I fill my heart with love

and 9) have been doing this meditation on a regular basis for

several years (since they were 3 and 6), they know exactly what
to do when they hear the song. In that way, they can touch base
with the meditations at any time.

From my heart, I send

Second children's
meditation in the series
In my heart
2 | From my heart, I send love

Specifically to the childrens meditation

From my heart, I send love

In the first meditation I fill my heart with love, you taught your child
to fill his or her heart with love. In this meditation, you will teach your
child to send and receive love to and from others.

By talking about how we send and receive love over a distance, your
child will get an extra feeling of being loved, even when you are not
together either because of your busy schedules or during periods of
being physically separate.

For this meditation, I recommend that you first lie down with your
child on the bed or for instance on a couch. Lie down on your sides,
facing each other.

2 | From my heart, I send love

From my heart, I send love

Today, we will focus on how we send and receive love. We

can send love to the people we love, even when we cannot be
together. And in the same way, we can receive love from the
people we miss from a distance and let it float right into our

Now close your lovely eyes and breathe deeply into your
tummy. Spend some time feeling yourself getting calmer and

Breathe. Just breathe. Long low breaths are so important for us

to become calm.

J J J (pause)

Ride on the back of your breaths all the way into your beautiful
heart. Keep going a little more. Deep, long breaths.


Try to see if you can send the air deeper into your tummy each
time you breathe. Keep going a little more.


2 | From my heart, I send love

You are now in front of the little, pretty, white fence on the
meadow again. The fence you know from when we learned how
to fill our hearts with love. Take some time to imagine all of it
again. See the colors come alive on the meadow.


It is summer and it is nice and warm. Your bare toes are in

the grass. Now you see your mountain in the distance, and
you know that your beautiful heart lives inside that awesome

You begin to walk towards the mountain.

You have now reached the mountain. You quickly find the door
that says: The door to s lovely heart.
As always, the door opens up easily. Because it really wants to
open up to you. Hi there, the door says to you, when you go
inside and look around. Welcome back to your heart, sweet

Your lovely heart lives inside this mountain. A heart that wants
all the best in this world for you. A heart that whispers to you
what to do, when you are in doubt, if you just listen to it.
Now place your hand on your heart, and we will continue.

2 | From my heart, I send love


You now know, what we are going to do. We are going to ask
how your heart is feeling, and then we are going to fill it up with

So take a look at your heart. What do you see? What does your
heart look like today? How does it feel?

How is your heart doing today? Has it had a good day? Has it
been sad? Has it been angry? Has it had a good time?


Is it small or big today?

What colors does it have?


Is it cold or warm?


If there are other things, you want to examine in your heart, do

it now.

2 | From my heart, I send love

No matter how your heart is feeling right now, what it looks

like, and how your day has been, we are now going to fill your
beautiful heart up with love. In this way you can end every day
with a heart full of love, which will automatically make you
wake up in the morning full of the most beautiful and powerful
heart energy. So find that little button in your heart, turn it up
and fill your heart with love.


Just keep going a little more. Fill up your big, beautiful heart
with love.


Fill up your heart with love, just keep going.

Feel how nice it is. Feel the love running from your heart and
into your beautiful body. It is like an inner shower of love.


Right now, I am doing the same thing from my heart. Right now,
I am also filling up my own heart with love, and in a minute, we
will try to send love to each other. Actually, we do it all the time
without even thinking about it, but the difference now is that

2 | From my heart, I send love

we will pay close attention to what happens when we send love

to each other. By observing the way we send and receive love,
we can turn it up when we need to.

Now lets each take one of our hands and move them from our
own heart to each others heart. And then well lie here and
notice how it feels.


What can you feel? What is happening inside of you, when you
are feeling my heart? Can you already feel all the love I have for
you? Can you feel how much I love you? My love for you is so
enormous. From the very first time I saw you, I have loved you
with all of my heart.


Now I begin to imagine that I am sending a lot of love into your

heart. I am sending love from my heart, into my arm, into my
hand and into your heart.

Try to feel for yourself if you can feel my great love for you. It
lives in my heart and is now flowing directly from my heart to
yours, because I love you very much.

2 | From my heart, I send love

I am now sending my love to you. Can you feel my big love for

I now send you my greatest love, filled with light, warmth and
joy to make you feel how much I love you. Keep lying down a
little longer and feel how nice it is to be loved in the way you
are. And I feel how amazing it is to be able to love you.

I feel extremely thankful that precisely YOU are my child. That

you and I are family.


Now, I am going to turn up my love a little more. Try to feel me

turning it up. Can you feel it?


Now it is your turn to try to send some love. Love works in

many ways. We can fill our own hearts with love, we can
receive love from others, and we can also get more love from
loving others. When we love others very much, our hearts
automatically become filled up with even more love. The more
we turn up the love in our hearts, the more we can also love

2 | From my heart, I send love

When you are ready, you will close your eyes and focus on your
beautiful heart that you just filled up with love.

Find the little button in your heart again. When you have found
it, imagine yourself sending a wave, a flow, a ray of love out
through your arm and your hand and right into my heart.

Your hands are incredible channels for your superpower of love.

It can feel like love, light, warmth or joy. The way we do it is

different from person to person, so try to find your own way of
doing it. I already know you can, because I often feel the great
love you are giving to me.


It feels good when you send your love to me. It is as if I can feel
that very special, magical power of love you keep inside of you.


Now try to see if you can turn up or down your flow, ray or
wave. Then you can decide for yourself how much you want to
send. Keep going a little more, until you can feel that you have
sent out a nice portion of love.

2 | From my heart, I send love


And then slowly turn down the ray, wave or flow and go back
into yourself. Take the power of love home to yourself.


Thank you so much for this great love you have sent to me. It
means the world to me to lie down close to you and feel your
love. I feel so blessed, thankful and loved right now. Thank you.


Now lets try to send love to someone who isnt here right now.
Try spreading out your hands to the side so the insides are
pointing out. Then imagine that you have two powerful love
channels in your hands. Like the wildest fairytale character or
a cool superhero, you can send out your power of love through
your hands. You cannot imagine how far out into the world it
reaches. Your power of love is huge and such a strong source.

Now try sending out your love through your hands. Think of
someone out there you would like to reach with your power of


2 | From my heart, I send love

It could be some you care about or someone you miss. Picture

him or her in your mind and watch him or her receive your
love in their heart.


Try turning up your power of love and try turning it down.


Brilliant! You are so good at loving. I bet the one you are
thinking about pauses right now wherever he or she is and
smiles. And with every smile you generate in this world you
make the world a better place to live.


Before we finish, we should make sure that your own heart is

still filled up. So you will now finish by filling your heart with a
little more love to yourself. Find the button and fill up yourself
with love.

Sometimes we give everything we have to others and we forget

ourselves. We always need to remember to love ourselves
deeply. And then there will automatically be more magical
power of love in our hearts.

2 | From my heart, I send love


When you have filled up your own heart again, you can lie
down and think about all the great love you have just sent
to me and feel the love I have sent to you. How incredibly
fortunate we are to be parent and child. From all the children in
the whole wide world I feel so blessed to lie here with you and
have the privilege to be your parent. I love you very much.

In this way, we can always send love to each other. We do not

even need to lie down together and hold each others hands.
Because the power of love is filled with an energy that can
reach around the whole world. So no matter how far apart
we are, we can always send and receive love to and from each

Ending choose the one that fits

Daytime: Now it is time to come back to the room. When you

are ready, you will open up your beautiful eyes and wake up
with a heart full of love.

Bedtime: Now you are ready to sleep with your lovely heart full
of love. Sleep well.

2 | Fr
m my hear
a t, I ssend
end love

Reflections after the meditation

From my heart, I send love

Notice how you are feeling right now. Listen to all of your
thoughts as they emerge. If your child is asleep, you can rest a
little longer. Maybe you now feel like filling up your own heart
with love. Maybe you want to send love to someone you care
about or someone you miss. Go quietly over the meadow, into
your mountain, fill up your heart with love, and start sending
love to one you have in mind.

Repeat the meditations in a few days with your child. Once you
are comfortable with this exercise, you can try to do it without
holding your hands on each others hearts. Lie down with more
and more distance in between you and practice sending love
over longer and longer distances.

For example, if my husband is on a trip, I send him love

together with my children. When the three of us send him love
at the same time and hold hands, our love can fly all the way to
Asia, where he often travels, and we can feel him stepping up
to receive our love in his heart wherever he is. That gives the
children a feeling of contact with their father even though he is
very far away.

Try to also put your hand on your childs heart in other

2 | From my heart, I send love

situations and come up with a mutual signal that you are now
sending love. It can be when your child is going to bed, after a
conflict, or when you are going to be apart from each other for a
little while. Create a little love signal to use with each other.

In our house, we signal that we are sending love to each other

by putting our hand on our own hearts and then turning it
around to the other person. If I say goodbye to my children at
school, when they are standing behind a window amongst or
with other kids or teachers, we have our own little silent signal
to tell each other that we are thinking about each other and
sending love.

As a parent, we send many loving thoughts to our children

throughout the day. Remind your child that you are sending
him or her love, even when you are not together physically. And
remind your child that he or she can always send love from his
or her heart to you or someone he or she misses or cares about.
In that way, you are opening up your channel of love, even when
you are not together.

You can also try to arrange a specific time to send each other
love. If you know that your child is doing something special
during the day that might be difficult, you can tell her that you
will send love and help at precisely the moment the challenge
is taking place. If my oldest daughter is upset at school, she

2 | From my heart, I send love

puts her hand on her heart and extracts some of that love she
knows that I am sending her, and finds comfort.

We will work more on retrieving love in the third meditation in

this series, My cloud is full of love.

When you have become familiar with sending love to each
other, you can try sending love to others as well. Here are some

Sending love to each other is powerful and heartwarming for
siblings. Ask them to lay down facing each other and do the
exercise together. Teach them that they belong together and
have an eternal love for each other.

Tell them that the love between siblings is so strong that they
can share it for the rest of their lives, whether they are together
or apart. Do the exercise when the children are playing well
together, and then try it another time when they have had a
conflict. Observe what happens between the children after the

Notice if their relationship to each other changes when they

send each other love. If you are going on a vacation together

2 | From my heart, I send love

and do the exercise on a daily basis, you can create a very

special chemistry between your children during the vacation.

Family and friends:

Your child can also share love with family and friends that he
does not see very often and misses. Perhaps one parent travels
a lot, or the parents live apart from each other. Your child can
also share love with a grandparent or a good family friend who
isnt nearby.

Ask your child to think about the person he misses and cares
about. Start by asking your child to imagine what that person
looks like. Then ask your child to fill his heart with love and
send love in a wind, wave or ray to the person who isnt present.

Let your child enjoy the feeling of sharing this love with the
person he cares about, whether they are close to each other or
far apart.

You could explain this exercise to the person your child is

thinking of, and let that person send love back to your child.
It will be nice for your child to be able to talk to, for example,
a grandmother about sending love to each other when they
are apart. It would be nice to share the meditations with this
person who is physically distant, opening up for even more love
in the life of your child.

2 | From my heart, I send love

Other examples for good use of this meditation is soldier

families, parents in prison, sick parents in hospitals etc.

In conflict:
We can also send love to someone we are in conflict with, to try
to open up for understanding, kindness, and forgiveness in our
hearts. It is not easy, but it has a big effect. When we send love
to someone we are in a conflict with, we cant help but change
our view of the person. We see that person in a warmer light,
and we might find new paths towards reconciliation.

Children often find this exercise easier, because their irritation

usually is not as deep as the anger of an adult. This makes
meditation a very useful conflict tool for children.

Try it for yourself as well. It can truly build bridges. After all,
we are all humans and if we can agree on anything it should
surely be that we all long for love.

When you have become comfortable with this meditation,

please continue to the meditation, My cloud is full of love,
which teaches your child to retrieve the love you send her in
her cloud of love.

My cloud is full of

Third children's
meditation in the series
In my heart
3 | My cloud is full of love

Specifically for the childrens meditation

My cloud is full of love

Imagine the pleasure in your childs heart if he or she knew how

often you think about him/her during your day. With this third heart
meditation, youll get the opportunity to express how often you think
about your child and how much love you send to your child with those
thoughts every single day.

A love that your child can pick up in the cloud and fill his/her heart
with when needed.

3 | My cloud is full of love

My cloud is full of love

This meditation is special for me to share with you, because it

will show you how much I think about you every day. I think
about you when we are together, but I also think about you
when we are apart.

If you knew how often I think about how wonderful you are
and how much I love you when we are away from each other,
you would be happy in your heart. When you know how often I
think about you, when we are not together, you will feel that I
am closer to you than you sometimes think I am.

Today we are going to take a closer look at a little cloud in the

sky that always floats above you. In that cloud, my love for you
lives, and if you get to know the cloud, you will know that I am
always there with you, no matter how far apart we are. In fact,
the cloud is full of love from ALL the people who care about you
and hold you in their hearts.

The cloud is very cool and it already knows your name, because
it is a very good friend. It has always been your friend and it
has always been there, and today you are going to get to know it
very well.

3 | My cloud is full of love

So close your eyes and breathe deeply into your tummy. Try to
see if you can lie still.


Breathe slowly. Try to breathe more deeply into your tummy

each time you breathe in.


Feel your tummy rising and falling. Rising and falling. Feel your
body relaxing.


Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.


We are now lying here very still, finding our way into our own
peace, and just looking forward to meeting the cloud.


Breathe deeply a little longer.

3 | My cloud is full of love


Imagine you are standing on that beautiful, green meadow in

front of your mountain. You can see the mountain right in front
of you. The big wooden door is open, and behind the door you
can see you heart. Your big, lovely, beautiful heart. Just go on in,
and see how your heart is feeling today.


When you have checked in on your heart, you begin to fill it up

with love just like you have done before. It is always nice to visit
your heart and fill it up with love.


Find the button and turn up your magical power of love.


Now imagine that you are seeing a nice, colorful silken thread
from your heart going out through a little hole high up in your


3 | My cloud is full of love

Through the little hole, you can spot a little cloud waving at
you. Walk out of the door again and look up to that little hole in
the mountain, where the silken thread is coming out. The silken
thread is as pretty outside as it is inside your mountain. In fact,
it is even more colorful outside the mountain, where the sun is
shining on it so beautifully. It carries all the colors of your heart,
and it sparkles in the light. It is so pretty. Wow, take a look at it.
So beautiful.

Try now to follow the silken thread with your eyes and watch
how it is attached to the prettiest little cloud on the sky. Your
cloud. Your cute, beautiful cloud of love.


Listen! The cloud is speaking to you. Hi, ,

the cloud says to you. It has a loving voice, because it is full of

I have been looking so much forward to you noticing me. If

you miss someone you love or if you are feeling lonely, you can
always drag me closer to you like a balloon on a string. I am
always ready to come with hugs and kisses from all the people
you love and who love you, the cloud says.

This pretty cloud is full of all the love that I and everyone who

3 | My cloud is full of love

loves you deeply send to you every day through our loving
thoughts and with our heart energy that flows freely. Your cloud
is full of the purest and finest love.


Many times during the day, when I cannot be with you, I think
of you, and I miss you and look forward to seeing you again.
I think about what you might be doing, and how you are
doing. As I think about you, I am sending you a stream of love.
Imagine now that all these loving thoughts are flowing from my
heart up into your cloud, which is connected to your heart.

From the cloud, you can pick up a nice ray of love as often as
you want. Like the finest, shiniest ray of thoughts full of love
and gratefulness for being your parent. I am so happy that you
precisely you have become my child.

Now look up and see your little cloud floating above you
everywhere you go. Imagine that you are at school or at
kindergarten sitting on a chair, or maybe playing in the yard, or
on the playground. Imagine that you look up from whatever you
are doing and see your silken thread floating in the air up to
your little cloud.


3 | My cloud is full of love

Now imagine that you are grabbing the silken thread and
pulling the cloud closer so close that it can come all the way
down to you and hug you. Your cloud is full of hugs and love
from all of us who love you. There is so much love in that cloud.
We keep filling it up so you can never empty it out.

Try to feel those nice, warm hugs and all of the beautiful love
your cloud contains. Notice how you become wrapped in the
clouds warm hug. The cloud tells you that love travels with you
everywhere you go, because you are so loved.

Now pull the cloud closer to you and let go again.

Closer and further away. Closer and further away.

You decide how close to you want to keep the cloud, or how
close to you it needs to be. Where you want the cloud to be can
easily change from day to day. Some days it is nice to have it
hanging right over your shoulder, while on other days you might
want to send it all the way up to the sky.

Imagine again the playground where you are playing. Can you
see all the children running around? Try looking up into the
sky. Can you see that each of the kids has his own or her own
special cloud of love?

3 | My cloud is full of love

All children have a cloud of love. But not all parents have told
their children about the cloud yet.

Whether or not all children know about their cloud, it is

hanging right over their heads.

Look around on the playground again and notice that some of

your teachers and school staff also have clouds of love above
their heads. Some adults know about their clouds, and some
dont. Maybe their parents havent told them about their clouds
yet. So you are so lucky to get to know your cloud as a child.
And I am so happy to tell you about your special cloud.

Our clouds are with us everywhere we go, no matter how old

we are. Right now, my cloud is also with me, and it is hanging
above my head. Maybe you can see mine too? All the people
who love me help fill my cloud with love. So when you think of
me during the day and send me a loving thought, it ends right
here in my beautiful cloud. And for that I thank you and feel
very blessed.


Now keep your eyes closed and notice the room we are in right
now. Your cloud might be right here in the room. Or it might be
in the dark sky outside. Imagine looking through your window

3 | My cloud is full of love

into the dark sky outside the house right now, and feel the
cloud up there.

Hear the cloud calling for you.

Hi, . Here I am. I am so happy that you

know me now. I have been up here all the time, but now that
you know me, it is easier for me to help you when you are sad
or need a hug. I would very much like to give you all the hugs
and loving thoughts from your mum and dad and all the people
who love you. All their loving thoughts are right here inside
of me waiting for you. So just pull your silken thread, sweet
, and I will come down to you and give you
a hug. A hug full of love, light, warmth, joy and safety from your
mum and dad. Remember that I am always with you, no matter
where you go.

Come, let us fill up your heart with love together. Just fill it up
when you are ready and I will help sending love from your loved
ones on to you. Are you ready? Here we go. Just keep filling it up.
Maybe you can fit in a little bit more. There we go keep going!
A little bit more.

3 | My cloud is full of love

Ending choose the one that fits.

Daytime: Now you are ready to come back to this room. Slowly
open up your eyes and wake up with a heart full of love.

Nap or nighttime: Now you are ready to sleep with your lovely
heart full of love. Sleep well, my beautiful child. I love you very

3 | My cloud is full of love

Reflections after the meditation

My cloud is full of love

If your child has fallen asleep, you can keep lying there a little
longer and reflect about your own reactions to the meditation.
Maybe you want to think about your own cloud for a little bit.
Notice how you are feeling right now. Can you sense your own
cloud of love?

You too have a cloud

Try thinking back to your own childhood. Did you have a feeling
of having a cloud or something similar? Did your parents use
similar symbols? How was your feeling of being connected to
your parents when you were a child? How is your feeling of
being connected to them today?

Who else is filling love into your cloud? Think about all the
people you have around you who think of you and send you
loving thoughts that end up in your cloud.

If your parents are still alive, they are also thinking about you
every day and filling love into your cloud - even in their own
funny ways. If they are no longer alive, you can think of all the
love they have already put into your cloud and know that even
old love can live in the cloud and will never run out.

3 | My cloud is full of love

Depending on your beliefs, you might think that they are still
filling love into your cloud from where they are today. To me
that thought is so beautiful.

Your partner or a good friend can of course also fill up your

cloud with love. How is your feeling of being connected with
your partner or a good friend today?

And remember that your children also send you much love
during the day, which also ends up in your cloud. Maybe more
love than you imagine.

Also notice how many wonderful clouds your loving thoughts

contribute to filling up every single day.

In the time to come you can try talking about the little cloud
with your child. You can ask your child about the cloud,
reminding him or her of the cloud and describing the thoughts
you are sending your child. Give examples of your thoughts
sometimes to make the thoughts become more concrete for
your child.

Children in sorrow a hug from the sky

Accordingly to your belief, the little cloud can be a nice symbol
of love for your child if you are going to say goodbye to someone

3 | My cloud is full of love

you love. Clouds can as I mentioned before float all the way up
into the sky.

When we love with all of our hearts, and have to say goodbye,
the big words often come to us naturally. Just writing those
words makes my stomach curl up and my throat tighten
because saying goodbye to the people we love the most, is
painful. For children the pain is also unbearable.

If your child is saying goodbye to someone he or she is very close

to, the two of them can agree that your child can send his or her
cloud of love up into the sky and still let the person, who soon
(or already) belongs in the sky, fill up the cloud with love. A love
your child can retrieve when he or she misses by pulling the
cloud close and getting a hug from the sky or heaven if you like.

Fill it up from Paris

In our home, we often talk about our clouds. My oldest
daughter (who was then 7) asked me one day: When I have
taken all the love from my cloud that I need, can I give what
is left to other children in my class, who also need love? Of
course, she can do that. However, we also had a good talk
about how all children have a cloud, that most parents love
their children very much and send lots of love to their children
during their workday, but that some parents just have not told
them about the cloud yet.

3 | My cloud is full of love

A few weeks later, I was travelling to Paris, and my youngest

daughter (who was then 5) was sad, when I dropped her off at
kindergarten. I asked her if she could see her cloud, and where
it was. She pointed at her shoulder and said: It is right here,
mummy, because I need to keep it very near me today. Because
I miss you already. At night, when I was putting her to bed and
saying goodbye, she was in a good mood, and I asked her where
the cloud was now. All the way up amongst the stars, mummy.
Because that way it is easier for you to find it, when you are in
Paris. And then you can fill it up with love, even though you are
far away. So she has a feeling of being able to pull the cloud
closer, when she misses me.

Love is exactly the same the nice thing about the meditations
is that the children get a language of love, and that we can talk
about the love, which is already there and is growing between

With the universe, I share my

Fourth children's
meditation in the series
In my heart
4 | With the universe, I share my love

Specifically for the childrens meditation

With the universe, I share my love

In this fourth meditation, your child will learn how to share his or her
love with the universe and with children who do not experience the
same kind of love you are so lucky to have in your family.

The meditation has three general purposes. The first one is training
your childs ability to feel empathy and gratefulness. The second one
is creating a feeling of being able to make a difference in the world
by opening up ones heart. The third purpose is creating a feeling of
connectedness with the universe in your child.

When we begin working with the feeling of belonging together in the

universe and sense that we can affect each others lives through love,
we create a wonderful feeling of cohesion and unity, which is much
nicer than the individualistic and somewhat tough, performance-
focused approach that many people in our generation grew up with.

Every parent has his or her own thoughts about what children need
to know about what is going on in the world. In this meditation, I will
talk about lonely children, and I will touch upon war and hunger. You
can choose to add more or less details according to your childs age and
your own beliefs about what you want your child to know about the
children of the world.

4 | With the universe, I share my love

With the universe, I share my love

Today we are sending our love all the way up to the stars. Did
you know that your love can float all the way up to the stars.
Maybe you too have looked up into the stars and thought:
There are so many stars, and they are so beautiful.

Today, we are playing with the love magic of the stars, and you
will find that your own love is magical as well. You truly are a
super hero with a unique power of love.

When you look up into the sky full of stars, it is so far away
that other children around the world can see the same stars as
you. Children in the whole world look up at the stars. All over
the world, children and adults love the stars, and many people
think to themselves that the stars are magical. When we see a
shooting star, a wish may come true.

There is a nice little poem, which goes like this:

Star light, star bright,

The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight

4 | With the universe, I share my love

Stars mean many things to us, and we attach many emotions

to stars. When someone dies, we sometimes say that they have
become a beautiful shining star in the sky. A few clever scientists
even think that we are made from no less than stardust. In that
way, we can say that we are shiny stars ourselves. Our inner light
shines when we listen to our hearts and trust that the voice of
our heart is true. Imagine if you light your inner light in your
heart with your love and a star is watching down at you thinking
what a beautiful, loving child full of light.

Just like that, you are also a shining star in the night. You
should know that you can always go into your heart and turn
up your light with your great love.

Now start by closing your lovely eyes and lie down comfortably.


Just close your beautiful eyes now, and feel the peace spreading
out into your body.

Feel your strong muscles beginning to relax. Notice the sounds

around you and let them just float on, while you focus on your

4 | With the universe, I share my love

Breathe deeply into your tummy. Keep breathing in more and

more air. Breathe in through your nose and out through your
mouth. Each time, try to breathe even further into your tummy.
Keep going a little longer. Put your hand on the bottom of your
tummy and feel it moving up and down when air comes into
and out of your tummy.


Now, go into your heart. Look and feel how your heart is doing
today. How has the day been for your lovely heart?


Has your heart had a good day or a bad day? A fun day? Or a
crazy day? A quiet day or a busy day? Maybe you can see some
colors in your heart. Maybe you can see if your heart is big or
small today. No matter what kind of day your heart has had,
you can always fill it up with love before going to bed.


Your heart loves it when you come to visit, when you let go of
the thoughts in your head for a little while and you move your
attention to your body to check on your heart.

4 | With the universe, I share my love

Just fill more love into your heart and feel how nice it feels
when the magical power of love spreads out into your body. Feel
how wonderful it can be to visit your heart and turn off your
thoughts for a while. Thoughts are good, but they can be very
noisy in our heads. So just enjoy that you can turn them off
for a while, and enjoy being right here right now in your great,
beautiful heart.

Now notice all the loving elements we know so well from the
heart meditations. Imagine that you are standing in front of
your beautiful mountain, looking at it. Notice the big wooden
door leading into your beautiful heart. See that our hearts are
sending love to each other. Find the little, pretty cloud of love
hanging above the mountain, connected with your heart by the
little silken thread going into the mountain.

All these elements are full of love and are part of our family.
They describe, in so many ways, the great love we have between
us. A love I am very thankful for sharing with you. I love you
so incredibly much. I am very happy that precisely you are my
child, and that the two of us could be part of the same family.


4 | With the universe, I share my love

Luckily, there are many families with lots of love. But

unfortunately, not all children grow up with the kind of love
that we share. Not all children grow up with their parents. Some
children dont even have a home. Some dont have a bed, and
they have to sleep wherever they can find a place, sometimes
right on the street.

Many children feel all alone in the world. Some childrens

parents have died, other parents are sick and others again have
been forced away from their children, for example because of
war or hunger. We have every reason to be very grateful for
the love we share in our family. It is nice to feel grateful and to
understand how fortunate we are.


Here comes the magical part. With a little help from the stars,
we can actually share our love with the children who need love
in their lives. We can share our great love and feel connected to
children of the whole world. Let me tell you how.


You have just filled up your heart with love. That is important,
because when we love ourselves and fill up ourselves with love,
it is also easier for us to help others. Just as we can send love to

4 | With the universe, I share my love

each other, you can now send love out into the universe with
your magical superpower of love.


So imagine now that you are sending out love through the
magical channels of love in your hands and up through the
roof. You can also let love fly out the window or float up through
a chimney. Find the way that suits you best. Now, see your love
leaving the house in a wave or a ray, and follow it all the way
up to the stars. Float on the back of your love all the way up
into the stars. Maybe it is a little further away. Maybe you are
already there.


When you make it all the way up to the stars, imagine that
your love is the finest, prettiest magic dust. Maybe it is golden,
or maybe it has colors. Only you know. Now imagine that you
are floating around with your love from star to star and quietly
sprinkling your love onto the stars. Watch it as it lands so neatly
right on top of the stars. Maybe you have love for many stars;
maybe you want to sprinkle all of your love onto a few stars
or maybe just one star you decide how you feel. Keep going a
little more.

4 | With the universe, I share my love


Now look at your magic love dust lying there, shining like the
prettiest, clearest starlight. Now s love is
lying so neatly and beautifully on top of these pretty stars.


Just keep going a little longer, and enjoy seeing your love sparkle
on the stars in the night.


Now imagine a lonely child somewhere on earth. A child who

is looking up at the stars right now and asking for more love in
life. Imagine what that child looks like, and feel how you think
that child is feeling. No children like to feel lonely. All children
want to love and be loved.

And look what happens now! Now your love dust is raining
down over that child and filling up that childs heart with
love. Right now, that child is feeling your love. Right now, you
are filling up the universe with love. And right now, that child
knows that somewhere on earth, there is a friend who is ready
to share his or her love.

4 | With the universe, I share my love

That friend is you, and right now, your love is spreading out
into the universe and reaching into a lonely childs heart. Feel
for yourself how that feels inside of you. Feel how nice it is to
spread love to the people who need it the most.


Feel how spreading love is also very nice for you. We can all
spread our love to those lonely children and adults living with
us here on Earth and looking up at the same stars in the night.
The stars connect us and give us the courage to believe and

Ending choose the one that fits

Daytime: You are now ready to come back into the room or
the living room. Quietly, you will open up your eyes and wake
up with your heart full of love. You will know that your love is
spreading out into the universe.

Nap or nighttime: You are now ready to sleep with your heart
full of love, knowing that your love is spreading out into the
universe. Sleep well, my little darling.

4 | With the universe, I share my love

Reflections after the meditation

With the universe, I share my love

Notice how this meditation makes you feel. What does it

mean to you to see your child spreading his or her love to the
universe? What thoughts does it bring to mind about your own
love? About your own connectedness to the universe and to the
lonely people on the earth?

If you feel like it, do the same exercise for yourself. Fly up to the
stars and spread out your love like the finest magic dust over
the stars. Notice who is asking for your love right now, and how
it feels to know that your love can be shared with other people,
who might be far away, through the stars.

Maybe you will find through the meditation that the feeling
of increased connectedness is also nice for you. When we
live in an individualistic culture, tapping into this feeling of
connectedness can be incredibly pleasant.

Maybe, in the time after the meditation, you will want to send
love to strangers on your way. It can be the homeless, the busy,
the errant, the sick, the dying or someone you know. Your love
can spread through a loving look, a helping hand, a pat on the
back. Your love can reach incredibly far, just by you paying a
little more attention to it. And by paying more attention to the

4 | With the universe, I share my love

limitations your love has, and where those limiting beliefs come

These meditations to the universe are incredibly powerful and

have a good effect on our hormone production. Notice what is
happening in your body. Notice what is happening in your heart.
Notice how you are feeling right now.


You now know all four meditations in the series In my heart.

Mix them freely as you like, and use them in a way that fits into
your familys life.

Let us together fill up homes all over the world with the most
beautiful heart energy created by love to and from our children.
Can life get any bigger than that?


About the author
The Childrens Meditations: In my heart are written by Gitte
Winter Graugaard (b. 1977). She has a burning desire to help
families get more balance, so we can enjoy the wonderful time
we have with our children before they fly out of the nest.

Heart meditation in a mountain is an old tradition across many

cultures and religions. In this book Gitte has rewritten the
essence for children and has added symbols of love in a loving
attempt to create a special love language which families all
over the world can share.

Gitte holds a Master of Science in International Business, has

worked with communication the past several years, has written
several books and is a certified Life Mastery Coach, Heart Core
Mentor and Transformer, and mindfulness instructor. However,
her most important
knowledge about
the beautiful art
of listening to her
heart, comes from
Gittes own life,
which has been
and is filled with
love and heartmade.

On the following pages you can write small notes on your
own and your childs comments on experiences with heart
meditation. I also recommend that you encourage your child
to draw his version of the mountain, heart, cloud, or some
of the other symbols. The fine drawings often provide a good
opportunity for a chat.

For more information please visit



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