It is to verify that Jalaj Varshney, XIIth B, of
St.Johns School has completed his project file
under my supervision. He has taken proper care
and shown utmost sincerity in completion of his
I certify that his project is up to my expectation
as per the guidelines issued by CBSE
Student name
Principle of operation
Particle energy
Lawrence's 60-inch cyclotron, with magnet poles 60 inches (5 feet, 1.5
meters) in diameter, at the University of California Lawrence Radiation
Laboratory, Berkeley, in August, 1939, the most powerful accelerator in
the world at the time. Glenn T. Seaborg and Edwin M. McMillan (right)
used it to discover plutonium, neptunium and many other transuranic
elements and isotopes, for which they received the 1951 Nobel Prize in
chemistry. The cyclotron's huge magnet is at left, with the flat
accelerating chamber between its poles in the center. The beam line
which analyzed the particles is at right.
The cyclotron was conceived in Germany in the
1920s. At Aachen University in 1926, the cyclotron
was proposed by a co-student of Rolf
Wider, who rejected the idea as too
complicated to construct. In 1927,
Max Steenbeck developed the
concept of the cyclotron at Siemens,
but a misunderstanding prevented
him from publishing and building the apparatus. The first cyclotron
patent was filed by Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard in 1929, while
working at Humboldt University of Berlin. The cyclotron was finally
developed and patented by Ernest Lawrence of the University of
California, Berkeley, where it was first operated in 1932. Lawrence
went on to actually make a working cyclotron using large
electromagnets recycled from obsolete Poulsen arc radio transmitters
provided by the Federal Telegraph Company. A graduate student, M.
Stanley Livingston, did much of the work of translating the idea into
working hardware. Lawrence read an article about the concept of a
drift tube linac by Rolf Wideroe, who had also been working along
similar lines with the betatron concept. At the Radiation Laboratory of
the University of California at Berkeley Lawrence constructed a series of
cyclotrons which were the most powerful accelerators in the world at
the time; a 69 cm (27 in) 4.8 MeV machine (1932), a 94 cm (37 in) 8
MeV machine (1937), and a 152 cm (60 in) 16 MeV machine (1939). He
also developed a 467 cm (184 in) synchrocyclotron (1945).
The first European cyclotron was constructed in Leningrad in the
physics department of the Radium Institute, headed by Vitaly Khlopin
(ru). This Leningrad instrument was first proposed in 1932 by George
Gamow and Lev Mysovskii (ru) and was installed and became operative
by 1937. In Nazi Germany a cyclotron was built in Heidelberg under
supervision of Walther Bothe and Wolfgang Gentner, with support from
the Heereswaffenamt, and became operative in 1943.
Principle of operation
Vacuum chamber of Lawrence 69 cm (27 in) 1932 cyclotron with cover
removed, showing the dees. The 13,000 V RF accelerating potential at
about 27 MHz is applied to the dees by the two feedlines visible at top
right. The beam emerges from the dees and strikes the target in the
chamber at bottom.
A cyclotron accelerates a
charged particle beam using a
high frequency alternating
voltage which is applied
between two hollow "D"-
shaped sheet metal electrodes
called "dees" inside a vacuum
chamber. The dees are placed
face to face with a narrow gap
between them, creating a
cylindrical space within them for
the particles to move. The
particles are injected into the
center of this space. The dees
are located between the poles of a large electromagnet which applies a
static magnetic field B perpendicular to the electrode plane. The
magnetic field causes the particle's path to bend in a circle due to the
Lorentz force perpendicular to their direction of motion.
If the particles' speed were constant, they would travel in a circular
path within the dees under the influence of the magnetic field.
However a radio frequency (RF) alternating voltage of several thousand
volts is applied between the dees. The frequency is set so that the
particles make one circuit during a single cycle of the voltage. To
achieve this, the frequency must match the particle's cyclotron
resonance frequency where B is the magnetic field strength, q is the
electric charge of the particle, and m is the relativistic mass of the
charged particle. Each time after the particles pass to the other dee
electrode the polarity of the RF voltage reverses. Therefore, each time
the particles cross the gap from one dee electrode to the other, the
electric field is in the correct direction to accelerate them. The particles'
increasing speed due to these pushes causes them to move in a larger
radius circle with each rotation, so the particles move in a spiral path
outward from the center to the rim of the dees. When they reach the
rim a small voltage on a metal plate deflects the beam so it exits the
dees through a small gap between them, and hits a target located at
the exit point at the rim of the chamber, or leaves the cyclotron
through an evacuated beam tube to hit a remote target. Various
materials may be used for the target, and the nuclear reactions due to
the collisions will create secondary particles which may be guided
outside of the cyclotron and into instruments for analysis.
Particle energy
Since the particles are accelerated by the voltage many times, the final
energy of the particles is not dependent on the accelerating voltage but
on the strength of the magnetic field and the diameter of the
accelerating chamber, the dees. Cyclotrons can only accelerate particles
to speeds much slower than the speed of light, nonrelativistic speeds.