Talon Software
Talon Software
Talon Software
Eagle Research Corpora�on® designed the Talon™ family specifically to meet the user’s needs, providing
so�ware modules for both central office and field opera�ons. Talon™ So�ware Suite provides applica�on
solu�ons for Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater, Environmental Protec�on, Steam, and Electrical applica�ons.
Industrial/Commercial Measurement, Pressure/ Temperature Monitoring, Supervisory Control, and
Odoriza�on are but a few of the systems that can benefit from the use of this so�ware.
Talon SCE™ (Single Computer Edi�on) provides a single computer based so�ware pla�orm to perform the
func�ons o�en segregated into separate SCADA and Electronic Measurement Systems. The Talon™ family
so�ware gives you the ability to create a powerful host pla�orm that can be tailored and scaled to meet
specific and diverse user needs. Flexibility in the so�ware design offers the op�on to purchase only the
so�ware component modules that the customer needs. Talon SCE™ has the ability to expand the system
with addi�onal features by adding new modules in the future when addi�onal customer needs require. The
users and groups func�on offers password access/control for viewing, edi�ng, and other administra�ve
func�ons. User shi� schedules can be entered for alarming and repor�ng through e-mail, SMS, and voice
calls using the op�onal Alert Server so�ware module. This so�ware is uniquely suited to meet the needs of
the small to intermediate size companies. Talon SCE™ is suitable for a reduced scale SCADA system
suppor�ng Four Serial IOs and One TCP Port, but can be expanded for larger applica�ons, polling mul�ple
devices over several communica�ons ports simultaneously.
1076 State Route 34 | Hurricane, WV 25526 | 1.877.757.6565 | www.eagleresearchcorp.com | Rev 16_05 CORPOR TION
Talon Enterprise™ provides a company-wide server based network pla�orm to perform the func�ons that
are o�en segregated into separate SCADA and Electronic Measurement Systems. The Talon™ family of
so�ware gives the user the ability to create a powerful host pla�orm that meets specific and distributed
data collec�on requirements.
The modular and flexible service-oriented architecture offers the op�on to purchase only the specific
modules needed, and the ability to expand the system with addi�onal features by adding new modules as
system requirements change. So�ware modules can be configured and deployed across either a Wide
Area Network (WAN) or Local Area Network (LAN) for central office and/or field opera�ons.
In the current energy industry environment, many companies are sca�ered across state and interna�onal
boundaries. Having the ability to distribute Talon Enterprise™ modules across the network infrastructure
puts collec�on and management of the data closer to the source, resul�ng in improved overall system
Talon™ Enterprise
Talon™ Company LAN
Comm Server
DataBase Corporate DataBase Server
Comm Server
® ™
SQL DataBase
Client Opera�ons Data Exporter
SQL/Oracle Client Opera�ons
DataBase Server
High Speed WAN
Data Exporter
Client Opera�ons
Client App
Talon Enterprise™
1076 State Route 34 | Hurricane, WV 25526 | 1.877.757.6565 | www.eagleresearchcorp.com | Rev 16_05 CORPOR TION
In response to numerous customer requests for a reduced cost version of Talon SCE™ that included on
screen graphics, Talon Lite™ was launched. Talon Lite™ is packaged with a single TCP/IP Comm Port to
permit polling across the Internet with a mobile
laptop that included access to a cellular or other
mobile data plan or from a single desktop
machine with network Internet access. A serial
communica�ons port is included as well for
land-line or direct communica�ons. Process
programming and Edit Forms may be created as
well allowing users to create new applica�ons or
modify exis�ng field RTU loads. Parameter
changes and other set-points can be edited using
the Talon Lite™ so�ware Edit Forms.
Talon™ Family
Whether the concern is natural gas distribu�on, gas pipeline transmission, or well head produc�on, the
Talon™ family of so�ware gives the users the ability to create a powerful scalable system that meets their
specific needs. Its flexible design provides the op�on to purchase only those modules needed, and the
ability to expand a system with addi�onal features by adding new modules with future growth.