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Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 23, No.

2 (2011), 875-879

Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Oxide Reduced From a Mild Chemical Method


Department of Advanced Materials & Science Engineering, Hanseo University, Seosan-si, Chungnam-do 356-706, South Korea
Anhui Key Laboratory of Advanced Building Materials, Anhui University of Architecture, Anhui, Hefei 230022, P.R. China

*Corresponding author: Fax: +82 41 6883352; Tel: +82 41 6601337; E-mail:

(Received: 4 June 2010; Accepted: 14 October 2010) AJC-9186

Layer structured graphene oxide (GO) was prepared from graphite using the modified Hummers-Offeman method. These layers were
comprehensively characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy
dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. FT-IR and EDX
measurements indicate the formation of layered structure with strong functional groups of graphene oxide and small partial oxygen
containing functional groups were still existed in the sample of reduction of graphene oxide (RGO). From the TEM images, monolayer
graphene oxide could be found in a flake form in the graphene oxide and reduction of graphene oxide layers. The intensity ratio between
D peak and G peak in the Raman spectra of graphene oxide and reduction of graphene oxide indicated that the as-prepared graphene oxide
has a low defect content. Atomic force microscopy results showed that the single layer of graphene oxide has been produced.

Key Words: Graphene oxide, Layer, TEM, Raman, Atomic force microscopy.

INTRODUCTION highly on the type of substrate materials24,25. It is noted that

Graphene is defined as a flat monolayer of carbon atoms the above two methods are extremely laborious and inefficient
tightly packed into a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice1. and can only produce very small quantities of graphene. The
Graphene has increasingly attracted attention owing to its solution-based route has emerged as a promising approach to
fascinating physical properties including the unique electronic2-9, produce graphene26,27.
thermal10 and mechanical properties11,12. These unique pro- In this solution-based route, graphite oxide is used as a
perties hold great promise for potential applications in many medium to obtain stable graphene dispersion in a solvent.
technological fields such as nanoelectronics, sensors, nano- Graphite oxide is a product obtained from oxidation of graphite,
composites, batteries, supercapacitors and hydrogen storage12-15. which maintains the original layered structure of graphite.
All of these engineering applications demand massive Because of the existence of large amounts of hydroxyl, carboxyl,
production of high quality graphene materials. So far, many carbonyl and epoxide functional groups attached onto the basal
methods have been developed to produce graphene. These or edge plane, graphite oxide is strongly hydrophilic and easily
include micromechanical cleavage16, epitaxial growth via exfoliated in water, so as to form stable colloidal dispersion.
ultra-high vacuum graphitization17, chemical synthesis through Along with the increase in hydrophilicity during the oxidation
oxidation of graphite18,19, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, however, graphite gradually loses its excellent electri-
growth of graphene either on a substrate or substrate free20,21, cal properties and eventually becomes an electrical insulator
solvothermal synthesis combined with pyrolysis22 and liquid because the carbon atom is transformed from a planar sp2-
phase exfoliation of graphite23. These developing techniques hybridized geometry to a distorted sp3-hybridized geometry16.
to create single layer graphene, which can in general be classified To recover the electrical conductivity, graphite oxide has to
into three different routes: namely (i) mechanical peeling, (ii) be reduced to remove most of the oxygen-containing func-
epitaxial graphene growth and (iii) solution-based reduction tionalities so that the aromatic graphene networks are restored.
of graphene oxide. Mechanical peeling using the so called The reduction process of graphite oxide results gradually the
''Scotch tape"16 can only be used to study the fundamental decrease in hydrophilic character, which often leads to irrever-
properties of graphene. The epitaxial graphene sheets prepared sible agglomeration and precipitation. To solve the problems
by treatment of silicon carbide wafers at high temperatures of agglomeration and precipitation, a simple and efficient
consists of several layers and their overall quality depends method was also proposed to achieve the reduction of graphite
876 Oh et al. Asian J. Chem.

oxide with hydrazine and ultrasonication. The prepared atomic force microscopy (AFM, Head mode, frequency 0.803
graphene is stable in aqueous solution, ready to be isolated as Hz, Veeco NanoScope IIIa Multimode, DI, USA). Atomic force
monolayer or multilayer graphene. microscopy observation was conducted for the graphene
oxide layers and the samples for AFM analyses were precisely
EXPERIMENTAL prepared by depositing the hydrosol of graphene oxide on
Preparation of graphene oxide: Graphite (KS-6) was freshly cleaved mica surfaces.
selected as the starting material. Graphene oxide (GO) was
prepared from graphite according to the Hummers-Offeman
method. In brief, graphite powder (10 g) was dispersed in cold Surface chemistry: The results of the EDX elemental
concentrated sulphuric acid (230 mL, 98 wt. %, dry ice bath) microanalysis of C, O and N elements are listed in Table-1.
and potassium permanganate (KMnO4, 30 g) gradually added The C contents of the graphene oxide and reduced graphene
with continuous vigorous stirring and cooling to prevent the oxide are 53.51 and 84.95 %, respectively. It can be expected
temperature from exceeding 293 K. The dry ice bath was that the C contents of the reduced graphene oxide in the compo-
removed and replaced by a water bath and the mixture heated sites increased due to reduction treatment of partial oxygen
to 308 K for 0.5 h with gas release under continuous stirring, containing functional groups. Moreover, the O contents of
followed by slow addition of deionized water (460 mL), which reduced graphene oxide are only 9.19 % and the mass ratio of
produced a rapid increase in solution temperature up to a O/C is 0.108. It was indicated that some oxygen containing
maximum of 371 K. The reaction was maintained for 40 min functional groups were still existed in the sample of reduced
in order to increase the oxidation degree of the graphene oxide graphene oxide. The increase in nitrogen contents after reduc-
product and then the resultant bright-yellow suspension was tion most likely originated from the reactions between
terminated by addition of more distilled water (140 mL) followed graphene oxide and the reducing agent27-29, which are schema-
by hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2, 30 %, 30 mL). The solid tically shown in Fig. 1. Hydrazine readily reacted with the
product was separated by centrifugation at 3000 rpm and epoxide functional groups to form the hydrazine alcohols,
washed initially with 5 % HCl until sulphate ions were no which were mainly responsible for the incorporation of nitrogen.
longer detectable with barium chloride and then washed three
times with acetone and air dried overnight at 338 K. TABLE-1
Reduction of graphene oxide: Reduction of graphene EDX ELEMENTAL MICROANALYSIS OF
oxide was performed as follows: Twenty-five milligrams of
Elements (wt. %)
the graphene oxide powder was placed in a cup and 200 mL Material
C O N O/C ratio
de-ionized water was then added. Ten minutes of magnetic
GO 53.51 44.65 0.834
stirring at 200 rpm yielded an inhomogeneous brown suspen- RGO 84.95 9.19 2.49 0.108
sion. The resulting suspensions were further treated with a
reduction agent hydrazine solution (1:5, volume ratio of
hydrazine to de-ionized water) under ultrasonication (0.5 h,
1.3 105 J) and after dried at 373 K, the sample reduced from
graphene oxide (RGO) was produced. Fig. 1. Proposed reaction pathway for epoxide reduction with hydrazine
Characterizations of samples: XRD measurements were
performed for graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide Fig. 2 illustrates the FT-IR spectra of the powdery graphene
samples at room temperature. XRD patterns were obtained oxide and reduced graphene oxide. The most characteristic
with a diffractometer (Shimata XD-D1, Japan) using CuK features in the FT-IR spectrum of graphene oxide are the
radiation. SEM was used to observe the surface state and adsorption bands corresponding to the C=O carbonyl stretching
structure of the samples using a scanning electron microscope at 1728 cm-1 and the C-O stretching at 1050 cm-1 30,31. The
(Jeol, JSM-5200, Japan). EDX spectroscopy was used to
measure the elemental analysis of the composites. Raman 1621 1728 GO
spectra were utilized to detect the possible structural defects 100
in graphene flakes. The measurements were carried out by a 1050
Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRAM using a 100 objective lens with
% Transmittance

a 532 nm laser excitation. Thin films (ca. 30 nm) were prepared 80 RGO
by vacuum filtration of the dispersions through porous alumina
membranes. The state of the dispersed graphene was observed
using transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Jeol, JEM- 60
2010, Japan). TEM at an acceleration voltage of 200 kV was
used to investigate the number and the stacking state of
graphene oxide layers on various samples. TEM specimens 40
were prepared by placing a few drops of sample solution on a
carbon grid. Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
(FTS 3000MX, Biored Co.) was used to characterize the compo- -1
Wavenumbers(cm )
site materials. The RGO sample was also characterized by
Vol. 23, No. 2 (2011) Preparation and Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide 877
69.50 Degree of exfoliation and thickness of reduced graphene
69.25 oxide: Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique to
69.00 characterize graphite materials, in particular to determine the
68.75 defects and the ordered and disordered structures of graphene.
% Transmittance

68.50 C-N Fig. 4 shows the Raman spectra of the powdery GO and RGO.
68.25 The Raman spectra of powdery GO displays two prominent
68.00 peaks at 1356 and 1596 cm-1, corresponding to the well-documen-
67.75 ted D- and G-band. The Raman spectra of the obtained RGO
also show both D- and G-bands at 1347 and 1596 cm-1 with
comparable D/G intensity ratios to that of powdery GO, which
suggests that the skeleton structure of GO remains in the RGO.
2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 The G line represents the in-plane bond stretching motion of
the pairs of C sp2 atoms (the E2g phonons); while the D line
(b) corresponds to breathing modes of rings or j-point phonons
Fig. 2. (a) FTIR spectra of GO and RGO; (b) the magnified C-N stretch of A1g symmetry23. Usually, the graphene powders synthesized
vibration in the spectrum of RGO by chemical approach show a strong D band in the Raman
spectrum with the intensity ratio of ID/IG > 1 due to the defects
broad band at 3400 cm-1 is due to the stretching vibrations of and partially disordered crystal structure of graphene sheets.
structural OH groups, the resonance at 1621 cm-1 can be It is noted here that the intensity of the G band is significantly
assigned to the vibrations of the adsorbed water molecules. higher than that of the D band, suggesting that the prepared
But they may also contain components from the skeletal graphene has low defect content34,35.
vibrations of un-oxidized graphitic domains30,32,33. However,
these peaks in the spectrum of reduced graphene oxide almost
totally disappear, suggesting that all oxygen-containing 14000 G

functional groups in reduced graphene oxide layers are nearly

completely removed during the reduction treatment. Never- 12000 D
theless, two weak, but sharp peaks turned up within the range
Intensity (a.u.)

of 2920-2850 cm-1 corresponding to C-N stretch vibration was 10000

found in the Fig. 1(b), which is consistent with the EDX analysis
(Table-1). D
Structural properties: The structural properties of RGO

powdery graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide were

characterized using the XRD analysis, as shown in Fig. 3. The 6000

characteristic 2 peak of graphene oxide appeared at 10.34

1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
corresponds to a d-spacing of approximately 8.546 that is
consistent with the interlayer space of graphene oxide sheets Raman Shift (cm )

reported in the literatures, due to the existence of oxygen-rich Fig. 4. Raman spectra of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide
groups on both sides of the sheets and water molecules trapped
between the sheets30,31. The XRD pattern of reduced graphene Fig. 5 shows the SEM images of GO and RGO composites,
oxide shows a distinct peak at 11.07 corresponding to a respectively. The sample shows platelike forms without any
d-spacing of 7.984 , which might attribute to the stacking of amorphous or other kinds of crystallized phase particles.
graphene oxide layers by ultrasonic treatment. Morphology of GO is observed as flaky texture reflecting its
layered microstructure as shown in Fig. 5(a). The larger
interspaces of the layer and the thinner layer edges of GO can
be clearly seen in Fig. 5(a). RGO composites show a relatively
close surface morphology, which may be due to the exfoliation
of the GO layers during the ultrasonic treatment process in

aqueous media Fig. 5(b).



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
2-Theta(') (a) GO (b) RGO

Fig. 3. XRD patterns of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide Fig. 5. SEM images of (a) graphene oxide and (b) reduced graphene oxide
878 Oh et al. Asian J. Chem.

TEM images of RGO is compared with that of pristine

GO in Fig. 6. The morphology of GO, consisting of thin stacked
flakes of shapes and having well defined multilayered structure
at the edge, can be clearly seen in Fig. 6(a). It was also clearly
seen that monolayer and few-layer graphenes near the edge in
the sample of RGO were found [Fig. 6(b)]. The fact that RGO
was "dressed" on the surface of GO layers [Fig. 6(b)] may be
interpreted by Fig. 3. It was proposed that the electronegativity
of oxygen atom of -OH and -COOH groups on GO layer surface
facilitated the further oriented aggregation of cation radical of
carbon. In addition, the surface oxygen-containing groups of
GO might form the H-bond with the carbon atom of RGO.

Fig. 7. 3D topography of AFM image of RGO

In this study, thinner layer structured graphene oxide were
produced. FT-IR spectroscopy showed that all oxygen-conta-
ining functional groups in RGO layers are nearly completely
removed. The D peak as well as the G peak witnesses the
existence of defect-free monolayer and few-layer graphenes
(a) GO in the sample of RGO. It was also clearly seen that few-layer
graphenes were found in the TEM image of RGO. From the
result of AFM, the mean height of the obtained RGO layers is
3.09-9.78 nm.

This work was supported by Research Foundation from
Hanseo University in 2010. The authors are grateful to staffs
in the University for financial support.

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