PUK-PL2015 de - Price List Cable Trays New English
PUK-PL2015 de - Price List Cable Trays New English
PUK-PL2015 de - Price List Cable Trays New English
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Discount group Page
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
3 61
SPECIAL RANGES Sonderprogramme 3/1
Gammes spciales
Gamya especial
KB / Lighting
channel system
CABLE CLAMPS Kabelschellen
Colliers de cbles
1 83
TUBES Wannen
Placas de proteccin
1 89
HF-CABLE CLAMPS Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen
Colliers de cbles HF
1 90
FASTENINGS Befestigungszubehr
Accessoires de xation
Accessorios de jacin
1 93
SCREED FLUSH DUCT Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
5 94
FLOOR TRUNKING Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
5 99
INSTALLATION UNITS Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux 5/7
FOR SCREED- AND Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco UFS / BODO 104
CUPS FOR UNITS, Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte und Zubehr
Botiers, appareils dinstallation et accessoires
INSTALLING UNITS Portamecanismos, mecanismos y accesorios 5 114
RTR cable tray barrier strip 26 SRHD protection tube bracket, pivoted 76
RU cable clamp 89 SRK-G end cap 77
RU-HW HF cable clamp 92 SRK-O final sleeve as edge protective strip 77
RUS 40 square washer 95 SRL protection tube, slotted 75
RUS 41 square washer 70 SRM clamp socket 75
RUS 50 square washer 70 SRML elongated slot socket 75
RVB cable tray vertical bend 24 SRMP assembly plate 76
SRS-A support clamp 76
S SRSB switch block, self contained 76
S cable clamp 88 SRS-B tube bar clamp 76
SA anchor 65 SRS-R tube clamp 76
SA 1 protection cap 58 SRS-W dual fastening clamp 76
SA 2 protection cap 58 SSK protection cap 71
SA-D anchor 65 SSV countersunk head screw 95
SAZ anchor 65 ST 81 vertical ladder 45
SAZ-B ferro-concrete drill 65 ST 82 vertical ladder 45
SAZ-D anchor 65 STIS rung 45
SC tightening clip 94 STISD rung 45
SD straddling dowel 65 STLS rung 43
SD E fastening strip 94 STU 50 vertical ladder 43
SEH hexagon wood screw 70 STU 60 vertical ladder 44
SEM hexagon nut 71 STU 62 vertical ladder 44
SEMS hexagon nut, self-locking 71 STUS rung 44
SEMSS hexagon nut, self-locking 71 SU 100 protection cap 51
SES Hexagon head bolt, DIN 933 69-70, 95 SU 50/22 protection cap 43, 49
SHH eyebolt 66 SU 50/36 protection cap 43
SHS eyebolt 66 SU 60 protection cap 44, 50
S-HW HF cable clamp 92 SWP protection cap 41
SI protection cap 45, 54
S-IW cable clamp 89 T
SK clamping claw 95 T bracket 95
SKL ship ladder 79 TBS trapezium bow 66
SKL A beam clamp 64 TIGERCLIP Tiger clip 2 - 8 mm 68
SKL M beam clamp 64
SKLL clamping claw 40 U
SKS A beam clamp 64 U cable clamp 89
SKS H beam clamp 64 UA 1 cover plate for 1xUDAE 117
SKS M beam clamp 64 UA 3 cover plate for 3xUDAE 117
SL protection cap 33 UA B 113 cover plate, blind 117
SLA ship ladder branch-piece 80 UA B 226 cover plate, blind 119
SLAA ship ladder attachment branch-piece 80 UAA B covering, blind 118
SLB ship ladder bend, height=30 mm 79 UAA B 22 cover 124
SLF ship ladder hook 80 UAA B 65 cover 121
SLS ship ladder bend, vertical 79 UALS 113 cover plate for 2x automatic line protection 118
SLV ship ladder coupler 80 UAM 1 cover plate for 1xUST45 117
SLVV ship ladder coupler, vertical 80 UAM 2 cover plate for 2xUST45 117
SLW ship ladder angle 80 UAM 4 cover plate for 4xUST45 117
SMH hexagon nut 78 UANT45 TV/ radio/ SAT-single socket 124
SN beam clamp 95 UAPAM device mounting cup 124
SNA nail plug 105 UARM-2-1 cover plate for 2x UDAE22 117
SPRINGCLIP spring clip 68 UARM-3-1 cover plate for 3x UDAE22 117
SR protection tube 75 UAVS 113 cover plate snap-in 119
SRB tube bow 75 UB clip 102
SRF floor fastening system 76 UBDEL S grounding lug 105
SRFW base bracket 76 UBDHB 122R hollow-space floor box, single, round 103
SRHB protection tube bracket 76 UBDHB Z grounding clamp 105
UBDHB190 1V hollow space floor box single, quadrangular 103 UDEP LEX adapter board data technology 121
UBDHB250 2R hollow space floor box double, round 103 UDEP RM adapter board 120
UBDHB250 2V hollow space floor box double, quadrangular 103 UDEP RMSC 2 adapter board data technology 120
UBDHB250 3V hollow space floor box triple, quadrangular 103 UDEP RMSC 3 adapter board data technology 120
UBDHB350 2R hollow space floor box double, round 103 UDEP SCD adapter board light wave technology 120
UBDHB350 3R hollow space floor box triple, round 103 UDEP SCS adapter board data technology 120
UBDHB350 3V hollow space floor box triple, quadrangular 103 UDEP SYS 2 adapter board data technology 120
UBDSLF levelling support 99, 113 UDEP XLR adapter board audio technology 120
UBE AMPSL TV adapter board data technology 117 UDKS 40-80 claw for plastic hinged cover 109
UBE BTR adapter board data technology 117 UDKS R 4 hollow space floor claws for hinged cover, round 109
UBE KS adapter board data technology 117 UDKS R 6 hollow space floor claws for hinged cover, round 109
UBK bottom piece 100 UDKS V 4 hollow space floor claws for hinged cover, quadrangular 109
UBKAB outward profile bend 100 UDKSEB claw, flushfloor 109
UBKD dummy cover 100 UDM22 HDMI media module 22,5 x 45 mm 123
UBKDB spacer 100 UDM22 RCA media module 22,5 x 45 mm 123
UBKEB end piece 100 UDM22 TV media module 22,5 x 45 mm 123
UBKIB inward profile bend 100 UDM22 USB media module 22,5 x 45 mm 123
UBKM bitumen glue 105 UDM22 VGA media module 22,5 x 45 mm 123
UBKPR side profile 100 UE end piece 102
UBKPRV coupler 100 UEBD R cover inlay 108
UBKPRVE coupler 100 UEBD R E triple dummy cartridge unit, round, levellable 110
UBKTR barrier strip 100 UEBD RP E dummy cartridge unit, tripple, plan, round 110
UBKV coupler 100 UEBD V cover inlay 108
UBP V dummy unit, triple, quadrangular 110 UEBD V E triple dummy cartridge unit, quadrangular 111
UBP VR blind cover mounting hole 108 UEBD VP E dummy cartridge unit, tripple, plan, quadrangular 111
UBS label strip 127 UEBD1 G45 body single outlet 115
UDA22-KS data cover, Keystone 123 UEBD1-1 V E dummy single-outlet cartridge, quadrangular, levellable 114
UDA45-BTR data cover 45x45 mm 124 UEBD1-2 V E Dummy single-outlet cartridge, quadrangular, levellable 115
UDA45-COR data cover, Corning 124 UEBD1-4 G45 body single outlet 115
UDA45-KR data cover, KRONE 124 UEBD1-4 V E single-outlet cartridge, dummy-type, 2x, quadrangular, levellable 114
UDA45-KS data cover, Keystone 124 UEBD2 R installation unit - dummy cover double, round 107
UDA45-RM data cover, Reichle & De-Massari 124 UEBD2 V installation unit - dummy cover - double, quadrangular 107
UDA45-SYM data cover, Systimax 124 UEBD2 V E dummy cartridge unit double, quadrangular, levellable 110
UDAE data systems installation device 124 UEBD3 R installation unit - dummy cover triple, round 107
UDAE CAT6 data systems installation device 124 UEBD3 V installation unit - dummy cover triple, quadrangular 107
UDAE22 data systems installation device single 123 UEBDD V E dummy cartridge installation unit, triple, quadrangular 108
UDAE45 data systems installation device double, not screened 124 UEBDD1-2 V E cartridge installation unit - dummy cover, single 108
UDAEUM data systems installation device 124 UEBDD2 V E cartridge installation unit dummy cover double, quadrangular 108
UDBS 40-80 claw for plastic dummy cover 109 UEBDE R cover insert, high-grade steel dummy cartridge, triple 112
UDBS R 4 hollow space floor claw for Dummy cover, round 109 UEBDE V cover insert, high-grade steel dummy cartridge, triple 112
UDBS R 6 hollow space floor claw for Dummy cover, round 109 UEBDM R tube cartridge unit, triple, round, levellable 110
UDBS V 4 hollow space floor claw for Dummy cover, quadrangular 109 UEBDM RP WD tube cartridge unit, tripple, plan, round 110
UDEP 3PK adapter board module plug systems 121 UEBDM V tube-cartridge unit triple, quadrangular 111
UDEP 5PCOM adapter board module plug systems 121 UEBDM VP WD tube cartridge unit, tripple, plan, quadrangular 111
UDEP 5PK adapter board module plug systems 121 UEBDME R cover insert, tube outlet cartridge made of high-grade steel, triple 112
UDEP AMP adapter board data technology 120 UEBDME V cover insert, tube outlet cartridge made of high-grade steel, triple 112
UDEP AMP SL adapter board 120 UEBDS R E dummy cartridge with steel inlay, round 110
UDEP B adapter board 120 UEBDS V E heavy-duty dummy cartridge unit, triple, quadrangular 111
UDEP BTR adapter board data technology 120 UEBDSM R dummy cartridge heavy-duty round with tube mounting unit 110
dummy cartridge heavy duty quadrangular with tube mounting
UDEP COR adapter board data technology 120 UEBDSM V 111
UDEP DSUB adapter board audio/video technology 120 UEBDSM1-2 V heavy-duty tube single outlet cartridge, quadrangular, levellable 115
UDEP GG45 adapter board data technology 120 UEBDSM1-4 V heavy-duty tube single outlet cartridge, quadrangular, levellable 114
UDEP HAR adapter board data technology 120 UEBS screed flush duct, 1 compartment 97
UDEP KEL adapter board 120 UEBSBD dummy cartridge, quadrangular 98
UDEP KM adapter board audio/video technology 120 UEBSBMD 185V assemblycover, blind, quadrangular 97
UDEP KR adapter board data technology 120 UEBSBMD 260R assemblycover, blind, round 97
UGET 3-1 device carrier 121 UST45FR 3 installation socket with earthing pin, tripple 123
UGET 3-3 device carrier 121 UTG device separation plate 117
UGET B device carrier 121 UTG 75 device mounting cup 117
UGET CEE device carrier 121 UV distributor box 125
UGETD device carrier - data 120 UVA GB grounding line 112
UGETD UZ strain relief 120 UVA GB1 grounding line 112
UGETD KM device cup assembly carrier audio/video technology 121 UVABU connecting line plug - socket, WAGO 125
UGKB protection strip 105 UVABUWI connecting line plug - socket, Wieland 127
UGKD1-2 V rubber seal, quadrangular 115 UVB 2 vertical bend, 2 partitions 102
UGM rubber sleeve 114 UVB 3 vertical bend, 3 partitions 102
UGM SLF subsonic noise sleeve socket - levelling support 99, 113 UVB-2 distributor block 125
UGR1-4 Device cup, round, pre-assembled 115 UVB-5 distributor block 125
UGZ strain relief 127 UVBU-3 socket component 125
UGZ R strain relief 127 UVBU-5 socket component 125
U-HW HF cable clamp 92 UVBUWI-3 socket part, Wieland 127
U-IW cable clamp 89 UVBUWI-5 socket part, Wieland 127
UK double duct 102 UVBWI-2 distributor block 127
UKAZ extension accessories 104 UVBWI-5 distributor block 127
UKBS channel partition - fire resistant 103 UVS captive washer 70
UKBSR EasyFoam foam plugs 103 UVS ST snap-in-piece, plug, Wago 126
UKD dummy cover 104 UVST-3 plug component 125
UKDA 185V assembly cover 104 UVSTWI-3 plug part, Wieland 127
UKDA 260R assembly cover 104 UVSWI ST snap-in-piece, plug, Wieland 127
UKDA 260V assembly cover 104 UVWI distributor block 127
UKDA 308R assembly cover 104 UWZ IS allen wrench 114
UKEB end piece 104 UWZ TS torx key 114
UKL triple duct 102 UWZ UG mounting lever 127
UKR 2 cable duct bottom piece 2 compartments 104 UWZ Z underfloor tongs 127
UKR 3 bottom piece 104
UKS phillips screw 113 V
UKTR barrier strip 104 VA-AP shear connector rod, pistol 65
ULS R sealing bag 109 VAB-HB shear connector rod, concrete 65
UM mounting sleeve 102 VAB-HB B shear connector rod, brush 65
UN nail plug 105 VAB-HB M shear connector mortar 65
UNE levelling device, dummy 111 VAS-AS shear connector rod, stone 65
US 125 square washer 70 VAS-BS shear connector rod, fire prevention 65
US 7349 square washer 70 VAS-M shear connector mortar 65
US 9021 square washer 70 VAS-SH perforated bush for shear connector, stone 65
USA45 automatic circuit breaker 124 VB connection plate 26, 41
USH 40 siphon 113 VM rod coupling 66
USK shuttering unit quadrangular 105
USK R shuttering round 108 W
USK R122 shuttering round 114 W cable clamp 90
USK V shuttering, quadrangular 108 WPAD wide-span branch-piece cover 40
USKH heat-resistant formwork element, quadrangular 105 WP-AH spacer sleeve 39
USKR formwork element, round 105 WPBD wide-span bend cover 39
USR shuttering tube 105 WPD wide-span cover 39
USRH heat-resistant formwork pipe, round 105 WPD-A cover elevator 39
USSM overvoltage protection module 124 WPD-K cover clamp 39
USSM FM overvoltage protection module 123 WPFD wide-span outside riser cover 39
UST45 1 shockproof socket single 123 WPFDK fitting cover hook clip 39
UST45 2 shockproof socket, duplex 123 WPFDKA fitting cover hook clip, elevated 39
UST45 3 shockproof socket triple 123 WPHS-A flange mounting clamp - channels 40
UST45 4 shockproof socket quadruple 123 WPHS-IS isolation strip 40
UST45FR 1 installation socket with earthing pin, single 123 WPHS-K flange mounting clamp - brackets 40
UST45FR 2 installation socket with earthing pin, double 123 WPHS-P flange mounting clamp - profiles 40
Wire-mesh cable trays
Chemins de cbles en l
Bandejas de rejilla
Wire-mesh cable trays
Chemins de cbles en l
Bandejas de rejilla
Gitterbahnen Gitterbahnen
Wire-mesh cable trays Wire-mesh cable trays
Chemins de cbles en l Chemins de cbles en l
Bandejas de rejilla
/pc Bandejas de rejilla
G 50-10F 62,30
G 50-20F 76,40
G 50-30F 92,10
G 50-40F 130,00
G 50-50F 151,00 MP-G MP-G 50S 9,80
G 50-60F 170,00 MP-G 50F 12,60
MP-G 50E4 36,00
G 50-10E 171,00
G 50-20E 228,00
G 50-30E 285,00
G 50-40E 419,00
G 50-50E 490,00
G 50-60E 564,00
G 100-10F 85,65
G 100-20F 102,00
G 100-30F 142,00
G 100-40F 161,00 GVD 30 GVD 30S 2,40
G 100-50F 181,00 GVD 30F 3,25
G 100-60F 207,00 GVD 30E 4,70
G 100-10E 236,00
G 100-20E 291,00
G 100-30E 430,00
G 100-40E 501,00 GV-L 30 GV-L 30F 1,15
G 100-50E 575,00 GV-L 30E 1,45
G 100-60E 585,00 GV-L 30E4 1,80
GI GI 06S 76,15
GI 12S 84,00
GI 20S 90,55 GVU GVU F 7,80
0 0 GI 30S 104,00 GVU E 14,60
GI 06F 97,50
GI 12F 106,00
GI 20F 119,00
GI 30F 152,00
GI 06E 381,00
GI 12E 422,00
GI 20E 550,00 GVK GVK F 3,60
GI 30E 587,00 GVK E 4,90
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Kabelrinnen Kabelrinnen
Cable trays Cable trays
Goulottes Goulottes
Bandeja perforada y ciega
/pc Bandeja perforada y ciega
RG 85-10F 117,00
R 60 R 60-10S 56,35 RG 85-20F 158,00
R 60-20S 72,25 RG 85-30F 210,00
R 60-30S 89,35 RG 85-40F 250,00
00 R 60-40S 123,00 RG 85-50F 316,00
30 R 60-50S 160,00 RG 85-60F 358,00
R 60-60S 184,00
R 60-10F 92,55
R 60-20F 130,00
R 60-30F 164,00
R 60-40F 210,00
R 60-50F 263,00
R 60-60F 311,00
R 60-10E 245,00
R 60-20E 343,00
R 60-30E 438,00
R 60-40E 538,00
R 60-50E 778,00
R 60-60E 892,00
RG 60 RG 60-10S 56,35
RG 60-20S 72,25
00 RG 60-30S 89,35
30 RG 60-40S 123,00
RG 60-50S 160,00
RG 60-60S 184,00
RG 60-10F 92,55
RG 60-20F 130,00
RG 60-30F 164,00
RG 60-40F 210,00
RG 60-50F 263,00
RG 60-60F 311,00
RG 60-10E 245,00
RG 60-20E 343,00
RG 60-30E 438,00
RG 60-40E 538,00
RG 60-50E 778,00
RG 60-60E 892,00
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Kabelrinnen Kabelrinnen
Cable trays Cable trays
Goulottes Goulottes
Bandeja perforada y ciega
/pc Bandeja perforada y ciega
R 110-10E 350,00
R 110-20E 448,00 RGS 110 RGS 110-10S 129,00
R 110-30E 544,00 RGS 110-20S 164,00
R 110-40E 792,00 RGS 110-30S 200,00
R 110-50E 910,00 30 RGS 110-40S 234,00
R 110-60E 1.035,00 RGS 110-50S 271,00
RGS 110-60S 306,00
RG 110-10F 134,00
RG 110-20F 167,00
RG 110-30F 220,00
RG 110-40F 285,00
RG 110-50F 331,00
RG 110-60F 374,00
RG 110-10E 350,00
RG 110-20E 448,00
RG 110-30E 544,00
RG 110-40E 792,00
RG 110-50E 910,00
RG 110-60E 1.035,00
RS 60 RS 60-10S 95,75
RS 60-20S 129,00
RS 60-30S 162,00
00 RS 60-40S 194,00
30 RS 60-50S 229,00
RS 60-60S 265,00
RS 60-10F 147,00
RS 60-20F 187,00
RS 60-30F 236,00
RS 60-40F 278,00
RS 60-50F 318,00
RS 60-60F 364,00
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Formteile Formteile
Fittings Fittings
Elments de raccordement Elments de raccordement
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
RB 110-10F 58,00
RB 110-20F 101,00
RB 110-30F 119,00 RAE RAE 60S 16,20
RB 110-40F 153,00 RAE 60F 23,40
RB 110-50F 190,00 RAE 60E 34,15
RB 110-60F 229,00
RAE 110S 21,50
RB 110-10E 147,00 RAE 110F 31,75
RB 110-20E 187,00 RAE 110E 43,15
RB 110-30E 265,00
RB 110-40E 330,00
RB 110-50E 404,00
RB 110-60E 487,00
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Formteile Formteile
Fittings Fittings
Elments de raccordement Elments de raccordement
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Formteile Formteile
Fittings Fittings
Elments de raccordement Elments de raccordement
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
RK 60-10E 237,00
RK 60-20E 288,00 RVB 85-10S 102,00
RK 60-30E 417,00 RVB 85-20S 112,00
RK 60-40E 487,00 RVB 85-30S 120,00
RK 60-50E 557,00 RVB 85-40S 131,00
RK 60-60E 619,00 RVB 85-50S 142,00
RVB 85-60S 149,00
RK 85-10F 119,00
RK 85-20F 138,00 RVB 110-10S 107,00
RK 85-30F 176,00 RVB 110-20S 116,00
RK 85-40F 204,00 RVB 110-30S 126,00
RK 85-50F 245,00 RVB 110-40S 135,00
RK 85-60F 284,00 RVB 110-50S 146,00
RVB 110-60S 153,00
RK 110-10F 130,00
RK 110-20F 148,00
RK 110-30F 184,00
RK 110-40F 215,00
RK 110-50F 263,00
RK 110-60F 298,00
RK 110-10E 288,00
RK 110-20E 341,00
RK 110-30E 470,00
RK 110-40E 538,00
RK 110-50E 604,00
RK 110-60E 674,00
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Formteile Zubehr
Fittings Accessories
Elments de raccordement Accessoires
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Accesorios
RR 110-20F 176,00
RR 110-30F 194,00 RAB 110-10S 13,10
RR 110-40F 214,00 RAB 110-20S 15,35
RR 110-50F 236,00 RAB 110-30S 17,55
RR 110-60F 250,00 RAB 110-40S 19,85
RAB 110-50S 22,05
RR 110-20E 228,00 RAB 110-60S 24,50
RR 110-30E 269,00 RAB 110-10F 18,40
RR 110-40E 314,00
RR 110-50E 355,00 RAB 110-20F 21,65
RR 110-60E 398,00 RAB 110-30F 24,85
RAB 110-40F 28,20
RAB 110-50F 31,40
RAB 110-60F 34,55
RAB 110-10E 29,35
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
RD 10F 58,40
RGVS RD 20F 97,70
RGVS 60S 2,40 RD 30F 137,00
RD 40F 184,00
RD 50F 256,00
RD 60F 300,00
VB RD 10E 130,00
VB 10S 1,05 RD 20E 219,00
VB 20S 1,65 RD 30E 380,00
VB 30S 2,20 RD 40E 491,00
VB 40S 2,75 RD 50E 745,00
VB 50S 3,50 RD 60E 881,00
VB 60S 4,05
VB 10F 1,45
VB 20F 2,65
VB 30F 3,75 RDR RDR 10S 78,35
VB 40F 4,90 RDR 20S 106,00
VB 50F 6,25 RDR 30S 135,00
VB 60F 7,45 00 RDR 40S 164,00
30 RDR 50S 201,00
VB 10E 2,30 RDR 60S 227,00
VB 20E 4,95
VB 30E 7,60 RDR 10F 113,00
VB 40E 10,10 RDR 20F 158,00
VB 50E 12,95 RDR 30F 206,00
VB 60E 15,55 RDR 40F 265,00
RDR 50F 351,00
RDR 60F 402,00
RDR 10E 185,00
RDR 20E 278,00
/m RDR 30E 441,00
RDR 40E 557,00
KSB 10,10 RDR 50E 816,00
RDR 60E 956,00
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Deckel Deckel
Covers Covers
Couvercles Couvercles
/pc Tapas
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Deckel Deckel
Covers Covers
Couvercles Couvercles
/pc Tapas
Cable trays
Bandeja perforada y ciega
Installationsrinnen Formteile
Cable trays with outlets Fittings
Chemins de cbles installation Elments de raccordement
Bandejas installacin
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Cable ladders
chelles cbles
Bandejas escalera
Cable ladders
chelles cbles
Bandejas escalera
Kabelleitern Kabelleitern
Cable ladders Cable ladders
chelles cbles L chelles cbles L
Bandejas escalera mm /pc Bandejas escalera mm /pc
LGG 60 LGG 60-20-3S 3000 126,00 LGG 100 LGG 100-20-3S 3000 160,00
LGG 60-30-3S 3000 132,00 LGG 100-30-3S 3000 162,00
LGG 60-40-3S 3000 139,00 LGG 100-40-3S 3000 170,00
LGG 60-50-3S 3000 147,00 LGG 100-50-3S 3000 178,00
LGG 60-60-3S 3000 154,00 LGG 100-60-3S 3000 180,00
LGGS 60 LGGS 60-20-3S 3000 149,00 LGGS 100 LGGS 100-20-3S 3000 195,00
LGGS 60-30-3S 3000 154,00 LGGS 100-30-3S 3000 201,00
LGGS 60-40-3S 3000 160,00 LGGS 100-40-3S 3000 205,00
LGGS 60-50-3S 3000 170,00 LGGS 100-50-3S 3000 216,00
LGGS 60-60-3S 3000 175,00 LGGS 100-60-3S 3000 221,00
Cable ladders
chelles cbles
Bandejas escalera
Formteile Formteile
Fittings Fittings
Elments de raccordement Elments de raccordement
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Cable ladders
chelles cbles
Bandejas escalera
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
Cable ladders
chelles cbles
Bandejas escalera
LD LD 20S 61,35
LD 30S 88,45
LD 40S 112,00
00 LD 50S 151,00
30 LD 60S 175,00
LD 20F 72,80
LD 30F 119,00
LD 40F 148,00
LD 50F 217,00
LD 60F 253,00
LD 20E 193,00
LD 30E 318,00
LD 40E 398,00
LD 50E 495,00
LD 60E 545,00
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Weitspannkabelleitern Formteile
Wide span cable ladder Fittings
chelles cbles grande porte Elments de raccordement
Bandeja escalera grandes vanos /pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Formteile Formteile
Fittings Fittings
Elments de raccordement Elments de raccordement
Curvas, Derivaciones
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Weitspannkabelrinnen Formteile
Wide-span cable trays Fittings
Chemin de cbles grande porte Elments de raccordement
Bandeja perforada grandes vanos
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Deckel Deckel
Covers Covers
Couvercles Couvercles
/pc Tapas
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Deckel Zubehr
Covers Accessories
Couvercles Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
Wide-span systems
chelles cbles grande porte
Bandejas autoportantes
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
VB 20F 2,65
VB 30F 3,75
VB 40F 4,90
VB 50F 6,25
VB 60F 7,45
Vertical ladders
Echelles cbles verticale
Vertical ladders
Echelles cbles verticale
LGG 60 LGG 60-20-3S 3000 126,00 STU 50 STU 50-02-3S 3000 200,00
LGG 60-30-3S 3000 132,00 STU 50-03-3S 3000 210,00
LGG 60-40-3S 3000 139,00 STU 50-04-3S 3000 216,00
LGG 60-50-3S 3000 147,00 STU 50-05-3S 3000 225,00
LGG 60-60-3S 3000 154,00 STU 50-06-3S 3000 234,00
STU 50-07-3S 3000 240,00
LGG 60-20S 6000 236,00 STU 50-08-3S 3000 247,00
LGG 60-30S 6000 244,00
LGG 60-40S 6000 255,00 STU 50-02S 6000 386,00
LGG 60-50S 6000 269,00 STU 50-03S 6000 402,00
LGG 60-60S 6000 287,00 STU 50-04S 6000 420,00
STU 50-05S 6000 432,00
LGG 60-20-3F 3000 161,00 STU 50-06S 6000 448,00
LGG 60-30-3F 3000 170,00 STU 50-07S 6000 465,00
LGG 60-40-3F 3000 175,00 STU 50-08S 6000 480,00
LGG 60-50-3F 3000 188,00
LGG 60-60-3F 3000 198,00 STU 50-02-3F 3000 272,00
STU 50-03-3F 3000 287,00
LGG 60-20F 6000 297,00 STU 50-04-3F 3000 295,00
LGG 60-30F 6000 313,00 STU 50-05-3F 3000 307,00
LGG 60-40F 6000 325,00 STU 50-06-3F 3000 319,00
LGG 60-50F 6000 353,00 STU 50-07-3F 3000 330,00
LGG 60-60F 6000 371,00 STU 50-08-3F 3000 341,00
SU 50/22 SU 50/22 4,25
Vertical ladders
Echelles cbles verticale
LH LH F 6,65
SU 60 SU 60 11,45
Vertical ladders
Echelles cbles verticale
ST 82 ST 82-02F 1.191,00
ST 82-03F 1.249,00
ST 82-04F 1.307,00
ST 82-05F 1.364,00 HKI HKI F 20,90
6000 ST 82-06F 1.419,00
ST 82-07F 1.477,00
ST 82-08F 1.534,00
ST 82-09F 1.591,00
ST 82-10F 1.647,00
ST 82-11F 1.707,00
ST 82-12F 1.765,00
SI SI 7,65
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Wandkonsolen Wandkonsolen
Brackets Brackets
Consolesmurales L Consolesmurales L
Soportepared mm /pc Soportepared mm /pc
KWLL KWLL 010S 110 6,90 KWMS KWMS 010F 120 14,15
KWLL 020S 210 8,10 KWMS 020F 220 18,20
KWLL 030S 310 9,35 KWMS 030F 320 21,85
KWMS 040F 420 24,35
KWLL 010E 110 20,60 KWMS 050F 520 41,40
KWLL 020E 210 25,95 KWMS 060F 620 45,50
KWLL 030E 310 31,15
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
KSL-SP F 1,60
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
KDU 50 KDU 50-02F 200 13,90 KHU 50 KHU 50-02S 200 4,95
KDU 50-03F 300 16,25 KHU 50-03S 300 6,50
KDU 50-04F 400 18,40 KHU 50-04S 400 8,15
KDU 50-05F 500 20,80 KHU 50-05S 500 9,95
KDU 50-06F 600 22,90 KHU 50-06S 600 11,55
KDU 50-07F 700 25,25 KHU 50-07S 700 13,40
KDU 50-08F 800 27,40 KHU 50-08S 800 15,30
KDU 50-09F 900 29,70 KHU 50-09S 900 16,85
KDU 50-10F 1000 31,95 KHU 50-10S 1000 18,70
KHU 50-30S 3000 51,35
KDU 50-02E 200 73,65 KHU 50-60S 6000 101,00
KDU 50-03E 300 82,25
KDU 50-04E 400 90,75 KHU 50-02F 200 6,90
KDU 50-05E 500 99,25 KHU 50-03F 300 9,25
KDU 50-06E 600 108,00 KHU 50-04F 400 11,25
KDU 50-07E 700 116,00 KHU 50-05F 500 13,40
KDU 50-08E 800 125,00 KHU 50-06F 600 15,55
KDU 50-09E 900 134,00 KHU 50-07F 700 17,90
KDU 50-10E 1000 141,00 KHU 50-08F 800 20,05
KHU 50-09F 900 22,30
KHU 50-10F 1000 24,30
KHU 50-30F 3000 69,75
KHU 50-60F 6000 138,00
LV 50 LV 50S 4,75
LV 50F 7,00
LV 50E 12,20
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
KDU 102 KDU 102-02F 200 43,70 KHU 100 KHU 100-02S 200 8,30
KDU 102-03F 300 52,35 KHU 100-03S 300 11,75
KDU 102-04F 400 60,85 KHU 100-04S 400 15,15
KDU 102-05F 500 69,45 KHU 100-05S 500 17,35
KDU 102-06F 600 77,85 KHU 100-06S 600 20,35
KDU 102-07F 700 86,25 KHU 100-07S 700 23,45
KDU 102-08F 800 95,05 KHU 100-08S 800 26,60
KDU 102-09F 900 104,00 KHU 100-09S 900 29,90
KDU 102-10F 1000 112,00 KHU 100-10S 1000 32,85
KDU 102-11F 1100 120,00 KHU 100-11S 1100 36,10
KDU 102-12F 1200 129,00 KHU 100-12S 1200 39,05
KDU 102-13F 1300 138,00 KHU 100-13S 1300 42,30
KDU 102-14F 1400 147,00 KHU 100-14S 1400 45,15
KDU 102-15F 1500 155,00 KHU 100-15S 1500 48,40
KDU 102-16F 1600 162,00 KHU 100-30S 3000 91,40
KDU 102-17F 1700 173,00 KHU 100-60S 6000 179,00
KDU 102-18F 1800 180,00
KDU 102-19F 1900 190,00 KHU 100-02F 200 9,55
KDU 102-20F 2000 202,00 KHU 100-03F 300 13,20
KHU 100-04F 400 17,05
KDU 102-02E 200 166,00 KHU 100-05F 500 19,65
KDU 102-03E 300 191,00 KHU 100-06F 600 23,45
KDU 102-04E 400 219,00 KHU 100-07F 700 27,15
KDU 102-05E 500 245,00 KHU 100-08F 800 30,70
KDU 102-06E 600 274,00 KHU 100-09F 900 34,65
KDU 102-07E 700 296,00 KHU 100-10F 1000 38,55
KDU 102-08E 800 325,00 KHU 100-11F 1100 42,40
KDU 102-09E 900 353,00 KHU 100-12F 1200 45,95
KDU 102-10E 1000 377,00 KHU 100-13F 1300 49,90
KDU 102-11E 1100 404,00 KHU 100-14F 1400 53,55
KDU 102-12E 1200 430,00 KHU 100-15F 1500 57,45
KDU 102-13E 1300 453,00 KHU 100-30F 3000 114,00
KDU 102-14E 1400 482,00 KHU 100-60F 6000 227,00
KDU 102-15E 1500 508,00
KDU 102-16E 1600 536,00 KHU 100-30E 3000 376,00
KDU 102-17E 1700 565,00
KDU 102-18E 1800 591,00
KDU 102-19E 1900 616,00
KDU 102-20E 2000 644,00
BGU 100 BGU 100F 38,70
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
BL 6 BL 6S 5,25
BL 6F 6,40
BL 6E 10,45
KB KB F 21,20
KB E 60,70
DS DS F 3,15
DS E 7,65
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Konsolen - KHU-System
Brackets - KHU system
Consoles - KHU systme L
Soportes pared - KHU sistema mm /pc
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
SI SI 7,65
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
BL 8 BL 8F 8,60
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
KHA 7 KHA 7-02S 200 3,70 KHA 9 KHA 9-02F 200 7,00
KHA 7-03S 300 5,35 KHA 9-03F 300 10,25
KHA 7-04S 400 6,95 KHA 9-04F 400 13,30
KHA 7-05S 500 8,60 KHA 9-05F 500 16,55
KHA 7-06S 600 10,30 KHA 9-06F 600 19,85
KHA 7-07S 700 12,05 KHA 9-07F 700 22,75
KHA 7-08S 800 13,80 KHA 9-08F 800 26,05
KHA 7-09S 900 15,50 KHA 9-09F 900 29,10
KHA 7-10S 1000 17,25 KHA 9-10F 1000 32,20
KHA 7-11S 1100 18,80 KHA 9-11F 1100 35,40
KHA 7-12S 1200 20,45 KHA 9-12F 1200 38,70
KHA 7-13S 1300 22,15 KHA 9-13F 1300 41,75
KHA 7-14S 1400 23,90 KHA 9-14F 1400 45,05
KHA 7-15S 1500 24,50 KHA 9-15F 1500 48,10
KHA 7-20S 2000 31,80 KHA 9-20F 2000 63,70
KHA 7-30S 3000 45,80 KHA 9-30F 3000 93,30
KHA 7-60S 6000 88,25 KHA 9-60F 6000 184,00
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
KHA-System KHA-System
KHA system KHA system
KHA systme KHA systme
KHA sistema
/pc KHA sistema
SA 1 SA 1 7,65 BL 5 BL 5F 5,65
AV AV 41F 21,05
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Ankerschienen Ankerschienen
Anchor-rails Anchor-rails
Rails dancrage L Rails dancrage L
Telerailes mm /pc Telerailes mm /pc
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Ankerschienen Ankerschienen
Anchor-rails Anchor-rails
Rails dancrage L Rails dancrage
Telerailes mm /pc Telerailes
Support systems
Systmes de supportage
Sistemas autoportantes
Bearbeitung - Ankerschienen
Treatment - Anchor-rails
Usinage - Rails dancrage
Labrar - Telerails
RL RL 7 2,85
RL 9 2,85
RL 11 2,85
RL 13 2,85
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Klemmbefestigungen Klemmbefestigungen
Clamps Clamps
Crapauds Crapauds
KLU E 502,00
LH LH F 6,65
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
VAS-AS VAS-AS 8/15 4,80
SA SA 6 125,00 VAS-AS 10/25 6,20
SA 8 154,00 VAS-AS 12/40 8,85
SA 10 248,00
SA 12 358,00 VAS-AS 8/15E4 13,20
VAS-AS 10/25E4 17,40
SA 6E4 750,00 VAS-AS 12/40E4 18,90
SA 8E4 780,00
SA 10E4 829,00
SA 12E4 1.282,00
VAS-BS VAS-BS 14/20 37,55
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Abhngemittel Abhngemittel
Suspension components Suspension components
Accessoires de suspension Accessoires de suspension
Accesorios de suspensin
/pc Accesorios de suspensin
mm /100 HFFR 3 HFFR 31GV 10 26,00
HFFR 32GV 10 29,60
GB GB M8-03 300 199,00 HFFR 33GV 10 32,85
GB M8-05 500 293,00 HFFR 34GV 10 36,40
GB M8-10 1000 477,00 HFFR 35GV 10 39,75
HFFR 310GV 10 56,90
GB M10-03 300 250,00
GB M10-05 500 381,00
GB M10-10 1000 644,00
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Abhngemittel Abhngemittel
Suspension components Suspension components
Accessoires de suspension Accessoires de suspension
Accesorios de suspensin
/pc Accesorios de suspensin
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Abhngemittel Abhngemittel
Suspension components Suspension components
Accessoires de suspension Accessoires de suspension
Accesorios de suspensin
/pc Accesorios de suspensin
GRIPADAP 8GV 10 32,55
GRIPCLE 2 11,85
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Schraubmittel Schraubmittel
Bolts and nuts Bolts and nuts
Boulons et crous Boulons et crous
Tornillos / tuercas
/100 Set Tornillos / tuercas
IK IK 6x20 31,60
IK 8x20 38,85
IK 8x25 48,45
IK 8x30 52,05
IK 8x40 59,30
/100 IK 10x20 70,10
IK 10x25 73,60
KLS KLS 8x16 89,50 IK 10x30 76,10
KLS 8x25 126,00 IK 10x40 92,90
KLS 10x20 132,00 IK 12x20 147,00
IK 12x25 152,00
KLS 10x20F 194,00 IK 12x30 155,00
IK 12x40 184,00
KLS 8x16E 226,00 IK 12x50 215,00
KLS 8x25E 253,00
KLS 10x20E 648,00 IK 8x10E 96,60
IK 8x20E 102,00
IK 8x25E 108,00
IK 8x30E 112,00
IK 8x40E 134,00
FRSV FRSV 6x12 23,35 IK 8x50E 146,00
FRSV 6x16 33,45 IK 10x20E 157,00
FRSV 8x16 36,05 IK 10x25E 169,00
FRSV 10x20 88,15 IK 10x30E 180,00
IK 10x40E 200,00
FRSV 10x20F 137,00 IK 12x20E 293,00
IK 12x25E 276,00
FRSV 6x12E 132,00 IK 12x30E 260,00
FRSV 6x16E 132,00 IK 12x40E 299,00
FRSV 8x16E 408,00 IK 12x50E 358,00
FRSV 10x20E 477,00
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Schraubmittel Schraubmittel
Bolts and nuts Bolts and nuts
Boulons et crous Boulons et crous
Tornillos / tuercas
/100 Tornillos / tuercas
US 10x30E4 166,00
FS FS 6 6,35
FS 8 7,55
FS 10 12,30 UVS UVS M6 33,60
FS 12 17,20 UVS M8 44,95
UVS M10 55,95
FS 6E 25,55 UVS M10x24 55,95
FS 8E 31,05
FS 10E 67,45
FS 12E 83,90
FR FR B6E 6,10
FR B8E 14,30
FR B10E 20,05
FR B12E 24,15
FR B6E4 12,55
FR B8E4 16,80 RUS 50 RUS 50-L13F 278,00
FR B10E4 33,95 RUS 50-L13E 474,00
FR B12E4 50,90
FR B6 4,85
FR B8 8,60
FR B10 12,00
FR B12 17,70
US 10x21F 19,65
US 13x24F 32,80
US 17x30F 113,00
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Bolts and nuts
Boulons et crous
Tornillos / tuercas
SEM 6E 24,50
SEM 8E 56,40
SEM 10E 83,90
SEM 12E 131,00
SEMS 6E 42,05
SEMS 8E 99,35
SEMS 10E 176,00
SEMSS 6E 46,50
SEMSS 10E 221,00
Mounting accessories
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Kabeltragwannen Schutzrohrprogramm
Cable support trough Line of protection tubes
Berceaux de cbles Programme tube protecteur
Baeras portacables
/pc Programa de tubos protectores
KTW-A 10 19,55
KTW-A 12 20,45
* on request
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Schutzrohrprogramm Schutzrohrprogramm
Line of protection tubes Line of protection tubes
Programme tube protecteur Programme tube protecteur
Programa de tubos protectores
/pc Programa de tubos protectores
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Line of protection tubes
Programme tube protecteur
Programa de tubos protectores
SRK-O 60 5,00
SRK-G 60 6,05
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Lichtbandsystem Lichtbandsystem
Lighting channel system Lighting channel system
Systme de rail pour clairage L Systme de rail pour clairage
Sistema de hilera para luminaria mm /pc Sistema de hilera para luminaria
KNK KNK 6,45
KPE 147,00
KPH AM 8 M5 105,00
KPE KPB 11,65
AM 8 M5
KPH 8 2,85
KPH-PG 9 3,75
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Schiffsleitern Schiffsleitern
Ship ladder Ship ladder
chelle de bateau chelle de bateau
Bandeja escalera para barcos
/pc Bandeja escalera para barcos
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Schiffsleitern Schiffsleitern
Ship ladder Ship ladder
chelle de bateau chelle de bateau
Bandeja escalera para barcos
/pc Bandeja escalera para barcos
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Bodenkanle Formteile
Cable channels Fittings
Gaine de sol Elments de raccordement
Canal pisable
/pc Curvas, Derivaciones
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires L Accessoires L
Accesorios mm /pc Accesorios mm /pc
BKV 100 BKV 100S 4,20
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Deckel Deckel
Covers Covers
Couvercles Couvercles
/pc Tapas
Special ranges
Gammes spciales
Gama especial
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Kabelschellen Kabelschellen
Cable clamps Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles Colliers de cbles
/100 Abrazaderas
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Kabelschellen Kabelschellen
Cable clamps Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles Colliers de cbles
/100 Abrazaderas
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Kabelschellen Kabelschellen
Cable clamps Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles Colliers de cbles
/100 Abrazaderas
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Kabelschellen Kabelschellen
Cable clamps Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles Colliers de cbles
/100 Abrazaderas
36 U 200 164,00
40 U 100 187,00
44 U 100 199,00
48 U 100 214,00
52 U 100 228,00 U-IW 12 U-IW 250 141,00
56 U 100 246,00 16 U-IW 250 146,00
20 U-IW 250 151,00
60 U 50 260,00 24 U-IW 250 166,00
64 U 50 273,00 28 U-IW 200 176,00
70 U 50 383,00 32 U-IW 200 187,00
76 U 50 494,00
82 U 50 527,00 36 U-IW 200 206,00
88 U 50 561,00 40 U-IW 100 230,00
44 U-IW 100 246,00
94 U 50 666,00 48 U-IW 100 258,00
100 U 50 710,00 52 U-IW 100 275,00
110 U 50 773,00 56 U-IW 100 290,00
120 U 50 845,00
150 U 2.005,00 60 U-IW 50 313,00
175 U 2.371,00 64 U-IW 50 321,00
70 U-IW 50 434,00
12/2 U 250 131,00
16/2 U 250 142,00
20/2 U 250 155,00
24/2 U 250 178,00
28/2 U 200 190,00
32/2 U 100 195,00 RU 14 RU 250 148,00
20 RU 250 161,00
36/2 U 100 241,00 26 RU 250 169,00
40/2 U 100 269,00 32 RU 100 241,00
44/2 U 100 278,00 38 RU 100 270,00
48/2 U 100 292,00 44 RU 100 295,00
52/2 U 100 326,00
56/2 U 50 348,00 52 RU 100 327,00
60 RU 100 378,00
12/3 U 250 150,00 70 RU 50 425,00
16/3 U 250 160,00
20/3 U 250 171,00 14/2 RU 250 195,00
24/3 U 250 198,00 20/2 RU 200 217,00
28/3 U 250 211,00 26/2 RU 100 232,00
32/2 RU 100 290,00
Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles
Kabelschellen Kabelschellen
Cable clamps Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles Colliers de cbles
/100 Abrazaderas
Placas de proteccin
Wannen Wannen
Tubes Tubes
Plaques Plaques
Placas de proteccin
/100 Placas de proteccin
LW 60 100 113,00
GW 76 100 98,95 LW 64 100 116,00
GW 82 100 105,00 LW 70 100 126,00
GW 88 100 113,00 LW 76 100 171,00
GW 94 100 167,00 LW 82 50 184,00
GW 100 100 178,00 LW 88 50 198,00
GW 110 100 187,00
GW 120 100 201,00 LW 94 50 210,00
LW 100 50 221,00
GW 150 733,00 LW 110 50 232,00
GW 175 894,00 LW 120 50 250,00
HW HW 20-1/2 50 46,95
HW 32-7/8 25 54,50
HW 44-1 1/4 25 69,60
HW 56-1 5/8 25 96,35
HF-Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles HF
Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen
HF-Cable clamps HF-Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles HF Colliers de cbles HF
/100 Abrazaderas-HF
HF-Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles HF
Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen
HF-Cable clamps HF-Cable clamps
Colliers de cbles HF Colliers de cbles HF
/100 Abrazaderas-HF
HF-EM 8 5 25 3.425,00
HF-EM 8 6 25 3.789,00 HF-ES 50 5 25 4.250,00
HF-ES 50 6 25 4.605,00
HF-ES 80 5 25 4.393,00
HF-ES 80 6 25 4.760,00
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Hochfrequenz-Kabelschellen Befestigungszubehr
HF-Cable clamps Fastenings
Colliers de cbles HF Accessoires de xation
/100 Accesorios para montaje
SC SC 250 560,00
HF-EAC 5 25 3.578,00
HF-EAC 6 25 3.950,00
SD E SD E 345,00
HF-EE HF-EE 190 1.763,00 SD E 50M 165,00
HF-EE 150 1.763,00
HF-EE 130 1.763,00
HF-EE 70 2.344,00
HF-EE 65 2.344,00
HF-EE 60 2.344,00
HF-EE 46 2.795,00
HF-EE 38 2.795,00
Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
Befestigungszubehr Befestigungszubehr
Fastenings Fastenings
Accessoires de xation Accessoires de xation
Accesorios para montaje
/100 Accesorios para montaje
RGW RGW 8/6 135,00 SSV SSV 6x10 44,70
SSV 6x25 45,95
SSV 6x40 59,80
IK IK 8x20 38,85
IK 8x25 48,45
AN AN 100 200,00 IK 8x30 52,05
IK 8x40 59,30
SN SN 25 M/G 50 225,00
SN 35 M/G 50 228,00
SES SES 8x16 31,60
SN 25 O/G 50 164,00 SES 8x20 31,60
SN 35 O/G 50 171,00 SES 8x25 32,80
50 SES 8x30 35,20
SES 8x40 52,05
SES 8x110 132,00
Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Screed ush duct systems
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Screed ush duct systems
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Screed ush duct systems
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
Montagesatz Edelstahlkassette
Mounting kit Stainlesssteelcartridge
Set de montage Cassette en acier inoxydable
Unidad de montaje
/pc Cajetn acero inoxidable
Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Screed ush duct systems
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
LKS LKS M4x5 30,70
LKS M4x12 47,35
LKS M5x10 74,90
Estrichbndige Kanalsysteme
Screed ush duct systems
Systmes de canalisations ras de chape
Canal a ras de pavimento
Schwerlastbodenkanal Zubehr
Heavy-dutyoorduct Accessories
Gainedesoclechargeslourdes L Accessoires
Canal reforzado mm /pc Accesorios
Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Floor trunking systems
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Floor trunking systems
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
Unterurkanalsystem Unterurkanalsystem
Underoorductsystem Underoorductsystem
Systme de gaines de sol Systme de gaines de sol
Sistema de canal bajo suelo
/pc Sistema de canal bajo suelo
UM UM 28-190S 8,95
UB UB 28-190S 5,85 UM 28-250S 9,50
UB 28-250S 6,00 UM 28-350S 10,55
UB 28-350S 6,70
UM 38-190S 9,10
UB 38-190S 6,00 UM 38-250S 9,65
UB 38-250S 6,10 UM 38-350S 10,80
UB 38-350S 6,70
UM 48-190S 9,30
UB 48-190S 6,10 UM 48-250S 9,75
UB 48-250S 6,30 UM 48-350S 10,90
UB 48-350S 6,85
UE UE 28-350S 11,95
UE 38-350S 13,55
UE 48-350S 15,60
Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Floor trunking systems
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
Hohlraumbodendose Brandschutz
Hollowspaceoorbox Fireprevention
Botes de sol Protection anti-incendie
Registro para pavimento
/pc Proteccin contra incendios
Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Floor trunking systems
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
Kabelkanalsystem Kabelkanalsystem
Cable duct system Cable duct system
Systme de canalisations cbles Systme de canalisations cbles
Sistema de canalizacin para cables
/pc Sistema de canalizacin para cables
UKTR UKTR 35S 9,65
UKTR 60S 28,25
UKDA 308R UKDA-308R 40S 50,05 UKTR 85S 28,25
UKDA-308R 50S 55,90 UKTR 110S 33,95
Estrichberdeckte Kanalsysteme
Floor trunking systems
Systmes de canalisations noyes dans la chape
Sistema bajo pavimento
Schalungskrper Zubehr
Shuttering unit Accessories
Corps de coffrage Accessoires
Unidad de encofrado
/pc Accesorios
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Kassetteneinbaueinheiten Zubehr
Cartridgeinstallationunits Accessories
Botes de sol Accessoires
Unidades de montaje /pc Accesorios /pc
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Zubehr Zubehr
Accessories Accessories
Accessoires Accessoires
/pc Accesorios
UVA-GB1-2.5-15 8,10
UVA-GB1-4.0-15 9,00
UEBDE V UEBDE3-V 6 11,75
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
UKS UKS M4x50 28,25
UKS M4x60 30,05
UKS M4x100 37,25
UKS M8x150 369,00
UKS M10x80 107,00
UKS M10x150 543,00
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Einbaueinheiten fr Estrich- und Hohlraumbden
Installation units for screed- and raised oor
Units dinstallation pour chape et pour plachers creux
Componentes para sistema bajo suelo y suelo hueco
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gertebecher UG Gertetrger
Device installation cup UG Devicecarrier
Botier pour appareillage UG Cuvettes pour appareillage
Portamecanismos UG
/pc Portamecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gertedatentrger Gertedatentrger
Data-device carriers Data-device carriers
Support pour platines de donnes Support pour platines de donnes
Portamecanismos datos
/pc Portamecanismos datos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gertedatentrger Gerteinsatz
Data-device carriers Device insert
Support pour platines de donnes Appareil encastrable
Portamecanismos datos
/pc Mecanismo
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gerteinsatz Gertetrger
Device insert Devicecarrier
Appareil encastrable Cuvettes pour appareillage
/pc Portamecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Starkstromtechnik Datentechnik/Multimedia
Powerengineering Datatechnology/multimedia
Technique basse tension Technique de data / multimdia
Tcnica de alta tensin
/pc Tcnica de datos / Multimedia
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Datentechnik/Multimedia Datentechnik/Multimedia
Datatechnology/multimedia Datatechnology/multimedia
Technique de data / multimdia Technique de data / multimdia
Tcnica de datos / Multimedia
/pc Tcnica de datos / Multimedia /pc
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
UVABU-W-2.5-100 13,70
UVABU-W-2.5-400 24,30
UVABU-W-2.5-600 31,05
UVABU-W-2.5-800 38,45
UV UV-S 6K 92,95
UG45WA-3 UG45WA-CW3 36,40 UV-W 6K 92,95
UG45WA-O3 37,80 UV-S0 6K 73,05
UG45WA-G3 40,10 UV-W0 6K 73,05
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Gerteeinbaubecher, Installationsgerte
Cups for units, Installing units
Botiers, appareils dinstallation
Portamecanismos, mecanismos
Allgemeine Geschftsbedingungen | Conditions gnrales | Condiciones generales
failed attempts or if a reasonable period of time has passed since The seller accepts this cession. The value of the reserved goods
reporting the defect without any attempt to provide rectication. according to these conditions is the invoice value of the seller plus
In case of doubt, a reasonable period of time is equivalent to the a safety fee of 10%.
contractual delivery period. The seller authorises the buyer, under reserve of revocation, to
The statutory period of limitation for all warranty claims amounts collect claims from reselling. The seller will not make use of his own
to one year from the legal commencement of the period of collection authorisation, as long as the buyer fulls his payment
limitations with the exception of these claims found in sec. 478 obligations. Upon request, the buyer must name the debtors of the
German Civil Code. This does not apply for goods that were used ceded claims to the seller and display this cession. Thus, the seller
for construction work in accordance with their usual application. will be authorised to show the debtor the cession in the name of
the buyer.
LIABILITY Should the value of the surety provided to the seller exceed the
Claims for damages made by the buyer including extra- claims by more than 10%, at the buyers request, the seller is
contractual damage compensation claims are excluded in obligated to retransfer or release the securities; the selection of
cases of slightly negligent violation of non-essential duties for the securities to be released shall be made by the seller.
fullment of the contract. In cases of slightly negligent violation of In case of foreclosure or other measures of third parties which
essential obligations, as well as a deliberate or serious negligent could legally or actually affect the rights of the seller to the reserved
breach of contractual obligations by non-managerial employees, goods or ceded claims, the buyer must immediately inform the
the level of liability of the seller is limited to the normal amount of seller and provide the documents necessary for an intervention. In
damage that might be expected. All liability limitations contained case of an impoundment or other seizures, the buyer is obligated
in these delivery conditions are not valid in the event of damage to to notify the foreclosure officials of the property of the seller and to
persons, damage that is caused by the absence of a guaranteed report this to the seller within three days by sending a copy of the
quality and claims pursuant to the Product Liability Act. impoundment report. The buyer bears the costs of protecting the
proprietary rights of the seller.
The seller retains the property right to the product until the sales PLACE OF JURISDICTION ; CHOICE OF LAW
price has been paid in full and all claims from the business The place of jurisdiction dealing with traders is 12057 Berlin. The
relationship against the buyer have been fullled. This also applies seller is entitled, however, to sue where the buyer has his office
if individual or all claims are placed in a running invoice and the or delivery address. German law under exclusion of the UN Sales
balance has been struck and accepted. Convention is exclusively valid.
The buyer is only authorised and entitled to process or resell
reserved goods over the course of a proper business transaction MISCELLANEOUS
and under the condition that the subsequent stipulations are Should individual regulations of these general business terms and
observed. The buyer is not authorised to dispose of reserved goods conditions of payment be or become fully or partially ineffective,
or claims which he had ceded or will cede to the seller according the effectiveness of the remaining conditions will not be affected.
to these regulations in any other way. If the delivered goods are The parties are to replace an ineffective provision by one that is
processed to a new product by the buyer, the processing is done effective and most closely approximates the commercial purpose
for the seller. An acquisition of property by the buyer according of the original.
to sections 946-950 German Civil Code is excluded. In the case
of processing with other products, not property of the seller, the [2010-01]
seller acquires joint ownership of the new products as per the
value ratio. The new product is a reserved good. The buyer already
cedes his claims to a reselling of the reserved goods to the seller
to an amount that corresponds to the value of the reserved goods.
Errors and technical modication subject to change, reproduction as well as electronic duplication only with our written
permission. With appearance of this print all preceding documents lose their validity.
Kunststoff-Stahlverarbeitung GmbH & Co.
Nobelstr. 45-55
12057 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 68283-01
Fax: +49 30 68283-266
status: 2015-03-01
PUK-WERKE KG | PUK-PL2015 EN | TOPP | 1.000 | 2015-01-09