Open Disclosure - Mr. James Chandler, Northwest Middle School Integrated Science - 7th Grade
Open Disclosure - Mr. James Chandler, Northwest Middle School Integrated Science - 7th Grade
Open Disclosure - Mr. James Chandler, Northwest Middle School Integrated Science - 7th Grade
Course Materials
Students are expected to bring paper, pencils, school binder and planner, and student science journal
to class everyday. Textbooks, lab equipment, computers, etc. will be provided for students to use at
Field Trips
Learning experiences outside of the classroom can be a valuable piece of a childs education. If we
are able to have a field trip students will be expected to act as ambassadors of the school. Students
will be expected to act responsibly and appropriatly. Failure to act appropriatly and adhere to school
rules will result in loss of field trip privileges.
Telephone (801) 578-8547 x 1309 Email: Room 1309
Field trips will be categorized as follows: Essential: those that build on the curriculum being taught
in the classroom and Enrichment: those that are not directly related to the curriculum being taught.
Only students with grades C and higher in all classes will be invited to attend the enrichment
field trips, students with lower grades will stay at school and use the opportunity to make up work.
Hall Pass Policy: Students will be given 2 hall passes per quarter. They can be used after the first
10 minutes of class and before the last 10, and only during times where students will not be missing
instruction. If they are not used, they may be turned in at the end of the quarter for extra credit.
They will not be replaced if lost. Under rare and special circumstances, students may earn an extra
Course Requirements
Participate: Try your hardest. Ask questions. Give and receive feedback. Stay curious and explore.
Come to school every day and be on time for class. Be prepared to learn and work hard. Complete
assignments. Do the daily At The Bell assignments / weekly ATB tracker sheets. Participate in class.
Complete labs, assignments, homework, tasks, and projects. Follow all directions. Take healthy
risks. Adopt a growth mindset. Support our learning community. And most importantly take
accountablity for your learning and growth.
Homework: Most of our school work will be given suffiecient time for students to complete in
class. If a student does not finish their classwork then it will become homework. Every week
students will be given a homework assisgnment, usually on Monday, that will be due on the Friday
of that week. Homework tasks may be alloted some class time but students should plan to do these
at home and should not count on classtime. Sometimes there may also be homework assignments
given out during the week in addition to the normal weekly homework. If an assignment is not up to
an acceptable standard (homework or in class work) the student may need to redo or rework the
assignment in order for it to be accepted. Reminders for Homework and other assignments will be
sent out through Remind. To sign up for reminders through the Remind App see attached paper.
Absent and Late Work: Students should be in class, on time, EVERY DAY. The new science
curriculum is very hands on. Students will quickly fall behind if they are absent. It is the
students responsibility to ask for and make up any missed work. Students must inform
myself and Principal Zuchetto about any planned extended absences. Students who have an excused
absence on the day an assignment is given will have two days for every one day missed to make up
missed work (Gone for 1 day = 2 days to make up work).
All work must be turned in ON TIME in order to earn full credit. Late assignments lose 1 point per
day until they are at 60% (D-). (This means you should do your assignments even if they are late! If
you turn it in you can avoid a failing grade!)
Redo Policy: The aim of this class is for students to gain a mastery level of understanding of major
scientific concepts and principles. With that goal in mind, if you are not happy with your score on
an assignment you can discuss a redo with me. Mastery of Science Concept work can be redone
until Mastery is gained. Students must turn assignments in on time however, and completed, to
qualify for a redo. (Note: some quizzes, tests, participation activities, projects, and labs will not
have a redo option.)
Telephone (801) 578-8547 x 1309 Email: Room 1309
Grading Procedures:
Mastery of Science Content (50%) May be assessed by, but not limited to; assignments,
worksheets, homework, projects, tests, and quizes.
Participation (50%) May be assessed by, but not limited to; class participation,
homework, worksheets, projects, lab work, data collection, notes, partner work, group work,
and daily At The Bell work.
Although I will be doing my very best to keep grades as up to date as possible, grades will be
updated on the computer every two weeks at the very least and parents can access their students
grade via the district website
Grading Scale:
Citizenship: Citizenship grades will be assessed through attendance, work habits in class, and
following directions and routines. The following scale will be used for tardiness and unexcused
Extra Credit: Some small extra credit opportunities will be available to all students throughout the
year, but will NOT be given in the last week of the quarter as an emergency grade boost.
Just a reminder about a few school rules and expectations expected in my class:
- Students are expected to show respect, tolerance, and consideration for all people and property in
the classroom. Inappropriate language, behavior, or dress is unacceptable.
- Our science room is a No Food and Gum Zone. Spit gum out when you walk in the door. Mints are
okay. There is no food allowed in class.
- I may confiscate phones, ipods, headphones, toys etc. that are distracting to the learning process.
If you choose not to follow these, and other school rules, some possible interventions include:
verbal warning, conference between student and teacher, seat change, lunch detention/community
service, a phone call to a parent, conference with the student and his/her parent/guardian,
administrative action.
Telephone (801) 578-8547 x 1309 Email: Room 1309
For more information on school and distict rules see , Families &
Students, Student Handbooks. You may also review Northwest rules, policies, and expectations in
the student handbook/ planner.
I look forward to getting to know you and your student this year. The most efficient way to contact
me is by district email which I check daily ( I am available
Monday through Friday before and after school if you need to meet with me. Weekly office hours
are posted by my classroom door. It would be best to schedule a meeting to ensure my time can me
dedicated to our meeting. However I welcome any parents to stop by and check in as needed. The
main form of communication will be through the student planners so please check it daily for
assignments and due dates. It will communicate the students homework and classwork everyday as
long as students are recording work in their planners. Reminders through the remind App will also
assist in communicating assignments and due dates. I will be doing my best to reach out to parents
to communicate students progress throughout the year. In order for me to best do so please indicate
the most effective and prefered method to contact you.
Telephone (801) 578-8547 x 1309 Email: Room 1309
Please fill out the detached signature form and return to Mr. Chandler. Thank you and lets have a
great year!