Rmo No. 20-90 PDF
Rmo No. 20-90 PDF
Rmo No. 20-90 PDF
Pursuant to Section 223 of the Tax Code, internal revenue taxes may be assessed or collected after the
ordinary prescriptive period, if before its expiration, both the Commissioner and the taxpayer have
agreed in writing to its assessment and/or collection after said period. The period so agreed upon may
be extended by subsequent written agreement made before the expiration of the period previously
agreed upon. This written agreement between the Commissioner and the taxpayer is the so-called
Waiver of the Statute of Limitations. In the execution of said waiver, the following procedures should
be followed: cd
1. The waiver must be in the form identified hereof. This form may be reproduced by the Office
concerned but there should be no deviation from such form. The phrase "but not after ______ 19 ___"
should be filled up. This indicates the expiry date of the period agreed upon to assess/collect the tax
after the regular three-year period of prescription. The period agreed upon shall constitute the time
within which to effect the assessment/collection of the tax in addition to the ordinary prescriptive
2. The waiver shall be signed by the taxpayer himself or his duly authorized representative. In the
case of a corporation, the waiver must be signed by any of its responsible officials. acd
Soon after the waiver is signed by the taxpayer, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the revenue
official authorized by him, as hereinafter provided, shall sign the waiver indicating that the Bureau has
accepted and agreed to the waiver. The date of such acceptance by the Bureau should be indicated.
Both the date of execution by the taxpayer and date of acceptance by the Bureau should be before the
expiration of the period of prescription or before the lapse of the period agreed upon in case a
subsequent agreement is executed.
3. The following revenue officials are authorized to sign the waiver.
A. In the National Office
1. ACIRs for Collection,For tax cases involving
Special Operations, not more than P500,000.00
National Assessment,
Excise and Legal on
tax cases pending before
their respective offices.
In the absence of the ACIR,
the Head Executive Assistant
may sign the waiver.
2. Deputy Commissioner For tax cases involving more
than P500,000.00 but not
more than P1M
3. CommissionerFor tax cases involving
more than P1M
B. In the Regional Offices
1. The Revenue District Officer with respect to tax cases still pending investigation and the period
to assess is about to prescribe regardless of amount. cdasia
2. The Regional Director, the Assistant Regional Director, the Chief, Assessment Branch or the
Chief, Legal Branch with respect to cases still pending review and the period to assess/collect is about
to prescribe, regardless of amount.
3. The Regional Director, the Assistant Regional Director, the Chief, Collection Branch or the
Chief, Legal Branch with respect to cases still pending collection and the period to assess/collect is
about to prescribe regardless of amount.
4. The waiver must be executed in three (3) copies, the original copy to be attached to the docket
of the case, the second copy for the taxpayer and the third copy for the Office accepting the waiver.
The fact of receipt by the taxpayer of his/her file copy shall be indicated in the original copy.
5. The foregoing procedures shall be strictly followed. Any revenue official found not to have
complied with this Order resulting in prescription of the right to assess/collect shall be administratively
dealt with. cdtai
This Revenue Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
(Sgd.) JOSE U. ONG
Commissioner of Internal Revenue