Notes Nyquist S09
Notes Nyquist S09
Notes Nyquist S09
A Nyquist plot is essentially a polar Bode plot. Like a Bode plot, it is plotted for the Open-Loop (OL) Transfer function and will give information about the stability of the Closed-Loop (CL) system.
Open-Loop (OL) Transfer function: G( s ) = N G( s ) D G( s ) m = number of zeros n = number of poles
n-m = 3
m ) . ( 90. deg )
n-m = 2
n-m = 4
Plot the rest of the frequency response of G(s). It may help to start with Bode plots. The < 0 curve (dashed line) is simply the mirror image of the > 0 curve about the real axis. This part of the curve is usually not necessary, it doesn't provide any more information. Gain, k, m akes entire plot grow in all directions (or shrink if k<1).
n-m = 1
Z = N+P
P = OL poles in RHP N = CW encirclements of -1, Z = CL poles in RHP
(0 if open-loop stable) CCW encirclements are counted as negative and m ay make up for P.
ECE 3510
ECE 3510
CL System CANNOT be stable
CL System CANNOT be stable
If you have the < 0 curve (dashed line), then you can use any single-ended line that starts at -1 to help you count encirclements.
If you don't have the < 0 curve (dashed line), then m ake your line extend both directions from -1.
CL System CANNOT be stable
N = -2
Z = N+P
P = OL poles in RHP N = CW encirclements of -1. Z = CL poles in RHP
(0 if open-loop stable) CL System CANNOT be stable if
ECE 3510
1. Find where the Nyquist plot crosses the unit circle. These crossings separate the unit circle into regions. 2. Decide which of these regions have unacceptable CW encirclements. 3. Determine what phase change would cause the -1 point to be an unacceptable region, usually 180o - / crossing
GM =
1 1 2
=2 =
PM = 207
180 = 27 deg
To find the Gain Margin (GM): 1. Find where the Nyquist plot crosses the negative real axis. These crossings separate the negative real axis into regions. 2. Decide which of these regions have unacceptable CW encirclements. 3. Determine what gain would cause the -1 point to be an unacceptable region, usually 4. Usually there is just one upper limit of gain-- in that case report that as the Gain Margin. 5. If there is a lower lim it of gain, report the Gain Margin as: GM = Lower limit , upper limit If there is no upper limit, then report it as G( s ) (s 1.5 . ( s 1 ). s
1 crossing
1 in this region
GM =
1 1.5
1 0.75
, 1.333
ECE 3510
ECE 3510
A pole on the imaginary axis causes a problem. Is it inside or outside of the contour? j A single pole at the origin A closer look Modify the contour to exclude the problematic pole. -j The Nyquist plot of this
=j -j -j -j A double pole at the origin j -j -j = = A triple pole at the origin j The Nyquist plot j =j
ECE 3510