Bogie and Spring Tester
Bogie and Spring Tester
Bogie and Spring Tester
The Atlas Rail Bogie Spring Tester has been designed to either work with
the Bogie Test Machine or as an independent machine., an d can be used
to handle multipke types of spring. When used in conjunction with the
Test Bench the same services can be utilised for both machines.
The machine consists of two movable bolsters which are guided by linear
bearings running on four shafts. Once the spring is positioned between the
bolsters a hydraulic cylinder applies the required force down on the top bolster
and a load of up to 20kN applied to measure the spring compression.
While each spring is loaded the force is measured using a load cell which is
mounted under the bottom bolster. This measurement is displayed on the
operator panel.
General Parameters
Lifting cylinder capacity 20T
Lifting cylinder stroke 600mm
Load cell capacity 60T
Length of floating rails 1000mm
bogie axle range 1500mm to 3300mm.
Bogie Lifting Jacks 4
Bogie lifting jacks capacity 3T
Total lifting capacity 12T