Prospectus LLM Bsmru

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Faculty of Maritime Studies

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Maritime University, Bangladesh

Program: LLM Maritime Law

Welcome to BSMR Maritime University, Bangladesh
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University came out as
the first ever maritime university of Bangladesh by an Act of the
Parliament on 26 October 2013. The honourable President of the
Peoples Republic of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of the University.
Right after the inception, the university started its journey towards
excellence. MoU with a few reputed Maritime Universities of the world
has already been signed for necessary supports to maintain high
standard in education system in this university. The University is also
planning to include Oceanographic Research Vessel for training of
students and research works by the scientists to explore our sea area.

With the landmark verdict on delimitation of maritime boundary with India

and Myanmar, Bangladesh has been endowed with a large sea area. As
the resources on land are depleting, it has become imperative for the
nation to look towards the sea for its survival. Effective exploration and
exploitation of maritime resources is therefore paramount towards
economic emancipation of the country in the 21st century. Besides, the
onus of maintaining good order at sea is becoming heavier with the
passage of time. In order to attain these goals, the nation desperately
needs right kind of human resources. BSMRMU with its motto We Strive
for Maritime Excellence would provide necessary human resources for
the nation, through creation of effective well qualified and knowledgeable
human resources in the coming days.

Towards attaining its goals, the university is going to conduct both

graduate and post-graduate courses on various maritime fields. As a
humble beginning, it is going to conduct Masters Program on Port &
Shipping Management and LLM in Maritime Laws. Process to establish a
permanent campus is going on, where other specialized fields of study
will be opened. Thus, it will endeavour to emerge as a center of
excellence in maritime higher education within the shortest possible time.


Envision promoting and creating a learning environment for higher

maritime education with excellence, through state of the art facilities and
gadgets, competent faculty and staff, expanded frontier of research
based knowledge and international standards supportive of the new
horizons in diverse fields by 2021.

Our aim
To create a common platform as centre of excellence for maritime higher
education and research in Bangladesh.


* Achieve sustainable development and progress of the university

through mutual cooperation with other related universities/ institutions.

* Continue to upgrade educational services and facilities

responsive to the demands and requirements of the nation.
* Bring all types of marine professionals on a common platform to
share knowledge and perform research and development works for the
advancement of country's maritime sector.
* Enhance research consciousness in the maritime sector in
discovering new dimensions with the upcoming challenges.

* Accelerate the participation of alumni students and professionals

with educational programs and development of projects designed to
expand and improve academic standards.

* Teach students on marine science and technology and guide

them towards research to enhance contribution to the maritime

* Conduct various educational programs and research works for

sustainable development of the maritime service and industrial sector of
the country.

* Educate students on different subjects of maritime management,

law and security and strategy and conduct research on allied fields.
* Create conducive environment for students to prepare
themselves to serve the nation as future planners/ policy makers/ leaders
in maritime sectors in coordination with national and international
organizations including International Maritime Organization (IMO).

LLM Maritime Law
1. Introduction

The BSMR Maritime University offers LLM Maritime Law program. The
main purpose of the Program is to train the students in relevant areas of
International Law of the Sea, Marine Environmental Law, Marine Security
Law, Shipping Law, and other related Maritime Laws. The duration of the
study is three semesters. Particular emphasis is given on legal concepts,
drafting and litigation skills in Maritime Law related subjects.

2. Degree Requirements89

The degree requirements for LLM Program are appended below:

2.1 Passing of all courses with minimum Cumulative Grade

Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50 (C+) in 4.00 point grading scale at
the end of the Program.
2.2 Completion of Dissertation with a minimum grade of 2.50

3. Semester System

The LLM Program is a three semester full time professional program.

There will be total two semesters of six months each for taught courses.
Students will take four courses in each semester. During the third
semester, students are to complete dissertation, internship and Moot
Court. There will be two classes of 120 minutes each for a course in a
week throughout the semester. Total contact hours for a course in a
semester are around 56.

4. Semester-wise Credits Distribution

Total Credits for LLM Program is 48. Semester-wise Credits distribution

is given below:
Semester Course Works Credits
1 Semester (a) Course Works / Subjects = 4 16 Credits
Credits: (4 X 4) = 16
2nd Semester (a) Course Works / Subjects = 4 16 Credits
Credits: (4 X 4) = 16
3rd Semester (a) Internship & Moot Court = 4 16 Credits
(b) Research / Dissertation = 12
Total Credits= 48 Credits

5. Program Structure

5.1 Taught Courses:

1st Semester
Course Code
Course Title Credits
ML 511 Shipping Law 4
ML 512 Law of the Sea 4
ML 513 Maritime Legislation & Admiralty Laws 4
ML 514 Law of Carriage of Goods & Passengers 4
by Sea

2nd Semester
Course Code Credits
Course Title
ML 521 Law of Maritime Safety and Security 4
ML 522 Law of Marine Insurance & Maritime 4
ML 523 International Trade Law 4
ML 524 Law of Maritime Environment 4

Course Code 3rd Semester Credits

ML 530 Internship & Moot Court 4
ML 531 Dissertation / Research 12
Total Credits for the Program= 48

6. Admission Criteria

6.1 A candidate with LLB Degree with minimum CGPA 2.50

or Second Class or equivalent from any public university or from
any well reputed private university is eligible for admission.
6.2 A candidate with third division / third class or equivalent
at any level of educational examinations (SSC, HSC, and
Graduation) is not eligible for admission in this program.
6.3 Mariners with minimum 5 years of service experience
may apply for Masters in Law Program. In such case, the degree
title will be M.Jur. Students of M.Jur program will have to
complete few additional courses in third semester to fulfill the
degree requirements. Additional courses will be determined by
the Department.

7. Credits Transfer. Credit transfer is allowed only on taught

courses for not more than 16 credits subject to the condition that
candidates have minimum CGPA of 3.0 or 1 Class in waived course(s)
from previously attended universities. Students intending to transfer must
provide supporting documents like official transcript, course syllabus etc
for the course(s) to be considered for transfer.

8. Equivalent Foreign Examinations. For foreign certificates,

equivalence will be determined by the Equivalence Committee of
BSMRMU. There will be no penalty for break of studies.

9. Admission Procedure. Interested candidates may apply in the

following ways:

9.1 Admission Circular. BSMR Maritime University invites

applications from candidates desiring admission in LLM Maritime
Law Program by publishing advertisements in the national dailies
and BSMRMU website.

9.2 Admission Form Collection and Submission. Candidates

will fill up the prescribed form collected from BSMRMU Registrar
Office or downloaded from BSMR Maritime University website
( and submit it along with the payment of
taka 1000/= (non-refundable) at the University.

9.3 Issuance of Admit Card for Written Test. After verification

of admission criteria, admit card for written test will be issued to
the eligible candidate. A candidate is to follow the guidelines
stipulated in the admit card for the written admission test.
9.4 Written Admission Test. An eligible candidate will be
required to sit for a written admission test. The total marks of the
test will be 80. A candidate is required to qualify in the written
test. The qualifying percentage is 40%.

9.5 Syllabus & Marks Distribution for Written Admission

Test. Subjects of examination and distributions of marks are
shown below:
9.5.1 English Language and Communication: 25
9.5.2 Aptitude: 25
9.5.3 Analytical Ability: 30

9.6 Duration of the Test. The duration of admission test will be

of 2 hours.

9.7 Viva-voce. List of eligible candidates for viva-voce will be

displayed at BSMRMU Notice Board as well as in BSMRMU
website ( along with scheduled date and
time of viva-voce.

The viva-voce will be conducted by pre-designated Interview

Boards. For viva-voce, all candidates are required to bring their
original certificates, mark sheets and other documents for the
viva-voce. The total marks of this test will be 20.

9.8 Final Selection. Candidates will be selected finally on the

basis of their combined marks obtained in the written admission
test (80) and viva-voce (20). Final top-down merit list along with
waiting list will be displayed at BSMRMU Notice Board as well as
published in BSMRMU website.

9.9 Admission. Finally selected candidate may get

himself/herself admitted through BSMRMU admission section by
paying necessary fees. However, following matters are to be
kept in mind while completing the admission formalities:

9.9.1 If any candidate fails to complete admission

formalities within the prescribed date and time his/her
selection will be cancelled automatically.
9.9.2 If any student does not attend the class within two
weeks of commencement of classes, his/her admission
will be cancelled automatically.

9.10 Online Option. Once the online application system is in

place, candidates will fill up the application forms online at BSMR
Maritime University website ( and submit
the same electronically. Detail procedure regarding this option
will be available in BSMR Maritime University website. In this
option, an individual will require to do the followings:
9.10.1 Taking a print out of the Admit Card as received
9.10.2 Submitting necessary documents for

10. Fees Structure. Semester wise fees structure for LLM in

Maritime Law is as under:

Ser No Name of Head Amount in BDT

1 Tuition Fee (Semester Wise) TK. 40,000/00
2 Admission Fee TK. 10,000/00
3 Exam Fee (Per paper) TK. 2000/00
4 Re-Exam Fee TK. 2000/00
5 Grade Sheet Fee TK. 1000/00
6 Computer Lab Fee (Once) TK. 2,500/00
7 Late Fine TK. 500/00
8 Library Fee TK. 800/00
9 ID Card Fee TK. 200/00
10 Registration Fee TK. 5,000/00
11 Re-Admission fee TK. 5,000/00
12 Academic Transcript Fee TK. 1000/00
13 Migration Fee TK. 1000/00
14 Caution Money (Refundable) TK. 5,000/00
15 Dissertation Fee TK. 10,000/00
16 Application Processing Fee TK. 1,000/00
17 Provisional Certificate Fee TK. 1000/00
18 Cultural/ Magazine Fee TK. 400/00
19 Recreation & Sports Fee TK. 800/00
20 Student Welfare Fee TK. 1600/00
21 Internship and Moot Court Fee TK. 2,000/00

11. Deadline for Submission of Fees. All payments are to be

completed semester wise and the semester wise payment dates will be
published in the web site as well as be displayed on the notice board of

12. Late Fee. A fine of TK 500/- per 15 days will have to be paid for
late deposition of fees up to a maximum period of next one month. If a
student fails to clear dues within 15 days after the class commences next
one month of the stipulated time mentioned, his/her name will be
dropped. In such case, the student has to apply to the Dean for re-
admission with necessary penalties and fees should he/she desires to
continue, within a maximum period of next 15 days.

13. Grading System

Letter grades and corresponding grade points for LLM shall be awarded
as follows:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point

80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
Incomplete/Absent I -
Withdrawn W -

14. Distribution of Marks. Suggested distribution of marks in a

course will be as under:
a. Continuous Assessments (Attendance, 15 Marks
Class Tests, Quizzes)
b. Mid Term Examination 20 Marks
c. Assignments 15 Marks
d. Semester Final Examination 50 Marks

However, depending on the nature of the course, minor

modifications may be made by respective course teacher,
provided it is incorporated in the course outline. Internship, Moot
Court and Dissertation will be evaluated by the course supervisor
as per guidelines provided by the Department.

15. Examination System. All tests, assignments, term papers, and
class performance will be evaluated by the course teacher. He/she will
make available the scripts, assignments, term papers, etc to the students
in the classroom in the following week, except those of final examination.
Before the final examination, course teacher is required to submit all
scripts, assignments, etc with a compiled up-to-date in-course result
summary to the Controller of Examinations of BSMRMU. The question
for final examination will be set by the course teacher himself / herself,
who will submit it to Controller of Examinations. The Controller of
Examinations may moderate the question through Moderation
Committee (if necessary) and then arrange for its printing, safe custody
and conducting of final examination. After the examination, course
teacher alone will evaluate the scripts and deposit marks / grades to the
Controller of Examinations.

16. Incomplete Grades. For any incomplete course work, a student

may be assigned the grade Incomplete (if permitted by the Academic
Council of BSMRMU), which will be recorded as I with an alternative
grade based on the work completed at that point in time.

17. Repeating Courses. Since passing of all courses individually is

a degree requirement, a student earning below D (GPA 2.00) grade in
any course, shall be required to improve the grade by retaking the
course offered in the subsequent available semester. In such case, the
student desiring to retake a course shall have to apply to the Dean of the
Faculty. The grade point earned on the retaken course will be shown in
the transcript along with an R symbol depicting Retake. However, the
grade earned on such course(s) would be used for computing the final

18. Students Withdrawal Policy. LLM program run by BSMRMU

require persistent hard work by the students throughout the Program.
Few students may face difficulties in keeping pace with quality
requirements of the program. BSMRMU will have no option other than
withdrawing unsuccessful students to ensure quality education and
maintain standard. A student may be dismissed from the program on
disciplinary ground. A student may also be withdrawn on own accord
subject to the approval of the Academic Council of BSMR Maritime

19. Withdrawal

19.1 Withdrawal. The term Withdrawal will imply a

complete discontinuity from the program of the university.

19.2 Temporary Withdrawal. The term Temporary
Withdrawal means that the student has been allowed by the
Academic Council, BSMRMU to discontinue temporarily. The
student, so withdrawn, may re-enter the course as per terms and
conditions set by the authority.

19.3 Permanent Withdrawal. The term permanent

withdrawal means a permanent, voluntary discontinuity from the
program. The implication of permanent withdrawal includes
cancellation of admission and expiry of registration. Once a
student is permanently withdrawn, he/she will require a
readmission and fresh registration to re-enter in the program.

19.4 Expulsion. The term Expulsion means expulsion

from the university on disciplinary ground. A student, if expelled,
will never be allowed to re-enter the course or similar programs
in BSMRMU and be subjected to other terms and conditions as
set by the authority while approving the expulsion order.

19.5 Temporary Expulsion. The term Temporary

Expulsion means expulsion from an academic program for a
certain period on disciplinary ground. A student, if expelled
temporarily, may be allowed to re-enter the course / program on
expiry of the punishment period and on fulfillment of other terms
and conditions (if any) as set by the authority while approving the
temporary expulsion order.

19.6 Expulsion for Good. The term Expulsion for Good

means a permanent, forced withdrawal from the ongoing
program. The implication of Expulsion for Good includes
cancellation of admission and expiry of registration. Once a
student is expelled, he/she will require a readmission and fresh
registration to re-participate in the program.

19.7 Withdrawal for Poor Performance. The rules on

withdrawal on poor performance are given below:

19.7.1 Students may be withdrawn from the

program because of their poor performance. A student
must maintain a minimum GPA (for 1st semester) or
CGPA of 2.50 in a 4.00 point rating scale in the program.
Any student obtaining a CGPA of less than 2.50 at the
end of any semester shall not be allowed for the next
semester. However, when a student fails to maintain a
CGPA of 2.50 at the end of a semester, will be placed on
probation. Failure by a student placed on probation to
raise the CGPA to 2.50 in the immediate next semester
will be relegated to the lower batch and will remain on
further probation. Failure by a student placed on 2nd
time probation to raise the CGPA to 2.50 will lead to
withdrawal from the program.

19.7.2 While on 2nd probation, a student has to

undertake all the semester courses where he/she
previously obtained less than D grade. Upon clearing the
2nd probation, a student will be withdrawn if he/she
subsequently obtains CGPA of less than 2.50. However,
a student failing to obtain and maintain a CGPA of 2.50
at the end of the final semester shall be allowed to
repeat course(s) of the final semester in which he/she
has earned below D grade. This opportunity should be
given only once. Even after repeating the course(s), if a
student fails to raise CGPA to 2.50 at the end of final
semester, will not be awarded the degree.

19.8 Withdrawal on Own Accord.

19.8.1 Temporary Withdrawal. A student who has

already completed some courses and has not performed
satisfactorily or for any other personal reasons and
exigency may apply for a withdrawal / temporary
withdrawal. Academic Council may allow a student to
take temporary withdrawal from a course or the program
due to sickness or any other reason and exigency. A
student must hold minimum CGPA of 2.50 in 4.00 point
rating scale for LLM Program at that point of time.
Temporary withdrawal from the first semester of the
program is not allowed. The student must apply for such
temporary withdrawal within six weeks (for LLM
Program) from the beginning of the semester for any
reason other than sickness. However, for extreme
emergencies including sicknesses, a student may apply
for temporary withdrawal any time during the semester.
If student applies for temporary withdrawal before half
the duration of the semester, 30% of the different
semester fees may be returned. Upon re-entry, the
student must complete the required courses of the
program remaining in force. The student can only be
accommodated within the course offered for the regular
students. A student however, must complete the
program within valid registration period from the date of
initial registration after which his/ her registration will be

19.8.2 Permanent Withdrawal. A student may

apply for a permanent withdrawal due to poor academic
performance, sickness, or any other reason in any
semester. If approved by academic Council, his/her
admission and registration will be cancelled.

19.9 Dismissal on Disciplinary Ground.

19.9.1 Unfair Means. Adoption of unfair means

may result in the dismissal of a student from the program
and expulsion from the university subject to the decision
of the BSMRMU disciplinary committee. Following would
be considered as unfair means adopted during
examinations and other contexts: Communicating with fellow students

for obtaining help in the examination. Copying from another students

script/paper/report. Copying from desk or palm of a hand

or from other incrimination documents. Possession of any incriminating

document whether used or not. Possession and/or Uses of mobile

phone and any other communicating electronic

19.9.2 Influencing Grades. Academic council may

dismiss any student for approaching directly or indirectly
in any form to influence a teacher for grades.

19.9.3 Disciplinary Ground. Academic council may

dismiss any student on disciplinary ground if any form of
indiscipline or unruly behavior is observed in him/ her
which may disrupt the academic environment or program
or is considered detrimental to BSMRMUs image.
Proctorial Board will process.


ML 511 SHIPPING LAW (4 Credit)

Nationality, registration and ownership of ships, Genuine Link, Ship
Registration in the Convention on the High Seas, proprietary interests in
ships, Shipbuilding Contracts, Security Arrangements ships mortgages
and hypothecs, Conflict of Laws in Relation to Ship Mortgages and
Hypothecs, maritime liens and privileges, enforcement of maritime claims

ML 512 LAW OF THE SEA (4 Credit)

Historical background, general introduction and elements of the law of
the sea, baselines, internal waters and territorial sea, straits used for
international navigation , archipelagic states , contiguous zone ,
continental shelf , exclusive economic zone, land-locked and
geographically disadvantaged states, the high seas, regime of islands ,
enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, legal regime of the arctic,
international seabed area, marine scientific research, development and
transfer of marine technology, protection of underwater cultural heritage,
settlement of disputes


General, maritime legislation, The Role of Governments in the

Negotiation, Development and Drafting of International Maritime
Conventions , Incorporation of Maritime Conventions into Municipal Law,
Drafting Techniques for the Adequate Implementation of International
Maritime Conventions in Municipal Law , Drafting Exercises including
International Maritime Organization (IMO), Laws Relating to Admiralty
Court of Bangladesh


BY SEA (4 Credit)

Carriage of goods by Sea under Bill of Lading Terms, Bills of Lading and
Other Transport Documents, Conventions Relating to International
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Rights and Obligations of the Parties
Involved, Multimodal Transport, carriage of passengers and their
luggage, Historical Development of International Regulation.

Concept of maritime safety, law of marine collisions, law of salvage and

wreck , law of towage , law of pilotage , piracy, hijacking and armed
robbery against ships, the human dimension, the trafficking of illicit arms,
maritime terrorism and unlawful acts.


(4 Credit)
Historical Background, Losses, Measure of Indemnity, Standard
Insurance Clauses, Hull and Machinery Insurance, Cargo Insurance and
Liability Insurance (P&I Insurance), Maritime Claims, Global Limitation of
Liability in Maritime Law, LLMC Convention,LLMC Protocol.


Introduction to International Trade Law, Sources of International Trade
Law, Legal Regimes in International Trade, International Finance
Institutions, International Sale Contract, Dispute Resolution in
International Trade & Arbitration.


Introduction to maritime environmental law, UNEP and its Regional Seas
Program. Prevention of marine pollution, International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Basel Convention on the Control
of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposals,
preparedness, response, cooperation, Protocol on Preparedness,
Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and
Noxious Substances, liability and compensation. International
Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (CLC).

Sigining MoU with World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden

Syndicate Member of BSMRMU

Member of BSMRMU

We Strive for Maritime Excellence

Honourble Minister of Education Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP speaks

on a seminar on Global Maritime Challenges and Role of Maritime
Higher Education in Bangladesh organized by BSMRMU

Contact Information
Program Office
Faculty of Maritime Studies
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime
Mirpur 12, Dhaka
Phone : 01769 721010


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