Preface: X Tsx7

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X TSX7 Prsentation gnrale


The TSX SCG 113 serial communication module supports the same functions as

TSX SCM 20/21/22 modules in full-duplex (channel 1) character string mode.

Experienced users of these modules will find differences in the following areas:
Connecting the module,
Only two TSX SCG 113 modules can be installed in a Micro-PLC,
Configuration is lost in the event of a power break,
Status word TXTi,S,
Register words IWn,0 and IWn,1,
Restrictions on use.

X General Contents

Section Page
1 Introduction
Contents 5
1.1 Intelligent Modules 6
1.2 The TSX SCG 113 Intelligent Module 7

2 Operation
Contents 9
2.1 Character String Mode 10
2.2 Dialog with the PLC and Peripheral 12
2.3 Module Operating Modes 18

3 Configuration
Contents 21
3.1 Configuration Principle 22
3.2 Parameters 23
3.3 Default Configuration 27
3.4 Loading the Configuration 28
3.5 Configuration Example 29

4 Operation
Contents 31
4.1 Full-Duplex Transmission/Reception Requests 32
4.2 Report - Status Word 36
4.3 Programming Example 37
4.4 Additional Programming Information 40

X General Contents

Section Page
5 Installation
Contents 43
5.1 Installing the Module 44
5.2 Connecting to a Peripheral or a Modem 45

6 Appendix
Contents 47
6.1 ASCII Code Table 48
6.2 Index 49
6.3 Quick Reference Guide 51


X TSX7 Introduction

Section 1

Sub-section Page
1.1 Intelligent Modules 6
1.1-1 General 6

1.2 The TSX SCG 113 Intelligent Module 7

1.2-1 Description 7
1.2-2 Hardware Presentation 8
1.2-3 Functional Presentation 8


1.1 Intelligent Modules
1.1-1 General

Intelligent modules for TSX Series 7 PLCs have their own processors and internal
software which enable them to process their specific function independently of the
central processing unit (CPU) in the PLC. This simplifies the user program and the
setting up procedure required when installing the module.
The structure of intelligent module exchanges is detailed below.

Intelligent module exchange structure

bus Inputs from
the application
Bus Shared Specific
Interface Memory Interface
Outputs to
the application

An intelligent module comprises:

A bus interface that uses the standard communication modes for exchanges
between the PLC processor and the intelligent module:
- discrete interface,
- register interface,
- message interface.
A shared memory unit (SMU) where data that can be accessed by both the
processor and the module is stored,
A processing unit that comprises a dedicated processor and the specific module
The specific I/O for the module.
The pre-programmed functions imbedded in the module can be accessed by the
user for setting specific parameters. Implementation of intelligent modules requires
the use of PL7-2 programming languages. For more information, refer to the
appropriate programming language manual.

1.2 The TSX SCG 113 Intelligent Module
1.2-1 Description
Introduction 1

The TSX SCG 113 module is a dedicated serial communication module for TSX 17
20 Micro-PLCs fitted with a TSX P17 20FC or FD Micro-software cartridge. It
comprises a single asynchronous serial link that is used to dialog by exchange of
character strings between the Micro-PLC and its environment.
The asynchronous serial link comprises a transmission and a reception gate for full
duplex transmission to RS-232C standards with Modem command signal support
(9-signals). The transmission rate and the characteristics of the data frame are user
The exchange is initialized by the user and programmed through the PLC processor.
The entire data exchange is fully controlled by the module.
Simplicity of operation
The module includes the line power supply and the appropriate line adaptor circuit.
The configuration mode and the associated software functions are comprehensive
and easy to program. The module supports exchanges of data by text block.
Safety of operation
The line is electrically isolated from internal PLC voltages and a grounding circuit
provides effective shielding against the electrical interference likely to be encountered
in an industrial environment.
Whenever the module is powered-up, a series of internal self-tests are performed
on the RAM and EPROM memories.
Any operating fault is shown by indicators on the front panel of the module and a
message is sent to the PLC processor.


1.2-2 Hardware Presentation

The TSX SCG 113 module is a small size module that comprises:
1 Ground terminal,
2 Socket for 15-pin Sub-D connectors for 1
connecting the 9 signal line, 2
3 Two indicator LEDs:
A green "RUN" LED indicating that the
module is powered-up and operating
normally, 3
A red "I/O" LED indicating an I/O bus
fault. The NET and ADR LEDs are not
4 A 9-pin bus connector and cable for 5
connecting the module to the bus,
5 A 9-pin bus connector for connecting the
next module to the bus via the 4
TSX SCG 113 module.
The module configuration code is 63.

1.2-3 Functional Presentation

The TSX SCG 113 module can send, receive and simultaneously send and receive
(in full duplex mode) ASCII character strings. Its functional characteristics are:
Maximum number of characters sent/received by each request: 30,
Data exchange rate: 150 to 19200 bits/sec.,
Even, odd or no parity bit,
1 or 2 stop bits,
Message reception is stopped by: an end character, message length overrun or
a time-out,
Send and receive data flow is controlled by XON-XOFF protocol or RTS/CTS
control signals.

X TSX7 Operation

Section 2

Sub-section Page
2.1 Character String Mode 10
2.1-1 Requests 10

2.2 Dialog with the PLC and Peripheral 12

2.2-1 General 12
2.2-2 Discrete Interface 13
2.2-3 Register Interface 14
2.2-4 Message Interface 17

2.3 Module Operating Modes 18

2.3-1 Description 18
2.3-2 Module Reaction to a Power Break/Return 20


Character String Mode

The TSX SCG 113 module is a specialized dialog and communication module that
reduces the workload of the PLC processor. The modules microprocessor and
dedicated firmware process the character strings and controls two types of
exchanges comprising sending words (Wi or CWi) from a character table in the PLC
memory or receiving words (Wi) that are stored as characters in a table in the PLC
Full-duplex character string exchanges where transmission and reception are
performed simultaneously are supported. These exchanges must be initiated by the
application program that controls the text block and sends the request to the
module. Once the request is sent, it is entirely controlled by the module.
Operation of a channel
The principle of operation for the channel is
shown in the flow-chart opposite: NO
Request ?
A request is a character string processing
command (transmission and/or reception) YES
requested by the user program and sent with
the parameters required for its execution.
The module informs the user program that
execution is complete, by sending a report. Send the
The report comprises information on how the report
exchange was conducted.

2.1-1 Requests
Two requests are used during normal operation of the module:
The Configuration request (H40') (refer to section 3) that is used to configure the
module, and
The full-duplex transmission/reception request (H07') (refer to section 4) that
- Message Transmission with or without a time-out,
- Message Reception with or without a time-out,
- Message Transmission/Reception with or without a time-out.
The module always sends an exchange confirm.
Note: Additional requests can be used to provide a detailed analysis of faults and their
location, for module identification, etc. (refer to sub-section 4.4).

Example of a request: Reception with time-out.
Operation 2

This request sets the module to receive a preset number of characters within a given
length of time (time-out). The parameters to enter are:
Module address,
Request code number,
Number of characters to receive,
Storage table address,
Time-out value.
On receiving this type of request, the module ensures that it is executed in full,
separately from the user program which can continue to execute other functions
during this time. The module will:
Receive and count the characters received,
Control transmission errors,
Control the time-out function.


2.2 Dialog with the PLC and Peripheral
2.2-1 General

The dialog between a user program in the TSX 17-20 and the TSX SCG 113 module
takes place via the:
Discrete interface, I/Ox,i addressing x = module number,
Register interface, I/OWx,i addressing i = see below,
Message interface (request interpreter).
Dialog between the module and a peripheral (Modem) uses all of the signals
required for automatic connection of an asynchronous Modem to the telephone line.
Signals for establishing or interrupting connection:
- RI (Ring Indicator). A ring or call indicator signal has been sensed on the line
by the Modem,
- DTR (Data Terminal Ready). Connects the Modem to the line,
- DSR (Data Set Ready). Indicates that the Modem is ready to send data.
Signals for initializing the transmission:
- RTS (Request To Send). Forces the Modem to transmission mode and to send
the carrier,
- CTS (Clear To Send). Indicates that the Modem is ready send data.
Signals used during transmission:
- RXD (Data Reception),
- TXD (Data Transmission),
- RLSD (Received Line Signal Detector) or CD (Carrier Detector). This signal is
used to check normal transmission progression.
Other control signals:
- DSRS (Data Signal Rate Selector). This signal controls the data signal rate
from the Modem.

By default all signals are inactive. When the module is connected to a Modem (using a TSX
CBN 050 cable), it is essential that all of these signals be controlled. If the module is
connected to a peripheral via a TSX CBP 050 cable, the signals are automatically


2.2-2 Discrete Interface
X TSX7 Operation

The discrete I/O bits I/Ox,i are assigned to the peripheral control and command
signals by the module.

Reading a discrete input bit indicates the state of the corresponding control signal.
Writing a discrete output bit sets the corresponding signal to 0 or 1.
The discrete I/O bits are assigned as follows:
Discrete input bits
Input bit Description

Ix,0 CTS = Clear To Send (logic state 1 sets the transmission circuit).

Ix,1 DSR = Data Set Ready (does not affect channel operation).

Ix,2 RLSD = Received Line Signal Detector.

Ix,3 RI = Ring Indicator (does not affect channel operation).

Ix,4 to Not used


Discrete output bits

Output bit Description

Ox,0 Not used.

Ox,1 DTR = Data Terminal Ready: connects the device (this output signal does
not affect channel operation, but is used to control the Modem connected
to the channel).

Ox,2 DSRS = Data Signal Rate Selector (at 0 the channel is set to operate at the
configured speed, at 1 it operates at half the configured speed).

Ox,3 to Not used.


Note: The 24 input bits and 16 output bits are systematically exchanged between the
TSX 17-20 PLC and the TSX SCG 113 module. As the module software only controls
8 input bits and 8 output bits, the other bits are sent to the PLC at 0.


2.2-3 Register Interface
Input registers IWx,0 to IWx,7

These registers can only be accessed in read. They provide information on module
Input register IWx,0
Bit Function Description

0 Not used

2 Reset in progress Message system reset in progress.

3 Module ready Indicates that all general and specific self-tests are
complete and that the module is now ready.

4 General fault This bit is set to 1 if an application fault occurs

(identical to bit 7).

5 Not used

6 Not used

7 Application fault Request execution fault, reception parity error, time-

out error.

8 Blocking fault No 12V supply or difference in availability of the 12V

supply to the module and the 5V supply used by the
PLC. Check that both of these supplies are available
at the same time, then reset this bit using SY0 or SY1.
RAM, REPROM, or module internal logic fault. This
fault permanently inhibits (blocks) the module and
requires replacement of the module. The RUN indica-
tor is off and the I/O indicator is on.

9 Module self-test Each time the PLC is powered-up, the module runs a
self-test sequence that is indicated by this bit. During
this phase, the module is not ready and cannot be
configured or used.

A Not used

B Module not configured This bit is at 1 when the module is not configured

C Module in RUN A request other than a write configuration request is

being executed

D Reserved

E Not used



Input register IWx,1

Not used

Operation 2

1 Reception Run/Stop 0 if the channel is Stopped,

1 if the channel is Running.

2 Transmission Run/Stop 0 if the channel is Stopped,

1 if the channel is Running.

3 Module configured 0 if the channel is not configured,

1 if the channel is configured.

4 Adaptor code 101 = RS-232 Modem adaptor.


7 to Not used

F PWF failure At 1, this bit indicates a power return.

It must be reset (using OWx,1,F) before a new power
return will be indicated

Input register IWx,2: Overflow

Only bit 0 of this word is used (IWx,2,0). This bit changes from 0 to 1 when a new
character was received while the reception buffer was full (256 bytes max.). The last
character received is lost but it will still be copied to input register IWx,3.
This bit is reset to 0:
On a rising edge of bit OWx,1,0 (overflow reset),
When the reception buffer is reset to 0 (bit OWx,1,3 set to 1),
When a read/write request is processed,
When the message system is reset to 0 (bit OWx,0,2 set to 1),
Input register IWx,3: last character received
This register stores the last character received even when the reception buffer is full.
This register is initialized at 0:
When processing a write/read request,
When reconfiguring the module,
When resetting the message system to 0 (setting bit OWx,0,2 to 1).

Input register IWx,4: Number of bytes received
This register gives the number of bytes stored in the reception buffer. It is
incremented each time a new character is stored in the buffer and updated by each
read request.
When an overflow occurs, it will retain as many bytes as possible up to a maximum
of 256 bytes.
This register is initialized at 0:
When processing a write/read request,
When resetting the reception buffer to 0 (setting bit OWx,1,3 to 1),
When reconfiguring the module,
When resetting the message system to 0 (setting bit OWx,0,2 to 1).
Note: If reception echo is configured, reception of a backspace character (ASCII code H08')
will decrement the register.

Output register OWx,0: Reset message system

Only bit 2 of this word is used (OWx,0,2). When it is set to 1, the message system
is reset.
Output register OWx,1
Bit Function Description

0 Reset overflow When this bit is set to 1, bit IWx,2,0 (reception buffer
overflow bit) is reset to 0.

1 Reset Read and When this bit is set to 1, any Read or Write/Read Write/
Read requests in progress are stopped and cancelled and
exchange all related data is lost. This command must be follow-
ed by a text block reset.

2 Reset Write When this bit is set to 1, any Write requests in

exchange progress are stopped and cancelled and all related
data is lost. This command must be followed by a text block

3 Reset buffer If this bit is set to 1, the reception buffer is reset to 0.

4 to Not used

F Acknowledge PWF Setting this bit to 1 resets the system after a power-
break (resets IWx,1,F to 0). This bit is optional.

It is up to the user program to reset Acknowledgement or Reset bits to 0.


2.2-4 Message Interface
X TSX7 Operation

Programming a request requires larger data exchanges between the user program
and the module. Data is exchanged as messages or 16-bit word tables sent in both

Sending a request and its parameters to the module,

Report reception by the user program.
These exchanges are programmed through a text block. Text block parameters
TXTi,C and TXTi,M must be initialized with the request code and module address.
Initialization can be carried out by the user program, or when configuring the text
Once the exchange is complete the user will receive two reports or confirms (TXTi,R
and TXTi,S). For a detailed description of the text block, refer to the appropriate
PL72 programming manual.


2.3 Module Operating Modes
2.3-1 Description
General Flow-chart

The status flow-chart shown below illustrates the operation of the TSX SCG 113
module. The various module states are given in the IW input registers and made
available to the user program.


Self-tests OK

Stop channel Await request

Transmission/Reception Configuration request


Run channel Execute request Configure module

End of exchange + Reset exchange Configuration OK

Transmission request flow-chart

This flow-chart illustrates the processing performed by the module when it executes
a transmission request (with time-out and report).

Transmission request
Run channel Transmission

Reset exchange End of Application fault


Error shown by fault bit


Send report

End of report transmission

To channel Stop state

Await request


Reception request flow-chart

Reception request
X TSX7 Operation 2

Run channel Read message

End reception End reception + error

Reset exchange without error or time-out

Error shown by fault bit


Send message + fault bit

End of transmission

To channel Stop state

Await request

Reception/Transmission request flow-chart

This request combines the previous two requests. A single report is generated once
the read request has been executed. It can be visualized by combining the
Transmission and Reception flow-charts.

2.3-2 Module Reaction to a Power Break/Return
The module does not have a backed-up memory. It looses its configuration when
the power supply to the PLC is interrupted.
It is therefore necessary to configure the module:
On a cold restart (SY0 = 1),
On a hot restart (SY1 = 1) when the power supply reserve is exhausted,
Each time the PLC is connected/disconnected.
Power return
Each time the module is powered-up, bit IWx,0,8 (Blocking fault) is forced to 1 by
the PLC. After approximately 300 ms, the discrete, register and message interfaces
in the module are activated and the module self-tests can start (IWx,0,8 = 0 and
IWx,0,9 = 1). Once the self-tests are complete (approx. 1 second later), the Module
ready (IWx,0,3) and PWF failure (IWx,1,F) bits are set to 1 to indicate that the
module can be accessed in message mode.
The PWF bit can be acknowledged, but this is not mandatory.





Power-up Module
(initialization) Self-tests ready

Note: The 12V module supply and the 5V PLC supply may react differently to a power break.
This can cause the loss of the configuration without bits SY0 and SY1 changing state.
This makes it preferable to test bit IWx,1,F (PWF failure) in addition to testing SY0 and

X TSX7 Configuration

Section 3

Sub-section Page
3.1 Configuration Principle 22
3.1-1 Accessing the Configuration 22

3.2 Parameters 23
3.2-1 Defining the Parameters 23

3.3 Default Configuration 27

3.4 Loading the Configuration 28

3.4-1 Entering the Data 28

3.5 Configuration Example 29


3.1 Configuration Principle

A module is configured by sending it the basic information required for its operation.
The configuration of the module is defined by programming as the module does not
have non-volatile memory for saving configuration data. The module will use its
default configuration if no other program is defined (refer to sub-section 3.3).
The configuration of the module must define:
The type of software function to be executed,
The physical transmission characteristics: character format and transmission
The various operating parameters: use of XON/XOFF protocol, automatic echo
control, etc.

3.1-1 Accessing the Configuration

The configuration of a module channel is entirely programmable from the applica-
tion program in the PLC. To configure a channel, use a text block to send a "write
configuration" request along with the configuration parameters.
If a power break occurs, the configuration is lost. Sending a "write configuration"
request is therefore required each time the module is powered-up or after a power-
break (SY0, SY1, IWx,1,F).
Bit IWxy,1,3 gives information on the module configuration:
State 1 = module configured,
State 0 = channel not configured, or configuration lost.
The "read configuration" request allows the user program in the PLC to read the
module configuration,
If required by the application, a channel can be reconfigured during program
execution. Sending a new configuration to the module automatically replaces and
erases the previous one.


3.2 Parameters
3.2-1 Defining the Parameters
X TSX7 Configuration

The layout of the parameter tables transmitted to the module is shown below. The

table comprises nine 16-bit words.

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Function: 1 Nbr. of bits Parity Stop bits

Transmission speed (baudrate)

0 RTS/DTR XON - XOFF (Rx) Echo Type

Reception echo Auto-LF XON - XOFF (Tx) Back-Space


Define ERC-1 Define ERC-2


Define ETC-1 Define ETC-2

Silence between characters

Key: ERC = End of Reception Character,

ETC = End of Transmission Character,
INCL. = Included.
Function: Defines the channel operating mode:
1 = Full-duplex character string.
Number of bits: Defines the format of the characters exchanged on the line:
7 = 7 bit characters,
8 = 8 bit characters.
Parity: Defines whether or not a parity bit is used:
0 = no parity,
1 = odd parity,
2 = even parity.
Stop bits: Defines the number of stop bits used to define a character:
1 = 1 stop bit,
2 = 2 stop bits.

Note: The last three parameters listed above define the transmission format, which is linked
to the possibilities of the UART of the module. Only the selections listed below are
available, to the exclusion of all others:
7 bits + even parity + 1 stop bit,
7 bits + odd parity + 1 stop bit,
7 bits + even parity + 2 stop bits,
7 bits + odd parity + 2 stop bits,
8 bits + even parity + 1 stop bit,
8 bits + odd parity + 1 stop bit,
8 bits + 1 stop bit,
8 bits + 2 stop bits.

Transmission speed (Baudrate): The transmission speed is coded in 4 figure

BCD (the coding for 19200 baud is B1920').
The transmission speeds that can be used are:
19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300 and 150 bps.
RTS/DTR: This signal is used when the module is connected to a Modem:
RTS/DTR = 0: The DTR signal is controlled by the user program through bit Ox,1:
- Ox,1 = 0 forces the Modem to connect to the line,
- Ox,1 = 1 forces the Modem to disconnect from the line.
The RTS signal is automatically controlled by the module.
RTS/DTR = 1: The DTR and RTS signals are automatically controlled by the
module, therefore the signal cannot be directly accessed by the PLC application
XON-XOFF (RX): These two ASCII characters are used to control the level of traffic
through the reception buffer of the module:
0 = XON/XOFF (reception) inhibited,
1 = XON/XOFF (reception) enabled.
If this parameter is enabled, when the PLC user program sends a "Read N
characters" request, as soon as the number of characters to be received on the line
is reached, the module sends an XOFF character and the message is sent to the
user memory. When the next Read request is received, an XON character is sent.
This procedure allows messages of more than 256 characters to be received by
synchronizing the transmitter to the XON and XOFF characters sent by the module.
Note: When XON-XOFF is enabled, the Modem RTS signal remains active. Even when
XON-XOFF is inhibited, receiving the requested number of characters sets the RTS
signal to 1 if RTS/DTR = 1 is selected (see above). If this signal is connected to the CTS
(Clear to Send) line on the transmitting device (e.g. a Modem), transmission to the
module is inhibited. Reception of the next read request will reset transmission from the
remote device by resetting the RTS signal to 0.

X TSX7 Configuration

Echo Type: If reception-echo is configured and if a character write request is sent


while reception is in progress, the echo is interrupted. It will restart in one of two
Echo-Type = 0: Echo restart from the interrupted character,
Echo-Type = 1: Echo restart from the first character received.
Reception Echo: Any character received by the module while executing a
reception request is immediately sent back over the line as an echo. If a transmis-
sion request is sent by the PLC to a channel that is already being used for reception
with echo, the reception echo is interrupted. Once the transmission request has
been executed, the echo can restart in two different ways (see Echo Type above):
0 = reception echo inhibited,
1 = reception echo enabled.
Auto-LF: Whenever a carriage return character (CR = H0D) is sent, the module
automatically sends a line feed character (LF = H0A). This function also applies to
reception requests with echo:
0 = Auto-LF inhibited,
1 = Auto-LF enabled.
XON-XOFF (TX): These two ASCII characters can be used to indicate when a
device (e.g. a printer or any other peripheral is busy:
0 = XON -XOFF (transmission) inhibited,
1 = XON -XOFF (transmission) enabled,
During execution of a transmission request, the module interrupts character
transmission when XOFF (H13') is received. Transmission restarts when XON is
received (H11').
Back-Space: This character moves the cursor one space to the left:
0 = Back-Space inhibited,
1 = Back-Space enabled.
When executing a reception request, the module controls this function as follows:
With Back-Space inhibited, Back-Space characters received are stored like all
other characters,
With Back-space enabled, when a Back-Space character is received during the
execution of a reception request with echo, the module does not store it and the
previous character is deleted. The module generates three characters: Back-
Space (ASCII code H08'), then Space (ASCII code H20') and Back-Space again
(ASCII code H08').

End of reception: A reception request can end on the reception of a specific
character. The following parameters enable definition of up to two stop characters.
VAL-ERC-1/VAL-ERC-2: The validation codes for each of the two end of
transmission characters are:
- 0 = End character inhibited,
- 1 = End character enabled.
ERC-1-INCL/ERC-2-INCL: This parameter determines whether the end charac-
ter is included in the reception table or not.
- 0 = End character not included,
- 1 = End character included.
DEFINE ERC-1/DEFINE ERC-2: These 2 bytes are used to define the values of
the end of reception characters.
- H00' to HFF for 8 bit characters,
- H00' to H7F for 7 bit characters.
End of transmission: A Transmission request can end when a specific character
is found in the transmission table. Up to two stop characters can be defined using
the parameters listed below:
VAL-ETC-1/VAL-ETC-2: The validation codes for each of the two end of transmis-
sion characters:
- 0 = End character inhibited,
- 1 = End character enabled.
ETC-1-INCL/ETC-2-INCL: This parameter determines whether or not each end
of transmission character is sent or not:
- 0 = End character not sent,
- 1 = End character sent.
DEFINE ETC-1/DEFINE ETC-2: These 2 bytes are used to define the values of
the end of transmission characters:
- H00' to HFF for 8-bit characters,
- H00' to H7F for 7 bit characters.
Silence Between Characters: Once at least one character has been received, a
period of silence is used to detect the end of a message when no characters are
detected on the line for a set period of time. The duration of the period of silence is
expressed in numbers of characters and takes a value between 1 and 9999 (in
BCD). Silence period detection is inactive if the value is set to 0.
When Silence Between Characters is configured, the XON-XOFF (RX), XON
XOFF (TX) and Reception Echo parameters must be inactive. If not, the
configuration request will be refused.


3.3 Default Configuration
X TSX7 Configuration

Each time the module is powered-up, it reverts to the default configuration.

The default parameters are:

Function = 1 (Full-Duplex),
Number of bits = 8,
Parity = 1 (odd parity),
Number of stop bits = 1,
Binary dataflow = B9600' (9600 bps),
All other parameters = 0.
Note: When a power break occurs or after the module has been disconnected from the PLC,
the user defined configuration is lost and the default configuration is used.


3.4 Loading the Configuration

The configuration is loaded through a text block that sends the module a table of
predefined parameters. A report is sent back to acknowledge reception. If a power
break occurs, the configuration must be loaded again, once the module is ready
(IWx,0,3 = 1) after being powered-up and completing its self-tests.

3.4-1 Entering the Data

Initializing the text block
The user program must:
Initialize the text block transmission table with the configuration parameters (refer
to sub-section 3.2-1). This operation must be performed by program if the text
block was defined with a transmission table located in the internal memory Wi field
or by terminal if the transmission table is in the constant memory CWi field.
Initialize the following text block variables:
- TXTi,M: module address followed by 00,
- TXTi,C: request code = H0040',
- TXTi,L: transmission table length =18 bytes.
These parameters can be set either by program or by configuration.
Start the exchange with text block inputs S, O and I at 1,
At the end of the exchange, analyze the report.

Analyzing the report

The report is only significant at the end of a correct exchange (bit TXTi,D at 1 and
TXTi,E at 0).
Therefore the report value can be:
H00FE: Correct configuration, accepted and stored by the module,
H00FD: Incorrect configuration, rejected by the module. The module is no
longer configured as all previous configurations are lost.
Probable causes of configuration failure are:
- Parameters that are out of bounds,
- Variable TXTi,L is not equal to 18,
- Silence between characters is configured with XON-XOFF (TX), XON
XOFF (RX) or Reception Echo selected.
When a write configuration request is received, TXTi,S (numberof bytes received) = 0.


3.5 Configuration Example
X TSX7 Configuration

To configure the module at address 3, use text block TXT0 defined as a CPL type

text block with direct addressing and the transmission table at address CW0 (there
is no reception table).
The configuration is sent on request (B10 set) or on power return (B0 reset to 0 by
SY0 or SY1 or IW3,1,F) and module ready (IW3,0,3 = 1).
Constant words CW0 to CW8 contain the following values:
CW0 = H1802': 8 bits, no parity, 2 stop bits,
CW1 = H1200': 1200 bps,
CW2 = H0000': Restart echo from the interrupted character,
CW3 = H0101': Automatic line return,
CW4 = H0000': No stop reception code,
CW5 = H0D00': Ignored as CW4 = 0,
CW6 = H0000': No end of transmission code,
CW7 = H0000': Ignored as CW6 = 0,
CW8 = H0000': Silence between characters is ignored.
The parameters for text block TXT0 are:
TXT0,M = H0300': Module address 03,
TXT0,C = H0040': Write configuration request,
TXT0,L = 18: Send 9 words.
When the exchange is completed, one of the three bits listed below goes to 1 and
can be used to direct the program accordingly:
B1 = 1: Configuration is correct,
B2 = 1: Parameter error,
B3 = 1: Exchange error on the bus.

Power Return
SY0 B0




Initialize TXT0

H'0300' TXT0,M

H'0040' TXT0,C

18 TXT0,L

Send Configuration

B10 IW3,0,3 B1

B0 CW0 B2
O 0
TXT0,R = H'FD'


X TSX7 Operation

Section 4

Sub-section Page
4.1 Full-Duplex Transmission/Reception Requests 32
4.1-1 General 32
4.1-2 Reception Request 33
4.1-3 Transmission Request 34
4.1-4 Transmission/Reception Request 35

4.2 Report - Status Word 36

4.2-1 General 36
4.2-2 Report 36
4.2-3 Status Word 36

4.3 Programming Example 37

4.4 Additional Programming Information 40

4.4-1 Fault Processing 40
4.4-2 Self-Tests 41
4.4-3 Additional Requests 42

4.1 Full-Duplex Transmission/Reception Requests
4.1-1 General
The full-duplex transmission/reception request (Request code H07') enables
simultaneous transmission and reception operations, defined by the text block
parameters and the format of the assigned buffer:
15 0
Number of characters to receive
TXTi,L = 30 bytes max.
Characters to send

Number of TXTi,L Type of request

characters to receive
0 >4 Write request
>0 =4 Read request
>0 >4 Read/Write request

The exchange is started by setting text block inputs S, I and O to 1.

TSX 17-20 Micro-PLC transmission tables have a maximum capacity of 30 bytes.
The characters received are stored in a buffer with a maximum capacity of 256
bytes. Any additional characters are lost. Register bit IWxy,2,0 indicates an
When the module receives a "Read n characters" request, with n not greater than
30, the module waits for the n characters to be received or for the end character
(ERC-1 or ERC2) defined when the module was configured. If a message has
already been stored in the reception buffer of the module, it is sent to the data
memory of the PLC.
During this time any write requests received on the same channel are accepted and



Two function blocks must be used support dialog between the module and the PLC.

Program Reception

4.1-2 Reception Request

Time-out: Coded in BCD from 1 to 9999 (100 ms time base). A 0 value defines
reception without a time-out.
Number of characters to receive: 30 bytes max.

2nd. Character 1st. Character

4th. Character 3rd. Character

Reception table


Transmission table
Number of characters to receive

Reception text block parameters

The parameters can be set by program or by configuration.
TXTi,C = H0007' : request code,
TXTi,L = 4 : transmission table length,
TXTi,M = H0x00' : module address and channel number,
S, I & O= 1 : transmission/reception exchange,
TXTi,D = 1 : end of exchange (request executed),
TXTi,R : report (refer to sub-section 4.2),
TXTi,S : status word (refer to sub-section 4.2).
reception table : Wi [n] with
- table address : Wi
- length of the reception table : n bytes.


4.1-3 Transmission Request

Time-out: Coded in BCD from 1 to 9999 (100 ms time base). A 0 value defines
reception without a time-out.
Number of characters to receive: 0 (write request).


Number of characters to receive

2nd. Character 1st. Character

4th. Character 3rd. Character

26 bytes max.


Transmission text block parameters

The parameters can be set by program or by configuration.
TXTi,C = H0007' : request code,
TXTi,L = 4 : transmission table length (time-out, number of bytes to
receive and list of bytes to send),
TXTi,M = H0x00' : module address and channel number,
S, I & O = 1 : transmission with report,
S&O = 1 : transmission without report,
TXTi,D = 1 : end of exchange (request executed),
TXTi,R : report (refer to sub-section 4.2),
TXTi,S : status word (refer to sub-section 4.2).

4.1-4 Transmission/Reception Request

Only one text block is required to establish dialog between the module and the PLC.
This half-duplex request first transmits, then receives characters.

Time-out: Coded in BCD from 1 to 9999 (100 ms time base).

Number of characters to receive: 30 bytes max.

2nd. Character 1st. Character

4th. Character 3rd. Character

Reception table



Number of characters to receive

2nd. Character 1st. Character

4th. Character 3rd. Character

Transmission table


Text block parameters

The parameters can be set by program or by configuration.
TXTi,C = H0007' : request code,
TXTi,L : transmission table length
TXTi,M = H0x00' : module address and channel number,
S, I & O = 1 : transmission/reception exchange,
TXTi,D = 1 : end of exchange (request executed),
TXTi,R : report (refer to sub-section 4.2),
TXTi,S : status word (refer to sub-section 4.2).
reception table : Wi [n] with
- table address : Wi
- length of the reception table : n bytes.


4.2 Report - Status Word
4.2-1 General

Once the module has executed a request, it informs the user program by sending
a report and a status word.
An analysis of this data allows the user program to direct programming accordingly.

4.2-2 Report
The report word TXTi,R contains a code written by the module or the system that
shows whether the exchange was valid. This word can only be read and takes one
of the following values:
H0' : stop on reaching the number of characters,
H1' : stop on the first end character,
H2' : stop on the second end character,
H3' : stop on silence between characters,
H3F/FE/71/77/7A : correct exchange (additional requests),
HFD : incorrect exchange,
- time-out,
- time value not encoded in BCD,
- wrong parameters.

4.2-3 Status Word

Status word TXTi,S can only be read and contains:
The number of bytes received by the text block in the reception table during a
correct exchange (TXTi,E = 0),
An error code after an incorrect exchange (TXTi,E = 1). This code takes one of
the values listed below:
- 1 : exchange in progress cancelled by Reset,
- 2 : transmission or reception table length error,
- 3 : exchange error,
- 6 : incorrect buffer address,
- 11 : text block type not supported.


4.3 Programming Example
X TSX7 Operation

The module is used to record application faults on a log print-out.

The TSX 17-20 Micro-PLC that the module is connected to is fitted with a

TSX P17 20 FD (with real-time clock) micro-software cartridge.


TSX 17-20 Micro-PLC TSX SCG 113

Module configuration
The default configuration does not support connection of the module to the printer.
It is therefore necessary to load a different configuration.
The printer parameters (7 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits, 1200 bps) determine the
contents of configuration words CW0 to CW8 (refer to sub-section 3.5).
Recording a fault
Faults 1 and 2, indicated by setting bits B20 and B21 respectively to 1, will be logged
to the print-out with the time and date of their occurrence. Text block TXT1 will be
used for this purpose.
The parameters of text block TXT1 are:
TXT1, M = H0300',
TXT1,C = H0007',
TXT1,L = 30,
Reception table address = W0, length = 0.
Transmission table definition:
CW10 W0 = B0000' (transmission without time-out),
CW11 W1 = H0000' (no characters to receive),
W2 to W12 (time and date),
CW12 W13 = H442F,
CW13 W14 = H0D fault number.

I0,0 B30

Fault Detection



I0,1 B31 B21


Define Transmission Table

CW10 [2] W0 [2]

DT W2 [11]

CW12 [2] W13 [2]

W14 OR H'0001' W14

W14 OR H'0002' W14


Init TXT1
X TSX7 Operation 4

H'0300' TXT1,M

H'0007' TXT1,C

30 TXT1,L

Log Fault

IW3,0,3 IW3,0,C TXT1,D B3


B20 W0
O 0


End Fault
I0,0 B30

I0,1 B31


4.4 Additional Programming Information
4.4-1 Fault Processing

Any fault detected by the module can be determined by program. There are two
types of fault that can occur: blocking faults that inhibit the module and stop the
application program and module or application faults that do not inhibit the
A fault is indicated by the indicator LEDs on the module, by status word or by the
fault bit strings.
Indicator LEDs
fault (Green) (Red)

No fault On Off
Blocking Off On Indicator

Application On Off

Status words
Fault bit Fault

IWx,0,4 General fault or store

general fault (as IWx,0,7).

IWx,0,7 Application fault or store

application fault.

IWx,0,8 Blocking fault.

Fault bit string

This string of 48 bits is internal to the module and can be accessed by the message
interface (text block). They can be used to precisely locate a fault and acknowledge
an application fault. Bits IW,x,0,4 and IW,x,0,7 are set to 0 when:
A fault ends, if it has been acknowledged by reading the fault bits,
The fault bits are read, if the fault has ended.
The table opposite lists the fault bits and the faults they represent.

Fault bits

Fault bit


EPROM checksum fault

Operation 4

1 RAM fault (internal or external)

2 12V supply fault

3 to 33 Not used

34 Time-out fault on read request

35 Time-out fault on write request

36 Time-out fault on read/write request

37 Reception parity fault

38 to 47 Not used

4.4-2 Self-Tests
Each time the module is powered-up, the module runs a self-test sequence that
comprises a test of the RAM memory used by the microprocessor and a checksum
test of the module micro-program.
Blocking fault
Any fault identified by these tests is stored by bit IWx,0,8 (blocking fault) and the
RUN indicator is extinguished to indicate the fault. The module is permanently
Note: During the entire self-test phase, the user program should not access the module. Bits
IW,0,3 and IWx,0,9 indicate that the module is ready and can be tested.


4.4-3 Additional Requests

In addition to the configuration and operation requests, the requests listed below
enable the application program to exchange various information with the module.
They use a CPL type text block.
Request function TXTi,C TXTi,M TXTi,R Number Number
(Hex.) (Hex.) (Hex.) of bytes of bytes
written read

Read configuration 41 0x00 71/FD 0 18

Read fault bits from 47 0x63 77/FD 0 6

the string

Write application name 49 0x63 FE/FD 1 to 20 0

Read application name 4A 0x63 7A/FD 0 1 to 20

Read module version 0F 0x63 3F/FD 0 27

X TSX7 Installation

Section 5

Sub-section Page
5.1 Installing the Module 44

5.2 Connecting to a Peripheral or a Modem 45

5.2-1 General 45
5.2-2 Connecting to a Peripheral 45
5.2-3 Connecting to a 9 Signal Modem 46


5.1 Installing the Module

The TSX SCG 113 module can only be used with a TSX 17-20 Micro-PLC equipped
with a TSX P 17-20 FC (no real-time clock) or TSX P 17-20 FD (with real-time clock)
micro-software cartridge.
The connection between the Micro-PLC or the extension block preceding the
module on the bus is made via the built-in cable. This means that the module is
always located to the right of the preceding module.
Among extension modules, it can be installed as first second or third extension.

1 2 3

A maximum of two intelligent modules (TSX SCG 113 or TSX SCG 116) can be
connected to a Micro-PLC
The last extension block or intelligent module in a Micro-PLC configuration must
be fitted with a TSX 17 ACC10 terminator. The terminator is supplied separately.

For more information on the installation of extension modules (mounting, dimen-

sions, etc.), refer to the TSX 17 Micro-PLC Installation Manual (TSX D11 000E).

5.2 Connecting to a Peripheral or a Modem
5.2-1 General
To connect the module to a peripheral or to a
Installation 5

Modem, the 15-pin female connector located

on the top part of the module is used. The pin 1
arrangement for this connector is shown RXD 3
10 RI
opposite. RTS 4 12
CTS 5 13
GND 7 15

5.2-2 Connecting to a Peripheral

To connect the module to a standard two signal peripheral with a 25-pin connector,
use a 5 meter TSX CBP 050 cable. This cable is fitted with a 15-pin male connector
for connecting to the module and a 25-pin male connector for connecting to
peripherals accepting DTE type connection (printers, keyboard/display terminals,
regulators, etc.).


1 1
TXD 2 2
RXD 3 3

TSX SCG 113 RTS 4 4 Peripheral

CTS 5 5
DSR 6 6
GND 7 7
RLSD 8 8
RI 10
DSRS 11 20

15 25



5.2-3 Connecting to a 9 Signal Modem

To connect the module to a 9 signal modem using a 25-pin connector, use a 5 meter
TSX CBN 050 cable. This cable is fitted with a 15-pin male connector for connecting
to the module and a 25-pin male connector for connecting to the DCE type
connection Modem.


1 1
TXD 2 2
RXD 3 3
TSX SCG 113 RTS 4 4
CTS 5 5
DSR 6 6
GND 7 7 Modem

RLSD 8 8
RI 10 20
DSRS 11 21
15 23



X TSX7 Appendix

Section 6

Sub-section Page
6.1 ASCII Code Table 48

6.2 Index 49

6.3 Quick Reference Guide 51


ASCII Code Table

b7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

b5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

b4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b3 b2 b1 b0 Line

0 0 0 0 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P \ p

0 0 0 1 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q

0 0 1 0 2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r

0 0 1 1 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s

0 1 0 0 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t

0 1 0 1 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u

0 1 1 0 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v

0 1 1 1 7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w

1 0 0 0 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x

1 0 0 1 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y

1 0 1 0 A LF SUB * : J Z j z

1 0 1 1 B VT ESC + ; K [ k {

1 1 0 0 C FF FS , < L \ l |

1 1 0 1 D CR GS - = M ] m }

1 1 1 0 E SO RS . > N ^ n ~

1 1 1 1 F SI US / ? O _ o DEL

X TSX7 Appendix

Adaptor code.................................................................................................15

Additional requests....................................................................................... 42
Application fault...........................................................................................14/40
Blocking fault.......................................................................................14/40/41
CD (Carrier Detector)..........................................................................................12
Character format...........................................................................................23
Connecting to a Modem...........................................................................45/46
Connecting to a peripheral............................................................................45
CTS (Clear To Send)............................................................................... 12/13
Default configuration.....................................................................................27
Discrete interface.......................................................................................6/13
Discrete I/O Bit..............................................................................................13
DSR (Data Signal Rate)...........................................................................12/13
DSRS (Data Signal Rate Selector).......................................................... 12/13
DTR (Data Terminal Ready)................................................................12/13/24
Echo type.................................................................................................23/25
End of exchange...................................................................................33 to 35
End of reception.......................................................................................23/26
End of transmission..................................................................................23/26
Fault processing.......................................................................................40/41
Full-duplex.................................................................................................... 32
Function........................................................................................................ 23
Grounding....................................................................................................... 8
Input registers........................................................................................14 to 16
Last character received.................................................................................15


Message interface......................................................................................6/17
Module software version...............................................................................42

Number of bytes received....................................................................................16

Number of characters to receive.............................................................32 to 35
Operating modes......................................................................................18/19
Output registers...................................................................................................16
Power break..................................................................................................20
Power return................................................................................................. 20
Powering-up the module...............................................................................41
Reading fault bits.......................................................................................... 42
Reading the application name...................................................................... 42
Reading the configuration.............................................................................42
Reading the module version......................................................................... 42
Reception echo........................................................................................23/25
Reception request.........................................................................................33
Register interface.......................................................................................6/14
Register word........................................................................................14 to 16
Report...................................................................................................... 28/36
Reset exchange............................................................................................16
Reset message system.................................................................................16
Reset overflow.............................................................................................. 16
Reset reception buffer...................................................................................16
RI (Ring Indicator)....................................................................................12/13
RLSD (Received Line Signal Detector)....................................................12/13
RTS (Request To Send)...........................................................................12/24
RXD (Received Data)................................................................................... 12
Safety of operation.................................................................................................7
Silence between characters.....................................................................23/26
Status word..............................................................................................36/40
Text block....................................................................................28/33 to 35/37
Time-out....................................................................................8/14/32 to 35/41
Transmission request....................................................................................34
Transmission/Reception request.................................................................. 35
TXD (Transmitted Data) 12
XON-XOFF............................................................................................23 to 25

6.3 Quick Reference Guide
Indicator LEDs

Green LED: Module powered-up and

Appendix 6

operating correctly
2 Red LED: I/O bus fault. 1


General characteristics
- TSX 17-20 with TSX P17 20 FC or FD cartridge,
- Up to 3 modules or extension blocks per PLC,
- Up to 2 intelligent modules (TSX SCG 113 or 116) per PLC configuration
(addresses 1 to 3),
- The last module in the configuration must be fitted with a TSX 17 ACC10
Software configuration code : 63
Reaction to a power-break (of more than the autonomy of the PLC
supply) and power-return:
- User configuration lost,
- Restart with the default configuration.

Connection to a peripheral or a Modem

TXD : Transmitted Data,
RXD : Received Data,
RTS : Request To Send, 9 DTR
10 RI
CTS : Clear To Send, RXD 3 11 DSRS
DSR : Data Signal Rate, CTS 5
GND : 0V (Ground), DSR 6
RLSD : Received Line Signal Detector, RLSD 8

DTR : Data Terminal Ready,

RI : Ring Indicator,
DSRS : Data Signal Rate Selection.

Exchange flow-chart


Status words

executor Bus
Adaptor Interface
(channel 0)



Message interface: standard requests

Request TXTi,C TXTi,M TXTi,R Number Number Module
function (Hex.) (Hex.) (Hex.) of bytes of bytes state
written read

Write 40 0x00 FE/FD 18 0 STOP


Full-duplex 07 0x00 0/1/2/ 4 to 30 0 to 30 RUN

Write/Read 3/FD

Read 41 0x00 71/FD 0 18 RUN/STOP


Read fault 47 0x63 77/FD 0 6 RUN

bits from the string

Write 49 0x63 FE/FD 20 0 RUN/STOP

application name

Read 4A 0x63 7A/FD 0 20 RUN/STOP

application name

Read 0F 0x63 3F/FD 0 27 RUN/STOP

module version

Message interface: transfer characteristics
Read/Write CPL type text block,
TXTi,M = H0x.. where x = module number,
.. = channel 00 or 63.
Appendix 6

TXTi,C = request code,

TXTi,R = report returned by the module,
FD = transfer correct.
TXTi,S = number of bytes received by transfer (if transfer OK),
error code (if transfer error):
- 1 : exchange in progress cancelled by Reset,
- 2 : transmission or reception table length error,
- 3 : exchange error,
- 6 : incorrect buffer address,
- 11 : text block type not supported.


I or Ox , i
Input: read by the PLC Bit nbr.
Output: written by the PLC Module nbr. (1 to 3)

IW or OWx , i
Input: read by the PLC Bit nbr.
Output: written by the PLC Module nbr. (1 to 3)

Discrete input bits

16 15

Ix,0 CTS = Clear To Send

Ix,1 DSR = Data Set Ready
Ix,2 RLSD = Received Line Signal Detect
Ix,3 RI = Ring Indicator

Discrete output bits

15 0

Ox,1 DTR = Data Terminal Ready

Ox,2 DSRS = Data Signal Rate Select

Input register words (words read by the PLC)

IWx,0 Standard status word

IWx,1 Additional status word

IWx,2 Overflow

IWx,3 Last character received

IWx,4 Number of bytes received

Output register words (words written by the PLC)

OWx,0 Standard command word

OWx,1 Standard command word

X TSX7 Appendix

Input register words: sent by the module and read by the PLC
IWx,0 Standard status word

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 1 = Reset message system.

3 1 = Module ready.
4 1 = General fault or store fault.
7 1 = Application fault.
8 1 = Blocking fault.
9 1 = Self-tests in progress.
1 = Module not configured,
0 = Module configured.
1 = Module running,
0 = Module stopped.

IWx,1 Additional status word

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reception Run/Stop:
1 0 = Channel stopped,
1 = Channel running.
Transmission Run/Stop:
2 0 = Channel stopped,
1 = Channel running.
0 = Module not configured,
1 = Module configured.
4/5/6 Adaptor code = 101
F 1 = Power return

IWx,2 Overflow

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 = Overflow (reception buffer full)

IWx,3 Last character received

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

IWx,4 Number of bytes received

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Output register words: sent by the PLC and read by the module
OWx,0 Reset message system
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 1 = Reset message system.

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 1 = Reset overflow bit IWx,2,0.

1 = Read or Write/Read exchange reset
in progress,
2 1 = Write exchange reset in progress,
3 1 = Reset reception buffer,
F 1 = Acknowledge failure after power-return.



A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1 0

Function: 1 Nbr. of bits Parity Stop bits

Transmission speed (baudrate)

0 RTS/DTR XON - XOFF (Rx) Echo Type

Reception echo Auto-LF XON - XOFF (Tx) Back-Space


Define ERC-1 Define ERC-2


Define ETC-1 Define ETC-2

Silence between characters

1 = Full-duplex character string.
Number of bits
7 = 7 bit characters,
8 = 8 bit characters.
0 = no parity,
1 = odd parity,
2 = even parity.
Stop bits
1 = 1 stop bit,
2 = 2 stop bits.
Transmission speed (Baudrate)
19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300 and 150 bps.
RTS/DTR = 0: The DTR signal is controlled by the user program.
- DTR (Ox,1) = 0 forces the Modem to connect to the line,
- DTR (Ox,1) = 1 forces the Modem to disconnect from the line.
RTS/DTR = 1: DTR is automatically controlled by the module.
In all cases, the RTS signal is automatically controlled by the module.
0 = XON/XOFF inhibited,
1 = XON/XOFF enabled.

Echo Type
Echo-Type = 0: Echo restart from the interrupted character,
Echo-Type = 1: Echo restart from the first character received.
Reception Echo
0 = reception echo inhibited,
1 = reception echo enabled.
0 = Auto-LF inhibited,
1 = Auto-LF inhibited
0 = XON -XOFF inhibited,
1 = XON -XOFF enabled,
0 = Back-Space inhibited,
1 = Back-Space enabled.
0 = End of reception character inhibited,
1 = End of reception character enabled.
0 = End of reception character not included,
1 = End of reception character included.
H00' to HFF for 8 bit characters,
H00' to H7F for 7 bit characters.
0 = End of transmission character inhibited,
1 = End of transmission character enabled.
0 = End of transmission character not sent,
1 = End of transmission character sent.
H00' to HFF for 8 bit characters,
H00' to H7F for 7 bit characters.
Silence Between Characters
1 to 9999 (in BCD).


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