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Thesis Paper

Thesis Paper

Presented to the Faculty of School of Business and Governance

In Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the course

Business Research-1

Canto, Alyssa

Doblado, James

Igancio, Jane

Paclar, Jaye

Tan, Moselle

September 7, 2017


The laundry shop industry has been a major business in the growing market. A lot of the

customers of laundry shops are mostly people who are lazy to do laundry and students who are too

busy to their own laundry. Nearly 3-4 years ago the laundry shop business in Davao city was not

yet a growing trend yet. Now Kwikwash N Dry Launderette is part of a growing trend for lazy

people, dormers, students and a lot more people to find easy and not tiring way of washing their

clothes and fabrics.

With the rise in demand of self-service laundry shops, Kwikwash N Dry Launderette is not

able to cope up with the sudden rise of demand in the observations of the researchers and the

respondents. With Davao city being the heart of mindanao and most provincial students study here

for better education, they would have little time for laundry.

This paper examines the customer satisfaction of the customers of Kwikwash N Dry

Launderette using the marketing mix theory, the Product, Price, Promotional and Place factors.

Product factors are composed of selected items which are efficiency, effectiveness, quality, design

and services(refers to the quality of product or service the establishment is allowing its customers

to use when they do their laundry in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.). Price factors are composed

of affordability, expenses, cost-effectiveness and price tactics(refers to the costs and the expenses

you incur when you are doing your laundry in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette). Promotional factors

are composed of marketing and public relations(refers on how the establishment communicate

their product or service to their customers). Place factors are composed of accessibility,

cleanliness, traffic, safety, and convenience.( refers to the location of the establishment and

whether it meets your standards of a good location for the establishment)

Having high customer satisfaction is an important strategy for the organization to keep its

customers, and a significant element for stability, growth and revenue of the organization. The

perspective of the customers was used to determine whether Kwikwash N Dry Launderette needs

to be expanded to suit the needs of its growing demand of customers.

Table of Contents

Cover page 1

Abstract ii-iii

Table of Contents iv-v

Chapter 1: Introduction

I. Background of the Study

II. Theoretical Framework

III. Conceptual Framework

IV. Statement of the Problem

V. Objectives of the Research

VI. Hypotheses of the Study

VII. Significance of the Research

VIII. Scope and Limitations of the Study

IX. Definition of terms

Chapter 2: Background of the Research

I. Review and Related Literature

Chapter 3: Methodology

I. Research Design

II. Research Locale

III. Respondents of the Study

IV. Sampling Procedure

V. Research Instrument

VI. Statistical Treatment



I. Appendix A:Qualifications of the Researchers

II. Appendix B:Qualifications of the Researchers

III. Appendix C:Qualifications of the Researchers

IV. Appendix D:Qualifications of the Researchers

V. Appendix E:Qualifications of the Researchers

VI. Appendix F:Questionnaire

VII. Appendix G:Approval Letter




This chapter includes background of the research, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework, statement of the problem, objectives of the research, hypotheses of the study,

significance of the research, scope and limitation and definition of terms.

BackGround of the Study

The fast change of trend from individualized laundry to commercial laundry services

coincides with rapid technological change as well as the fast, changing and modern lifestyle of

Filipinos. Laundry business is an easy and convenient business to start. It is not capital or

management intensive. You can start this business right from home and grow from there. It is a

very lucrative business, as not everyone that puts on clothes has the time to do the laundry.

Laundry Shops can be seen like mushrooms popping in and out of the metropolis. If you take a

look closer, these laundry shops are mostly full of laundry either packed in plastics ready for pick-

up, sorted in baskets ready for washing, or inside the machine spinning. A laundry business is one

of the simplest business that you can think of since it doesnt require a lot of skill to operate and

manage. A simple individual can be one of your staff and anyone can manage this business because

it is not too complicated. Based on the survey conducted the reasons why they go to the laundry

shops instead of doing it to their own are because of tight schedule especially those students who

have a lot of extracurricular activities in school, others says they dont like washing their clothes

because it is just a waste of time (laziness), and some boarding houses didnt allowed washing

clothes in consideration to the consumption of water. This is the reason why there is chance of

making a lot of money because this people will definitely seek the services of the laundry shop the

researcher are studying Laundry Shops can be seen like mushrooms popping in and out of the

metropolis. If you take a look closer, these laundry shops are mostly full of laundry either packed

in plastics ready for pick-up, sorted in baskets ready for washing, or inside the machine spinning.

A laundry business is one of the simplest business that you can think of since it doesnt require a

lot of skill to operate and manage. A simple individual can be one of your staff and anyone can

manage this business because it is not too complicated.

Davao City as a highly urbanized city in the Philippines and is also the largest city in the

Philippines in terms of land area and the most populous city outside of metro manila. It can be

seen that numerous schools and establishment are spotted around the area urging to look for

convenience due to their busy time. And this gives a positive outlook for some businessmen who

were just started in the industry to put their investment in certain businesses particularly the

Laundry business in which the field is not that much penetrated yet in the city of Davao.

Kwikwash N Dry Launderette is one of two first self-service laundry shops that opened in

Davao City. It has been operational for more than 2 years, being in the north part of Davao City,

in the Barangay of Sasa. Around the establishment there are houses, dormers and a little market.

Theoretical Framework

The study uses the Marketing Mix theory or the 4 Ps which is the Product, Price,

Promotion and the Place. The concept of marketing mix was introduced over 60 years ago. In

general terms, marketing mix is a variety of different factors that can influence a consumers

decision to purchase a product or use a service. It most commonly refers to the 4Ps of

marketingproduct, price, promotion and place. These four factors can be controlled by a business

to a certain extent. When mixed or blended strategically, they can produce desired behaviors

from your target audiences. It can also help businesses further understand their product and service

offerings and the best ways to plan for a successful launch and marketing strategy. The 4Ps were

created by marketing professor E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960.

The first P of this marketing mix theory is the Product. Product refers to the physical

goods or the intangible services that you offer, but theres more to it than that. Its also about the

experience that users and customers have with your product. What makes customers choose your

product over others? What problem does it solve? What attracts people to your products or


It is critical to choose the right price for your product or service. If your product is

underpriced, consumers may question its effectiveness or think that its too good to be true. On

the other hand, if you price your product too high, consumers may see it as overpriced and

unnecessary. Price is also heavily influenced by your consumers. Of course, you need to price to

make a profit. The strategy that you choose should be based on the value of your product, the

production and distribution costs, consumer demand and competitive landscape.

Promotion lets people know that your product solves a specific need. In the promotion

stage, your message should be clear and geared towards your target audiences. Tell them why they

need your product and how it will benefit them. Identify what sets you apart from everyone else.

It is key to include those differentiators into your promotional messages. When selecting which

channels to use for promotion, remember that your audience is the focus.

Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as

the distribution channel. This is crucial as this provides the place utility to the consumer, which

often becomes a deciding factor for the purchase of many products across multiple product


Independent Variables
Price Tactics
Accessibility Dependent Variables

Conceptual Framework
Public Relations

The independent variable is composed of 4 factors, which are the 4 Ps of the marketing

mix and these are Price, Place, Product and the Promotion. Price consists of Cost, Expenses,

Discounts and Price tactics, Place also consists of accessibility, cleanliness, traffic, safety and

convenience, Product consists of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, design, and services, while

Promotion consists of marketing and public relations.

On the other hand, the dependent variable of the study is the customer satisfaction. In

qualifying the customer satisfaction, the researchers used the customers perspectives to measure

the satisfaction of the customers to the establishment. The study used the perspectives of the

customer to improve the organizations strategies to have more customers. The customers of the

establishment identified which of their most common customers would be helpful for the

researchers to complete the said project. The reason for this is that the customers that were

identified would somehow help in developing a plan and implement it.

Statement of the problem

This study has developed to answer the problem statements:

1. What is the demographic profile of the customers who go to Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

2. What made them decide to wash their at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?


3. Does the price/cost of availing the services of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette affect the decision

of the customers to wash their clothes at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

4. Does the place of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette affect the decision making of the customers

to wash their clothes at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

5. Does the promotion of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette affect the decision making of the

customers to wash their clothes at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

6. Does the product or service of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette affect the decision making of the

customers to wash their clothes at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

7. Does the customer service of the establishment plays a role for the decision of customers on

washing their clothes at Kwikwash N Dry Launderette?

8. Should Kwikwash N Dry Launderette expand?

Objectives of the research

This study is expected to identify the factors that make customers of Kwikwash N Dry

Launderette return and find out what they want for the business to improve on.

1. To know the profile of the customers who avail the services of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.

2. To determine whether the product or service of the establishment affects the decision of

customers to wash their clothers in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.


3. To determine whether price affects the decision of customers to wash their clothers in

Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.

4. To determine whether the place of the establishment affects the decision of customers to wash

their clothers in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette

5. To determine whether the promotion of the establishment affects the decision of customers to

wash their clothers in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette

6. To determine whether the customers wants the establishment to expand.

7. Suggest to the management what the customers wants to happen for the future of Kwikwash

N Dry Launderette.

Hypothesis of the Study

H1: There is a significant relationship between the price of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette and

customer loyalty.

H2: There is a significant relationship between the products/services of Kwikwash N Dry

Launderette and customer loyalty.

H3: There is a significant relationship between the place of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette and

customer loyalty.

H4 : There is a significant relationship between the promotion of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette

and customer loyalty.

H5: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction of Kwikwash N Dry

Launderette and customer loyalty.

Significance of the Research

The outcomes of this research are deemed important to the following:

Management of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette. It will help the company identify what future moves

should they be moving towards to. What strategy formulation and implementation should they

apply to their business in order to have a better business. This study would help the management

be more aware on the wants of their customers for their business.

Clients and customers of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette. This refer to the customers who availed

or availing the services of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette for their cleaning matters for their clothes.

This is meaningful for them because it shows that management is willing to hear their voices and

allow them to have an opinion on whats best for the business moving forward.

Researchers. These refer students who are 4th year Business and Management. The research will

be for the partial fulfillment of the academic requirement of their degree in the Ateneo de Davao


Future Researchers. The study can also be used by other researchers who are taking the same

subjects or topics for the conduct of their respective researches. They can cite the findings and

points that the paper was able to identify and conclude.


Scope and Limitations

The study focused on the reasons for customer satisfaction for Kwikwash N Dry

Launderette customers in Davao city. The population of the respondents are people who uses self-

service laundry shops in Davao city. This study will then determine the possible future moves for

Kwikwash N Dry launderette from the marketing mix theory of the customers. The study will use

the 4Ps namely Product, Price, Promotion and Place.

Survey questionnaires, in addition, are also constraint with its responses from the

respondents. It may be from the time element, limited range of responses and limited chances for

clarification about the question. There are also certain items in the questionnaire that the

respondents failed to answer especially in terms of demographics because of the hesitations of the

respondents in sharing their personal information.

Definition of terms

For precision and better understanding of the study, the following concepts are operationally


LAUNDRY: is the washing of clothes and linens, The material that is being washed, or has been


LAUNDRY SHOP: a place where clothes are washed and iron

WASHING MACHINE: is a machine to wash laundry, such as clothing & sheets

DRYER: is a machine to dry laundry, such as clothing & sheets

PRICE: amount a customer pays for the product or service


PRODUCT: It is the tangible object or an intangible service that is getting marketed through the


PLACE: represents the location where a product can be purchased

PROMOTION: represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace

to increase awareness about the product and its benefits to the target segment

MARKETING MIX THEORY: The marketing mix has been defined as the "set of marketing

tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. Thus the marketing

mix refers to four broad levels of marketing decision, namely: product, price, promotion, and place.

Chapter 2

Review of related literature

Those who buy the goods or services provided by companies are customers. A customer is

a stakeholder of an organization who provides payment in exchange for the offer provided to him

by the organization with the aim of fulfilling a need and to maximize satisfaction. Sometimes the

term customer and consumer are confusing. A customer can be a consumer, but a consumer may

not necessarily be a customer. Another author explained this difference. I.e. a customer is the

person who does the buying of the products and the consumer is the person who ultimately

consumes the product (Solomon, 2009, p. 34.)

When a consumer/customer is contented with either the product or services it is termed

satisfaction. Satisfaction can also be a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment that results

from comparing a products perceived performance or outcome with them expectations (Kotler &

Keller, 2009, p. 789).


According to Schiffman & Karun (2004) Customer satisfaction is defined as the

individuals perception of the performance of the products or services in relation to his or her

expectations (Schiffman & Karun 2004, p. 14). In a nutshell, customer satisfaction could be the

pleasure obtained from consuming an offer.

Measuring customer satisfaction could be very difficult at times because it is an attempt to

measure human feelings. It was for this reason that some existing researcher presented that the

simplest way to know how customers feel, and what they want is to ask them this applied to the

informal measures (Levy, 2009, p. 6; NBRI, 2009).


Facilitated by highly granular price management algorithms and mobile-everywhere shopping

apps, and motivated by substantial opportunities for profit (Sahay 2012), personalized, or

discriminatory, pricing for consumer products has become increasingly prevalent (Weisstein,

Monroe, and Kukar-Kinney 2013). Defined generally, discriminatory pricing involves varying

prices for the same product across different consumers according to their willingness-to-pay, and

communicating prices in a directed, personalized way (Garbarino and Lee 2003).1 While simple

in concept, in an environment with complete price-transparency, such price differences may induce

perceptions of unfairness, loss of trust, credibility, fears of price-gouging, and reduced purchase

intentions; Haws and Bearden 2006; Rotemberg 2011). Klassen, Trybus, & Kumars (2005) study

about planning food services for a campus setting at California State University, Northridge, their

results showed that price is the most important criterion, with 62 percent of the respondents

choosing price. Even though most of the food outlets pricing is discounted, students still consider

price when making a decision. In Sorianos (2002) study about customer expectation factors in

cafeterias, he stated that the price to be paid for a service determines the level of quality to be

demanded. Customers have raised their expectations with regard to quality and good service, while

seeking a better value for their money. In this study, Soriano (2003) found that service and value

of meal are equally important when compared with all the other factors.


In service settings such as hotels or even self service laundry shops the atmosphere in which the

service takes place may be crucial in determining the customers perception and satisfaction with

the service encounter. Soriano (2002) mentioned that the importance of a comfortable atmosphere

will continue to increase with time. Therefore, the most important thing is design and concept. The

University of Tampa, Florida reported that their customer counts went up to 85% after the

renovation of one residence dining hall (FoodService Director, 2003). Yuksel and Yuksels (2002)

study about tourist satisfaction with cafeteria service stated that service environment holds a

central role in shaping the nature of customers behavior, their reactions to places and their social

interactions. Customers are likely to spend their time and money in an establishment where the

service environment prompts a feeling of pleasure. Reinartz (2002) study about consumer choice

and segmentation in the cafeteria industry found that image and atmosphere were ranked fourth

among the eight variables. He concluded that, after food type, quality, and price, atmosphere then

becomes the main way of making a distinction between alternatives. Thus, literature on atmosphere

attributes provide a clear reasoning into why this attributes are a part of the study.


Service quality is an outcome of the difference between service expectations and customer

perceptions of actual service performance (Naik, Gantasala, & Prabhakar, 2010; Yeilada &

Direktr, 2010). Izogo and Ogba (2015) argued that service quality leads to enhanced customer

satisfaction and loyalty as a result of several factors. They added that SERVQUAL is one of the

best measures of service quality. As noted by Santouridis and Trivellas (2010), service quality is

measured using this instrument as the gap between customer expectations and perceptions,

characterized by five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.

Not all studies adopting this instrument use the same dimensions (Dedeolu & Demirer, 2015).

However, Hui and Zheng (2010) argued that SERVQUAL is one of the most effective and stable

models for measuring service quality. In terms of the dimensions, according to Parasuraman, Berry

and Zeithaml (1991, p. 338), tangibles concern the appearance of physical facilities, equipment,

personnel and communication materials. Reliability is the ability to perform the promised service

dependably and accurately. Responsiveness represents willingness to help customers and prompt

service. Assurance stands for the knowledge and courtesy of employees and the ability to inspire

trust and confidence. Finally, empathy relates to the caring, individualized attention the firm

provides its customers.


Word-of-mouth communication simply involves people sharing their assessment of their

experiences. Word-of-mouth communication, which relates both to positive and negative


evaluations of service encounters, has been shown to influence other peoples purchase behavior.

Positive word-of-mouth communication is reported to emerge from satisfying service encounters,

while negative communication generally emerges from dissatisfying encounters (Susskind, 2002).

Ranaweera and Prabhu (2003) conducted a research study to examine the combined effects of

customer satisfaction and trust on customer retention and positive word-of-mouth (WOM). Data

from a large-scale survey of fixed line telephone users in the United Kingdom confirmed that both

satisfaction and trust have strong positive association with customer retention and positive word-

of-mouth. Therefore, the researcher believes it is significant to include word-of-mouth

endorsement in this research study.

Customer Satisfaction

Yuksel and Yuksels (2002) study about tourist satisfaction with cafeteria service found that

customer satisfaction is an important topic for both researchers and managers. It is because a high

level of customer satisfaction will lead to an increase in repeat customers. Being able to judge

customers satisfaction levels and to apply that knowledge are critical starting points for

ascertaining and maintaining long-term customers retention and competitiveness. Moreover,

Yuksel and Yuksel (2002) mentioned that the majority of satisfaction theories state that satisfaction

is a relative concept, always judged in relation to a standard. The selection of an appropriate

standard of comparison for use in a research, however, represents a dilemma for both managers

and researchers. This is partly because there is not sufficient research evidence available to respond

precisely to what comparison standard customers use in different situations. Different forms of

service standards have been proposed in the marketing and consumer behavior literature; with the

exception of predictive expectations, other standards have received little empirical research in the

tourism and hospitality literature. Furthermore, studies applying customer satisfaction models are

rarely found in the foodservice industry. Thus, in this developing stage of hospitality customer

satisfaction research, more tests and applications of the customer satisfaction models seems


Chapter 3


Research design

in order to gather the necessary information/ fact, we, the researchers of this study used the

descriptive method using survey questionnaires to be able to know the different requirements

regarding viability and desirability in terms or organizational, operational or technical, and

marketing aspects of the business. to gather more information and fact about this study, we

approached the various owners/ managers of the existing laundry shop. we conducted interviews

and observations to come up to the reliable information and facts. The respondents are from the

customers of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette who are availing the services of the establishment. In

answering the questionnaires, the study will use Likert 5-point Scale (5) Strongly Agree, (4)

Agree, (3) Neutral (2) Disagree and (1) Strongly Disagree.

Descriptive research is designed to describe the characteristics or behaviors of a particular

population in a systematic and accurate fashion. It can provide basic information about variable in

a dataset and to highlight potential relationship between variables. The Customer satisfaction

variables will be based upon the marketing mix theory variables namely, (1) Product, (2) Price, (3)

Promotion, and (4) Place. Product factors are composed of selected items which are efficiency,

effectiveness, quality, design and services. Price factors are composed of affordability, expenses,

cost-effectiveness and price tactics. Promotional factors are composed of marketing and public

relations. Place factors are composed of accessibility, cleanliness, traffic, safety, and convenience.

This also allows to identify the population that has the said characteristics. with the use of this

design, it helps discover the possible associations among the identified variables.

Data gathering and procedures


The following are the procedures that will be followed by the researchers to geti sufficient

data from the respondents regarding the factors of customer satisfaction in Kwikwash N dry


Asking for permission for the conduct of the study through a letter seeking permission from

Ms. ZARA, owner of the Kwikwash N Dry Launderette, and it was noted by the Business

researcher adviser, Dr. Jovelyn Castro.

Constructing the researcher-made questionnaires based from the identified customer

satisfaction factors of the company from various journals, researcher and articles.

Checking of questionnaire from the experts, Dr. Jovelyn Castro, Ms. Olarte, and Mr.

Logarta. Then revisions were made after the consultation.

Asking the permission of the agency to allow the researchers to use their customers as the

subjects of the study.

First pretesting of the questionnaires to select customer of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.

The pretesting will need 30 respondents to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.

The results were used to evaluate and revise the questionnaire. The pretesting was on September

5, 2017

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Kwikwash n Dry Launderette at Belen Rd, Sasa, Davao City.

Respondents of the study

Data Sources

The sources of the data is subject for interpretation and are from the responses of the

respondents through the questionnaire that will be distributed to the customers of Kwikwash N

Dry Launderette. The gathering of the data will take place in establishment itself in Kwikwash n

Dry Launderette at Belen Rd, Sasa, Davao City.

Sampling procedure

For the whole process of our research, the overall samples consist of individuals from the

community of Sasa, Davao City. The 100 samples must come from the the target population who

is are the customer of the Kwikwash N Dry Launderette establishment, and the Population is the

residents of Davao City.

Research instrument

The researchers used a 5-point Likert Scale to the factors of Customer satisfaction using

the Marketing Mix theory

For the said test, pretesting was conducted for the questionnaires with 30 respondents. After

the said pretesting, the reliability of the questionnaire was measured using the Cronbachs Alpha

index. If the result will have 0.9, it is excellent; 0.9 > 0.8, it is good; 0.8 > 0.7, it is

acceptable; 0.7 > 0.6, it is questionable; 0.6 > 0.5, it is poor; 0.5 > , it is unacceptable

After testing the Cronbach Alpha of the questionnaire, the result was 0.8162 or 0.82 w

which is good enough for reliability.

For the interpretation of the Likert Scale, the range intervals will still be subject for

computation after the data have been analyzed and interpreted. For the purposes of showing the

table, below is the format.

Rating Range interval Levels Rating Description

5 4.20 5.00 Very High Strongly Agree

4 3.40 4.19 High Agree

3 2.60 3.39 Moderately High Neither Agree nor Disagree

2 1.80 2.59 Low Disagree

1 1.00 1.79 Very Low Strongly Disagree

The main instrument used in this study was the constructed questionnaire by the researcher.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts; the first part is situational questions in laundry shops

and the second part is customers demographic information.

The first part of the questionnaire asks questions pertaining to what customers do if the

laundry shop is full of customers, if 4 washers and 4 dryers is enough to handle all customers, if

customers will consider having all their washable things be done in the said laundry shop, if

customers are willing to return to the said laundry shop if they were able to have additional units

of washers and dryers, and if customers are willing to share to their friends the positive things

about the laundry shop.


The second part of the questionnaire asks about the customers demographic information, namely;

full name, e-mail address, birth year, gender, level of education, occupation, number of members

in the family and nationality.

Statistical treatment

In order for the data to be meaningful, the researchers will be using several statistical

methods to transform them into information and eventually be used in interpreting and analyzing

the data.

The study will use descriptive statistics as a basis for interpretation of the data gathered. In

descriptive statistics the researchers will be using the mean and frequencies to present quantitative

descriptions of the profile of the respondents, Price, Place, product, and promotional factors, which

would lead to reasons for customer satisfaction.



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Appendix A

Qualifications of the Researchers

Alyssa Mae S. Canto
Email Address:
Home address: Kalawag 1, Extension, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Current Address: 2F Rasi Building, Roxas Avenue, Davao City
Phone: 09052285363


Ateneo de Davao University
BS Business Management

High School:
Sultan Kudarat State University Laboratory Science High School

Notre Dame of Isulan Elementary Department


Ability to make immediate contributions using knowledge, skills, and certifications in the
following area/s:
SAP Software Solutions


Written and verbal communication skills.

Strong leadership skills.
Ability to work in team or diverse team.
Ability to organize, prioritize, and work under extreme work pressure, heavy work
load and deadlines.
Able to accomplish tasks that are assigned.
Doing tasks within the allotted time required.
Strong work ethic.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
o Microsoft Office Word
o Microsoft Office Excel
o Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Currently taking up minor in Human Resource Development and Management:

Also have the knowledge in the field of Human Resource Management.
Extensive background as a team leader: Supervision of people in a community
service project for National Service and Training Program.
As a team leader, there is a strong ability to promote effectiveness, efficiency, and
Well-developed organization skills: Attention to details and ability to multi-task.
Highly developed skills in managerial problem situations.


Ateneo Society of Management Student Member (2017 2018)

JPMAP Member (2017 2018)



Davao Sales Rally

February 4, 2017
Hall 2, SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City
Alliance in Global Motion
July 17, 2017
9th Floor, Pryce Tower, J.P. Laurel Ave., Davao City
Business Conference Forum
September 16, 2017
Meeting Room 4&5 SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City


Dr. Jovelyn Castro

PRACTICUM 1 Moderator
(0943) 320 4505

Shela Marie Yap-Virtudazo, MBA

Program Coordinator, Accounting Tech and Financial Management Division,
Accountancy and Business Management Department San Pedro College
(0923) 903 1827

Teodoro Paredes
School of Business and Governance Professor
(0932) 393 8843

James Christian N.Doblado
Email Address:
Home Address: Blk 21 Lt 15 Via Pienza, Toscana Subd., Puan, Davao City
Phone: 09258195804

Ateneo de Davao University
BS Business Management
High School:
Davao Christian High School
De La Salle John Bosco College

Ability to contribute and initiate tasks in the workplace using skills and knowledge where I am a
master of.
Leadership skills
Good work ethic
Able to finish a given work within the time given


Currently taking up major in Business and Management
Extensive background as a team leader: Supervision of people in a community
service project for National Service and Training Program.
As a team leader, there is a strong ability to promote effectiveness, efficiency, and
Well-developed organization skills: Attention to details and ability to multi-task.
Highly developed skills in managerial problem situations.

Ateneo Society of Management Student Member (2017-2018)
JPMAP Member (2017-2018)
Ateneo Photographers Society (2017-2018)
Basketball Varsity (2014-2018)
Learn to Trade (ForEx)
August 23, 2017
SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City
Resource and Logistics Workshop
September 6, 2017
Ateneo de Davao University C502

Romei Jane B. Ignacio

Email Address:

Home address: Brgy. Ubalde, Sunflower St., Agdao, Davao City

Current Address: Brgy. Ubalde, Sunflower St., Agdao, Davao City

Phone: 09150049321

College: Ateneo de Davao University
BS Business Management
High School: Immaculate Concepcion School of Davao

Elementary: Assumption College of Davao


Ability to make immediate contributions using knowledge, skills, and certifications in the
following area/s:
SAP Software Solutions


Written and verbal communication skills.

Ability to work in team or diverse team.
Ability to organize, prioritize, and work under extreme work pressure, heavy work load
and deadlines.
Able to accomplish tasks that are assigned.

Doing tasks within the allotted time required.

Strong work ethic.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
o Microsoft Office Word
o Microsoft Office Excel
o Microsoft Office Powerpoint


As a team leader, there is a strong ability to promote effectiveness, efficiency, and

Well-developed organization skills: Attention to details and ability to multi-task.
Highly developed skills in managerial problem situations.


Ateneo Society of Management Student Member (2017 2018)

JPMAP Member (2017 2018)


Davao Sales Rally

February 4, 2017
Hall 2, SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City


Dr. Jovelyn Castro

PRACTICUM 1 Moderator
(0943) 320 4505

Teodoro Paredes
School of Business and Governance Professor
(0932) 393 8843

Jaye V. Paclar
Email Address:
Home address: Durian street, Saint Michael, Daliao, Toril, Davao City
Current Address: Durian street, Saint Michael, Daliao, Toril, Davao City
Phone: 09186460522

Ateneo de Davao University
BS Business Management
High School:
Ateneo de Davao University High School

Ateneo de Davao University Grade School


Ability to make immediate contributions using knowledge, skills, and certifications in the
following area/s:
SAP Software Solutions


Written and verbal communication skills.


Strong leadership skills.

Ability to work in team or diverse team.
Ability to organize, prioritize, and work under extreme work pressure, heavy work
load and deadlines.
Able to accomplish tasks that are assigned.
Doing tasks within the allotted time required.
Strong work ethic.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
o Microsoft Office Word
o Microsoft Office Excel
o Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Currently taking up major in Business and Management

Extensive background as a team leader: Supervision of people in a community
service project for National Service and Training Program.
As a team leader, there is a strong ability to promote effectiveness, efficiency, and
Well-developed organization skills: Attention to details and ability to multi-task.
Highly developed skills in managerial problem situations.


Ateneo Society of Managment Student Member (2015-2016)

Ateneo Society of Management Student Member (2017 2018)
JPMAP Member (2017 2018)


Learn to Trade (ForEx)

August 23, 2017, SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City

Moselle Beanne A. Tan
Email Address:
Home Address: Km. 7, Pioneer Village, Buhangin, Davao City
Phone: 09773604008

Ateneo de Davao University
Bachelor of Science Major inBusiness Management
High School:
Stella Maris Academy of Davao
Davao Christian High School
Stella Maris Academy of Davao

Ability to make immediate contributions using knowledge, skills, and certifications in the
following area/s:
SAP Software Solutions

Interpersonal Skills

Computer proficiency
Can work under pressure Determined and responsible on the task given
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications such as:
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Powerpoint
Well-developed organization skills: Attention to details and ability to multi-task.
Highly developed skills in managerial problem situations.
Ateneo Society of Management Student Member (2017-2018)
JPMAP Member (2017-2018)
Ateneo Photographers Society (2017-2018)
5 Strongly AgreeBusiness One (June-October
(Hugot na nagtuo) (SA) 2016)2 Disagree (Dili nagatuo)(D)

4 Agree (Nagtuo)(A) 1 Strongly Disagree (Hugot na dle nagatuo)(SD)

3 Neither agree nor disagree A (Walay Gipadigan)(N)



Dear respondent,
Greetings with peace & joy!
We, the 4th Year Business and Management students of Ateneo de Davao University are
gathering information for our Research Paper regarding the preference of the customers on
whether the establishment of Kwikwash N Dry Launderette would benefit an expansion of
their laundry ship. With your support, we humbly ask for your true and sincere answers for
the following items. In certainty, there will be no wrong or right answers. We also
guarantee that whatever your response in this questionnaire will be kept with trust and

Thank You very Much. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

The Researchers

Direction: Please encircle the corresponding answer which best fits to the corresponding questions.

This refers to the costs and the expenses you incur when you are doing your laundry in Kwikwash N Dry

1.I think Kwikwash has a fair price 5 4 3 2 1

2.I think Kwikwash pricing is better than the local 5 4 3 2 1



3. I think Kwikwash prices is affordable. 5 4 3 2 1

4. I think Kwikwash is expensive/overpriced. 5 4 3 2 1

5. I think kwikwash is cost-effective. 5 4 3 2 1

B. Product/Service

1. I think the washers can wash most clothes 5 4 3 2 1

2. I think the washers can handle more clothes than 5 4 3 2 1

other competitors washers.

3. I think the washers and dryers are quiet 5 4 3 2 1

4. I think it remove all stains from the clothes after 5 4 3 2 1


5. I think it removes all smelly odors from the clothes 5 4 3 2 1

This refers to the quality of product or service the establishment is allowing its customers to use when they
do their laundry in Kwikwash N Dry Launderette.

C. Place
This refers to the location of the establishment and whether it meets your standards of a good location for
the establishment.

1. I think the location of the establishment is suitable 5 4 3 2 1

for your needs

2. I think the establishment is easily accessible 5 4 3 2 1

3. I think the area is orderly 5 4 3 2 1

4. I think the is area safe to do your laundry 5 4 3 2 1

5. I think the area have no traffic. 5 4 3 2 1

D. Promotion
This refers on how the establishment communicate their product or service to their customers.

1. I have discovered Kwikwash through word-of-mouth 5 4 3 2 1

2. I have seen kwikwash in social media. 5 4 3 2 1



3. I have friends who have been to kwikwash. 5 4 3 2 1

4. I have passed by a signage of kwikwash. 5 4 3 2 1

5. I recommend kwikwash to my friends and families. 5 4 3 2 1

NAME (OPTIONAL): _________________________________________________________


CIVIL STATUS: _________ GENDER: _________ AGE: ________

Time spent being a customer at Kwikwash: _________

SIGNATURE of the respondent: ________________________________





Thank You!!!

Alyssa Canto, James Doblado, Jane Ignacio
Jaye Paclar, Moselle Tan


August 24, 2017

Ms. Zarah Angelie B. Evangelista

Owner of the business
Kwikwas n Dry Laundrette
Belen road, Lanang, Davao City

Dear Ms. Evangelista,

We are 4th year students of Ateneo de Davao University currently enrolled in the course
of MGT500 also known as Business Research. In accordance to the requirements of
our course, we are required to conduct a business research with our chosen business.
We would like to ask for your approval if we can choose your business.

This business research includes a study and survey about your customers and
employees. The information and result of this study will remain confidential and to be
used for academic purposes only. If you have any further questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact our research leader, Mr. Jaye Paclar at 09186460522.

We hope to hear from you soon. You/re approval to conduct this study will be much

Sincerely yours,

Jaye Paclar
Research Team Leader

Jovelyn A. Castro, LPT, DBM

Course Moderator

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