Picking Up My Pencil
Picking Up My Pencil
Picking Up My Pencil
Dear Families,
We are working on holding our pencils correctly at school. The standard ways for children to hold their pencils
are illustrated below. Some children like to pinch with the thumb and pointer. Thats the tripod (three-pinch
with thumb and pointer finger, pencil rests on the middle finger). Others like the quadropod (four-pinch with
thumb and pointer/middle fingers together, pencil rests on ring finger). If you write using a grip that is different
than tripod or quadropod, alter your grip for practice with your child. Children love to imitate adults and will
copy you. The Flip the Pencil Trick is a fun way to practice positioning the pencil correctly.
Tripod Grip
Eraser points to left shoulder. Standard grip: Hold pencil with Eraser points to right shoulder.
thumb + index finger.
Pencil rests on middle finger.
Quadropod Grip
Alternate grip: Hold pencil with
thumb + index and middle fingers.
Pencil rests on ring finger.
This is a fun way to practice placing the fingers correctly. Children like to learn it and it puts the pencil in the
correct position. (Illustrated for right-handed children.)
Place pencil on table pointing away Hold the eraser and twirl Voila!
from you. Pinch the pencil on the paint the pencil around. Correct grip.
where the paint meets the wood.
Home Links may only be distributed to students for whom an individual 2013 Letters and Numbers for Me
has been purchased. Referenced on page 47 of Kindergarten Teachers Guide. 2013 Handwriting Without Tears