Supplement 1 - Semiconductor Physics Review - Outline
Supplement 1 - Semiconductor Physics Review - Outline
Supplement 1 - Semiconductor Physics Review - Outline
Refs: R. F. Pierret, Semiconductor Fundamentals 2nd. Ed., (Vol. 1 of the Modular Series
on Solid State Devices, Addison-Wesley, 1988); TK7871.85.P485; ISBN 0-201-12295-2.
S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices (see course bibliography)
Appendix C in Fonstad (handed out earlier; on course web site)
C. G. Fonstad, 2/03 Supplement 1 - Slide 1
Fermi level and quasi-Fermi Levels - review of key points
Fermi level: In thermal equilibrium the probability of finding an
energy level at E occupied is given by the Fermi function, f(E):
[E -E f ]/ kT
f (E) = 1 (1 + e )
where Ef is the Fermi energy, or level. In thermal equilibrium Ef is
constant and not a function of position.
f (E ) = 1/2 at E = E f
lim f (E) = 0 for E > E f
Ev [E -E v ]/ kT
Nv ≡ r (E)e dE
where r(E) is the electron density of states in the semiconductor.
then N c = 2 [2p m kT h *
e ]
2 3/2
then N v = 2 [2p m kT h *
h ]
2 3/2
Example A:
Example B:
C. G. Fonstad, 2/03
Supplement 1 - Slide 8
C. Graded composition p-type heterostructure with uniform low
level electron injection.
Assume the grading is from Eg1, X1 @ x = 0, and Eg1, X1 @ x = L.
E g (x) = E g1 + x(E g 2 - E g1) / L; c (x) = c1 + x( c 2 - c1 ) / L
In thermal equilibrium the Fermi level, Efo, is flat, and the valence
band edge is flat:
E v = E fo - kT ln(N v /N Ap )
whereas the conduction band edge slopes: E c (x) = E v - E g (x)
With low-level electron injection, n(x) ≈ n’ (>>npo):
Hole population is changed insignificantly, and Efp(x) ≈ Efo
Electron population is now n’, and so
E fn (x) = E c + kT ln[n' / N c ] ª E v + E g (x) + kT ln[n' / N c ]
Using this to get Je(x), we find
J e (x) ª m e n' ∂E g (x) ∂x = q m e n' Fe,eff , where Fe,eff ≡ q-1∂E g (x) ∂x
From this we see that the band gap grading acts like an effective
electric field acting on the electrons (but not on the holes)!
C. G. Fonstad, 2/03 Supplement 1 - Slide 9
Quasi-Fermi levels - Illustrating example C
Example C:
Fe,eff ≡ q-1∂E c (x) ∂x = - (E g1 - E g 2 ) /qL
L Eg2