Research Article: Very Low-Dose Risperidone in First-Episode Psychosis: A Safe and Effective Way To Initiate Treatment

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Schizophrenia Research and Treatment

Volume 2011, Article ID 631690, 10 pages

Research Article
Very Low-Dose Risperidone in First-Episode Psychosis:
A Safe and Effective Way to Initiate Treatment

Patrick D. McGorry,1 John Cocks,1 Paddy Power,2 Peter Burnett,1

Susy Harrigan,1 and Tim Lambert1
Orygen Youth Health Centre for Youth Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, 35 Poplar Road, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia
2 Lambeth Early Onset Service, Stockwell, London SW97AA, UK

Correspondence should be addressed to Patrick D. McGorry,

Received 2 March 2010; Revised 21 September 2010; Accepted 6 December 2010

Academic Editor: R. A. Emsley

Copyright 2011 Patrick D. McGorry et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Patients experiencing a first psychotic episode have high rates of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs) when treated with the doses
of neuroleptics used in multiepisode or chronic schizophrenia. There is some evidence that lower doses may be equally, if not
more, eective but less toxic in this population. Here, we report the results of a biphasic open label trial designed to assess
the ecacy, safety, and tolerability of low-dose (24 mg/day) risperidone treatment in a group of 96 first-episode nonaective
psychosis patients. At the end of the trial, 62% of patients met the response criteria although approximately 80% had achieved a
response at some time during the study. Reports of EPS remained low, and there were no dystonic reactions. We conclude that
even at a dose of 2 mg/day, risperidone was highly eective in reducing acute symptomatology in a real world sample of young
first-episode psychosis patients.

1. Introduction For example, Lieberman and colleagues [10] have demon-

strated that olanzapine (dose range 520 mg/day), but not
Evidence increasingly suggests that early intervention with haloperidol (dose range 220 mg/day), may lead to a reduc-
antipsychotic medications has a positive eect on treatment tion in grey matter loss over time. Furthermore, low-dose
response and outcomes in patients with schizophrenia [1]. risperidone (mean dose 2.8 mg) has been associated with
In contrast, a delay in initiation of antipsychotic treatment increased grey matter in the superior temporal gyrus and
is associated with slower and less significant symptomatic middle temporal gyrus of patients [11]. These observations
recovery and poorer overall outcomes [2, 3]. The first five have been confirmed and extended in a very recent study by
years after onset appears to be the critical window where the Thompson and colleagues [12], who showed that olanzapine
greatest functional decline associated with the illness occurs, treatment also blocked the trajectory of grey matter loss
indicating that initiation of treatment during this period over the first 2 years after the initial psychotic episode,
may be particularly beneficial [4]. The progressive functional while haloperidol treatment did not. While the mechanisms
decline during this period may reflect, among other factors, underlying this protective eect are unclear, these and other
alterations in brain structure and volume associated with studies indicate the importance of the first episode of
increasing duration of illness in schizophrenia [57]. Early psychosis (FEP) as a medication intervention point.
intervention with antipsychotic medications and psychoso- Considerable evidence now indicates that low-dose
cial care has been demonstrated to modify these outcomes antipsychotic treatment during the first episode is associated
over time [8, 9]. with symptomatic and functional improvement. Symp-
As well as altering neurotransmitter activity, certain an- tomatic improvements have been described using low-dose
tipsychotic agents have a potentially neuroprotective eect. haloperidol at 3.4 mg/day [13, 14], low-dose olanzapine
2 Schizophrenia Research and Treatment

at 9.1 mg/day [15], and risperidone at doses of less than uncommon in FEP, the technique of combining lithium
6 mg daily [16, 17]. Superiority has also been demonstrated and atypical antipsychotics has been widely utilised in
for the use of low-dose risperidone (mean 3.3 mg) over patients with bipolar disorder with combinations resulting in
haloperidol (mean 2.9 mg) in terms of prevention of relapse greater clinical improvements for many patients [25]. Tohen
and time to relapse in first-episode patients [18]. The and colleagues [26] demonstrated that in bipolar patients,
EUFEST study, which compared the eectiveness of low- atypical antipsychotic and lithium combination therapy in
dose haloperidol (14 mg/day) with that of low doses patients nonresponsive to lithium or valproate monotherapy
of either amisulpride (200800 mg/day), olanzapine (5 led to significant improvements with few additional side
20 mg/day), quetiapine (200750 mg/day), or ziprasidone eects. As lithium has neuroprotective and neurotrophic
(40160 mg/day), has shown that while all five agents gave properties, it is possible that combination therapy with
a similar degree of symptomatic improvement, treatment lithium may provide neuroprotection in early psychosis in a
with haloperidol was associated with a significantly higher similar manner [27, 28]. This data indicates that lithium may
risk of EPS, and of discontinuation of medication. Thus, low be a useful adjunctive therapy with atypical antipsychotics
doses of these atypical agents appear to be eective as well as by both improving responsiveness to antipsychotic treat-
acceptable to FEP patients [19]. ment in the short term and reducing the neuroprogressive
While these data suggest that assertive treatment of the deterioration in the long term [29]. Because the rate of
illness with antipsychotics is warranted to prevent changes grey matter loss is greatest during the year following a first
in both brain morphology and functional outcomes, there psychotic episode [12], the provision of neuroprotection is
is a case for caution with antipsychotics during the first an important component of the early therapeutic strategy,
episode. In particular, FEP patients tend to experience and adjunctive treatment with neuroprotective agents such
higher rates of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs) when as lithium, omega-3 fatty acids [30, 31], or N-acetyl cysteine
treated with neuroleptics at doses recommended for chronic [32] is increasingly considered as valuable approach.
patients [1, 13]. As evidence indicates that the occurrence The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the responsive-
of side eects is a significant contributor to medication ness to an initial 4-week course of low-dose (LD) risperidone
noncompliance in schizophrenia [20], it is possible that the (2 mg/day) treatment in young patients presenting with FEP,
use of recommended doses of neuroleptics in first-episode and to explore the ecacy and tolerability of three alternate
patients may be associated with poorer compliance and treatment strategies for patients who did not respond during
clinical outcomes. this initial treatment period. These were (A) extending the
The atypical antipsychotic risperidone is a preferred treatment period with the initial dose, (B) increasing the dose
treatment in FEP patients due to its more favourable to 3 or 4 mg/day, or (C) adding adjunctive lithium therapy to
tolerability profile and decreased rate of EPS at therapeutic the initial dose. We aimed to determine whether continuing
doses compared to typical antipsychotics [21]. Kopala and risperidone treatment at the same dose for a further 4-
colleagues [22] reported that low-dose risperidone (2 week period would allow a clinically significant response, or
4 mg) led to lower rates of EPS and improved clinical whether either augmenting the dose of risperidone or adding
outcomes compared to those seen for patients receiving lithium as an adjunctive agent was more eective over the
recommended or high doses (58 mg). Merlo and colleagues same time frame.
[23] further demonstrated that over an 8-week treatment
phase, risperidone at 2 mg/day was equally as eective as at
4 mg/day in first-episode patients and was associated with 2. Method
significantly less impact on fine motor function, a highly
sensitive measure of EPS. In relation to chronic outcomes, 2.1. Patients. This was an open label study conducted at the
Schooler and colleagues [18] demonstrated that chronic low- Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC),
dose (3.3 mg) risperidone treatment (median 192 days) was now part of the Orygen Youth Health Centre for Youth
associated with greater clinical improvement, less relapse, Mental Health in Parkville, Victoria, between January 1996
and less frequent and severe EPS compared to low-dose and June 1997. The EPPIC program oers specialised care to
haloperidol (mean dose 2.9 mg) in FEP. young adults experiencing their first psychotic episode [33].
Despite the apparent superiority of low-dose medication Patients were included if they were between 15 and 30 years
in many first-episode patients, treatment response is nonuni- of age, were experiencing a first episode of psychosis, defined
form, with only a proportion of patients responding to low- with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizophreni-
dose neuroleptics. McEvoy and colleagues [13] proposed two form disorder, schizoaective disorder, delusional disorder,
alternatives for overcoming neuroleptic nonresponsiveness psychotic disorder not otherwise specified, or brief psychosis,
in FEP patients. These include maintaining the initial dose had psychotic symptoms requiring antipsychotic treatment,
for a longer period or increasing the dose to a prede- and had given written informed consent (or that of a legal
termined ceiling level. A further treatment alternative to guardian) to participate.
improve low-dose responsiveness is lithium combination Excluded from the study were female patients who
therapy. This strategy has been widely used in patients were lactating or pregnant, patients with a mood disorder
with chronic schizophrenia, although the evidence for any with psychotic features, or patients with an organic mental
beneficial eect, particularly for patients without an aective disorder including toxic confusional states, patients who
component, remains inconclusive [24]. While somewhat had received a significant dose (more than 3 consecutive
Schizophrenia Research and Treatment 3

doses) of an oral neuroleptic in the previous 3 weeks, or a categorical, chi-square tests of significance were performed
depot neuroleptic in the previous 8 weeks, patients who had with exact tests performed where appropriate. Assumptions
received any investigational drug in the previous 4 weeks, of parametric procedures were carefully evaluated prior to
patients receiving concurrent antidepressant medication, analysis and transformations applied to substantially skewed
and patients with any clinically significant organic disease variables, such as duration of untreated psychosis (DUP).
(including patients known to be HIV positive). All statistical tests were two tailed and results regarded as
statistically significant at or below the 5% probability level.
2.2. Procedure. The 8-week study involved two treatment A last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) approach was
phases (Figure 1). Primary ecacy parameters included adopted for analysis of Phase II data for all participants who
change from baseline at the end of Phase I (Week 4) and completed Phase I.
Phase II (Week 8) on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
(BPRS) [34] and the Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI-
severity and CGI-global improvement) [35]. Concomitant 3. Results
medication and adverse events were recorded at each
assessment; and the patients psychosocial functioning was 3.1. Treatment Ecacy. Of an initial sample of 96 partici-
evaluated over the course of the study using the Quality of pants, 63 (65.6%) remained in the study at the end of Phase
Life Scale (QLS) [36]. I (Week 4). Thirty seven of the 63 participants (58.7%) were
During Phase I (Days 135, with Days 17 being the categorised as fast responders according to the study criteria,
lead-in period), participants who were entered in the study while 26 (41.3%) were slow responders (Figure 2). The
completed baseline psychopathological assessments before or sociodemographic characteristics of fast and slow responders
within 3 days of commencing risperidone at 1 mg/day. The as well as for those who withdrew in Phase I are compared
dose of risperidone was increased to 2 mg on days 47, and in Table 1. Although all participants had received a DSM-
weekly assessment commenced on day 14 (Figure 1). IV diagnosis of a nonaective psychotic disorder at entry,
The therapeutic response at the end of Phase I (Week 4, over the course of the study, nine participants had their
day 35) was used to stratify treatment assignment for Phase diagnoses revised to that of an aective psychosis. Six of
II. Three measures were used to assess each participants these nine participants were identified as having an aective
symptomatology and thus their response to treatment during psychosis during Phase I and hence were withdrawn from the
Phase I: the BPRS-P, the CGI severity, and global improve- study as ineligible to continue. However, for the other three
ment scales. Patients with a score of 3 on each of the participants, the diagnosis was not finalised until the end of
BPRS psychosis subscale items (i.e., mild), a CGI (severity) Phase II. Because the study was conducted on an intention-
rating of mild or less, and a CGI (global improvement) to-treat basis, these three subjects were included in the Phase
rating of at least minimally improved were considered fast II analysis. Twenty-one participants were withdrawn due to
responders, while all patients who did not meet these criteria protocol violations (ineligible to continue, not available for
were considered as slow responders. In Phase II (Weeks 4 assessment, withdrew consent, noncompliant) and 12 due
8), fast responders continued on risperidone 2 mg/day, while to a lack of response. There were no withdrawals due to
slow responders were randomized single blind to one of three adverse eects. At the end of Phase II (Week 8), 62% of the
open treatment groups. 63 patients had met the response criteria, with approximately
80% having responded at least once over the course of the
(i) Group A: continuation of risperidone 2 mg/day. study.
The mean change over time in psychopathology and
(ii) Group B: dose increased to 3 mg/day for 2 weeks
outcome measures for all 63 participants and for the
(Weeks 46), followed by a further increase up to
responder subgroups are shown in Table 2. In the total
a maximum of 4 mg/day (if required) for 2 weeks
sample, there were significant improvements in the BPRS
(Weeks 68).
total and psychotic subscales and the CGI-S at week 4 (end
(iii) Group C: continuation of risperidone 2 mg/day with of Phase 1) and week 8 (end of Phase II), with continued
the addition of lithium titrated up to therapeutic improvement during Phase II (Weeks 48). There was also
levels (0.61.2 mmol) between days 35 and 42. a small but significant improvement from baseline in the
BPRS negative symptoms subscale at week 4. This remained
Clinical assessments were performed weekly for all patients significant at the week 8 although there was no additional
during Phase II. improvement during Phase II. Similarly, there was significant
improvement in functioning as measured by the QLS at week
2.3. Statistical Analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistical 4. This remained significant at the end of Phase II without
procedures were performed to assess the characteristics of the further improvement during Phase II.
sample and to examine the ecacy of the dosing strategies In terms of outcome variation between fast and slow
over the course of the study. Improvement on continuous responders, a dierent response pattern emerged. Fast
psychopathology and clinical measures was assessed using responders tended to achieve significant improvement in
paired samples t-tests. Comparisons between fast and slow psychotic symptoms by week 4, with little additional
responders at specific assessment points were undertaken improvement during Phase II (Weeks 48). Slow responders
using independent samples t-tests, and where the data were continued to improve slowly over the 8 weeks (Table 2).
4 Schizophrenia Research and Treatment

Continue 2 mg/day risperidone

Fast responders

1 mg/day Total cohort 2 mg/day Group A: continuation of 2 mg/day risperidone

Group B: 3 mg/day risperidone to week 6, then

Slow responders 4 mg/day as required

Group C: 2 mg/day risperidone + lithium

Day 0 7 14 21 35 49 63

Baseline Week 0 Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8
Lead-in Phase I Phase II


CGI-global improvement

Figure 1: Timeline of the study.

Table 1: Sociodemographic and illness-related characteristics of the participants (N = 96).

Fast responders Slow responders Withdrawn

P value

N = 37
N = 26 N = 33
Sex (% male) 75.7% 69.2% 75.8% .81
Mean age at admission, years (SD) 21.1 (3.7) 21.6 (4.0) 21.8 (3.4) .75
Age at onset of psychotic symptoms, years
20.5 (3.5) 21.0 (3.8) 21.1 (3.5) .77
Marital status (% never married) 81.1% 80.8% 90.9% .44
Education (% post-secondary) 13.5% 19.2% 18.8% .79
Schizophrenia/schizophreniform 33 (89.2%) 19 (73.1%) 22 (66.7%)
Schizoaective/delusional/NOS 4 (10.8%) 4 (15.4%) 5 (15.2%)
Aective disorder 0 (0%) 3 (11.5%) 6 (18.2%) .094
Duration of untreated psychosis mean, (SD) 225.2 (269.8) 267.1 (416.5) 247.5 (370.5)
and median (M) days M = 112.0 M = 95.0 M = 151.0

Responder status determined after 4 weeks of risperidone at a dose of 2 mg/day.

There was, however, some fluctuation in response as indi- treated with dierent regimes. For example, the slow respon-
cated by the change from baseline in the BPRS total score ders whose dose of risperidone was increased to 3 or 4 mg
at various time points in the study (Figure 3). Overall, fast (Group B) experienced a greater symptomatic improvement
responders tended to improve more than slow responders, on the BPRS at the end of Phase II than those in the low
with a tendency for greater improvements in symptom scores dose and combination therapy groups. Specifically, five of
at the end of the study (Table 2, Figures 3 and 4). Also, only nine participants taking increased risperidone achieved an
the fast responders had improvement in their psychosocial improvement equal to or greater than 20% on BPRS total
functioning, as measured by QLS. These improvements scores and met the study criteria of a rating of 3 on each
occurred during Phase I and were sustained during Phase II of the BPRS psychoses subscale items and a CGI (severity)
of the study. rating of mild or less, for classification as responders. In
While sample size restricted the use of statistical tech- contrast, one of nine patients in Group C (risperidone 2 mg +
niques, some variation was observed in the slow responders lithium) and no patients in Group A (risperidone 2 mg)
Schizophrenia Research and Treatment 5

96 eligible participants

33 withdrawals
12 nonresponders
8 ineligible to continue
63 completed phase I 4 unavailable for assessment
5 withdrew consent
3 noncompliance
1 deterioration in mental state

37 fast responders 26 slow responders

Fast responders Group A Group B Group C

2 mg/day risperidone 2 mg/day risperidone 4 mg/day risperidone 2 mg/day risperidone
n = 37 n=8 n=9 + lithium, n = 9

9 withdrawals
54 completed phase II 4 fast responders
1 group A
1 group B
3 group C

Figure 2: Disposition of patients over phases I and II of the study.

Table 2: Psychopathology and clinical improvement measures at baseline, week 4 (end of Phase I) and week 8 (end of Phase II).

Total sample Fast responders Slow responders

Measure, mean (SD)
N = 63
N = 37
N = 26
Baseline 54.8 (9.2) 55.1 (9.5) 54.4 (8.9)
BPRS total Week 4 41.4 (9.8)a 35.9 (5.0)a 49.2 (9.6)a
Week 8 39.1 (9.3)b,c 35.7 (6.9)c 43.9 (10.3)b,c
Baseline 14.6 (2.9) 14.3 (2.9) 15.0 (2.8)
BPRS psychotic subscale Week 4 9.9 (4.0)a 7.3 (1.4)a 13.7 (3.4)
Week 8 8.6 (3.5)b,c 7.4 (2.6)c 10.4 (3.9)b,c
Baseline 6.3 (2.2) 6.1 (2.2) 6.6 (2.1)
BPRS negative symptoms subscale Week 4 5.7 (1.7)a 5.3 (1.4) 6.2 (2.0)
Week 8 5.7 (1.7)c 5.1 (1.2)c 6.5 (1.9)
Baseline 4.5 (0.7) 4.5 (0.8) 4.5 (0.7)
CGI-S Week 4 3.2 (1.1)a 2.5 (0.6)a 4.2 (0.8)a
Week 8 2.8 (1.1)b,c 2.5 (1.0)c 3.3 (1.1)b,c
Baseline 58.8 (20.1) 57.9 (20.9) 60.0 (19.3)
QLS Week 4 68.3 (19.1)a 75.1 (18.0)a 58.5 (16.3)
Week 8 67.9 (20.8)c 74.8 (20.0)c 58.1 (18.1)

Responder status determined after 4 weeks of risperidone at a dose of 2 mg/day.

Week 8 scores are on an LOCF basis for all measures.
a Significant change from baseline to week 4, P .05.
b Significant change from week 4 to week 8, P .05.
c Significant change from baseline to week 8, P .05.

BPRS: the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, CGI-S: Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale, QLS: Quality of Life Scale.
6 Schizophrenia Research and Treatment

40 3.2. Adverse Events. Table 3 summarises the EPS reported

during the study. Although 35% of patients experienced
rigidity (usually mild) at least once over the course of the
Change in BPRS total score (%)

30 study, there were no reports of acute dystonia. Akathisia,

again usually mild, was also reported at least once by 14%
25 of the participants, and 16% reported mild tremor. Impor-
tantly, no symptoms were rated as severe, and it is notable
20 that the increased doses of risperidone (mean 3.1 mg/day) in
group B were not associated with any increased risk of EPS.
In relation to weight gain, 66.1% of Phase I completers
10 (N = 62; 1 missing) gained an average of 3.9 (SD = 2.7) kg
in weight, 22.6% had no weight change, and 11.3% lost
5 between 1.0 and 4.0 kg over the eight-week trial. The
average weight change overall was 2.4 (SD = 3.1) kg with
no significant dierences between fast and slow responders.
Day 4

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8
During Phase II, the average weight gain for the randomized
slow responders was very similar: 1.0 kg in group A, 1.33 kg
in group B, and 1.2 kg in group C.
Phase I Phase II
Five participants experienced adverse events possibly
Fast responders associated with prolactin changes. Three of these events
Slow responders were reported during Phase I (two subjects reported sexual
dysfunction and one reported gynecomastia at the week 2
Figure 3: Percentage change in Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
(BPRS) total score from baseline for fast and slow responders during
visit) and two during Phase II (one participant reported
phase I (weeks 14) and phase II (weeks 48) of the study. irregular menstrual cycle at week 5, the other reported
impotence at week 8).

4.5 4. Discussion
4 The primary aim of this study was to determine dosing
Mean CGI-severity score

3.5 strategies and sequences in young people with FEP. Previous

studies have suggested that very low doses of both typical
(haloperidol) and atypical neuroleptics may be sucient to
2.5 produce a response in acute episodes of schizophrenia, espe-
2 cially in FEP. The present study confirms previous demon-
strations (e.g., [23]) that low-dose risperidone (24 mg/day)
1.5 is an eective initial treatment choice in neuroleptic-nave
1 patients. The findings were consistent with previous research
suggesting that 2 mg/day risperidone is an optimal initial
dose in FEP patients [37]. Indeed, the higher than expected
0 Phase I response rate (37 responders from 63 completers,
Days 13

Days 47

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

or 58.7%) to 2 mg risperidone reduced the sample pool

entering Phase II of the study. During Phase II, 4 of the
8 participants who continued on 2 mg/day risperidone met
Phase I Phase II response criteria, bringing the overall response rate at this
Fast responders dose to 65%. Increasing the dose to 3-4 mg/day led to 5 of
Slow responders the 9 participants in this group meeting response criteria,
an overall response rate of 73%. Zhang-Wong and coworkers
Figure 4: Comparison of the mean clinical global impression [14] reported a 42% response rate with 2 mg of haloperidol
severity (CGI-S) scores for fast and slow responders during phase in FEP, while higher dose risperidone (mean dose 6.1 mg)
I (weeks 14) and phase II (weeks 48) of the study.
and haloperidol (mean dose 5.6 mg) led to 63% and 56%
response in FEP patients, respectively [16]. In our study,
a similar response rate as that observed by Emsley and
achieved this result (exact P = .024). A nonsignificant colleagues [16] was achieved with one-third to half the
result (exact P = .374) was observed for the response rates, dose of risperidone. This stepwise approach has the aim of
with results at the completion of phase II indicating five of reducing unnecessary adverse reactions, especially EPS.
nine participants in group B, four of eight in group A, and Phase II of this study attempted to assess strategies for
two of nine participants in group C became classified as FEP patients who either did not respond, or responded
responders. more slowly, to low-dose risperidone. Unfortunately, due to
Schizophrenia Research and Treatment 7

Table 3: Summary of the reports of extrapyramidal symptoms.

Number of participants experiencing symptoms at Cumulative number of participants

week 4 and week 8 experiencing symptoms during the study
Extrapyramidal Weeks 14 after Weeks 18 after
Baseline (N = 96) Week 4 (N = 63) Week 8 (N = 55)
symptom baseline baseline
Akathisia 3 (3.1%) 4 (6.4%) 1 (1.8%) 13 13
Mild 2 3 1 10 10
Moderate 1 1 0 3 3
Hypokinesia 2 2
Mild 0 0 0 1 1
Moderate 1 1
Rigidity 2 (2.1%) 11 (17.5%) 11 (20%) 31 34
Mild 2 8 10 24 26
Moderate 0 3 1 7 8
Tremor 3 (3.1%) 2 (3.2%) 5 (9.1%) 15 18
Mild 2 2 5 15 16
Moderate 1 0 0 0 2
Acute dystonia
Mild 0 0 0 0 0
Dyskinesia 1
Mild 0 0 0 0 1
Moderate 0

Extrapyramidal symptoms could be reported as mild, moderate, or severe; there were no reports of a severe reaction.
Patients who experienced symptoms at least once during the study period.

the substantial withdrawal rate and the higher than expected of participants. Mild akathisia and tremor were reported
response rate during Phase I, there was insucient power at least once by approximately one-sixth of participants.
to determine whether there were any significant dierences Most notably, no dystonic reactions were reported during the
in the relative ecacies of the dierent treatment strategies treatment phase, a major achievement in managing the initial
for slow responders. However, in clinical terms, a notable treatment of FEP, especially given the good initial response
overall finding was that at the completion of Phase II, rate. Our observations are in agreement with those of Kopala
62% of patients were considered to be responders, and et al. [22], who also reported low levels of mild akathisia
approximately 80% had achieved a response at some point and no dystonia in FEP patients treated with low doses of
during the study. More specifically, during Phase II, 4 of the risperidone. Similarly, Merlo et al. [23] reported low rates of
8 participants assigned to group A (2 mg/day risperidone) EPS using doses of risperidone of 2 or 4 mg/day, although
met response criteria, while 5 of the 9 participants assigned some cases of dystonia did occur, perhaps as a result of
to group B (3 or 4 mg/day risperidone), and 2 of the 9 adjunctive typical antipsychotics that were used for sedation
participants in group C (2 mg/day risperidone + adjunctive in some of the patients in the study. In contrast, in studies
lithium) also met response criteria. Thus, increasing the dose of FEP patients using recommended doses of conventional
of risperidone to up to 4 mg/day may be beneficial for certain neuroleptics, 62% or more of FEP patients experience EPS
patients who do not show a rapid response to lower doses, [16, 38, 39]. Current recommended doses of risperidone are
since 55% of the initially nonresponsive participants who between 4 and 6 mg/day [40]; however, the results of the
received this higher dose in our trial achieved a response current study and all others indicate that this dose regimen
without any associated increase in adverse events. While we is unwarranted in the majority of first-episode patients.
were unable to determine the value of adjunctive lithium Further, this dose range potentially exposes patients to a
treatment in this trial, given the increasing recognition of higher risk of EPS, thus negating the atypical neuroleptics
the importance of neuroprotection as a treatment strategy in undoubted advantage of improved subjective tolerability.
early psychosis, this approach merits further investigation in A final side eect of neuroleptic medications is weight
larger-scale trials. gain. There has been particular concern that certain of
The relatively low levels of EPS we observed are another the newer agents have a greater potential to induce weight
important feature of this study. Mild rigidity was the most gain. The overall average weight gain in this study of 2.4 kg
common symptom reported and was experienced at least over 8 weeks is consistent with a systematic analysis of
once during the treatment phase by approximately one-third published data [41] and real-world observational studies
8 Schizophrenia Research and Treatment

[42], indicating that this agent may be preferable to patients collection. This research was supported by an unrestricted
in this age group (i.e., 1524 years). The weight gain we research grant from Janssen-Cilag Australia. The authors did
observed is less than that previously reported for olanzapine not receive any financial gain from the conduct of the study,
and clozapine, and possibly less than certain of the newer and while the authors wish to acknowledge the sta from
agents such as ziprazidone and aripiprazole. Janssen-Cilag Australia and Janssen-Cilag International for
The molecular mechanisms that underlie the variability their assistance and financial support, Janssen-Cilag did not
in eectiveness of the antipsychotic drugs are still unknown. have any direct input into the design or running of the
The therapeutic eects of low-dose risperidone may be study.
a direct result of individual variations in the levels of
dopamine receptor occupancy. Risperidone has a shallow References
dopamine occupancy curve, and thus at low doses a high
serotonin-dopamine occupancy ratio may be present [43]. [1] G. Remington, S. Kapur, and R. B. Zipursky, Pharma-
Data from positron emission tomography (PET) studies cotherapy of first-episode schizophrenia, British Journal of
indicated that optimal dopamine D2 receptor occupancy Psychiatry, vol. 172, no. 33, pp. 6670, 1998.
was between 50% and 80% for maximal therapeutic eects [2] M. Marshall, S. Lewis, A. Lockwood, R. Drake, P. Jones,
and minimal EPS. However, D2 occupancy above 80% is and T. Croudace, Association between duration of untreated
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