Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Lesson Plan One: A - Wondering at The Creator
Prior Knowledge
5 mins Conclusion
Discuss with children what they have learnt about:
Why do we have friends?
What makes a good friend?
How can we be a good friend?
Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting
Offer a pre-prepared template to provide structure. Childrens books will be assessed using a checklist to determine if they can identify
Provide children with focus questions/statements. the qualities that make a good friend and recognise these qualities in the people
around them.
Prior Knowledge
Students have spent previous lessons discussing the qualities of a good friend and identifying those qualities within their classmates and friends and family
outside of school.
10 mins
Tell the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus using the Godly Play kit and the Godly Play Script. Godly Play kit and Godly Play script
How do we know some people did not like Zacchaeus?
The crowd who saw Zacchaeus talking to Jesus grumbled and called him a sinner
Prior Knowledge
Students have spent previous lessons discussing the qualities of a good friend, Jesus and how he was a good friend
10 mins
Prior to the school mass, discuss with children how they can show love during Church
celebrations, for example:
Joining in celebrations with their school or parish (example: masses and activities
held during Lent)
Listen to the priest and readers
Greet people with the Sign of Peace
Attend the Childrens Liturgy during Mass on the weekend
Volunteer to read or write readings and prayers during Mass
Contribute to the planning of class Mass
Join in songs, prayers and responses during Mass
Record the childrens answers on the smartboard using a blank document, save this for use
Access to the smartboard
in the activity.
Catering for Learner Diversity Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting
Some children may never have been to Mass before or may not Children will be assessed on their ability to identify ways people can show love during
attend as much as others, for these children you may need to inquire Church celebrations through a rubric, the Education Assistant (EA) will take anecdotal
about their religious following (if they are of a different faith or dont notes on childrens contribution to discussions.
have one) and find the equivalent then link it back to Mass in the
Catholic faith.
Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. (n. d.). Perth Archdiocesan Primary RE Units. Friends Together. Perth CEOWA.
Cook, J., & Barnes, B. (2012). Making friends is an art!. Boys Town Press.