Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary
Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary
Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary
Unit of work: Friends Together Salvation topic: Church Human person Topic: Love.
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence
***I have highlighted all connections in the lesson to the spiritual and religious capabilities.
10min Ensure to brainstorm these ideas on the IWB, board or a large piece of
IWB, white board, large paper.
paper. When writing the children’s answer include their name next to it
(therefore, when marking you will know who contributed).
Aim to include almost all students in this brainstorm as it will contribute to
Send the students off in small groups to collect their shoebox and sit at
20min their desk.
Once students have done this explain (using pre-made example):
- Creating a mailbox. Decorate it however you want. Must place
name on the front of the box so all students can see who’s box it
is (otherwise no one will know who to send their letter to – show
this on pre-made box).
- One way we show love to one another is by saying nice/kind
things. We can do this by sending each other ‘warm fuzzy
- Complete an example warm fuzzy on the board about your
- Explain how decorating process will work. e.g. small groups will
be sent up to the front to fill their boxes with materials. Paper, paint, sequins, pom
Students are to then decorate their mailbox. poms, straws, googly eyes,
Send students off in small groups to fill their shoebox with materials that sequins, feathers etc.
they want to use to decorate their box.
During this time of decorating, if any child did not have the opportunity to
contribute to the brainstorm, ensure to ask them the same question and
record their answer through anecdotal notes.
10min Once the mailbox has been decorated, place them on the drying racks
(send small groups one at a time). Hand out warm fuzzy template and
ask them to complete a warm fuzzy for the friend on their left (that way
everyone will get a warm fuzzy).
Ensure that they are done anonymously, then get the students to post
them to their friend’s mailbox (send small groups one at a time).
Dear Parents,
This term we are completing a unit on how God wants us to show love to one another. A very simple
yet fundamental way of showing this love is by saying kind words. Therefore, in our lesson we would
love to create our own mailboxes that can be used to send and receive ‘warm fuzzys.’ However, to
make our own mailboxes we need your help! Each child requires their own shoe box and Miss Field
doesn’t quite have enough shoes to supply one for everyone!
We will be creating our mailboxes on the 9th of October, it would be great if we could collect
shoeboxes prior to this date.
Warm regards,
Sarah Field.
Warm fuzzy template (used for enable students also – they just draw instead):
I love...
I love…
I love…
Anecdotal Notes:
Child names Child names Child names Child names Child names
Child names Child names Child names Child names Child names
Child names Child names Child names Child names Child names
Child names Child names Child names Child names Child names