JNE14s (5) 16 PDF
JNE14s (5) 16 PDF
JNE14s (5) 16 PDF
ABSTRACT: HPLC method was developed and applied to the determination of Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) by
separating Ascorbic acid from Citric acid interfering considerably with it, in Syrian Citrus fruits, in both Pulp
and Peels. This study was applied on several Syrian fruits as: (Citrus sinesis (Navel, Jaffa), Grapefruit (Citrus
paradisi) (ruby red-duncan), Citrus limon (Eureka-Hybrid), Citrus aurantium, Citrus reticulate (Clementine-
Satsuma)) purchased from Aleppo markets. The maximum RDS% were not exceeded to 4.52% for all samples
and 3.64% for the standards, with LOQ 0.942 and LOD 0.311. High performance liquid chromatography with
UV-Vis detection were employed. The developed chromatographic method employed an C18 RP-column with
dimension (250 x 4.6 mm; 5 m). The diluted solution consists of buffer Na2HPO4 and NaH2PO4 with PH=2.5,
adjusted by ortho-Phosphoric acid. The mobile phase was to be (methanol: water) HPLC grade with volume
percentage (10:90) at PH =2.1, adjusting also by ortho- Phosphoric acid.
Ascorbic acid is one of the important water soluble vitamins. It is essential for collagen, carnitine
and neurotransmitters biosynthesis. Most plants and animals synthesize ascorbic acid for their own
requirements. However, apes and humans cannot synthesize ascorbic acid due to lack of an enzyme
gulonolactone oxidase. Hence, ascorbic acid has to be supplemented mainly through fruits, vegetables and
tablets. The current US recommended daily allowance (RDA) for ascorbic acid ranges between 100-120 mg/per
day for adults. Many health benefits have been attributed to ascorbic acid such as antioxidant, anti-atherogenic,
anti-carcinogenic, immunomodulator and prevents cold, etc1. Fig. 1 represents the chemical structure of Ascorbic
Numerous analytical techniques have been reported in the literature for the determination of
Vitamin C in different matrixes. These include titrimetric2 to 4, volumetric4-5, and fluorescence6-7. Vitamin C has
been separated and determined by gas chromatography8, spectrophotometric9 to 11, complexometric methods12,
and by enzymatic determination13. Also it has been separated and determined by high performance liquid
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
chromatography (HPLC) with several detections such as electrochemical detection14, mass spectroscopy15,
fluorescence16 and UV-Visible detection17 to 19, and photo-diod array detection20 to 23. HPLC gives ability to
determine vitamins mixtures in one step and with high accuracy and good sensitivity for components separation
which helps us to save time, solvents and money.
Ascorbic and Citric Acids have been separated in the Citrus fruits by many columns: on C1816 to 23, and
NH2 . We tried in this study to separate vitamin C from Citric acid at the same time and to compare the amount
of Vitamin C in the pulp and the peels in several fruits, and profiting from HPLC/UV-Vis detection to estimate
Vitamin C content in different Syrian Citrus fruit, in both Peels and Pulp, after suggesting suitable HPLC
conditions with UV-Vis detection.
minutes and were centrifuged at 5000 rpm/min for 20 min. 1 mL of solution was transferred to 10 mL
volumetric flask and the obtained volume was reached. The obtained solution was filtrated through a 45 m
nylon syringe filter, and then the samples were injected into the column. The concentrations of Vitamin C in the
samples were then calculated using peak data and standard curve.
Chromatograms of the Standards solutions at five different standard concentrations, which every
concentration was injected five times under our conditions showed that Vitamin C was well separated from
Citric acid with very good resolution, and the separation of these two components in our methods was achieved
in less than 5 min, the linearity was from 1.2 to 400 mg/L. The linearity curve is presented in Fig. 2, with LOQ
0.942 and LOD 0.311, and maximum RSD% was 3.64. Standard chromatogram is presented in Fig.3.
Fig.2: Vitamin C Standard curve. Fig.3: Chromatogram of Ascorbic acid and Citric acid.
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
Fig.4: Vit. Content in Navel pulp. Fig.5: Vit. C content in Navel peels.
Fig.6: Vit.C content in Jaffa pulp. Fig.7: Vit. C content in Jaffa peels.
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
Fig.8: Vit. C content in ruby red pulp. Fig.9: Vit. C content in ruby red peels.
Table 3: Vit. C contents for pulp and peels in Grapefruit (ruby red) fruit.
Pulp Peels
( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD% ( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD%
34.57 0.28 0.81 82.02 2.82 3.44
39.97 0.20 0.50 123.55 1.71 1.38
35.76 1.45 4.05 140.00 3.16 2.26
36.51 0.49 1.34 151.40 1.21 0.80
51.99 0.79 1.52 145.44 1.27 0.87
* n=3
Fig. 10: Vit. content in duncan pulp. Fig. 11: Vit. C content in duncan peels.
Table 4: Vit. C contents for pulp and peels in Grapefruit (duncan) fruit.
Pulp Peels
( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD% ( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD%
32.76 1.01 3.08 74.68 1.30 1.74
21.92 0.41 1.87 51.39 0.26 0.50
44.99 0.34 0.75 107.72 1.85 1.72
34.30 1.55 4.52 87.23 2.86 3.28
42.41 0.46 1.08 93.74 3.14 3.35
* n=3
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
Fig. 12: Vit. C content in pulp of Eureka. Fig. 13: Vit. C and content in Eureka peels.
Fig. 14: Vit. content in Hybrid pulp. Fig. 15: Vit. C content in Hybrid peels.
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
Fig. 16: Vit. C content in aurantuim pulp. Fig. 17: Vit. C content in aurantium peels.
Table 7: Vit. C content for pulp and peels in Citrus aurantium fruit.
Pulp Peels
( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD% ( X )*, mg/100 g SD RSD%
49.56 0.77 1.55 160.74 2.35 1.46
60.27 0.22 0.36 156.69 1.61 1.03
56.08 0.83 1.48 122.99 0.81 0.66
60.42 0.44 0.73 112.85 2.52 2.23
49.83 0.16 0.32 196.53 0.82 0.42
* n=3
Fig.18: Vit. content in Clementine pulp. Fig. 19: Vit. C content in Clementine peels.
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
Fig. 20: Vit. C content in Satsuma pulp. Fig. 21: Vit. C content in Satsuma peels.
Tabel 10: The content of Vit. C in 100 g of each pulp and peels of Citrus.
Pulp ( mg/100 g) Peels (mg/100 g)
Navel 39.67 76.16 Navel 82.73 159.89
Citrus sinesis Citrus sinesis
Jaffa 30.53 47.25 Jaffa 60.85 146.84
Eureka 29.91 52.10 Eureka 37.25 78.86
Citrus limon Citrus limon
Hybrid 15.57 24.40 Hybrid 31.48 99.30
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International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 2 (May - June 2016), PP 26-35
In this work, we developed a new method with a new conditions to determine Vitamin C in some
Syrian Citrus fruit without interventions with matrix components especially citric acid in the same fruit. Under
the suggested chromatographic conditions Vitamin C and Citric acid could be separated and determined in less
than 5 min. It was possible to separate and determine Vitamin C in the pulp and the peels of the Citrus fruit.
By the comparison between Vitamin C content in both pulp and peels. It was found the content of
Vitamin C in peels is 1.52 3.31 times bigger than the pulp in studied different citrus fruits. And it was the
biggest in Citrus aurantium peels and the smallest in hybrid pulp. So, it is recommended to eat both pulp and
peels of the fruit for benefiting of more quantity of Vitamin C. Our obtained results are comparable to the
results reported by other investigators in different literatures with very little differences, due to several factors
that affect ascorbic acid levels in fruits. These factors include: climate, temperature and amount of nitrogen
fertilizers used in growing the plants. Climatic conditions such as light and temperature have been reported to
affect the chemical composition of horticultural crops. The literature has been reported that fruits which are
exposed to maximum sunlight have been shown to contain higher amount of ascorbic acid than those shaded
on the same plant4. Under the recent study we could have very good separation and fine peaks in a short time.
So we can save a lot of solvents and chemical regents and a time of analysis.
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