Comparison of Vitamin C Content in Citrus Fruits by Titration and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Methods
Comparison of Vitamin C Content in Citrus Fruits by Titration and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Methods
Comparison of Vitamin C Content in Citrus Fruits by Titration and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Methods
Received: 29 June 2015 Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins for human and animal. Many methods were
Received in revised form: developed for the determination of vitamin C such as spectrophotometry, electrophoresis,
23 March 2016 titration, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This study aims to compare
Accepted: 4 April 2016
vitamin C content of citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, kaffir lime and musk lime)
using indophenol titration and HPLC-PDA methods. In the titration method, orange has the
highest vitamin C content (58.30 mg/100g) followed by grapefruit (49.15 mg/100g), lemon
(43.96 mg/100g), kaffir lime (37.24 mg/100g), lime (27.78 mg/100g) and musk lime (18.62
Vitamin C mg/100g). While, in the HPLC method orange also leads with the highest vitamin C content
Ascorbic acid (43.61 mg/100g) followed by lemon (31.33 mg/100g), grapefruit (26.40 mg/100g), lime (22.36
Citrus fruits mg/100g), kaffir lime (21.58 mg/100g) and musk lime (16.78 mg/100g). Orange is the best
High performance liquid source of vitamin C while musk and kaffir lime have lower content. Significant differences
chromatography were observed in vitamin C of samples by both methods. Both methods are suitable for the
Titration determination of vitamin C, however HPLC method is more accurate, precise and specific.
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727 Fatin Najwa, R. and Azrina, A./IFRJ 24(2): 726-733
solution (Tee et al., 1996). It is a simple and easy Preparation of standard solution for titration
method to determine vitamin C in fruits and fruit method
juices. However, the method is not suitable for fruits Vitamin C standard solution (0.2 mg/ml) was
that have reddish-purplish color. The titration method prepared by dissolving 100 mg vitamin C in 3% of
also is time-consuming and lack of specificity due to metaphosphoric acid (HPO3) solution and diluted to
interference of reducing substances in the food such 500 ml with the same solvent. Then, 5 ml aliquot of the
as ferrous iron, stannous tin, cuprous copper, sulphur vitamin C standard solution was diluted (containing
dioxide, sulphite orthiosulphate (Eitenmiller et al., 1 mg vitamin C) with 5 ml 3% metaphosphoric acid
2008). (HPO3). Next the diluted vitamin C standard solution
Several other methods to determine vitamin was titrated with dye solution 2, 6-dichlorophenol-
C content like spectrometric, spectrofluorimetric, indophenol to a faint pink color. Triplicate titration
and electrophorhesis, still some of them are not also was conducted for the vitamin C standard.
practical and need re-evaluation due to insufficient
of sensitivity and selectivity (Agar, 1995). Quiroz Quantification of Vitamin C in the extracted solution
and Fernandez (2009) stated that the most preferred of titration method
method of determining vitamin C content in foods is Firstly, weight of the sample in 10 ml filtrate was
a chromatographic method using HPLC due to the calculated by the following equation:
rapid, high accuracy and consistency.
Previously, there were many studies done on
citrus fruits mainly focusing on determination of
vitamin C using HPLC by modifying the stationary Where,
phase, mobile phase, type of detector and sample a = Weight of sample will be used
preparation (Gazdik et al., 2008; Spinola et al., 2012) b = Final volume of homogenous slurry [sample
but there was not many studies done comparing two + 6% metaphosphoric acids (HPO3)]
or more different methods in determining vitamin c= Aliquot of homogenous slurry used for dilution
C in citrus fruits (Ullah et al., 2012; Spinola et al., to 100 ml with 3% metaphosphoric acid (HPO3)
2013). Moreover, most studies are just focusing on
single type of lime and do not focus on another type Then total vitamin C content (mg per 100 g
of limes such as kaffir lime and musk lime.Thus, the sample) of each sample was obtained by the following
purpose of this study was to provide the comparison equation:
between titration and HPLC method in determination
of vitamin C content in citrus fruits. Vitamin C content (mg per 100 g sample) =
Values in the same column with different superscripts letters are significantly different at
p<0.05 (ANOVA). Values in same row with different superscript symbol are significantly
different at p<0.05 (T-test).
(orange, grapefruit, lemon, kaffir lime, lime and SD of the studied samples was within the acceptable
musk lime obtained are ± 0.53, ± 0.53, ± 0.92, ± 1.06, range except for orange while CV of all samples
± 0.529 and ± 0.53, respectively) were within the were less than 5.0%, thus indicating the precision of
range except for kaffir lime. The CV of fruit samples the data.The concentrations of vitamin C in the fruit
(orange, grapefruit, lemon, kaffir lime, lime and musk samples were also significantly different(p< 0.05).
lime obtained were 0.91%, 1.08%, 2.08%, 2.84%, Comparison of vitamin C content of fruit samples
1.90% and 2.84%, respectively) also were less than by titration method between a present and previous
5.0%, thus indicate the precision of the data. Table 2 studies is shown in Table 3. Vitamin C of orange
also shows that the concentration of vitamin C in the sample in the present study is almost similar to values
fruit samples were significantly different (p<0.05). reported by Cioroi (2006) (56.02 mg/100g), Sanusi et
Table 2 shows the total vitamin C content in fruit al. (2008) (56.00 mg/100g) and Bungau et al. (2011)
samples by high performance liquid chromatography (56.40 mg/100g) but differ in the value reported by
(HPLC) method. By comparing the vitamin C Tee et al., (1988). Vitamin C of grapefruit in this
concentration of the six citrus fruit samples, it can study is close to the value reported by Cioroi (2006)
be seen that orange remains to contain the highest (48.010 mg/100g) and Sanusi et al. (2008) (47.000
vitamin C of 43.61 mg/100g followed by lemon mg/100g) but higher than reported by Bungau et
(31.33 mg/100g), grapefruit (26.40 mg/100g), lime al. (2011) (39.40 mg/100g). Lemon in the present
(22.36 mg/100g), and kaffir lime (21.58 mg/100g). study contained almost similar amount of vitamin C
Among the fruit samples, musk lime has the lowest as published by Tee et al. (1988) (46.800 mg/100g),
vitamin C content of only 16.78 mg/100g. Similarly, Cioroi (2006) (51.780 mg/100g), Sanusi et al. (2008)
Fatin Najwa, R. and Azrina, A./IFRJ 24(2): 726-733 730
(41.000 mg/100g) and Bungau et al. (2011) (49.000 of vitamin C content as compared with value by Tee
mg/100g). However, vitamin C in lime sample in this et al. (1997).
study exhibited considerable difference compared
with Tee et al. (1988). However, there was no previous Differences of vitamin C content between titration
study reported the value of vitamin C content in musk and high performance liquid chromatography
lime and kaffir lime. (HPLC) methods
Table 4 shows comparison of vitamin C content Table 2 shows a comparison of mean vitamin
in fruit samples by HPLC method between a present C content between titration and high performance
and previous studies. Orange fruit had the almost liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. There were
similar amount of vitamin C with the value reported significant differences in the content of vitamin C
by Scherer et al. (2012) (43.133mg/100g). However, between both methods (p <0.05). Generally, the main
the differences in vitamin C between the studied advantage of using oxidation-reduction titration
orange with other studies (52.50 to 64.27 mg/100g) method is because of its simplicity using simple
were quite large (Tee et al., 1997; Chebrolu et al., equipment and inexpensive chemicals. Furthermore,
2012). For grapefruit, the vitamin C content of the the reaction of indophenol dye with the ascorbic
present study was smaller than reported by Tee et al. acid is very fast. However, in some condition, the
(1997) (40.000 mg/100g) and Cherbrolu et al., (2012) oxidation-reduction titration may overestimate
(30.670 mg/100g).However, the vitamin C content the vitamin C content of fruit as the end point of
in present study was closeto the value reported by titration could be difficult to be detected especially
Scherer et al. (2012). Previous studies on vitamin when high colored (e.g.,reddish-purplish)fruit was
C of lemon indicated a large difference of 19.40 to used (Hernandez et al., 2006). Besides, the presence
55.50 mg/100g (Tee et al., 1997; Chebrolu et al., of reducing substances (ferrous ion, copper ion,
2012). In contrast, the vitamin C in lime sample of sulphur dioxide, sulphite and thiosulphate) in the
the present study was lower compared with the report fruit samples can react with the indophenol dye and
by Tee et al. (1997) (36.900 mg/100g) and Cherbrolu cause overestimation of vitamin C in fruit samples
et al. (2012) (38.960 mg/100g). Similarly, musk lime (Spinola et al., 2013). When oxidation-reduction
(41.60 mg/100g) and kaffir lime (37.00 mg/100g) in titration is not rapid, the exposure of samples to
this study exhibited substantial differences in terms oxygen and light may cause degradation of the
731 Fatin Najwa, R. and Azrina, A./IFRJ 24(2): 726-733
ascorbic acids. Besides, the reduced ascorbic acids Spinola et al. (2013) also reported no significant
(dehydroascorbic acids) also are not quantified in differences in vitamin C contents by both methods.
this method. Therefore, the titration method is lack of Generally, the variations of vitamin C content
specificity, do not overcome problem with reducing in citrus fruit samples could be attributed to many
substances and might cause exposure to the air. pre-harvest and handling factors includingthe
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) environment. Exposure of fruits to light have strong
method is a more specific, sensitive and selective influence on chemical composition of fruits especially
technique for determining vitamin C content in vitamin C. The higher the light intensity exposed to
fruit samples. Furthermore, HPLC method requires citrus fruit trees, the higher the vitamin C content in
small amount of sample and chemicals, quite rapid the fruits as light is required for photosynthesis to
and less susceptible to systemic error due to its high produce energy in the form of glucose to produce
specificity (Quiroz and Fernandez, 2009). more ascorbic acids in the fruits (Stumpf et al., 1988).
Using simple linear correlation,the relationship Besides, Hassan et al. (2012) stated that utilization of
between titration and HPLC methodsregarding organic based fertilizer may improve the quality of
vitamin C content in citrus fruits samples was plants by reduction of nitrate content, increment of
performed. There was no correlation found between vitamin C content, antioxidant activity, nitrogen and
titration and HPLC methods in the studied samples calcium contents. Furthermore, ripening process of
(Table 5). In contrast, Hernandez et al. (2006) citrus fruits may reduce the vitamin C content. Igwe
showed that there was strong significant correlation (2013) showed that vitamin C concentration of unripe
(r2=0.980) between titration and HPLC methods. fruits was higher than the matured ripe fruits and both
Hernandez et al. (2006) also reported no significant vitamin C levels of ripe and unripe fruits decreased
differences between the titration and HPLC methods when the temperature and length of exposure of fruits
in orange, papaya, mango and pineapple samples. were increased. Storage temperature and handling
Spinola et al. (2013) also showed strong significant also are important in maintaining the vitamin C
correlation (r2=0.976) between the titration and HPLC content in fruit samples. In addition, citrus fruits
methods in samples of lemon, papayas, passion fruits grown in fully irrigated system during flowering, the
cherimoyas, strawberries and broccoli. Similarly, fruit growing stage and ripening showed increased
Fatin Najwa, R. and Azrina, A./IFRJ 24(2): 726-733 732
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