Project Short
Project Short
Project Short
The Remarkable
Work of Dr. Jose
A Project
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Table of Contents
7. Conclusion
8. Recommendation
9. References
Work 1: My First Inspiration
of a choir of nightingales?
Why seems to me more endearing,
Work 2: Through Education Our Motherland Receives
Where Education reigns on lofty seat
But perish on the shore at every blow;
On sapphires shall his service be engraved,
Work 3: The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education
So is Education to Religion
The vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit
My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on My First Inspiration
My first reaction on the work of Dr. Jose Rizal on My First Inspiration was
through the poetic verses on this poem he show me and made me realized his
eternal love and appreciation for his mother. This poem was dedicated to his
mother who had taken care of him and taught him his first lessons. This was
somewhat showed me his way of paying tribute to all the efforts for him of her
dear mother.
I learned that My First Inspiration was the first poem Jose Rizal had
written during his stint at Ateneo. This poem was written in honor of his mothers
birthday as suggested by the terms perfume of the flowers, the songs of the
birds, feast your day of bloom and festive day.
This poem made me praised the care of his mother from its natal day. The
inspiration of Rizal was purely devoted from the love and care of his mother.
Here he described the natural beauty from fragrance and sweetness of the
flowers, the flitting of the birds in the tender grass, the crystal spring and the feast
in carmine clouds. His birth was so fortunate to have loving mother who gave her
life. This was the inspiration that continually work hard to be educated and live in
tranquil through the blessing and care of his mother.
Also, as for me, my first inspirations were my parents. Not only just my
mother, but also my father. They have equally contributed to my early lessons in
life. My father first taught me how to read and write.
I was really inspired and motivated by him. I was never bored and thus
making writing and reading books as my favourite hobby when I was a child. I am
thankful to my father that he was able to teach me at an early age because those
abilities that Ive learned from him became my advantage in school. Becoming an
honor student with medals are my proofs that he was successful as my teacher.
My mother also taught me how to be brave and see life as an optimistic person
sees it. She is a very brave woman and through the years, with trials going on
with our life, I am becoming courageous like her. I am able to reason out and
prove myself to other people whatever they may accuse me of.
I am so very thankful that my parents are always by my side and they still
are my inspiration in my life, in pursuing the course I am currently studying and I
will never ever forget those lessons theyve taught me years ago. I am glad that I
have such great parents like Rizal.
My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on Through Education Our Motherland Receives
power of evils and may step on heavenly path for its good action.
Likewise, education provides goodness to humanity it sheds light for those
who created destruction even from the hands of fiercest criminal.
Furthermore, education may always survive even from the worst storm,
hatred of men, and raging waves as a consequence the motherland
becomes invincible to evil forces shall be tired and fall asleep in their
raging emotions.
For me, this poem of Rizal had never thought that was applied to
him heroic struggles in his later years of life. The struggle of human
freedom was won because education provided the key role for thousands
of men honored him. His education provided him the noble virtue that
someday his country was free from the bondage of foreign oppressor. In
contemporary time, education proves to be key role to produce of noble
man that shades light for his family and country.
My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education
I learned that Jose Rizal believed that religion and good education
go together. Believing that there is a strong relationship between
academics and faith, he wrote the poem Intimate Alliance between
religion and good education at the age of fifteen while he was in Ateneo.
the educated must internalized the virtue of incorruptible life based on the
ethical and moral standard of the society.
Rizal had a colourful, heroic yet tragic life. He had written poems at an age
where most children are just playing and carefree. The inspiring poems of Rizal
proved his poetical genius that reflected about his life in his childhood memories
including his experiences and insights about education, religion and colonial
administration of Spain in the Philippine islands. In 1874-1877, he wrote poems
of varied interest and perspectives about life such as My First Inspiration, In
Memory of My Town, Through Education the Mother Receives Light, Intimate
Alliance between Religion and Good Education, and , A Farewell Dialogue of the
He also wrote poems that dealt with the Spanish interest such as The
Heroism of Columbus, Columbus and John II, Great Solace in Great Misfortune,
The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarch into Granada, The Battle:
Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo, The Departure: Hymn to Magellans Fleet.
This project on the remarkable work of Dr. Jose Rizal inspires me to know
the poetical achievements of Rizal on his nationalistic insights pertaining to
education and youth. In contemporary time it is best appreciated about his works
and writings on his idea to his poems: My First Inspiration, Through Education
Our Motherland Receives Light and The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education.
The poems of Rizal were also on religion and spiritual values that present
to hid life .The poems about the symbol of religious values include To the Child
Jesus; and To the Virgin Mary. He cares so much about his mother. Where he
wrote poem My First Inspiration to show how fortunate he was because of the
loving care for his mother.
It is respectable to study Rizals works and doings. For me, its a worthy
thing to know and understand his history. Rizal became a hero because of his
accomplishments not because he was made to be. In his writings, he mentioned
characters and scenarios related in reality. It focuses his ideals and misery in our
country. Indeed, he is an inspiration for us Filipinos.
We should also understand and learn something from him. He used the
power of his mind to fight for good and thats we should try to imitate from him.
Being patriotic is also what made me inspire him. His selfless love in our country
is remarkable. The value he has is also what we need to have. He inspired
readers through his words. His real and honest words.
Rizal has become the constant model that inspires man and woman
across the land to dream and work for its realization no matter the cost is brings
for the sake of nationhood and promoting the liberty for the people. He also
proven education is the answer to our struggle nation. So we student should
value education because in the future we are the one who will get benefit from it.
Education will helped us broadened our minds, so that were not confined to our
countries and comfort zones anymore.
Solving out a puzzle without having any clues is like going to a place
where there is no any given direction You know the answer for the question
what, but do not know the answers for when, where, why and how. Having and
given the chance to study the works and life of Rizal, somehow gave me a sense
of feeling and understanding that his life and he, himself, is some sort of a
puzzle. Besides of all the great works and contributions that he did, Rizal is
considerably indeed a very extraordinary man. We can read all of his works and
be able to sort it out into bits of pieces just to know and dig deeper to the
meaning and message of his work. Some of his works were easy to understand.
Some were a bit surprising and a revelation. But most of it will leave a person,
somehow, to a state of confusion.