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Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Calamba

The Remarkable
Work of Dr. Jose

A Project

Submitted to:

Dr. Methuselah Moralde

Submitted by:

Hanna Gem M. Sanchez


Table of Contents

1. Work 1: My First Inspiration

2. Work 2: Through Education Our Motherland Receives Light

3. Work 3: The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education

4. My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose Rizal on My

First Inspiration

5. My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose Rizal on

Through Education Our Motherland Receives Light

6. My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose Rizal on The

Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education

7. Conclusion

8. Recommendation

9. References

Work 1: My First Inspiration

Why falls so rich a spray

of fragrance from the bowers

of the balmy flowers

upon this festive day?

Why from woods and vales

do we hear sweet measures ringing

that seem to be the singing

of a choir of nightingales?

Why in the grass below

do birds start at the wind's noises,

unleashing their honeyed voices

as they hop from bough to bough?

Why should the spring that glows

its crystalline murmur be tuning

to the zephyr's mellow crooning

as among the flowers it flows?

Why seems to me more endearing,

more fair than on other days,

the dawn's enchanting face

among red clouds appearing?

The reason, dear mother, is

they feast your day of bloom:

the rose with its perfume,

the bird with its harmonies.

And the spring that rings with laughter

upon this joyful day

with its murmur seems to say:

"Live happily ever after!"

And from that spring in the grove

now turn to hear the first note

that from my lute I emote

to the impulse of my love.

Work 2: Through Education Our Motherland Receives

The vital breath of prudent Education

Instills a virtue of enchanting power;

She lifts the motherland to highest station

And endless dazzling glories on her shower.

And as the zephyr's gentle exhalation

Revives the matrix of the fragrant flower,

So education multiplies her gifts of grace;

With prudent hand imparts them to the human race.

For her a mortal-man will gladly part

With all he has; will give his calm repose;

For her are born all science and all art,

That brows of men with laurel fair enclose.

As from the towering mountain's lofty heart

The purest current of the streamlet flows,

So education without stint or measure gives

Security and peace to lands in which she lives.

Where Education reigns on lofty seat

Youth blossoms forth with vigor and agility;

He error subjugates with solid feet,

And is exalted by conceptions of nobility.

She breaks the neck of vice and its deceit;

Black crime turns pale at Her hostility;

The barbarous nations She knows how to tame,

From savages creates heroic fame.

And as the spring doth sustenance bestow

On all the plants, on bushes in the mead,

Its placid plenty goes to overflow

And endlessly with lavish love to feed

The banks by which it wanders, gliding slow,

Supplying beauteous nature's every need;

So he who prudent Education doth procure

The towering heights of honor will secure.

From out his lips the water, crystal pure,

Of perfect virtue shall not cease to go.

With careful doctrines of his faith made sure,

The powers of evil he will overthrow,

Like foaming waves that never long endure,

But perish on the shore at every blow;

And from his good example other men shall learn

Their upward steps toward the heavenly paths to turn.

Within the breast of wretched humankind

She lights the living flame of goodness bright;

The hands of fiercest criminal doth bind;

And in those breasts will surely pour delight

Which seek her mystic benefits to find,

Those souls She sets aflame with love of right.

It is a noble fully-rounded Education

That gives to life its surest consolation.

And as the mighty rock aloft may tower

Above the center of the stormy deep

In scorn of storm, or fierce Sou'wester's power,

Or fury of the waves that raging seep,

Until, their first mad hatred spent, they cower,

And, tired at last, subside and fall asleep, --

So he that takes wise Education by the hand,

Invincible shall guide the reigns of motherland.

On sapphires shall his service be engraved,

A thousand honors to him by his land be granted:

For in their bosoms will his noble sons have saved

Luxuriant flowers his virtue had transplanted:

And by the love of goodness ever lived,

The lords and governors will see implanted

To endless days, the Christian Education,

Within their noble, faith-enrapture nation.

And as in early morning we behold

The ruby sun pour forth resplendent rays;

And lovely dawn her scarlet and her gold,

Her brilliant colors all about her sprays;

So skilful noble Teaching doth unfold

To living minds the joy of virtuous ways.

She offers our dear motherland the light

That leads us to immortal glory's height.

Work 3: The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education

As the climbing ivy over lefty elm

Creeps tortuously, together the adornment

Of the verdant plain, embellishing

Each other and together growing,

But should the kindly elm refuse its aid

The ivy would impotent and friendless wither

So is Education to Religion

By spiritual alliance bound

Through Religion, Education gains reknown, and

Woe to the impious mind that blindly spurning

The sapient teachings of religion, this

Unpolluted fountain-head forsakes.

As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine,

Proudly offers us its honeyed clusters

While the generous and loving garment

Feeds its roots; so the freshening waters

Of celestial virtue give new life

To Education true, shedding

On it warmth and light; because of them

The vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit

Without Religion, Human Education

Is like unto a vessel struck by winds

Which, sore beset, is of its helm deprived

By the roaring blows and buffets of the dread

Tempestuous Boreas, who fiercely wields

His power until he proudly send her down

Into the deep abysses of then angered sea.

As the heavens dew the meadow feeds and strengthen

So that blooming flowers all the earth

Embrioder in the days of spring; so also

If Religion holy nourishes

Education with its doctrine, she

Shall walk in joy and generosity

Toward the good, and everywhere bestrew

The fragrant and luxuriant fruits of virtue

My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on My First Inspiration

My first reaction on the work of Dr. Jose Rizal on My First Inspiration was
through the poetic verses on this poem he show me and made me realized his
eternal love and appreciation for his mother. This poem was dedicated to his
mother who had taken care of him and taught him his first lessons. This was
somewhat showed me his way of paying tribute to all the efforts for him of her
dear mother.

I learned that My First Inspiration was the first poem Jose Rizal had
written during his stint at Ateneo. This poem was written in honor of his mothers
birthday as suggested by the terms perfume of the flowers, the songs of the
birds, feast your day of bloom and festive day.

This poem made me praised the care of his mother from its natal day. The
inspiration of Rizal was purely devoted from the love and care of his mother.
Here he described the natural beauty from fragrance and sweetness of the
flowers, the flitting of the birds in the tender grass, the crystal spring and the feast
in carmine clouds. His birth was so fortunate to have loving mother who gave her
life. This was the inspiration that continually work hard to be educated and live in
tranquil through the blessing and care of his mother.

In My First Inspiration written by Rizal, he made this poem to express

how his mother gave him an inspiration while through his poem Im inspired to
also try writing a poem on how I can convey my own feelings and creativity. This
poem served as an outlet of Rizals message to the future generations to love
and adore their mothers.

Also, as for me, my first inspirations were my parents. Not only just my
mother, but also my father. They have equally contributed to my early lessons in
life. My father first taught me how to read and write.

I was really inspired and motivated by him. I was never bored and thus
making writing and reading books as my favourite hobby when I was a child. I am
thankful to my father that he was able to teach me at an early age because those
abilities that Ive learned from him became my advantage in school. Becoming an
honor student with medals are my proofs that he was successful as my teacher.
My mother also taught me how to be brave and see life as an optimistic person
sees it. She is a very brave woman and through the years, with trials going on
with our life, I am becoming courageous like her. I am able to reason out and
prove myself to other people whatever they may accuse me of.

I am so very thankful that my parents are always by my side and they still
are my inspiration in my life, in pursuing the course I am currently studying and I
will never ever forget those lessons theyve taught me years ago. I am glad that I
have such great parents like Rizal.

My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on Through Education Our Motherland Receives

My first reaction on the work of Dr. Jose Rizal on Through

Education Our Motherland Receives Light is that our national hero,
despite his young age, had expressed high regards for education. He
believed in the significant role education plays in the progress and welfare
of a nation.

I truly admire him for Rizal believed that education gives

knowledge, knowledge gives wisdom, and that great wisdom benefits
everyone. Considering that education is a vehicle for a countrys
prosperity and success, he encouraged the Filipinos through the poem to
acquire education for them to be able to fulfil their dreams and to improve
their motherland. His high regards for education was manifested in his
determination to seek the best education possible even across the shores
of his country.

This poem made me realized the importance of a good education

and for Rizal to prove that he valued education so much that may give the
power of the country to survive from any forces( barbaric actions, deceits,
hostility, vices and etc.) in the struggles of societal freedom . Through
education, it creates the virtue of power to human race. This gives security
and peace to the motherland as the Filipinos would learn the sciences and
arts as the basis to calm down the life of the society. Where education
reigns pacifies the barbaric action of the nations .It may neutralized or
ceased to exist on crimes and hostility including vices and deceits
because of the enlightenment of mankind.

Also, I learned that the existence of prudent education provides the

tranquillity to a more dignified action just the existence on the natural flow
of life . Education shall give a perfect virtue of man that may overthrow the

power of evils and may step on heavenly path for its good action.
Likewise, education provides goodness to humanity it sheds light for those
who created destruction even from the hands of fiercest criminal.
Furthermore, education may always survive even from the worst storm,
hatred of men, and raging waves as a consequence the motherland
becomes invincible to evil forces shall be tired and fall asleep in their
raging emotions.

For me, this poem of Rizal had never thought that was applied to
him heroic struggles in his later years of life. The struggle of human
freedom was won because education provided the key role for thousands
of men honored him. His education provided him the noble virtue that
someday his country was free from the bondage of foreign oppressor. In
contemporary time, education proves to be key role to produce of noble
man that shades light for his family and country.

My First Reaction/ Comment on the Work of Dr. Jose
Rizal on The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education

My first reaction on the work of Dr. Jose Rizal on the Intimate

Alliance between Religion and Good Education is that Rizal shared his
thought about the importance of education to enlighten the nation which
was useful to gain societal freedom for every nation. It may also provide
us the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to expand the horizon of
our thoughts. However, this would not be enough to be properly educated.
Rizal thought that there was really an intimate alliance between religion
and good education.

I learned that Jose Rizal believed that religion and good education
go together. Believing that there is a strong relationship between
academics and faith, he wrote the poem Intimate Alliance between
religion and good education at the age of fifteen while he was in Ateneo.

Also, he inspired me because for a man who was properly

educated he needed to apply what he learned on spiritual view rather than
simply on material achievements. The result of good education always
fulfilled a growing uprightness and valuable virtue within the bounce of
spiritual and moral dimensions. There showed also be growing dignified
fulfilment and application to the teachings of religion ,just like a vine which
continually grow that would someday the fruit will become sweet and

I also learned that without religion, human education may result to

chaos and disorder in any civilized nation because people may no longer
value freedom, respect, dignity and other good virtues that maintain
societal order. It may result to a natural disaster just as the angered sea,
which characterized the fierce winds that may, wrecked the vessel in the
deep abysses. Rizal knew that religion had a profound effect to education,

the educated must internalized the virtue of incorruptible life based on the
ethical and moral standard of the society.

Also, I am fascinated that at the age of fifteen Rizal wrote such an

incredible poem Intimate Alliance between religion and good education.
He showed be and made me believed that religion and good education
should always go there. I also believe that there is a strong relationship
between academics and faith.


Rizal had a colourful, heroic yet tragic life. He had written poems at an age
where most children are just playing and carefree. The inspiring poems of Rizal
proved his poetical genius that reflected about his life in his childhood memories
including his experiences and insights about education, religion and colonial
administration of Spain in the Philippine islands. In 1874-1877, he wrote poems
of varied interest and perspectives about life such as My First Inspiration, In
Memory of My Town, Through Education the Mother Receives Light, Intimate
Alliance between Religion and Good Education, and , A Farewell Dialogue of the

He also wrote poems that dealt with the Spanish interest such as The
Heroism of Columbus, Columbus and John II, Great Solace in Great Misfortune,
The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarch into Granada, The Battle:
Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo, The Departure: Hymn to Magellans Fleet.

This project on the remarkable work of Dr. Jose Rizal inspires me to know
the poetical achievements of Rizal on his nationalistic insights pertaining to
education and youth. In contemporary time it is best appreciated about his works
and writings on his idea to his poems: My First Inspiration, Through Education
Our Motherland Receives Light and The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education.

The poems of Rizal were also on religion and spiritual values that present
to hid life .The poems about the symbol of religious values include To the Child
Jesus; and To the Virgin Mary. He cares so much about his mother. Where he
wrote poem My First Inspiration to show how fortunate he was because of the
loving care for his mother.

It is respectable to study Rizals works and doings. For me, its a worthy
thing to know and understand his history. Rizal became a hero because of his

accomplishments not because he was made to be. In his writings, he mentioned
characters and scenarios related in reality. It focuses his ideals and misery in our
country. Indeed, he is an inspiration for us Filipinos.

We should also understand and learn something from him. He used the
power of his mind to fight for good and thats we should try to imitate from him.
Being patriotic is also what made me inspire him. His selfless love in our country
is remarkable. The value he has is also what we need to have. He inspired
readers through his words. His real and honest words.

Rizal has become the constant model that inspires man and woman
across the land to dream and work for its realization no matter the cost is brings
for the sake of nationhood and promoting the liberty for the people. He also
proven education is the answer to our struggle nation. So we student should
value education because in the future we are the one who will get benefit from it.
Education will helped us broadened our minds, so that were not confined to our
countries and comfort zones anymore.


Solving out a puzzle without having any clues is like going to a place
where there is no any given direction You know the answer for the question
what, but do not know the answers for when, where, why and how. Having and
given the chance to study the works and life of Rizal, somehow gave me a sense
of feeling and understanding that his life and he, himself, is some sort of a
puzzle. Besides of all the great works and contributions that he did, Rizal is
considerably indeed a very extraordinary man. We can read all of his works and
be able to sort it out into bits of pieces just to know and dig deeper to the
meaning and message of his work. Some of his works were easy to understand.
Some were a bit surprising and a revelation. But most of it will leave a person,
somehow, to a state of confusion.

Rizal, as I have said, is considerably an extraordinary man, Small but

terrible as they say; A man that led a revolution with just the use of his mind and
pen; the man behind the two of his great novels, the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo; the man who woke up the sleeping nationalism of the Filipinos for
their country against the abusive Spaniard colonization; and the man whom we
now considered and looked up to as the National Hero of our country. But how
much do we really know Rizal? Is it only his name, his birthday, his family, his
girlfriends, his death or his image in our one peso coin? I also asked the same
question before. How much do I know Rizal, the National Hero of the
Philippines? What really were his contributions in freeing our country from the
harsh hands of the Spaniards? What were his points of views? But mostly, who
really is Jose Rizal?

Thats why I recommend that you should and to be encourage to study,

read and know the works of Rizal because it will give us inspiration and
motivation to be a better Filipino citizen and how should a real Filipino should act.
It will lead us to know our country and what are the secrets of our history. Rizals
works are very fascinating and intriguing that makes it more interesting to read.
Also by knowing his works you can learn a lot of moral lessons that you can use
in your daily lives and that you can share it to your family and friends.



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