Types of Storage Tanks
Types of Storage Tanks
Types of Storage Tanks
The ASME Standards or ASME Code (Section VIII) regulates about waste and the manufacture of
storage tanks for increased operating pressures of 15 psig.
Both tanks, fixed roof or internal floating are used to reduce steam losses and preserve the stored
9. Lined ponds
The ponds are used for the evaporation of liquid waste or storage. Environmental considerations may
preclude the use of lined ponds for storing more volatile or toxic fluids. Liners are used pair of losses
come from stored liquid, filtering the terrain and possible contamination of groundwater. Clay,
wood, concrete, asphalt and metal liners have been used for a long time. Recently, a kind of
unexpected materials such liners have been developed using synthetic membranes. Commonly used
materials are polivinilillo lining, natural rubber, butyl rubber. Nylon is used to a lesser extent
The leak detector must sometimes be built into this system tank, especially when toxic wastes
which are stored. The types of leak detection systems are commonly used are: drainage, underbed,
soil resistivity measurements and monitoring wells as well as combinations of these
More solutions mined caverns are operated using the technique of displacing brine. The pipe string
displacement is installed near the depth of the cavern and the product is injected into the annulus
between the tubing and casing displacement forcing the brine to rise. This procedure is used for
product recovery. In this type of recovery a reservoir of brine is usually provided.
The parameters involved in the selection of the facilities for optimum cooling storage are:
The proper choice of the proper storage and integration of the storage facility with refrigeration
storage facility is important for the total economy in the initial investment and operating costs.
When using storage for cooling, the liquid to be stored is usually cooled to the dew point
temperature at atmospheric pressure. Refrigerated storage tanks normally operates at an internal
pressure of 0.5-2Psig
The rationale for the various types of cold storage of boats have the same designs as the basis for
common expectations and pressure cylinders. A caution should be noted. More liquids at low
temperatures are lighter than water and the boats are designed to store these liquids lighter.
Therefore, it is common practice for the design basis for the total weight of product content and for
the vessel containing water, that is to have a rate of 1.25 times the weight of the product.