Municipality of Currimao: Office of The Sangguniang Bayan
Municipality of Currimao: Office of The Sangguniang Bayan
Municipality of Currimao: Office of The Sangguniang Bayan
Section 1A.01. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the Code of General
Ordinances of Currimao, Ilocos Norte.
Section 1A.02. Scope. The scope of this ordinance includes all general and
special ordinances enacted over the years by the Municipality of Currimao, Ilocos Norte.
Section 1A.03. Form and Style. The provisions of this Code preserved the
original text and form in which they were originally enacted, while others have been
rewritten in the process of consolidation or for clarity and style.
Section 1B.01. Words and Phrases. Words and phrases embodied in the code
not herein specifically defined shall have the same meaning as found in legal
dictionaries as well as in existing laws.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
inconsistent with the manifest intent of the Code or, when applied, would lead to absurd
or highly improbable results.
a.) General Rule. All words and phrases shall be construed and understood
according to the common approved usage of the language. Technical words
and phrases and such other words which may have acquired a peculiar or
appropriate meaning, shall be construed and understood according to such
technical, peculiar or appropriate meaning;
b.) Gender and Numbers. Every word in this Code importing the masculine
gender shall extend to both male and female. Every word importing the
singular number shall extend to one person or thing, but it could also apply
to several persons or things, and every word importing the plural number
shall apply to several persons or things but it could also extend to one person
or thing.
c.) Person. The word person shall extend and apply to natural or juridical
persons such as firms, partnerships, corporations, enterprises, cooperatives
or associations, unless plainly inapplicable.
e.) Tenses. The use of any verb in the present tense shall include future cases.
The use of the word shall in this Code means it is mandatory, while the
word may shall mean permissive. The words shall have been shall include
past and future case.;
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
ARTICLE C. Definitions
Section 1C.01. Meaning of Technical Terms. As used in this Code, the term:
Capital Investment -is the capital which a person puts in any undertaking or
which he contributes to the common stock of a partnership, corporation, or any other
juridical entity or association;
Fee -means a charge fixed by law or agency for the services of a public officer;
Market Premises -refers to any open space in the public market compound; part
of the market lot consisting of bare ground not covered by market buildings usually
occupied by transient vendors specially during market days;
Market Stalls -refers to any allotted space or booth in the public market buildings
where merchandise of any kind is sold or offered for sale;
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Operator -includes the owner, manager, administrator, or any other person who
operates or is responsible for the operation of business establishments or undertakings;
Person -means every physical or moral, real or juridical and legal being,
susceptible of rights and obligations or of being the subject of legal relations;
Residents -refer to natural persons who have their habitual residence in the
municipality where they exercise their civil rights and fulfill their civil obligations and to
juridical persons for which the law or any other provisions creating or recognizing them
fixes their residence in the municipality. In the absence of such law, juridical persons are
residents of the municipality where their legal representation is established or where
they exercise their principal functions;
Revenue -includes taxes, fees and charges that a state or its political subdivision
collects and receives into the treasury for public purposes;
Night Club or Day Club -includes places frequented at night or daytime, as the
case may be, where foods, wines and drinks are served and music is furnished by the
operator and the patrons are allowed to dance with their own partners or with
entertainers furnished by the management;
Bars -include beer gardens or any place where intoxicating and fermented
liquors or malts are sold, disposed of, or given away for compensation, even without
foods, where the services of entertainers and/or waitresses are employed and where
customers are entertained by occasional dancing to music not rendered by a regular
dance orchestra or musicians hired for the purpose, otherwise the place shall be
considered and classified as a dance hall or night club. A cocktail lounge is considered
a bar even if there is no hostess or waitress to entertain customers.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 2A.01. Legislative Body. The legislative body of this local government
unit shall be known and called as Sangguniang Bayan of Currimao, Ilocos Norte.
1] The organization of the Sanggunian and the election of its officers as well as
the creation of standing committees which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
committee on appropriations, women and family, human rights, youth and sports
development, environmental protection, and cooperatives; the general jurisdiction of
each committee; and the election of the chairman and members of each committee.
2] The order and calendar of business for each session;
3] The parliamentary procedures which include the conduct of members during
4] The discipline of members for disorderly behavior and absences without
justifiable cause for four (4) consecutive sessions, for which they may be censured,
reprimanded, or excluded from the session, suspended for not more than sixty (60) days
or expelled: Provided, that the penalty of suspension or expulsion shall require the
concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the Sanggunian members: Provided,
further, that a member convicted by final judgment to imprisonment of at least one (1)
year from any crime involving moral turpitude shall be automatically expelled from the
Sanggunian; and
5] Such other rules as this Sanggunian may adopt.
Section 2A.06. Calling the Session to Order. When the appointed time has
come to start the regular session, the regular Presiding Officer, or in his absence the
temporary Presiding Officer elected to temporarily preside therein, shall call the session
to order, with or without a quorum. Should there be no quorum after calling the session
to order, the majority of the members present, or the Presiding Officer motu propio,
may perform any of the following:
a) adjourn the session from hour to hour;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 2A.08. Quorum. A majority of all the members of the Sanggunian who
have been elected and qualified shall constitute a quorum to transact official business.
(Sec. 53, RA 7l60 and Art. 106, IRR). Should a question of quorum be raised during a
session, the presiding officer may declare a recess until such time as a quorum is
constituted, or a majority of the members present may adjourn from day to day and may
compel the immediate attendance of any member absent without justifiable cause by
designating a member of the Sanggunian, to be assisted by a member of the police
force assigned in this place to arrest and present the absent member at the session. If
there is still no quorum despite the enforcement of the above-stated remedial action, no
business shall be transacted by the Sanggunian. The Presiding Officer, motu propio, or
on his own volition or the members; thru a proper motion duly approved, shall then
declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum.
Section 2A.09. One-session Per Day Policy. No two (2) sessions, whether
regular or special, may be held in a single day. (Sec. 52-c, RA 7160)
Section 2A.10. Tie Vote. The regular Presiding Officer shall vote only to break a
tie. The temporary Presiding Officer taking the place of the regular Presiding Officer in
the latters absence, shall not vote even in case of a tie but he shall certify within ten (10)
days from their passage all ordinances and resolutions enacted or adopted by the
Sanggunian which he temporarily presided. (LGC Sec. 49b)
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Province of Ilocos Norte
5] Any legislative matter duly certified by the Mayor as urgent whether or not it is
included in the calendar of business, may be presented and considered by the body at
the same session without the need of suspending the rules;
Section 2C.01. Veto Power. The Mayor may veto any ordinance, or certain
resolutions subject to his approval, on the ground that it is ultra vires or it would be
prejudicial to the public welfare, particularly stating his reasons thereof in writing. The
Mayor has the power to veto any particular item or items of an appropriation ordinance,
or of an ordinance or resolution directing the payment of money or creating liability. In
such a case, the veto shall not affect the item or items not objected to. The vetoed item
or items shall not take effect unless the Sanggunian overrides the veto in the manner
provided in the succeeding paragraph; otherwise, the item or items in the appropriation
ordinance of the previous year corresponding to those vetoed shall be deemed re-
enacted. The Sanggunian may override the veto of the Mayor by two-thirds (2/3) vote of
all its members, thereby, making the ordinance or resolution effective even without the
approval of the Mayor. The Mayor may veto an ordinance or resolution which is subject
to his approval, only once. (Sec. 55-c, RA 7160).
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Receiving Any Gift -includes the act of accepting, directly or indirectly, a gift
from a person other than a member of his family or relative as defined in this Article,
even on the occasion of a family celebration or national festivity like Christmas, if the
value of the gift is neither nominal nor insignificant, or the gift is given in anticipation of,
or in exchange for a favor;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Person -includes natural and juridical persons unless the context indicates
Relatives -refer to any and all persons related to a public official or employee
within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, including bilas, inso, and
3] Fairness and Sincerity. Local officials and employees shall remain true to the
people at all times. They must be fair and sincere and shall not discriminate against
anyone, specially the poor and the underprivileged. They shall at all times respect the
rights of others, and shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good
customs, public policy, public order, public safety and public interest. They shall not
dispense or extend undue favors on account of their offices to their relatives whether by
consanguinity or affinity, except with respect to appointments of such relatives to
positions considered strictly confidential or as members of their personal staff whose
terms are co-terminus with theirs;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
6] Nationalism and Patriotism. Local officials and employees shall at all times be
loyal to the country;
8] Simple Living. Local officials and employees and their families shall lead
modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. They shall not indulge in
extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in any form.
1] Act Promptly on Letters and Request. All local officials and employees shall
within fifteen (15) working days from receipt thereof, respond to letters telegrams or
other means of communications sent by the public. The reply must contain the action
taken on the request.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
1] Financial and Material Interest. Local public officials and employees shall not,
directly or indirectly, have any financial or material interest in any transaction requiring
the approval of their office.
2] Outside Employment and other Activities Related Thereto. Local officials and
employees during their incumbency shall not:
These prohibitions shall continue to apply for a period of one (1) year after
resignation, retirement, or separation from public office, except in the case of
subparagraph (2) (b) above, but the professional concerned can not practice his
profession in connection with any matter before the office he used to be with, in which
case the one-year prohibition shall likewise apply.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections and those of their spouses
and unmarried children under eighteen (18) years of age living in their households. The
two documents shall contain information on the following:
a] Real property, its improvements, acquisition costs, assessed value and current
fair market value;
c] All other assets such as investments, cash on hand or in banks, stocks, bonds,
and the like;
d] Liabilities; and
All public officials and employees required under this Article to file the aforestated
documents shall also execute, within thirty (30) days from the date of assumption of
office, the necessary authority in favor of the Ombudsman to obtain from all appropriate
government agencies, including the Bureau of Internal Revenue, such documents as
may show their assets, liabilities, net worth and also their business interest and financial
connections in previous years, including, if possible, the year when they first assumed
any office in the Government.
Husband and wife who are both local officials or employees may file the required
statements jointly or separately. The statements of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth
and the Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections shall be filed;
a] With the Deputy Ombudsman in Region I, for local officials and employees;
b] With the Civil Service Commission, for all other officials and employees, as
defined in Republic Act No. 3019, as amended.
1. Any and all statements filed under this Article shall be made available for
inspection at reasonable hours;
2. Such statements shall be made available for copying or reproduction after ten
(10) working days from the time they are filed as required by existing laws;
3. Any person requesting a copy of a statement shall be required to pay a
reasonable fee to cover the cost of reproduction and mailing of such statement, as well
as the cost of certification;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
4. Any statement filed under this Article shall be available to the public for a
period of ten (10) years after receipt of the statement. After such period, the statement
may be destroyed unless needed in an ongoing investigation.
Section 3E.04. Other Prohibited Acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to
obtain or use any statement filed under this Article for:
ARTICLE G. Penalties
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 4A.01 Regulated Acts. No person shall possess and/or sell any
destructive firecrackers irrespective of quantities within the jurisdiction of the
Section 4A.02. Exemption. During special occasions where the need to use
firecrackers becomes necessary, the Mayor may issue a Special Permit for possession
and use of such materials, provided that the permitee or user thereof is more than
eighteen (18) years of age.
Section 4B.03. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this Article
shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4C.01. Regulated Acts. No person shall sell any intoxicating drinks or
beverages, other than fermented liquors or beers, to customers in any business
establishment unless the said establishment or place is duly licensed as a Bar
orCocktail Lounge.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Bar -includes beer gardens or place where intoxicating and fermented liquors or
malt are sold, disposed of, given away, or served to customers for compensation, even
without foods, where the services of receptionists or waitresses are employed and where
customers are entertained by occasional dancing to music
Section 4C.05. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this Article
shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4C. 07. Penalty. Anyone found violating this provision when found guilty
by proper authority penalized by a fine of FIVE HUNDRED (500.00) Pesos or by an
imprisonment or not more than TEN (10) days, or both fine and imprisonment upon the
discretion of the court.
Section 4D.01. Regulated Acts. No person shall hold, conduct or stage a rally,
demonstration, or other similar assemblies for whatever legal purposes without first
obtaining a permit from the Mayor and paying the corresponding fee imposed under
existing tax ordinances.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
considered as a ministerial duty and he can only deny the granting of the permit sought if
the Chief of Police or his authorized deputy will certify that the holding of such activity
will pose a clear danger, or there is imminent danger, to public order and safety, or
probable destruction to public and private properties. This is without prejudice to the right
of the applicant or aggrieved party to seek redress before the proper Court. The police
officers assigned to such kind of assemblies shall always observe the principle of
maximum tolerance. Before any dispersal operations are conducted, there should first
be held a dialogue between the law enforcers and the leader or spokesman of the other
side. Should the leader or spokesman of the rallyists or demonstrators refuse to hold a
dialogue and his group continues to act in defiance of law and public order, the law
enforcers may then assert their authority and perform the necessary legitimate action as
warranted by the circumstances. The Mayor, through the local police chief, shall issue
the necessary rules and regulations for the proper implementation of this provision.
Section 4D.03. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this Article
shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4E.01. Regulated Acts. No Person shall keep, store or sell in his place
of business or elsewhere in this municipality any flammable or highly combustible,
materials without first securing a permit therefor from the Mayor thru the Chief of the
Bureau of Fire Protection and paying the corresponding permit fees imposed under
existing tax ordinances.
1] The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Protection or any official designated as such or
his duly authorized representative shall have supervision over the location and manner
of storing flammable or highly combustible materials in accordance with promulgated
rules and regulations on fire prevention and protection;
2] No permit shall be issued for the storage or sale of gun powder, dynamite,
explosive, blasting supplies or ingredients therefor, or gasoline unless there is a prior
clearance or authorization, issued by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Protection or his
authorized representative.
Section 4E.03. Applicability Clause. All other matters relating to fire inspection
and issuance of permit thereof shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of PD 1185
as amended by RA 9514 (Fire Code of the Philippines) and other existing laws, rules
and regulations.
Section 4E.04. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this Article
shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4F.01. Regulated Acts. No person, natural or juridical, shall hold any
kind of parades including circus, menagerie or torch parade using banners, floats or
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Province of Ilocos Norte
musical instruments in this municipality without first securing a permit therefore from the
Mayor and paying the corresponding permit fee imposed under existing tax ordinances.
Section 4F.04. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this Article
shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4G.01. Regulated Act. No person shall posses or carry any kind of
deadly weapons in any part of this municipality except within his residential home,
privately-owned real estate, office or place of work.
Section 4G.03. Exemption. Exempted from the provisions of this Article are the
1] Military and police personnel who, under existing laws, are allowed to possess and
carry firearms provided that they can produce the necessary papers or documents
containing such authorization upon demand of the law enforcement officer concerned.
2] Private individuals who were granted a license to possess firearms, provided that they
can show or have in their person the proper authorization to also carry firearms outside
of their residence.
Section 4G.04. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision under this
Article shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than One (1) year, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the Court.
Section 4H.02. Penalty. Any person found violating this provision shall, when
found guilty by competent authority, shall suffer a penalty of:
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 4I.01. Curfew Hours. The period of time from ten oclock in the evening
(10:00 PM) to Five oclock in the morning (5:00 a.m.) is hereby declared as curfew hour
for minors.
Section 4I.02. Regulated Acts. No person below fifteen (15) years of age shall
stay outside of his residential compound or premises and roam, wander, saunter around
or loiter in any public roads, parks, plazas, or any public place in this municipality during
the period of curfew hours mentioned in the preceding section, unless otherwise
exempted under the provisions of this Article.
Minors -for purposes of this Article, the term minors refer to persons who are
below fifteen (15) years of age;
Public Place -refers to any place to which the public has access including parking
lots; vacant private property not owned by the minors parents or guardians; vacant
property owned by the government; and such other places open to the public.
Section 4I.04. Exemptions. This Article shall not apply in the following
1] When the minor is being accompanied by his parent, guardian or adult person
in charge of his custody;
3] When the minor is going to, or coming from, scholastic functions like attending
evening classes, commencement exercises, convocations, educational programs and
similar activities;
4] When the minor is on an errand to save life or property like calling for the
services of a physician, midwife, priest, police officers, fireman and other similar
5] When the minor is going to, or coming from, any religious, social, civic or
sports programs and similar activities;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
7] When the minor can show proof, or explain to the satisfaction of the
apprehending officer, that he has just arrived from travel and is on his way home and
similar circumstances;
8] One (1) day before and after Christmas Day; New Years Day; Election Day;
and other similar events of public interest;
9] Two (2) days before and after the day of the town or barangay fiesta where the
minor resides;
10] When the minor has a curfew pass issued by the authorities concerned;
11] On such other dates or occasions when the Sangguniang Bayan decides,
thru an ordinance to suspend the implementation of this Article.
4] The Mayor or his authorized representative; the Chief of the local PNP or his
authorized representative; and the Punong Barangay concerned are hereby authorized
to issue the necessary curfew pass. Provided, that in the case of the Punong
Barangay, the curfew pass he issued shall be valid only within his barangay;
Section 4I.06. Penalty. This Article, being intended only for minors, carries no
penalty clause. However, minors who are caught violating the curfew hour shall be
apprehended and brought to the police headquarters or station not for purposes of
detention but only for protective custody until five oclock in the morning (5 a.m. ).
Section 4J.02. Authority to Cut Branches of Trees. The owner of the trees or
other kinds of vegetation mentioned in the preceding Section or the lineman concerned
of the electric power company is hereby authorized to cut at least two (2) meters but not
more than three (3) meters of its branches measured from the power line.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
4K.04.01. Permit. Within three (3) days upon receipt of the letter of
request or application, the Municipal Mayor shall, if approved, issue a celebration
permit, and if disapproved, denied or refused, a written statement stating thereof
the action taken thereon, reason or reasons for the denial or approval of the
request or application.
4K.04.02. Validity of Permit. The permit granted shall be valid only for
the specific celebration applied for.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
prescribed in this Code are not complied with, or motu propio, or upon written
complaint of any person or group, and is found out that the part or highlights, or
the manner of carrying out the celebration is offensive to the public morals, good
customs, contrary to law, public order and public policy, or constitutes a threat to
lives and properties, or becomes an extreme nuisance or disturbance.
b) The request shall state the name and address of the applicant organizer,
nature and purpose of the celebration, place where and date and time of
the event, the number and nature of assistance the organizer deem
needed, and such other information the public deem need to know;
Provided, however, that the payment of the fee herein imposed, shall
exclude the payment of rentals or other charges imposed by other existing
ordinance governing the use of any facility or equipment of the municipality.
In the case of schools and churches, the Municipal Mayor, may upon
request of the sponsor-organizer, exempt payment of the fee herein imposed
which shall be based on the submitted celebration plan.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
which shall serve as the operational manual or guide of all concerned in every
stage of the celebration.
1. A copy of the floor plan of the building, hall or room, as the case may
be, which clearly indicates basic instructional marks such as
FIRE/EMERGENCY EXITS/RESTROOMS, with the same markings
shall be posted before the actual show/presentation shall have been
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
A. FUNCTIONAL BODIES. During the celebration the functional
bodies shall be activated:
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Province of Ilocos Norte
A. The organizer shall, not later than two (2) days after the
celebration, clean, remove debris and other materials installed or
placed in the program site and restore the destroyed equipment or
structures whenever necessary and appropriate, and settle all
obligations from the municipality;
B. Not later than five (5) days after the celebration, the organizer
shall render a written report to the Municipal Mayor, embodying
therein his assessment or observations, problems encountered
and recommendations.
4K06.02. Responsibilities
A. Chairman
1. Ensure that the provisions of the Code are effectively disseminated to
and implemented by all concerned;
2. Require the organizer to submit the detailed celebration plan before
the issuance of the celebration permit;
3. Coordinate the activities of all sectors involved in the planning,
preparation and conduct of the local celebration;
4. Call the attention of the Committee, and such any other official or
person, as the need arises, to advise him as to the status of the
activities and update or orient him of the appropriate action to be
taken thereon.
B. Vice-Chairman
1. Maintain peace and order in the locality and in the program area;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
C. Member
1. Whenever possible and appropriate, promote the celebration to
enhance the tourism efforts of the municipality;
2. Monitor all stages of the celebration;
3. Serve as head Secretary of the Committee.
D. Ex-Officio Member
1. Ensure that all safety precautions as contained in this Article are
strictly observed in the planning, preparation and actual conduct of the
local celebration;
2. Designate his own marshals to guarantee safety or orderliness of the
festivities, provided such marshals must coordinate with the PNP. He
shall also coordinate closely with the Chairman during all stages of the
3. Prepare a detailed plan to be submitted to the Chairman and copy
furnished to the Chief of Police.
Section 4L.03. Penalties. A penalty to violators of P500.00 for the first offense,
P1,000.00 for the second offense and P2,000.00 for the third offense and so forth.
Section 4M.01. Policy. It shall be unlawful for any person or group of persons of
any vocation to wear or use winter bonnet and or mask of any kind which covers the
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Province of Ilocos Norte
whole face and head any time of the day and in any place which tends to conceal or
hide the real identity or personality of the wearer or user.
Section 4M.02 Penalty. Any person or group of persons wearing or using this
kind of head and face gear shall be punished by a fine of not more than FIVE
HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00), or suffer an imprisonment of not more than seven (7)
days, or both upon the discretion of the court.
Section 4N.01. Policy. All common carriers or tricycle plying the Poblacion to
the different barangays and vice-versa shall carry bold numbers in front and rear sides of
the side car for proper identification, such numbers to be luminous even during the night;
Section 4N.02. Penalty. Any common carrier or tricycle which shall be caught
or apprehended violating section 1 shall be fined P1,000.00 for the first offense,
P2,000.00 for the Second Offense, P3,000.00 for the Third Offense, the franchise
suspended, and the unit shall be impounded by the local PNP after all the fines imposed
for the violation committed.
Section 4O.02. Applicability- This Article shall be applicable within the entire
territory and jurisdiction of the Municipality of Currimao, Ilocos Norte and shall be
implemented by the Office of the Municipal Mayor or his/her authorized representatives.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
3. Failure to maintain and control peace and order within the community
and incidence of crime and illegal activities such as drug addiction
and trade within the establishment as evidenced by a barangay/police
report of such incidence.
4. Operation of illegal activities such as prostitution or illegal drug trade
Section O.04. Any business establishment/s which shall violate this Article shall
be penalized as follows:
Section P.03. Prohibited Activities All persons of all ages are not allowed to
play computer/internet games from Monday Friday from 8:00AM 5:00 PM.
Section 5A.01. Policy. Any business, vendor or merchant, must register his
weighing instrument (kilo) and measuring devises, like ganta and its fractional
denomination, like gantilla and others with the Municipal Treasurer, who shall affix a lead
seal on said objects.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 5A.02. Labeling of instruments and devices. The owner of the object
or objects mentioned in section 5A.01 must label said object with his name.
Section 5A.04. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be penalized with
Section 5B.01. Policy. All dealers of tobacco leaf and garlic must obtain a
Business Permit from the Municipality before engaging in the purchase of tobacco leaf
and garlic within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Currimao, Ilocos Norte and must
pay a corresponding fee of Two Hundred Fifty (P250.00) Pesos per dealer per season to
the Municipal Treasurer.
Section 5B.03. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be penalized with:
Section 5C.01 Policy. All Gasoline Station Pumps within the jurisdiction of
Currimao Ilocos Norte shall be provided with Municipal Metal Seals and the owner is
required to pay Fifty (50.00) Pesos per seal as provided for by Law as per PNOC and
the Bureau of Energy Utilization.
Section 5C.03. Penalties. Any Gasoline Station owner who refuses to comply
with the provisions shall be penalized with:
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 5D.02 Exception. Carabaos that are injured or unfit for work but are fit
for consumption can be butchered and sold provided they secure the proper government
clearance, particularly a certification by the Provincial Government Veterinarian or any
authorized official.
Section 5D.03. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be punished with:
Section 5E.02. Penalties. Any public butcher or meat vendor found violating
Section 5F1.01 shall be penalized for the:
5F2.01. Policy. No vendor of fresh and cooked meat shall sell to the public
these commodities unless a cardboard, plywood or the like with size of 14x15 bearing
the name of the vendor and the price or prices of commodities sold is displayed to the
public during the duration of selling.
5F2.02. Penalties. Any vendor violating this provision shall be penalized with:
Section 5G.01. Policy. Every vendor shall, at all times, while engaged in selling,
fix his kilo or weighing scale at zero and maintain the plate of the kilo at its proper place
which is above the kilo or hanging kilos, under the same.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 5G.02. Identification of Weighing Scales. Kilos Plates must bear the
complete name of the owner which must be indicated therein by paint in not smaller than
one (1) inch size per letter and lead or metal seal done by the Office of the Municipal
Section 5G.03. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be penalized with:
Section 5H.01. Policy Weighing scales or kilos shall be calibrated in the Office
of the Municipal Treasurer and pay the corresponding fee of P120.00 per unit of any
type of weighing scale or kilo, whether in 100, 50, 20, 10, or 5 kilograms.
Section 5H.02. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be penalized with:
Section 5I.01. Policy. Any vendor of fresh meat is prohibited to increase the
prices of same without prior application to increase in prices and approval of same from
the Sangguniang Bayan of this municipality.
Section 5J.01. Policy. Store or Business owners who have obtained their
clearance shall frame this clearance and hang in a conspicuous place in the store and
Section 5J.02. Penalties. Any store or business owner found not complying
with this provision when found guilty by competent authority shall be penalized by:
5J.02.1 A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) for the first offense, and
5J.02.2 Cancellation of permit for the second offense.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 5K.02. Exemption. The above provision shall not be applied when
such advertisement is made in connection with business promotion or fiesta but this
exemption shall not be longer than a period of Fifteen (15) days nor more than twice
within the year.
Section 5K.06. Penalties. Any violation of this provision shall be penalized by:
Section 5M.01. Policy. The power to issue license for the establishment,
operation and maintenance of cockpits is hereby conferred to the local government unit
thru the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan.
Section 5N.01. Scope- This provision shall govern the establishment and
operation of commercial piggeries and poultries within the jurisdiction of the Municipality
of Currimao, Ilocos Norte. A piggery or poultry is considered commercial when the
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Province of Ilocos Norte
number of heads raised is not less than five (5) for piggery and fifty (50) heads for
2.. Imposition of Fees. - There shall be collected the following fees from an
applicant for the establishment and operation of a commercial piggery/poultry project:
3. Time of Payment The fees imposed in the preceding Section shall be paid
to the Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative upon application of a
Mayors Permit except the Sanitation Permit Fees which shall be paid before any
business can be lawfully begun or pursued, and within the first twenty (20) days of
January each year in case of a renewal thereof.
4. Surcharges for Late Payment. Failure to pay the fees prescribed within the
time required shall subject the taxpayer to a surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) of
the original tax due.
Upon submission of the application, it shall be the duty of the proper authorities
(Zoning Officer, Rural Sanitation Inspector, Agriculture Office and Office of the Mayor) to
verify if all the other requirements regarding the operation of the business or activity shall
have been complied with. The Permit to operate shall be issued only upon such
compliance and after the payment of the corresponding fees as required by this
Section 5N.04. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance not
herein covered otherwise by a specific penalty, shall be punished by a fine of not
exceeding Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00), or imprisonment of Three months (3), or
both, at the discretion of the court.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
any noise from the establishment shall not disturb those in the school, hospital, or
church. If such noise shall cause disturbance, such place of amusement shall not
operate during school hours when near a school or at night when near a hospital and
provided further, that no operator, owner-manager of such establishment shall allow the
entrance into the establishment of persons who are drunk or intoxicated or appears to be
so, of persons who carry deadly weapons at any time, persons who are mentally
defective and minors (below 18 years of age).
Section 5O.03. LICENSE. It shall be unlawful for any person or group of persons
to establish, maintain and/or operate within the jurisdiction of the Municipality any billiard
pool without first obtaining a permit from the Municipal Mayor upon recommendation of
the Sangguniang Bayan.
Section 6O.05. PENALTY. Any violation of any of the provisions shall subject
the offender with an imprisonment of not more than (6) months or fine of One Thousand
Five Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00) but not more than Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00)
or both at the discretion of the court, and the Municipal Treasurer is authorized subject to
the approval of the Municipal Mayor to promulgate rules and regulations in the collection
of lines, upon acknowledgement of the violator of his/her guilt.
Section 6A.01. Policy. Loitering on the beach along the rock formations of Bgy.
Poblacion 1 to Bgy. Pangil is strictly prohibited from 7:00 PM TO 5:00 AM.
Section 6A.03. Penalties. Any person or groups of persons who shall violate
this Article shall be meted the following penalties:
Section 6A.04. Sharing. For penalties collected, 30% of the proceeds of this
Article shall accrue to the Bgy. concerned.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 6A.05. Implementors. The PNP Currimao Municipal Police Station with
the assistance of Barangay Chairmen of both affected barangays and their duly
designated representatives shall be responsible for the implementation of this Article.
Section6B.01. Policy. The route of the sports/leisure boats (rubber boat, jetski,
and other resorts water crafts) shall be the designated lanes as follows:
- One hundred fifty (150) meters wide from the shoreline in front of the Subli-
Subli beach resorts in Barangay Salugan, Currimao, Ilocos Norte, along the
reef going seaward;
- One hundred (100) meters wide along and parallel with the shoreline from
north (Barangay Salugan) to south (Barangay Pias Sur);
- The water crafts herein identified can only traverse the bay beyond a
distance of 700 meters from and perpendicular with the shoreline seaward
leaving a space for the fish to stay calm or free from disturbance and for the
beach seine to be cast;
Section 6B.02. Penalty. The operator, boat owner, boat in-charge, skipper and
whoever driving the watercraft violating this ordinance shall suffer the penalty of
imprisonment of one month and one day to six months or a fine of 2,500.00 or both such
imprisonment and fine in the discretion of the court without prejudice to confiscation of
the craft in favor of the government in the case of succeeding violations.
Section 6C.01. Policy. The local government hereby requires all agencies from
the government and private sectors of the municipality to help in the reforestation of the
Municipal Dumpsite.
ARTICLE D- Ban on Hunting and/or Killing of Wild Pigeons (Barog) within the
Section 6D.02. Penalty. Any person or group of persons who shall violate this
ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than FIVE HUNDRED
PESOS (P500.00), or suffer an imprisonment of not less than seven (7) days, or both
upon the discretion of the Court;
EXPLANATORY NOTE: This migratory species of the wild pigeon
locally known as Barog is very rare, and they inhabit the western
shorelines of Brgy. Poblacion 1 up to Brgy. Pangil, including the forested
hills, during the months of May, June, July and August every year.
However, hundreds of them killed by unscrupulous hunters who come
mostly from neighboring towns, and the hunting of this rare bird continues
unabated time will come when they become extinct, hence this BAN to
preserve the species.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 6E.02.Penalty. Any person or group of persons and/or entity who shall
violate this Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than P500.00 for the first
offense, P1,000.00 for the Second Offense, and P1,500.00 for the Third Offense, or shall
suffer an imprisonment of not less than fifteen (15) days, or both, upon the discretion of
the court.
Section 6F.01. Policy. No person shall be allowed to catch, take or gather fish
or fishery aquatic products within the territorial waters of the municipality with the use of
a compressor machine of any kind accompanied by the use of poisonous/obnoxious
Section 6F.03. Penalty. Any person or persons who shall violate this Article
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of P3,500.00 or an imprisonment of six
months, or both, upon the discretion of the Court.
1. Wildlife shall include all wild flora and fauna either in live, preserved or
processed state.
2. Bonzai are century-old plants that grow on top of rocks, popularly known as
Nirad along the coastal shores of Poblacion-Pangil Beach Road and within
the jurisdiction of the municipality of Currimao.
Section 6G.03. Seized Wildlife. If it is found that the wildlife seized have been
gathered and collected and possessed without authority from DENR, final
confiscation shall be effected to be followed by the filing of the complaint and the
necessary penalties.
Section 6G,04. Penalty. Any person or group of persons who shall violate this
Ordinance shall be penalized as follows:
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Dog shall refer to any dog regardless of its breed, sex, color and age.
Section 7A.03. Applicability and Scope. This Article shall apply to all dogs,
either taken as a pet or for business purposes, within the jurisdiction of the Municipality
of Currimao. All dogs shall be confined to their doghouses, chained, or kept inside the
backyard. Stray dogs shall be confiscated for impounding to be redeemed by its owner
after paying Three Hundred Pesos (Php 300.00). Unclaimed dogs shall be sold as pets
to willing buyers and to those who are willing to keep such dogs.
Section 7A.04. Period and Interval of Vaccination. It shall be the duty of the
owner to cause the vaccination of his dog with anti-rabies vaccine upon reaching three
(3) months-old and every six (6) months interval thereafter which shall be reckoned from
the date of last vaccination or within one month after such date of vaccination if the last
administered vaccine provides a different duration. For this purpose, the owner shall
show proof to the vaccinator as to the last date the dog was vaccinated.
The vaccination fee shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his authorized
representative who shall issue the official receipt therefore. The official receipt may
serve as proof of the date of vaccination from which to base or reckon the next
vaccination period as required in Section 7A.09 hereof.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
due date for vaccination or re-vaccination, as the case maybe, of all dogs in the
Any unreasonable delay by the owner to cause the vaccination of his dog shall
cause the negligent owner a fine of five hundred pesos (P 500.00)
Section 7A.8. Authorized Confiscation of Stray Dogs. Six (6) months from
the effectivity of this Ordinance, the Livestock Inspector, or any person under his
supervision is hereby authorized to catch stray dogs in a practical manner or method
and immediately impound the same at the established municipal animal pound.
a) audibly announce using a sound system, at the public market during an open
market day;
c) post a notice at the designated posting areas of the municipality for all
municipal ordinances and resolutions.
The Livestock Inspector shall keep a record of the buyer and forthwith require the
registration of the dog in accordance with (Article II) Section 7A.04 of this ordinance.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
The municipality is not however, disqualified to own and register on its name any
unclaimed dog if the sale herein provided fails or no interested buyer.
Section 7A.14. Location and Design. The animal pound shall be situated at a
place of at least one hundred meters (100) away from established residential houses,
school, church or chapel. Subject to applicable provisions of existing laws, rules or
regulations, the animal pound and its component structures shall conveniently
accommodate impounded animals in a manner that they do not kill each other.
Section 7A.16. Budget. All necessary cost for the administration and
maintenance of the animal pound shall be regularly incorporated in the budget for
municipal-owned buildings.
Section 7A.17. Duty of the Owner of Rabid Dogs. It shall be the duty of the
owner to report or surrender, as the case maybe, immediately to the Livestock Inspector
or any other appropriate authority any indication that his dog has become rabid dog, or
of any untoward, irregular or suspicious behavior of the said dog. It shall also be the
duty of the owner to pay the medical expenses of any victim of a rabid dog.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 7A.23. Powers and Duties. The Local anti-rabies Committee shall
have the following powers and duties:
1.3 Locations in which fire hazards are present including gas stations and
storage areas for flammable liquid, gas, explosives or combustible
1.4 Within the building and premises of public and private hospitals, medical,
dental, and optical clinics, health centers, nursing homes, dispensaries
and laboratories;
1.5 Public conveyances and public facilities including ship terminals , train
and bus stations, restaurants and conference halls, except for separate
smoking areas, and;
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Province of Ilocos Norte
1.6 Food preparation areas. Food preparation areas shall include areas
where food or beverage is actually being manufactured or prepared.
4.1 The designated smoking area other than in an open space shall be
completely enclosed or physically separated from the rest of the premises and
equipped with adequate ventilation in conformity with the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1096 otherwise known as the National Building Code,
and the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Code.
4.2 Separation of the designated smoking area other than in an open space
shall be effected through any of the following means:
4.2 .1 The designated smoking area must be fully separated from smoke-
free area by continuous floor-to-ceiling or floor to-floor solid partitions which are
interrupted only by doors equipped with door closers, and which must be
constantly closed except when a person is entering or exiting the area; or
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Under no circumstances shall any mark, device, or image associated with any
tobacco company or product be included in any of these signs and materials. Non-
smoking area shall likewise have at least one (1) legible and visible sign posted saying
Section 7B.06. Penalties, For violation of this article on the first offense, a fine
of not less than Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00) but not more than One Thousand
Pesos (Php1,000.00) shall be imposed.
On the second offense, a fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos
(Php1,000.00) but not more than Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) shall be
On the third offense, in addition to a fine of not less than Five Thousand Pesos
(Php5,000.00) but not more than Ten Pesos (Php10,000.00), the business
permits and licenses to operate shall be cancelled or revoked.
Section 7C.02. Applicability. This article shall be applicable within the territory
and jurisdiction of the Municipality of Currimao, Ilocos Norte and shall be implemented
by the Office of the Municipal Mayor or its authorized representatives.
Section 7C.03. Legal Bases. The basis of this article is to ensure health and
social services as embodied in Section 17 of the Local Government Code and Republic
Act 8172 or the Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide (ASIN) Law.
Section 7C.04. Scope. All salt producers, trade/suppliers and retailers shall sell
only iodized salt for human and animal consumption. All commercial food
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Province of Ilocos Norte
establishments such as restaurants, canteens, hotels, hospitals, caterers, all other food
outlets as well as food manufacturers shall use only iodized salt in food preparation
Section 7C.05. Implementation. The Office of the Municipal Mayor thru the
Municipal Nutrition Committee shall act as the Salt Iodization Program Implementing
Committee. The Committee will be composed of the Municipal Health Officer, as the
Committee Chairman, SB Chairman, Committee on Health as Vice Chairman and the
Municipal Nutrition Action Officer as Member. They shall a) Formulate guidelines for
the effective implementation of this Ordinance b) Conduct periodic monitoring of the
quality iodized salt distributed and sold in the market and that being used by food
establishments; c) Develop and implement a promotional plan on the use of iodized salt.
The disbursement and liquidation of the PCF shall be in accordance with pertinent
government accounting and auditing rules and regulations;
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
A separate book of accounts shall be maintained by the local government unit; and
Only drugs listed in the primary medical care Drugs of the Philippine National Drug
Formulary, medical supplies and equipment necessary to carry out the delivery of the
required services including referral fees and administrative cost not to exceed twenty
percent (20%) of the capitation fund shall be charged to the PCF. The twenty percent
administrative cost shall be divided among health personnel of the RHU, fifty
percent (50) of which shall accrue to the physician/s while the remaining fifty
percent (50%) to the other personnel.
3. The Corporation may withhold the release of the subsequent quarterly PCFs
due to any of the following:
Section 7D.02. Objectives. The main objectives of this Article are the following:
A) To disseminate updates and safety nets for the prevention and awareness for
the possible occurrence of avian Influenza Virus;
b) To protect poultry and livestock industry including the flourishing brood
cockfight and other related activities;
Section 7D.03. Task Force. The Task Force shall be composed of the
Chairman - Mayor
Vice-Chairman- Vice Mayor
Members - Sangguniang Bayan Chairman, Committee on Health
- Sangguniang Bayan Chairman, Committee on
- Municipal Agriculture Officer
- Provincial Veterinarian or duly authorized representative
- CENRO or duly authorized representative
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Province of Ilocos Norte
1. Conduct information dissemination relative to the updates and safety nets for
the prevention and awareness to the possible entry of avian influenza virus:
2. Make listing of all poultry and livestock establishments and monitor its
vaccination programs, report on disease profile and other available data or
information inimical to health, and report the same to the Provincial
Government for consolidation, referral and analysis;
3. Monitor the place of congregation of migratory birds and further prohibit the
catching, getting near or keep in captivity, sale and consumption of the same;
4. Monitor the entry points open to vehicle and prohibit entry of any bird species
without certification from the Department of Health or the Department of
Agriculture or the Provincial Veterinarian stating the same that such
poultry/bird species are safe and not contaminated with the said virus;
Section 7E.01. Requirements. Any person selling cooked foods to the public is
hereby required:
Section 7E.02. Penalty. Any person not complying with the provisions of Section
7E.01 shall be penalized by:
1. A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00) for the First Offense;
2. One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) for the second offense, and
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 7F.02. Penalty. Any person who violates this provision shall be
penalized with:
Section 8B.03. Penalty. Any person who violates any of the prohibited acts in
section 8B.01 and 8B.02 shall be penalized with:
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 8C.02-Penalty. Any person who violates any of the prohibited acts in
section 8C.01 and 8C.02 shall be penalized with:
Section 9A.01. Zone Area. The Public Market Area and its environment, within
Two hundred (200) meters away from the market site, is hereby declared a zone area
exclusively for market purposes or for any other business excluding Funeral Parlor,
Coffin Store, Display Center of coffin and/or any Office dealing with coffins including
Lumber Yard, Poultry and Hog Raising activities..
Section 9A.02. Penalties. Any person found violating this provision shall, when
found guilty by competent authority, be punished by a fine of Five Thousand (P5,000.00)
Pesos or by an imprisonment of thirty (30) days or both fine and imprisonment in the
discretion of the court.
Section 9A.03. Business Hours. The premises of the public market and the
block tiendas shall open from 4:00 oclock a.m. to 9:00 pm.
Section 9A.04. Closing Time. No person may enter the premises of the public
market, market and any block tienda, even to guards from 7:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
Section 9A.05. Prohibited Acts. No person shall drink liquor, including beer nor
serve the same to anyone at any part of the public market, its environs and the block
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 9B.04. Penalties. Any person found violating any of the above
provisions shall, when found guilty by competent authority, be penalized by a fine of not
exceeding Five Hundred (P500.00) Pesos or an imprisonment of not more than Five (5)
days or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
10. Disaster and capability building P150.00 per participant per day
within the average of thirty
(30) participants per group.
Section 11A.01 Policy. The municipality shall choose and adopt COCONUT as
Municipal Tree, GUMAMELA as Municipal Flower and/or ornamental plant, and
MAYA as Municipal Bird, as symbols of the towns commitment to the national program
of environmental protection and conservation;
ARTICLE C. Solicitations
Section 11C.01. Prohibited Acts. Any person or group of persons soliciting any
contribution or and within the Municipal Hall Premises shall be prohibited, provided
however, that this prohibition does not include requests for government aid, which needs
resolution or ordinance of the Municipal Council.
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Province of Ilocos Norte
Section 11D.02. Regulatory Acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, group of
persons or association of any kind, even with a permit from any source whatsoever to
carol or solicit money or kind, directly or indirectly at any time than the period provided in
Section 11D.01 hereof.
Section 11D.03. Penalties. Any person or entity found violating this provision
when found guilty by competent authority shall be punished but a fine of Five Hundred
(P500.00) pesos or by imprisonment of Ten (10) days and/or both fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
Section 12 A.01 Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this Code not herein
otherwise covered by a specific penalty, or of the rules and regulations promulgated
under the authority of this Code, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five
Hundred (P500.00) Pesos or imprisonment of not less than Fifteen (15) days but not
exceeding three (3) months, or both, such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the
Section 12 B.04 - Effectivity Clause. This Code shall take effect after the lapse
of thirty (30) days from the date of its approval by the Mayor, provided that within that
period, the requirements imposed under Section 59 of R. A. 7160 (local Government
Code of 1991) shall have been complied with.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte
Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
Vice Mayor / Presiding Officer