Lifting Line Theory Tutorial Example

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Lifting line theory was developed to predict the aerodynamic properties and efficiency of wings by modeling the effects of trailing vortices. It assumes a wing can be modeled as a collection of 2D airfoils and approximates the 3D flow with vortex sheets.

Lifting line theory was developed to predict the aerodynamic properties of wings and determine the most efficient wing shape to minimize induced drag. It aims to answer how the shape of a wing affects its properties and determine the optimal shape for a given task.

Lifting line theory assumes the overall wing flow can be approximated by summing the flows around individual 2D airfoil elements. It also assumes the wing is a flat plate and does not account for thickness, dihedral angles, or sweepback.


AERO 2258A LLT Tutorial Example

Author: Hadi Winarto ; date: 10 May 2004 corrected 19 May 2004

This theory was developed basically to answer the following important aerodynamic
question : Given the shape of a wing, how can we predict the aerodynamic properties of
the wing? What is the most efficient wing shape for a given task such that the induced
drag can be minimized?

The theory was developed by Prandtl in Germany and Lanchester in England at the
beginning of the twentieth century as described below on the following web site

His 1904 paper raised Prandtl's prestige as an aerodynamicist. He became director of

the Institute for Technical Physics at the University of Gttingen later in the year,
where he worked with many outstanding students, creating the greatest aerodynamics
research center of his time.
In the years that followed, Prandtl began work on calculating the effect of induced
drag on lift. Induced drag is the drag created by the vortices that trail an aircraft from
the tips of its wings. These vortices, or whirling motions of fluid, affect the pressure
distribution over the wings and result in a force in the direction of drag. Hence,
induced drag is a kind of pressure drag. He worked with Albert Betz and Max Munk
for almost ten years to solve this problem. The result was his lifting line theory, which
was published in 1918-1919. It enabled accurate calculations of induced drag and its
effect on lift.
In England, Prandtl's lifting line theory is referred to as the Lanchester-Prandtl
theory. This is because the English scientist Frederick Lanchester published the
foundation for Prandtl's theory years earlier. In his 1907 book Aerodynamics,
Lanchester had described his model for the vortices that occur behind wings during
flight. Prandtl's model for his theory was similar to Lanchester's, although Prandtl
claimed that he had not considered Lanchester's model when he had begun his work in
During World War I, Prandtl created his thin-airfoil theory that enabled the
calculation of lift for thin, cambered airfoils. It is still used today. He later contributed
to the Prandtl-Glauert rule for subsonic airflow that describes the compressibility
effects of air at high speeds. Prandtl also made important advances in developing
theories of supersonic flow and turbulence.

The theory is based on the assumption that even though the flow around an aircrafts
wing is really 3-dimensional, it may be satisfactorily approximated by a linear summation
of flows around the elemental aerofoils, which makes up the overall wing, where the flow
around each aerofoil is assumed to be 2-dimensional. This approach gives a reasonable
result provided that the model flow takes into account the effect of the vortex sheet,

which is shed at the trailing edge of the wing. The trailing vortex sheet induces a
downwash velocity, which varies along the span wise direction.

The wing is assumed to be a flat plate lying on the x-y plane. Therefore, the theory does
not take into account the wings thickness distribution. It is also unable to handle any
dihedral or sweepback angle. However, it is capable of modelling a tapered wing with
geometrical and aerodynamic twists.

The problem needs the following input data:

1.Wing span, b.
2.Spanwise distribution of the following quantities
2.1 Sectional profile or aerofoils chord length, c(y)
2.2 Aerofoils geometric angle of incidence, G (y)
2.3 Aerofoils zero lift angle of incidence, 0 (y)
2.4 Aerofoils lift curve slope, a (y)

Given the above data the theory must find the solution in the form of span wise wing load
or lift per unit span length distribution, the overall wings lift coefficient and the induced
drag coefficient of the wing. From the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem it is known that lift
is directly proportional to circulation or vortex strength. Therefore, the theory must be
capable of predicting the span-wise bound vortex strength per unit length distribution.
The unknown vortex strength distribution, (y), is approximated by a Fourier series as

( ) = 2bV An sin (n ) (1)
n =1
where: y= cos (2)
or = cos 1 (3)
The basic problem is how to calculate the unknown Fourier series coefficients or
amplitudes, An . The approximation using a Fourier series becomes more accurate as the
number of terms, N, increases. However, for hand calculation we must limit the value of
N to a very small number of 4 or less.
The lifting line equation that needs to be solved is

4b N N
sin(n ( y ))
An sin(n ( y )) + nAn = G ( y) 0 ( y) (4)
a ( y ).c( y ) n =1 n =1 sin( ( y ))

The above equation can be rewritten as follows:

4b n
+ sin(n ( y )) . An = G ( y ) 0 ( y ) (5)
n =1 a( y ).c( y ) sin( ( y ))

Let us now define the following quantities

4b n
C ( y , n) = + sin(n ( y )) (6)
a( y ).c( y ) sin( ( y ))

A(n) = An (7)

D(y) = G ( y ) 0 ( y ) (8)

Equation (5) can now be written as

C ( y, n). A(n) = D( y ) (9)
n =1

The above equation contains N unknowns, namely A(n) for n=1 to N. It is therefore
necessary to apply equation (9) at N different control points or values of distance along
the span, y, so that we have a system of equations that can be solved simultaneously to
calculate the values of A(n). The points chosen should not include the wing tips, since
regardless of the values of the Fourier coefficients, the vortex strength distribution
equation (1) is always satisfied at those points. Selecting those 2 points will not provide
any new information regarding the values of the Fourier amplitudes. It is also
recommended that the midpoint (y = 0) should also not be selected as a control point, for
similar reasons. To get the most accurate result for a given number of control points, the
following method for selecting the control points is recommended. Firstly, N should be
chosen to be an even integer, such that N = 2M, say.
The N points along the span are chosen so that they are equally spaced. In other words
the span is divided up into N equal intervals, and the midpoint of each interval is chosen
to be a control point. The port (left) wing tip is located at y = -b/2 whereas the starboard
(right) wing tip is located at y = b/2. The coordinates of the control points are then given
as follows. For each value of k, from 1 to N, we have

b 2k 1
y ( k ) = yk = 1 (10)
2 N

Note that the control points are symmetrical about the plane of symmetry, y = 0. In other
words we have y(k) = y(N+1-k). If the lift per unit span length distribution is symmetrical
about y = 0, then its value at y(k) is equal to its value at y(N+1-k). Furthermore, it can be
shown that the Fourier amplitudes with even indexes in equation (1) are all zero

A2m = 0 for m= 1, 2,,M (where M = N/2)

Equation (1) can always be rewritten in a way, which separates the even terms from the
odd terms as follows

( ) = An sin (n ) = 2bV An sin ((2m 1) ) + An sin (2m ) (11)
n =1 n =1 n =1

Therefore, if the load distribution is symmetrical then equation (11) is simplified to

( ) = 2bV A2 m1 sin ((2m 1) ) = 2bV A ( 2m 1) sin ((2m 1) ) (12)
n =1 n =1

In the discussion below it is always assumed that the load distribution is symmetrical.

The Lifting Line Equation, which is the system of equations (9), that must be solved to
calculate the Fourier coefficients, can now be written as follows

C (k , 2m 1). A(2m 1) = D(k ) for k =1, 2, , M (13)
m =1

where the values of y are given by equation (10) and

2k 1
k = ( k ) = ( yk ) = cos 1 1 (14)

4b 2m 1
C ( k , 2m 1) = C ( k , 2m 1) = + sin((2m 1) k ) (15)
a(k ).c(k ) sin( k )

D ( k ) = G ( k ) 0 ( k ) = G ( yk ) 0 ( yk ) (16)

It should be noted that c(k) is the aerofoils chord length at the station y(k), or ( k ) ,
whereas G ( k ) and 0 ( k ) are the geometric and zero lift angle of attacks at y(k).
The geometric angle of attack may vary as a function of y if the wing is given a
geometric twist. A wing without twist is one where the geometric angle of attack is
constant for all values of y, such that the leading edge and the trailing edge of the wing
are straight lines, which lie on the same horizontal plane when G = 0. A wing may be
given a washout, where the wing is twisted such that the leading edge of the wing tip
aerofoil is now lower than the leading edge of the root aerofoil (the root aerofoil is the
aerofoil located at the plane of symmetry if it is imagined that the fuselage is not there
and the two halves of the wing meet at the plane of symmetry). A wing with washin is
one where the leading edge of the tip aerofoil is now higher than the leading edge of the
root aerofoil, whereas the trailing edge of the wing remains on the horizontal plane. It
follows, therefore, that the chord of the aerofoil at y may have negative or positive
geometric angle of attack values when G = 0 at the wing root, depending on whether the
wing has a washout or a washin.

Let the height difference between the leading edge of the wing tip aerofoil from the
leading edge of the root aerofoil is htip , which is negative for washout and positive for
washin. It should be noted that the leading edge of the wing is required to remain as a
straight line. Therefore, the twist angle or the geometric angle of attack at y relative to the
geometric angle of attack at the wing root can be calculated as follows

h 2y 2k 1 htip
( k ) = sin 1 = sin 1 .htip = sin 1 1 (17)
c bc N c

Let the angle of attack of the wing or the aircraft be denoted by the angle of attack at the
wing root, and is given the symbol of . This angle obviously can be varied and
represents the attitude of the aircraft (when the aircraft is at a level cruising flight this
angle may have a small positive value of not more than 3 degrees). Using this definition
we can now calculate the geometric angle of attack at y as follows

G ( k ) = + ( k ) (18)

Equation (16) can now be rewritten as follows

D ( k ) = 0 (k ) + ( k ) (19)

A wing may be given an aerodynamic twist as well as a geometric twist. This means that
the aerofoil shape at the wing root is different from that at the wing tip. The shape of the
aerofoil in between the two limiting stations is then determined by insisting that the wing
cross-section should have a smoothly varying shape along the span wise direction. Since
the aerofoil shape at the wing tip is different from that at the root, therefore the value of
the sectional lift coefficient as well as its zero lift angle of attack may also vary along the
span wise direction. Provided the variation of a ( y ) and 0 ( y ) are given, equation (15)
can still be used to compute the matrix coefficients, C ( k , 2m 1) , thus the lifting line
theory can handle such a problem.
The theory can also handle the problem involving a variation in the chord length of the
sections as a function of y, as long as the functional form of c(y) is given. This means that
the theory is also applicable for analysing tapered wing shape, so long as the quarter
chord line is normal or almost normal to the aircrafts longitudinal axis. Obviously the
theory is not valid for a highly swept wing. For swept wings we should use vortex lattice
method, but this will not be discussed here.
The taper ratio is the ratio of the chord length of the wing tip aerofoil to that of the root
aerofoil. Normally the value is less than 1, i.e. the sectional chord length decreases with
increasing distance away from the plane of symmetry, or with increasing magnitude of y.
The taper ratio is given the symbol of and thus

= (20)

The chord length at y is then given by the following equation

ctip croot
c ( y ) = croot 2 .y

For computational purpose the above equation is more specifically written as follows

1 ctip 1
c ( k ) = croot 1 2 y (k ) = 1 2 y (k ) (21)
b b

The specification for aerodynamic twist is quite complicated, since it requires knowledge
of the shape of the aerofoil section at each station y along the span. In the absence of such
information, we can simplify the problem somewhat by requiring that the tip aerofoil
differs only slightly from the root aerofoil such that the lift coefficient and zero angle of
attack at y are given by the following linear relationships

atip aroot
a ( k ) = aroot 2 y (k ) (22)

0,tip 0,root
0 ( k ) = 0, root 2 y (k ) (23)

Obviously the properties of the root and tip aerofoils must be supplied as inputs.
The procedure for the application of the lifting line theory in evaluating the aerodynamic
performance of any kind of wing shape (with certain limitations) can now be summarized
as follows.
The following data must be supplied:

1. The wings angle of attack, , and either the value of the wing span, b, the wing
area, S, or the Aspect Ratio. These quantities are related as follows
S b2 b
b= and AR = =
cav S cav
2. Any 2 of the following 3 quantities: root chord, tip chord and taper ratio or
croot , ctip and . The relationship involving the 3 parameters is = tip .
The average chord can be calculated as follows cav = 12 croot (1 + ) = 1
2 ctip (1 + )
3. The lift curve slope and zero lift angle of attack of the root aerofoil, aroot and 0,root ,
and also those of the tip aerofoil, atip and 0,tip .
4. The value of either the tip aerofoil leading edge height relative to that for the root
aerofoil, htip , or the twist angle of the tip aerofoil relative to the root aerofoil, tip .

If the twist angle of the tip aerofoil relative to the root aerofoil is given, say tip ,
then the leading edge height difference should be calculated as follows
htip = ctip .sin tip

The computational procedure can then be described as follows

1. Select the value of the number of control points on the port wing M.
2. For k = 1, 2, 3, .., M calculate the following

b 2k 1
y (k ) = 1 (24)
2 2M

2 y (k )
( k ) = cos 1 (25)

c ( k ) = croot 1 2 y (k ) (26)

atip aroot
a ( k ) = aroot 2 y (k ) (27)

0,tip 0, root
0 ( k ) = 0,root 2 y (k ) (28)

2 y (k )
( k ) = sin 1 .htip (29)
b.c ( k )
D ( k ) = 0 (k ) + ( k ) (30)

For each value of m =1, 2, , M calculate the matrix coefficients

4b 2m 1
C (k, m) = + .sin ( ( 2m 1) . ( k ) ) (31)
a(k ).c(k ) sin( (k ))

3. Now solve the following system of simultaneous equations

C ( k , m ) .A ( m ) = D ( k ) for k = 1, 2, , M (32)
m =1

A simple direct method for computing A(m), the solutions of (32), is the Gaussian
Elimination Method. Other methods, such as the Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel iterative methods
may also be used.

4. After the Fourier coefficients, A(m), have been calculated we can now compute
the non-dimensional wing load distribution as follows

( y) M
ND ( y ) = = A ( m ).sin ( ( 2m 1) . )
2bV 1
( y ) = cos 1

5. The wings lift coefficient can be calculated as follows

CL = . AR. A (1) (34)

6. The Oswald efficiency factor, e, is

1 M
e= where = ( 2m 1) . (35)
1+ m=2 A (1)

7. Induced drag coefficient CDi is

CDi =
. AR.e

The formula for Induced drag can also be written as

CDi = k .CL2 where k is the induced drag factor and k =
. AR.e

Worked Examples

The Problem:

A hypothetical, conventional small aircraft has a wing area of 50 square meter and an
aspect ratio of 8. The wing has no dihedral, is unswept at its quarter chord line and is not
twisted aerodynamically, or its cross section is the same aerofoil shape all along the span.
The tapered wing with a taper ratio of 0.6 is twisted geometrically. The geometric twist is
such that the tip aerofoil section is at an incidence of 2.9 degrees when the root section
is at zero degree incidence. The aerofoils zero lift angle of incidence is 2.0 degrees and
the aerofoil's lift coefficient curve has a slope of 6 per radian. If the wings angle of
incidence is 2 degrees while the aircraft is cruising, calculate the following

(i) Calculate the wings span and mean chord lengths. Also calculate the root chord and
the tip chord lengths.

(ii) At the span wise stations y = 7.071 m and y = 3.827 m calculate the local chord
lengths of the wing (note that the aircraft'
s plane of symmetry is located at the spans mid
point or at the station y = 0)

(iii) Calculate the geometric angle between the local chord line at each of the span wise
station stated above and the chord line at the root section, due to the twist.

(iv) Calculate the overall lift coefficient of the aircraft at cruise condition using the lifting
line theory. Hint : Use 2 of the y-stations given above, say y = 7.071 m and 3.827 m, or
y = -7.071 m and y = -3.827 m as your control points in the calculation. Would you get
different answers if you were to do the calculation using all 4 control points along the
whole span, as compared to only using 2 points along the semi span and taking advantage
of the wing loading symmetry? Explain.
Also calculate the Oswald factor and the induced drag coefficient.

The Answer:

(1). Wing span, b , and mean chord length, cav .

b = S . AR = 50 x8 = 20 m

S 50
cav = = m = 2.5 m
AR 8

Root chord and tip chord

2 2
croot = .cav = x 2.5 = 3.125 m
1+ 1 + 0.6

ctip = .croot = 0.6 x3.125 = 1.875 m

(2). Local chord lengths at the following stations
y(1) =-7.071 m, y(2) = -3.827 m, y(3) = 3.827 m and y(4) = 7.071
c c
Port wing (y negative): c ( y ) = croot + 2 root tip . y , for b/2 <y< 0
c (1) = 3.125 + 0.125 y = 2.2411 m
c ( 2 ) = 3.125 0.4784 = 2.6466 m

croot ctip
Starboard wing (y positive): c ( y ) = croot 2 . y , for 0 <y< b/2
c ( 3) = 3.125 0.4784 = 2.6466 m = c ( 2 )
c ( 4 ) = 3.125 0.8839 = 2.2411 m = c (1)

(3). Twist angle distribution

Twist angle at the wing tip: tip = 2.90 thus

htip = ctip .sin tip = 1.875 x sin ( 2.90 ) = 0.09486
2htip y y
Port wing (y negative): ( y ) = sin 1 . = sin 1 0.009486
b c( y) c( y)
(1) = sin 1 0.009486 x = sin 1 ( 0.02993) = 1.720

( 2 ) = sin 1 0.009486 x = sin 1 ( 0.01372 ) = 0.790
Due to symmetry we have

( 3) = ( 2 ) = 0.790 and ( 4 ) = (1) = 1.720

(4). Lifting Line theory

2y 2y
Port wing: = cos 1 and starboard wing: = cos 1
b b
2 x7.071
(1) = cos 1 = cos 1 ( 0.7071) = 450

2 x3.827
( 2 ) = cos 1 = cos 1 ( 0.3827 ) = 67.50

2 x3.827
( 3) = cos 1 = cos 1 ( 0.3827 ) = 112.50

2 x7.071
( 4 ) = cos 1 = cos 1 ( 0.7071) = 1350

Lift curve slope is constant or a ( k ) = 6 rad 1 for k = 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Similarly, the zero angle of attack is 0 ( k ) = 20 for k = 1, 2, 3 and 4
The wings angle of incidence is = 20
The matrix coefficients are given by the following equation

4b 2m 1
C (k, m) = + .sin ( ( 2m 1) ( k ) )
a.c ( k ) sin ( k )

13.333 2m 1
C (k, m) = + .sin ( ( 2m 1) ( k ) )
c ( k ) sin ( k )

D ( k ) = 0 + ( k ) = 2 0 ( 2 0 ) + ( k ) = 4 0 + ( k )
Taking advantage of the symmetry of the wing loading distribution we have M = 2 and
we can use m =1 and 2 (port wing only) or m =3 and 4 (starboard wing only). If port
wing control points only are chosen, then we have

13.333 1 13.333 1
C (1,1) = + .sin ( (1) ) = + x0.7071 = 5.2069
c (1) sin ( (1) ) 2.2411 0.7071

13.333 1 13.333 1
C ( 2,1) = + .sin ( ( 2 ) ) = + x0.9239 = 5.6544
c ( 2 ) sin ( ( 2 ) ) 2.6466 0.9239

13.333 3 13.333 3
C (1, 2 ) = + .sin ( 3 x (1) ) = + x0.7071 = 7.2069
c (1) sin ( (1) ) 2.2411 0.7071

13.333 3 13.333 3
C ( 2, 2 ) = + .sin ( 3x ( 2 ) ) = + x 0.3827 = 3.1706
c ( 2 ) sin ( ( 2 ) ) 2.6466 0.9239

D (1) = 4 + (1) = 2.280 = 0.039794 rad

D ( 2 ) = 4 + ( 2 ) = 3.210 = 0.056025rad

The system of equations is as follows

C (1,1) . A (1) + C (1, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D (1)

C ( 2,1) . A (1) + C ( 2, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D ( 2 )

This can be solved using Gaussian Elimination method ( see Appendix) as follows

1.The following procedure should be carried out for each value of k, starting from k=1,
then k=2,3,up to k=M-1 after each loop is completed

1.1 Normalized the k th row .

For each value of m, starting from m=k+1 to M, i.e. for m=k+1,k+2,..,M
C (k, m)
C ( k, m) =
C (k, k )

D(k )
D ( k ) =
C (k, k )
The result is
A (1) + C (1, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D (1)
C ( 2,1) . A (1) + C ( 2, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D ( 2 )
C (1, 2 ) D (1)
where C (1, 2 ) = and D (1) =
C (1,1) C (1,1)

1.2 Eliminate all elements in the k th column of all rows under the k th row
For each value of j, starting with j=k+1 then j=k+2 etc up to j=M
C ( j , m ) = C ( j , m ) C ( j , k ) .C ( k , m )
D ( j ) = D ( j ) C ( j , k ) .D ( k )
The result is
A (1) + C (1, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D (1)
C ( 2, 2 ) . A ( 2 ) = D ( 2 )
where C ( 2, 2 ) = C ( 2, 2 ) C ( 2,1) .C (1, 2 ) and D ( 2 ) = D ( 2 ) C ( 2,1) .D (1)

Even though in the above example the matrix is only 2X2 or M=2, the procedure is quite
general and can be applied for any value of M.
The procedure described above is the elimination part of the Gauss method. Note that the
end result is a triangular matrix with all diagonal elements having the value of unity,
and all elements below the diagonal are zeros.
Now we shall describe the back substitution part of the method.
After the last elimination process has been done, we will have the last equation to be of
the form
C * ( M , M ) . A ( M ) = D* ( M )
This can immediately be solved for A(M) as follows
A ( M ) = D* ( M ) / C * ( M , M )
Knowing the value of A(M), we can now use the equation directly above the M th
equation, which has the following general form
A ( M 1) + C ( M , M ) . A ( M ) = D ( M 1)
The above equation can be solved immediately for A(M-1) as follows
A ( M 1) = D* ( M 1) C * ( M 1, M ) . A ( M )
This process can be continued until all A(m) for m=M, M-1, M-2,,1 have been
computed. For A(M-2) the equation is as follows
A ( M 2 ) = D* ( M 2 ) C * ( M 2, M ) . A ( M ) C * ( M 2, M 1) . A ( M 1)
The generalized formula for back substitution is as follows

First calculate A ( M ) :
A ( M ) = D* ( M ) / C * ( M , M ) and then
For k = 1,2,,M-1
k 1
A ( M k ) = D* ( M k ) C* ( M k , M j ).A ( M j )
j =0

For the example given we have the following calculated data

C(1,1) = 5.2069 C(1,2) = 7.2069 D(1) = 0.039794

C(2,1) = 5.6544 C(2,2) = -3.1706 D(2) = 0.056025

The matrix can be written as

5.2069 7.2069 A (1) 0.039794

. =
5.6544 3.1706 A ( 2 ) 0.056025

Elimination process gives the following result

1 1.3841 A (1) 0.007643
. =
5.6544 3.1706 A ( 2 ) 0.056025

1 1.3841 A (1) 0.007643
. =
0 10.9969 A ( 2 ) 0.012808

Then A ( 2 ) = = 0.001165 and
Back substitution

A (1) = 0.007643 1.3841x ( 0.001165) = 0.009255

Therefore, the wing load distribution is given by the following

c.Cl = = 4b ( A (1) sin + A ( 2 ) sin 3 )
Thus c.Cl = = 4b ( 0.00925sin 0.001165sin 3 )
The total wing lift coefficient is

CL = . AR. A (1) = 8 x0.00925 = 0.2325

The Oswald efficiency planform factor is

1 1
e= 2
= = 0.9546
0.001165 1.04754
1 + 3x
The induced drag coefficient is

CDi = = 0.04168CL2 = 0.002253
. AR.e

Let us now investigate the effect of the number of control points on accuracy of the result
Let a third point be chosen on the port wing such that ( 3) = 22.50 . The value of y(3) is
then y ( 3) = cos ( 3) = 9.2388 .
The chord length at the third station is c ( 3) = 3.125 0125 x9.2388 = 1.970
The twist angle is ( 3) = sin 1 0.009486 x = 2.550
Therefore D ( 3) = 4 2.55 = 1.45 = 0.025307 rad
0 0 0

The additional matrix coefficients required are given by the following equation

13.333 2m 1
C (k, m) = + .sin ( ( 2m 1) ( k ) )
c ( k ) sin ( k )

13.333 5
C (1,3) = + x ( 0.7071) = 9.2069
2.2411 0.7071
13.333 5
C ( 2,3) = + x ( 0.3827 ) = 3.9992
2.6466 0.92388
13.333 1
C ( 3,1) = + x038268 = 3.5898
1.9702 0.38268
13.333 3
C ( 3, 2 ) = + x0.92388 = 13.4950
1.9702 0.38268
13.333 5
C ( 3, 3) = + x0.92388 = 18.3234
1.9702 0.38268

The system of equations for the 3 control points case is as follows

5.2068 7.2069 9.2069 A (1) 0.039794

5.6544 3.1706 3.9992 . A ( 2 ) = 0.056025
3.5898 13.4950 18.3234 A ( 3) 0.025307

The elimination process gives the following results

1 1.3841 1.7682 A (1) 0.0076427

0 10.9969 5.99897 . A ( 2 ) = 0.012808
0 8.5264 24.67092 A ( 3) 0.00213

1 1.3841 1.76821 A (1) 0.0076427

0 1 0.54551 . A ( 2 ) = 0.001165
0 0 29.3221 A ( 3) 0.007803
(details of how the calculations are carried out is given in the appendix)

Now the back substitution part

A ( 3) = = 0.0002661
A ( 2 ) = 0.001165 ( 0.54551) x0.0002661 = 0.00102
A (1) = 0.007643 ( 1.76821) x0.0002661 1.3841x ( 0.000102 ) = 0.009525

Wings lift coefficient CL = . AR. A (1) = 8 x0.009525 = 0.2394

Oswald efficiency factor

1 1
e= = = 0.9631
1 + 0.034403 + 0.039024
1 + 3x + 5x
0.009525 0.009525

Induced drag coefficient: CDi = = 0.04133CL2 = 0.002368
. AR.e

It can be observed that the values of lift coefficient and Oswald efficiency factor
computed using Fourier series with 2 terms, differ from those obtained using Fourier
series with 3 terms, by approximately 3 percentage points. However, the error of the
induced drag is aproximately 5 percentage points. Obviously, if greater accuracy is
required, then we have to use a Fourier series with more terms. From the results obtained
in this example, it appears that the Fourier series approximation is only accurate to, let us
say I percent, if the number of the Fourier coefficients is greater than 3.

Solution of a system of simulltaneous linear equations using Gaussian Elimination

The system of equations to be solved is as follows

5.2068 A(1) + 7.2069 A(2) 9.2069 A(3) = 0.039794

5.6544 A(1) 3.1706 A(2) 3.9992 A(3) = 0.056025
3.5898 A(1) + 13.495 A(2) + 18.323 A(3) = 0.025307

The above system of equations can be written in matrix form as follows

5.2068 7.2069 - 9.2069 0.039794

5.6544 - 3.1706 - 3.9992 0.056025
3.5898 13.495 18.323 0.025307

Normalization of first row

C(1,2) = 7.2069/5.2068 = 1.38413

C(1,2) = -9.2069 /5.2068 = -1.76821
D(1) = 7.2069/5.2068 = 0.0076427

The resulting matrix is

1 1.3841 - 1.7682 0.0076427

5.6544 - 3.1706 - 3.9992 0.056025
3.5898 13.495 18.323 0.025307

Elimination for second and third rows

C(2,2) = - 3.1706 5.6544 x1.38413 = -10.9970

C(2,3) = - 3.9992 5.6544 x (-1.7682) = 5.99897
D(2) = 0.056025 5.6544 x 0.0076427 = 0.01281

C(3,2) = 13.495 3.5898 x 1.38413 = 8.52625

C(3,3) = 18.3234 3.5898 x (-1.76821) = 24.67092
D(3) = 0.0253073.5898 x 0.0076427 = -0.0021288

The resulting matrix is

1 1.38413 - 1.7682 0.0076427

0 -10.9970 5.99897 0.01281
0 8.52625 24.67092 -0.0021288

Normalization for second row

C(2,3) = 5.99897/(-10.9970) = -0.54551

D(2) = 0.01281/(-10.9970) = -0.001165

The resulting matrix is

1 1.3841 - 1.76821 0.0076427

0 1 -0.54551 -0.001165
0 8.52625 24.67092 -0.0021288

Elimination for third row

C(3,3) = 24.67092 - 8.52625 x (-0.54551) = 29.3221

D(3) = -0.0021288 - 8.52625 x (-0.001165) = 0.007804

The resulting matrix is

1 1.3841 - 1.76821 0.0076427

0 1 -0.54551 -0.001165
0 0 29.3221 0.007804

The above matrix represents the following system of equations

A(1) + 1.3841A(2) - 1.76821A(3) = 0.0076427

A(2) -0.54551A(3) = -0.001165
29.3221A(3) = 0.007804

Now the values of the unknowns A(1), A(2) and A(3) can be calculated as follows

Back substitution

A(3) = 0.007804 / 29.3221 = 0.0002661

A(2) = -0.001165- (-0.54551) x 0.0002661 = -0.00102

A(1) = 0.0076427 (-1.76821) x 0.0002661 - 1.38413 x (-0.00102) = 0.009525

Please report any error(s) to the author at

Last updated 27 May 2004


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