Genie GS-1932 PDF
Genie GS-1932 PDF
Genie GS-1932 PDF
Third Printing
Read, understand and obey these safety rules and
operating instructions before operating this machine.
Only trained and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to operate this machine. This manual should
be considered a permanent part of your machine and
should remain with the machine at all times. If you have
any questions, call Genie Industries.
Safety Rules .............................................................. 1
Legend ....................................................................... 9
Controls ................................................................... 10
Pre-operation Inspection .......................................... 12
Maintenance ............................................................ 14
Function Tests ......................................................... 16
Workplace Inspection ............................................... 21
Operating Instructions .............................................. 22
Transport and Lifting Instructions ............................. 27
Decals ..................................................................... 30
Specifications .......................................................... 34
Printed in U.S.A.
Safety Rules
Failure to obey the instructions and
safety rules in this manual will
result in death or serious injury.
Tip-over Hazards
Occupants, equipment and materials must not
exceed the maximum platform capacity or the
Maintain safe distances from electrical power lines maximum capacity of the platform extension.
and apparatus in accordance with applicable
governmental regulations and the following chart. Maximum capacity - GS-1530 and GS-1532
Maximum capacity - GS-1930 and GS-1932 Do not alter or disable the limit switches.
Platform retracted 500 lbs 227 kg Do not drive over 0.5 mph / 0.7 km/h with the
platform raised.
Platform extended - Platform only 250 lbs 113 kg
Platform extended - Extension only 250 lbs 113 kg Do not raise the platform when wind speeds may
exceed 28 mph / 12.5 m/s. If wind speeds exceed
Maximum occupants - GS-1930 - ANSI and CSA 2
28 mph / 12.5 m/s when the platform is raised,
Maximum occupants - GS-1932 - Australia lower the platform and do not continue to operate
Outdoor use 1 the machine.
Indoor use only 2
Do not operate the machine in strong or gusty
Maximum occupants - GS-1930 - Australia winds. Do not increase the surface area of the
Indoor use only 2 platform or the load. Increasing the area exposed to
the wind will decrease machine stability.
Do not drive the machine on a slope that exceeds Do not push off or pull
the slope and side slope rating of the machine. toward any object
Slope rating applies to machines in the stowed outside of the platform.
GS-1530 and GS-1930
GS-1530 and GS-1532 Maximum allowable
side force - ANSI &
Maximum slope rating, stowed CSA
ANSI / CSA / AUS 30% (17) 2 person
100 lbs / 445 N
Maximum side slope rating, stowed
ANSI / CSA / AUS 30% (17) GS-1532 and GS-1932
Maximum allowable manual force - Australia
GS-1930 and GS-1932
2 person 90 lbs / 400 N
Maximum slope rating, stowed 1 person 45 lbs / 200 N
ANSI / CSA 30% (17)
GS-1530 and GS-1930
AUS 25% (14)
Maximum allowable manual force - Australia
Maximum side slope rating, stowed 2 person 90 lbs / 400 N
ANSI / CSA 30% (17) Indoor use only
AUS 25% (14)
Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions Do not place or attach fixed or overhanging loads to
and adequate traction. any part of this machine.
Do not use the platform controls to free a platform Do not transport tools and materials unless they are
that is caught, snagged or otherwise prevented evenly distributed and can be safely handled by
from normal motion by an adjacent structure. All person(s) in the platform.
personnel must be removed from the platform
before attempting to free the platform using the
ground controls.
Do not alter or disable machine components that in
any way affect safety and stability.
Be sure all tires are in good condition, castle nuts Do not sit, stand or climb on the platform guard
are properly tightened and cotter pins are properly rails. Maintain a firm footing on the platform floor at
installed. all times.
Do not use batteries that weigh less than the
original equipment. Batteries are used as
counterweight and are critical to machine stability.
Each battery must weigh 65 pounds / 29.5 kg.
Check the work area for overhead obstructions or Do not operate a machine in the path of any crane
other possible hazards. or moving overhead machinery unless the controls
of the crane have been locked out and/or
precautions have been taken to prevent any
potential collision.
Crushing Hazards
Keep hands and limbs out of scissors.
Platform Controls
1 Red Emergency Stop button 5 Proportional control handle and function enable
2 LED diagnostic readout / Battery charge switch for lift and drive functions
indicator 6 Thumb rocker switch for steer functions
3 Lift function select button 7 Drive speed button
4 Horn button 8 Drive function select button
Pre-operation Inspection
It is the responsibility of the operator to perform a
pre-operation inspection and routine maintenance.
Pre-operation Inspection
Be sure that the operator's, safety and Pothole guards
responsibilities manuals are complete, legible
and in the storage container located on the
Platform extension
platform. Scissor pins and retaining fasteners
Be sure that all decals are legible and in place. Platform control joystick
See Decals section.
Check entire machine for:
Check for hydraulic oil leaks and proper oil level.
Cracks in welds or structural components
Add oil if needed. See Maintenance section.
Check for battery fluid leaks and proper fluid Dents or damage to machine
level. Add distilled water if needed. See Excessive rust, corrosion or oxidation
Maintenance section.
Be sure that all structural and other critical
Check the following components or areas for components are present and all associated
damage, improperly installed or missing parts and fasteners and pins are in place and properly
unauthorized modifications: tightened.
Electrical components, wiring and electrical Be sure side rails are installed and bolts are
cables fastened
Hydraulic power unit, tank, hoses, Be sure that the chassis trays are closed and
fittings, cylinders and manifolds latched and the batteries are properly
Battery pack and connections
Drive motors Note: If the platform must be raised to inspect the
machine, make sure the safety arm is in place. See
Wear pads Operating Instructions section.
Tires and wheels
Ground strap
Limit switches, alarms and horn
Nuts, bolts and other fasteners
Platform entry chain or gate
Beacon and alarms (if equipped)
Brake release components
Safety arm
Function Tests
The function tests are designed to discover any
malfunctions before the machine is put into service.
The operator must follow the step-by-step
instructions to test all machine functions.
1 Select a test area that is firm, level and free of Test the Up/Down Functions
The audible warnings on this machine and the
2 Be sure the battery pack is connected. standard horn all come from the same central
alarm. The horn is a constant tone. The descent
At the Ground Controls alarm sounds at 60 beeps per minute. The alarm
3 Pull out the platform and ground red Emergency that goes off when the pothole guards have not
Stop buttons to the on position. deployed sounds at 300 beeps per minute. The
alarm that goes off when the machine is not level
4 Turn the key switch to ground control. sounds at 600 beeps per minute. An optional
5 Observe the diagnostic LED readout on the automotive-style horn is also available.
platform controls. 8 Activate the up function.
Result: The LED should look Result: The platform should raise.
like the picture at right.
9 Activate the down function.
Test Emergency Stop
Result: The platform should lower. The descent
6 Push in the ground red Emergency Stop button alarm should sound while the platform is
to the off position. lowering.
Result: No functions should operate. Test the Auxiliary Lowering
7 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to 10 Activate the up function and raise the platform
the on position. approximately 2 feet / 60 cm.
11 Pull the auxiliary lowering knob located behind
the entry ladder.
Result: The platform should lower. The descent
alarm will not sound.
12 Turn the key switch to platform control.
Result: The machine should move in the 33 Move the drive control handle in the direction
direction that the yellow arrow points on the indicated by the blue arrow, then move the drive
control panel, then come to an abrupt stop. control handle in the direction indicated by the
yellow arrow.
Note: The brakes must be able to hold the machine
on any slope it is able to climb. Result: The drive function should not work in
either direction.
34 Lower the platform and remove both pieces of
Workplace Inspection
The workplace inspection helps the operator
determine if the workplace is suitable for safe
machine operation. It should be performed by the
operator prior to moving the machine to the
Do Not Operate Unless: It is the operator's responsibility to read and
remember the workplace hazards, then watch for
You learn and practice the principles of safe and avoid them while moving, setting up and
machine operation contained in this operator's operating the machine.
1 Avoid hazardous situations. Workplace Inspection
2 Always perform a pre-operation Be aware of and avoid the following hazardous
inspection. situations:
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. drop-offs or holes
4 Inspect the workplace. bumps, floor obstructions or debris
Know and understand the workplace sloped surfaces
inspection before going on to the next
section. unstable or slippery surfaces
5 Only use the machine as it was intended. overhead obstructions and high voltage
hazardous locations
inadequate surface support to withstand all load
forces imposed by the machine
wind and weather conditions
the presence of unauthorized personnel
other possible unsafe conditions
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions section provides
instructions for each aspect of machine operation.
It is the operator's responsibility to follow all the
safety rules and instructions in the operator's,
safety and responsibilities manuals.
Do Not Operate Unless: Using the machine for anything other than lifting
personnel, along with their tools and materials, to
You learn and practice the principles of safe
an aerial work site is unsafe and dangerous.
machine operation contained in this operator's
manual. Only trained and authorized personnel should be
1 Avoid hazardous situations. permitted to operate a machine. If more than one
operator is expected to use a machine at different
2 Always perform a pre-operation times in the same work shift, they must all be
inspection. qualified operators and are all expected to follow all
3 Always perform function tests prior to use. safety rules and instructions in the operator's,
safety and responsibilities manuals. That means
4 Inspect the workplace. every new operator should perform a pre-operation
inspection, function tests, and a workplace
5 Only use the machine as it was intended.
inspection before using the machine.
Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the off 1 Press the lift function select
position at the ground controls or the platform button.
controls to stop all functions.
2 Press and hold the function
Repair any function that operates when either enable switch on the control handle.
Emergency Stop button is pushed in. 3 Move the control handle according to the
Auxiliary Lowering markings on the control panel.
To Steer
1 Pull the auxiliary lowering knob.
1 Press the drive function select
Operation From Ground button.
1 Turn the key switch to ground control. 2 Press and hold the function
2 Pull out both ground and platform red enable switch on the control handle.
Emergency Stop buttons to the on position. 3 Turn the steer wheels with the thumb rocker
3 Be sure the battery pack is connected before switch located on the top of the control handle.
operating the machine. To Drive
To Position Platform 1 Press the drive function select button.
1 Move the up/down toggle switch according to 2 Press and hold the function enable switch on the
the markings on the control panel. control handle.
Drive and steer functions are not available from the 3 Increase speed: Slowly move the control handle
ground controls. off center.
Operation From Platform Decrease speed: Slowly move the control
handle toward center.
1 Turn the key switch to platform control.
Stop: Return the control handle to center or
2 Pull out the ground and platform red Emergency release the function enable switch.
Stop buttons to the on position.
Use the color-coded direction arrows on the
3 Be sure the battery pack is connected before platform controls and on the platform to identify the
operating the machine. direction the machine will travel.
Determine the slope and side slope ratings for the At the downhill end, lay the level on the top edge of
machine and determine the slope grade. the piece of wood and lift the end until the piece of
wood is level.
GS-1530 and GS-1532
While holding the piece of wood level, measure the
Maximum slope rating, stowed distance from the bottom of the piece of wood to
ANSI / CSA / AUS 30% (17) the ground.
Maximum side slope rating, stowed Divide the tape measure distance (rise) by the
ANSI / CSA / AUS 30% (17) length of the piece of wood (run) and multiply by
GS-1930 and GS-1932
Maximum slope rating, stowed run
ANSI / CSA 30% (17)
AUS 25% (14)
Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions Run = 12 ft (144 in) / 3.6 m
and adequate traction.
Rise = 12 in/ 0.3 m
Press the drive speed button to the fast drive
12 in 144 in = 0.083 x 100 = 8.3%
speed mode.
0.3 m 3.6 m = 0.083 x 100 = 8.3%
Be aware of the direction the machine will travel 4 Chock the wheels.
when using the controller. 5 Charge the batteries.
Standard Batteries
3 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
battery acid level. If necessary, add only
enough distilled water to cover the plates. Do
not overfill prior to the charge cycle.
4 Replace the battery vent caps.
Battery and Charger Instructions 5 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
Observe and Obey: 6 The charger will indicate when the battery is fully
Do not use an external charger or booster charged.
battery. 7 Check the battery acid level when the charging
Charge the battery in a well-ventilated area. cycle is complete. Replenish with distilled water
to the bottom of the fill tube. Do not overfill.
Use proper AC input voltage for charging as
indicated on the charger.
Use only a Genie authorized battery and
Dry Battery Filling and
charger. Charging Instructions
1 Remove the battery vent caps and permanently
remove the plastic seal from the battery vent
To Charge Battery openings.
1 Be sure the batteries are connected before 2 Fill each cell with battery acid (electrolyte) until
charging the batteries. the level is sufficient to cover the plates.
2 Open the battery compartment. The Do not fill to maximum level until the battery charge
compartment should remain open for the entire cycle is complete. Overfilling can cause the battery
charging cycle. acid to overflow during charging. Neutralize battery
acid spills with baking soda and water.
Maintenance - free batteries
3 Install the battery vent caps.
3 Connect the battery charger to a grounded AC
circuit. 4 Charge the battery.
4 The charger will indicate when the battery is fully 5 Check the battery acid level when the charging
charged. cycle is complete. Replenish with distilled water
to the bottom of the fill tube. Do not overfill.
Brake Release
1 Chock the wheels to prevent the machine from
2 Be sure the winch line is properly secured to
Observe and Obey: the drive chassis tie points and the path is
clear of all obstructions.
Common sense and planning must be applied to
control the movement of the machine when 3 Push in the black brake release knob to open
lifting it with a crane or forklift. the brake valve.
The transport vehicle must be parked on a level 4 Pump the red brake release pump knob.
surface. After the machine is loaded:
The transport vehicle must be secured to 1 Chock the wheels to prevent the machine from
prevent rolling while the machine is being rolling.
2 Press the drive function select button.
Be sure the vehicle capacity, loading surfaces Press and hold the function enable switch
and chains or straps are sufficient to withstand on the control handle. Move the control handle
the machine weight. See the serial plate for the off center to reset the brakes.
machine weight.
Towing the Genie GS-1530, the GS-1930, the
The machine must be on a level surface or GS-1532 and the GS-1932 is not recommended. If
secured before releasing the brakes. the machine must be towed, do not exceed
Do not drive the machine on a slope that 2 mph / 3.2 km/h.
exceeds the slope or side slope rating. See
Driving on a Slope in the Operating Instructions
If the slope of the transport vehicle bed exceeds
the maximum slope rating, the machine must be
loaded and unloaded using a winch as
Lifting Instructions
Fully lower the platform. Be sure the extension
deck, controls and component trays are secure.
Remove all loose items on the machine.
Y Axis
X Axis
46262 Danger - Battery/Charger Safety 1 97712 Danger/Notice - Brake Release Safety &
Operating Instructions 1
52475 Label - Transport Tie-down 5
97772 Platform Control Panel 1
65052 Label - ECM Fault Codes 1
1000041 Notice - Operating Instructions, Platform 1
62053 Cosmetic - Genie GS-1530 2
1000042 Danger - General Safety Rules 1
62054 Cosmetic - Genie GS-1930 2
72143 Label - Emergency Stop 1 *Please reference the chart on page 2 to determine the
72853 Danger - Improper Use Hazard 1 capacity of your machine.
Controls Battery
Side Side
Ground Battery
Controls Side
Controls Proportional
Note: Floor loading information is approximate and
Platform dimensions, 64.4 x 29.3 in 1.6 m x 74 cm does not incorporate different option configurations.
(length x width) It should be used only with adequate safety factors.
Platform extension length 35.6 in 90.4 cm
Maximum load capacity 500 lbs 227 kg Stowed, maximum 2.5 mph 4.0 km/h
Maximum wind speed 28 mph 12.5 m/s Platform 0.5 mph 0.8 km/h
raised, maximum 40 ft/55 sec 12.5 m/55 sec
Wheelbase 52 in 1.32 m
Floor loading information
Turning radius (outside) 61 in 1.55 m
Tire load, maximum
Turning radius (inside) 0 in 0 cm ANSI/CSA 1302 lbs 591 kg
AUS 1323 lbs 600 kg
Ground clearance 2.4 in 6.1 cm
Tire contact pressure
Ground clearance 0.8 in 1.9 cm ANSI/CSA 145 psi 10.18 kg/cm2
Pothole guards deployed 998 kPa
AUS 147 psi 10.35 kg/cm2
Weight See Serial Label
1014 kPa
(Machine weights vary with option configurations)
Occupied floor pressure
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH
ANSI/CSA 240 psf 1172 kg/m2
System voltage 24V 11.50 kPa
AUS 285 psf 1391 kg/m2
Controls Proportional 13.65 kPa
Ground clearance 0.8 in 1.9 cm Tire load, maximum 1206 lbs 547 kg
Pothole guards deployed
Tire contact pressure 134 psi 9.43 kg/cm2
Weight See Serial Label 924 kPA
(Machine weights vary with option configurations)
Occupied floor pressure 234 psf 1142 kg/m2
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH 11.20 kPA
Ground clearance 0.8 in 1.9 cm Tire load, maximum 1323 lbs 600 kg
Pothole guards deployed
Tire contact pressure 147 psi 10.35 kg/cm2
Weight See Serial Label 1014 kPa
(Machine weights vary with option configurations)
Occupied floor pressure 269 psf 1313 kg/m2
Power source 4 Batteries, 6V 225AH 12.88 kPa