Miscellaneous Examples: File Description
Miscellaneous Examples: File Description
Miscellaneous Examples: File Description
This directory includes a number of small examples that explain how to initialize operations that
record data as a function of time and other special cases. The following table provides a brief
description of the various example files included in this directory.
File Description
BKinF8_0 It explains how to initialize batch kinetic fermentation operations and
keep track of concentration profiles of reactants and products.
BKinR8_0 This example clarifies points related to the initialization of the following
operations: batch kinetic reaction, batch extraction, vaporization,
crystallization, filtration, and drying.
EqlR8_0 This example explains how to use an equilibrium reaction for calculating
the extent of crystallization or precipitation.
BtchD8_0 It explains how to initialize the batch distillation operation and keep
track of concentration profiles in the pot and the receiver tanks.
PulOp8_0 It explains how to use Pull In and Pull Out operations.
MxPrp8_0 It explains how to use the Mixture Preparation (Mixture-Prep)
FedBR8_0 It explains how to initialize the Fed-Batch option in a Kinetic Reaction
Reactants Products
Component Stoich. Coeff. Component Stoich. Coeff.
Media 100.00 Biomass 28.00
Oxygen 70.00 Carb. Dioxide 70.00
- - Impurity 10.00
- - MAB 2.00
- - Water 60.00
Information about the recorded variables is specified through the Profiles tab of the batch kinetic
fermentation operation (shown below). In this case, we decided to record the values of Biomass,
MAB (the product), and Media (the main reactant). The user also has the option to specify the
number of point sets and the unit of the variables.
To generate the data, you write click on the fermentation procedure and select Dynamic Data
Records \ FERMENT-1 \ Save in Excel Formatted File. This generates a tab-delimited file
that can be opened with Excel (and other spreadsheets) for plotting. The data file (data is its
default name) will be saved, by default, in the same directory where your SuperPro file resides.
The table below shows how the data look in Excel.
Time Biomass MA Media
(h) (g/L) B (g/L) (g/L)
0 0.6329 0 47.4692
1.2 0.804 0.0122 46.8295
2.4 1.0212 0.0278 46.0175
3.6 1.2967 0.0475 44.9871
4.8 1.6462 0.0725 43.6803
6 2.0892 0.1042 42.0236
7.2 2.6504 0.1444 39.9252
8.4 3.3606 0.1953 37.2695
9.6 4.2583 0.2595 33.9129
10.8 5.3909 0.3406 29.6776
12 6.8174 0.4427 24.3436
13.2 8.6096 0.571 17.642
14.4 10.8527 0.7315 9.2545
15.6 13.3276 0.9087 0
16.8 13.3276 0.9087 0
18 13.3276 0.9087 0
19.2 13.3276 0.9087 0
20.4 13.3276 0.9087 0
21.6 13.3276 0.9087 0
22.8 13.3276 0.9087 0
24 13.3276 0.9087 0
The data can be easily plotted using Excel. The actual graph is provided on the SuperPro
Yb = A + B(Yc) + C(Yc)2
A, B, C are the parameters displayed on the Crystal.Data tab for the various components that
crystallize. Please note that there is no need to specify values for A, B, and C for the main product
(C in this case) that crystallizes. The crystallization yield on the main product is specified explicitly
using the Crystallization Yield variable.
Please note that procedure P-3 utilizes the same equipment (vessel V-101) as procedure P-1. This
can be visualized using the Equipment Utilization chart, a copy of which is displayed on the
flowsheet. Please read the notes underneath the chart for further explanations.
Filtration, Cake Wash and Drying (Procedure P-4 in NFD-101)
In P-4, the slurry is first filtered (using a Nutsche filter/dryer), the cake is washed with acetone,
and dried (using N2 as inert gas).
Please note that the Batch Distillation operation (DISTILL) is also available in the context of
Vessel Procedures.
IMPORTANT NOTICE If you simply wish to remove a solvent (or solvents) to concentrate a
mixture, we recommend that you use the Vaporize / Concentrate operation which is simpler to
initialize and does not perform iterative calculations. The Distill operation should be reserved for
cases where you wish to fractionate a mixture of solvents.