Tra Mxwkietion in 8 Cylinders

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Int. J, Hear Mass Tronsfir Vol. 38. No. I I, pp.

2001-2010, 1995
Pergafnon Copyright 0 1995 Elrevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britato. All rights reserved
0017-9310~95 $9 so+o.M)

Tra mxwkietion in 8
Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran
31261, Saudi Arabia

(Received 13 October 1993 and infinalform 27 September 1994)

Abstract-Transient heat conduction with uniform rate of intemai heat generation has been numericafly
investigated in infinitely long eccentrically hollow cylinders. Two comb&&ions of boundary conditions of
the first and second kinds &~e~beau considered. The first of these combinations corresponds to the case of
one surface being heated isothermally while the opposite surface is maintained at ambient temperature.
The second combination of boundary conditions is with one surface maintained isothermal while the
opposite surface is adiabatic. Results are presented for a radius ratio 0.5 nith dimensionless eccentricities
ranging from 0. fi to 0.8 and various values of internal heat generation.

lNTRODUCllON transfer problems of significant interest. However,

with some usual assumptions [4] the energy equation
Heat generated in underground electric cable systems
becomes linear and homogeneous and consequently
due to conductor losses and magnetic effects can be
the superposition technique can be utilized provided
transferred to the earth. However, the rate of heat
that the boundary conditions are also linear. With
dissipation from a cable and hence its insulation tem-
the application of such a mathematical technique, a
perature limit the electrical transmission capacity of
solution (temperature field) satisfying arbitrary
underground cable system (Abdulhadi and Chato [l]).
boundary conditions could be determined by simply
To increase the current carrying capacity, cooling
techniques by an annular gap of gas or oil may be adding multiples of solutions (temperature fields)
proposed. Thermal expansion of the cable inside the satisfying certain simple boundary conditions. For
fluid gap changes the radial position of the inner cable example, on each of the two boundary surfaces, one
relative to its outer housing wall and therefore eccen- of the following three linear boundary conditions is
tric annular configurations can exist. The horizontal usually employed. The temperature may be constant,
annular configuration can also be found in the field or the temperature gradient (normal to the boundary)
of solar energy utilization. In the so-called parabolic- may be constant (i.e. constant heat flux when the
cylindrical solar collector, a circular receiver tube, thermal conductivity k is constant), or there may be
with a suitable selective coating, is enclosed by a con- heat exchange by convection with an environment at a
centric glass envelope and situated along the focal line constant ambient temperature according to Newtons
of a parabolic trough reflector. Eccentricity between law of cooling (i.e. heat transfer is linearly pro-
the receiver tube and its glass envelope would indeed portional to the difference between the temperature of
affect the resistance to heat transfer in this system. the boundary and that of the environment). These
On the other hand, heat transfer in vertical annular simple-linear boundary conditions are usually referred
channels can occur in many engineering applications to as the boundary condition of the first kind, the
(El-Shaarawi and Sarhan [2] and El-Shaarawi and Al- second kind and the third kind, respeotively [4]. Thus,
Nimr (31). In practical situations the manufacturing for an annulus, there are nine heat conduction prob-
tolerances and operating conditions can introduce lems corresponding to the possible nine combinations
eccentriuities in nominally concentric annuli. of the aforesaid thermal conditions on the two surface
Prior to the onset of free convection in an annular boundaries. Ozisik [4] presented exact solutions for
channel the conduction mode is the prevailing heat these nine heat conduction problems in concentric
transfer mode, particulariy when the temperature is hollow cylinders when the boundary conditions of
low and radiation is negligible. Heat coaduction and the first, second, and third kind are homogeneous.
heat storage capacity in eccentric configurations may However, since the two cylindrical boundaries of an
also be important in cases of eccentrically drilled tubes annulus have unequal areas these nine combinations
or hollow shafts or eccentric insulations. of the three simple-linear boundary conditions can
Since an annulus has two boundary surfaces on indeed give 18 diRerent physical situations when the
which thermal conditions may be independently asymmetric thermal conditions are interchanged on
imposed, there is a large number of conduction heat the inner and outer boundaries in each case.

A constant of integration in equations 5 inner radius of the annular solid

(12) and (14), given in Table 1 rO outer radius of the annular solid
a constant in bipolar transformation T temperature
equations (location of the positive TO ambient or initial temperature
pole of the bipolar coordinate system), TW isothermal temperature of heat-
equal r,sinh vi or r,sinh qO transfer boundary
B constant of integration in equations t dimensionless time, m/D2
(12) and (14), given in Table 1 x first Cartesian coordinate
c constant of integration in equations Y second Cartesian coordinate
(12) and (14), given in Table 1 Z axial coordinate (third Cartesian
c specific heat of the solid material coordinate).
C* constant equal to H2(cosh q - cos Q2
Q = Wnht1,)/(2{1 -WN2 Q
D equivalent diameter of annulus, Greek symbols
2 (r, - ri) cl thermal diffusivity of solid, k/p
D* constant of integration in equations 8 dimensionless temperature,
(12) and (14), given in Table 1 (T- T,)/(Tw- To)
E dimensionless eccentricity or 6, complementary solution of the steady-
dimensionless center-to-center distance, state energy equation
e/(r,--r,) % particular solution of the steady-state
e eccentricity (distance between the two energy equation
centers of the circular boundaries of the 0, general solution of the steady-state
solid), a(cothr],-cothqi) energy equation
H dimensionless transformation factor, ? first bipolar coordinate
h/D = sinh 17,/[2(1 - N)(cosh v - cos <)] 5 second bipolar coordinate
h coordinate transformation scale V third bipolar coordinate
factor, a/(cosh q -cos 5) P density of solid
k thermal conductivity of the solid r time.
m number of steps of the numerical mesh
network in the c-direction
N annulus radius ratio, Subscripts
ri/ro = sinh @inh vi C complementary part of steady-state
n number of steps of the numerical mesh solution
network in the qdirection or infinite- i on the inner surface
series summation parameter in steady- 0 on the outer surface or initial
state solution (ambient) value
Q dimensionless rate of internal heat P particular integral part of steady-state
generation q D/k(T, - To) solution
4 rate of internal heat generation per S steady-state conditions
unit volume of solid W on the heat-transfer boundary.

The above discussion concerning superposition of wall is kept isothermal at the inlet fluid temperature.
solutions corresponding to simple boundary con- The second fundamental boundary conditions are
ditions is also applicable to fully developed forced or when one wall is maintained at uniform heat flux
natural convection in annular passages. However, the (constant temperature gradient) and the opposite wall
boundary condition of the third kind is meaningless is adiabatic. The fundamental boundary conditions of
in such convection problems. Therefore, Reynolds et the third kind are obtained by keeping one of the walls
al. [5] completely solved the problem of heat transfer isothermal and the opposite wall adiabatic, The fourth
to fully developed laminar flow in concentric annuli by fundamental boundary conditions correspond to one
defining only four fundamental boundary conditions. wall maintained at uniform heat flux while the
These fundamental boundary conditions are com- opposite wall is kept isothermal at the inlet fluid tem-
binations of the aforesaid boundary conditions of the perature. Exact fundamental solutions corresponding
first and second kind when applied on each of the two to these four fundamental boundary conditions have
boundaries of an annulus. The fundamental boundary been obtained iaeonoentric annnli for f&y developed
conditions of the first type correspond to a prescribed forced convection by Lundberg et al. [6] and for fully
isothermal temperature at one wall while the opposite developed natural convection by El-Shaarawi and Al-
Transient conduction in eccentrically hollow cylinders 2003

Nimr [3]. Trombetta [7] obtained approximate solu- of fundamental boundary conditions by Reynolds et
tions for fully developed forced convection in eccentric al. [5].
annuli under the fundamental boundary conditions of
the first, second and fourth types.
Exact solutions for conduction heat transfer in cyl-
inders with an eccentric bore (eccentric annuli) and
uniform rate of internal heat generation are available
The geometry of the problem under consideration
in the literature only for the steady-state case. El-
is an infinitely long, eccentrically hollow cylinder for
Saden [8] obtained an exact solution for the steady
which a two-dimensional cross-section is shown in
conduction in an infinitely long, eccentrically hollow
Fig. l(a). The eccentric annular solid material is
cylinder with uniform rate of internal heat generation
assumed to have constant physical properties and uni-
when the boundary surfaces are maintained at con-
form internal heat generation per unit volume. For
stant but different temperatures. Rather than using
any prescribed thermal conditions on the two circular
bipolar coordinates, Eckert and Drake [9] analyzed
boundaries of this geometry and an initial condition,
and obtained an approximate solution for the same
the unsteady heat conduction in the solid eccentric
problem by the superposition of infinite line heat
annulus is governed, in the Cartesian (x-y) plane,
source and sink solutions. DeFelice and Bau [lo] pre-
by the following two dimensional transient energy
sented an exact solution for the steady case with no
internal heat generation when boundary conditions of
the third kind (convective boundary conditions) are iY=T c?T q 1 i?T
imposed on both surfaces. axz+7+;=--C(. (1)
The problem of heat conduction in a homogeneous
semi-infinite soil surrounding a cylindrical heat source The geometry under consideration can easily be
buried at a specified depth below an isothermal hori- described by the more convenient bipolar coordinate
zontal surface is a special case of the above mentioned system (q, c and y) shown in Fig. 1(b). In this system,
conduction problem in eccentric annuli. Approximate constant rl and 5 are two sets of orthogonal circles in
solutions, by the superposition of infinite line heat the physical (x-y) plane. The third coordinate (y-axis)
source and sink solutions, for this special problem is perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The two
with an isothermal heat source were obtained under surfaces of the solid annulus under consideration are
the transient and steady-state conditions by Ioffe [I I] represented by constant values of q. The trans-
and Eckert and Drake [9], respectively. Exact steady formation from rectangular to bipolar coordinates is
solutions by the use of bipolar @cylindrical) coor- given by the following equations [ 151
dinates were obtained by Thiyagarajan and Yov-
a sinh r~
anovich [ 121 for the constant heat flux boundary con- X= (2)
cash q - cos l
dition and by Bau and Sadhal [13] for the case of a
constant convective heat transfer coefficient and the asin
case of a linear temperature variation along the heat = coshn-cost (3)
source surface. Using bipolar coordinates, Martin and
Sadhal [14] determined the upper and lower bounds and
on the transient temperature distribution and approxi-
2 = y. (4)
mate solutions for engineering estimates for the case
with a convection boundary condition on the cyl- In the above equations, a is a constant (a = ri.
indrical heat source. sinh r,ri= r, sinh q,). The first set of circles,
A careful search of the literature failed to disclose - cc < tl< cc, have radii equal (acsch q) and their
any prior work on the problem of transient con- centers are on the x-axis at (acothn, 0). Thus the
duction heat transfer in eccentrically hollow cylinders eccentricity, e, is equal to a(cothq,-cothqi). The
with or without internal heat generation. This motiv- second set of circles, 0 ,< r < 2n, have radii equal
ated the present work which addresses the transient (a csc r), their centers are on the y-axis at (0, acot Q
case numerically and the steady-state case analytically and all pass by the poles of the system at (a,O) and
(using the closed-form steady solution of El-Saden (- a,O). The transformed geometry in the complex tp
[S]). Moreover, the importance of the conduction t plane is, as shown in Fig. l(c), a slab of length
problem as the limiting case of convection heat trans- (vi-q,,) and width equal to the limits of [, that is 2a.
fer in eccentric annular passages guided the selection Using the transformation equations (2)-(4), it may
of the investigated thermal boundary conditions. In be shown that the governing equation (1) is trans-
this paper two combinations of boundary conditions formed in the ~f-[ coordinate system into the following
of the first and second kinds have been imposed on the equation
two surfaces of the annulus. These two combinations
correspond to the fundamental boundary conditions
of the first and third types, according to the definitions

t s const.
First pole ,


Second pde
at I-a.0 Lw 1

Fig. 1. (a) Two-dimensional cross-section of the geometry under consideration; (b) bipolar coordinate
system ; (c) transformed geometry in 1-5 plane and the numerical mesh network.

In the above equation h is the coordinate trans- in which the heat transfer boundary is at the outer
formation scale factor [h = a/(cosh q - cos C)]. The surface. Thus each of the eight cases that can be con-
equation and the boundary conditions are linear in sidered under the previously defined four fundamental
the dependent variable (T) and hence fundamental bouhdary codditions may be designated by a number
solutions can be utilized to obtain more genera1 solu- (1, 2, 3 or 4) and a letter (either I or 0). The number
tions. It is to be noted that in each of the previously would refer to the fundamental boundary conditions
specified four fundamental boundary conditions there under consideration (e.g. 1 refers to fundamental
is one boundary maintained either adiabatic boundary conditions of first type) and the letter refers
(ar/aq = 0) or at ambient temperature To. The to the heat transfer boundary. Thus, case (1 .I) refers
boundary opposite to that maintained adiabatic or at to a case under fundamental boundary conditions of
To is called the heat transfer.boundary (El-Shaarawi the first type with the inner surface being the heat
and Al-Nimr [3]). Thus, as the heat transfer boundary transfer boundary. Similarly, case (3.0) refers to a
might be the inner or the outer surface, there are eight case under fundamental boundary conditions of the
fundamental solutions that can be considered. For third kind with the outer surface being the heat trans-
each of the previously mentioned four fundamental fer boundary, and so on. In the present work, only
boundary conditions there are two possible cases that the following cases have been considered : (1 .I), (1 .O),
can be considered, narhely, case I, in which the heat (3.1) and (3.0).
transfer boundary is at the inner surface and case 0, Using the dimensionless parameters given in the
Transient conduction in eccentrically hollow cylinders 2005

nomenclature the governing equation (5) can be writ- (12) or (13) is due to the eccentricity and the general
ten, for all the cases under consideration, in the fol- solution (11) can now be written in the following form
lowing non-dimensional form

a2e a28 8, = &+B- $COthtlf f COS$

%+-++H2Q=H 2 afJ
at. (6)
?I= 1

x[CeV+(D*-C*cothrl)e-V]. (14)
Due to symmetry, the following two boundary con-
ditions with respect to r are applicable It is worth mentioning that the right-hand side of
equation (13) was given by El-Saden [8] ; it can be
for~=Oorx:a~/a~=O. (7) obtained by finding a Fourier-cosine expansion of the
On the other hand, in all the cases considered the solid even function [l/(coshr-cos 5)] as shown in [16].
is initially (t < 0) at ambient temperature, i.e. Applying the boundary conditions the constants A,
B, C and D* in equation (14) are obtained for the
fort < 0:8 = 0. (8) considered cases as given in Table 1. It is worth noting
Then (when t > 0) the heat is internally generated in that the values of these constants for cases (1 .I) and
the solid and simultaneously one of its surfaces is (1 .O) are given in Table 1 for the sake ofcompleteness.
isothermally heated to T, while the other surface is These were obtained before by El-Saden, but in terms
kept either at the initial ambient temperature T, or of two different but constant dimensional values of
adiabatic. Thus the two boundary conditions with temperatures on the boundary surfaces.
respect to q for the four cases considered are as follows

B.C.onq = q, B= 1 0 = 0 8= 1 g = 0 Equation (6) is very difficult to solve exactly since H

is a function of q and 5 ; hence we resort to numerical
solution. Due to symmetry equation (6) needs to be
B.C.onq=q, 8=0 B= 1 z=O f?= 1. (9) solved for 0 < c < n, i.e. in only half the slab shown
in Fig. I(c). Figure l(c) shows the numerical grid in
the q-c plane where the independent variable 0 is
ANALYTICAL STEADY-STATE SOLUTIONS computed, for a given time t, at the intersections of
the grid lines and (& j) is a typical mesh point. Mesh
Under steady-state conditions equation (6) reduces points are numbered consecutively ; i is progressing in
to the q-direction with i = 1,2,3,. . . ,n + 1 from the outer
-c* surface and j is progressing in the r-direction with
$+$= -H2Q= (10) j= 1,2,3 , . . ,m + 1 from the wide side of the annulus
(cash q - cos 0
(at 5 = 0).
Such steady-state conditions are achieved at con- Using the traditional alternating-direction implicit
siderably large values of time, i.e. the solution to the (ADI) finite-difference scheme we faced difficulties in
transient problem should asymptotically approach its obtaining convergent numerical solutions. On the
corresponding steady-state value. Thus, steady-state other hand, the following finite-difference scheme has
analytical solutions can provide a check on the proved to be successful for all values of dimensionless
adequacy of the present transient numerical results. eccentricity (E).
The general solution of the steady-state equation
~i-I.,-2~,,+~i+,., e:-, -2e,l;+e,l;+,
(10) is given by El-Saden [S], as
(Arl) + (Al)
Q,(v,~) = e,+e, (11)
e -e*
where the complementary part of the solution, after +Hf,Q = Hf,y, (15)
applying the boundary conditions (7), is
where the asterisk (*) superscript denotes the pre-
e, = Atf+B+ f (Ceq+D*e-q)cosne (12) vious time step and hence the superscripted 0s are
n=l known.
and the particular integral part of the solution, which The two boundary conditions given by equation (7)
is due to the internal heat generation, is can be written, using backward and forward finite
differences, respectively, as
cash q
2 coshq-cost e,., = e,,, (16)
= - ycothq-C* f cothqe-Qzosn<. (13)
=I ei.m+-, = 6,, . (17)
The series part on the right-hand side of equation Similarly, the boundary conditions (9) on the inner

and outer surfaces in cases 3.1 and 3.0, respectively,

can be rewritten as

6, = b,, (18)
n-t 1.j = 80. (19)
The problem under consideration is governed by
three controlling parameters, namely, the annulus
radius ratio (N), the dimensionless eccentricity (E)
and the dimensionless internal heat generation (Q). A
numerical solution can be obtained by first selecting
values of these controlling parameters. In the present
work computations were carried out in an annulus of
radius ratio 0.5 for various selected values of E and
Q. The radius ratio 0.5 was chosen since it represents
a typical annular geometry with its value of N far
enough from unity (N = 1) which represents the case
of a slab bounded by two parallel-plate surfaces.
Knowing the radius ratio (N) and the eccentricity (E),
the values of rl for the inner and outer surfaces are
computed by the following two equations respectively

r, = 1% 2NE

?0 = log,

N(l-E)+(l+E) -1
2E >
Having computed vi and q,, the value of By is obtained
by dividing (vi - qO)over n (the number of steps in the
For given At and At the numerical procedure con-
tinues as follows. For each value ofj (starting from
j = 2) equation (15) is applied with i = 2,3,. . . , and
n to give (n- 1) equations in (n- 1) unknown values
of 0. The matrix of coefficients of the resulting system
of linear equations is a tridiagonal matrix and hence
Thomas method is used to obtain a numerical solution
for the interior grid points (for each value ofj). This
procedure is repeated for all values ofj from_j = 2 until
j = m to scan the whole mesh network. Equations (16)
and (17) are used to obtain the values of 0 on the two
C-boundaries. Moreover, equation (18) or equation
(19) is used to obtain the values of 0 on the adiabatic
boundary in cases 3.1 and 3.0, respectively. The
obtained values of 0 at the present time step will then
be considered as old values (superscripted es) for the
next time step and thus the whole process can be
repeated until steady-state conditions are reached.
Steady-state conditions mean that the obtained values
of 8 do not change with further increase in time.
The steady-state analytical solutions provided a
check on the adequacy of the present computer code
Transient conduction in eccentrically hollow cylinders 2007

and consequently on the obtained transient numerical 1.00

results. The obtained numerical transient solutions e 6MI Stmxty Slate Time I

were found to asymptotically approach (at consider-

ably large values of the time r) the available steady- 749 ISteadyStale Tie 1
state solutions given by equation (14) and Table 1.
None of the computer runs was allowed to stop 0.60
before the obtained transient numerical results con-
verge to the corresponding steady-state analytical
solution with a maximum tolerance less than 1% (in
the value of the local dimensionless temperature 6
at any mesh point). On the other hand, a thorough
numerical experimentation has been conducted to
investigate the effect of mesh sizes on the obtained
numerical results and the computer CPU time. For
example, the obtained steady-state times for case 1.0
with N = 0.5, Q = 5, E = 0.5 and &t = 10V3 cor-
e h ISwdy Slolr liie I
responding to mesh sizes m x n = 20 x 20, 25 x 25, aeoKs
30 x 30,20 x 40,35 x 35 and 35 x 40 are, respectively,
0.512, 0.511, 0.511, 0.507, 0.509 and 0.509. The cor-
responding computer CPU times (using WF 77 Sys
D) are, respectively, 63.35, 98.90, 142.52, 128.07, and
more than 180 in the last two cases. Similarly, the
obtained steady-state times for the same values of N,
Q, E and At in case 1.I for mesh sizes m x n = 20 x 15,
0.20I I
20x20, 20x25, 20x30, 20x35, 25x25, 40x20,
0.0 n/4 n/2 5 3n/k n
30 x 30 and 40 x 35 are, respectively, 0.514, 0.507,
0.504, 0.501, 0.500, 0.505, 0.500, 0.503 and 0.501. It
might be worth mentioning that time steps as low as Fig. 2. (a) Effect of Q on transient temperature distribution
IO- were used in some cases (at the expense of the at q = q* in case 1.1, N = 0.5, E = 0.8, ---- Q = 0,
---Q = 5; (b) effect of eccentricity on transient tem-
computer execution time). However, for the sake of
perature distribution at q = q* in case 1.1, N = 0.5, Q = 5, -
unification in comparisons all the results presented in ---E = 0.1, -E = 0.8.
the present paper have been obtained using
mxn=20x20andAt= 10e3.
this figure, the eccentricity has a prominent effect on
the transient temperature distribution. For a given
time (t), as the value of E increases the temperature
For case 1.I and a given E (E = 0.8) in an annulus distribution on the surface of a given 11becomes more
of N = 0.5, Fig. 2(a) shows the variation with time dependent on 5. In a concentric ammlus (E = 0) in
of the dimensionless temperature on an intermediate both cases 1.1 and 1.0, the isothermal lines, without
surface having q = I* = (vi + ~,)/2 for two values of or with internal heat generation, are concentric circles,
Q, namely, Q = 0 and 5. For either value of Q and a i.e. the temperatire is independent of the angular
given l, the temperature of this surface increases with coordinate. However, as the annulus deviates from
time until it reaches the steady-state value (at the concentric situation the temperature in the wide
t, = 0.749 and 0.658 for Q = 0 and 5, respectively). side (4 --) 0) becomes higher than that in the narrow
The figure shows that, for any value of Q, the narrow side (t-+x). This is due to the larger internal heat
side of the annulus (5 -+ Z) reaches the steady-state generated in the wide side of the annulus since this
conditions much faster than the wide side (l--t 0). side has more solid material per unit length than the
This is attributed to the larger heat storage capacity narrow side.
of the wide side compared to that of the narrow side. Figure 3(a) shows the transient temperature dis-
On the other hand, for .given time and 5 the tem- tribution on the insulated boundary of an annulus
perature value with internal heat generation is as of radius ratio 0.5 and dimension&s eccentricity 0.7
expected, larger than its corresponding value without under thermal boundary condieions 3J and 3.0 with-
internal heat generation (Q = 0). out internal heat generation. Due to the presence of an
The effect of eccentricity on the transient response insulated boundary, steady-state can only be achieved
of the temperature of the system is clarified in Fig. under these conditions when the solid temperature
2(b). For case 1.I and a given Q (Q = 5) in an annulus becomes uniform and equals the temperature of the
of N = 0.5, this fisre gives the variation with time heated boundary (i.e. dimensionless temperature
of the dimensionless temperature on the intermediate 8, = 1 everywhere). As can be seen from Fig. 3(a), as
surface of q = q* = (vi +-qJ/Z for two values of E, the time elapses the temperature of the insulated sur-
namely, E = 0.1 and E = 0.8. As can be seen from face (and similarly that of the internal solid material)

4(a) give the time-variation of the insulated (inner)

wall temperature for. two values of eccentricity,
under thermal conditions 3.0 without and with
0.75 O.fl, ,/ ,/-
/ / internal heat generation, respectively. Both figures
0.2, show that increasing the value of E makes the tem-
0.50 P ,/ ,/ ,. 0.2 perature more dependent on the C-coordinate. With-
1o.r out internal heat generation (Q = 0), the t;-direction
0.25 / OS/ diffusion of heat is always from the narrow side (5 -+
, n) to the wide side (5 --, 0), as shown in Fig. 3(b).
However, with internal heat generation (Q + 0) Fig.
0.00 I 1

0.00 n/4 n 3X/L A 4(a) shows that at large values of time the l-direction
diffusion of heat reverses its direction and becomes
from the large side to the narrow side of the annulus.
This is attributed to there being more material per
Steady State unit length on this side and hence the increase in the
temperature of the solid in the wide side as a result of
internal heat generation. Figure 4(b) focuses on the
pronounced effect of eccentricity on the insulated wall
temperature. This figure gives the steady-state tem-
perature distribution on the outer wall of an annulus
of N = 0.5 under thermal conditions 3.1 for a value of
Q = 5. The figure clearly shows that increasing the
value of E causes an increase in the wall temperature
on the wide side and a decrease in this temperature on
the narrow side.

Fig. 3. (a) Effect of boundary conditions on temperature
distribution on insulated wall, N = 0.5, E = 0.7, Q = 0, -- a 0 6t2 I Stoodv State lima I
_._._._._-_, -.-.- ..-.-.
-- case 3.1, - case 3.0; (b) transient temperature dis- Steady State
tribution on the inner insulated wall temperature in case 3.0, Times0.381
N = 0.5, Q = 0, ----E = 0.1, -E = 0.7.

increases and approaches asymptotically the aforesaid

unity value. However, the narrow-side of the annulus
reaches such steady-state conditions faster than the
L eL__--_---_--_

wide-side. Therefore, the process of increasing the

temperature towards equalization at steady-state con- 0.50 I.___.I
ditions occurs not only by diffusion of heat in the 0.0 n/4 n/l h/4 II
radially-like (9) direction (from the heat transfer 101.
boundary to the insulated surface) but also in the
circumferential C-direction (from the narrow-side to
the wide-side of the annulus). This latter mechanism 3.00
of conduction heat transfer has a longer path than the 8
former (which is the only mechanism in a concentric 2.50
case) and hence it can be anticipated that eccentricity,
as will be shown later, would increase the time needed
to reach steady-state conditions. For given time and 2.00

5, Fig. 3(a) shows that the temperature under thermal

boundary conditions 3.0 is higher than that under 1.50
thermal boundary conditions 3.1. Moreover, the sys-
tem reaches steady-state conditions in case 3.0 faster
than in case 3.1. These are attributed to the larger heat 0.0 n/4 n/2 3n/4 n
transfer surface area in case 3.0 than in case 3.1.
Moreover, reaching steady-state more quickly for case Fia. 4

3.0 is also probably due to the surface over which the Fig. 4. (a) Transient temperature distribution on the inner
insutated wall in case 3.0, N = 0.5, Q = 5, ---- E = 0.1,
temperature is kept constant at the steady-state value -E = 0.7; (b) steady-state temperature distribution on
8 = 1 (i.e. there is much more material at 0 = l), the outer insulated wall in case 3.1 for various eccentricities,
To clarify the effect of eccentricity, Figs. 3(b) and N = 0.5, Q = 5.
Transient conduction in eccentrically hollow cylinders 2009

steady-state conditions is of great value to thermal

and control engineers.

Transient conduction heat transfer with uniform
rate of internal heat generation has been numerically
investigated in infinitely long eccentric hollow cyl-
inders under the fundamental boundary conditions of
the first and third types. In all cases considered, either
with or without internal heat generation, the obtained
.a0 1.60
Dtmensionlers Time results show that eccentricity has a pronounced effect
la1 on the transient thermal response of the system.
Eccentricity creates a diffusion of heat in the second
(c or circumferential) direction from the narrow side
of the solid annulus to its wide side ; this diffusion
decreases with time. On the other hand, the internal
heat generation creates also a t-diffusion of heat but
in the opposite direction (from the wide side of the
annulus to its narrow side) ; this diffusion increases
with time. Finally, variation of the time required to
reach steady-state conditions with eccentricity and
internal heat generation has been given for all cases

.30 .L5 .60

Dtmensi~nless Time

Fig. 5. (a) Variation of maximum temperature on the outer

insulated wall in case 3.1, 5 = 0, N = 0.5, ---- E= 0.1,
-E = 0.7 ; (b) variation of maximum temperature on the ---I-__

--- ------

inner insulated wall in case 3.0, 4 = 0, N = 0.5, ---- a 0.5

E = 0.1, -E = 0.7. g 0.50 -----------
- 0.L
ii 040
+I - 0.3~ __
.P 0;2
Engineers are not frequently concerned with the t
details of the temperature field but only with B 0.30 _E;
6 I I
maximum temperature and the time required to reach
0 1 2 3 L 5
steady-state conditions. From the previous presented
&nensidess Heat Generation. 0
results it is clear that for given time, E and Q, the
maximum solid temperature in both cases 3.1 and 3.0
would occur on the insulated wall at 4 = 0. Figures
5(a) and (b) give for cases 3.1 and 3.0, respectively,
the variation of such maximum temperature with time
at two different eccentricity values in an annulus of
N = 0.5 for various values of Q. On the other hand,
Figs. 6(a) and (b) give the time required to reach
steady-state conditions under the four thermal bound-
ary conditions investigated. It is worth mentioning
that the computer runs for any of the curves shown in
these two figures (i.e. a given k) were made using the
same q and 5 mesh sizes so that the order of numerical _-______ --_&&A--_
error magnitude would be the same for all values of L L L I
Q. As can be seen from these two figures, for a given 0 1 2 3 L 5
Gimensiontase k$l Generation. G
E, increasing the value of Q generally decreases
slightly the time needed to reach the steady-state con-
Fig. 6. (a) Steady-state time against heat generation for vari-
ditions. On the other hand, for a given Q, increasing ouseccentricities, N=0.5,----casel.I,-case3.0;(b)
the value of E increases prominently the time required steady-state time against heat generation for various eccen-
to achieve steady-state. The time required to achieve tricities, N = 0.5, ----case 3.1, -case 3.0.

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8. M. R. El&den, Heat conduction in an eccentrically
hollow, inlinitely long cylinder with internal heat gen-
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