Cooling & Heating Currve
Cooling & Heating Currve
Cooling & Heating Currve
What happens to the temperature of a block of ice when you put a Bunsen burner underneath it? You might think that
the temperature goes up smoothly, but that's not what happens. The graph of temperature against time is called a
heating curve. Let's look at the heating curve for water.
Heating Curves
Notice that, in general, the temperature goes up the longer the
heating continues. However, there are two horizontal flat parts
(segments BC and DE) to the graph. These happen when there
is a change of state. The plateaus are also called phase
The first change of state (segment BC) is melting (changing
from a solid to a liquid). The temperature stays the same while
a substance melts. For water, this temperature is 0°C because
the melting point for water is 0°C. Over the course of this line
segment, both liquid and solid exist in various ratios, starting
at 100% solid and ending at 100% liquid.
The second change of state (segment DE) is boiling (changing
from a liquid to a gas). The temperature stays the same while a