TUgas Kel 1

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BAB 1Komponen utama ELDA

Tabel 1.1 berikut ini menunjukkan beberapa komponen utama (power devices) Elda, simbol dan tahun

No nama Penemu/tempat/tahun simbol

1 Dioda Thermionic diodes (tabung 1873

hampa) ditemukan oleh
Frederick Guthrie . 1874.
Ditemukan penyearah
tabung hampa. 1904
Dioda kristal oleh Karl 1919
Ferdinand Braun.
Dipatenkan oleh John
Ambrose Fleming.
William Henry Eccles
coined the term diode from
Greek roots; di means 'two',
and ode (from odos) means

Copper oxide and selenium 1955an

rectifiers were developed
for power applications in
the Bell Labs.

Ditemuan Dioda germanium

Most diodes are made of


2 Thyristor/SCR The SCR was developed by 1958

a team of power engineers
led by Gordon Hall[1] and
commercialized by Frank
W. "Bill" Gutzwiller in

3 Triac Triac was developed in the 1958

period 1957-1963 General
Electric had assembled a
significant team of
researchers and engineers at
Syracuse, Schenectady and
the Clyde rectifier plant.

The Triac was

invented,dipatenkan by

4 UJT/ Jenis germanium oleh 1948,

The UniJunction or Double
Base diode was discovered
by Jerry Suran in 1953 1975

BJT The first alloy junction

transistors General Electric
produced were the 2N43,
2N44 and 2N45

BJT , Tugas Mhs Kel I

5 MOSFET Tugas Mhs Kel I 1975

6 GTO Tugas Mhs Kel 1 1980

7 IGBT Tugas Mhs 1 1985

1. Dioda Daya (Power Diodes) (terjemahkan oleh 1)

A diode acts as a switch to perform various functions, such as:
-Switches in rectifiers ( terbuat dari silikon Vth = 0,7)
-Freewheeling in switching regulators
-Charge reversal of capacitor and energy transfer between components
-Voltage isolation
-Energy feedback from load to the power source
-Trapped energy recovery
-Power diodes are similar to pn-junction signal diodes.

Sebuah dioda bertindak sebagai peralihan untuk melakukan berbagai fungsi, seperti:
-Switches dalam rectifier (terbuat dari silikon Vth = 0,7)
-Baca di switching regulator
Pembalikan besar kapasitor dan transfer energi antar komponen
Isolasi tegangan
-Energy umpan balik dari beban ke sumber listrik
-Percepat pemulihan energi
-Power dioda mirip dengan dioda persimpangan pn-junction.
Operation in breakdown region will not be destructive, provided that the power dissipation is within
the safe level specified by manufacturers data sheet.


A power diode is a two-terminal pn-junction device.When anode is positive with respect to the
cathode, the diode is said to be forward biased and it conducts. When diode conducts it has a small
forward drop voltage (which depends on manufacturing process and junction temperature).

The forward voltage drop of a power diode is VD=1.2V at ID=300A.

Assuming that n =2 and VT=25.7 mV, find the reverse saturation current Is .

Solution: ???


Current in forward-biased junction diode is due to the net effect of majority and minority carriers.
Once its forward current is reduced to zero, the diode continues to conduct due to minority carriers
that remain stored in pn-junction and the bulk semiconductor material.
The minority carriers require a certain time to recombine with opposite charges and to be neutralized.
This time is called reverse recovery time (TRR)of the diode

IF : forward current

IRR: reverse recovery current

trr : reverse recovery time,

measured from zero crossing to 25% of IRR

ta : time due to charge storage in depletion region of pn-junction
tb : time due to charge storage in the bulk semiconductor material

Depends on junction temperature, rate of fall of forward current, and forward current prior to
commutation, IF.

Soal: The reverse recovery time of a diode is trr = 5 s and the rate of fall of the diode current is di/dt
= 40 A/s.
Determine the storage charge( Qrr);
Peak; reverse current (IRR).

Jawab: Dik :trr = 5 us ;di/dt = 40A/u.

Dit: Qrr = 1/2 x di/dt x trr^2 = 0,5 x 40 x 5^2 x 10^-6 =500 uC;
Irr = (2 Qrr x di/dt)^0,5 = (2 x 500 x 40)^0,5 = 200 A.

The reverse recovery time of a diode is trr=3s and the rate of fall of the diode current is
di/dt=30A/s. Determine:
a) The storage charge QRR, and
b) The peak reverse current IRR.

trr=3s and di/dt=30A/s.
Power Diode ( Dioda Daya)

1. General Purpose Diode

- High reverse recovery time, typically 25 us,
- Use for low speed application
- Low frequency up to 1 KHz (f=1ms)
- Rating current from less than 1 A to several thousands Amperes.
- Voltage rating from 5 V to 50 KV (50.000V)

2. Fast Recovery Diode

- Low recovery time less then 5 us
- Use for chopper and inverter
- Rating current from less than 1 A to hundreds of amperes.
- Voltage rating from 5 V to 3 KV

3. Schottky Diode
- Low forward voltage drop
- Use for high current, low voltage rectifier
- Rating current from 1 A 300 A
- Voltage rating to 100V

When the cathode potential is positive with respect to the anode, the diode said to be reverse
(RB) biased. Under this condition appears a small reverse current ( leakage current) in the
range A mA.

The current in FB junction diode is due to the net effect of majority and minority carriers.
The minority carrier a certain time to recombine with opposite charges and to be neutralized.
This time is called the reverse recovery time of diode. The two time recovery i.e soft recovery
and abrupt recovery. However the soft recovery type is more common.
. trr = reverse recovery time
. trr consist of two component tb and ta, ta due to the charge storage in the depletion region,
ta is due to the charge storage in the bulk semiconductor material. The ratio tb/ta is known as
the softness factor (SF). trr = ta + tb
. IRR = maximum reverse current can be expressed in reverse di/dt as
. IRR = ta di/dt
The storage charge which is area enclosed by the path of recovery current :
QRR = IRR.ta + IRR.ib = IRR.trr
IRR = 2 QRR/trr
. trr. ta = 2QRR/(di/dt) , trr ta
. trr = 2QRR/(di/dt))
IRR = 2QRR(di/dt))
Example :
The reverse recovery time of a diode is trr = 3 s and
the rate of fall of the diode current is di/dt = 30 A/s.
Determine the :
a. Storage charge, Qrr,
b. Peak; reverse current, IRR.


a. From equation trr = 2QRR/(di/dt)) QRR = (di/dt) trr2 = 0.5 x 30 x 32 x 10-6 =

135 uC
b. IRR = 2QRR(di/dt)) = 2.135 (30)) = 90 A

Performance Parameters (Parameter unjuk kerja/ parameter prestasi) Dari Data Sheet

- Junction temperature
- Storage temperature
- Junction to case thermal resistance
- Case to sink thermal resistance, Rth Cs.
- Thermal resistance of sink to ambient, Rth SA
- Maximum average forward current, IF (AV)
- Maximum rms forward current, IF (RMS)
- Maximum peak repetitive forward current., IFRM
- Maximum peak one-cycle non repetitive forward current, IFSM
- Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage, VRRM
- Maximum peak non repetitive reverse voltage, VRSM
- Forward voltage drop, VF
- Maximum peak forward voltage, VFM
- Threshold voltage, V(TO)
- Forward slope resistance, RF
- Maximum peak reverse(or leakage) current,IRRM
- Reverse recovery time, trr
- Reverse recovery charge, QRR.
- I2 t for fusing. (protection)


Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a new material in PE.

High performance characteristics:
Ultra low power loss and high reliability
No reverse recovery time
Ultra fast switching behavior
No temperature influence on the switching behavior

Contoh soal

Q1. Four IR 300 A, 800 v, DIODEs of type R23AF are used for the single-phase bridge rectifier as
shown in the figure :

D1 D3

Vp Vs VL

D4 D2

The rms value of the input voltage is Vs=220 V at 1.5 kHz and the load resistance is R = 0,47 Ohm.
The junction temperature and ambient temperature are Tj = 15o C and TA= 25o C respectively.
a. Average power loss, PD
b. Instantaneous forward voltage drop, VF
c. Recovery charge, QRR
d. Reverse recovery time,trr
e. Case temperature, TC
f. Thermal resistance of heat sink, Rth SA,
Assume double-sided cooling and the case to sink thermal resistance of Rth CS.

Solution :

Vs= 220
Vm=(2 ).220 = 311 Volt
Frekuensi f = 1500 Hz,
R beban =0.47
Tj = 125 o C, Ta = 25o C
R th CS = 0.03o/Watt
The solution requires interpolation from the characteristic curves of the device and the results
are therefore approximate.
From equation : Average output voltage Vdc = = 2Vm/ = 0,6366 Vm 0.64
x 311 = 199 Volt. The average load current = 199/0.47 = 423 Ampere, and the average diode
forward current 423/2 = 211.5 A,

For 180o conduction gives the average power loss of PD =

Q2. Soal: An IR diode, 300 A,800V of type R23AF are used for charge reversal in a commutation
circuit and the equivalent circuit at t= 0 as shown in data sheet figure. This reversal is repeated at a
frequency of fs=2.5 kHz, C=72.36 uF, L=14 uH and Vc = 440 V. If the diode starts conducting at
t=0.Determine: Peak Diode Current Ip, Width of the current pulse, tr switching loss, Ps.

Jawab: Dik : fs=2.5 kHz, C=72.36 uF, L=14 uH and Vc = 440 V; Dit:Ip;tr;Ps.
Ip=440(C/L)=440(72.36 /14)1000 A
Tr=(CxL)= (72.36 x14) )100 s
Dari data sheet untuk Ip=Ipm=1000A dan tr =100 s diperoleh Ws= 0,1 Js. Maka switching
loss (rugi-rugi pensaklaran adalah Ps= Ws.fs.=0,1 x 2500 =250 Watt. DATA SHEET

Data sheet merupakan data data yang dikeluarkan oleh pabrik atau perusahan penjual(vendor)
komponen komponen . Data sheet juga terkadang memberikan informasi tentang rangkaian pengujian
dan bentuk gelombangnya. Berikut ini contoh data data yang diambil sebagian dari data sheet.

a. Jenis 1N4001 - 1N4007, rating 1.0A , 50-1000V, disebut dioda RECTIFIER, keistimewaannya
Diffused Junction. High Current Capability and Low Forward Voltage Drop, Surge Overload
Rating to 30A Peak Low Reverse Leakage Current.

Grafik berikut diperoleh dari data sheet dioda jenis 1N4001 - 1N4007, yang menunjukkan bahwa
kenaikan suhu menurunkan kemampuan arus dioda (fig 1). Semakin tinggi arus dioda juga
menyembabkan kenaikan tegangan jatuh /VF (fig 2).

1N5059- 1N5062, rating 08-2A,200-800V, disebut Standard Avalanche Sinterglass Diode, sebagian
dari keistimewaannya adalah Controlled avalanche characteristics, Low reverse current, High
surge current loading. APPLICATIONS : Rectification diode, general purpose
b. 1N4728A - 1N4761A 1.0W ZENER DIODE, 3.3V - 75V Standard VZ Tolerance is 5% dan
c. RURG5060 rating nya 50 A, 600 V, dioda ini disebut juga Ultrafast Diode Ultrafast Recovery trr
= 75 ns, memiliki keistimewaan dengan jatuh tegangan yang rendah, Max Forward Voltage, VF =
1.6 V (@ TC = 25. komponen ini diperuntukab untuk freewheeling dan clamping pada berbagai
jenis SMPS dan untuk rangkaian switching lainnya. General Purpose

d. 1N4148; 1N4448 rating nya 450 mA, 100 V, dioda ini disebut juga High-speed diodes High
switching speed: max. 4 ns, digunakan untuk keperluan umum (general application) dan High-
speed switching.


Berikut ini divais-divais yang termasuk pada transistor

1. BJTs

Transistor terdiri dari tiga kaki, yakni Basis (B), Kolektor (C) dan Emitor (E). Ada Dua jenis NPN
dan PNP, Gambar .. berikut merupakan jenis NPN, arah panah pada kaki Emitor ke luar.

Transistor dapat berfungsi sebagai penguat dan saklar.

Transistor sebagai penguat. Arus yang mengalir pada Emitor merupakan penjumlahan dari arus basis
dan arus kolektor. Berlaku penguatan beta sama dengan IC/IB.
Karakteristik Transfer
With high ODF, the transistor may be damaged due to thermal runaway.
On the other hand, if the transistor is underdriven (IB<IBS), it may operate in the active region
Once the transistor is saturated, the collectoremitter voltage is not reduced in relation to the
increase in base current. However, the power loss is increased.
VCE increases, resulting in increased power loss.

Example 1
A transistor has a current gain of 200 in the linear region and 10 in the saturation region.
1. Calculate the base current when the collector current is equal to 10 A assuming that the transistor
operates in the linear region.

2. Repeat the calculation for the saturationRegion


1) In the linear region

2) In the saturation region

Example 2
A transistor has F in the range 8 to 40. The load resistance is RC=11. The dc
supply voltage VCC=200V and VB=10V. If VCE(sat) =1V and VBE(sat) =1.5V find:
1. RB for ODF=5.
2. forced
3. power loss PT in transistor


Main Features of BJT

Simple switch
Low on-state or saturation voltage
High off-state voltage capability


Current controlled device

Base current must be present during the closing period
Require reverse base current during turning off.
High base losses
Low current gain in the saturation region
Low frequencies (fs<5kHz)
Parameters are temperature Sensitive
Unipolar voltage device

Datasheet BJT

1. MJE13007, The MJE13007 is designed for highvoltage, highspeed power switching inductive
circuits where fall time is critical. It is particularly suited for 115 and 220 V switchmode
applications such as Switching Regulators, Inverters, Motor Controls, Solenoid/Relay drivers and
Deflection circuits.
2. 2N3055

MOSFET (kel I)

Main Features of MOSFET

Voltage controlled device
Low gate losses
Parameters are less sensitive to junction temperature
No need for negative voltage during turnoff

High-on-state drop as high as 10V
Lower off-state voltage capability
Unipolar voltage device

Main Features of IGBT

Voltage controlled device

Low gate losses
Low on-state voltage
Parameters are less sensitive to junction temperature
No need for negative voltage during turn-off
High switching frequencies (fs > 10kHz)

Unipolar voltage device
Lower off-state voltage capability

Transistor Sebagai Saklar

Transistor dapat difungsikan sebagai sakela relektronik, yaitu dengan mengatur arus basis IB
dapatmenghasilkan arus kolektor IC yang dapatmenghidupkan lampu P1 dan mematikan
lampu.Dengan tegangan suplai VB = 12V dan padategangan basis V1, akan mengalir arus basis IB
yangmembuat transistor cut-in dan menghantarkan aruskolektor IC, sehingga lampu P1 menyala.
Jikategangan basis V1 dimatikan dan arus basis IB = 0,dengan sendirinya transistor kembali mati dan
lampu P1 akan mati.
Dengan pengaturan arus basis IBTransistor dapat difungsikan sebagai sakelarelektronik dalam
posisi ON atau OFF.Ketika transistor sebagai sakelar kita akan lihattegangan kolektor terhadap emitor
VCE. Ada duakondisi, yaitu ketika Transistor kondisi ON, danTransistor kondisi OFF.Saat Transistor
kondisi ONtegangan VCE saturasi.Arus basis IB dan aruskolektor maksimum dan tahanan kolektor
emitor RCEmendekati nol, terjadi antara 0 sampai 50 mdetik.Ketika transistor kondisi OFF, tegangan
VCE mendekati tegangan VB dan arus basis IB dan aruskolektor IC mendekatinol, pada saat tersebut
tahanan RCE tak terhingga, lihat gambar 1.8

Gambar 1.8. Transistor sebagai saklar

Karakteristik output transistor memperlihatkan garis kerjatransistor dalam tiga kondisi.

Pertama transistor kondisi sebagaisakelar ON terjadi ketika tegangan UCE saturasi, terjadi saatarus
basis IB maksimum pada titik A3. Kedua transistor berfungsisebagai penguat sinyal input ketika arus
basis IB berada di antara arus kerjanya A2 sampai A1. Ketiga ketika arus basis IBmendekati nol,
transistor kondisi OFF ketika tegangan VCEsamadengan tegangan suplai VB titik A1, lihat gambar 1.9.
Gambar 1.9. Garis beban transistor

Keterangan :
U = Faktor penguatan tegangan
IB = Arus basis
IBmin = Arus basis minimum
Bmin = Faktor penguatan Transistor ()
IC = Arus kolektor
RV = Tahanan depan basis
Vi = Tegangan input
VBE = Tegangan basis emitor

Contoh 1:

Transistor BC 107 difungsikan gerbangNAND = Not And, tegangan sinyal 1 U1= 3,4
V,tegangan LED UF= 1,65 V, arus mengalir padaLED IF= 20 mA, tegangan UBE= 0,65 V, dan Bmin
=120, tegangan saturasi UCEsat= 0,2 V dan factor penguatan tegangan U = 3.Perhatikan gambar
1.10.Tentukan besarnyatahanan RC dan RV.

Gambar 1.10. Transistor sebagai gerbang NAND

Penyelesaian :


1. SCR
2. GTO
3. di/dt protection
4. dv/dt equivalent
5. Summary
Thyristor Turn Off
If anode current is maintained below the holding current during a sufficient long time for all excess
carriers in the four layers to be swept out or recombined, then the thyristor turns off completely.
There are two main types of techniques to turn off a thyristor:
Line commutation
Forced commutation


Turn-off time tq: minimum value of time interval between the instant when the onstate current has
decreased to zero and the instant when the thyristor is capable of withstanding forward voltage
without turning on again.

A thyristor is a latching device and it can be turned on with a small gate pulse, typically 100
s .
Thyristors are generally off by line commutation due to the natural behavior of the input ac
line supply.
During the turn-off process, thyristors must be subjected to a reverse voltage for a certain
minimum time known the turn-off.


Power computations are essential in analyzing and designing power electronics circuits. Basic power
concepts are reviewed in this chapter, with particular emphasis on power calculations for circuits with
nonsinusoidal voltages and currents. Extra treatment is given to some special cases that are
encountered frequently in power electronics.


Instantaneous Power
The instantaneous power for any device is computed from the voltage across it and the current in it.
Instantaneous power is p(t) = v(t).i(t).

Energy, or work, is the integral of instantaneous power. Observing the passive sign convention,
energy absorbed by a component in the time interval from t1 to t2 is


If v(t) is in volts and i(t) is in amperes, power has units of watts and energy has units of joules
1 KWh = ...? Joule 1000W.3600 sec =3.6 Juta Joule.
1 Joule = 2,8 .10-7 KWh

Average Power

Periodic voltage and current functions produce a periodic instantaneous power function. Average
power is the time average of p(t) over one or more periods. Memiliki perioda T,
Average power P is computed from : T = 1/f ( 1/50Hz = 0,02 s = 20 ms)
where T is the period of the power waveform. Combining Eqs. (2-3) and (2-2), power is also
computed from energy per period.

Average power is sometimes called real power or active power, especially in ac circuits. The term
power usually means average power. The total average power absorbed in a circuit equals the total
average power supplied.

Segitiga Daya ( Power Triangle )

Real power = active power (P) [ watt ], KW = Daya nyata

Reactive Power (Q) [VAR] [KVAR] = Daya semu?
Total power = apparent power (S) [VA] [KVA] = Daya buta???
P^2 + Q^2 = S^2

Gambar 1.9. Segitiga Daya

Contoh soal 1. [1]

Power and Energy

Voltage and current, consistent with the passive sign convention, for a device are shown in Fig. 2-2a
and b.
Gambar 1.10. Gambar contoh soal 1.

(a) Determine the instantaneous power p(t) absorbed by the device.

(b) Determine the energy absorbed by the device in one period.
(c) Determine the average power absorbed by the device.
(a) The instantaneous power is computed from Eq. (2-1). The voltage and current are
expressed as:

Instantaneous power, shown in Fig. 2-2c, is the product of voltage and current and
is expressed as:

(b) Energy absorbed by the device in one period is determined from Eq. (2-2).
(c) Average power is determined from Eq. (2-3).

Average power could also be computed from Eq. (2-4) by using the energy per period
from part (b).

A special case that is frequently encountered in power electronics is the power absorbed or supplied
by a dc source. Applications include battery-charging circuits and dc power supplies.
The average power absorbed by a dc voltage source v(t) =Vdc that has a periodic current i(t) is derived
from the basic definition of average power in Eq. (2-3):

Bringing the constant Vdc outside of the integral gives

The term in brackets is the average of the current waveform. Therefore, average
power absorbed by a dc voltage source is the product of the voltage and the
average current.


The effective value of a voltage or current is also known as the root-mean-square (rms) value. The
effective value of a periodic voltage waveform is based on the average power delivered to a resistor.
For a dc voltage across a resistor,

For a periodic voltage across a resistor, effective voltage is defined as the voltage that is as effective as
the dc voltage in supplying average power.
Effective voltage can be computed using the equation :
Perhitungan nilai effektif berasal dari besar daya AC yang dikirim ke tahanan murni R secara
periodik (berulang dengan perioda T).(i(t) = V(t)/R

Computing average resistor power from Eq. (2-3) gives


Equating the expressions for average power in Eqs. (2-35) and (2-36) gives :

resulting in the expression for effective or rms voltage


The effective value is the square root of the mean of the square of the voltagehence the term root
mean square. Similarly, rms current is developed from P = I2 rms as

The usefulness of the rms value of voltages and currents lies in the computing power absorbed by
resistances. Additionally, ac power system voltages and currents are invariably given in rms values.
Ratings of devices such as transformers are often specified in terms of rms voltage and current.

Contoh Soal 2

Determine the rms value of the periodic pulse waveform that has a duty ratio of D as
shown in Fig. 2-6.
Gambar 1.11. Gambar contoh soal 2.

Contoh soal 3

Determine the rms values of (a) a sinusoidal voltage of v(t)= Vm sin (t), (b) a full-wave rectified sine
wave of v(t) =|Vm sin(t)|, and (c) a half-wave rectified sine wave of v(t) = Vm sin(t) for 0< t <T/2
and zero otherwise.
Figure 2-7 Waveforms and their squares for Example 2-5 (a) Sine wave;
(b) full-wave rectified sine wave; (c) half-wave rectified sine wave.
Gambar 1.12. Gambar contoh soal 3.

Contoh Soal 4 (Neutral Conductor Current in a Three-Phase System)

An office complex is supplied from a three-phase four-wire voltage source (Fig. 2-8a).
The load is highly nonlinear as a result of the rectifiers in the power supplies of the equipment, and
the current in each of the three phases is shown in Fig. 2-8b. The neutral current is the sum of the
phase currents. If the rms current in each phase conductor is known
to be 20 A, determine the rms current in the neutral conductor.
Equation (2-38) may be applied to this case. Noting by inspection that the area of the
square of the current function in the neutral in, is 3 times that of each of the phases ia
(Fig. 2-8c)

Figure 2-8 (a) Three-phase source supplying a balanced nonlinear three-phase load for Example 2-8;
(b) phase and neutral currents; (c) squares of ia and in.

Gambar 1.12. Gambar contoh soal 4.

The rms current in the neutral is therefore :

Note that the rms neutral current is larger than the phase currents for this situation. This is much
different from that for balanced linear loads where the line currents are sinusoids which are displaced
by 1200 and sum to zero. Three-phase distribution systems supplying highly nonlinear loads should
have a neutral conductor capable of carrying times as much current as the line conductor.

Contoh Soal 5 (RMS Value of the Sum of Waveforms)

Determine the effective (rms) value of v(t) = 4 + 8 sin (1t + 100) + 5 sin (2t +500)
for (a) 2 = 21 and (b) 2 =1.

(a) The rms value of a single sinusoid is Vm / 2, and the rms value of a constant is the constant.
When the sinusoids are of different frequencies, the terms are orthogonal and Eq. (2-39) applies.
b) For sinusoids of the same frequency, Eq. (2-39) does not apply because the integral of the cross
product over one period is not zero. First combine the sinusoids using phasor addition:

The voltage function is then expressed as

The rms value of this voltage is determined from Eq. (2-39) as


Apparent Power S
Apparent power is the product of rms voltage and rms current magnitudes and is often used in
specifying the rating of power equipment such as transformers. Apparent power is expressed as:
S = Vrms Irms (2-41)

In ac circuits (linear circuits with sinusoidal sources), apparent power is the magnitude of complex

Power Factor
The power factor of a load is defined as the ratio of average power to apparent power:


In sinusoidal ac circuits, the above calculation results in pf= cos where is the phase angle between
the voltage and current sinusoids. However, that is a special case and should be used only when both
voltage and current are sinusoids. In general, power factor must be computed from Eq. (2-42).


. The following discussion is a review of power computations for ac circuits. For linear circuits that
have sinusoidal sources, all steady-state voltages and currents are sinusoids. Instantaneous power and
average power for ac circuits are computed using Eqs. (2-1) and (2-3) as follows: For any element in
an ac circuit, let

Then instantaneous power is


Using the trigonometric identity gives


Average power is


The result of the above integration can be obtained by inspection. Since the first term in the
integration is a cosine function, the integral over one period is zero because of equal areas above and
below the time axis. The second term in the integration is the constant cos( - ), which has an
average value of cos( - ). Therefore, the average power in any element in an ac circuit is

where Vrms =Vm/2 , Irms= Im/2 , and is the phase angle between voltage and current. The
power factor is determined to be cos () by using Eq. (2-42). In the steady state, no net power is
absorbed by an inductor or a capacitor.

The term reactive power is commonly used in conjunction with voltages and currents for inductors
and capacitors. Reactive power is characterized by energy storage during one-half of the cycle and
energy retrieval during the other half.

Reactive power is computed with a relationship similar to Eq. (2-49):\

By convention, inductors absorb positive reactive power and capacitors absorb negative reactive

Complex power combines real and reactive powers for ac circuits:

In the above equation, Vrms and Irms are complex quantities often expressed as phasors (magnitude
and angle), and (Irms)* is the complex conjugate of phasor current, which gives results consistent
with the convention that inductance, or lagging current, absorbs reactive power.
Apparent power in ac circuits is the magnitude of complex power:

It is important to note that the complex power in Eq. (2-52) and power factor of cos ( - ), for
sinusoidal ac circuits are special cases and are not applicable to nonsinusoidal voltages and currents.
( Kel III)

Power electronics circuits typically have voltages and/or currents that are periodic but not sinusoidal.
For the general case, the basic definitions for the power terms described at the beginning of this
chapter must be applied. Acommon error that is made when doing power computations is to attempt
to apply some special relationships for sinusoids to waveforms that are not sinusoids. The Fourier
series can be used to describe nonsinusoidal periodic waveforms in terms of a series of sinusoids. The
power relationships for these circuits can be expressed in terms of the components of the Fourier

Fourier Series
Anonsinusoidal periodic waveform that meets certain conditions can be described by a Fourier series
of sinusoids. The Fourier series for a periodic function f(t) can be expressed in trigonometric form as


Sines and cosines of the same frequency can be combined into one sinusoid, resulting in an alternative
expression for a Fourier series:



where (2-56)

The term a0 is a constant that is the average value of f(t) and represents a dc voltage or current in
electrical applications. The coefficient C1 is the amplitude of the term at the fundamental frequency
0. Coefficients C2, C3, . . . are the amplitudes of the harmonics that have frequencies 20, 30, ...
Average Power

If periodic voltage and current waveforms represented by the Fourier series


exist for a device or circuit, then average power is computed from Eq. (2-3).
The average of the products of the dc terms is V0 I0. The average of voltage and current products at the
same frequency is described by Eq. (2-49), and the average of voltage and current products of
different frequencies is zero. Consequently, average power for nonsinusoidal periodic voltage and
current waveforms is


Note that total average power is the sum of the powers at the frequencies in the
Fourier series.

Nonsinusoidal Source and Linear Load

If a nonsinusoidal periodic voltage is applied to a load that is a combination of linear elements, the
power absorbed by the load can be determined by using superposition. A nonsinusoidal periodic
voltage is equivalent to the series combination of the Fourier series voltages, as illustrated in Fig. 2-

The current in the load can be determined using superposition, and Eq. (2-59) can be applied
to compute average power. Recall that superposition for power is not valid,when the sources are of
the same frequency. The technique is demonstrated in Example 6.

Contoh Soal 6
Nonsinusoidal Source and Linear Load
Source v(t) = 10 + 20 cos(260 t+ 250) + 30 cos(460t + 200) V.
Load : 5 resistor and a 15-mH inductor connected in series as in Fig. 2-11.
Determine the power absorbed by the load.

Current at each source frequency is computed separately:
The dc current term is

The amplitudes of the ac current terms are computed from phasor analysis:

Load current can then be expressed as :

Power at each frequency in the Fourier series is determined from Eq. (2-59):

Soal baru (contoh no 6)

v(t) = 10 + 20 cos (150 t + 25) +30 cos(250 t + 200) + 30 cos(350 t + 200)
beban tetap, tentukan daya yang diserap oleh beban.

Sinusoidal Source and Nonlinear Load

If a sinusoidal voltage source is applied to a nonlinear load, the current waveform will not be
sinusoidal but can be represented as a Fourier series. If voltage is the sinusoid

and current is represented by the Fourier series

then average power absorbed by the load (or supplied by the source) is computed from Eq. (2-3) as :


Note that the only nonzero power term is at the frequency of the applied voltage.

The power factor of the load is computed from Eq. (2-42).


where rms current is computed from


Note also that for a sinusoidal voltage and a sinusoidal current,

Pf1 = cos(1 -1),

which is the power factor term commonly used in linear circuits and is called the displacement power
factor. The ratio of the rms value of the fundamental frequency to the total rms value, I1, rms/Irms in
Eq. (2-63), is the distortion factor (DF).
The distortion factor represents the reduction in power factor due to the nonsinusoidal property of the
current. Power factor is also expressed as :

Total harmonic distortion (THD) is another term used to quantify the nonsinusoidal property of a
waveform. THD is the ratio of the rms value of all the nonfundamental frequency terms to the rms
value of the fundamental frequency term.

THD is equivalently expressed as

Total harmonic distortion is often applied in situations where the dc term is zero,
in which case THD may be expressed as

Another way to express the distortion factor is

Reactive power for a sinusoidal voltage and a nonsinusoidal current can be expressed as in Eq. (2-
50). The only nonzero term for reactive power is at the voltage frequency:

With P and Q defined for the nonsinusoidal case, apparent power S must include a term to account for
the current at frequencies which are different from the voltage frequency. The term distortion volt-
amps D is traditionally used in the computation of S,


Other terms that are sometimes used for nonsinusoidal current (or voltages) are
form factor and crest factor.


Contoh Soal 7

Sinusoidal Source and a Nonlinear Load

A sinusoidal voltage source of v(t) = 100 cos(377t) V is applied to a nonlinear load, resulting in a
nonsinusoidal current which is expressed in Fourier series form as

Determine :
(a) the power absorbed by the load,
(b) the power factor of the load,
(c) the distortion factor of the load current,
(d) the total harmonic distortion of the load current.
(e) Q, S dan D

(a) The power absorbed by the load is determined by computing the power absorbed at
each frequency in the Fourier series [Eq. (2-59)].

(b) The rms voltage is

and the rms current is computed from Eq. (2-64):

The power factor is

Alternatively, power factor can be computed from Eq. (2-63):

= 70.7 10.6. sin(300 ) = 375

(c) The distortion factor is computed from Eq. (2-65) as

(d) The total harmonic distortion of the load current is obtained from Eq. (2-68).

Berapa D : ?
Daya distorsi dapat dihitung dengan beberapa cara diantara sebagai berikut :
S = Vrms.Irms = 70,7 x 14 =989,8 VA
= 2 2 2 = 989,8 2 6502 3752 = 645,6 VAd

Jika tegangan nya v(t) = 311 cos (377 t) V

Tentukan : daya yang diserap beban dan faktor daya, THD dan daya Distorsi D

True Power Factor Representation - Expanded

Contoh Perhitungan

Segitiga Daya Tiga Dimensi ( Three Dimension Power Triangle )

Real power = active power (P) [ watt ], KW = Daya nyata

Reactive Power (Q) [VAR] [KVAR] = Daya buta/semu
Distortion Power (D) VAD [KVAD] = Daya Simpang Total power = apparent
power (S) [VA] [KVA] = Daya Tampak, Daya total
P^2 + Q^2 + D^2 = S^2
From IEEE Std. 141-1993: Power is the product of in-phase current times the voltage or: P =
V * Icos

In the case of harmonics: Ph = Vh * Ihcos or S = (Sqrt(P2 + Q2 +D2))

Where P = Real Power, Q = Reactive Power and D = Distortion Power.

System losses will be higher due to the harmonic components

Ph = I2h * Rh

(Ohms law in harmonic-land)

Kel IV
Arus rms kuadrat = 6 x102 A2, maka Daya Total S = Vrms. Irms

S = Vrms x Irms = Veff x Ieff = 200 V x 6 x10 A = 20006 VA.

S2 = 6 x 4000.000 = 24 x 106 (VA)2

Untuk mencari P = Vn In cos n

V dan I ada pada harmonisa pertama, dua-dua muncul pada frekuensi fundamental, sudut yang
terpakai hanya pada pada 1.

The apparent voltamperes at the input is therefore given by

~ ~
S2 V 2 I 2 2002 6 102 24 106 VA 2
In this example only the fundamental frequency components are common to
both voltage and current. Therefore, the real power P and the apparent
power Q are
P V I1 cos 1
1 = displacement angle between the fundamental of
the voltage and the fundamental of the current
200 20 cos 45o
Q V I1 sin 1
200 20 sin 45o
JUNE 2002
2 IEEE PESC-02 18
Daya Distorsi muncul karena ada harmonisa mulai orde 2,3 dst, adalah perkalian tegangan rms
dengan arus harmonisa pada orde yang sama ( 2,3 dst).

Daya Aktif dan Reaktif adalah tegangan rms kali arus fundamental (orde 1) atau bisa juga
disebut daya tampak atau total sebelum terjadi harmonisa.

Daya Tampak/Total adalah perkalian tegangan rms dengan arus rms total.

D2 = S2- P2 - Q2
= 24 x 10 - 8.000.000-8000.000) = 8 000.000
D = 8 .1000 VAD.

~ ~
D2 V 2 I 2 I12

~ ~ ~
V 2 I 2 I 32

2002 102 102 8 106 VA 2
~ ~
P2 Q2 D2 V2 I 2
~~ ~
P V I1 cos 1 I1
PF power factor
I cos 1

Displacement factor cos 1
Distortion factor 1
I 600
Therefore, the power factor is
1 2
PF 0.577
2 6
JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 19

I1eff = 20 A

Ieff = I1eff = 20 A

Ieff =6 . 10 A

20/( I1eff = 20 A

Ieff =6 . 10 A

DF=20/(6 . 10) =0,817

Pf =0,817 X 0,707 = 0,577


A periodic, sinusoidal voltage given by

v 2 200sin t 200sin 5t 30o
is applied to a series, linear, resistance-inductance load of resistance 4 and
fundamental frequency reactance 10.
Calculate the degree of power factor improvement realizable by capacitance
Compensation when f1 50HZ.
Solution. The rms terminal voltage V is given by
~ ~ ~
V V12 V52
200 2 200 2
V 283V
Z1 4 j10
Z1 10.8

1 tan 1 10 / 4 68.2o
JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 20
5 51 50
Z5 4 j50
Z5 50
5 tan 1 50 / 4 85.4o
The instantaneous load current is given by

i 2

sin t 68.2o

sin 5t 30o 85.4o
10.8 50
The rms load current I is therefore given by
~ 2 ~ 2
~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 2 V1 V5
I I1 I5
Z1 Z5
18.52 2 4 2 359A 2

JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 21

Apparent voltamperes S at the load terminals in the absence of capacitance is


S2 V 2 I 2 28.72 106 VA
~ ~ 2

Average power P In this case is

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
P Vn In cos L V1 I1 cos 1 V2 I2 cos 2 ...

200 18.52 cos 68.2o 200 4 cos85.4o


The power factor before compensation is therefore

P 1440
PF 0.27
S 28.72 10 6

JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 22

A periodic, nonsinusoidal voltage with instantaneous value given by

v 2 200sin t 200sin 2t - 30o is applied to a nonlinear impedance.
The resulting current has an instantaneous value given by
i 2 20 sint 45 10 sin2t 60 10 sin3t 60
o o o

Calculate the components SLR , SLX , SLD of the load apparent voltamperes
and compare thee with the classical values PL , QL , DL respectively.


v 2 200sin t 200sin 2t - 30o
iL 2 20 sint 45 10 sin2t 60 10 sin3t 60
o o o

Note that the presence of the load nonlinearity causes a frequency component
of load current (I.e. the third harmonic term) that is not present in the supply

JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 23

The rms voltage and current at the supply are given by

V2 2002 2002 8 104 V2
IL 202 102 102 6 102 A2
~ and ~
The load apparent voltamperes SL therefore has a value defined in terms V IL
S2L V 2 IL2 48 106 VA
~ ~ 2

Instantaneous expressions of the hypothetical currents i R , i X , i D are given by

i R 2 20 cos 45o sin t 10 cos 300 sin 2t 30o

20 cos 45o 10 cos 30o

10 2 A 2

i X 2 20 sin 45o cos t 10 sin 300 cos 2t 30o

20 sin 45o 10 sin 30o 2

10 2 A 2

iD 2 10 sin 3t 60 o

ILD 10 2 A 2
JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 24
Note that current components i R , i X contain only those harmonic terms which
are common to both voltage and current. These are therefore consistent with the
n1 terms.
~ ~ ~
The rms load current components ILR , ILX , ILD are found, as expected to sum
to the total rms load current IL
~2 ~2 ~2 11 9 ~
ILD ILR ILD 10 2 1 6 10 2 IL2
4 4
Components SLR , SLX , SLD of the apparent voltamperes can now be obtained

10 8 10 4 22 106 VA
~ ~ 2 11 2

10 8 10 4 18 106 VA
~ ~2 9 2

10 2 8 10 4 8 106 VA
~ ~2

JUNE 2002 IEEE PESC-02 25


PSpice can be used to simulate power electronics circuits to determine voltages,

currents, and power quantities. A convenient method is to use the numerical
analysis capabilities of the accompanying graphics postprocessor program Probe
to obtain power quantities directly. Probe is capable of
Displaying voltage and current waveforms (v)(t) and i(t)
Displaying instantaneous power p(t)
Computing energy absorbed by a device
Computing average power P
Computing average voltage and current
Computing rms voltages and currents
Determining the Fourier series of a periodic waveform
The examples that follow illustrate the use of PSpice to do power computations.


Instantaneous Power, Energy, and Average Power Using PSpice

PSpice can be used to display instantaneous power and to compute energy. Asimple example
is a sinusoidal voltage across a resistor. The voltage source has amplitude Vm = 10 V and
frequency 60 Hz, and the resistor is 5. Use VSIN for the source, and select Time Domain
(Transient) in the Simulation Setup. Enter a Run Time (Time to Stop) of 16.67 ms for one
period of the source.
The circuit is shown in Fig. 2-12a. The top node is labeled as 1. When placing the resistor, rotate it 3
times so that the first node is upward. After running the simulation, the Netlist should look like this:
*source EXAMPLE 2-11
V_V1 1 0
SIN 0 10 60 0 0 0
R_R1 1 0 5
When the simulation is completed, the Probe screen appears. The waveforms of voltage
and current for the resistor are obtained by entering V(1) and I(R1). Instantaneous power p(t) =v(t)i(t)
absorbed by the resistor is obtained from Probe by entering thenexpression V(1)*I(R1) or by selecting
W(R1). The resulting display showing V(1), I(R1), and p(t) is in Fig. 2-12b.
Figure 2.12 (a) PSpice circuit for Example 2-11; (b) voltage, current, and
instantaneous power for the resistor; (c) energy absorbed by the resistor;/(d) average power absorbed
by the resistor.

Energy can be computed using the definition of Eq. (2-2). When in Probe, enter the expression
S(V(1)*I(R1)) or S(W(R1)), which computes the integral of instantaneous power. The result is a trace
that shows that the energy absorbed increases with time. The energy absorbed by the resistor after one
period of the source is determined by placing the cursor at the end of the trace, revealing WR= 166.66
mJ (Fig. 2-12c).
The Probe feature of PSpice can also be used to determine the average value ofb power directly. For
the circuit in the above example, average power is obtained by entering the expression
AVG(V(1)*I(R1)) or AVG(W(R1)). The result is a running value of average power as computed in
Eq. (2-3). Therefore, the average value of the power waveform must be obtained at the end of one or
more periods of the waveform. Figure. 2-12d
shows the output from Probe. The cursor option is used to obtain a precise value of average
power. This output shows 9.998 W, very slightly different from the theoretical value of 10 W. Keep in
mind that the integration is done numerically from discrete data points. PSpice can also be used to
determine power in an ac circuit containing an inductoror capacitor, but the simulation must represent
steady-state response to be valid for steady-state operation of the circuit.

RMS and Fourier Analysis Using PSpice

Fig. 2-13a shows a periodic pulse voltage that is connected to a series R-L circuit with R =10 and
L= 10 mH. PSpice is used to determine the steady-state rms current and the Fourier components of
the current.

Figure 2-13 (a) A pulse waveform voltage source is applied to a series R-L circuit; (b) Probe
output showing the steady-state current and the rms value.

In PSpice power calculations, it is extremely important that the output being analyzed represent
steady-state voltages and currents. Steady-state current is reached after several periods of the pulse
waveform. Therefore, the Simulation Settings have the Run Time (Time to Stop) at 100 ms and
theStart Saving Data set at 60 ms. The 60-ms delay allows for the current to reach steady state. A
maximum step size is set at 10 s to produce a smooth waveform.
Current is displayed in Probe by entering I(R1), and steady state is verified by noting that the starting
and ending values are the same for each period. The rms current is obtained by entering the
expression RMS(I(R1)). The value of rms current, 4.6389 A, is obtained at the end of any period of
the current waveform. Fig. 2-13b shows the Probe output.
The Fourier series of a waveform can be determined using PSpice. Fourier analysis is entered under
Output File Options in the Transient Analysis menu. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the
waveforms of the source voltage and the load current will appear in the output file. The fundamental
frequency (Center Frequency) of the Fourier series is 50 Hz (1/20 mS). In this example,five periods of
the waveform are simulated to ensure steady-state current for
this L/R time constant.A portion of the output file showing the Fourier components of source voltage
and resistor current is as follows:


DC COMPONENT _ 4.000000E_00
1 5.000E 01 3.252E_00 1.000E_00 _3.952E_01 0.000E_00
2 1.000E 02 5.675E-01 1.745E_01 _1.263E_02 4.731E_01
3 1.500E 02 2.589E-01 7.963E_02 _2.402E_01 9.454E_01
4 2.000E 02 2.379E-01 7.317E_02 _9.896E_01 5.912E_01
5 2.500E 02 1.391E-07 4.277E_08 5.269E_00 2.029E_02
6 3.000E 02 1.065E-01 3.275E_02 _6.594E_01 1.712E_02
7 3.500E 02 4.842E-02 1.489E_02 _1.388E_02 1.378E_02
8 4.000E 02 3.711E-02 1.141E_02 _3.145E_01 2.847E_02
9 4.500E 02 4.747E-02 1.460E_02 _1.040E_02 2.517E_02


Figure 2-14 (a) Fourier analysis setup; (b) Fourier Series Spectrum from Probe using FFT.

When you use PSpice output for the Fourier series, remember that the values are listed as amplitudes
(zero-to-peak), and conversion to rms by dividing by is required for power computations. The phase
angles are referenced to the sine rather than the cosine. The numerically computed Fourier
components in Pspice may not be exactly the same as analytically computed values. Total harmonic
distortion (THD) is listed at the end of the Fourier output. [Note: The THD computed in PSpice uses
Eq. (2-69) and assumes that the dc component of the waveform is zero, which is not true in this case.
The rms value of the load current can be computed from the Fourier series in the output file from Eq.

Agraphical representation of the Fourier series can be produced in Probe. To display the Fourier series
of a waveform, click the FFT button on the toolbar. Upon entering the variable to be displayed, the
spectrum of the Fourier series will appear. It will be desirable to adjust the range of frequencies to
obtain a useful graph. Fig. 2-14b shows the result for this example. Fourier component magnitudes are
represented by the peaks of the graph, which can be determined precisely by using the cursor option.

Contoh Soal
Figure 2-15 Circuit for Example 2-13, a PSpice simulation of the circuit in Example 2-4.

Figure 2-15 Circuit for Example 2-13, a PSpice simulation of the circuit in Example 2-4.

Use PSpice to simulate the inductor circuit of Fig. 2-4a with the parameters of Example 2-3.

Fig. 2-15 shows the circuit used in the PSpice simulation. The transistor is used as an switch, so a
voltage-controlled switch (Sbreak) can be used in the PSpice circuit. The switch is idealized by setting
the on resistance to Ron = 0.001 . The control for the switch is a pulse voltage source which has a
pulse width of 10 ms and period of 100 ms. The diode Dbreak is used. Some of the possible results
that can be obtained from the Probe output are listed below. All traces except the maximum inductor
current and the stored inductor energy are read at the end of the Probe trace, which is after one
complete period. Note the agreement between the results of Example 2-3 and the PSpice results.
Desired Quantity Probe Entry Result
Inductor current I(L1) max = 4.5 A
Energy stored in inductor 0.5*0.2*I(L1)*I(L1) max _ 2.025 J
Average switch power AVG(W(S1)) 0.010 W
Average source power (absorbed) AVG(W(VCC)) _20.3 W
Average diode power AVG(W(D1)) 0.464 W
Average inductor power AVG(W(L1)) _ 0
Average inductor voltage AVG(V(1,2)) _ 0
Average resistor power AVG(W(R1)) 19.9 W
Energy absorbed by resistor S(W(R1)) 1.99 J
Energy absorbed by diode S(W(D1)) 0.046 J
Energy absorbed by inductor S(W(L1)) _ 0
RMS resistor current RMS(I(R1)) 0.998 A

Latihan Soal
Betuk gelombang Tegangan dan Arus Masukan dari sumber 220 V,50 Hz yang dihasilkan
oleh simulasi-Simulink untuk rangkaian dibawah ini terlihat pada gambar-gamb ar berikut
Jika kita mengambil hingga harmonisa ke-5, Tentukan berapa besar THD, faktor daya dan
Daya Distorsinya.

C ontinuous
powergui Scope2

Diode1 Diode3
1000 uF1 DC_Motor

w m
+ Id
220V Id 1 2 A+ dc A-
50 Hz

F+ F-
Diode2 Diode4
220 V / 48 V

Selected signal: 5 cycles. FFT window (in red): 1 cycles



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (s)

Selected signal: 5 cycles. FFT window (in red): 1 cycles


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (s)

Komponen Amp (A) Rms (A) Sudut (deg ) (Rms)^2

Idc 39,73091582 90
Vrms 220 -9,8
Ipeak 311,1269837 220 -9,8
i1 17,48 12,36022654 -9,8 152,7752
i2 4,20394 2,972634482 -43,4 8,836556
i3 3,485512 2,464629171 134 6,074397
i4 0,20102 0,142142605 -87,6 0,020205
i5 0,72542 0,512949401 140,6 0,263117
i6 0,290168 0,20517976 92,8 0,042099
Sum(It) 26,38606 18,657762 168,0116
D =V*sqrt(It^2-i1^2) 858,7435 VAD
P=Vrms*Irms(1) cos (phi1) -2530,0615 Watt
Q=Vrms*Irms(1) sin (phi1) 996,54831 VAR
S=Sqrt(Vrms^2*Irms^2) 2851,6241 VA
s=Sqrt(D^2+P^2+Q^2) 2851,6241
Komponen Amp (A) Rms (A) Sudut (deg ) (Rms)^2
Idc 39,73091582 90
Vrms 220 0
Vpeak 311,1269837 220 -9,8
i1 17,48 12,36022654 152,7752
i2 4,20394 2,972634482 -43,4 8,836556
i3 3,485512 2,464629171 134 6,074397
Sum(It) 25,16945 17,79749 167,6862
D =V*sqrt(It^2-i1^2) 849,5235 VAD 12,94937
P=Vrms*Irms(1) cos (phi1) -2530,0615 WATT
Q=Vrms*Irms(1) sin (phi1) 996,54831 VAR
S=Sqrt(Vrms^2*Irms^2) 2848,8611 2848,861 VA

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