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Environmental Impact Assessment for

Developing Countries in Asia

Volume 1 - Overview

Bindu N. Lohani
J. Warren Evans
Robert R. Everitt
Harvey Ludwig
Richard A. Carpenter
Shih-Liang Tu
1997 Asian Development Bank

Citation: Lohani, B., J.W. Evans, H. Ludwig, R.R. Everitt, Richard A. Carpenter, and S.L.
Tu. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries in Asia.
Volume 1 - Overview. 356 pp.
December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

Table of Contents

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................... vi

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................ viii

List of Boxes ................................................................................................................................................................. x

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms............................................................................................................................ xi

1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Environment and Development in Asia ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 EIA and Development Planning .................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 EIA Inputs to the Project Cycle ..................................................................................................... 1-5
1.4 Outputs of the EIA Process ........................................................................................................... 1-7
1.4.1 Analysis of Environmental Effects .................................................................................. 1-7
1.4.2 Environmental Management Plan.................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.3 Environmental Monitoring Program ............................................................................. 1-10
1.4.4 The Environmental Management Office ....................................................................... 1-12
1.5 Challenges for the Practice of EIA in Developing Asia............................................................... 1-12
1.6 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 1-13

2.0 Institutional Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment in Asia .................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Legal Mandate ............................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Enforcement of Environmental Legislation..................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Environmental Impact Assessment: Legislative Versus Administrative Arrangements .. 2-4
2.2 Environmental Impact Assessment Process in the Asian Context ................................................. 2-6
2.2.1 Screening......................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.2.2 Scoping to Determine the Terms of Reference for EIA .................................................. 2-9
2.2.3 Full Scale EIA ............................................................................................................... 2-10
2.2.4 Review Process ............................................................................................................. 2-15
2.2.5 Approval Process - Attaching Terms and Conditions ................................................... 2-15
2.2.6 Environmental Management and Monitoring................................................................ 2-16
2.2.7 Post-Audit and Evaluation............................................................................................. 2-16
2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Groups Involved in the EIA System............................................. 2-16
2.3.1 EIA Administrative Agency .......................................................................................... 2-18
2.3.2 Project Proponent.......................................................................................................... 2-18
2.3.3 Environmental Practitioners .......................................................................................... 2-18
2.3.4 Other Government Agencies ......................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.5 The Public ..................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.6 International Assistance Agencies................................................................................. 2-19
2.3.7 Academic Institutions.................................................................................................... 2-20
2.4 Human Resource Requirements................................................................................................... 2-20
2.5 Financial Resource Requirements................................................................................................ 2-21
2.6 Participatory Development and Public Participation................................................................... 2-22
2.6.1 Participatory Development............................................................................................ 2-22
2.6.2 Public Participation ....................................................................................................... 2-22
2.7 Environmental Standards............................................................................................................. 2-24
2.7.1 Meeting the Standards with an Environmental Management Plan ................................ 2-26
2.8 Guidelines and Procedures .......................................................................................................... 2-27
2.9 Special Considerations for International Assistance Agencies .................................................... 2-27
2.9.1 International Lending Agency IEE Procedures ............................................................. 2-27
2.10 Constraints to Implementing Environmental Assessment Procedures in
Developing Countries .................................................................................................................. 2-30
2.11 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 2-31

EIA for Developing Countries December 1997

3.0 Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Ad Hoc Method ............................................................................................................................. 3-5
3.2 Methods for Organizing and Presenting Information .................................................................... 3-7
3.2.1 Checklists ........................................................................................................................ 3-8
3.2.2 Scales and Weights........................................................................................................ 3-11
3.2.3 Matrices......................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.3 Sectoral Guidelines...................................................................................................................... 3-20
3.3.1 When to Use Sectoral Guidelines.................................................................................. 3-21
3.1.2 Existing Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 3-21
3.4 The Systematic Sequential Approach .......................................................................................... 3-28
3.5 Networks ..................................................................................................................................... 3-32
3.6 Simulation Modeling Workshops ................................................................................................ 3-43
3.7 Spatially Based Methods ............................................................................................................. 3-50
3.7.1 Overlays ........................................................................................................................ 3-50
3.7.2 Geographic Information Systems .................................................................................. 3-52
3.8 Rapid Assessment of Pollution Sources ...................................................................................... 3-54
3.8.1 Rapid Assessment Procedure ........................................................................................ 3-54
3.8.2 Waste Load Factors....................................................................................................... 3-56
3.8.3 Use in EIA..................................................................................................................... 3-59
3.9 Summary...................................................................................................................................... 3-61
3.10 References .................................................................................................................................. 3-62

4.0 Approaches to Impact Prediction ........................................................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Predictive Methods........................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Models and Modeling.................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Physical Models .............................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Experimental Models ...................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.3 From Conceptual Modeling to Computer Modeling ....................................................... 4-5
4.2.4 Mathematical Models...................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3 Predicting Quantitative Environmental Changes ........................................................................... 4-8
4.3.1 Air Quality ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.2 Surface Waters .............................................................................................................. 4-17
4.2.3 Soils and Groundwater .................................................................................................. 4-26
4.2.4 Biological/Ecological Resources................................................................................... 4-31
4.2.5 Ecotoxicology - Impacts of Pollutants on Biota ............................................................ 4-35
4.2.6 Sound and Noise ........................................................................................................... 4-44
4.3 References ................................................................................................................................... 4-49

5.0 Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 The Nature of Uncertainty............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Natural Variation............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.1.2 Biophysical Measurements in the Field........................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Data Quality .................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2 Risk Assessment Deals Explicitly With Uncertainty ..................................................................... 5-5
5.3 Performing ERA............................................................................................................................ 5-9
5.3.1 Step 1 - Hazard Identification ....................................................................................... 5-10
5.3.2 Step 2 - Hazard Accounting .......................................................................................... 5-10
5.3.3 Step 3 - Scenarios of Exposure...................................................................................... 5-12
5.3.4 Step 4 - Risk Characterization....................................................................................... 5-19
5.3.5 Step 5 - Risk Management ............................................................................................ 5-27
5.4 Human Health Risk Assessment Methods ................................................................................... 5-28
5.4.1 Exposure and Dose........................................................................................................ 5-28
5.4.2 Cancer ........................................................................................................................... 5-28
5.4.3 Dose x Potency = Risk .................................................................................................. 5-28
5.4.4 Non-Cancer Diseases .................................................................................................... 5-29
5.5 Comparative Risk Analysis.......................................................................................................... 5-29

December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

5.5.1 Criteria for Comparative Ranking of Health Risks........................................................ 5-30

5.5.2 Risk - Cost - Benefit...................................................................................................... 5-31
5.5.3 Guidelines for Comparison ........................................................................................... 5-31
5.5.4 Issues in Environmental Health Risk Assessment ......................................................... 5-32
5.6 Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA)......................................................................................... 5-33
5.6.1 Ecosystem Integrity, Resilience, Biodiversity, Health, and Sustainability .................... 5-34
5.6.2 Ecotoxicology ............................................................................................................... 5-36
5.6.3 Qualitative Comparative EcoRA................................................................................... 5-38
5.6.4 Qualitative Methodology............................................................................................... 5-38
5.6.5 Procedure for Ranking Risks......................................................................................... 5-39
5.6.6 Ecological Risk Assessment: A Hawaiian Case Study .................................................. 5-40
5.6.7 Issues in Ecological Risk Assessment ........................................................................... 5-41
5.7 Risks to Economic Welfare ......................................................................................................... 5-42
5.7.1 Valuation Methods for Economic Damage to Ecosystems............................................ 5-43
5.7.2 Issues in Risks to Economic Welfare ............................................................................ 5-44
5.8 Summary...................................................................................................................................... 5-44
5.9 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 5-45

6.0 Economic Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Role of Economics in Environmental Impact Assessment............................................................. 6-1
6.2 Steps in Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts .............................................................. 6-2
6.3 Methods for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts........................................................ 6-4
6.4 Taxonomy of the Valuation Methods ............................................................................................ 6-7
6.5 Guidelines for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts .................................................... 6-7
6.6 Issues in the Incorporation of Environmental Values into Benefit Cost Analysis ......................... 6-8
6.7 Methods for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts........................................................ 6-9
6.7.1 Changes in Productivity .................................................................................................. 6-9
6.7.2 Market Prices ................................................................................................................ 6-10
6.7.3 Surrogate Market Prices ................................................................................................ 6-10
6.7.4 Replacement Cost.......................................................................................................... 6-11
6.7.5 Contingent Valuation Methods...................................................................................... 6-12
6.7.6 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis .......................................................................................... 6-13
6.7.7 Benefits-Transfer-Method ............................................................................................. 6-14
6.8 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 6-14

7.0 Social Assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Social Assessment and the Project Cycle ...................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Conducting a Social Assessment ................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Basic Steps ...................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.2 Targeting ......................................................................................................................... 7-6
7.2.3 Participatory Development Processes ............................................................................. 7-7
7.2.4 Delivery Mechanisms.................................................................................................... 7-10
7.2.5 Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation ............................................................................... 7-10
7.3 Vulnerable Groups....................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.3.1 Involuntary Resettlement Planning................................................................................ 7-11
7.3.2 Indigenous Peoples Planning......................................................................................... 7-15
7.3.3 Gender Analysis ............................................................................................................ 7-16
7.3.4 Human Health Impacts Analysis ................................................................................... 7-18
7.4 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 7-20

8.0 Application of Expert Systems............................................................................................................................. 8-1

8.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Expert Systems Fundamentals ....................................................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Applications of Expert Systems to EIA ......................................................................................... 8-4
8.3.1 Applications of EIA Expert Systems in Developed Countries ........................................ 8-5
8.3.2 Applications for Developing Countries........................................................................... 8-7
8.3.3 Other EIA Decision Support Tools for Developing Countries...................................... 8-10

EIA for Developing Countries December 1997

8.4 Anatomy of an Expert System ..................................................................................................... 8-13

8.4.1 Knowledge Base............................................................................................................ 8-14
8.4.2 Knowledge Acquisition ................................................................................................. 8-19
8.4.3 Environmental Setting Databases.................................................................................. 8-20
8.4.4 Library Databases.......................................................................................................... 8-22
8.4.5 Inference Engine ........................................................................................................... 8-22
8.4.6 User Interface ................................................................................................................ 8-23
8.4.7 Reporting System .......................................................................................................... 8-24
8.4.8 Output Databases .......................................................................................................... 8-28
8.5 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 8-30

9.0 Environmental Monitoring Program .................................................................................................................... 9-1

9.1 Implementing an Environmental Monitoring Program .................................................................. 9-1
9.1.1 Environmental Monitoring Defined ................................................................................ 9-1
9.1.2 Monitoring Program in the EIA Methodology ................................................................ 9-3
9.1.3 Objectives of Project Based Environmental Monitoring Programs................................. 9-4
9.1.4 Cost Justification for Monitoring .................................................................................... 9-6
9.1.5 Reporting and Enforcement Capability ........................................................................... 9-6
9.1.6 Monitoring Requirements For Effective Pollution Control ............................................. 9-6
9.2 Designing Environmental Monitoring Programs ........................................................................... 9-7
9.2.1 Analysis of Significant Environmental Issues ................................................................. 9-7
9.2.2 Formulation of Specific Objectives................................................................................. 9-7
9.2.3 Formulation of Specific Questions Defining Assessment Endpoints.......................... 9-7
9.2.4 Construct Simple Conceptual Models of Impact........................................................... 9-10
9.2.5 Selecting Environmental Indicators............................................................................... 9-11
9.2.6 Establish an Information Management System ............................................................. 9-12
9.2.7 Development of a Rigorous Sampling Design............................................................... 9-13
9.2.8 Establish Rigorous Quality Assurance Quality and Quality Control ............................. 9-14
9.2.9 Prepare a Cost Estimate for the Entire Monitoring Program......................................... 9-14
9.2.10 Periodic Program Review.............................................................................................. 9-14
9.3 Examples of Monitoring from Developing Country EIAs ........................................................... 9-15
9.4 Post Audit and Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 9-17
9.5 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 9-18

10.0 Environmental Management Plan and Office................................................................................................... 10-1

10.1 Implementing an Environmental Management Plan .................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Modifications in Detailed Final Design......................................................................... 10-2
10.1.2 Construction Contractors Contract Requirements........................................................ 10-2
10.1.3 Environmental Supervision of Construction.................................................................. 10-2
10.1.4 Environmental Acceptance of Completion of Construction .......................................... 10-3
10.1.5 Monitoring During Operations Stage ............................................................................ 10-3
10.1.6 Opportunities for Environmental Improvements ........................................................... 10-3
10.2 Environmental Management Office............................................................................................. 10-3
10.2.1 Reporting by Environmental Management Office......................................................... 10-4
10.3 Environmental Review Panel....................................................................................................... 10-4
10.4 Difficulties in Implementing the Environmental Management Plan and the
Environmental Management Office............................................................................................. 10-4
10.5 Generic Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office................... 10-4
10.6 Xiaolangdi Project....................................................................................................................... 10-8
10.7 Summary and Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 10-15
10.8 References and Further Reading................................................................................................ 10-15

11.0 Preparing an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.................................................................................. 11-1

11.1 Terms of Reference ..................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.1 Scoping Defined............................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2 Contents of the EIA Report ......................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 Executive Summary....................................................................................................... 11-3

December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

11.2.2 Introduction................................................................................................................... 11-3

11.2.3 Description of the Project.............................................................................................. 11-3
11.2.4 Description of the Environment .................................................................................... 11-4
11.2.5 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures...................................... 11-5
11.2.6 Alternatives ................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.2.7 Environmental Monitoring Program ............................................................................. 11-9
11.2.8 Additional Studies ......................................................................................................... 11-9
11.2.9 Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office................ 11-11
11.2.10 Summary and Conclusion............................................................................................ 11-11
11.2.11 Annexes....................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.3 Managing the Preparation of the EIA ........................................................................................ 11-11
11.3.1 The EIA Work Plan..................................................................................................... 11-11
11.4 References and Further Reading................................................................................................ 11-15

12.0 Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report........................................................................................................ 12-1

12.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.2 Review Criteria............................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.3 EIA Report Quality Control......................................................................................................... 12-1
12.4 Formal Review of the EIA Report ............................................................................................... 12-2
12.4.1 Two Approaches to Review .......................................................................................... 12-2
12.4.2 Section-by-Section Review of the EIA Report: A Checklist ......................................... 12-3
12.5 Problems in Conducting EIA Reviews and Evaluations .............................................................. 12-6
12.6 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 12-7

13.0 Future Trends in Environmental Impact Assessment in Asia.......................................................................... 13-1

13.1 Examining the Foundations ......................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Sustainability ............................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.3 Strategic Environmental Assessment........................................................................................... 13-3
13.4 Cumulative and Large Scale Effects............................................................................................ 13-5
13.5 Decision Making ......................................................................................................................... 13-6
13.5.1 Screening and Scoping .................................................................................................. 13-6
13.5.2 EIA Report Quality and EIA Review ............................................................................ 13-7
13.5.3 Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 13-7
13.6 Improvements in Methods and Approaches................................................................................. 13-7
13.6.1 Best Practices ................................................................................................................ 13-7
13.6.2 Sectoral Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 13-7
13.6.3 Disciplinary Guidelines................................................................................................. 13-8
13.6.4 Environmental Information Systems ............................................................................. 13-8
13.7 Public Participation and Dispute Resolution ............................................................................... 13-8
13.8 Follow-up and Post Project Analysis........................................................................................... 13-8
13.9 Capacity Building ........................................................................................................................ 13-9
13.10 References and Further Reading.................................................................................................. 13-9

Appendix - Using the Internet as an EIA Resource Tool .......................................................................................... A-1

EIA for Developing Countries December 1997

List of Tables
1-1: Integration of environmental concerns into development planning ............................................................. 1-5
2-1: Institutional arrangements and environmental agencies for EIA in selected Asia-Pacific
developing countries .................................................................................................................................... 2-5
2-2: Framework terms of reference for environmental assessment of a development project ........................... 2-13
2-3: Example institutional arrangements for review of project proposals ......................................................... 2-15
2-4: Roles and responsibilities by EIA process stage........................................................................................ 2-17
3-1: Objective criteria for selecting an EIA method............................................................................................ 3-4
3-2: Illustration of the ad hoc method for comparing alternative reservoir arrangements................................... 3-6
3-3: Information presented in checklists and matrices ........................................................................................ 3-8
3-4: Simple checklist developed for the Huasai-Thale Noi road project............................................................. 3-9
3-5: Two alternative examples to illustrate weighting and scaling techniques .................................................. 3-12
3-6: Types of scales commonly used in EIA methods....................................................................................... 3-13
3-7: Simple environmental impact matrix for the Phoenix Pulp Mill................................................................ 3-16
3-8: Actions and environmental items in the Leopold Matrix ........................................................................... 3-18
3-9: Part of the IEE Checklist of Dams and Reservoirs .................................................................................... 3-24
3-10: Environmental problems due to project location ....................................................................................... 3-25
3-11: Extract from Chapter II (Environmental Impact and Management Requirements
of Water Resources Development Projects) of the ESCAP sectoral guidelines for water
resources development............................................................................................................................... 3-27
3-12: Causal chains: activity - changes- impact - mitigation for agriculture projects.......................................... 3-31
3-13: Partial cross impact matrix for the IEE of a pulp and paper mill in Thailand............................................ 3-41
3-14: Statement of the impact.............................................................................................................................. 3-42
3-15: Actions discussed and implemented in Nam Pong Model ......................................................................... 3-45
3-16: Indicators discussed and implemented in Nam Pong Model...................................................................... 3-46
3-17: Final looking outward matrix for the Nam Pong application ..................................................................... 3-49
3-18: List of activities included in the air, water and solid waste inventory and control models,
classified under the SIC system, UN.......................................................................................................... 3-55
3-19: Natural gas - model for air emissions inventories and control ................................................................... 3-57
3-20: Petroleum Refineries - model for liquid waste inventories and control ..................................................... 3-58
3-21: Petroleum Refineries - model for solid and hazardous waste inventories .................................................. 3-59
3-22: Key land based pollution sources and pollutants Ha Long City and environs .......................................... 3-60
3-23: Pollutants included in hydrographic and water quality model ................................................................... 3-60
4-1: Prediction techniques applicable in EIA...................................................................................................... 4-1
4-2: Air quality modeling software available from the Support Center for Regulatory
Air Models - U.S. EPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards ...................................................... 4-14
4-3: Models available from the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development ............................................. 4-15
4-4: Examples of computer-based water quality models ................................................................................... 4-24
4-5: Examples of groundwater models available from the Colorado School of Mines
International Groundwater Modeling Center ............................................................................................. 4-30
4-6: Software for programs for habitat evaluation from United States Geological Survey
Midcontinent Ecological Sciences Center ................................................................................................. 4-35
4-7: Exposure pathways .................................................................................................................................... 4-37
4-8: Center for Exposure Assessment Software ................................................................................................ 4-42
4-9: Measures of noise exposure ....................................................................................................................... 4-45
5-1: Major hazards associated with development projects .................................................................................. 5-5
5-2: Chemicals requiring priority attention in developing countries ................................................................... 5-9
6-1: Examples of development projects, possible environmental impacts, and measurement
and valuation techniques.............................................................................................................................. 6-6
6-2: Different methods available for economic valuation of environmental impacts .......................................... 6-7
7-1: Social dimensions activities undertaken during the project cycle ................................................................ 7-2
7-2: Forest protection options arising from a participatory planning workshop.................................................. 7-9
7-3: Resettlement Action Plan Outline .............................................................................................................. 7-13
8-1: Summary of selected expert systems for EIA ............................................................................................ 8-13

December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

8-2: Generic elements of a rule ......................................................................................................................... 8-16

8-3: Basic questions asked by knowledge engineers ......................................................................................... 8-20
8-4: Component hierarchy for physical resources ............................................................................................. 8-22
8-5: Sample scoping report produced by the Calyx-ADB computerized EIA system ....................................... 8-25
8-6: Component hierarchy used in the ADB expert system............................................................................... 8-29
9-1: Monitoring parameters for the Tarim River Basin Project......................................................................... 9-16
10-1: Example environmental management functions and Environmental Management
Office work load ........................................................................................................................................ 10-6
10-2: Estimated staffing requirement for the Environmental Management Office.............................................. 10-8
10-3: Summary description of Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Plan .................................................. 10-10
10-4: Staffing and responsibilities of Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Office ..................................... 10-11
10-5: Cost estimate (millions of Yuan) for the Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Plan ......................... 10-12
10-6: Example table of contents for a report by the Environmental Management Office of the
Xiaolangdi project ................................................................................................................................... 10-13
11-1: Classification of environmental components used in EIAs in Thailand..................................................... 11-5
11-2: Listing of typical work plan tasks ............................................................................................................ 11-12
11-3: EIA team staff requirements .................................................................................................................... 11-14
13-1: Frames of reference for initial review of trends and innovations ............................................................... 13-2

EIA for Developing Countries December 1997

List of Figures
1-1: Environment and development ................................................................................................................... 1-2
1-2: Relative significance of resource and environmental issues in selected developing countries in Asia ........ 1-3
1-3: Development planning hierarchy ................................................................................................................. 1-4
1-4: EIA inputs to the project cycle..................................................................................................................... 1-6
2-1: Major steps in the EIA process .................................................................................................................... 2-7
3-1: Factor index for forest land protected........................................................................................................ 3-14
3-2: Overview of EIA information in the project cycle..................................................................................... 3-30
3-3: Network diagram of the causal chain that begins with application of inorganic fertilizers........................ 3-32
3-4: Conceptual model of impact networks....................................................................................................... 3-33
3-5: Stepped matrix for Nong Pla Reservoir ..................................................................................................... 3-34
3-6: A network analysis of the impacts of dredging .......................................................................................... 3-35
3-7: Network of pulp mill impacts .................................................................................................................... 3-36
3-8: Stepped matrix for Pattani Multipurpose Reservoir Project ...................................................................... 3-37
3-9: Impact hypothesis: Discharge of mill effluent in the Bang Pakong River will affect
human uses of the river .............................................................................................................................. 3-40
3-10: Spatial extent and subdivisions for the Nam Pong Model ......................................................................... 3-47
3-11: Temporal horizon and length iteration intervals for the Nam Pong Model................................................ 3-48
3-12: Allocation of model components to submodels ......................................................................................... 3-48
3-13: Example of overlay method ....................................................................................................................... 3-51
3-14: Estimating pollution loading using the rapid assessment procedure. ......................................................... 3-54
4-1: Sketch of a dam............................................................................................................................................ 4-3
4-2: Three-dimensional physical model of an industrial plant ............................................................................ 4-3
4-3: Summary cause-effect network for atmospheric effects............................................................................... 4-9
4-4: Summary of cause-effect network for surface waters................................................................................. 4-17
4-5: Oxygen sag curve obtained from the Streeter-Phelps Equation ................................................................. 4-20
4-6: Mass balance equation for a compartment................................................................................................. 4-21
4-7: Examples mass balance diagram for the fate of trichloroethylene ............................................................. 4-22
4-8: Summary of cause-effect network for soils and groundwater .................................................................... 4-27
4-9: Summary of cause-effect network for biota ............................................................................................... 4-32
4-10: Simple illustration of zone of influence ..................................................................................................... 4-33
4-11: The exposure assessment process .............................................................................................................. 4-36
4-12: Example of exposure pathways.................................................................................................................. 4-38
4-13: Process of effects assessment..................................................................................................................... 4-40
4-14: A typical S-shaped dose-response curve.................................................................................................... 4-41
4-15: Summary cause-effect network of noise impacts ....................................................................................... 4-44
4-16: The attenuation of noise (Leq) with distance from a road ........................................................................... 4-46
4-17: Land use compatibility guidelines for noise environment.......................................................................... 4-48
5-1: Generic illustration of probabilistic concentration of toxic material............................................................ 5-8
5-2: Generic flow cycle for hazardous chemicals.............................................................................................. 5-11
5-3: The relationship between quantity, emissions, environmental considerations, human
exposures, doses, and health effects........................................................................................................... 5-13
5-4: Exposure pathways .................................................................................................................................... 5-14
5-5: Event and fault trees are approaches to schematically breaking down complex systems........................... 5-15
5-6: A fault tree ................................................................................................................................................. 5-16
5-7: A fault tree analysis applied to biotic systems ........................................................................................... 5-17
5-8: Risk is a function of frequency of occurrence of adverse events and the magnitude of their
consequence............................................................................................................................................... 5-20
5-9: Risk distribution for two hypothetical alternative industrial facilities........................................................ 5-21
5-10: Plots of Probability Density Functions ...................................................................................................... 5-22
5-11: Risks may be categorized on the basis of their frequency of occurrence and severity of
consequences or damage............................................................................................................................ 5-23
5-12: Hypothetical estimate of probability density function for number of persons affected
per year from accidental releases of toxic gas............................................................................................ 5-25

December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

5-13: Probability per year of an average individual being severely injured ........................................................ 5-25
5-14: Health risk ladder....................................................................................................................................... 5-26
5-15: Alternative yardsticks for measuring risk................................................................................................... 5-27
5-16: Conceptual model for logging.................................................................................................................... 5-34
5-17: Risk estimation techniques: a stressor-response curve vs. a cumulative distribution of exposures............ 5-37
5-18: A simple example of a stressor-response relationship ............................................................................... 5-38
6-1: The impact screening process. ..................................................................................................................... 6-3
6-2: A simple valuation flowchart ....................................................................................................................... 6-5
7-1: Problem tree for forest protection ................................................................................................................ 7-8
7-2: Objectives tree for forest protection ............................................................................................................ 7-9
8-1: General structure of expert systems ............................................................................................................. 8-3
8-2: Context diagram for the Calyx-ADB computerized EIA system ................................................................. 8-9
8-3: The basic structure and components of MEXSES ..................................................................................... 8-10
8-4: The basic organizational structure of the computer assisted EIA system................................................... 8-11
8-5: Components of ADB expert system........................................................................................................... 8-14
8-6: Major databases in the ADB knowledge base............................................................................................ 8-17
9-1: Monitoring provides important information feedback for more effective planning for
environmental protection ............................................................................................................................. 9-5
9-2: The relationship between environmental values, assessment endpoints and environmental
indicators in environmental monitoring ....................................................................................................... 9-8
9-3: Example impact hypothesis of the cumulative effects through time of industrial effluent
on fish harvesting....................................................................................................................................... 9-11
10-1: Implementation of an Environmental Management Plan ........................................................................... 10-5
11-1: Work plan task schedule example............................................................................................................ 11-15

EIA for Developing Countries December 1997

List of Boxes
1-1: Results of an analysis of the environmental effects of a highway project in Indonesia................................ 1-8
1-2: Example Environmental Management Plan ............................................................................................... 1-10
1-3: Example Environmental Monitoring Plan.................................................................................................. 1-11
1-4: Example Environmental Management Unit ............................................................................................... 1-12
2-1: Environmental legislation in Viet Nam........................................................................................................ 2-3
2-2: Screening criteria for the Philippines........................................................................................................... 2-8
2-3: Screening in multilateral lending agencies................................................................................................... 2-9
2-4: Post evaluation procedures of the Asian Development Bank..................................................................... 2-16
2-5: Water quality standards in Indonesia ......................................................................................................... 2-25
2-6: Effluent quality standard for the Indonesian sugar industry....................................................................... 2-26
3-1: Evaluation of ad hoc method ....................................................................................................................... 3-7
3-2: Evaluation of Simple Checklists ................................................................................................................ 3-11
3-3: Evaluation of weighting scaling checklists ................................................................................................ 3-15
3-4: Evaluation of matrix guidelines ................................................................................................................. 3-20
3-5 Evaluation of sector guidelines ................................................................................................................. 3-28
3-6: Evaluation of network methods ................................................................................................................. 3-43
3-7: Evaluation of Simulation Modeling Workshops ........................................................................................ 3-50
3-8: Evaluation of Spatially Based Methods ..................................................................................................... 3-53
3-9: Evaluation of Rapid Assessment of Pollution Sources .............................................................................. 3-61
4-1: The USDAs Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins-Water Quality ........................................... 4-24
4-2: Habitat Evaluation Procedures software .................................................................................................... 4-34
4-3: The EXAMS Model System ...................................................................................................................... 4-39
5-1: Chemical Time Bombs ................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5-2: Sources of Uncertainties .............................................................................................................................. 5-2
5-3: Types of Uncertainty Suggesting the Need for ERA ................................................................................... 5-2
5-4: Statistical Analysis....................................................................................................................................... 5-4
5-5: History of Environmental Risk Assessment................................................................................................. 5-7
5-6: Uses of ERA in development planning and management ............................................................................ 5-7
5-7: Screening ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5-8: The psychology of risk acceptability ......................................................................................................... 5-26
7-1: Assessing clients needs and demands - Nong Khai-Udon Thani Water Supply and Sanitation
Project.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-4
7-2: Assessing absorptive capacity - forestry sector and watershed rehabilitation projects in Viet Nam............ 7-5
7-3: Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project ................................................................................................................. 7-8
7-4: Kali Gandaki "A" Hydroelectric Detailed Design Study - Acquisition, Compensation and Rehabilitation
Program ..................................................................................................................................................... 7-14
7-5: Indigenous Peoples Plan for the Philippines Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource
Management Project .................................................................................................................................. 7-16
7-6: Promoting participation of women in the Bangladesh Forestry Sector Project.......................................... 7-18
7-7: An example of vector borne disease hazards ............................................................................................. 7-19
8-1: Information requirements for the first order rule ....................................................................................... 8-17
8-2: Wastewater from thermal power stations statement of issue................................................................. 8-19
9-1: Environmental indicators correspond to assessment endpoints ................................................................... 9-9
9-2: Criteria for Choosing VECs for Assessment Endpoints............................................................................... 9-9
9-3: Monitoring programs require specific objectives, specific questions, valued environmental
components and environmental indicators ................................................................................................. 9-10
9-4: Criteria for Selecting Environmental Indicators ........................................................................................ 9-12
9-5: Example statistical hypotheses................................................................................................................... 9-13
10-1: Mitigation measures must be of sufficient detail to guide construction contractors and allow
for realistic cost estimates.......................................................................................................................... 10-2
10-2: Excerpt from Expert Panel Report - Xiaolangdi project .......................................................................... 10-14
11-1: Suggested Format for an EIA Report for the Asian Development Bank.................................................... 11-1
11-2: Table of Contents for an EIA Report ......................................................................................................... 11-2
12-1: Critiquing EIA in the Peoples Republic of China..................................................................................... 12-2

December 1997 EIA for Developing Countries

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADB Asian Development Bank

EcE Economic-cum-Environmental Development Planning
EcoRA Ecological Risk Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMO Environmental Management Office
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (in the United States of America)
EPB Environmental Protection Bureau (in the PRC)
ERA Environmental Risk Assessment
GIS Geographic Information Systems
HEP Habitat Evaluation Procedures
HES Habitat Evaluation System
IAA International Assistance Agency
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IFI International Financial Institutions
ha Hectares
MTD Maximum Tolerated Dose
NGO Non-governmental Organization
OEPP Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Thailand
PRC Peoples Republic of China
RA Risk Assessment
SEI Significant Environmental Impacts (ADB)
TOR Terms of Reference
VEC Valued Ecosystem Component
WHO World Health Organization

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

1.0 Introduction

Our understanding of the connections between human life and other elements of nature is limited. We
also have the power to destroy the natural systems that sustain us. Our capacity for destruction is illustrated
through the deterioration of the ozone layer, through the extinction of species, and through mass deforestation
and desertification. In many parts of the world, economic development projects directed at improving levels of
material comfort have had unintended detrimental effects on people and natural resources. Water, land, and air
have been degraded to the point where they can no longer sustain existing levels of development and quality of
life. With inadequate environmental planning, human activities have resulted in the disruption of social and
communal harmony, the loss of human livelihood and life, the introduction of new diseases, and the
destruction of renewable resources. These and other consequences can negate the positive benefits of economic
development. Economic development in developing countries has been focused on immediate economic gains-
environmental protection has not been a priority because the economic losses from environmental degradation
often occur long after the economic benefits of development have been realized.

The past failure of development planning processes to take adequate account of the detrimental
impacts of economic development activities led to the advent of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
processes. EIA was first employed by industrialized countries in the early 1970s. Since that time, most
countries have adopted EIA processes to examine the social and environmental consequences of projects prior
to their execution. The purpose of these processes is to provide information to decision makers and the public
about the environmental implications of proposed actions before decisions are made.

1.1 Environment and Development in Asia

Asia is experiencing faster economic growth than any other region of the Earth. It is also home to most
of the worlds poorest people. Poverty forces people to overexploit natural resources, leading to degradation of
the very forests, soil, and water upon which they depend. This perpetuates their poverty. Economic growth may
alleviate poverty and lead to a higher quality of life of properly planned, it may also reduce pressure on the
environment and stem to environmental degradation. However, unregulated and unplanned economic growth
can have the opposite effect. Pressure on the environment may be increased, environmental degradation may
occur at greater rates, and the sustainability of ecological and economic systems may be compromised. Figure
1-1 shows the interconnections between environmental degradation, poverty, and unregulated development
(Jalal, 1993).

Sustainable development is the result of carefully integrating environmental, economic, and social
needs to achieve both an increased standard of living in the short term, and a net gain or equilibrium among
human, natural, and economic resources to support future generations. In dealing with the environmental
problems of Asia as well as the promotion of sustainable development, two characteristic features of the region
should be noted. First, the region contains some of the worlds most ecologically productive and sensitive
areas, including tropical forests, mangroves, small islands, and coral reefs. Second, both lack of development
and the development process itself have caused and continue to cause environmental degradation.
Poverty is still rampant. The region is home to over 80% of the more than one billion absolute poor in the
world (people who earn less than a dollar per day). This poverty exerts tremendous pressure on the regions
resources. Existing development processes continue to place a low priority on environmental concerns, viewing
them as unaffordable.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

Figure 1-1: Environment and development (source: adapted from Jalal, 1993).

To meet the development challenge for Asia poverty alleviation through environmentally sound
development a number of very significant and constraining problems must be overcome. These problems
include land degradation and depletion of natural resources; human settlements unfit for living due to
inadequate shelter, sanitation and water supplies; soil, water, and air pollution; and global issues like global
warming, ozone depletion, and loss of biodiversity. Population pressure, lack of development, and the
development process itself are all contributors to the existing environmental situation. Figure 1-2 illustrates the
relative significance of these issues in selected developing countries in Asia.

Deforestation has reached alarming levels. Between 1980 and 1990, the average rate of tropical
deforestation in the region was 5 million ha per year. At this rate, an additional 50 million ha, or about 16% of
the regions remaining tropical forests, will be lost by the year 2000. Fifteen billion tons of sediment per year
are estimated to be carried away by rivers due to land erosion in the region. Desertification affects more than
860 million ha of land and 150 million people in the region. Over-exploitation of groundwater has caused
water yield losses, land subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and groundwater pollution in more than one third of
the countries in the region (Jalal, 1993).

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

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Region/Country (ranking)
South Asia
Nepal n/a n/a
Sri Lanka
China, Peoples Republic of

Southeast Asia
Lao PDR n/a n/a
Viet Nam

Pacific Islands

a Includes industrial wood production, fuelwood collection, watershed Legend

degradation, and loss of biological diversity. low priority
high priority
b Includes desertification, salinization, soil erosion, and other forms of
land degradation such as water logging. medium priority n/a not available
c Includes water shortages, groundwater depletion, flooding, and
water pollution.
d Includes driftnet fishing, coral mining, and coastal development.
e Includes dumping of industrial and toxic waste.

Figure 1-2: Relative significance of resource and environmental issues in selected developing countries in
Asia (source: adapted from Jalal, 1993).

Rapid urbanization presents one of the most serious environmental and social challenges in Asia. The
number of megacities comprising more than four million people quadrupled between 1950 and 1990, and
environmental problems have grown along with those cities. Adequate shelter is also sorely lacking. Standard
dwellings constitute only 17% of the regions shelter stock. Basic sanitation is needed in both urban and rural
areas. Deforestation is a growing problem where wood is used for cooking. The application of agrochemicals in
the region increased from 22 million tons in 1977 to 46 million tons in 1987, and pesticide consumption is
growing at the rate of 57% per annum.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

Pollution is widespread. Few countries of the region meet the recognized criteria for safe drinking
water. Existing air pollution is being aggravated by increases in the use of low quality petroleum and coal for
transportation and energy. Consequently, ambient levels of suspended particulates and other forms of pollution
in most large Asian cities far exceed recommended public health criteria. The amount of toxic and hazardous
material discharged into the ambient environment is also rapidly increasing. Urban populations are being
exposed to unquantified or qualified levels of toxic pollutants because of industrial growth.

1.2 EIA and Development Planning

EIA has an important role to play in resolving these environmental problems through its ability to
contribute to environmentally sound and sustainable development. Developing countries in Asia have
recognized the importance of incorporating EIA processes into development planning. Development planning
takes place at a number of different scales (Figure 1-3), and environmental concerns need to be considered at
each one of them (Table 1-1).

Figure 1-3: Development planning hierarchy (source: adapted from Asian Development Bank, 1993a).

The aim of national planning is to set broad economic, environmental, and social development goals
for the countrys continuing development. At this level, mechanisms employed include the formulation of a
national conservation strategy, environment and natural resources management plans, state-of-the-environment
reports, environment and natural resources profiles for developing countries and incorporation of
environmental and natural resources considerations in economic planning and national development plans.
These activities are specific elements of the overall national environmental policy.

Regional planning defines broad land use allocations for a geographic region, normally at the
subcountry level. At the regional level, the approach should integrate environmental concerns into development
planning. Such an approach is referred to as economic-cum-environmental (EcE) development planning (Asian
Development Bank, 1993a). This approach facilitates adequate integration of economic development with
management of renewable natural resources to achieve sustainability. It fulfils the need for macro-level
environmental integration, which the project-oriented EIA is unable to address effectively. Such regional plans
can set the context for project-level EIA. In considering regional plans, the environmental impacts of
alternatives need to be assessed.

At the project planning level, EIA is the primary tool for integrating environmental considerations into
project design and execution. Project proponents and regulatory agencies prefer to consider the environmental
impacts of a single project. Ideally, EIA at the project level should take place in the context of regional and
sectoral level planning; if this is not feasible, the scope of EIA reports may have to consider broad land use
issues. In addition, if environmental effects are considered only at the project level, decision makers will have
difficulty taking account of cumulative environmental effects. These are impacts which may appear minor for
any one project, but which become significant when groups of related projects are considered together. The
absence of regional and sectoral planning increases the time and cost involved in the preparation of the EIA
report and project approval.

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

Table 1-1: Integration of environmental concerns into development planning (source: adapted from
Asian Development Bank, 1993a).

Integration of Environmental Policies and Environmental Assessment Planning or Management

Procedures Techniques Used
National Environmental policy included in national Environmental profiles
action plan International Assistance Agency Country Programming
Regional Economic-cum-environmental development Integrated regional development planning
Land use planning
Environmental master plans
Sectoral Sectoral review linked with other economic Sector environmental guidelines
sectors Sector review strategy
Project Environmental review of project activities EIA
EIA procedures Environmental guidelines

Sectoral planning focuses on the needs of individual development sectors (for example, energy,
transport, and forestry). At the sectoral level, environmental guidelines and sectoral reviews and strategies
should be formulated and integrated into various sectoral plans. This will help to address specific
environmental problems that may be encountered in planning and implementing sectoral development projects.
Sectoral plans, however, must also consider the relationships between sectors to avoid land use and
infrastructure conflicts.

EIA, EcE, and sectoral planning are important mechanisms by which environmental factors are
included in the development planning process level. EcE and sectoral planning evaluates development from the
national or sub-country perspective, whereas the EIA is project oriented. When EcE or sectoral plans are
available they simplify the EIA process. If they are not available (as is often the case), the project EIA must
attempt to evaluate the regional and national implications of the project.

The integration of environmental considerations within the planning process has evolved similarly in
both developing and industrialized countries. In Asia, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other
institutions are currently assisting developing countries to establish, formulate, and apply regional EcE
development plans and project EIA planning tools and methodologies. As such, EIA is being used as a tool for
influencing development decisions not only in industrialized countries, but in developing countries as well.

1.3 EIA Inputs to the Project Cycle

Increasingly, Asian countries are enacting laws requiring EIAs for all major projects. Indeed, in many
countries EIA must be an integral part of the feasibility study. Where these laws are enforced, they can be a
powerful means of directing development towards sustainability. Another major trigger for EIA is project
financing. In many cases, a review of the projects EIA is a mandatory requirement of financing. Few lending
institutions and investors, whether international financial institutions or private sources of capital, are willing to
risk their funds on projects which do not meet environmental standards. These conditions have resulted in a
careful integration of environmental review procedures with various stages of the project cycle.

A generalized project cycle can be described in terms of six main stages: 1) project concept; 2) pre-
feasibility; 3) feasibility; 4) design and engineering; 5) implementation; and 6) monitoring and evaluation. EIA
has a role to play at each stage in the cycle, as shown in Figure 1-4. Most EIA activities take place during the

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

prefeasibility and feasibility stages, with less effort devoted to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation
stages. In general, EIA should enhance the project and augment the project planning process.

Early in the project cycle, the EIA process involves site selection, screening, initial assessment, and
scoping of significant issues. EIA must be an integral part of the project feasibility study. A projects feasibility
study should include a detailed assessment of significant impacts, including gathering of baseline information;
the prediction and quantification of effects; and review of the EIA by a review agency (by public and
independent experts; see Chapter 12). Subsequent to these initial steps, environmental protection measures are
identified, environmental operating conditions are determined, and environmental management plans (see
Chapter 10) are established. At the last stage in the feasibility study, the monitoring needs are identified, and
the environmental monitoring program (see Chapter 9) and the environmental management plan are

Figure 1-4: EIA inputs to the project cycle (source: adapted from Asian Development Bank, 1993b).

The environmental management plan is put into effect during the implementation of a project
(including construction, operation, maintenance, and ultimate abandonment of a facility). This plan must
include mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impacts that are generated throughout
implementation. Environmental monitoring must be designed to provide information on the activitys actual
impacts, compliance with environmental operating conditions, and the effectiveness of environmental
mitigation measures. The evaluation of monitoring results is necessary to ensure that environmental objectives
are achieved and, if necessary, that project modifications or remedial measures are undertaken to address
unforeseen impacts. Resources for the design and implementation of effective monitoring programs have often
been inadequate. As a result, follow up work to ensure that the EIA recommendations are actually carried out
has rarely been completed. Many national environmental agencies and international assistance agencies (IAAs)
such as the ADB recognize the importance of follow-up evaluations, and are now increasing requirements to
ensure funding for the implementation of environmental management plans and monitoring programs.

1.4 Outputs of the EIA Process

The main goal of EIA is to influence development decision-making by providing sound information on
environmental impacts and the means for preventing or reducing those impacts. Three major outputs of the
EIA process provide the primary means for integrating the results of a specific EIA into the development
planning decision process and the concurrent environmental regulatory process: an identification and analysis
of the environmental effects of proposed activities (including their probability of occurrence); an
environmental management plan which outlines the mitigation measures to be undertaken; and an
environmental monitoring program which outlines the data that must be collected in conjunction with the
project. All three outputs are required for the EIA process to be effective. In some jurisdictions, the
documentation for the EIA process requires that three separate documents be prepared, one for the impact
assessment, one for the environmental management plan, and one for the environmental monitoring program.
In others, all three are presented as part of the EIA document.

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

Environmental management is usually integrated into the project management system associated with
the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project. Environmental monitoring is normally considered
one of the responsibilities of the environmental management system. When successfully integrated with the
environmental management system for the project, environmental monitoring can provide valuable feedback
about the effectiveness of environmental protection measures. Where monitoring shows that environmental
protection measures have been ineffective, corrected action should be undertaken.

1.4.1 Analysis of Environmental Effects

EIA analysis has three sequential phases identification, prediction, and assessment. Identification
involves characterizing the existing physical, social, economic, and ecological environment and identifying
components of a development project which are likely to impact that environment. The impacts may be
described according to the geographical extent and time period over which they are expected to occur. During
the prediction phase, the project impacts are quantified using standards and by comparison with the findings of
other projects. Basically, the predictive function of an EIA is to forecast the nature and extent of the identified
environmental impacts, and to estimate the likelihood of the occurring impacts. The assessment phase judges
the importance or significance of the predicted impacts. The results of the assessment phase, in terms of the
beneficial and adverse impacts of the proposed project and its development alternatives, are communicated to
decision makers. Population groups that may be directly or indirectly affected by the project are identified. The
assessment determines costs and benefits to user groups and the population affected by the project. It also
specifies and compares trade-offs between various alternatives.

Methods and techniques for identifying and predicting environmental impacts will be presented in later
chapters. Box 1-1 presents a summary of the results of an analysis of environmental effects for the Cikampek-
Padalarang Toll Road Project in Indonesia.

Box 1-1: Results of an analysis of the environmental effects of a highway project in Indonesia
(source: Government of the Republic of Indonesia, 1992a).
The Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia commissioned an EIA for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project.
The road was planned as a 56 km long, dual 2-lane carriageway connecting the Jakarta-Cikampek and Padalarang-Cileunyi toll
roads, with the goal being to complete the linkage of Jakarta and Bandung by good quality highways. A 50% reduction in travel
time between the two cities was expected. Significant socioeconomic benefits to the region were anticipated, including increases in
the development of industrial complexes along the corridor, increased tourism, and improved communication. Negative
socioeconomic impacts include the appropriation of land, the weakening of existing community linkages through relocation, and
the suppression of agricultural land. Compensation was unlikely to be sufficient to maintain preproject living standards for those
who were relocated. Numerous families would likely have experienced significant reductions in income. To counterbalance these
negative effects, there was to be a bias in construction work hiring in favor of local people, especially those who were subject to
relocation or land-take.

Adverse environmental impacts predicted for the construction phase included increased erosion and landslipping. Impacts
associated with increased traffic were anticipated on the existing main road because it was the only access for construction
vehicles. Impacts on the flow regimes of natural watercourses, village water supply pipelines, and irrigation works were also
expected. Deep cuttings were anticipated to affect standing water levels in wells. A variety of mitigations were incorporated into the
project design to address these issues.

Increased noise due to traffic along the highway corridor was the principal negative impact anticipated for the operation phase.
Noise barriers were to be erected where this issue proved to be problematic. The rate of accidents involving pedestrians was
anticipated to be lower on the new road than on the existing road.

This example provides details of the operational phase of the project. Impacts were determined to fall into six categories: noise;

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

Box 1-1: Results of an analysis of the environmental effects of a highway project in Indonesia
(source: Government of the Republic of Indonesia, 1992a).
social; water resources, air quality; traffic; and erosion and slope stability. A study of these impacts was carried out, and is
discussed below.

The planned highway was to pass through residential areas which were very quiet at night. A preliminary study was carried out
using a methodology described in the UK Department of Transport manual on the calculation of traffic noise. Predictions were
made for the level of traffic expected 20 years after the opening of the highway, and noise levels were calculated for those cross
sections where the highway passed through or close to settlement areas. There were no data on the tolerance of Indonesian
people to noise, and no guidelines on acceptable residential noise levels. Both Indonesian industrial noise limits and UK residential
noise limits were used to estimate the requirements for sound insulation, and to identify the locations where noise barriers should
be installed. The study estimated that a total of 8.7 km of noise barriers would be required to keep levels in settlements below the
UK limit of 68 dBA. Provided the noise barriers were installed, no significant noise impacts were anticipated.

Social Impacts:
Social impacts included the interference of the highway with pedestrian traffic routes. Extensive study was undertaken to
determine the appropriate placement and number of pedestrian crossing points, which were to take the form of bridges. Some
were planned to accommodate normal vehicle traffic, whereas others were designed for light vehicles only, according to preproject
usage. All pedestrian bridges were planned to accommodate the passage of animals. Culverts under the highway were also
planned to allow the passage of pedestrians, animals, drainage, and irrigation canals. Since a large number of crossings were
provided, significant negative social impacts were judged unlikely in the operation phase.

Water Resources Impacts:

The study of the impacts on water resources was broken down into increases in flood flows and impact on water quality. While the
impervious highway surface would increase run-off during and after rain, the steep gradients of the small watercourses which drain
the highway would make significant flooding as a result of the highway highly improbable.

Pollution resulting from normal traffic on the highway surface would be washed into the rainwater. Dilution and oxidation would
occur in the drainage streams. The receiving waters are relatively highly polluted, and the increase in pollution due to highway-
derived contaminants was expected to contribute relatively little to the pollution load. The possibility of installing oil and grease
separators was investigated and rejected on the grounds that they do not function well under the high flow conditions frequently
experienced in this region. No statistics were available on the likelihood of highway spills. A reduced rate of spills was expected
because of the better road conditions on the new highway. The study, however, also anticipated that spills would contribute to
water pollution from highway run-off. Mitigation would depend on appropriate spill response through trained mobile highway
patrols. A rapid response unit at the toll road headquarters was planned.

Air Impacts:
Air pollution from vehicle exhaust was not expected to become a serious problem since the terrain is very open in this area. World
Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for air quality were unlikely to be exceeded, and no significant impacts were expected.

Traffic Impacts:
The impact on traffic during the construction phase was expected to be an increase in congestion, particularly at the entry and exit
points, and the presence of maintenance vehicles, machinery and staff on the road. Traffic congestion was to be controlled in part
by the installation of traffic lights. Traffic control measures including advance warning of road work, speed restrictions, and lane
closures were to be used to prevent accidents during road maintenance.

Erosion and Slope Stability Impacts:

Erosion was expected to continue past the construction phase on embankments and cut slopes, especially where vegetation cover
was incomplete. Minor landslips were expected in these areas after heavy rainfall, especially in the early stages of operation as
new vegetation became established. Routine maintenance was to include inspection of earthworks and drainage systems, and
remedial action was to be taken as soon as erosion or slippage became apparent. No significant impact was expected.

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

1.4.2 Environmental Management Plan

Environmental protection measures are taken to: 1) mitigate environmental impacts; 2) provide in-kind
compensation for lost environmental resources; or 3) enhance environmental resources. One of the goals of the
EIA process is to develop an implementable set of environmental protection measures. These measures are
normally set out in an environmental management plan. A well structured environmental management plan
usually covers all phases of the project from preconstruction to decommissioning and addresses all major
environmental issues or impacts identified during the EIA process. The plan outlines environmental protection
and other measures that will be undertaken to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and
to reduce or eliminate adverse impacts. The plan defines:

the technical work program to mitigate this plan, including details of the required tasks and
reports, and the necessary staff skills, supplies, and equipment;
a detailed accounting of the estimated costs to implement the plan; and
the planned operation or implementation of the plan, including a staffing chart and proposed
schedules of participation by the various members of the project team, and activities and inputs
from various governmental agencies.

A detailed description of environmental management plans, their preparation and execution is presented in
Chapter 10. Box 1-2 summarizes the environmental management plan for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road
Project in Indonesia.

Box 1-2: Example Environmental Management Plan (source: Government of the Republic of
Indonesia, 1992b).
As required by the Indonesian EIA (AMDAL) process, the Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia commissioned an
environmental management plan as part of the EIA for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project. This plan covered the toll road
right of way as well as ancillary construction areas such as quarry, borrow and spoil disposal sites and access roads, base camps,
plant yards, etc. The management plan included sections on project approach, preconstruction phase issues, construction phase
issues, operation and maintenance phase issues, and implementation of environmental management requirements. In each
section, measures relating to environmental management were detailed. Technical, economic, and institutional approaches were
used for environmental management. These approaches were described in great detail in the management plan and are
summarized below.
Technical approaches included:

selection of a route corridor and final alignment within the corridor to minimize impacts associated with housing and
agricultural land;
siting and hydraulic design of cross drainage works to minimize upstream and downstream flooding;
design of embankments and cuttings to incorporate features such as drainage works to minimize erosion and
siting of noise barriers to minimize traffic-generated noise impact where the highway traverses or passes close to
settlement areas;
design of the highway vertical and horizontal alignment to minimize the quantity of spoil generated; and
siting of pedestrian crossing points in all locations where crossings are required to maintain access to schools, mosques,
agricultural land, and other communities together with design of appropriate structures, taking into account such future
needs as could reasonably be foreseen.

Economic approaches included:

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

financial compensation for land and property lying on the right-of-way according to established Government procedures;
payment of compensation by the concession company for temporary use of land in connection with the development of
borrow and spoil disposal sites; and
maximization of employment of local human resources by the contractor and concession company during the
construction and operation phases respectively, with those losing housing, agriculture, and employment being given

Institutional approaches included incorporating various measures in the construction contract documents to control potentially
damaging activities by the contractor, and developing appropriate enforcement procedures. Some of the social impacts associated
with the construction phase could be controlled by improved communications with the affected communities.

1.4.3 Environmental Monitoring Program

Environmental monitoring involves the systematic collection of data to determine 1) the actual
environmental effects of a project; 2) the compliance of the project with regulatory standards; or 3) the degree
of implementation of environmental protection measures and success of the environmental protection
measures. The information generated by monitoring programs provides the feedback necessary to ensure that
environmental protection measures have been effective in helping achieve an environmentally sound project.

An environmental monitoring program plan outlines the monitoring objectives; the specific
information to be collected; the data collection program (including sampling design); and the management of
the monitoring program. Program management includes assigning institutional responsibility, defining
reporting requirements, ensuring enforcement capability, and confirming that adequate resources are provided
in terms of skilled staff, equipment, training, and funds.

A detailed description of environmental monitoring plans, their preparation and execution is presented
in Chapter 9. Box 1-3 summarizes the environmental monitoring plan for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road

Box 1-3: Example Environmental Monitoring Plan (source: Government of the Republic of
Indonesia, 1992c).
The Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia commissioned an EIA for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project.
An environmental monitoring plan was prepared as part of an overall quality control measure to ensure that environmental
protection measures as detailed in the environmental management plan were adopted, and to make sure that any enforcement
measures needed were carried out. In addition, the plan aimed to assess the effectiveness or necessity of the environmental
management measures in practice; to provide information on which to base additional environmental protection measures where
necessary; and to provide feedback on the magnitude and nature of actual impacts. Monitoring was to include all areas covered in
the environmental management plan as well as communities outside the right-of-way which would experience social impacts as a
result of the movement of displaced people.

The monitoring plan included sections on impacts from each of the four project phases ( preconstruction, construction, operation,
and maintenance), and on the implementation of environmental monitoring.

The monitoring plan recognized that adverse social impacts associated with the land-take were likely to be the most important
category of impacts associated with the project. Detailed social studies of eight sample settlement areas were the basis for the
assessment of these impacts. Project implementation, however, had already proceeded to the point that many of the
recommendations for mitigating these impacts through land acquisition, resettlement, and restoration of incomes were already

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Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

underway before the environmental management plan was prepared. Monitoring was unlikely to significantly improve
environmental management in this project, but could help in management planning of future toll road projects.

During the preconstruction phase notice boards were constructed to provide affected communities with information concerning the
project. These notice boards were monitored to establish whether or not people were receiving up-to-date and relevant information
about the project. The success in replacing public facilities such as mosques, schools, and health facilities that had to be
demolished was also monitored.

Construction phase monitoring was extensive and detailed. In addition to a plan for monitoring related to the deployment of heavy
plant, equipment, and materials, it included monitoring of general measures relating to environmental management (including
waste disposal, public nuisance, and conservation of cultural, archaeological and fossil resources), the deployment of the
contractors work force, the base camp, land clearance, general haulage, construction of earthworks, construction of base courses
and surfacing, quarry and borrow areas, spoil disposal, and the construction of bridges and other major structures.

Monitoring in the operation and maintenance phase was to be focused on noise, social aspects, erosion and slope stability, waste,
and traffic.

Implementation of the monitoring plan was organized by construction phase. Organizational aspects, executive responsibilities,
procedures, and financial aspects are also determined.

1.4.4 The Environmental Management Office

The implementation of the environmental management plan requires that an Environmental

Management Office be established as a part of project management. While environmental officers may have
various titles (for example, environmental coordinator or environmental supervisor), their responsibilities are
clear to see that the environmental management plan and environmental monitoring plan are carried out.
Box 1-4 describes the environmental management unit established for the Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road
Project. Chapter 10 provides a more detailed explanation of the functions and responsibilities of the
Environmental Management Office.

Box 1-4: Example Environmental Management Unit (source: Government of the Republic of
Indonesia, 1992c).
A small environment management unit (EMU) was created for the construction of the Cikampek- Padalarang toll road. The EMU
was managed by a senior environmental specialist (the Environmental Supervisor) who had responsibilities for those aspects of
construction that had environmental implications. The cost estimate for environmental management during the construction phase
was 206,000,000 Indonesia Rupiahs (approximately US$ 100,000 in 1992). For the first two years of the toll road operation and
maintenance the environmental management will remain with the EMU under the direction of the Environmental Supervisor. After
two years, responsibilities for environmental management will be transferred to the Maintenance Manager. The Maintenance
Manager may from time to time contract environmental specialists to help with specific problems. Costs associated with the
operation and maintenance phase (25 years) are 196,000,000 Indonesia Rupiahs (approximately US$ 100,000 in 1992).

Environmental monitoring during construction and operation will be the responsibility of the EMU during the early years, then the
Maintenance Manager in subsequent years. Incremental costs for environmental monitoring over and above the costs for
environmental management were estimated at 31,000,000 Indonesia Rupiahs (approximately US$ 15,000 in 1992). These costs
assume that monitoring will only be necessary during the first five years of operation.

1.5 Challenges for the Practice of EIA in Developing Asia

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction

Developing countries in Asia have generally incorporated EIA into development planning processes.
EIA implementation in Asia faces severe limitations, however, including: 1) insufficient procedural guidance;
2) inadequate baseline data upon which to base analyses; 3) the cost of EIA study preparation; 4) potential
delays in project implementation; 5) the lack of expertise for assessing impacts; 6) inefficient communication
of EIA results to decision makers; 7) lack of inter-agency coordination; 8) limited capacity for review of EIA
reports; and 9) insufficient commitment to follow up on the implementation of environmental protection and
monitoring requirements. Of these constraints, one of the most significant is the lack of effective
communication of EIA results and recommendations to decision makers. This may be the result of a lack of
EIA skills in staff of national EIA agencies if they had the skills, they likely would discover a way to get
their findings to decision makers. Another serious shortcoming which often negates high quality EIA is the
insufficient commitment to follow up; resulting in no action in spite of the EIA findings and recommendations.

Developing countries often have limited technical and social databases for making impact projections.
As a result, extensive baseline data must be collected. This is perhaps the single most expensive and time-
consuming endeavor in the conduct of an EIA. The expense can be considerably reduced, while maintaining
quality and accuracy, if the essential baseline data/information is available. In the absence of baseline data,
project-level EIAs should not be substituted for higher level environmental planning (that is, regional
development planning, sectoral development planning) because these plans do not adequately address the
needs of specific projects.

Comprehensive environmental planning generates information that becomes critical to the rational use
of renewable natural resources. Regional and sectoral development planning, national and regional
conservation strategies, and environmental profiles provide much of the baseline information for EIA. An EIA
may then be used to correct environmental deficiencies at the project level.

Since developing countries face a shortage of EIA experts, relevant capacity building in Asia is a
priority. Increasing needs for EIA and environmental management programs should provide employment
opportunities and career prospects in the field. IAAs such as the ADB and the World Bank are providing
technical assistance to help build EIA capacity.

The lack of inter-agency coordination is another problem. Many agencies are involved at various stages
of development projects and EIA assignments often with no clear demarcation of responsibilities. Thus in
addition to general guidelines for the preparation of EIA reports, there is also a need for specific guidelines for
development sectors. Such guidelines should be comprehensive, thorough, and relevant to the specific needs
and realities of each developing country. Greater discussion of sectoral guidelines is presented in Section 3.1.
The EIA guidelines should also provide for monitoring programs that determine the effectiveness of
environmental protection measures incorporated into development activities. The primary factor in the
successful use of EIA is the capability of project proponents and the national environment agency to initiate
and coordinate environmental management efforts, competently review reports to ensure that environmental
plans and management measures are adequate for their intended purposes, and ensure that the EIA findings are
considered by the countrys decision makers. Successful environmental management is much more likely when
project proponents and environmental agencies clearly understand their respective responsibilities. To
accomplish these tasks, EIA training programs should be initiated whenever possible for proponents and
review agencies.

1.6 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank. 1993a. Guidelines for Integrated Regional Economic-cum-Environmental

Development Planning, Volume I: Guidelines. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, 125 pp.

December 1997
Chapter 1: Introduction EIA for Developing Countries

Asian Development Bank. 1993b. Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review
Procedures of the Asian Development Bank. Office of the Environment, Asian Development Bank, Manila,
Philippines. March 1993, 44 pp.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. 1992a. Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project, Environmental
Impact Analysis. Ministry of Public Works, P.T. Jasa Marga (Persero), Directorate General of Highways,
Indonesian Highway Corporation #Y02121-66, 133 pp.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. 1992b. Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project, Environmental
Management Plan. Ministry of Public Works, P.T. Jasa Marga (Persero), Directorate General of Highways,
Indonesian Highway Corporation #Y02121-66, 80 pp.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. 1992c. Cikampek-Padalarang Toll Road Project, Environmental
Monitoring Plan (RPL). Ministry of Public Works, P.T. Jasa Marga (Persero), Directorate General of
Highways, Indonesian Highway Corporation #Y02121-66, 44 pp.
Jalal, K.F. 1993. Sustainable Development, Environment and Poverty Nexus. Occas. Pap. No. 7. Economics
and Development Resource Centre, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. December 1993. 24 pp.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

2.0 Institutional Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment in Asia

The performance of environmental impact assessment (EIA) in developing countries in Asia over the past
25 years can hardly be considered satisfactory, in spite of the considerable effort devoted to improving cost
effective EIA methods and techniques (Ebisemiju, 1993). Considering the severe limitations on EIA
implementation present in Asia, significant achievements have nonetheless been made. To evaluate progress
toward more effective EIA processes in developing countries in Asia, basic institutional aspects that contribute to
the effectiveness of an EIA process must be understood. This chapter examines:

1. the legal mandate for EIA;

2. the steps in the EIA process;
3. the roles and responsibilities of various groups in the EIA process;
4. human resource requirements for EIA;
5. financial requirements for EIA;
6. public participation in EIA;
7. the role of environmental standards in EIA;
8. the need for guidelines and procedures in EIA;
9. the special EIA requirements of International Financial Institutions (IFIs); and
10. constraints to the implementation of EIA in developing Asia.

2.1 Legal Mandate

The strength of the legal mandate for EIA institutions is a measure of the level of a countrys
commitment to an effective EIA system. Most developing countries in Asia have an established framework for
environmental protection and environmental management (Asian Development Bank, 1992). The laws, regulations,
policies, and agencies that define each countrys institutional framework are designed to contribute to the
conservation and protection of the environment. Many institutions are concerned with pollution prevention and the
protection of air and water quality. Others are concerned with conservation, protected areas, and the protection of
biodiversity. Still others, including EIA institutions, regulate, enforce, and coordinate resource use and
development activities (Asian Development Bank, 1992).

A number of high-level environmental agencies have been established in Asian developing countries. For
example, in the Republic of Korea, the Environmental Administration is a central agency dealing with
environmental matters in general and with pollution in particular. It has statutory authority to implement
government policy through local government, and is responsible for improving environmental quality in general
and setting specific environmental quality standards for development projects. In India, the environmental agency
reports directly to the Prime Minister. Singapore has a separate ministry which deals with environmental matters,
while Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam each have a ministry that
deals with environmental matters in connection with other related issues such as population (Nepal), transport (Sri
Lanka), science and technology (Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam), and natural
resources (Philippines, Bangladesh). The Cook Islands has a Directorate of Conservation and Papua New Guinea
has a Ministry for Environment and Conservation.

Most Asian developing countries have some form of environmental legislation. Invariably, it includes a
statement on policy, goals, objectives, and priorities. In some cases, it covers several aspects of environment; in

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

others it merely establishes the enabling acts and defines the scope and functions of the central environmental
agency, or provides for a statutory environmental review procedure. The various types of legislation may be
classified as follows (Asian Development Bank, 1992):

1. environmental problems covered by comprehensive environmental legislation, as in the Republic of

Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Viet Nam (see Box 2-1);
2. environmental problems covered by comprehensive environmental legislation and supplemented by
legislation in sectoral areas, as in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri
Lanka, and Thailand;
3. sectoral legislation dealing with specific environmental problems, as in Bangladesh; Fiji; PRC; Hong
Kong, China; India; Papua New Guinea; and Singapore;
4. limited sectoral legislation, as in Nepal and some South Pacific developing countries; and
5. legislation extremely limited, as in Bhutan, Maldives, and some South Pacific developing countries.

Traditional areas of environmental concern, like air and water quality, forestry, wildlife, land use, and
sociocultural needs, are generally well covered by existing legislation. More recent areas of concern, including the
disposal, recycling and reuse of domestic wastes, threats to coastal environments, the use of hazardous
chemicals, and mining, are usually lacking coverage (Asian Development Bank, 1992).

In some cases, IFIs provide countries with assistance in strengthening environmental management
legislation and capabilities. One such example is an ongoing Asian Development Bank (ADB) Technical Assistance
(TA No. 2531-BHU) which is helping Bhutan to strengthen its EIA capabilities and to prepare environmental and
sectoral EIA guidelines.

2.1.1 Enforcement of Environmental Legislation

Environmental law and the practice of environmental protection in developing countries is often described
as rule-oriented and poorly implemented and enforced. The reasons for this include fragmentation of the legal
basis for action, lack of coordination between environmental and sectoral government agencies, and deficiencies
in personnel skills and material requirements. Improvement of these conditions lies not only in better legislation,
but also in education, planning, budgeting, and reordering of national priorities.

Although legislation often plays a major role in environmental improvement, nothing guarantees that the
intent of the legislators will be implemented in practice. Environmental legislation is often not expressed in
regulations, enforcement, control, and decrees or guidelines for implementation. Effective implementation of the
law requires:

promulgation of executory regulations;

organization of new institutions where necessary;
effective operation of management and enforcement;
definition of appropriate conditions for the issuance of licences;
setting of environmental quality standards;
recruitment and training of personnel;
provision of material means and equipment; and
allocation of appropriate budgets.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Box 2-1: Environmental legislation in Viet Nam.

The legal framework for environmental management in Viet Nam is based on the National Environmental Protection Law (NEPL) approved
by the National Assembly on December 27, 1993. The NEPL is enabling legislation intended to establish the basic tenets of environmental
management by setting the course for environmental policy and regulatory development. It lays down a framework intended to improve
national, provincial and local organizational efficiency, and to raise environmental awareness in all levels of society to safeguard human and
environmental health and to promote sustainable development. The NEPL designates the Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment (MOSTE) as the institution responsible for implementation of the NEPL at the national level; the Departments of Science,
Technology and Environment assume this responsibility at the provincial level. This legislative mandate is crucial for two reasons. First, it is
legislated, that is, it derives from an enactment of the National Assembly, the most important political institution in the country. Second, the
NEPL belongs to the new generation of Vietnamese laws that are more comprehensive and precise than their predecessors.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) within MOSTE has overall responsibility for state environmental management, including:

1. promulgating and organizing the execution of legal documents on environmental protection, and promulgating a system of
environmental standards;
2. formulating and directing the implementation of an environmental strategy and policies on environmental protection, and plans for
preventing environmental degradation, deterioration, pollution, and accidents;
3. establishing and managing facilities for environmental protection and facilities relating to environmental protection;
4. organizing, developing and managing systems for environmental monitoring, including periodically evaluating the actual state of
the environment, and forecasting environmental changes;
5. evaluation of reports on environmental impacts resulting from new projects and existing facilities;
6. issuing and revoking certificates based on compliance with environmental standards;
7 inspecting, controlling and supervising the observance of the NEPL, presiding over disputes and complaints relating to
environmental protection, and dealing with breaches of the NEPL;
8. training of personnel in environmental science and management, and educating, popularizing and disseminating knowledge on
environmental protection and the NEPL;
9. organizing research and development activities and the application of scientific technological advances in the field of environmental
protection; and
10. developing international relations in the field of environmental protection.

The framework for environmental assessment is laid out in:

Government Decree No. 175/CP- Providing Guidance for the Implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection (October
18, 1994);
MOSTE Instruction No: 715/QD-MTg- Guidance on Setting Up and Appraising the Report of Environmental Impact Assessment to
the Direct Foreign Investment Project (April 3, 1995);
MOSTE Instruction No. 1420/QD-MTg- Guidance on Environmental Impact Assessment For Operating Units (December 26,

MOSTE Decision No. 1806/QD-Ttg- Promulgation of the Regulations and Organization of Appraisal Council on Environmental
Impact Assessment and Issuing Environmental License (December 31, 1994); and
MOSTE Decision No. 1807/QD/MTg- Regulations on Organization of Appraisal Council on Environmental Impact Assessment
Report and Issuing Environmental License (December 31, 1994).

These decrees and instructions outline the contents and formats for EIA reports and define the procedures for their subsequent review and

Human resource development should encompass training in environmental planning and management;
training in enforcement procedures; and the provision of monitoring equipment and support in its use,
maintenance, and repair. Without these measures, the intent of the environmental legislation will remain largely

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

To date, the priority of decision makers in developing countries has been short term economic
sustainability (Ludwig, 1993). Short term economic sustainability does not take account of the environmental
consequences of economic development. Until decision makers are able to reorient their priorities towards long-
term economic sustainability, which depends on a sustainable flow of resources for the environment,
commitments to protect and enhance the environment will remain insufficient. The ADBs Klang Valley
Environmental Improvement Project (Asian Development Bank, 1987a) provides one example of an estimate of the
degree of enforcement of environmental legislation. This study compiled all existing environmental legislation and
regulations for Malaysia. The study estimated that the overall average level of enforcement was about 20%, a
figure considered to be relatively high for an Asian developing country.

2.1.2 Environmental Impact Assessment: Legislative Versus Administrative Arrangements

Two approaches, legislative and administrative, have been used to introduce EIA into the development
planning process. Legislation is used to create a clear and unambiguous mandate to ensure and enforce
consideration of environmental matters in development decision making. Legislation regarding the use of EIA
varies from countries which have specific EIA legislation to those which have no specific EIA legislation (see
Table 2-1). The latter countries rely instead on general environmental protection legislation to help mitigate adverse
environmental impacts.

Administrative approaches usually take the form of executive orders, policy statements, national
conservation strategies, or environmental action plans. Effective administrative procedures for EIA force project
proponents to comply with procedures in a meaningful way. Project proponents generally resist taking EIA
seriously because it may increase project cost, it reduces their autonomy and it provides information to potential
project opponents. EIA procedures that do not have sanctions for noncompliance are often met with token
compliance or less. In many countries, the EIA requirements are rigorous but unenforceable.

Development programs or projects with potentially significant environmental impacts are often reviewed
by government departments responsible for environmental matters such as natural resources management and
conservation. Because many departments do not possess any statutory guidelines or mandated power, such
review procedures are often ineffective. Review processes are therefore being transferred to specific
interdepartmental committees and, in some instances, to environmental ministries or other statutory

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Table 2-1: Institutional arrangements and environmental agencies for EIA in selected Asia-Pacific developing
countries (source: adapted from Smith and van der Wansem, 1995).

Date of
Country Main Oversight Agency Legislative and Administrative Documents

Bangladesh Department of Environment within Constitutional Provision for Conservation 1972

the Ministry of Environment and Guidelines for Private Appraisal in Water Sector 1991
Forests Guidelines for EIA in Water Sector
National Environment Policy and Action Plan 1992
Guidelines for Peoples Participation in Water Sector 1992
National Environmental Guidelines for Industries 1993
No specific EIA legislation, however there was a Declaration that pending
Environmental Impact Assessments should be carried out for all major
development projects
Environment Protection Act 1995
National Environmental Management Action Plan 1995

Cambodia Ministry of Environment Law on Environment Protection and Natural Resource Management 1996

Peoples National Environmental Protection Constitutional Provision: Article 11 1978

Republic of Agency at various levels (no Environmental Protection Law (Articles 6, 7) 1979
China committee review) Marine Environmental Protection Law 1982
Management Guidelines on Environmental Protection of Construction 1986
Projects of the P.R.C.
Regulations for Engineer Design on Environmental Protection 1987
Construction Projects
Management Procedure for Environmental Protection of Construction 1990
Constitutional Provision: Articles 9, 10, 22, 26 1993
Management Guidelines on Strengthening Loan Projects for EIA 1993-95

India Department of Environment within Administrative Instructions Established 1973

the Ministry of Environment* Constitutional Provision: Articles 48A and 51A(g) 1977
Department of Environment (Protection) Act No. 29 1986
Specific legislation is planned

Indonesia BAPEDAL (Environmental Constitutional provision: Article 33(3) 1945, 1973

Impact Management Agency) Articulation of a National Environmental Policy, as part of the general 1978
within the Ministry of the Guidelines of the State Policy (GBHN)
Environment (uses two EIA Creation of the State Ministry of Population and Environment (KLH) 1982
review commissions) Act No. 4 Basic Provisions for the Management of the Living
Environment (Article 16) 1986
Government Regulation No. 29: required implementation, as of 5 June
1987, of an AMDAL (EIA) System 1987
Ministerial Decrees Nos. 49-53: General AMDAL guidelines
promulgated by KLH 1990
Presidential Decree No. 23, creating new agency BAPEDAL
Government Regulation No. 51, repealing Nos. 29 and 49-53, only 1993
addresses applicability parameters

Lao PDR Science, Technology and No EIS legislation to date

Environment Office

Malaysia Department of Environment Implicit reference in Constitution

(DOE) within the Ministry of Environmental Quality Act 1974
Science, Technology and Environmental Quality Act Amendment 1985

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Date of
Country Main Oversight Agency Legislative and Administrative Documents
Environment ** Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activity) (EIA) Order 1987
Environmental Quality Act Amendment 1996

Nepal Environmental Impact Study No formal procedure for EIA of selected projects
Project (EISP), Department of
Soil and Watershed Management,
Ministry of Population and

Philippines Environmental Management Presidential Decree (PD) 1151 Philippine Environment Policy 1977
Bureau of Department of PD 1586 Establishing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 1978
Environment and Natural System
Resources Rules and Regulations to Implement the EIS System 1985

Sri Lanka Central Environmental Authority National Environmental Act 1980

within the Ministry of Transport, Coast Conservation Act 1981
Environment and Womens Affairs Government Notification 772/72 1993
Government Notification 859/14 1995
EIA Guidelines 1993/95
Provincial Statutes; e.g., Northwestern Province Environmental
Statute No. 12 of 1990

Thailand Ministry of Science, Technology Environmental Quality Act 1992

and Environment***

Viet Nam National Environment Agency in Environmental Protection Law 1994

the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment

* uses an environmental appraisal committee

** EIA Review Committee within DOE for preliminary EIAs and an EIA ad hoc panel for detailed EIAs
*** with three departments on environment (Office of Policy and Planning, Pollution Control Department, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion)

2.2 Environmental Impact Assessment Process in the Asian Context

From a procedural perspective, EIA is a multi-step process by which a wide range of issues are taken
into account to determine whether and/or under which environmental constraints a project should be undertaken.
The effectiveness of the EIA system is dependent on the specific steps involved in reviewing project proposals. In
general, the major steps in the EIA process (Figure 2-1) are: 1) screening; 2) scoping or preparation of an Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE) report; 3) preparation of an EIA report; 4) review of the EIA report; 5) approval
of the EIA report with terms and conditions; and 6) environmental management. In some jurisdictions there is an
additional step called post audit and evaluation. Post audit is usually undertaken sometime after the project is

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 2-1: Major steps in the EIA process.

2.2.1 Screening

Screening is the process undertaken to decide which level of environmental review a project requires. In
some countries, it is simply a decision as to whether an EIA is required or not using prescribed lists or criteria.
For the most part, the screening criteria for determining the level of review required are relatively well defined. In
some cases there is considerable discretion in determining whether or not an EIA should be carried out. For
example, in the Philippines, projects considered environmentally critical or proposed for an environmentally critical
area must undergo an EIA (Box 2-2). The ADB uses a threefold categorization: an EIA, an IEE, and no EIA (Box
2-3). The World Bank has a similar system.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Box 2-2: Screening criteria for the Philippines.

Philippine regulations require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for environmentally critical projects and a Project
Description (PD) for projects which impact environmentally critical areas. In 1979, the EIS system was institutionalized by virtue of the
Presidential Decree 1586.

Environmentally critical projects under Philippine regulations include:

heavy industries;
resource extraction; and
infrastructure projects.

Environmentally critical areas under Philippine regulations include:

national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife reserves and sanctuaries;

areas set aside as aesthetically potential tourist spots;
habitats of endangered or threatened species of indigenous Philippine wildlife;
areas of unique archaeological or scientific interest;
areas frequently visited and/or hard hit by natural calamities including: typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, storm surges, and floods;
areas with critical slopes;
areas defined as prime agricultural land;
water bodies;
mangrove swamps; and
coral reefs.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Box 2-3: Screening in multilateral lending agencies.

Asian Development Bank Project Categories

The ADB categorizes projects into three groups, each of which requires a different level of environmental review. For projects that are
being considered for funding by the ADB, every effort should be made to adhere to ADB procedure from the earliest project development
stages. The categorization procedure is explained in Section 21 of the ADBs Operations Manual entitled Environmental Considerations in
Bank Operations (also in Asian Development Bank, 1993b).

Project Category A: Projects in this category typically require an EIA. The project type, scale, and location determine this designation.
The potentially significant environmental issues for these projects may lead to changes in land use, as well as changes to the social,
physical, and biological environment. The ADB suggests that an environmental specialists advice be sought to determine the scope of the
EIA necessary for compliance with the ADBs environmental policies. Bank personnel are involved in this category of project from early field
reconnaissance through EIA review.

Project Category B: This category is for projects that require an IEE, but not an EIA. Often the only difference between projects in this
category and those in category A is the scale. Large power plant projects fall under category A; medium-sized power plant projects are in
category B. The environmental impacts from these projects are generally less severe than those of projects in category A, and these
projects are not located in environmentally sensitive areas. Mitigation measures for these projects are more easily prescribed. The Bank
suggests that an environmental specialist will be required to assist in formulating the Terms of Reference for the IEE so that the IEE report
will comply with Bank policies.

Project Category C: This category is for projects that typically do not require an environmental assessment. These projects are unlikely to
have adverse environmental impacts.

World Bank Project Categories

The categorization procedure in use at the World Bank is explained in the World Banks Operational Manual under Operational Directive
4.01 (original OD 4.00 is reproduced in Volume 1 of World Bank, 1991 and updated to OD 4.01 in World Bank, 1993) The World Banks
categorization procedure differs from that of the ADB in that the IEE is part of the project screening step, so although Category B projects
require an environmental assessment reduced in scale from that of an EIA, an IEE is not mentioned. The categories are defined below.

Project Category A: Projects in this category typically require an EIA. The potential significant environmental issues for these projects may
lead to significant changes in land use, as well as changes to the social, physical, and biological environment. This category is identical to
Category A of the ADB.

Project Category B: This category is for projects that usually require an environmental review but at a level of effort less than that of an
EIA study. This category is basically the same as the ADBs Category B.

Project Category C: This category is for projects that typically do not require an environmental assessment. These projects are unlikely to
have adverse environmental impacts. This is the same as the ADBs Category C.

2.2.2 Scoping to Determine the Terms of Reference for EIA

Scoping is the process of determining the issues to be addressed, the information to be collected, and the
analysis required to assess the environmental impacts of a project. The primary output of scoping is the terms of
reference (TOR) required to conduct an EIA and to prepare the EIA report. Most EIA administrative agencies in
Asia approve the TOR for the EIA, but few agencies prepare them. The task of preparation is left to the proponent
who normally contracts a team of EIA practitioners (EIA Team) to prepare the TOR. These are then submitted to
the review agency. For example, in the PRC, the local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) is responsible for
scoping but often does not have the capacity to develop TOR for EIAs; they rely heavily on EIA practitioners to
do this. The TOR developed by the EIA team are then reviewed by the EPBs with the help of outside experts.
Without sectoral guidelines, the EIA team has much latitude in the development of the TOR. In the absence of

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

public participation, the scope and quality of the EIA are dependent on the interplay of experts hired by the review
agency and the EIA team. The EIA team must work within the proponents budget. The work proposed by the
EIA team is always influenced by the training and capabilities of its members. For example, a group of engineers
and physical scientists is less likely to recommend comprehensive biological surveys than a group of biologists.
Sectoral guidelines developed by an independent group of experts are needed to counter these tendencies.

In some developing countries, the TOR are developed from general guidelines. These guidelines often
require baseline data that has little relevance to the situation at hand. This leads to an EIA report with extensive
superfluous baseline information, little analysis of impacts, and a standard set of mitigation measures. In the
absence of clear guidelines, the TOR for a study are developed by the EIA practitioners undertaking the work.
These practitioners must negotiate the TOR with the review agency in each case.

Initial Environmental Examination

In some EIA processes, scoping is conducted in the context of an initial environmental examination.
After a project has been screened and found to have potentially significant environmental impacts, an IEE is
undertaken to determine the probable environmental impacts associated with the project and ascertain whether a
full-scale EIA is required. The IEE is usually conducted with a limited budget, and is based on existing information
and the professional judgment of people who are knowledgeable about impacts from similar projects. The three
primary objectives of the IEE are to:

1. identify the nature and severity of specific, significant environmental issues associated with the
2. identify easily implementable mitigative or offsetting measures for the significant environmental
issues. If the IEE shows there are no significant environmental issues which need further study, then
the IEE serves as the final EIA Report; and
3. develop the TOR for the full-scale EIA study should more detailed assessment be needed, or any
special topic reports which may be required instead of, or in addition to, the full-scale EIA.

The IEE process involves identifying potentially significant environmental issues, and resolving those
issues which are easily mitigated. Conducting an IEE ensures a focused TOR for a full-scale EIA because it
identifies the issues requiring resolution and provides background information on them. The objectives of the IEE
may be met without extensive financial and human resources, thereby increasing efficiency. The most crucial
requirements for IEE execution are excellent judgment and appropriate experience, since evaluations and decisions
are based on limited information. Competent EIA practitioners need to be involved in the IEE phase because the
decisions made at this stage affect the composition and scope of the EIA performed on a project. A poor IEE
report could result in failure to recognize significant environmental impacts, but a good report can result in
efficient resolution of significant environmental issues.

2.2.3 Full-Scale EIA

A project must undergo a full scale EIA if it is explicitly prescribed by law (or regulation) or if the IEE
results indicate that an EIA is required. A full-scale EIA normally involves a rigorous study whereby new
environmental information is collected. A number of environmental experts are generally required. A full-scale EIA
may also undergo or involve elaborate review procedures and requirements for public consultation. A detailed EIA
report is required as part of a full-scale EIA. EIA reports are generally prepared by EIA practitioners. Depending
on their capability, the available budget, and the time frame, they produce reports of varying quality. In most
cases, consultants follow the guidelines developed by the review agency and/or the international assistance agency
(IAA) (if any). These guidelines specify what is to be included in the EIA report. Because the scope of the TOR is
often too broad for the available time and money, EIA reports do not always provide an in-depth analysis of the
critical issues.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

The Ideal Terms of Reference

The Project on Coherence of Environmental Assessment in International Bilateral Aid (OECD, 1994)
developed procedural guidelines that include a framework TOR for environmental assessment of development
assistance projects (Table 2-2). The guidelines were prepared for use by desk officers and environmental
specialists of bilateral aid agencies, other operational staff of in-country units (embassies, posts, or missions), and
implementing agencies within developing countries. The framework TOR are, however, also applicable to the
environmental assessment requirements of multilateral institutions (for example, the ADB and the World Bank).
These TOR are a useful standard. They illustrate the importance of clear, detailed TOR for EIAs prepared in
developing countries in Asia. They represent the ideal it is very doubtful that any EIA prepared to date has ever
included all information listed in the framework TOR.

The framework TOR outline the requirements for two qualitatively different types of information: 1) detailed
project justification; and 2) detailed environmental assessment information.

Detailed project justification includes information on:

the problem or development goal;

the proposed solution;
cooperation amongst donors, lenders, and the developing country;
the objectives of the assessment;
legal and policy considerations;
the institutional capacity;
alternatives to the project and within the project;
institutional cooperation; and
public involvement.

The provision of this information is normally the responsibility of the bilateral or multilateral agency and
the implementing agency in the developing country. In the case of a bilateral development project or a multilateral
bank loan, this information is to be collected during the early stages of project formulation prior to the conduct of
the feasibility study. In the case of a project being undertaken without international assistance, this information
will be produced by the national economic planning agency.

Detailed environmental assessment information includes:

a project description;
a description of the environment;
information quality;
positive impacts;
negative impacts on
- natural resources
- human resources
- resettlement and compensation
- cumulative impacts
- trans-boundary impacts
- impact significance;

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

mitigation measures;
an environmental management plan; and
an environmental monitoring program/plan.

Most of this information is to be provided by the project proponent or the EIA practitioners who are responsible
for the environmental assessment. It is the basic information that is required to prepare an EIA report. At a
minimum, an EIA report should have the following contents:

Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Description of the Project
3. Description of the Environment
4. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
5. Alternatives
6. Environmental Monitoring
7. Additional Studies
8. Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office
9. Summary and Conclusions
10. Annexes

A detailed presentation of the contents of the EIA report is presented in Chapter 11.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Table 2-2: Framework terms of reference for environmental assessment of a development project (source:
adapted from OECD, 1994).

Information Basic Requirement Responsibility

A. Introduction

1. Background Introduce the project and most critical environmental issues involved - all

B. Context

2. The Problem Summarize the basic development issues or problem being addressed - bilateral agency
by the proposed activity (e.g., pollution, flooding, drought, erosion, - multi-lateral agency
energy shortage, poor health, inadequate infrastructure) - country project implementing agency

3. The Proposed Summarize the way in which the proposed activity is expected to - bilateral agency
Solution resolve the issues, or solve or alleviate the problem with the emphasis - multi-lateral agency
on sustainability - country project implementing agency

4. Cooperation Amongst Summarize agreement or arrangements between the donor(s) or lenders - bilateral agency
Jurisdictions and the recipient country under which the EIA is being conducted - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency

5. Objectives of the State clearly the objectives of the assessment and the relationship of the - bilateral agency
Assessment results to project planning, design, implementation, and follow-up. - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency

C. Institutional Setting

6. Legal/Policy Base Summarize the legal, policy and procedural basis for the EIA in the - bilateral agency
recipient country and the donor country - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency

7. Institutional Capacity Summarize and provide an appraisal of the strengths and limitations of - bilateral agency
the recipient country in the various fields of environmental protection and - multi-lateral agency
management - country project implementing agency

D. Alternatives

8. Alternative to the Project

8a. Policy Interventions Assess the potential for achieving the basic developmental objective at - bilateral agency
the policy level - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency

8b. Other Projects Assess the potential for achieving the basic development objective by - bilateral agency
implementing other projects which are substantially different than the one - multi-lateral agency
proposed. - country project implementing agency

9. Alternatives within the Evaluate potential alternatives for key aspects of the proposed project - bilateral agency
Project (e.g., options for siting, waste management, energy conservation, and - multi-lateral agency
pollution control technology). - country project implementing agency

E. Institutional and Public Involvement

10. Institutional Show clearly how the proposed project conforms with the overall - bilateral agency
Cooperation development strategy and the priorities of the recipient country. - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency

11. Public Involvement Show how affected groups and non-governmental organizations in the - bilateral agency
recipient country, and the interested publics in the recipient country, will - multi-lateral agency
be given the opportunity to participate in the assessment process. - country project implementing agency

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Information Basic Requirement Responsibility

F. Required Information and Data

12. Description of the Describe the project (design, location, layout, size, capacity, activities); - project proponent or EIA consultants
Project inputs (land, raw materials, energy) and outputs (products, by -products, responsible for EIA Report Preparation
13. Description of Identify study boundaries and provide baseline data on relevant (as - project proponent or EIA consultants
Environment determined from scoping results) physical, ecological, social, economic, responsible for EIA Report Preparation
cultural, and demographic conditions within those boundaries.
14. Information Quality Assess the quality of all information, identify data gaps, and summarize - project proponent or EIA consultants
limitations placed on the assessment from such deficiencies. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

G. Analysis of Impacts

15. Positive Impacts Predict how the lives of affected people will be improved and any en- - project proponent or EIA consultants
hancement of natural systems resulting from project implementation. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16. Negative Impacts

16a Natural Resources Predict any significant reduction in the quality of air, water and soil and - project proponent or EIA consultants
loss of biodiversity. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16b Human Resources Evaluate the risk of significant deterioration in the health or well-being of - project proponent or EIA consultants
the affected people. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16c Relocation and Evaluate plans for involuntary resettlement and describe measures - project proponent or EIA consultants
Compensation taken to minimize the need for relocation. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16d Cumulative Impacts Evaluate the incremental contribution to long term degradation of local - project proponent or EIA consultants
natural and systems. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16e Trans-Boundary Evaluate the potential for impact on neighboring countries and the - project proponent or EIA consultants
Impacts potential effects on the global commons. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

16f Impact Significance Define the meaning of significant and assess the significance of the - project proponent or EIA consultants
expected impacts. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

H. Mitigation and Monitoring

17. Environmental Provide a detailed plan covering mitigation of predicted impacts, - project proponent or EIA consultants
Management Plan management of residual impacts, resettlement and compensation responsible for EIA Report Preparation
schemes, decommissioning, and training programs.

18. Environmental Provide a comprehensive and detailed plan covering the environmental - project proponent or EIA consultants
Monitoring and social variables to be monitored, the location and timing of sampling responsible for EIA Report Preparation
Program/Plan and the use to be made of the monitoring data.

I. Conclusions and Recommendations

19. Project Decisions Indicate the extent to which the proposed project conforms with the - bilateral agency
general principles of sustainable development. - multi-lateral agency
- country project implementing agency
- project proponent or EIA consultants
responsible for EIA Report Preparation

20. Technical Matters Summarize the design and operational changes considered critical to - project proponent or EIA consultants
improving the environmental acceptability of the project. responsible for EIA Report Preparation

21. Non-Technical Summarize in non-technical terms, the key findings and recommend- - project proponent or EIA consultants
(Executive) ations of the assessment, including the main economic benefits, responsible for EIA Report Preparation
Summary significant environmental effects and proposed mitigation measures.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Information Basic Requirement Responsibility

J. Additional Information

22. Organization Provide information on the assessment team, the overall approach, the - project proponent or EIA consultants
organization of component studies, the schedule, the budget and the responsible for EIA Report Preparation
independent review.

23. Additional Studies Provide information on the results of additional studies done to support
the EIA (e.g., environmental risk assessment, environmental economic

2.2.4 Review Process

Different jurisdictions use different arrangements for the review of projects (Table 2-3). Often EIA
reports are reviewed by a review agency or by a special Standing Committee or Commission established to
review projects in a given sector. In most cases, a technical evaluation of the EIA report is made by specialists.
This technical evaluation provides the basis for the review. The output of the review is either a rejection of the
project, or an approval report outlining terms and conditions under which the project may proceed. These terms
and conditions are attached to any licence, permit, or certificate issued by the approval authority. IAAs like the
ADB and the World Bank also use experts for the review and evaluation of EIA reports submitted to them as part
of their environmental assessment requirements.

Table 2-3: Example institutional arrangements for review of project proposals (source: Smith and van der
Wansem, 1995).

Public Coordination with Penalty for

Country Main Oversight Agency EIA Preparer
Participation Local Authority Violation

Bangladesh Ministry of Environment and Forests Project Proponent No No No

People's National Environmental Protection Agency Project Proponent Yes, but no Yes Yes
Republic of public hearings

India Department of Environment within the Ministry Project Proponent Limited Yes No
of Environment

Indonesia BAPEDAL Environmental Impact Project Proponent Limited Yes No

Management Agency within the Ministry of the

Lao PDR If EIS conducted, Ministry of Agriculture and


Malaysia Department of Environment within the Ministry Project Proponent Yes Yes Yes
of Science, Technology and Environment

Philippines Environmental Management Bureau of Project Proponent Yes Yes

Department of Environment and Natural

Thailand Ministry of Science, Technology and Project Proponent Yes Yes


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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Viet Nam National Environment Agency within the Project Proponent No Yes No
Ministry of Science, Technology and

2.2.5 Approval Process - Attaching Terms and Conditions

In most cases, the results of an EIA review are provided to the agency that is responsible for ultimately
approving the proposed project. In many jurisdictions, project approval also depends on approval from the EIA
agency. One output of the EIA review process is the terms and conditions that are attached to approvals. These
terms and conditions define the environmental protection measures that must be integrated into a project. The
terms and conditions may also specify environmental monitoring that must be undertaken in conjunction with the
project. For example, in the PRC, EPB (National Environmental Protection Agency for large projects) staff must
inspect construction projects to ensure that the environmental protection measures are installed and operable prior
to giving final clearance to the project.

2.2.6 Environmental Management and Monitoring

Environmental management is that part of project management that is responsible for implementation of
mitigation measures and environmental monitoring. The environmental management plan (see Section 1.4.2)
outlines the mitigations and other measures that will be undertaken to ensure compliance with environmental laws
and regulations, to reduce or eliminate adverse impacts, and to promote feasible environmental enhancement
measures. The environmental monitoring plan (see Section 1.4.3) outlines the objectives of the monitoring; the
specific information to be collected; the data collection program, including sampling design; and monitoring
program management. Environmental management includes assigning institutional responsibility, reporting
requirements, enforcement capability, and ensuring that adequate resources are provided in terms of funds, skilled
staff, equipment, and supplementary training.

The details of preparing environmental management plans are presented in Chapter 10. The details of
preparing an environmental monitoring program are discussed in Chapter 9.

2.2.7 Post-Audit and Evaluation

Most EIA processes recognize the need for follow-up and evaluation. Follow-up is required to determine
whether the environmental protection measures and monitoring programs that were conditions of project approval
have been undertaken as required. Further follow-up is required to determine if the environmental protection
measures were successful and if the monitoring data have been analyzed and acted upon. Box 2-4 illustrates the
ADBs approach to EIA follow-up and evaluation.

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Box 2-4: Post evaluation procedures of the Asian Development Bank.

A review mission is dispatched periodically to undertake discussions with concerned executing agencies to determine the degree to which
environmental mitigation measures earlier agreed upon by both the borrower and the Bank have been implemented. It is the task of the
review mission to verify that environmental safeguards built into the project design are satisfactorily implemented by the borrower/executing
agency during the construction and operation of the project. For example, industrial project problems may occur during operations due to
insufficient maintenance or non-use of pollution control devices and facilities. For infrastructure projects, such as roads, railways, and ports,
the critical stage is often during construction. Independent third party monitoring of environmental aspects may be considered as part of the
overall project plan.

The ADBs post-evaluation reports and project performance audit reports include a final assessment of the degree to which the projects
satisfied the proposed environmental requirements, the effectiveness of mitigatory measures and institutional development, and whether any
unanticipated effects occurred as a result of project activities. The Environment Division of the ADB prepares an annual report, Post-Project
Appraisal: Projects Requiring Environmental Analysis. The report reviews and assesses, for each project, the: 1) beneficial and detrimental
environmental impacts of the project; 2) location and design/operational alternatives considered and reasons for final choice; 3)
environmental protection measures adopted and the effect of such measures upon project costs and on the economic evaluation of the
project; and 4) environmental aspects of the project in relation to overall cost-benefit analysis.

2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Groups Involved in the EIA System

There are many actors in the EIA process. Each has an important role to play (Table 2-4). An effective
EIA system gives each actor ample opportunity for participation.

Table 2-4: Roles and responsibilities by EIA process stage.


EIA Process EIA Administrative Other Government

Stage Agency Proponent EIA Practitioners Agencies Public and Interest Groups

Screening Screen project Provide necessary Assist proponent and review Raise issues and concerns
information agency by providing technical Provide review comments
information and advice

Scoping/IEE Approve TOR Provide TOR Prepare TOR Raise issues and concerns Participate in consultative activities
Review IEE Provide IEE Review TOR Provide review comments
Prepare IEE
Review IEE

Full Scale EIA Approve TOR Provide EIA Prepare EIA Raise issues and concerns Participate in consultative activities
Provide review comments

Review Review EIA Review EIA Provide review comments

Approval Approve EIA Advise review agency on Approve project

Attach terms and appropriate terms and
conditions conditions

Environmental Implement Conduct monitoring Implement monitoring

Management environmental
protection measures
and monitoring

Post Audit and Evaluate project Provide necessary

Evaluation information

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

2.3.1 EIA Administrative Agency

The EIA administrative agency has responsibility for efficient operation of the EIA process. This
encompasses a number of tasks, including screening of projects and provision of general procedural advice to the
project proponents throughout the EIA process. In cases where an IEE or full-scale EIA is required, the EIA
agency will approve the TOR for the EIA report. The EIA agency manages the review of the EIA report and is
responsible for any approvals or recommendations associated with the EIA. In most jurisdictions, the EIA agency
is responsible for verifying that environmental protection measures are properly implemented.

In addition to their responsibilities for day-to-day operation of the review process, the administrative
agency must provide formal procedural guidance to proponents and EIA practitioners who will be participating in
the EIA process. Procedural guidelines outline the basic requirements of compliance with the EIA rules and
regulations. Many EIA agencies have recognized the need for such technical guidance. Sectoral guidelines
outlining environmental issues, potential environmental impacts, and suggestions for mitigation are often developed
by these agencies.

2.3.2 Project Proponent

The project proponent is the entity with overall responsibility for the project. The proponent may be a
private sector developer, a government agency, a joint venture, or some combination of these. The proponent is
responsible for providing the scientific and technical information necessary at all stages of the EIA process.
Proponents usually contract outside experts skilled in EIA to assist them in this task. The proponent is also
responsible for providing access to information about the project activities and the environmental setting of those
activities. The level of detail required varies with the type of report. Initial project screening requires the least
detailed information. A scoping/IEE report requires a higher level of detail, and a full EIA will generally require
field work to gather sufficient data for an adequate assessment of the potentially significant environmental impacts
of the project. During a full-scale EIA, the proponent normally commissions a study to gather the required
information. As the EIA will be conducted as an integral part of the feasibility study, much of EIA teams data
needs may be provided by other members of the project team.

In the review process, the proponent must be available to answer questions about the project, its potential
impacts, and the proposed environmental protection measures. The proponent is responsible for the
implementation of mitigation measures and may be required to conduct environmental monitoring.

2.3.3 Environmental Practitioners

Environmental practitioners act for the proponent, the EIA agency, and governmental project
implementing agencies. Environmental practitioners can be drawn from private consultancy practices, project
proponent personnel, government utilities and infrastructure development agencies, scientific and technical
institutes, and academia. They have considerable influence on the scientific and technical aspects of the EIA
review process. Over time, practitioners have accumulated considerable procedural knowledge. This knowledge is
applied to help proponents satisfy the requirement of the EIA process and develop guidelines for impact

In many jurisdictions, EIA practitioners provide advice to the EIA agency throughout the process. Few
EIA agencies have the necessary technical and scientific expertise on staff to deal with the broad range of
environmental issues they face. Where possible, they supplement their staff by hiring outside practitioners to help
with project screening, reviewing TOR, and reviewing EIAs. The sectoral standing committees and commissions
set up as review bodies may also be supported by independent practitioners.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Proponents rely heavily on practitioners to prepare TORs; conduct environmental studies; design
mitigation measures; and prepare EIA reports, environmental management plans, and environmental monitoring

2.3.4 Other Government Agencies

EIA is usually conducted in conjunction with the project approval process. Responsibility for granting
final project approval may lie with a planning agency or an economic development agency. This agency normally
is involved throughout the EIA process. At the beginning of the project approval process, the agency ensures that
the project proponent is aware of the requirements of the EIA process, and may refer the proponent to the EIA
administrative agency. In most provinces of the PRC, for example, once the Planning Commission registers a
project, it notifies the relevant EPB. In some cases representatives from the EPB attend a meeting convened by the
Planning Commission at the beginning of the fiscal year to discuss proposed projects for the year. In Hainan
province, the Planning Commission will not register a project until it receives notice from the Department of
Environment and Resources that the project is undergoing an environmental assessment.

The planning or economic development agency is also involved in environmental management and
monitoring planning. It can play an important role in ensuring the appropriate environmental protection measures
are incorporated into the feasibility study.

Once the EIA administrative agency has completed its review, the agency responsible for approval takes
the decision or recommendations of the EIA administrative agency into account in its decision making process.
The degree of cooperation and interaction between the two agencies determines the degree to which potential
environmental impacts are taken into account in the final project approval.

Other government agencies are often charged with management and/or protection of environmental
resources, social development, public health, and economic development. If a project will have an impact on one
or more of these sectors, the agencies responsible should have an opportunity to raise issues and provide input
into the EIA process. These agencies are often contacted by the EIA team during the preparation of the EIA
report, and should be represented in the EIA review panel/committee.

2.3.5 The Public

Most development projects affect a wide range of people with varied interests. Public participation is
required to allow the affected people to identify significant environmental and social issues. An effective EIA
process takes issues raised by the public into account in the project design, or addresses the issues through
appropriate environmental protection measures. Many development projects have failed because their designs did
not address local needs or were not appropriate to the socioeconomic context of the locality. Although most
developing countries have no formal requirements for public participation, communities are sometimes consulted
by the EIA team during its preparation of the EIA report. While this practice of community consultation is
relatively new, it is assuming increasing importance and is thus becoming more prevalent.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

2.3.6 International Assistance Agencies

Most projects funded by loans from IAAs must undergo an EIA. All IAAs operate on the principle that
responsibility for the preparation and review of the EIA rests with the recipient country. In some cases, however,
the IAAs will provide technical assistance for the EIA pursuant to local EIA laws and regulations. Such help may
include screening the project; conducting the IEE; preparing the TOR; retaining a consultant to conduct the EIA
studies and prepare the EIA report; reviewing the EIA report; and attaching terms and conditions to the approval.
In other cases, the IAA will leave the recipient country to do the EIA, but will require that the completed EIA meet
its requirements. The IAA then reviews the EIA report, approves or rejects the funding proposal, and attaches
terms and conditions if approved. After the project is in operation, the IAA may conduct a post project evaluation.

In general, the IAAs tend to require higher standards for EIA than do many developing countries. The
IAA standards for EIA are often useful goals for the evolving EIA processes in developing countries. An important
aspect of the EIA teams work is to find a balance between the standards of the IAA and the standards of the
developing country.

2.3.7 Academic Institutions

Universities and other academic organizations can assume several roles in the EIA process. They may
assemble teams to perform EIAs because they have access to different disciplines on their faculties. The same
advantage gives them a role in reviewing EIA drafts; more importantly, they usually have an independence from
the project that is difficult to find in other sources of reviewers. Universities should be the main source of training
for EIA practitioners. They should also bring new analytical methods, such as GIS and computer-assisted risk
assessment, into practice.

2.4 Human Resource Requirements

The capabilities of the people involved influence the effectiveness of the EIA. Trained and experienced
people are necessary to make the EIA process work effectively. Training programs have not kept pace with the
rapid development of new procedures and practices for EIA. The number of skilled EIA professionals in Asia is
severely limited, and human resource development is the top priority.

Senior officials responsible for the overall direction of the process need to develop an understanding of: a)
the functions of an EIA process; b) the essential skills needed for EIA practitioners; c) the level of procedural and
technical guidance required for efficient operation of the process; d) the appropriate quality standard for EIA
reports; e) the importance of ensuring monitoring and compliance after acceptance of the EIA; and f) the role of
EIA in development planning.

EIA agency staff need skills in project screening; reviewing IEEs; developing EIA TOR; reviewing EIA
reports; reviewing project compliance with environmental management plans; and designing environmental
monitoring programs. It is desirable that agency staff collectively have expertise in physical sciences,
environmental engineering, ecological sciences, and social sciences.

The EIA practitioner deals primarily with the provision of scientific and technical information. It is
important to have a broad range of scientific training represented on teams of EIA practitioners. Because most
approaches to the assessment of environmental impacts are interdisciplinary by nature, team members must also
have the ability to look beyond their own discipline. Practitioners must develop a good understanding of the EIA
process and its goals. It is important for them to understand how their information is used within the EIA process.
Practitioners must know how to critique their own EIA reports, develop environmental management plans, and
design environmental monitoring programs.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

To effectively advise the EIA administrative agency on aspects of the EIA process, EIA practitioners
must be able to:

develop clear TOR;

review TORs prepared by other EIA practitioners;
guide the EIA team to develop a TOR that is relevant to the environmental issues that must be
judge the quality of EIA analyses and reports prepared by other practitioners when acting as technical
reviewers of EIA reports; and
judge the environmental soundness of a given project when acting as EIA Committee members.

2.5 Financial Resource Requirements

While skilled people are a crucial part of an effective EIA process, the quality of EIA studies and reports
is also highly influenced by the resources available to the EIA practitioner. An effective EIA process forces
proponents to provide sufficient financial resources to ensure the production of an EIA report that meets quality

EIAs require time and money. EIA studies vary in scope, quality, and levels of expertise used in their
preparation. The cost of the studies depends on the quality of the advice provided to decision makers through
individual assessments and their intended use in project design, implementation, and management. While the costs
of preparing an EIA report sometimes appear high, they are actually small when compared with the overall project
costs. Generally, EIA budgets range from 0.1% to 1% of the overall project cost. These funds would produce a
minimum adequate product for most developing countries. For example, in Thailand, the costs have ranged
from US$ 1,000 for IEE-level studies to over US$ 800,000 for detailed EIAs. The expenditures in Thailand for
water resources development project EIAs range between 0.01% to 0.16% of the total project cost. Similar
figures for industrial development projects range from 0.048% to 0.14% of the total cost.

In the Philippines, the Forest Management Bureau estimates that mitigation measures required for timber
concessions are about 1% of the total investments. The Department of Public Works and Highways reports that
EIA level studies for urban highway projects require about 10% of the cost of the feasibility studies (or 0.001% of
total project costs, excluding costs associated with acquiring land for the right of way), with the total cost for
EIA studies ranging between US$10,000 and US$60,000.

Most IEEs in Thailand have taken a few months to prepare. The time spent on preparation depends on the
type of project and the analysts qualifications and experience. While checklists and matrices seem to be the most
suitable methods because of their low resource demand, expert judgement is often required in choosing the
appropriate method. In the Philippines, the Forest Management Board has completed 72 IEE-level studies,
requiring about one person month each. This level of effort is typical for most sectors in the Philippines.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

2.6 Participatory Development and Public Participation

2.6.1 Participatory Development

Participatory development is a process through which stakeholders influence and share control over
development initiatives and the decisions and resources that affect them (Asian Development Bank, 1996).
Participatory development processes (World Bank, 1996):

identify strengths and weaknesses of existing policies and service and support systems; that is, the
stakeholders jointly conduct the analysis and diagnosis;
decide and articulate what is needed; that is, the stakeholders jointly set objectives;
decide in pragmatic terms, directions, priorities, and institutional responsibilities; that is the
stakeholders jointly create a strategy; and
develop and oversee development of project policies, specifications, blueprints, budgets, and
technologies needed to move from the present to the future; that is, the stakeholders jointly formulate
project tactics.

Participatory development processes are relatively new. These are being used by bilateral and multi-lateral
agencies to increase the sustainability of the development projects. Participatory development processes strive to
increase the sense of ownership in the projects beneficiaries by increasing the participation of a large number
and a wide range of stakeholders in project planning and implementation. In the past, EIA processes were often
the only forum for affected peoples to participate in project planning phases. Today they offer a vehicle for
participatory development. Chapter 7 provides more detail about the participatory development process.

2.6.2 Public Participation

In the EIA context, public participation is defined as a two-way communication between the project EIA
team and the targeted and/or affected peoples. The goals of public participation are to promote public
understanding and acceptance by minimizing perceived impacts of the project through education and open
discussion. In return, public feedback can be used as constructive input into improving the project design. This
definition stresses the importance of communication to both the community and the project itself.

Public participation has become a mandatory component of EIAs for most projects supported by
multilateral development banks. This is largely the result of pressure from citizens groups that have complained
that community resources were being affected by projects, without public notice or consultation. It is for this
same reason that many countries routinely incorporate public participation into their EIA procedures, even if
multilateral institutions are not involved (see Table 2-3).

Educating the public about a project is an essential first step for all public participation programs. An
uninformed public cannot make educated decisions about a project. Basic data on the type, size, and location of
the project should be publicized. Additional data and analysis regarding the expected significant socioeconomic and
environmental issues related to the project should be made readily available to interested parties who are affected
by the project.

It is important for project proponents to realize the benefits of public participation are not one-sided. The
objectives of public participation encompass benefits to the community as well as to the project. The primary
result of a public participation program is that the concerns of the community are acknowledged and addressed.
Such open involvement tends to increase public acceptance of a project, and increase the likelihood of a projects
sustainability over the long term. A major component of public participation is educating people about the project
and its likely effects on their lives. If uninformed, the public will often react negatively towards a project. Good

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

ways to avoid confrontation are to keep people fully informed and to seek their help in resolving contentious
matters which concern them. Projects pushed ahead in spite of public opposition often fail, at considerable cost to
all parties involved. Public participation also may be used to help quantify the value of non-market resources, such
as religious or historic sites, scenic and recreational areas, endangered species, etc.

Project proponents are sometimes reluctant to communicate openly regarding significant socioeconomic
and environmental issues. They may fear that public awareness of a projects potential negative impacts will
increase opposition to the project. In fact, the opposite is often the case. Lack of clear communication between
those implementing a project and those affected by it creates feelings of alienation in the community and heightens
public concern. The demonstration of good faith by the project proponents in representing all aspects of the
project through a public information programme can actually help reduce public opposition.

The specific concerns of the public regarding a project should be addressed in detail in every EIA. Since
certain topics are not openly discussed in some societies, it may require some effort to ascertain exactly what the
root issues are. If the trust of the community representatives and open dialogue is to be established, it is critical
that the approach taken by project spokespersons toward community representatives be cooperative, and not
condescending or dictatorial.

Public participation goes beyond simply defining the publics concerns. Solutions to the major issues
should be developed though joint efforts so that they will be acceptable to both the project proponents and the
public. Community representatives may suggest measures to mitigate disruptive socioeconomic effects from the
project, and may also assist in the development of appropriate environmental protection measures.

Fifteen years of EIA experience in the Philippines has shown that many problems associated with the EIA
process are traceable to lack of adequate communication and understanding, as well as an inadequate appreciation
of the social, cultural and political factors that affect EIA implementation. Environmental impact assessment can
only be effectively carried out with the participation of the key players or stakeholders. Lessons learned in the
Philippines (Guerrero et al., 1994) include the following:

Consultation must occur early in the process. Potentially affected parties must be informed and
involved at the inception of a project. The best time to involve the public is at the planning stage.
Public meetings must be conducted to find out local views and concerns so that these can be
incorporated into the project plan. It is inadvisable to delay public meetings or wait until complaints
or negative feelings have been aired, as this causes hearings to become confrontational, and conflict
resolution becomes more difficult.
Sensitivity to the needs of local people is needed.
Dialogue is important. Decision makers should listen to the public, be open-minded about their
suggestions, and be sensitive to feedback from those whose perspectives, values and experience
differ from theirs.
Indigenous peoples beliefs and values must be respected and efforts made to preserve their cultural

Many local and international nongovernment organizations (NGOs) have become interested and active in
environmental issues over the past several decades. They help educate the public regarding environmental issues,
lobby for more stringent environmental laws and regulations, and conduct campaigns against projects which they
deem environmentally dangerous. This has given them an adversarial image in many cases. NGOs, however, can
be called upon in some instances to assist with a variety of efforts, including environmental training, the
development of appropriate ambient and discharge standards, and even monitoring projects for compliance with
standards. The opportunities to work with, and receive assistance from NGOs should not be overlooked,

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

especially in developing countries where appropriate environmental technology, funds, and trained personnel are
often in short supply.

2.7 Environmental Standards

Predicting changes in environmental conditions is one thing, evaluating the significance of the changes is
quite another. Environmental standards are necessary to provide a scale against which the environmental changes
(positive or negative) associated with a project may be measured. The EIA process is more objective where the
assessment of the significance of impacts may be defined by comparing the expected changes in environmental
parameters with the desired environmental quality standards. The effectiveness of the EIA process in protecting
the environment is, of course, highly dependent on the degree of environmental protection offered by the

Ambient environmental standards generally define the prescribed limits to which levels of environmental
resources may be permitted to fall, or the upper limits to which pollutants may be allowed to reach in the
environment. Ambient standards may define the degree of environmental quality which must be maintained in an
environmental resource to support its continued beneficial human use (see Box 2-5 on water quality standards in
Indonesia). While often set to protect human health, ambient standards may also be set to ensure long-term
sustainability of an environmental resource. For example, minimum quality standards may be set for ecologically
sensitive areas (ADB, 1989).

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

Box 2-5: Water quality standards in Indonesia (source: Taylor and Sukarsono, 1991).

Water quality standards in Indonesia are divided into two categories:

1. National Water Quality Standards (NWQS), and

2. Local Water Quality Standards (LWQS).

National Water Quality Standards

National Water Quality Standards represent the numerical concentration or narrative statement recommended to support and maintain a
designated water use. These national standards are derived using the information found in the water quality criteria. The standards give the
concentration of chemicals which, if present in water at that concentration, will not harm fish or plant crops or humans drinking the water. If
the chemicals are present in concentrations above those given in the standards, they will have detrimental effects such as slowing down the
growth rate, stopping reproduction or possibly killing the organism. The standard can also be a narrative statement. National Water Quality
Standards do not take local water quality into consideration.

Local Water Quality Standards

Local Water Quality Standards are the numerical concentration or narrative statement which have been established to support and protect
the designated uses of water at a specified area. These Local Water Quality Standards are developed for a specific part of a river, lake, or
river basin. Local standards include the information which is present in the National Water Quality Standards, the local water quality
conditions for example, whether the water is hard or soft, to what purpose it is used the socioeconomic conditions, and the needs and
characteristics of the region (such as whether it is heavily industrialized or if the land is forested or used for agriculture). A Local Water
Quality Standard for a particular parameter may be different from the National Water Quality Standard for that same parameter. The
concentration may be either higher or lower, depending on local conditions. If the water body has a number of uses, the Local Water
Quality Standards applied to it are for the most sensitive use.

Discharge standards for emissions and effluents from projects define the maximum acceptable quantity of
pollutants which may be discharged into the ecosystem, area or region. Discharge standards are set for specific
pollutants, and often are stated as concentrations, or as discharge rates to incorporate the time dimension. They
are usually specific to an area or ecological zone, and may be set for specific industries. Box 2-6 provides the
effluent quality standards for existing sugar industry operations in Indonesia.

Project specific discharge standards should be based on the amount of a pollutant that may be discharged
without causing violation of ambient standards for environmental resources. For this to be done, the receiving
environment for the pollutant must be characterized in terms of existing levels. Predicted changes in
concentrations resulting from the additional discharge should be compared against ambient standards. Chapter 4
presents methods and procedures for predicting changes in environmental quality.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Box 2-6: Effluent quality standard for the Indonesian sugar industry (source: BAPEDAL, 1991).

Maximum Effluent Flow of 40 m3 per ton of sugar product

Maximum Maximum Pollution

Parameter Concentration Load

BOD 5 100 mg/l 4.0 kg/ton

COD 250 mg/1 10.0 kg/ton
TSS 175 mg/1 7.0 kg/ton
Sulfide (as H2S) 1.0 mg/1 0.04 kg/ton
pH 6-9

1. Except pH, maximum concentration of each parameter in the aforementioned table shall be stated in milligram per liter of waste water.

2. Maximum pollution load of each parameter in the aforementioned table is stated in kg parameter per ton of sugar product.

All environmental standards should be considered as tentative. Standards are set based on current
knowledge, environmental conditions, living standards and technologies. As these conditions change, it may
become necessary to revise the standards. A specific case of changing standards occurs where development
already has resulted in excessive degradation of the environment and standards are introduced to reverse the
effects. Often, it is neither practical nor possible to introduce and enforce standards which would immediately
rectify the situation, as doing so could force many projects to cease operation. Instead, progressive standards may
be introduced with a specified timetable for implementation so that polluters have time to plan and prepare for the
gradual modification of their operations to reduce effluent without severe economic hardship.

Where neither ambient nor discharge standards exist, there is the risk of uncontrolled ecological
disruption and environmental degradation which in turn will reduce the quality of life for all inhabitants of the
affected area. At the least, temporary minimum standards should be set by the EIA team and then modified as
appropriate. One alternative is to begin with a minimum standard of environmental protection measures for all
projects regardless of their type, size or location. As they are developed, subsequent ambient and discharge
standards may supersede the standard environmental protection measures.

2.7.1 Meeting the Standards with an Environmental Management Plan

Discharge standards define the conditions under which a project may or may not discharge effluent into
the environment, and thus the type and amount of treatment required for the effluent. For a project to meet the
appropriate discharge standards, an environmental management plan is prepared as part of the full-scale EIA. The
EIA itself should include a review of existing standards and recommend needed changes. The environmental
management plan provides detailed design criteria for specific mitigation measures to be implemented. The
environmental management office will track the effectiveness of the mitigation measures at meeting the discharge

The cost of installing and operating treatment facilities can be a very significant item in the total project
budget, and must not be overlooked in the projects financial feasibility study. The choice of a project location can
also be influenced heavily by environmental standards. Choosing a site to minimize the investment requirements
for effluent treatment can reduce overall project costs. Industrial projects are often grouped together to take
advantage of cost-reducing centralized effluent treatment and disposal facilities. Where there has been
considerable development prior to the introduction of environmental standards, retrofitting projects to meet the
standards can be even more costly than incorporating treatment facilities into new projects.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

2.8 Guidelines and Procedures

To increase the effectiveness of the EIA process, EIA agencies must provide formal procedural and
technical guidance to proponents and EIA practitioners. Procedural guidelines outline the basic requirements and
steps required for compliance with the EIA process rules and regulations. They usually provide information on the
contents and format of EIA reports. Many advanced EIA agencies have recognized the need to provide technical
guidance. Sectoral guidelines outlining environmental issues, potential environmental impacts, and suggested
mitigations have been developed by these agencies (Asian Development Bank, 1987b; 1988; 1993a; 1993b).
Section 3.1 provides a more detailed discussion of sectoral guidelines.

The sectoral guidelines aim to assist project developers, government agencies, and consultants concerned
with environmental protection in developing countries to plan and carry out EIAs for development projects. They
are designed for the limited budget and technical skills typical of developing countries. The guidelines furnish
information which can help national environmental protection agencies convince government decision makers of
the importance of environmental parameters in development planning. Sectoral guidelines also suggest means for
making this possible by providing appropriate TOR. Sectoral guidelines usually do not refer to specific details;
they cover only aspects of general interest to EIA practitioners (for example, environmental impacts associated
with the project type, methods of assessment, etc.).

2.9 Special Considerations for International Assistance Agencies

International assistance agencies, and especially multilateral development banks, play a key role in
supporting many development initiatives in developing countries. Recently, these agencies have come under
intense pressure from a variety of sources to require that every project they support be environmentally sound. In
order to meet the resultant preconditions for project assistance, it is incumbent upon developing country
governments to continue to develop their environmental protection policies, procedures, and technical and
enforcement capabilities.

2.9.1 International Lending Agency IEE Procedures

Asian Development Bank

The ADB has a formal IEE process for projects prepared by its staff. IEEs are conducted for projects
which have passed through the Banks initial project screening phase (ADB, 1993b). The Bank has prepared
sector-specific guidelines which assist its staff in preparation of the IEE (Asian Development Bank, 1987b; 1988;
1993a). The three general sectors are industry and power, infrastructure, and agricultural and natural resource
development. These sectoral guidelines are further supplemented by other guidelines dealing with special aspects
of EIA (for example, environmental risk assessment, health risk assessment, economic evaluation of
environmental impacts). The ADB also provides guidelines for the incorporation of social dimensions into projects.

The general purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate the work of the ADB staff in the incorporation of
environmental considerations into the project preparation process. These guidelines have been widely distributed
and are used by EIA practitioners in many Asian developing countries. As a result, Bank staff are in a better
position to: 1) prepare the Banks project covenants on necessary environmental constraints; 2) strengthen the
overall project context through improvement of aspects relating to environment, including public health, control of
pollution emissions, preserving valuable ecosystems, and improving quality of life; and 3) include and estimate the
cost of mitigation measures, monitoring programs, and the environmental management plan.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

The guidelines use the checklist approach. A checklist covers the typical impacts which could be caused
by the project, on an item-by-item basis, based on experience with previous projects. IEE guidelines have been
prepared for three different sectors, covering 20 different types of projects. The project classifications are as

Infrastructure: Airports, Highways and Roads, Ports and Harbors, Sewerage and Excreta Disposal, and
Urban Development;

Agriculture: Irrigation, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Watershed Natural Development, Forestry, Land
Clearing, Coastal Resources Zone Management; and

Industry: Industries, Cement Manufacturing, Fertilizers, Power Mining, Thermal Power,

Hydropower, Power Transmission Lines, and Oil and Gas Pipelines.

In addition, every IEE Sector Guideline volume contains a section entitled Guideline Annexes For All
Types of Projects. This section provides general policy for all types of projects and should be used in
conjunction with the project-specific guidelines. Topics covered are the following:

1. Environmental Constraints for Major Development Projects;

2. Resettlement;
3. Post-Construction Environmental Monitoring Program;
4. Control of Pollution Emissions and of Hazardous Materials;
5. Encroachment into Forests and Swamplands;
6. Effects and Abatement of Noise and Vibrations;
7. Dams and Reservoirs;
8. Environmental Standards;
9. Operation and Maintenance Problems; and
10. Critical Parameters for Overall Project Review.

The guidelines available for special aspects of EIA, and for the incorporation of social dimensions into
projects include:

Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts;

Environmental Evaluation of Coastal Zone Projects;
Environmental Risk Assessment;
Guidelines for Integrated Regional Economic -cum-Environment Development Planning;
Health Impact Assessment of Development Projects;
Handbook for Incorporation of Social Dimensions in Projects; and
Mainstreaming Participatory Development Processes.

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

These guidelines may be helpful for any IEE team, and are especially useful for projects to be funded by
the ADB.

World Bank

The World Bank combines project screening and the IEE into what is called the World Bank Screening
Stage. The first step is to categorize a project according to its potential environmental impacts. The next step is
the environmental screening phase which identifies the key environmental issues, the type of environmental
analysis recommended, and a preliminary schedule for conducting the analysis. The information is incorporated
into an initial executive project summary and reviewed. After the review, decisions are made concerning the type,
timing, and major issues for environmental review.

The World Bank has incorporated its guidelines for the production of environmental assessments into a
three-volume set entitled, The Environmental Assessment Sourcebook (World Bank, 1991). The guidelines are
organized into three sectors:

1. agricultural and rural development sector;

2. infrastructure sector; and
3. energy and industry sector.

The guidelines begin with general considerations pertaining to EIAs in the sector covered and discussions
of particularly relevant topics. The balance of each chapter covers specific types of projects, chosen primarily
because they have potentially significant environmental issues. For each type, the project is briefly described,
potential impacts are summarized, and special issues that should be considered in an EIA are noted. Possible
alternatives to the project are outlined, management and training needs are discussed, and monitoring requirements
are described. Each review concludes with a table of potential impacts and the measures which can be used to
mitigate them. Sample TOR for the various project types are collected in one section in each chapter.

The guidelines note that not all projects will require an EIA. Alternative approaches that focus on a
narrower range of issues are acceptable for many types of projects, especially those of smaller scale and those not
located in environmentally sensitive areas. These projects may have environmental issues that can be resolved in
environmental assessment studies of a reduced scope, similar to that of an IEE. Project types that may follow this
alternative approach include:

1. integrated pest management programs for many agricultural projects which do not involve major
irrigation or land development;
2. specific environmental design criteria and pollution standards for small or medium scale industrial
plants; and
3. specific environmental design criteria and construction supervision programs for small scale rural
works projects.

The World Bank guidelines, like those of the ADB, are valuable tools in assessing the environmental
impacts of projects at many stages of the review process. Projects being funded by the World Bank, especially,
will benefit from implementation of the approaches to review suggested steps in the guidelines.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

2.10 Constraints to Implementing Environmental Assessment Procedures in Developing Countries

The legal, administrative, institutional, and procedural frameworks for EIA often constrain the
implementation of EIA in developing countries. Many EIA agencies are subsidiary units of an environmental
ministry or agency. In the Philippines, for example, the EIA Division is part of the Environmental Management
Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. In Sichuan province of the PRC, EIA is the
responsibility of the Environmental Management of Exploitation and Construction Division of the provincial
Environmental Protection Bureau in the Sichuan Construction Commission. The relatively low status of these
agencies in the bureaucracy makes it difficult for them to have sufficient influence to ensure effective
implementation of the EIA process.

Highly trained technically competent people are required to operate and manage an EIA process. Even
ideal institutional arrangements will be ineffective if human resources are inadequate. Many people are trained in
physical and engineering sciences, however, few of these people have any training in environmental protection.
Consequently, there is a shortage of qualified environmental engineers, ecologists and socioeconomists in many
parts of PRC. EIA practitioners in the PRC have identified the lack of people trained in ecological and
socioeconomic impact assessment as major weaknesses in impact assessment. For example, many people
involved in EIA in the PRC are trained in the physical sciences or engineering. Most of the institutes in the PRC
that prepare EIAs have only one or two staff with an environmental science background and no staff with
ecological or social science training.

EIA teams charged with the preparation of an EIA require expertise in project management and
environmental engineering. The project manager must be an expert in EIA methodology and have an understanding
of all the environmental aspects involved. The project manager must also be capable of producing a work plan
designed to integrate activities and work products of the numerous EIA specialists. An environmental engineer is
needed to ensure environmental protection measures are incorporated into the project design to make it
environmentally sound. It takes an engineer to understand how to modify the design to reach the environmental
goals. Many EIA teams in developing countries lack critical expertise in both of these disciplines creating a
large barrier to the implementation of an effective EIA process.

In some countries, however, the quality and quantity of environmental professionals is relatively high. In
Thailand, the Environmental Impact Evaluation Division of the Office of Environmental Policy and Planning
(OEPP) has well educated and trained staff. The Division is required to prepare a preliminary review of Final EIA
reports within 30 days of their receipt, and acts as the Secretariat to five Technical Review Committees
(organized by sector) which have another 15 days to review the EIA once received from the OEPP. Failure to
review the EIA within the defined timeframe is treated as a de facto authorization to the permitting agency to issue
a permit. The tight time schedules apply to all private sector projects regardless of project size or complexity. The
time pressures are regarded by the private sector as an important safeguard against project delays. However, the
OEPP regards the time frame as unrealistic for complex projects. The pressure on the EIA Division to quickly
review the detailed EIA reports means that only one team member has time to conduct a thorough review. The
quality of the review thus depends on the experience and expertise of the OEPP reviewer.

In making general observations about EIA in the Philippines, Ross (1994) stated: 1) the EIA process is
seen as a bureaucratic requirement needed to obtain project approval; 2) political interference determines the
outcomes of some environmental reviews; 3) questionable practices by public servants serve to discredit the
process; and 4) the treatment of projects in environmentally critical areas is less than satisfactory. All four of
these are common to many developing countries. The view that EIA is simply another bureaucratic requirement to
obtain project approval is widespread. In many countries, there is a process for environmental review of project
proposals, but the people responsible often lack the necessary skills to effectively carry out the reviews.
Unfortunately, the goals of the EIA process are not always well understood by decision makers, project

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Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia EIA for Developing Countries

proponents, and in some cases, the EIA administrative agency staff. This leads to political interference and
indiscretion on the part of EIA agency staff.

Ludwig and Castro (1995) found the Philippine National Power Corporations new policy and program a
notable exception. The basic concept behind the new policy is that the host communities, whose resources are
used by the project, are entitled to a fair share of the benefits. This means that the project is expanded to include
additional components to fill critical community environmental gaps. Filling of these gaps is necessary to:
1) furnish host communities affected by the project with immediate improvements towards a minimum acceptable
quality of life, and 2) furnish other improvements to help host communities maintain long term social and
economic sustainability. Environmental Impact Assessment is seen as being of great importance in implementing
the new policy. In addition to delineating the environmental protection measures, the EIA includes a
socioeconomic study which serves to identify the critical community environmental gaps. Project components for
filling these gaps can then be formulated.

Except for the limited amount in Thailand and the Philippines, public participation is largely absent from
the practice of EIA in most developing countries. There are many political, institutional, and economic reasons
that prevent the development of public participation programs that are characteristic of the EIA process in
developed countries. In some countries the government is unwilling to have any form of public debate or scrutiny
of its development policy. In other countries, while there are no formal prohibitions, there are no mandatory
requirements for public participation. In most countries, affected interest groups do not have sufficient resources
to participate effectively in the EIA process. Restricting the ranges of issues and interests reinforces the tendency
for EIA to remain a bureaucratic requirement.

The quality of EIA reports is highly variable. Similarly, the scientific and technical information upon
which environmental assessment decisions are being made is often inadequate. In a recent review of EIAs
submitted to the ADB, EIAs were evaluated for both their compliance to the Banks prescribed format and the
substance of the information provided. The results revealed that EIAs were generally weak in: 1) assessment of
ecological impacts; 2) analysis of alternatives; 3) economic analysis of environmental impacts; and 4) public
participation. Finally, the environmental management plans proposed for implementation of the recommendations
of the EIA report were usually inadequate both in terms of the institutional arrangements proposed and the funding

There are very real constraints on the availability of environmental information to be used in an EIA
report. Time and budgets often do not allow for extensive new data collection and there is considerable reliance on
existing and secondary data. In spite of this, most EIAs provide considerable background information on the
environment. The problem is that they often provide little else. Where they are most obviously lacking is in the
assessment or prediction of impacts and in the provision of details of appropriate mitigation measures.

2.11 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank. 1987a. Klang Valley Environmental Improvement Project. Prepared by Engineering
Sciences and SEATEC International for the Asian Development Bank. Asian Development Bank, Manila,
Asian Development Bank, 1987b. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Agricultural and Natural Resources
Development Projects. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank, 1988. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Industrial and Power Development
Projects. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 154 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1989. Minimum Quality Criteria for Ecologically Sensitive Areas. ADB Environment
Paper No. 4. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 96 pp.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 2: Institutional Aspects of EIA in Asia

Asian Development Bank. 1992. Environmental Legislation and Administration: Briefing Profiles of Selected
Developing Member Countries of the Asian Development Bank. ADB Environment Paper No. 2. Asian
Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 59 pp.
Asian Development Bank, 1993a. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Infrastructure Projects. Asian
Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 128 pp.
Asian Development Bank, 1993b. Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review
Procedures of the Asian Development Bank. Office of Environment, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
44 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1996. Mainstreaming Participatory Development Processes. Asian Development
Bank, Manila, Philippines. 19 pp.
BAPEDAL Environmental Impact Management Agency. 1991. Decree of the State Minister for Population
and Environment Number: KEP-03/MENKLH/II/1991.
Ebisemiju, F. 1993. Environmental impact assessment: making it work in developing countries. Journal of
Environmental Management, 38: 247-273.
Guerrero, Sylvia H., Alexander G. Flor, Heinz Kroske, and Marlito L. Cardenas. 1994. Public Participation
in EIA: A Manual on Communication. Environmental Management Bureau and the MADECOR Environmental
Management Systems Inc., College Laguna, Philippines. 98 pp.
Ludwig, Harvey F. 1993. Sustainability - What is it? What does it mean? Asian Society for Environmental
Protection (ASEP) Newsletter, December 1993.
Ludwig, Harvey F. and Humbelina Castro. 1995. Sharing of project benefits for hydropower projects in upland
regions of the Philippines. P. 4, 12 in Asian Society for Environmental Protection (ASEP) Newsletter, March
OECD. 1994. Towards Coherence in Environmental Assessment, Volume II. Procedural Guidelines, Results of
the Project on Coherence of Environmental Assessment for International Bilateral Aid. Submitted by Canada to the
DAC Working Group on Development Assistance and Environment, 1994.
Ross, W.A. 1994. Environmental impact assessment in the Philippines: progress, problems, and directions for the
future. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 14: 217-232.
Smith, D.B. and Mieke van der Wansem. 1995. Strengthening EIA Capacity in Asia. A Synthesis Report of
Recent Experience with Environmental Impact Assessment in Three Countries: The Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri
Lanka. Prepared for the World Resources Institute. 100 pp.
Taylor, Margaret C. and Sri Hudyastuti Sukarsono. 1991. Development of Water Quality Standards: An
Indonesian Study. Environmental Management Development in Indonesia Project (EMDI). Jakarta and Halifax.
117 pp.
World Bank. 1991. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook. World Bank Technical Paper. No. 139. World Bank
Environment Department, Washington, DC. Three volumes.
World Bank. 1993. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook Update Number 1. The World Bank and
Environmental Assessment: An Overview. World Bank Environment Department, Washington, DC. April 1993. 4
World Bank. 1996. The World Bank Participation Sourcebook. Environment Department Paper 019. World Bank,
Washington, DC. 259 pp.

December 1997
Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

3.0 Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment

Changes in the practice of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and advances in information
technology have greatly expanded the range of tools available to the EIA practitioner. For example, map overlay
methods, originally pioneered by McHarg (1971), have evolved into sophisticated Geographic Information
Systems (GIS). Expert systems, a branch of artificial intelligence, have been developed to help in screening,
scoping, developing terms of reference (TOR), and conducting preliminary assessments. These systems use
comprehensive checklists, matrices, and networks in combination with hundreds of impact rules developed by
EIA experts. The global embrace of sustainable development has made the analysis of costs and benefits an
integral part of EIA. This has forced the expansion of factors to be considered in traditional cost benefit analysis.
The following chapters describe some of these more specialized approaches and methods that have evolved to
meet the changing needs of EIA: 1) predictive methods (Chapter 4); 2) environmental risk assessment
(Chapter 5); 3) economic analysis (Chapter 6); and expert systems (Chapter 8).

This chapter describes some of the simplest techniques and methods for EIA, and gives information to
help choose the most appropriate method for a given situation. Ad hoc methods (section 3.1) are useful when time
constraints and lack of information require that the EIA must rely exclusively on expert opinion. Checklists and
matrices (section 3.2) are good tools for organizing and presenting information. Sectoral guidelines are becoming
widely accepted as an appropriate technique for conducting initial environmental analysis. Section 3.3 presents an
overview of the sectoral guidelines developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank, and the
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The systematic sequential approach (SSA)
(Section 3.4) provides a proven approach to thinking through the causal chain: activity - changes - impacts -
mitigation. Networks (Section 3.5) are a formalized way of representing these causal chains. Simulation modeling
workshops (Section 3.6) are techniques for taking network representation of impacts and building simple
conceptual models. In developing the simulation models, the conceptual models are translated into mathematical
and computer language. Through the use of dynamic simulation, the impacts over time can be projected. Spatial
analysis methods (Section 3.7) allow for the presentation of the spatial pattern of environmental impacts through
map overlays. GIS is routinely used for analyzing and displaying spatial impacts. Rapid assessment techniques
(Section 3.8) have been designed to cope with need for quick assessments to deal with rapid changes in many
parts of the developing world.

The Role of Expert Judgement

Most methods and techniques for identifying, measuring, and assessing impacts rely on expert judgement.
In fact, many checklists, matrices, and models used in EIA represent decades of experience accumulated by
numerous experts. The experts themselves are heavily involved in all aspects of the assessment they are used
to help identify the potential for significant impacts, plan data collection and monitoring programs, provide their
judgement on the level of significance for specific impacts, and suggest ways of reducing or preventing impacts.

Choosing a Method

EIA methods range from simple to complex, requiring different kinds of data, different data formats, and
varying levels of expertise and technological sophistication for their interpretation. The analyses they produce have
differing levels of precision and certainty. All of these factors should be considered when selecting a method.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

The EIA practitioner is faced with a vast quantity of raw and usually unorganized information that must
be collected and analyzed in preparation of an EIA report. The best methods are able to:

organize a large mass of heterogenous data;

allow summarization of data;
aggregate the data into smaller sets with least loss of information; and
display the raw data and the derived information in a direct and relevant fashion.

The needs of the target audience should also be considered when choosing a method. At preliminary
stages, proponents need to have clear information about alternatives, research needs and feasibility. Appropriate
methods, skillfully applied, can save time and money, and can generate valuable support for a proposal. At later
stages of comprehensive EIAs, decision makers include those with a mandate to approve and set the conditions
for going ahead with a development. For an informed decision to be made, the decision makers need to
understand the nature and extent of potential impacts and the trade offs involved.

Whatever methods are chosen, the focus of impact assessment has evolved from generating a list of
potential impacts on selected environmental components. Todays methods consider the environment to be a
dynamic, integrated group of natural and social systems. Impacts occur over time and space. Some impacts are
immediate while others are delayed. Some impacts occur as a direct result of an activity; others occur as
secondary or higher order impacts resulting from changes in other environmental components.

In selecting assessment methods, it helps to understand two perspectives underlying the utility of EIA.
From the first perspective, EIA is a technique to analyze the impacts of project activities, and is a complex and
complicated procedure. The complexity is increased by the diversity of the disciplines involved social, physical,
and biological. This perspective holds that scientific experts should be responsible for conducting and reviewing
EIAs, and that the maximum possible quantification should be accomplished. This element of decision-making
should be incorporated into the EIA process. From a second perspective, EIA is primarily an opportunity to allow
groups that are potentially affected populations, development agencies, and project proponents to participate
in the decision-making process. This perspective suggests that:

decision making should not be restricted to scientific opinions alone, but should also reflect social
and cultural viewpoints; and
a key role of EIA is to identify and communicate potential impacts to the concerned people and
encourage rational discussion.

Appropriateness of Methods for Developing Countries

Table 3-1 lists criteria for selecting methods at several stages of the assessment process. No single
method will meet all the necessary criteria. The objective is to select an array of methods that collectively will
meet assessment needs. Of the variety of techniques and methods available, only a few are applicable to
developing countries. The latter are described here. Most have been used in developing countries, although not all
widely so. In most cases, we present detailed examples of their use. A critique of each method is also made,
based on the criteria defined in Table 3-1. This critique includes an assessment of the methods appropriateness
for use in developing countries. It is generally assumed that developing countries have limited financial resources,
technical expertise, and baseline data. Because of the pressure for rapid economic development, the methods used
in developing countries must be effective in a relative short time frame. Many argue that developing countries
cannot afford to use sophisticated methods because they are too expensive. It is suggested that they will only be
used if funding from international assistance agencies (IAA) is available. This is only partly true. Often the
application of the sophisticated methods requires input from international EIA experts. If this is the case, the labor

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

costs associated with a method may make it expensive. There are, however, plenty of examples of EIA
practitioners in developing countries using sophisticated mathematical models for air and water quality assessment
in the environmental assessment of large energy and infrastructure projects. For example, the National Power
Corporation in the Philippines uses air dispersion models for the assessment of environmental effects of thermal
generating stations. Similarly, most of the scientific and engineering institutes in the Peoples Republic of China
(PRC) that have Class A licenses for EIA have strong capability in computer modeling for EIA.

We use the cost/effectiveness criteria (Table 3-1) as the primary determinate of the appropriateness of the
methods for application in developing countries.

Basic Terminology

Some basic terminology has been adopted to aid in the presentation and comparison of methods:

An activity is the basic element of a project or plan that has potential to affect any aspect of the
environment. Projects are composed of activities. Activities are often called actions.

An environmental component is a basic element of the physical, biological, social, or economic

environment. Environmental components receive environmental impacts from activities. Environmental
components can be aggregated into super-components or desegregated into sub-components. Most methods
define a hierarchy of components (e.g., physical may be split into atmosphere, water, soils, etc. and atmosphere
might be split into air quality, meteorology, climate, etc.).

An environmental change is the measurable change in physical and biological systems and environmental
quality resulting from a development activity.

An environmental impact is an estimate or judgement of the significance and value of environmental

effects on physical, biological, social or economic environment.

A component characteristic is a qualitative description or a quantitative measurement of a component.

A factor is the basic element of analysis used in any method. In most methods, factors relate to some
form of environmental impact.

A factor index is a numerical value (e.g., from 0 to 1) representing impact or level of importance
associated with a factor. Factor indices are used in all methods that use rules for aggregating impacts associated
with individual factors into a grand index.

A grand index is a single numerical value calc ulated by aggregation (usually by linear combination) of
factor indices. In most methods, the grand index is calculated by the summation of weighted factor indices.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Table 3-1: Objective criteria for selecting an EIA method.

Key Area of the Criteria Criteria Description

Assessment Process

Cost /Time Effectiveness Expertise Simple enough to allow the available manpower with limited background knowledge to
Criteria Requirements grasp and apply the method without difficulty.
Data Requirements Does not require primary data collection and can be used with readily available data.
Time Requirements Can be completed well within the time requirements for the EIA review.
Flexibility Flexible enough to allow for modifications and changes during the course of the study,
especially if more detailed study is required.
Personnel Level of Can be performed with limited manpower and budgets.

Impact Identification Comprehensiveness Comprehensive enough to contain all possible options and alternatives; able to give
sufficient information about the impacts to enable effective decision-making.
Indicator-based Able to identify specific parameters with which to measure significant impacts.
Discriminative Requires and suggests methods for identifying project impacts as distinguished from future
environmental changes produced by other causes.
Time Dimension Can identify impacts on a temporal scale.
Spatial Dimension Can identify impacts on spatial scales.

Impact Measurement Commensurate Uses a commensurate set of units so that comparison can be made between alternatives.
Quantitative Suggests specific and measurable indicators to be used to quantify relevant impacts.
Measures Changes Provides for the measurement of impact magnitude as distinct from impact significance.
Objective Is based on explicitly stated objective criteria.

Impact Assessment Credibility Provides sufficient depth of analysis and instills confidence into the users and the general
Replicability Analysis can be replicated by other EIA practitioners.
Significance-based Can explicitly assess the significance of measured impacts on a local, regional, and national
Explicitly states criteria and assumptions employed to determine impact significance.
Aggregation Aggregates the vast amounts of information and raw data.
Uncertainty Accommodates a degree of uncertainty.
Identifies impacts that have low probability of occurrence but a high potential for damage and
Alternative Provides for a comparison of impacts of project alternatives.
Comparison Clearly portrays the impacts on the environment with and without the project.

Communication Communicability Provides a sufficiently detailed and complete comparison of the various project alternatives
Requires and suggests a mechanism for public involvement in interpreting the impacts and
their significance
Provides a mechanism for linking and assessing impacts on affected geographical or social
Provides a description of the project setting to help users adequately understand the whole

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Key Area of the Criteria Criteria Description

Assessment Process
Summary Format Summarizes the results of the impact analysis in a format that will give the users, who
range from the public to the decision-makers, sufficient detail to understand and develop
confidence in the assessment.
Provides a format for highlighting the key issues and impacts identified in the assessment.

3.1 Ad Hoc Method

Ad hoc methods are not really methods as they do not structure the problem so it is more amenable to
systematic analysis. A good example of an ad hoc method is a team of experts assembled for a short time to
conduct an EIA. Each expert's conclusions are based on a unique combination of experience, training and
intuition. These conclusions are assembled into a report. Sometimes this is the only required or possible approach.
In other instances, when more scientific methods are available, it is not sufficient to rely on ad hoc methods.

Table 3-2 gives the results of using the ad hoc method to compare alternative reservoir arrangements.
Broad qualitative information about factors useful in the comparative evaluation of alternative development actions
is presented. The information is stated in simple terms that are readily understood by the lay person. No
information about the cause-effect relationship between project actions and environmental components is
provided. The actual impacts on specific environmental components likely to be affected by the project or those
that may require further investigation are not identified. The method merely presents the pertinent information
without resorting to any relative weighting of importance.

This method is very easy to use, but does have a few drawbacks (Lohani and Kan, 1983):

it may not encompass all the relevant impacts;

because the criteria used to evaluate impacts are not comparable, the relative weights of various
impacts cannot be compared;
it is inherently inefficient as it requires sizeable effort to identify and assemble an appropriate panel of
experts for each assessment; and
it provides minimal guidance for impact analysis while suggesting broad areas of possible impacts.

The problem with the exercise of expert judgement in an ad hoc manner is that it is characterized by a
process of assessment that can never be replicated, thus making it difficult to review and critique the conclusions
in the EIA. Environmental impact assessment usually requires the collection and analysis of considerable
information about the economic, social, and biophysical environment. Methods are needed to organize this
information for analysis and presentation ad hoc methods fail to do this in any meaningful way.

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Table 3-2: Illustration of the ad hoc method for comparing alternative reservoir arrangements (source: Lohani
and Kan, 1983).

Number of reservoirs on river system 4 1 0
Combined surface area, ha 8500 1300 -
Total reservoir shoreline, km 190 65 -
New irrigation areas, ha 40000 12000 -
Reduced open space because of project and associated population increases, ha 10000 2000 -
Inundated archaeological sites, nos. 11 3 -
Reduced soil erosion, relative magnitude 4x 1x Nil
Enhanced fisheries, relative magnitude 4x 1x Nil
Provision of flood control measures Yes Yes No
New potential malarial areas, relative magnitude 4x 1x Nil
Additional employment potential, number of persons 1000 200 -

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Box 3-1: Evaluation of ad hoc method.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process Criteria N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise L

2. Data Requirements L

3. Time Requirements L

4. Flexibility L
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of P

6. Comprehensiveness N

7. Indicator-based N

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate N

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective N

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability N

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation N

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison P

21. Communicability P
22. Summary Format N

Are these applications appropriate for developing countries? Yes, but they should be supplemented by other methods to analyze,
organize and present the results of the assessment. Ad hoc methods, usually the collective opinion of a group of experts, are used
throughout the EIA process. Often panels of experts are asked to help develop TOR for EIA reports. Experts are almost always consulted
during the review of the EIA report. In most cases, the analyses that support the preparation of the EIA report should be undertaken using
systematic methods. Experts need to be able to back up their conclusions.

3.2 Methods for Organizing and Presenting Information

Checklists and matrices are commonly used to organize and present information. Many of the more
sophisticated methods and techniques often use checklists and matrices as a starting point for analysis.

Information Presented in Checklists and Matrices

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All checklists and matrices have boxes or cells that must be filled with information about the nature of the
impact. Depending on the method, this information can be descriptive or evaluative (Table 3-3). The simplest
methods merely determine the possibility or potential existence of an impact, while others, like weighting-scaling
checklists, make judgements about the magnitude and importance of the impact.

Table 3-3: Information presented in checklists and matrices.

Impact Characteristic Descriptive or Type of Determined By Used By Method

Identified or Evaluated Evaluative Measure Scale
Existence yes or no nominal Expert Judgement Simple Checklist
Duration short term or long term nominal Expert Judgement Descriptive Checklist (Oregon
(Smardon et al., 1976)
Reversibility reversible or irreversible nominal Expert Judgement Descriptive Checklist (Oregon
(Smardon et al., 1976)
Magnitude minor, moderate or major ordinal Expert Judgement Descriptive Checklist (Oregon
(Smardon et al., 1976)
1 to 10, with 1 representing small, 5 interval Expert Judgement Leopold Matrix
representing intermediate, 10 (Leopold et al., 1971)
representing large
Causal relationship direct, indirect, or synergistic nominal Expert Judgement Descriptive Checklist (Oregon
(Smardon et al., 1976)
Importance 1 to 10, with 1 representing low, 10 interval Subjective Judgement Leopold Matrix (Leopold et al.,
representing high 1971
0 to 1000, where the sum of the interval Subjective Judgement Battelle Environmental
importance weights is equal to 1000 Evaluation System
(Dee et al., 1972)
Environmental Impact 0 to 1, with 0 representing poor quality, interval Value Functions based Battelle Environmental
Units (EIU) 1 representing very good quality on expert or subjective Evaluation System
judgement (Dee et al., 1972)
Benefit/Cost + for benefit nominal subjective judgement Fisher and Davis (1973)
- for cost
Significance no impact nominal subjective and expert H.A. Simons (1992)
insignificant impact judgement
significant impact
mitigated impact
unknown impact

3.2.1 Checklists

Checklists are standard lists of the types of impacts associated with a particular type of project.
Checklists methods are primarily for organizing information or ensuring that no potential impact is overlooked.
They are a more formalized version of ad hoc approaches in that specific areas of impact are listed and

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

instructions are supplied for impact identification and evaluation. Sophisticated checklists include: 1) scaling
checklists in which the listed impacts are ranked in order of magnitude or severity, and 2) weighting-scaling
checklists, in which numerous environmental parameters are weighted (using expert judgement), and an index is
then calculated to serve as a measure for comparing project alternatives.

There are four general types of checklists:

1. Simple Checklist: a list of environmental parameters with no guidelines on how they are to be
measured and interpreted. Table 3-4 illustrates a simple checklist that identifies the potential impacts of
the Huasai-Thale Noi Road Project in Thailand.

2. Descriptive Checklist: includes an identification of environmental parameters and guidelines on how to

measure data on particular parameters.

3. Scaling Checklist: similar to a descriptive checklist, but with additional information on subjective
scaling of the parameters.

4. Scaling Weighting Checklist: similar to a scaling checklist, with additional information for the
subjective evaluation of each parameter with respect to all the other parameters.

Table 3-4: Simple checklist developed for the Huasai-Thale Noi Road Project (source: National Environment
Board, 1980).

Nature of Likely Impacts

Adverse Beneficial
Aquatic Ecosystems x x x
Fisheries x x x
Forests x x x
Terrestrial Wildlife x x x
Rare & Endangered Species x x x
Surface Water Hydrology x x x
Surface Water Quality x
Groundwater * * * * * * * * * *
Air Quality x x
Navigation x x
Land Transportation x x
Agriculture x x
Socioeconomic x x
Aesthetic x x

Legend x indicates potential for type of impact ST denotes Short Term LT denotes Long Term
R denotes Reversible IR denotes Irreversible L denotes Local
W denotes Wide SI denotes Significant N denotes Normal

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* denotes Negligible

Varying levels of information and expertise are required to prepare checklists. Simple checklists may
require only a generalized knowledge of the environmental parameters likely to be affected, and access to an
information base. Alternatively, simple checklist methods can be used to summarize the results of an EIA. Scaling
weighted checklists are likely to require more expertise to prepare.

There are several major reasons for using checklists:

they are useful in summarizing information to make it accessible to specialists from other fields, or to
decision makers who may have a limited amount of technical knowledge;
scaling checklists provide a preliminary level of analysis; and
weighting is a mechanism for incorporating information about ecosystem functions.

Westman (1985) listed some of the problems with checklists when used as an impact assessment

1. they are too general or incomplete;

2. they do not illustrate interactions between effects;
3. the number of categories to be reviewed can be immense, thus distracting from the most significant
impacts; and
4. the identification of effects is qualitative and subjective.

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Box 3-2: Evaluation of Simple Checklists.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process Criteria N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise L

2. Data Requirements L

3. Time Requirements L

4. Flexibility L
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of L

6. Comprehensiveness L

7. Indicator-based N

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate N

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective N

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability N

17. Significance-based P

18. Aggregation N

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison P

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Are these applications appropriate for developing countries? Yes, but checklists must be specifically developed for application to
sector and country conditions. General checklists adopted from other countries and industrial sectors are of limited use.

3.2.2 Scales and Weights

Descriptive checklists are excellent for describing comprehensive lists of impacts, however, they are not
able to rank alternatives. Various methods have been developed for the evaluation of alternatives. Before
discussing the simplest of these methods (that is, checklists), it is necessary to define the basic steps of methods
for evaluating alternatives:

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1. determine an appropriate set of environmental factors to be considered (for example, wildlife habitat);
2. determine the environmental impact index for each factor;
2.1 define the units of measurement for each environmental factor (e.g., hectares preserved),
2.2 collect the data on the environmental factor (e.g., 10000 hectares preserved),
2.3 decide on a common interval scale for each environmental factor index (e.g., 0 to 1),
2.4 convert the data for the environmental factor to environmental factor index (this is usually done
by normalizing all values over a maximum or minimum value);
3. determine a weight for each environmental factor; and
4. decide on the method of aggregation across all factors (usually additive).

Consider the two factors and two alternatives example in Table 3-5. The two factors are wildlife habitat
(measured in hectares preserved) and employment increase (measured in jobs). In the hypothetical example for
two alternatives, data has been provided. In the example, the environmental factor data has been scaled to an index
(0 is worst and 1 is best). Scaling was done by dividing the factor data by the maximum values for both
alternatives. The example shows two methods of aggregation:

1. Simple addition of factor indices, which assumes all factors are equally weighted. In this case
alternative two is preferred.
2. Weights of .20 on wildlife habitat and .80 on employment, respectively. In this case, alternative one
is preferred to alternative two.

Table 3-5: Two alternative examples to illustrate weighting and scaling techniques.

Factors Weights Alternative One Alternative Two

Raw Data Scaled Weighted Raw Data Scaled Weighted

Wildlife Habitat Preserved (ha.) 5000 10000

Employment Increase (jobs) 5000 3000

Wildlife Habitat Index 1 0.5 1

Employment Increase Index 1 1 0.6

Wildlife Habitat Weighted Index 0.2 0.1 0.2

Employment Increase Weighted Index 0.8 0.8 0.48

Grand Index n/a 1.5 0.9 n/a 1.6 0.68

Each weighting and scaling checklist technique will differ from others in terms of the assumptions it
makes with respect to: 1) environmental factors to be considered; 2) techniques for constructing the index; 3)
methods for determining weights on each factor; and 4) methods used to aggregate across all factors.

The four most common types of scales encountered in EIA methods are (Westman, 1985): 1) nominal, 2)
ordinal, 3) interval, and 4) ratio (see Table 3-6). Most descriptive information is categorical data measured on
nominal scales. Evaluative information is normally measured on ordinal, interval, or ratio scales. The choice of
scale is extremely important. Only interval and ratio scales can be used to aggregate information on individual
environmental factors into an overall grand index. Regardless of which scale is used, it must always be carefully
defined. Recent court challenges to the EIA process in Canada have criticized EIA methods that use terms like

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

moderate or medium. One judge concluded that impacts classified as moderate and medium are in fact
considered to be significant impacts as defined by legislation (Locke and Matthews, 1994).

Table 3-6: Types of scales commonly used in EIA methods (source: Westman, 1985).

Mathematical Measure of Permissible
Scale Nature of Scale Examples Transformation Location Statistical Analysis

Nominal Classifies Objects Species Classification, coding One-to-one substitution Mode Information Statistics
soil types

Ordinal Ranks Objects orderings: equivalence to non- median Non parametric

- minimum to maximum monotonic functions
- worst to best
- minor to major

Interval Rates objects in units of time (hours), linear transformation arithmetic mean Parametric
equal difference temperature (degrees)

Ratio rates objects in equal height, weight multiplication or division geometric mean Parametric
difference and equal ratio by a constant or other
ratio scale value

Many applications of EIA methods are flawed because practitioners often construct quantitative
representations of ordinal data. They then wrongly assume that they can aggregate ordinal data into a grand index.
For example, instead of asking an expert to assign the magnitude of impact as low, medium, or high, the
practitioner might ask for magnitude on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is low, medium is 5 and 10 is high. While
this is now numerical data, it is still represented on an ordinal scale and should not be aggregated. To construct an
interval scale special care must be taken. In the context of constructing environmental quality indices, Dee et al.
(1972) suggested the following procedure:

1. Collect information on the relationship between the factor and the quality of the environment.
2. Order the environmental factor scale (normally the x-axis) so that the lowest (or worst) value for the
environmental factor corresponds to zero in the environmental quality scale (normally the y-axis).
3. Divide the environmental quality scale into equal intervals ranging between 0 and 1, and determine the
appropriate value of the factor for each interval. Continue this process until a reasonable curve may
be drawn.
4. Steps 1 to 3 should be repeated independently by various experts. The average values should produce
the group curve. If factors are based on value judgements alone, a representative cross-section
should be used.
5. If there are large variations among the different experts, a review may be performed.
6. Steps 1 through 5 should be repeated by various groups of experts to test reproducibility.

This technique can be used to construct a graph that represents the relationship between the factor index
and an environmental variable. The example graph (Figure 3-1) shows the relationship between the factor index
and amount of forest land protected.

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Figure 3-1: Factor index for forest land protected.

Canter (1977, 1996) and ESCAP (1990) describe a number of examples and applications of weighting-
scaling checklists. In some applications, with skilled personnel, these methods may be appropriate. Because of
inherent difficulties in developing factor indices and the potential for misuse of these methods, however, we do
not recommend their use in developing countries.

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Box 3-3: Evaluation of weighting scaling checklists.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process Criteria N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise N

2. Data Requirements P

3. Time Requirements P

4. Flexibility L
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of P

6. Comprehensiveness P

7. Indicator-based N

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate P

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective N

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability N

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison L

21. Communicability P
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Not recommended. Few practitioners apart from the originators of these
methods take the methodological care needed to determine scales and weights.

3.2.3 Matrices

Matrix methods identify interactions between various project actions and environmental parameters and
components. They incorporate a list of project activities with a checklist of environmental components that might
be affected by these activities. A matrix of potential interactions is produced by combining these two lists (placing
one on the vertical axis and the other on the horizontal axis). One of the earliest matrix methods was developed by
Leopold et al. (1971). In a Leopold matrix and its variants, the columns of the matrix correspond to project
actions (for example, flow alteration) while the rows represent environmental conditions (for example, water

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temperature). The impact associated with the action columns and the environmental condition row is described in
terms of its magnitude and significance.

Most matrices were built for specific applications, although the Leopold Matrix itself is quite general.
Matrices can be tailor-made to suit the needs of any project that is to be evaluated. They should preferably cover
both the construction and the operation phases of the project, because sometimes, the former causes greater
impacts than the latter. Simple matrices are useful: 1) early in EIA processes for scoping the assessment; 2) for
identifying areas that require further research; and 3) for identifying interactions between project activities and
specific environmental components. However, matrices also have their disadvantages: they tend to overly simplify
impact pathways, they do not explicitly represent spatial or temporal considerations, and they do not adequately
address synergistic impacts.

Matrices require information about both the environmental components and project activities. The cells of
the matrix are filled in using subjective (expert) judgement, or by using extensive data bases. There are two
general types of matrices: 1) simple interaction matrices; and 2) significance or importance-rated matrices. Simple
matrix methods simply identify the potential for interaction (see Table 3-7). Significance or importance-rated
methods require either more extensive data bases or more experience to prepare. Values assigned to each cell in
the matrix are based on scores or assigned ratings, not on measurement and experimentation. For example, the
significance or importance of impact may be categorized (no impact, insignificant impact, significant impact, or
uncertain). Alternatively, it may be assigned a numerical score (for example, 0 is no impact, 10 is maximum

Table 3-7: Simple environmental impact matrix for the Phoenix Pulp Mill (source: Lohani and Halim, 1983).

Project Activities
Use of Transport of
Components Plant Farming of Water Solid Effluent Employ-
Pesticide Raw Emissions
Construction Kenaf Intake Waste Discharge ment
Fertilizer Materials

Surface Water Quality x x x x

Surface Water Hydrology x
Air Quality x x
Fisheries x x
Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat x
Terrestrial Wildlife x
Land Use Pattern x
Highways/Railways x
Water Supply x x
Agriculture x
Housing x
Health x x x
Socioeconomic x

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Leopold Matrix

Leopold et al. (1971) designed a matrix with a hundred specified actions and 88 environmental
components (Table 3-8). Each action and its potential for impacting each environmental item is considered. The
magnitude of the interaction (extensiveness or scale) is described by assigning a value ranging from 1 (for small
magnitudes) to 10 (for large magnitudes). The assignment of numerical values is based on an evaluation of
available facts and data. Similarly, the scale of importance also ranges from 1 (very low interaction) to 10 (very
important interaction). Assignment of numerical values for importance is based on the subjective judgement of the
interdisciplinary team working on the EIA study.
The matrix approach is reasonably flexible. The total number of specified actions and environmental items
may increase or decrease depending on the nature and scope of the study and the specific TOR for which the
environmental impact study is undertaken. This is one of the attractive features of the Leopold Matrix.
Technically, the Leopold Matrix approach is a gross screening technique to identify impacts. It is a valuable tool
for explaining impacts by presenting a visual display of the impacted items and their causes. Summing the rows
and columns that are designated as having interactions can provide deeper insight and aid further interpretation of
the impacts. The matrix can also be employed to identify impacts during the various parts of the entire project
cycle construction, operation, and even dismantling phases.

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Table 3-8: Actions and environmental items in the Leopold Matrix (source: Canter, 1977).

Actions Environmental Items

Category Description Category Description

A. Modification of a) Exotic fauna introduction A. Physical & chemical

regime b) Biological co ntrols characteristics
c) Modification of habitat
d) Alteration of ground cover 1. Earth
e) Alteration of groundwater hydrology a) Mineral resources
f) Alteration of drainage b) Construction material
g) River control & flow modification c) Soils
h) Canalization d) Land form
I) Irrigation e) Force fields & background radiation
j) Weather modification f) Unique physical features
k) Burning 2. Water
l) Surface or paving a) Surface
m) Noise & vibration b) Ocean
c) Underground
B. Land a) Urbanization d) Quality
transformation & b) Industrial sites & buildings e) Temperature
construction c) Airports f) Recharge
d) Highways & bridges g) Snow, ice & permafrost
e) Roads & trails 3. Atmosphere
f) Railroads a) Quality (gases, particulates)
g) Cables & lifts b) Climate (micro, macro)
h) Transmission lines, pipelines & corridors c) Temperature
I) Barriers including fencing 4. Processes
j) Channel dredging & straightening a) Floods
k) Channel retaining walls b) Erosions
l) Canals c) Deposition (sedimentation, precipitation)
m) Dams & impoundments d) Solution
n) Piers, seawalls, marinas & sea terminals e) Sorption (ion exchange, complexing)
o) Offshore structures f) Compaction & settling
p) Recreational structures g) Stability (slides, slumps)
q) Blasting & drilling h) Stress-strain (earthquakes)
r) Cut & fill I) Air movements
s) Tunnels & underground structures B. Biological conditions

C. Resource a) Blasting and drilling 1. Flora

extraction b) Surface excavation
c) Subsurface excavation & retorting a) Trees
d) Well dredging & fluid b) Shrubs
e) Dredging c) Grass
f) Clear cutting & other lumbering d) Crops
g) Commercial fishing & hunting e) Micro flora
f) Aquatic plants
D. Processing a) Farming g) Endangered species
b) Ranching & grazing h) Barriers
c) Feed lots 2. Fauna I) Corridors
d) Dairying
e) Energy generation a) Birds
f) Mineral p rocessing b) Land animals including reptiles
g) Metallurgical industry c) Fish & shellfish
h) Chemical industry d) Benthic organisms
I) Textile industry e) Insects
j) Automobile & aircraft f) Microfauna
k) Oil refining g) Endangered species
l) Food h) Barriers
m) Lumbering
n) Pulp & paper

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Actions Environmental Items

Category Description Category Description

o) Production storage

E. Land alteration a) Erosion control and terracing C. Cultural factors

b) Mine sealing and waste control
c) Strip mining rehabilitation 1. Land use a) Wilderness and open spaces
d) Landscaping b) Wetlands
e) Harbor dredging c) Forestry
f) Marsh fill and drainage d) Grazing
e) Agriculture
F. Resource renewal a) Reforestation f) Residential
b) Wildlife stocking and management g) Commercial
c) Groundwater recharge h) Industry
d) Fertilization application I) Mining and quarrying
e) Waste recycling
G. Changes in traffic 2. Recreation a) Hunting
a) Railway b) Fishing
b) Automobile c) Boating
c) Trucking d) Swimming
d) Shipping e) Camping and hiking
e) Aircraft f) Picnicking
f) River and canal traffic g) Resorts
g) Pleasure boating
h) Trails 3. Aesthetic & a) Scenic views and vistas
I) Cables and lifts human interest b) Wilderness qualities
j) Communication c) Open-space qualities
H. Waste k) Pipeline d) Landscape design
replacement & e) Unique physical features
treatment a) Ocean dumping f) Parks and reserves
b) Landfill g) Monuments
c) Emplacement of tailings, spoils and overburden h) Rare and unique species or eco -systems
d) Underground storage I) Historical or archaeological sites and objects
e) Junk disposal j) Presence of misfits
f) Oil well flooding
g) Deep well emplacement a) Cultural patterns (lifestyle)
h) Cooling water discharge 4. Cultural status b) Health and safety
I) Municipal waste discharge c) Employment
j) Liquid effluent discharge d) Population density
k) Stabilization and oxidation ponds
l) Septic tanks, commercial and domestic a) Structures
m) Stack and exhaust emission 5. Manufactured b) Transportation network (movement, access)
n) Spent lubricants facilities and c) Utility networks
I. Chemical treatment activities d) Waste disposal
a) Fertilization e) Barriers
b) Chemical deicing of highways, etc. f) Corridors
c) Chemical stabilization of soil
d) Weed control a) Salinisation of water resources
J. Accidents e) Insect control (pesticides) b) Eutrophication
D. Ecological c) Disease -insect vectors
a) Explosions relationships d) Food chains
b) Spills and leaks e) Salinisation of surficial material
K. Others c) Operational failure f) Brush encroachment
g) Other

E. Others

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Box 3-4: Evaluation of Matrix Methods.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process Criteria N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise P

2. Data Requirements L

3. Time Requirements P

4. Flexibility P
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of P

6. Comprehensiveness L

7. Indicator-based N

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate N

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective P

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability N

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison N

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Yes, but matrices should be specifically developed for application to sector
and country conditions. Matrices force EIA practitioners to think systematically about the interactions between project activities and
environmental components.

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

3.3 Sectoral Guidelines

New EIAs should build on what has already been learned. While each situation requires a unique
assessment plan, after almost three decades of EIA practice there is much knowledge of impacts that can be
transferred from past assessments to new projects. EIA practitioners have collected past experience and best
practice examples into various handbooks and guidelines. Sectoral guidelines are perhaps the most useful and
widespread of these tools for assisting in the preparation of EIAs. Most EIA agencies in developing countries have
recognized the importance of producing country and sector specific guidelines for EIA. These guidelines normally
contain a comprehensive listing of:

1. project types covered by the guidelines;

2. activities that fall within each project type;
3. environmental components that may possibly be affected by the project activities;
4. significant issues that must be addressed in project planning;
5. suggested mitigation measures that might be incorporated into the project; and
6. recommended monitoring requirements.

These guidelines often use checklists and matrices to organize and present specific information. In most
cases, the guidelines leave the choice of the prediction and assessment method up to the individual practitioner.

3.3.1 When to Use Sectoral Guidelines

Project planning and management is generally undertaken along sectoral lines. This pattern reflects the
structure of governments, industrial agencies, and international financial institutions (IFI) which are organized by
sectors (for example, energy, transportation, agriculture). Sectors are also convenient ways of classifying and
organizing our knowledge about the environmental impacts of development activity. Generic EIA guidelines have
proven to be of limited use.

Most jurisdictions have adopted EIA guidelines for each sector. The purpose of these guidelines is to
facilitate the incorporation of environmental protection into project preparation and appraisal. Experience
throughout the world has shown that, through proper design and planning, adverse environmental consequences
of development projects can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. The guidelines are used to determine
whether or not a particular project can be expected to result in significant environmental impacts, and if so, what
needs to be done to ensure that these impacts will be mitigated in the project plan. Guidelines often contain advice
on how to develop the TOR for EIA studies to support preparation of EIA reports.

In practice, sectoral guidelines:

1. are most useful in the early stages of an environmental assessment when TOR for the EIA are
unavailable or are being prepared;
2. help with impact identification and in the development of detailed TOR for conducting an EIA;
3. provide guidance on how to present information in the proper format to aid in review; and
4. provide useful information against which to evaluate the actual results of the EIA.

3.1.2 Existing Guidelines

Several organizations, including some of the IFIs and bilateral aid agencies, have developed sets of
environmental guidelines. Hundreds of guidelines exist; a comprehensive listing is available from the International
Institute for Environment and Development (1995). Although these guidelines have been designed to help their

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

staff design and appraise projects, they are also very useful to EIA practitioners in that they represent the
accumulated wisdom on the known impacts of particular categories of development projects. These guidelines
can be either generally applicable to EIAs conducted for projects funded by that organization, or specific for a
given project type. Typically, both types of guidelines are necessary for the evaluation of any particular project.
These guidelines are available from the publications departments of the funding organization. Since they reflect the
policy of an organization, they are typically updated on a regular basis and are not reproduced here. Rather, this
chapter aims to provide an introduction to the use of sectoral guidelines.

Usually the guidelines developed for use by IFIs or by bilateral agencies are designed for use in the
developing country context. They may, as a result, be considerably less extensive than those employed in
industrialized countries.

Asian Development Bank

The ADB has developed environmental guidelines for selected projects in agricultural and natural
resources development (Asian Development Bank, 1987), infrastructure (Asian Development Bank, 1993a), and
industrial and power development (Asian Development Bank, 1993b). These guidelines were produced to enable
ADB project staff to incorporate environmental considerations during project preparation. They help project staff

1. prepare ADB loan convenants for the project on necessary environmental constraints;
2. strengthen the overall project context through improvements in aspects relating to environment (for
example, public health, control of pollution emissions, preservation of valuable natural ecology, and
improvement of the quality of life); and
3. include and estimate the cost of mitigation measures, monitoring programs, and the environmental
management plan.

The ADB guidelines have broad applicability outside the Bank itself and are in use in most of the ADBs
developing member countries.

The ADB guidelines help determine whether the proposed project can be expected to have significant
environmental impacts (SEIs). If SEIs might occur, the Guidelines recommend the preparation of a brief Initial
Environmental Examination (IEE). The IEE will make a preliminary evaluation of each potentially significant
environmental impact of the proposed project, determining whether the project merits further detailed study. If
there is no need for further study, the IEE itself becomes the completed EIA for the project and no follow-up EIA
is required.

The ADB requires an IEE to be undertaken by its project staff in the early stages of project preparation.
An IEE must always meet the requirements for EIA stipulated by the relevant countrys environmental (or
equivalent) agency; in countries where there are no specific EIA requirements, use of the Guidelines helps ensure
that an acceptable assessment of the project is undertaken and that the project includes the necessary mitigation
measures to meet that countrys environmental protection standards.

Completing the Initial Environmental Examination

The Guidelines contain:

1. a checklist associated with a project type (for example, Table 3-9); and
2. A description of the significant environmental issues associated with a project type (for example,
Table 3-10).

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

The first step in completing the IEE is to complete the environmental checklist (see Table 3-9). This
checklist identifies and briefly describes all significant environmental issues which may result from the type of
project under consideration. Each of the probable significant environmental issues should be assessed to determine
whether it merits more detailed evaluation; that is, whether an EIA is needed. If there is no need for follow-up EIA
(all items are checked in the D1 Column of the checklist table), the IEE serves as the completed EIA. If items are
checked in Column D2 but not in Columns D3 or D4 of the checklist table, the needed follow-up work can
usually be done by an individual consultant. If items are checked in Columns D3 or D4, a complete EIA will be

If a full EIA is needed, TOR must be developed. The ADB guidelines provide a sample TOR for the EIA.
A detailed discussion of the TOR for and the content of an EIA report is provided in Chapter 11.

The completed checklist, along with the TOR (when necessary), often serves as the completed IEE. In
the ADB system, the completed IEE is sent to the ADBs environment specialists, the executing agency and the
concerned national environmental administrative agency. If appropriate, the ADB will require that an EIA be part
of the overall feasibility study. The TOR for the EIA includes the information in the checklist table, and: 1) the
type and level of professional skills needed in person-months for both local and international consultants; and 2)
the estimated cost of the EIA.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Table 3-9: Part of the IEE Checklist of Dams and Reservoirs (source: Asian Development Bank, 1993).

IEE Checklist (Reservoir)

Dams and Reservoirs


1. This lists all significant environmental effects known to have occurred in past dams/reservoir/hydropower projects in developing

2. This is arranged to permit: i) ready screening out of non-pertinent items by checking the column No Significant Effects, and ii) ready
grading of significant environmental effects by degree of effect.

3. The checking process of (2) above furnishes the information needed for preparing the IEE.

Table 1: Checklist of Environmental Parameters for Dams and Reservoirs/Hydropower Projects

For ______________________________________________(Name of Project)

Actions Affecting
Damages to Environment Recommended Feasible Protection IEE (D)
Environmental Resources
(B) Measures (C)
and Values (A)

Significant Effect
No Significant
Effect (D1) Small Moderate Major
(D2) (D3) (D4)

A. Environmental Problems Due to Project Location

Resettlement Serious social inequities Carefully planned resettlement

program, including hard budget

Encroachment into precious Loss of ecological values Careful planning, plus offsetting
ecology measures

Encroachment on Loss of these values Careful planning, plus mitigation

historical/cultural values measures

Watershed erosion silt runoff Shortened reservoir life Watershed management program

Impairment of navigation Economic loss Careful planning, plus mitigation


Effects on groundwater Economic loss Careful planning, plus mitigation

hydrology measures

Migrating valuable fish Decrease in fish species Furnish fish traps

species catch

Inundation of mineral Loss of these values Mines before inundation, if feasible


Other inundation losses Depends on type of effect Careful planning /design /O&M/

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Table 3-10: Environmental problems due to project location (source: Asian Development Bank, 1993).

1. Resettlement: Resettlement of population in inundated area. This problem, discussed in Annex III/2, has often been serious in past
projects because of failure to include sufficient funds in the project core budget to cover appropriate resettlement costs, including
rehabilitation, etc.
2. Encroachment into watershed: The access roads built for the project and the new lake will often serve to accelerate inroads into the
watershed by farmers, hunters, timber exploiters, etc., thereby accelerating losses in forests and wildlife.
3. Encroachment on historical/cultural monuments/areas: This must be carefully evaluated and, if precious items are believed to exist in
the area to be inundated, a program for finding and salvaging these should be undertaken prior to inundation.
4. Watershed erosion/silt run-off: If the existing condition of erosion/silt run-off in the watershed is sufficient to jeopardize the life of the dam
by an excessive filling rate, consideration must be given to expanding the project to include a watershed reforestation and/or
regreening program (to be included in the projects core budget).
5. Impairment of navigation: Will the dam itself impair downstream navigation and, if so, what provisions may be made to offset this loss?
6. Impairment of groundwater hydrology: Will the reservoir result in waterlogging in the vicinity and, if so, how can damages be feasibly
offset ?
7. Migrating valuable fish species: Will the dam obstruct valuable migrating fisheries and, if so, how can these losses be offset?
8. Inundation of mineral resources: Will the reservoir cause loss of valuable mineral resource development potentials?
9. Other problems from flooding of inundated area: This usually eliminates productive farmlands or forest, displaces and endangers
wildlife in the area, displaces the existing riverine fisheries, greatly alters the hydrologic regime, and may induce earthquake hazards.

World Bank Sourcebook

The World Bank Environmental Assessment Sourcebook (1991) is a three volume document designed to
assist all those involved with environmental assessment, including practitioners themselves, project designers and
World Bank task managers. Practitioners conducting assessments for borrowing governments need to know Bank
policy on the subject under consideration and which aspects of the projects are of particular concern to the Bank.
Project designers need to know applicable Bank requirements and the environmental implications of their design
choices. In addition, they need to understand the objectives of the practitioners. The Sourcebook provides these
two groups of users with both specific information and a common ground for discussion. TMs are responsible
for ensuring that borrowers fulfill Bank requirements for environmental review (including EIA). The Sourcebook
provides them with assistance for these advisory tasks, through discussions of fundamental environmental
considerations; summaries of relevant Bank policies; and analyses of other topics that affect project
implementation. Additional audiences that might find the Sourcebook of interest are other economic development
and finance agencies, practitioners for non-Bank projects, environmentalists, academics and NGOs.

The Sourcebook focuses on those operations with major potential for negative environmental impacts (for
example, infrastructure, dams and highways). The book is large, and no user will ever have need of all sections.
As such, the Table of Contents is the most efficient entry point. The first volume deals with World Bank policies
and procedures and cross-sectoral issues. The Banks EIA requirements and environmental review process, from
screening at the time of project identification through to post-completion evaluation, are presented. A standard
format for an EIA Terms of Reference is also provided. Two issue chapters deal with ecological, social, and
cultural topics likely to arise in environmental assessment. Three methods chapters deal with economic
evaluation of environmental costs and benefits, institutional strengthening, and financial intermediary lending. An
additional chapter deals with community involvement and the role of NGOs in environmental review.

Sectoral guidelines for agriculture and rural development projects; population, health and nutrition;
transportation; urban development; water supply and sewerage; energy and industry are contained in the second

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

and third volumes. For each of the sectors, the Sourcebook provides both general considerations pertaining to
environmental assessment in the sector in question and discussions of particularly relevant topics (for example,
the energy and industry chapter contains a section on plant siting, and the agriculture sector includes a section on
integrated pest management and use of agrochemicals). The balance of each chapter covers specific types of
projects, chosen primarily because they have potentially significant environmental impacts. For each type, the
features of the project that have environmental significance are described, potential impacts are summarized, and
special issues to be considered in an EIA are noted. Possible alternatives to the project are outlined, and
discussions of management and training needs and monitoring requirements are added. Each review concludes
with a table of potential impacts and the measures which can be used to mitigate them. Sample TOR for the
various project types are collected in one section in each chapter.

Regularly distributed updates provide users with information on a variety of topics. Often updates are
issued to replace older policies and procedures; in other cases, they might be issued to provide details of a new
technique or technology, or an emerging issue of concern.


In addition to general EIA guidelines for planners and decision makers published by ESCAP in 1985, the
Commission has developed more recent sectoral guidelines for projects involving water resources development,
transport development, industrial development, and agricultural development. The ESCAP guidelines primary
audience is government agencies concerned with environmental protection in developing countries. The guidelines
are designed to assist developing country personnel, in the case that they are providing the bulk of input, in
planning and conducting EIAs.

Generally, the sectoral guidelines have a clearly defined scope of application. In the case of the Guidelines
for Water Resources Development (ESCAP, 1990), for example, the scope is limited to projects making use of
fresh water resources marine waters are not considered. The specific objectives of the above mentioned
guidelines (and the others are similar) are to: a) summarize the general assessment methodologies presented in
pertinent references; b) fill a gap existing in other references, namely identification of data collection and
evaluation methodologies for assessing the quality and quantity of key parameters; and c) present the typical
impacts and pathways related to water resources development projects, based on literature references and five
special case studies (from Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Lao PDR). The guidelines also outline the
fundamental approach for EIA, guiding the user through the EIA process in the context of water resources
developments, and touch briefly on four resources required for EIA: specific resource measurement methods,
financial resources (costs of EIA studies), human resources, and time.

Sample TORs for EIAs for water resource projects are included. Potential environmental impacts and
management requirements (including some mitigation measures) of water resource development projects are
summarized, based on the findings of more detailed reports. For ease of use, these summaries are broken down
by project type (for example, dams/reservoirs, irrigation, hydropower, channelization, dredging and filling, and
groundwater manipulation). Table 3-11 illustrates how the guidelines deal with issues relating to dredging and
filling operations.

The guidelines outline six methodologies designed specifically for water resources development projects:
the ADB checklist (see Table 3-9); the Battelle system, an environmental evaluation system developed by Battelle
Northwest Laboratories for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Dee et al., 1972); the water resources assessment
methodology (WRAM) developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water resources development matrices;
water resources development networks; and Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (AEAM) (see
section 3.6 for more details on simulation modeling workshops and the AEAM process).

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Table 3-11: Extract from Chapter II (Environmental Impact and Management Requirements of Water Resources
Development Projects) of the ESCAP sectoral guidelines for water resources development.

F. Dredging and filling

1. Ecology controversy
Dredging and filling operations have developed into one of the most controversial of all civil engineering activities as related to
effects on natural ecosystems including fisheries and all other types of aquatic biota. This is because of the recognition that the
swamps and other shallow water areas often used for dredging/filling are often the zones where the aquatic ecology is most
productive. Thus it is the general consensus today that shallow aquatic zones which are probably the reproduction zones for
important fisheries (including shellfish) should not be dredged nor filled except under very carefully controlled conditions, based
on scientific surveys and valuations, which will serve to protect the natural ecological system.
2. Environmental effects
The major adverse impacts of dredging result from disturbance of the natural aquatic ecosystem, hence the potentials for
damaging the natural wildlife (including fin-fish, shellfish, waterfowl, endangered species of plants, etc.) can be very great.
Evaluation of these possible effects require field investigations to establish the without-project status of the key species present and
their relationship to environmental factors such as depth, nature of the benthos, etc., so that it can be shown that the proposed
action will not result in adverse impacts on values which need to be protected. On the positive side, dredging can be very helpful:
a) in improving navigation; b) in furnishing sand and aggregate essential to construction based on use of concrete; and c)
indirectly furnishing filling materials which contribute to land reclamation projects.
Filling operations, like dredging, can raise havoc with the natural ecosystem unless properly controlled: hence the same
precautions should be employed as for dredging. The positive benefits of filling are essentially from: a) enabling
highways/railways to pass over low-lying areas; b) reclamation of land needed for urban development including housing
industries, airports, schools, and other public institutions; and c) disposal of solid wastes (including land reclamation).
3. Environmental management measures
Because of the major environmental losses due to dredging and filling operations in the past, a large scale research and
development programme was undertaken by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The result of the program was the
development of criteria and guidelines for dredging and filling which results in minimum adverse impacts and provides for
mitigating measures. These guidelines are provided in Reference 15.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Box 3-5: Evaluation of sector guidelines.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the
Criteria P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process
N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise Requirements P

2. Data Requirements L

3. Time requirements L
Cost / Time Effectiveness
4. Flexibility L
5. Personnel Level of Effort L

6. Comprehensiveness P

7. Indicator-based P

8. Discriminative P

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate N

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective P

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability P

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison P

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Yes, but it requires environmental specialists with the expertise to interpret
and adapt the guidelines to the specific situation. Sector guidelines are best used as initial assessment tools to lay the groundwork for more
detailed EIAs.

3.4 The Systematic Sequential Approach

Prepared formats such as checklists, matrices and sector guidelines are most useful during the initial
stages of EIA. Along with other information, checklists and matrices can help with the identification of issues and
impacts, as well as helping to develop the TOR for further studies. Care must be taken with prepared formats as
they may contain information that is out of date or inappropriate for the jurisdiction or the environmental setting.
In these cases, use of the checklist or matrix may result in EIA documents that may be misleading, incomplete or

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

place the emphasis on the wrong causal relationships. Once the initial assessment is completed, more systematic
and scientific approaches should be used to conduct the detailed EIA.
The systematic sequential approach (SSA) of assessment is a scientific thinking through of the potential
impacts on the environment with and without the project. SSA aims to understand how environmental, social, and
economic systems are interrelated, and how they will react to human disturbances. SSA views EIA as a
continuing source of information throughout the project cycle. During the planning stages, broad economic goals
and objectives are seen to give rise to planned projects (Figure 3-2). In the SSA approach, project activities are
linked to changes in the environment. During the EIA, predictions of these environmental changes must be made
using various methods and techniques. Not all predicted environmental changes are considered to be potential
impacts. Levels of significance of environmental change must be decided upon, then assigned to impacts. The
assessment of significance is usually based on the values ascribed to environmental components, as well as the
degree of change. Once the assessment of potential impacts has been completed, mitigative measures are
prescribed to prevent, reduce, or otherwise ameliorate the potential impacts. These measures will often alter the
project design. They may lead to project relocation, changes in industrial processes, introduction of pollution
abatement technology, and other measures. As the project moves toward implementation, an environmental
management plan must be put in place to ensure that planned mitigative measures will be implemented. This plan
also specifies monitoring that must take place to determine actual impacts and to evaluate the effectiveness of
mitigation measures.

Once the project begins operation, the project activities lead to actual changes in the environment and
actual impacts. Monitoring systems designed during the EIA provide the basic information that allows for
detection of changes in the environment. Based on monitoring information and on the evaluation of the actual
impacts and the effectiveness of mitigation measures, the project implementation activities may be altered. In the
long term, monitoring result may lead to revised economic development goals and objectives (Figure 3-2).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Figure 3-2: Overview of EIA information in the project cycle.

This section focuses on constructing the causal chain: activity - changes - impact - mitigation. The four
basic steps are:

1. For each reasonable project alternative (that is, technology, size, site, etc.), identify and
describe the major project activities during construction, operation, and other phases.


2. Predict significant changes in the natural environment, and when uncertain, their likelihood
of occurrence, and magnitude or severity (Risk Assessment).

December 1997
Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries


3. Changes, per se, are not impacts. Ask the question, Who cares, and why? about each
change in the environment. The answers are impacts on human health, welfare, and


4. Where it seems likely that the impact is adverse and unacceptable, devise mitigative
measures and project changes to prevent and/or ameliorate the impacts; and plan monitoring
to assure the implementation of the measures and to determine whether other unforeseen
impacts occur.

The SSA requires the development of conceptual models that represent the causal chain: activity -
changes - impact - mitigation. For example, Table 3-12 illustrates the activities, changes, impacts, and mitigation
measures for agriculture projects. Often the best way to represent these causal chains is as network diagrams.
The network diagrammatic representation of the causal chain that begins with application of inorganic fertilizers
(from Table 3.12) is presented in Figure 3.3. In this case, the application of the fertilizer set in motion a series of
direct and indirect changes in the environment. The application first increases the nutrients nitrogen and
phosphorus in the soil. Some fraction of these nutrients is carried into water bodies by run-off. Once in the
water, the nutrients become available to plants, both algae and aquatic macrophytes. This leads to increased
growth and biomass in the water bodies, which may ultimately reduce dissolved oxygen concentrations.
Decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations may lead to reduced fish populations, fish size, and fish flesh quality,
which may reduce fish harvests and the economic value to the fishery.

Table 3-12: Causal chains: activity - changes- impact - mitigation for agriculture projects (source: Asian
Development Bank, 1983).

Development Change in Natural System Impact on Human Health Mitigation Measures to

Activity and Welfare be Evaluated


loss of valuable nontarget organisms (e.g.,

1. Use of chemical pesticides loss of wildlife through food chain concentration
biological pest control
pollinators) chemicals restricted use of chemicals
disruption of natural predator- prey -parasite
cost of using more pesticide or more expensive
changes in cropping systems
relationships new chemicals
pest resistance fish kills
worker intoxification

physical and chemical changes in soil eutrophication leading to aquatic weed growth,
2. Use of inorganic fertilizers vegetation strips as traps between fields and
water contamination from runoff damage to fisheries, and degraded water quality
waterways for silt and nutrients
more precise application of fertilizer
use of natural fertilizers where possible

3. Monoculture cropping changes in soil and topography vulnerability to pests preservation of diversity in patches and road s
systems simplification of ecosystems loss of wildlife of natural vegetation
mixed cropping pattern

4. Irrigation salinization spread of disease vectors alternative crops that require less water
waterlogging loss of arable land careful management of water to avoid overuse
return water contamination fisheries degraded

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Development Change in Natural System Impact on Human Health Mitigation Measures to

Activity and Welfare be Evaluated

5. Rainfed agriculture soil erosion sedimentation damage in reservoirs and soil conservation actions - structural and vegetation
leaching of soil nutrients estuaries
reduced infiltration decreasing productivity
accentuated peaks in water yield

soil compaction
6. Indiscriminate land clearance decreased productivity land capability assessment and allocation for
erosion of marginal lands sedimentation damage sustainable use
loss of forest shade and forage short-lived pastures
conversion to grasslands

7. Concentrated feedingofconcentration of animal wastes eutrophication oxidation ponds

animals water contamination odor nuisance alternative protein sources from wild populations
opportunity for recycling as fertilizer

Figure 3-3: Network diagram of the causal chain that begins with application of inorganic fertilizers.

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

3.5 Networks

Development of the conceptual models that represent potential impact pathways as causal chains is at the
essence of the application of the SSA. As illustrated by the examples presented in the previous section, network
diagrams are one of the best ways of representing these causal chains. Network diagrams (Figure 3-4) provide a
means for displaying first, secondary, tertiary, and higher order impacts. To develop a network, a series of
questions related to each project activity (such as what are the primary impact areas, the primary impacts within
these areas, the secondary impact areas, the secondary impacts within these areas, and so on) must be answered.
In developing a network diagram, the first step is to identify the first order changes in environmental components.
The secondary changes in other environmental components that will result from the first order changes are then
identified. In turn, third order charges resulting from secondary changes are identified. This process is continued
until the network diagram is completed to the practitioners satisfaction. The network helps in exploring and
understanding the underlying relationships between environmental components that produce higher order changes
that are often overlooked by simpler approaches.

Figure 3-4: Conceptual model of impact networks.

From Matrices to Networks

The stepped matrix technique, developed by Sorenson (1971) to display the possible consequences of land use
in the California coastal zone, illustrates how the matrix approach can evolve logically into network diagrams. The
stepped matrix approach was applied to the Nong Pla Reservoir (Figure 3-5). To interpret the results for the Nong
Pla Reservoir:

1. Enter the matrix in Figure 3-4 at the upper left-hand corner under the heading Project Elements.
2. Read to the right. A causal factor that may result in an impact is shown as Dam and Reservoir
3. Read downwards until either a (), (), () or () is encountered.
() represents a major positive impact
() represents a minor positive impact
() represents a major negative impact
() represents a minor negative impact
4. Reading downwards from Dam and Reservoir, a () is encountered. This indicates a minor
positive impact of Dam and Reservoir on Surface water - hydrology.
5. Reading to the right, the initial impact on Surface Water is listed as more water storage; changes
more nutrient enrichment and the possible final impact disturbed aquatic habitat.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Figure 3-5: Stepped matrix for Nong Pla Reservoir.

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Figure 3-6 illustrates the network diagram for a dredging project (Sorensen, 1971, in Canter, 1996); Figure 3-7
illustrates the network diagram for a pulp mill using Kenaf (Lohani and Halim, 1983); Figure 3-8 illustrates the
stepped matrix for the Pattani multipurpose project in Southern Thailand.

Networks or systems diagrams overcome the limitations of matrices by accommodating higher order
impacts. They are also far better at explicitly identifying the causal basis for impacts. In addition, they are well
suited to identifying the interaction between a number of activities, components, and a single target resource. As
an assessment tool, they are capable of making qualitative predictions of the cumulative impact of a number of
activities on a single target resource. However, they neither formally integrate over the spatial and temporal
dimensions, nor do they integrate across target resources. While networks and systems diagrams can be
communicated well and are easy to develop using expert judgement, scientific documentation of complex systems
diagrams require a considerable amount of human and financial resources.

Figure 3-6: A network analysis of the impacts of dredging (source: Sorenson, 1971, in Canter, 1996)

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Figure 3-7: Network of pulp mill impacts (source: Lohani and Halim, 1983).

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Figure 3-8: Stepped matrix for Pattani Multipurpose Reservoir Project.

Impact Hypotheses

Network diagrams have been used by ecological modelers as a means of representing the conceptual
structure of models. In the context of EIA, one group of modelers used a sophisticated network or system
diagram to represent impact hypotheses (Everitt et al., 1986). Impact hypotheses are explicit statements that
causally relate project activities to environmental components.

This approach was combined with a descriptive matrix for an IEE of the environmental and
socioeconomic impact of a proposed pulp and paper mill and eucalyptus plantation development in Thailand (H.A.
Simon Ltd. Consulting Engineers, 1992). The purpose of the IEE was to identify all of the potential environmental
and socio-economic effects of the proposed project, prescribe mitigation measures not included in the project
description, and determine the level of further assessment required.

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The IEE of the proposed project proceeded with the following major steps:

1. Review of the project description, which consists of the activities that will occur inside and outside
the mill in the manufacture of pulp and paper, and review of the development and operation of the
eucalyptus plantations that will supply the mill with wood.
2. Review of information on the environmental and socioeconomic setting of the project area, which
included review of the current issues surrounding the project.
3. A visit to the proposed mill and plantation sites to gather information on the project and proposed site
from local residents and the proponent.
4. Information synthesis and screening of the potential environmental and socioeconomic effects of
project. Development of the TOR for an EIA of the project.

The IEE focused on the project description and the environmental and socioeconomic setting of the
affected area. The following major parts of the proposed project were assessed for potential effects: 1) the
construction phase of the mill site; 2) the proposed facilities and methodology for the disposal of mill effluent,
including air emissions; and 3) the development and operation of the eucalyptus plantations. The environmental
and social components which were assessed are those prescribed by the Office of the National Environmental
Board (ONEB) of Thailand for environmental assessment. The parameters of the ONEB are aggregated into the
following major categories: Physical Resources; Ecological Resources; Human Uses; and Quality of Life.

The constituent activities of the three major components of the project were systematically assessed
using expert judgement for their potential impact on each parameter of the ONEB. Each potential impact was rated
as either no impact, insignificant impact, significant impact, mitigated impact, or unknown impact. The
rating assigned to the categories was determined by the relationship between the activity and the parameter, the
existence of mitigation measures in the project description, and by the completeness of available information on
the activity and parameter. A cross-impact matrix (Table 3-13) was used to summarize the information.

The potential impacts of the project (that is, each combination of project activity and environmental
parameter of the impact matrix) were classified into one of five possible categories:

1. No Impact: The potential impact of project activity will be assessed as NO IMPACT if the project
activity is physically removed in space or time from the environmental parameter.

2. Significant impact: An impact is said to be SIGNIFICANT if the project activity has potential to
affect an environmental parameter. To determine whether a given impact is significant the following
criteria are used:
i. spatial scale of the impact (site, local, regional, or national/international);
ii. time horizon of the impact (short, medium, or long term);
iii. magnitude of the change in the environmental parameter brought about by the project
activities (small, moderate, large);
iv. importance to local human populations (for example, fish for consumption, drinking water,
agricultural products);
v. national or international profile (for example, tropical rainforests, and any rare or endangered
species); or
vi. if being altered from its existing or predevelopment status will be important in evaluating the
impacts of development and in focusing regulatory policy (for example, fish populations).

3. Insignificant Impact: If an impact occurs but does not meet the criteria for significance it is assigned
the category INSIGNIFICANT.

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

4. Unknown Impact. The potential impact of a project activity will be assessed as being UNKNOWN if:
i. the nature and location of the project activity is uncertain;
ii. the occurrence of the environmental parameter within the study area is uncertain;
iii. the time scale of the effect is unknown;
iv. the spatial scale over which the effect may occur is unknown; or
v. the magnitude of the effect cannot be predicted.

5. Mitigated Impact: The potential impact of a project activity on an environmental parameter is said to
i. there is potential for a significant impact; and
ii. the proposed mitigation measure will prevent the impact or reduce the impact to acceptable

The provision of the unknown category in an IEE is important as it facilitates the identification of all
aspects and potential impacts of a project that require further study. Inclusion of this category prevents
miscategorization of potential effects due to a lack of information. Because specific details of the outside activities
of the construction and operation of the pulp and paper mill were not specified and had to be inferred, there are
more potential impacts that are classified as unknown than expected.

A major objective of environmental assessment is to prescribe ways in which project effects can be
minimized through mitigation measures during the development and operation phases of the project. Because
environmental screening normally occurs early in the developmental stages of the project when many of the
design and operational details of a project are not firm, mitigation options for a potential effect often cannot be
prescribed within the desired levels of confidence.

All IEEs conducted using this method reveal some potential project impacts that would not be significant,
and other impacts that would be very significant. The latter impacts require closer scrutiny. To facilitate this,
impact hypotheses are constructed for each major potential impact. Impact hypotheses (see, for example, Figure
3-9) were constructed for those potential major impacts of the project categorized as significant, mitigated, or
unknown. For each impact hypothesis, the following information is presented:

1. a detailed description providing a statement for each linkage in the impact hypothesis (see, for
example, Table 3-14);
2. Documentation of evidence for and against the statements in the hypothesis;
3. Listing of potential or proposed mitigation measures; and
4. Listing of further studies and monitoring requirements.

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The analysis of the impact hypotheses provides the information base upon which the TOR for the full
EIA of the project is derived.

Figure 3-9: Impact hypothesis: Discharge of mill effluent in the Bang Pakong River will affect human uses of the
river (source: H.A. Simons Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 1992).

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Table 3-13: Partial cross impact matrix for the IEE of a pulp and paper mill in Thailand (source: H.A.
Simons Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 1992).

Physical Resources Ecological Resources

Ground Air Miner Geolog Forest Rare &
ce Surface Ground Land Terrestr
water quality al y& Aquatic s & endang
water water water Climate Soils capabili ial
hydrolo (smog, resour seismol biota vegetat ered
hydrol quality quality ty wildlife
gy noise) ces ogy ion species

Mill Site Construction

Procurement N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Labor Recruitment N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Road Construction M M I I N I I I N I M I I I

Pulp & Paper Mill

Earthworks M M I I N I U I N I M I I I

Pipelines I I I I N I I I N N I I I I

Liquid & Solid Disposal I U I U N U I U N N U I I I


Earthworks M M I I N I U I N I M I I I

Diking I I I I N I I I N I I I I I

River Pumping U I I I N I I I N N M I I I

Stream Damming M I I I N I I I N I M I I I

Effluent Lagoon

Earthworks I M I I N I U I N I M I U I

Diking I I I I N I I I N I I I I I

Landfill Site

Earthworks I M I I N I U I N I M I U I

Mill Site Operation

Pulp & Paper Mill

Hiring and Training N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Transport of Material I I I I N S I I N I I I I I

Wood Storage N M N M N I M I N N M I I I

Air Emissions N I N I I S I I N N I I I I

Effluent Storage I M M M I S M M N I M I I I

Effluent Discharge I S I U N U I I N N S I I I

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Physical Resources Ecological Resources

Ground Air Miner Geolog Forest Rare &
ce Surface Ground Land Terrestr
water quality al y& Aquatic s & endang
water water water Climate Soils capabili ial
hydrolo (smog, resour seismol biota vegetat ered
hydrol quality quality ty wildlife
gy noise) ces ogy ion species

Effluent Irrigation I U S S N U S S N N U I I I

Sanitary Disposal I U I U N I U U N N I I I I

Solid Disposal I U I U N I S S N N I I I I

Table 3-14: Statement of the impact (source: H.A. Simons Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 1992).

Hypothesis 9: Discharge of mill effluent in the Bang Pakong River will affect human uses of the river.

Link 1: Pulp and paper mill effluent will degrade water quality in the Bang Pakong River for a certain distance downstream
of the discharge diffuser.
Link 2: Degraded river water quality will negatively affect industries (e.g., whisky factory) that rely on the river as a source
of process water. Existing water treatment activities by downstream industrial users will become more expensive,
causing their production cost increase.
Link 3: Lower river water quality will have detrimental effects on fisheries and aquaculture that depend on the Bang
Pakong River. Fish will become tainted, which will lead to reduced food supply, reduced income, and possible
human health implications.
Link 4: River water polluted by the pulp and paper mill will have negative effects on agricultural operations that use river
water for irrigation. Food crops will become contaminated, which will lead to reduced food supply and/or farm
Link 5: People who use contaminated river water for bathing and washing will develop rashes and skin disorders, or will
be forced to seek other sources of washwater.
Link 6: Mill effluents discharged into the river will cause a degradation of drinking water supplies. Water treatment activities for
downstream municipalities will become more complex and expensive.

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Box 3-6: Evaluation of network methods.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the
Criteria P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process
N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise Requirements P

2. Data Requirements L

3. Time requirements L
Cost / Time Effectiveness
4. Flexibility L
5. Personnel Level of Effort L

6. Comprehensiveness N

7. Indicator-based L

8. Discriminative P

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate N

12. Quantitative N

13. Measures Changes N

Impact Measurement
14. Objective P

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability P

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison N

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format P

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Yes, but it requires environmental specialists with expertise in the first and
higher order relationships of project activities and environmental components.

3.6 Simulation Modeling Workshops

System ecologists have developed an approach to EIA and management commonly referred to as
Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management (AEAM). AEAM uses interdisciplinary workshops
composed of scientists and environmental managers to construct simulation models to predict impacts (Holling,
1978). Simulation models are usually expensive, time consuming to construct, and used only when there is
sufficient funding and expertise available. Several simple models have been developed which can be used to

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predict changes in specific environmental resources. This approach broadens the potential of simulation models to
evaluate the impacts of alternatives and is considered beneficial for project planning.

The AEAM approach uses short-term interdisciplinary teams interacting through modeling workshops to
predict impacts and evaluate alternatives including management measures. The assessment is built around a small
core group of people who interact with a wider set of relevant experts during a series of short-term, intensive
workshops. These workshops provide a common meeting ground and aid in the integration of the information
provided by people from different fields of expertise and management. The development of simulation models
forces specialists to view their area of interest in the context of the whole system. It leads to clear-cut problem
definition and existing data evaluation, and allows formulation of some initial predictive assessment schemes and
sequences in analysis.

For such simulation models to be developed through the series of workshops, unambiguous information
must be available. In the workshop environment, the interdisciplinary team is required to be explicit about its
assumptions. The consequent objectivity exposes critical conceptual uncertainties about the behavior of the
system under study, and more importantly, identifies the research needed for the proper prediction of impacts in
the context of the interdisciplinary effort.

The use of AEAM was demonstrated for the Nam Pong environmental management research project by
the Committee for the Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin (Interim Mekong Committee,
1982a). The steps in constructing the simulation models were:

1. determining actions, including those development activities that have the potential to impact upon
the environment as well as management and regulatory actions that restrict or control human
activity (Table 3-15);
2. determining indicators those measures of the environmental and social systems that are indicative
of the degree of change or impact of actions (Table 3-16);
3. determining the spatial extent and resolution (Figure 3-10) of the study area;
4. determining the planning horizon and time step (Figure 3-11);
5. selection of the submodels (Figure 3-12);
6. developing the looking outward matrix (Table 3-17);
7. programming the submodels;
8. integrating the submodels;
9. scenario development; and
10. gaming with the model to examine scenario results.

In the Nam Pong Model, four submodels were defined to aggregate the many model components into
groups or related components (Figure 3-12). The components used were identified as part of the definition of the
problem in terms of actions, indicators, and the spatial and temporal frameworks. The components chosen for
each of the four submodels coincided with the major scientific, social, and economic disciplines represented by
participants in the workshop.

Steps 1 to 5 are usually conducted by all participants in the workshop to be sure that each discipline and
interest is represented in the model. The sixth step, constructing the looking outward matrix is also conducted in
a plenary session of the workshop. This is one of the most important phases in the workshop exercise. The
looking outward process is designed to develop an interaction matrix between the various submodels. The
looking outward matrix is similar to a component interaction matrix. Discussions and refinements during the Nam
Pong workshops resulted in the final looking outward matrix shown in Table 3-17.

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With the completion of the looking outward matrix, development of the conceptual submodels begins.
The goals and responsibilities of each group are stated, and each group is required to explicitly identify the
information required to make predictions on the nature, scale, and magnitude of change the respective subsystems
will undergo over time.

In the Nam Pong application four groups of interdisciplinary experts developed submodels for their
respective subsystems. These were later linked together and run under a variety of possible scenarios to ascertain
the numerous management options and hypotheses on the system.

Table 3-15: Actions discussed and implemented in Nam Pong Model (source: Interim Mekong Committee,

Submodel Actions Considered Relevant Actions Selected for Model

Water Set operating rule curve Set rule

Set flood control rule curve

Fishery Enhance stock Stock reservoir

Aquaculture (fish farming) Fish culture
Regulate fisheries Restrict number of fishermen
Specify fishing season Restrict fishing season

Land Use Zone land Regulate deforestation rate

Regulate land tenure
Regulate deforestation Regulate forestation
Regulate legal forestry
Regulate forest planting Accelerate dry season cropping
Promote fertilizer use
Accelerate dry season cropping
Promote crop diversification

Socioeconomic Resettle population Increase effectiveness of family planning

Control migration by incentives
Establish new industries Establish new industries (Sugar refinery)
Increase efficiency of labor
Supply services:

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Table 3-16: Indicators discussed and implemented in Nam Pong Model (source: Interim Mekong Committee,

Submodel Indicators Considered Relevant Indicators Selected for Model

Water Quantity of water for irrigation Reservoir inflow

Power generated Reservoir level
Area damaged by flood Reservoir outflow
Water quality Reservoir storage
Sedimentation in reservoir Power generated
Area flooded
Water demand
Water shortage

Fishery Fish harvest Number of fishermen

Catch per effort Fishing income
Biomass of fish Fish harvest
Species composition of fish Catch per effort
Successional stage of fish Biomass of each generic group

Land Use Forest area Sedimentation rate

Yield per area subsistence crop Area of each land-use type
Yield per area market crop Yield of each land-use type
Dry season growing area Erosion and sedimentation
Irrigated area

Socioeconomic Population Net income

Average per capita income Income by profession
Income distribution Income per capita
Quantity and quality of domestic water Population distribution
Health (spatially and temporally)
Mortality rate

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Figure 3-10: Spatial extent and subdivisions for the Nam Pong Model (source: Interim Mekong Committee,

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Figure 3-11: Temporal horizon and length iteration intervals for the Nam Pong Model (source: Interim Mekong
Committee, 1982b).

Figure 3-12: Allocation of model components to submodels (source: Interim Mekong Committee, 1982b).

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Table 3-17: Final looking outward matrix for the Nam Pong application (source: Interim Mekong Committee

To Water Submodel Fish Submodel Land Use Submodel Socioeconomic Submodel


Water Reservoir water level (m MSL) Flooded area (km2)

Reservoir surface area (km2) Water shortage (106m3)
Turbidity Inflow (106m3)
Inflow (106m3)

Fishery Drawdown area (km2) Fish harvest (ton)

Number of commercial

Land use Water demand for irrigation Crop production (ton)

(106m3) Cultivated area (km2)

Socio- Water demand for industry and Population change

economic domestic uses (106m3)

Workshops often conclude with a discussion of needed model refinements and the requirements of
information identified. Subsequent workshops are held at a later date after model refinement. New data obtained in
the meantime may be used to refine and develop the model to enhance its predictive capabilities (Interim Mekong
Committee, 1982b). Such workshops also form the backbone of long term, in-depth analyses in which alternative
predictions are made, tested, and alternative management and development schemes are evaluated. But the limiting
factor is that the models will only be as accurate and comprehensive as the data available.

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Box 3-7: Evaluation of Simulation Modeling Workshops.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the
Criteria P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process
N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise Requirements N

2. Data Requirements N

3. Time requirements N
Cost / Time Effectiveness
4. Flexibility L
5. Personnel Level of Effort P

6. Comprehensiveness P

7. Indicator-based L

8. Discriminative L

9. Time Dimension L
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension L

11. Commensurate L

12. Quantitative L

13. Measures Changes L

Impact Measurement
14. Objective P

15. Credibility P

16. Replicability L

17. Significance-based P

18. Aggregation L

19. Uncertainty P
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison L

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? The first steps in developing the conceptual model are appropriate for
developing countries. However, the development of an application specific computer simulation model is not recommended because of high
costs and the high level of expertise required. The development of an application specific computer simulation model should be used only in
cases where existing predictive computer models are not well suited to the EIA.

3.7 Spatially Based Methods

3.7.1 Overlays

Shopley and Fuggle (1984) credited McHarg (1969) with the development of map overlays. An overlay is
based on a set of transparent maps, each of which represents the spatial distribution of an environmental

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characteristic (for example, susceptibility to erosion). Information for an array of variables is collected for
standard geographical units within the study area, and recorded on a series of maps, typically one for each
variable. These maps are overlaid to produce a composite (see Figure 3-13). The resulting composite maps
characterize the areas physical, social, ecological, land use and other relevant characteristics, relative to the
location of the proposed development. To investigate the degree of associated impacts, any number of project
alternatives can be located on the final map. The validity of the analysis is related to the type and number of
parameters chosen. For a readable composite map, the number of parameters in a transparency overlay is limited
to about ten. These methods are used in at least two ways in impact assessment. One way is to use before and
after maps to assess visually the changes to the landscape. The other way is to combine mapping with an analysis
of sensitive areas or ecological carrying capacity. When used in this latter way, constraints on the level of
development are set on the basis of limits determined by the location of sensitive areas and by assessments of
carrying capacity. These methods are spatially oriented and are capable of clearly communicating the spatial
aspects of cumulative impacts. Their limitations relate to: 1) lack of causal explanation of impact pathways; and 2)
lack of predictive capability with respect to population effects. However, some sophisticated versions can make
predictions about potential habitat loss.

Figure 3-13: Example of overlay method (source: Wathern, 1988).

Essentially, the overlay method divides the study area into convenient geographical units based on
uniformly spaced grid points, topographic features, or differing land uses. Field surveys, topographical land
inventory maps, aerial photography, etc., are used to assemble information related to environmental and human
factors within the geographical units. Factors are composed by assembling concerns that have a common basis,
and regional maps are drawn for each factor. Through the use of overlays, landuse possibilities and engineering
feasibility are visually determined (McHarg, 1968).

The scale of the maps can vary from large-scale (for regional planning purposes) to small-scale
identification of site specific features. Overlays also are used in route selection for linear projects such as roads

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and transmission lines. Their use facilitates screening of alternative routes at an early stage, reducing the amount
of detailed analysis required by eliminating some routes early on.

For optimal results data for various characteristics must be of comparable quality; if the data base for one
characteristic is weaker than for the others it will be under-represented through this method.

McHarg (1968) demonstrated this technique with specific orientation towards highways. His method
consisted of transparencies of environmental characteristics overlaid on a regional base map. Eleven to sixteen
environmental and land use characteristics were mapped. The maps represented three levels of environmental and
land use characteristics based upon compatibility with the highway. The approach seems most useful for
screening alternative project sites or routes before a detailed impact analysis is completed. The method has also
been used for evaluating development options in coastal areas and for routing pipelines and transmission lines.

3.7.2 Geographic Information Systems

Traditionally, the overlays have been produced by hand. As a result of recent developments, Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) are becoming popular in situations where the computer technology and trained
personnel are available. Computers also are used routinely to do cluster analyses of complex overlays.

A significant application of GIS is the construction of real world models based on digital data. Modeling
can analyze trends, identify factors that are causing them, reveal alternative paths to solving the given problem,
and indicate the implications or consequences of decisions. For example, GIS can show how a natural resource
will be affected by a decision. Based on satellite data, areas that suffer most from deforestation may be identified
and analyzed on the basis of overlaying data on soil types, the species required, the likely growth and yield, and
the impact of regulatory measures applicable to the area (Asian Development Bank, 1991). The timing, types, and
scale of timber management practices needed may then be indicated, specifying the consequences. In agriculture,
the potential loss of natural vegetation to expanded rice cultivation can be quantified, based on economic
evaluation. Where conventional change detection techniques do not yield satisfactory results, a GIS approach can
indicate the change in quantitative terms (for example, in new area development). The impact of development
plans on the environment can be assessed by integrating data on land use with topographic and geologic
information. Similarly, satellite imagery can periodically be used to update maps of irrigated land. The spectral
features of irrigated and non-irrigated fields can be combined with other data on the fields to derive estimates of
demand for irrigation water and devise land management plans. GIS can be used to assess the risk of drought in
choosing areas for rainfed crops. In fisheries, based on past trends of population dynamics in a given area, long-
term consequences of restocking programs on the environment may be indicated. GIS is also used in determining
optimal routes for communications, irrigation, and road maintenance. Network modeling to connect various data
bases can also be done.

Another important application of GIS is in statistical analysis of features (for example, the area of forest
water body or the length of rivers, canals, and roads). An area can be statistically described, for example, by soil
type. The length of a road can be classified in terms of its condition. It is also common to delineate what is known
as buffer zones around points, lines, or polygons to indicate selected areas for special attention. For example,
the land surrounding a reserve forest can be studied for determining the most appropriate land use. The buffer
zone could be overlayed with an ideal land capability layer to choose the best possible use.

A ranking method can be used to evaluate lands suitable for cultivation of particular crops. The method
involves the use of several thematic maps from satellite data as well as non-image data. For example, land
resources can be evaluated for paddy field development. Data on land conditions, land productivity, and soil
moisture conditions need to be collected and evaluated so that suitable areas for paddy cultivation can be

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

GIS is a powerful management tool for resource managers and planners. Its applications are limited only
by the quality, quantity, and coverage of data that are fed into the system. Some of the standard GIS applications
are integrating maps made at different scales; overlaying different types of maps which show different attributes;
and identifying required areas within a given distance from roads or rivers. For instance, by overlaying maps of
vegetation and soils, a new map on land suitability can be generated and the impact of proposed projects can be
studied. The farm-to-market transport economics can be considered in determining the planting of specific areas
on a commercial scale. Similarly, the most favorable zones for the development of shrimp farming outside
mangroves can be located.

Box 3-8: Evaluation of Spatially Based Methods.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the
Criteria P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process
N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied

1. Expertise L

2. Data Requirements P

3. Time requirements L

4. Flexibility L
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of P

6. Comprehensiveness N

7. Indicator-based P

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension P
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension L

11. Commensurate L

12. Quantitative L

13. Measures Changes L

Impact Measurement
14. Objective L

15. Credibility L

16. Replicability L

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison P

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Yes, especially simple map overlay techniques where there is existing
map-based information.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

3.8 Rapid Assessment of Pollution Sources

In the early 1980s, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed a manual for rapid assessment of
sources of land, air, and water pollution (WHO, 1982). The rapid assessment procedure has been found useful in
developing countries in the design of environmental control strategies using relatively modest financial and human
resources (Economopoulos, 1993a). Part I of the latest revision of the procedure (Economopoulos, 1993a)
updates the rapid pollution assessment factors and introduces air, water, and solid waste inventory and control
models. Part II (Economopoulos, 1993b) provides guidance on how to assess current air and water quality and
how to identify land pollution problems. It also describes how to formulate alternative control strategies and how
to evaluate their effectiveness.

3.8.1 Rapid Assessment Procedure

The rapid assessment procedure allows for quick estimation of releases of pollutants to the environment.
The basic concept is illustrated in Figure 3-14. The procedure uses information on existing pollution sources for a
given study area. Inputs include the quantities of consumption and outputs of various industrial and urban
processes, industrial production figures, fuel usage, number of motor vehicles, number of houses connected to
sewers, etc. These data are multiplied by predetermined waste load factors to provide estimates of the generated
loads for each pollution type. The generated loads provide a worst case estimate of the amount of pollutant that is
being released to the environment. The next step is to identify the type of pollution control being used and estimate
its effectiveness in reducing the level of pollutant. This allows for an estimate of the release to the environment to
be made.

Economopoulos (1993a) lists those activities for which waste load factors and control models have been
developed (Table 3.18). The activities are classified using the UN SIC system to make it easy to refer to the
national statistics of a country to get data the level of industrial activity. The list of industrial sources and
processes (Table 3.18) accounts for most of the industrial pollution sources. This list may be used as a guide to
identify major pollution sources during the initial phases of the inventory work.

Figure 3-14: Estimating pollution loading using the rapid assessment procedure.

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Table 3-18: List of activities included in the air, water, and solid waste inventory and control models, classified
under the SIC system, UN (source: Economopoulos. 1993a). The _ indicates that the relevant
industry or process is included in the appropriate air, water or solid waste inventory and control
models of Sections 3.2.2, 4.2.2 and 5.2.2 respectively.

Emissions Effluents Solid


0 Activities not Adequately Defined

Consumer solvent use _
Surface coating _

1 Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing

11 Agriculture and hunting
111 Agriculture and livestock production _ _ _
12 Forestry and Logging
121 Forestry _

2 Mining and Quarrying

21 Coal mining _ _
22 Crude petroleum and natural gas production _
23 Metal ore mining _ _
29 Other mining _ _

3 Manufacturing
31 Manufacture of food, beverages & tobacco
311/2 Food Manufacturing
3111 Slaughtering, preparing and preserving meat _ _ _
3112 Manufacture of dairy products _
3113 Canning and preserving fruits and vegetables _ _
3114 Canning, preserving and processing of fish _ _ _
3115 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats _ _
3116 Grain mill products _ _
3117 Bakery products _
3118 Sugar factories and refineries _
3121 Food products not elsewhere classified _ _ _
3122 Alfalfa dehydrating _
313 Beverage industries
3131 Distilling, rectifying and blending spirits _ _
3132 Wine industries _
3133 Malt liquors and malt _ _
3134 Soft drinks _
32 Textile, wearing apparel and leather
321 Manufacture of textiles
3210 Manufacture of textiles _
322 Manufacture of wearing apparel, except footwear
3211 Spinning, weaving and finishing textiles _ _
3214 Carpet and rug manufacture _
323 Manufacture of leather and products of leather
3231 Tanneries and leather finishing _ _
34 Paper and paper products, printing and publishing
341 Manufacture of paper and paper products _ _ _
342 Printing, publishing and allied industries _ _
35 Manufacture of chemicals, and chemical, petroleum, coal, rubber and plastic products

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Emissions Effluents Solid

351 Manufacture of industrial chemicals
3511 Basic industrial chemicals except fertilizers _ _ _
3512 Manufacture of fertilizers and pesticides _ _
3513 Resins, plastics and fibers except glass _ _
352 Manufacture of other chemical products
3521 Manufacture of paints, varnishes and lacquers _ _
3522 Manufacture of drugs and medicines _ _
3523 Manufacture of soap a nd cleaning preparations _ _
3529 Chemical products not elsewhere classified _ _
353 Petroleum refineries _ _ _
354 Manufacture of miscellaneous products of petroleum and coal _ _ _
355 Manufacture of rubber products
3551 Tire and tube industries _ _
36 Non-metallic mineral products, except products of petroleum and coal
361 Manufacture of pottery, china and earthenware _
362 Manufacture of glass and glass products _ _
369 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
3691 Manufacture of structural clay products _
3692 Cement, lime and plaster _
3699 Products not elsewhere classified _
37 Basic metal industries
371 Iron and steel basic industries _ _ _
372 Non-ferrous metal basic industries _ _ _
38 Fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment
381 Fabricated metal products, except machinery _ _ _
384 Manufacture of transport equipment
3841 Ship building and repairing _

4 Electricity, Gas and Water

41 Electricity, gas and steam
4101 Electricity, light and power _ _ _

6 Wholesale and Retail Trade

61 Wholesale trade _
62 Retail trade _ _
63 Restaurants and hotels
631 Restaurants, cafes and other eating and drinking _
632 Hotels, rooming houses, camps and other lodging _

7 Transport, Storage and Communication

71 Transport and storage
711 Land transport _
712 Water transport _
713 Air transport _ _
719 Services allied to transport
7192 Storage and warehousing _ _

9 Community, Social and Personal Services

92 Sanitary and related community services _ _ _
93 Social and related community services _
931 Education services _
932 Medical, dental and other health services _

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Emissions Effluents Solid

94 Recreational and cultural services _
95 Personal and household services
952 Laundries, laundry services and cleaning _

3.8.2 Waste Load Factors

Waste load factors have been developed for air, water, and solid waste. For air emissions, Economopoulos
(1993a) presents tables of estimated per unit loading for TSP, SO2 , NOx, CO, and VOC for the activities listed in
Table 3.18. Example air emission load factors for natural gas sources are given in Table 3-19. For liquid wastes,
Economopoulos (1993a) presents tables of estimated per unit loading for BOD5 , TSS, Tot N, Tot P, and other
pollutants (Phenol, Sulfide, Chromium, and Oil) for the activities listed in Table 3.18.

Example liquid waste load factors for petroleum refineries are presented in Table 3-20. For solid wastes,
Economopoulos (1993a) presents tables of estimated per unit loadings for inorganic, oily, organic, putrescible,
low hazard, and infectious wastes. Example solid waste load factors for petroleum refineries are given in Table 3-

Table 3-19: Natural gas - model for air emissions inventories and control (source: Economopoulos, 1993a).

Major Division 4. Electricity Gas and Water

SIC# 410 Electricity Gas and Steam


Process Unit (U) kg/U kg/U kg/U kg/U kg /U

Gaseous Fuels
Natural Gas

Utility Boiler 1000 Nm3 0.048 15.6 S 8.8 f 0.64 0.028

T 0.061 20 S 11.3 f 0.82 0.036

Industrial Boiler 1000 Nm3 0.048 15.6 S 2.24 0.56 0.092

T 0.061 20 S 2.87 0.72 0.l18

Domestic Furnaces 1000 Nm3 0.048 15.6 S 1.6 0.32 0.127

T 0.061 20 S 2.05 0.41 0.163

Stationary Gas Turbines 1000 Nm3 0.224 15.6 S 6.62 1.84 0.673

T 0.287 20 S 8.91 2.36 0.863

Notes: A is the percent ash content of combustible by weight

S is the percent Sulfur content of combustible by weight
N is the weight percent of Nitrogen in the fuel
Typical Sulfur content of Natural Gas is 0.000615%.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Table 3-20: Petroleum Refineries - model for liquid waste inventories and control (source: Economopoulos.

Major Division 3. Manufacturing

Division 35. Manufacture of Chemicals and of Chemical, Petroleum, Coal, Rubber, and Plastics Products
SIC # 353 Petroleum Refineries

Waste Volume BOD5 TSS Tot N Tot P Other Load

Process Unit (U) m3/U kg/U kg/U kg/U kg/U Pollutants kg /U

Topping Refinery 1000 m3 484 3.4 11.7 1.2 Oil 8.3

of crude Phenol 0.034
Sulfide 0.054
Cr 0.007

Cracking Refinery 1000 m3 605 72.9 18.2 28.3 Oil 31.2

of crude Phenol 4.0
Sulfide 0.94
Cr 0.25

Petrochemcial Refinery 1000 m3 726 172 48.6 34.2 Oil 52.9

of crude Phenol 7.7
Sulfide 0.086
Cr 0.234

Lube Oil Refinery 1000 m3 1090 217 71.5 24.1 Oil 120
of crude Phenol 8.3
Sulfide 0.014
Cr 0.046

Integrated Refinery 1000 m3 1162 197 58.1 20.5 Oil 74.9

of crude Phenol 3.8
Sulfide 2.0
Cr 0.49

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Table 3-21: Petroleum Refineries - model for solid and hazardous waste inventories (source: Economopoulos.

Major Division 3. Manufacturing

Division 35. Manufacture of Chemicals and of Chemical, Petroleum, Coal, Rubber, and Plastics Products
SIC # 353 Petroleum Refineries

Inorganic Oily Organic Putrescible Low Hazard Infectious

Process Unit (U) kg/U kg/U kg/U kg/U kg /U kg/U
Topping Refinery 1000 m3 of crude 1311
Low Cracking Refinery 1000 m3 of crude 1675
High Cracking Refinery 1000 m3 of crude 3303
Lube Oil Refinery 1000 m3 of crude 6140

Note: The major problem is oily sludges which are often contaminated by heavy metals.

3.8.3 Use in EIA

The rapid assessment procedure may be used to assess the environmental impacts of developments. The
use of waste load factors enables prediction of the approximate pollutant loadings generated by a new
development project. This, in conjunction with knowledge about existing pollutant concentrations, allows a
preliminary assessment of the degree to which the project would adversely affect the prevailing conditions of the
proposed site. On a local basis, rapid assessment studies can provide the following contributions to environmental
management agencies (WHO, 1983):

define high priority control actions;

organize effective detailed source survey programs;
organize appropriate environmental monitoring programs;
assess and evaluate the impacts of proposed pollution control strategies;
assess impacts of new industrial development projects; and
help site selection and determination of proper control measures.

Application of the Rapid Assessment Procedure to the Ha Long Bay Water Pollution Study

The rapid assessment procedure was recently used to estimate water pollution loadings into Ha Long Bay
in Quang Ninh province in Viet Nam. A pollution inventory was developed for defined pollution sources areas in
Ha Long City and environs, including Hong Gai estuary (Table 3.22). For each pollution source area, the loadings
of key pollutants either provided the point sources or had to be estimated using the rapid assessment procedure.
The pollution loading are used as input to a simple hydrographic water quality model that is being calibrated for Ha
Long Bay. The model makes predictions of key pollutants (Table 3.23). Various pollution control strategies can be
evaluated by altering the estimated releases of pollutants and assessing the changes in water quality that result.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

Table 3-22: Key land based pollution sources and pollutants Ha Long City and environs.

Source Pollutant Included in Rapid Assessment

Waste Load Factor Tables?

Domestic sewage fecal bacteria and nutrients yes

Coal mining suspended solids no
Upland erosion suspended solids no
Land reclamation suspended solids no
Brick yards suspended solids no
Saw mills suspended solids no
Fish plants, beer manufacturing, domestic waste BOD yes
Shrimp farming BOD no
Shipping and tanker port Oil and Grease no
Livestock production BOD yes
Restaurants BOD yes

Table 3-23: Pollutants included in hydrographic and water quality model.


Tot P PO 4 Tot N

NO3 Oil Metals

Fecal Coliform

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Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Box 3-9: Evaluation of Rapid Assessment of Pollution Sources.

L denotes Criteria Completely Satisfied

Key Area of the
Criteria P denotes Criteria Partially Satisfied
Assessment Process
N denotes Criteria Not Satisfied
1. Expertise L

2. Data Requirements P

3. Time Requirements L

4. Flexibility L
Cost / Time
Effectiveness Criteria 5. Personnel Level of P

6. Comprehensiveness N

7. Indicator-based P

8. Discriminative N

9. Time Dimension N
Impact Identification
10. Spatial Dimension N

11. Commensurate L

12. Quantitative L

13. Measures Changes L

Impact Measurement
14. Objective L

15. Credibility L

16. Replicability L

17. Significance-based N

18. Aggregation P

19. Uncertainty N
Impact Assessment
20. Alternative Comparison P

21. Communicability L
22. Summary Format L

Is this application appropriate for developing countries? Yes, this method is a valuable tool for obtaining estimates of aggregate
pollution loadings for a study area. It can be used to evaluate alternative control strategies through comparison of changes in pollutant
loadings. It does not, however, make estimates of the impacts on key human and ecological components.

3.9 Summary

This chapter reviewed some of the basic methods available to conduct environmental assessments.
Checklists and matrices are good tools for organizing and presenting the large amount of information that must be
processed in EIAs. Matrices also help to represent the interactions between project activities and environmental
components. Sectoral guidelines help bring collective experience with environmental impacts of specific project
types to bear during initial assessments. They normally contain a comprehensive listing of: 1) project types
covered by the guidelines; 2) activities that fall within each project type; 3) environmental components that may

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA

possibly be affected by the project activities; 4) significant issues that must be addressed in project planning; 5)
suggested mitigation measures that might be incorporated into the project; and 6) recommended monitoring
requirements. The SSA shows how to systematically conduct the EIA using this information. It relies on
development of conceptual models of causal chains: activity- environmental change- impact - mitigation. Network
diagrams are one of the best ways of representing these causal chains. These networks help in visualizing and
understanding the basic relationships between environmental components that may trigger higher order impacts.
Computer simulation modeling workshops can be used to develop conceptual models and network diagrams. In
some cases, computer models may be developed during these workshops. Pollution and pollution control is one of
the major problems in developing countries. The rapid assessment procedures provide a method for developing
pollution inventories and recommending pollution control strategies.

Most methods are best used during the impact identification stage of EIA. To be effective they must be used with
other tools or rely expert judgement. In the next chapter, we discuss a number of predictive tools that are useful
in EIA.

3.10 References

Asian Development Bank, 1983.

Asian Development Bank, 1987a. Environmental guidelines for selected agricultural and natural resources
development projects. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank, 1993a. Environmental guidelines for selected infrastructure projects. Asian
Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1993b. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Industrial and Power Development
Asian Development Bank. 1991. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Natural Resource
Management. Asian Development Bank Environmental Paper No. 9. 202 pp.
Canter, L. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY.
Dee, N., J. Baker, N. Drobny, K. Duke, T. Whitman, and P. Fahringer. 1972. An Environmental Evaluation
System for Water Resource Planning. Water Resource Research, Vol. 9, pp. 523-535.
Economopoulos, Alexander P. 1993a. Assessment of Sources of Air, Water, and Land Pollution: A Guide to
Rapid Source Inventory Techniques and Their Use in Formulating Environmental Control Strategies. Part One:
Rapid Inventory Techniques in Environmental Pollution. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Economopoulos, Alexander P. 1993b. Assessment of Sources of Air, Water, and Land Pollution: A Guide to
Rapid Source Inventory Techniques and Their Use in Formulating Environmental Control Strategies. Part Two:
Approaches for Consideration in Formulation of Environmental Control Strategies. World Health Organization,
Everitt, R.R., D.A. Birdsall, and D.P. Stone. 1986. Beaufort Environmental Monitoring Program in Lang, R.
(ed.). Integrated Approaches to Resource Planning and Management. University of Calgary Press, Calgary AB.
ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific). 1990. Environmental Impact Guidelines
for Water Resources Development. ESCAP Environment and Development Series, United Nations, Nev; York.
Fisher, D. and G.S. Davis. 1973. An approach to assessing environmental impacts, J. Environ. Manage. 1: 207-
Golder, J., R.P. Ovellete, S. Saari, and P.N. Cheremisinoff. 1979. Environmental Impact Data Book, Ann
Arbor Science Publications Inc., Ann Arbor,MI.
H.A. Simons Ltd. Consulting Engineers. 1992. Pulp and Paper Mill Feasibility Study: Phase I: Wood Supply,
Environmental Screening, Site Assessment. Prepared for Advance Agro Group, Thailand.

December 1997
Chapter 3: Methodology of EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Holling. C.S. (ed.). 1978. Adaptive Environmental Assessment and Management. John Wiley and Sons,
Interim Mekong Committee. 1982a. Environmental Impact Assessment - Guidelines for Application for
Tropical River Basin Development, Mekong Secretariat, ESCAP, Bangkok.
Interim Mekong Committee. 1982b. Nam Pong Environmental Management Research Project - Final Report
for Phase III: Part 1- An Integrated Simulation Model for Resource Management, Mekong Secretariat, ESCAP,
Interim Mekong Committee. 1979. Environmental Management and Water Resource Development in the Nam
Pong Basin of Northeastern Thailand, Mekong Secretariat, ESCAP, Bangkok.
International Institute for Environment and Development. 1995. Directory of Impact Assessment
Guidelines. IIED, London, UK.
Leopold, L.B., F.E. Clarke, B.B. Manshaw, and J.R. Balsley. 1971. A Procedure for Evaluating Environmental
Impacts, U.S. Geological Survey Circular No. 645, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Lohani, B.N. and N. Halim. 1983. Recommended Methodologies for Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in
Developing Countries: Experiences Derived from Case Studies in Thailand, Workshop on Environmental Impact
Assessment, Guangzhou, Peoples Republic of China.
Lohani, B.N. and S.A. Kan. 1983. Environmental evaluation for water resources in Thailand. Wat. Resource.
Develop.1(3): 185-195.
McHarg, I., 1971. Design with Nature. Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, NY.
McHarg, I. 1969. Design with Nature. Natural History Press. New York, NY.
McHarg, I. 1968. A Comprehensive Highway Route Selection Method, Highway Research, Research No. 246,
pp. 1-15.
NEB. 1979. Manual of NEB - Guidelines for Preparation of Environmental Impact Evaluation. National
Environment Board, Bangkok.
NEB. 1980. Initial Environmental Examination of Hausai-Thale Noi Road (No. 4150) Project, NEB 0504-79-4-004,
National Environment Board, Bangkok.
Shopley, J.B. and R.F. Fuggle. 1984. A Comprehensive review of current environmental impact assessment
methods and techniques. J. Environ. Manage. 18:25-47.
Smardon, R.C., J.R. Pease, and P. Donheffner. 1976. Environmental Assessment Form, Environmental Impact
Assessment: A Framework or Local.
Sorensen, J.C. 1971. A Framework for Identification and Control of Resource Degradation and Conflict in The
Multiple Use of the Coastal Zone, Masters thesis, University of Berkeley.
Wathern, P. 1988. An introductory guide to EIA. In: P. Wathern (ed.). Environmental Impact Assessment:
Theory and Practice. Unwin Hyman, Boston, MA. 332 pp.
Westman, W.E. 1985. Ecology, Impact Assessment and Environmental Planning. John Wiley & Sons, Toronto,
World Bank. 1991 World Bank Environmental Assessment Sourcebook. World Bank. Washington D.C.
WHO. 1982. Rapid As sessment of Sources of Air, Water and Lead Pollution, WHO Offset Publication No. 62,
World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO. 1983. Selected Techniques for Environmental Management Training Manual, World Health Organization,

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

4.0 Approaches to Impact Prediction

The scientific and technical credibility of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) relies on the ability
of the EIA practitioners to estimate the nature, extent, and magnitude of change in environmental components that
may result from project activities. Information about predicted changes is needed for assigning impact
significance, prescribing mitigation measures, and designing and developing environmental management plans and
monitoring programs. The more accurate the predictions, the more confident the EIA practitioner will be in
prescribing specific measures to eliminate or minimize the adverse impacts of development projects.

Most of the EIA methods described in Chapter 3 focus on clearly identifying impact pathways. They rely
on underlying conceptual models linking project activities to changes in environmental components. In using these
methods, predictions of the degree of change may be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative approaches depend
heavily on expert judgement; quantitative approaches rely on mathematical models developed by experts. This
chapter discusses some of the technical and scientific methods available to predict environmental changes. It
focuses on quantitative models for prediction.

4.1 Predictive Methods

In their review of EIA methods, Canter and Sadler (1997) provide a listing of prediction techniques
applicable to different aspects of EIA (Table 4-1). Canter (1996) provides an excellent overview, based on
American experience, of many of these prediction techniques. In many EIA applications, these basic prediction
techniques are actually combined. This is particularly true when using computerized modeling software for
specific applications, as the application of a computer model usually requires collection of environmental
information to set baseline values for the models variables and to determine the values for models parameters.

Table 4-1: Prediction techniques applicable in EIA (source: adapted from Canter and Sadler, 1997).

Air 1. emission inventory

2. urban area statistical models
3. receptor monitoring
4. box models
5. single to multiple source dispersion models
6. monitoring from analogs
7. air quality indices

Surface Water 1. point and nonpoint waste loads

2. QUAL-IIE and many other quantitative models
3. segment box models
4. waste load allocations
5. water quality indices
6. statistical models for selected parameters
7. water usage studies

Ground Water 1. pollution source surveys

2. soil and/or ground water vulnerability indices
3. pollution source indices
4. leachate testing
5. flow and solute transport models
6. relative subsurface transport models

Noise 1. individual source propagation models plus additive model

2. statistical model of noise based on population
3. noise impact indices

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Biological 1. chronic toxicity testing

2. habitat-based methods
3. species population models
4. diversity indices
5. indicators
6. biological assessments
7. ecologically based risk assessment

Historical/Archaeological 1. inventory of resources and effects

2. predictive modeling
3. prioritization of resources

Visual 1. baseline inventory

2. questionnaire checklist
3. photographic or photomontage approach
4. computer simulation modeling
5. visual impact index methods

Socioeconomic 1. demographic models

2. econometric models
3. descriptive checklists
4. multiplier factors based on population or economic changes
5. quality -of-life (QOL) indices
6. health-based risk assessment

A large selection of computer software is available for use in EIA. Most programs are for specific
applications; many are available free of charge from government agencies and may be downloaded from the
Internet. This chapter lists many of the models that are available, and provides addresses for accessing the models
on the World Wide Web.

4.2 Models and Modeling

Modeling is a step by step process by which models are developed and/or applied. The three most
common types of models used in EIA are physical models, experimental models, and mathematical models.

4.2.1 Physical Models

Physical models are small-scale models of the environmental system under investigation on which
experiments can be carried out to predict future changes. Two types of physical models are discussed here:
illustrative or visual models, and working physical models (ERL, 1984).

Illustrative/visual models depict changes to an environmental system caused by a proposed development

activity using pictorial images developed from sketches, photographs, films, photo montages, three-dimensional
scale models, and by digital terrain models or digital image processing systems. Figure 4-1, sketch of a dam site,
exemplifies an illustrative/visual model.

Working physical models, on the other hand, simulate the processes occurring in the environment using
reduced scale models so that resulting changes can be observed and measured in the model. Such models,
however, cannot satisfactorily model all real-life situations; faults may occasionally arise as a result of the scaling
process. Figure 4-2 shows a three-dimensional physical model of an industrial plant site.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 4-1: Sketch of a dam (source: ERL, 1984).

Figure 4-2: Three-dimensional physical model of an industrial plant (source: ERL, 1984).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Steps in Physical Modeling

The basic steps in developing physical models are:

1. Define the environmental system to be modeled, the systems salient features, and the effect
requiring prediction.
2. Select a suitable existing model facility or construct a special facility. Activities may include
photographing the proposed site, and then sketching a new storage terminal on the photographs to
determine the visual effect of the development, or using an existing wave chamber to predict water
and sediment movements in an estuary after the construction of a new dock.
3. If no appropriate model or facility exists, one may be constructed for example, one could
construct a model of the mentioned estuary, simulating hydrological conditions in the estuary (for
example, flows, density, currents, waves, etc.), using an existing chamber facility. In such a case,
data on morphology, hydrological conditions, and sediment movements in the estuary should be
collected in order to construct a model with similar conditions.
4. Test the validity of the model by comparing its behavior with observations in the field. Adjust the
model as necessary after observations.
5. Simulate the source and the conditions in the surrounding environment using appropriate methods
and observe or measure the relevant changes in the model. Extrapolate the observations or
measurements to predict the effects in the real environment.
6. Interpret the results, taking into account simplification of the real world made by the model.

Resource Requirements

In some cases, physical modeling exercises may be carried out in existing facilities of public and private
organizations. If such facilities do not exist and funding permits, facilities may be constructed for prediction
purposes. This is, however, rarely possible. Many illustrative models require less effort and expense than working
physical models, although the more sophisticated computerized visual simulation models available are substantially
more costly. Technical expertise and large quantities of data are required to construct working physical models
that adequately simulate the behavior of the real environment. Validation and interpretation of the results of
modeling may also require time and technical expertise.

4.2.2 Experimental Models

Scientific data from laboratory or field experiments provide basic information on the relationships
between environmental components and human activities. Research results are used to construct empirical models
that can infer the likely effects of an activity on an environmental component. Examples of experiments in which
the environmental system is modeled and tested in the laboratory include toxicological tests on living organisms
using polluted air, water, food, etc.; micro-ecosystem experiments; and pilot-scale plant tests.

Examples of experiments in which tests are carried out in the actual environment include in situ tracer
experiments to monitor the movement of releases into the environment; controlled experiments in small parts of
potentially affected ecosystems; noise tests to determine levels of disturbance; and pumping tests on groundwater.

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Steps in Experimental Modeling

The basic steps in experimental modeling are:

1. Define the environmental system to be modeled, the systems salient features, and the effect
requiring prediction.
2. Select a suitable experimental approach and define the specific method to be employed. Experimental
activities may range from a simple laboratory determination of the level of a specific contaminant in a
river and its consequent effects on fish behavior, to an in situ tracer experiment approach to predict
the dispersion of a pollutant from a proposed sea outfall.
3. Collect the data needed to set up the experiment. To predict the effect of a pollutant on fish behavior,
it might be necessary to gather data on river flow and present water quality to simulate the river.
Sample fish may be caught and used in the laboratory experiment. Moreover, to predict dispersion of
a pollutant in sea water using tracer elements, data should be collected on water movements and
location of sensitive receptors to determine appropriate monitoring points.
4. Carry out the experiment, and observe and measure the relevant change in the system. For example,
effects of different pollutant concentrations on the fish should be observed and measured. The
concentration of tracer elements in the sea outfall should likewise be measured to determine their
5. Extrapolate, whenever necessary, from the observations and measurements to predict the effects of
the activity in the real environment. In the above two examples, this may necessitate estimating the
approximate dose-effect relationships between the fish species and the pollutant, and determining
dilution factors to predict the dispersion of the pollutant in sea water.
6. Interpret the results, taking into account the possible differences between experimental and actual
circumstances. For instance, in the fish experiment, the absence of uptake by other organisms and
the consequent reduction of dissolved oxygen in the experiment and its implication as to the accuracy
of the predictions should be discussed. In the same manner, the real life contribution of such factors
as decay in sunlight, different densities, and absence of biodegradation (which are controlled in the
tracer experiment to predict the dispersion of a pollutant in sea water) should be accounted for and
discussed in the assessment.

Resource Requirements

Experimental modeling requires substantial amounts of money, effort, time, and expertise in specialized

4.2.3 From Conceptual Modeling to Computer Modeling

The first step in developing a predictive model is to construct a conceptual model. Most of the methods
discussed in Chapter 3 (for example, networks and impact hypotheses) are based on conceptual models. To
develop a quantitative predictive model, one must first represent conceptual models as mathematical equations.
Once the conceptual models are represented in mathematical language, they are amenable to computation and
computerization. For example, dispersion modeling is one of most commonly used techniques for predicting
changes in air quality associated with emissions of pollutants. Relatively well established models (for example, the
US Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) computerized air quality models) are used throughout the world.
These models are based on mathematical equations that represent a simplification of basic physical processes
occurring in the atmosphere. They take, as input, 1) emission of pollutants (or loadings); 2) basic meteorological

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

data; and 3) background concentrations of pollutants. They produce, as output, estimates of pollutant
concentrations. These estimates are usually provided graphically as isopleths (contours lines of equal
concentration) plotted around the source point.

4.2.4 Mathematical Models

Mathematical models use mathematical equations to represent the functional relationships between
variables. In general, sets of equations are combined to simulate the behavior of environmental systems. The
number of variables in a model and the nature of the relationships between them are determined by the complexity
of the environmental system being modeled. Mathematical modeling aims to limit, as much as possible, the
number of variables and thus keep the relationships between variables as simple as possible without compromising
the accuracy of representation of the environmental system.

Q o C o + Q e C e
C 1 =
Q o
+ Q e

An example of a mathematical model is a simple water quality mixing model which is based on the
simplest of mass balance equations. The water quality model below assumes continuous discharge of a
conservative contaminant into a stream.

C1 is the downstream concentration;

Co is the upstream concentration;
Ce is the effluent concentration;
Qo is the upstream flow; and
Qe is the effluent flow.

This model may be used to predict changes in downstream effluent concentrations in response to pollutants
loading by changing the values of effluent concentration (Ce) and the effluent flow (Qe).

Types of Mathematical Models

Mathematical models can be described according to the following features:

1. Empirical or internally descriptive:

empirical because they can be derived solely on the basis of statistical analysis of observations
from the environment to find the "best fit" equation (empirical models are sometimes called
black box models); or
internally descriptive because equations are based on a priori understanding of the relationship
between variables. The equations therefore represent some theory or assumption of how the
environment works.

2. Generalized or site-specific:
generalized, as they can be applicable to a range of different environment allocations which meet
certain specific characteristics; or
site-specific, as they can be developed or applied only to a specific environmental location.

3. Stationary or dynamic:
stationary, if conditions in the model are fixed over the period of the prediction; or
dynamic, if the predictions are made over a period of time in which conditions in the
environment change.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

4. Homogeneous or non-homogeneous:
homogeneous, as they can assume that conditions at the source prevail throughout the area over
which predictions are made; or
non-homogeneous, as environmental conditions affecting the predicted outcome vary with
distance from the source.

5. Deterministic or stochastic:
deterministic, as input variables and relationships are fixed quantities and the predicted outcome
from a given starting point is a single, unique value; or
stochastic, as simple variables and parameters may be described probabilistically. These models
reflect the natural variations occurring in the environment and results are presented as a
frequency distribution of probable outcomes rather than as a single value.

Steps in Mathematical Modeling

There are seven steps in mathematical modeling, although not all seven must be applied in every modeling

1. Define the environmental system to be modeled, the systems salient features, and the effect
requiring prediction (for example, the prediction of maximum concentration of a water contaminant
in an area downstream from its point of discharge).
2. Select an appropriate pre-defined model or develop a new model (for the above example, a pre-
defined model may be used to predict the downstream concentration, or in the absence of a pre-
defined model, it may be necessary to formulate a suitable new model).
3. Collect the necessary data from existing sources or by monitoring and surveying (for the above
example, data on the input variables (upstream concentration, discharge concentration, upstream
flow and discharge flow) can be collected through actual monitoring and surveying).
4. If necessary, define the model parameters for the particular application, using either standard values
or experimental data (calibration). For example, to predict the average annual and maximum
concentration of a pollutant emitted from a single tall stack in an open rural area, a set of atmospheric
dispersion parameters should be defined for the different classes of meteorological conditions using
standard empirical formulae applicable to tall stacks in open rural areas.
5. Test the validity of the model for the intended use by comparing its behavior with observations from
the field.
6. Apply the model to predict the future condition of the environment.
7. Communicate the model results and assumptions to the nonspecialist. All relevant variables, relations,
assumptions, and factors omitted from the analysis should be identified and their implications for the
results discussed.

Resource Requirements

Mathematical models require varying amounts of resource inputs. A simple model, such as the river
dilution model used in the above example, may require minimal input data and simple manual calculation, while a
complex Gaussian plume model may require sophisticated computer techniques and demand considerable
resources of input data, time, and expertise.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Assuming that an existing software program may be used, the costs of using the model may be limited to
preparing the input data and to labor costs for technical staff or outside experts to run the model and interpret the

4.3 Predicting Quantitative Environmental Changes

Predictive methods for estimating quantitative changes in the environment have been commonly applied to
physical systems (air, water, noise), have had some application to ecological systems, and have had limited
application to social systems. Predictive models are used in EIA in two distinct ways: 1) comparison of model
results with environmental standards; and 2) the evaluation of project alternatives (de Broissia, 1986). This section
presents the basic scientific and technical concepts underlying quantitative models and their application in the EIA
context. Where possible, experience in using the models in a developing country context is highlighted in an
attempt to assess the appropriateness of applying the models in developing Asia.

4.3.1 Air Quality

Conceptual Model

Atmospheric changes are generally caused by the release of reactive substances into air by stationary or
mobile sources, and by changes in surface morphology (for example, the construction of large buildings,
clearance of vegetation, forestation, and creation of water impoundments). Possible environmental changes range
from first order (immediate impact) effects of changes in concentration of substances in the air to higher order
(longer-range and secondary impacts) effects of physical and chemical changes on climate (for example,
turbulence effects, haze, microclimates over water, heat emission effects, greenhouse effect); to the deposition of
substances on soils, water, materials and vegetation; to effects of deposited substances on materials (for example,
soiling, corrosion); to effects of changes in climate and air quality on visibility in the atmosphere). Figure 4-3
summarizes the cause-effect network for atmospheric effects.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 4-3: Summary cause-effect network for atmospheric effects (source: ERL, 1984).

Basic Concepts

There are basically three aspects of air quality problems that are amenable to quantitative prediction. In
order of increasing complexity, they are:

1. estimating rates of release of pollutants;

2. predicting atmospheric concentrations of pollutants; and
3. predicting deposition rates on pollutants on soil, water, and vegetation.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Predictions of concentrations and deposition rates are often needed as inputs into other predictive models to
determine the potential for secondary and higher order impacts.

Estimating Releases

In all cases, it is necessary to estimate the rates of release of pollutants. Rates of release of substances
may be available from design data or from data of similar activities in operation. If this information is not available,
rates of release can be calculated using emission factor models. These models assume that the rate of release is
directly proportional to the level of implementation of the activity, an assumption represented by the following
general equation:



R is the rate of release (quantity/unit time);

E is the emission factor (quantity/unit activity); and
A is the rate of activity (unit activity/unit time).

The basic information needed about the release of substances from an activity will include the nature of
the substances released, the timing and location of releases, and the quantity of substances released per unit time
and/or per unit area. For certain types of pollutants, emissions may be directly assessed against legal standards
and guidelines without resorting to predicting their effect on air quality. The criteria against which emissions can
be evaluated include:

standards for emission quality (concentration of substance);

standards for rate of emission (per unit time or unit activity);
policy objectives requiring no deterioration from conventional practice; and
policy objectives requiring achievement of the best practicable control.

The rapid assessment procedure (discussed in section 3.8) illustrates how this approach may be used in
developing countries to estimate emissions.

Canter (1996) describes the U.S. EPA approach to compiling an emission inventory for use in an EIA. In
summary, this approach has the following basic steps:

1. classify all pollutants and pollutant sources that will derive from the proposed project, considering all
stages of the project;
2. identify and compile information on emission factors for each source of each of the pollutants;
3. determine appropriate unit production information for each source;
4. calculate the release rate for each source (unit production multiplied by emission factor); and
5. sum each of the specific pollutant emissions from all sources.

The predicted increases in pollutant emissions due to the project are compared against the existing
inventory of pollutants to estimate the percentage increase in the overall emissions inventory. The percentage
change is then assessed to make a determination of the significance of the increase of emissions. These
interpretations can be based on: 1) the existing air quality; 2) the quantity of emissions and size of the percentage
change; 3) the period of the percentage change; 4) the potential for visibility reduction; and 5) any local receptor
sensitive to damage from the pollutants (Canter, 1996).

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Predicting Changes in Concentrations

The assessment of air quality impacts usually focuses on determining concentrations of air pollutants.
Predicted concentrations are often compared against national or local air quality standards or objectives. Much of
the pre-project air quality data collection is directed at determining pollutant concentrations at different times, at
different locations, and the variations in concentration in time and in space. This information not only determines a
baseline for comparison against changes, but also provides background information for predictive models.

In cases where there is concern for higher order effects, predictions of pollutant concentrations are
necessary inputs into predictions of deposition rates; exposure to flora, fauna, and man; and changes to local
climate and visibility.

Dispersion Models

Air quality dispersion models are among the most widely used predictive tools used in EIA in both
developed and developing countries. Dispersion models have evolved to the state where their predictions take into
the following atmospheric processes:

plume rise;
advection transport by wind;
vertical, lateral, and horizontal diffusion caused by turbulence;
reflection from the ground and from the top of the mixing layer;
physical-chemical transformation of pollutants in air, including radioactive decay, photochemical
reactions, and aerosol formation;
gravitational settling of particulate pollutants;
dry deposition, that is, uptake of substances onto soil or other surface material by chemical,
biological, or physical processes occurring at the interface;
wet deposition, that is, rain-out and wash-out of substances onto the surface;
behavior of plumes in response to variations in the land surface;
entrainment of plumes in the lee of buildings;
variations in atmospheric diffusion conditions with height above the surface;
variations in emission rate and/or in meteorological conditions over the period of prediction;
variations in meteorological and/or topographical conditions with distance from the source; and
random variation in environmental conditions and emissions.

The data required for dispersion models include source data, meteorological data, topographical data,
dispersion parameters, deposition rate parameters, and reaction rate parameters. These data may be obtained from
secondary sources, however field studies may need to be conducted to obtain meteorological and topographical
data and to calibrate and/or validate the model. Various models can be derived to represent specific atmospheric
processes of interest to a certain study. The most commonly used models are the Gaussian plume dispersion
models which enable one to predict ground level concentrations of pollutants several kilometers from the source.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Predicting Deposition on Plants, Soils, Water, and Materials

Different types of models may be employed for the three deposition processes, namely:

gravitational settling affecting dust and aerosols;

wet deposition affecting water soluble pollutants such as NOx, SOx, NH3 , Cl, F, etc. and particulates
which may form condensation nuclei and which may combine with rainfall; and
dry deposition affecting chemically, biologically and physically reactive pollutants absorbed by or into
soil, vegetation, materials, and water. (Air pollutants affected by dry deposition include gases such as
SO2 , F, Cl, CO, CO2 , NO2 , NH3 , aerosols, ozone, PAN [peroxyacetyl nitrate -- a product of
photochemical pollution], and fine particulates.)

Simplified semi-empirical equations are available for calculating gravitational settling and wet and dry
deposition. Gravitational settling can be calculated using an empirical settling velocity dependent on the spectrum
size and density; it is proportional to the ground level of concentration. It can be represented in dispersion models
by tilting the plume downwards.

A simplified model for long-term deposition of particulates, assuming that the total emissions are
deposited evenly over a specified area near the source, is given by the equation:

Install Equa tion Editor and double -

click here to view equation.


F is flux or deposition (kg/m2 /yr);

E is emission rate (kg/yr); and
A is surface area (m2 ).

Dry deposition rates may be calculated by assuming that the vertical flux is proportional to the ground level
concentration and by using an empirical dry deposition parameter:

F =V d C

F is vertical flux (ug/m2 s);

V d is deposition velocity (m/s); and
C is ground level concentration (ug/m3).

Wet deposition rates may be calculated by assuming that vertical flux is proportional to the mathematical integral
of the concentration over the plume height. Expert advice is needed to identify appropriate areas in gravitational
settling models to determine and identify appropriate values for deposition parameters in modeling wet and dry
deposition. When wet and dry deposition models are incorporated within dispersion models, the reduction in
concentrations in the plume (caused by deposition) may be accounted for by reducing the source strength (that
is, the emission rate) accordingly.
Predicting Effects of Deposition - MAGIC Model
The Model of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments (MAGIC) is a lumped parameter model of
intermediate complexity that was originally developed to predict the long-term effects (decades or centuries) of
acidic deposition on responses in annual surface water chemistry (Thornton et al, 1990). MAGIC requires input

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

data on annual precipitation volume, time averaged annual concentrations for chemical constituents in deposition,
watershed attributes (for example, catchment area, stream length), soil physical and chemical variables, lake and
stream physical attributes and discharge rates and initial lake and stream water chemistry conditions.

MAGIC may be used with a dispersion model that provides a spatial pattern of deposition over time.
MAGIC was used to help design and implement an investigation of acid deposition in Northern Thailand. This
investigation was conducted as a follow-up on the EIA of Mae Moh mine, Mae Moh power plants units 1-11,
Lampang power plant units 1-8 and a water supply system (Schultz International Limited, 1993).

Predicting Soiling and Materials Damage Caused by Exposure to Air Pollution

Empirical models may be used whenever available. Where applicable, experiments may also be set up to
determine the extent of damage. Generally, however, damage to materials by soot, smoke, and dust as well as
metal corrosion by air pollutants may be predicted from historical evidence and by expert advice.

Predicting Effects on Visibility in the Atmosphere

Empirical models have been developed to predict the effects of air pollution on visibility. These models
relate concentration of specified substances (notably smoke, N0x, NH4 SO4 , and NH4 NO3 aerosols) to the distance
of maximum visibility. Historical evidence and expert advice may also provide inputs for predicting effects of air
pollutants on visibility.

Areas of Application

The U.S. EPA has developed standardized dispersion models that have been adopted by many countries
and many EIA practitioners (Tables 4-2 and 4-3). These models are available from the U.S. EPA and may be
downloaded from their home page (www.epa.gov) on the Internet.

The choice of model for a given application will be based on:

need for accuracy in prediction;

type of emission point, area, line, module, hot or cold intermittent, or continuous;
meteorological conditions in the receiving area (wind turbulence, stability, inversions, mixing layer
height, rainfall);
topographical conditions in the receiving area;
location of receptors;
nature of effects on receptors; and
nature of substance emitted.

Table 4-2: Air quality modeling software available from the Support Center for Regulatory Air Models - U.S.
EPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (source: Internet - www.epa.gov/scram001).

Model Description

BLP BLP is a Gaussian plume dispersion model associated with aluminum reduction plants.
Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Model Description

CALINE3 CALINE3 is a line-source dispersion model that can be used to predict carbon monoxide
California Line Source Model concentrations near highways and arterial streets given traffic emissions, site geometry, and

CDM2 CDM2 is a climatological dispersion model that determines long-term quasi-stable pollutant
Climatological Dispersion Model concentrations.

COMPLEX I COMPLEX I is a multiple point-source code with terrain adjustment representing a sequential modeling
bridge between VALLEY and COMPLEX II.

CRSTER CRSTER estimates ground-level concentrations resulting from up to 19 co-located elevated stack

EKMA EKMA was developed for relating concentrations of photochemically formed ozone to levels of organic
compounds and oxides of nitrogen.

ISC2 ISC2 is a steady -state Gaussian plume model which can be used to access pollutant concentrations
Industrial Source Complex Short-Term2 from an industrial source complex.
and Industrial Source Complex

LONGZ-SHORTZ LONGZ-SHORTZ is designed to calculate the long and short-term pollutant concentrations produced at
a large number of receptors by emissions from multiple stack, building, and area sources.

MPRM 1.2 MPRM 1.2 provides a general purpose computer processor for organizing available meteorological data
Meteorological Processor for Regulatory into a format suitable for use by air quality dispersion models. Specifically, the processor is designed to
Models accommodate those dispersion models that have gained EPA approval for use in regulatory decision

MPTER MPTER is a multiple point-source Gaussian model with optional terrain adjustments.

PTPLU PTPLU is a point-source dispersion Gaussian screening model for estimating maximum surface
concentrations for one-hour concentrations.

RAM RAM is a short-term Gaussian steady -state algorithm that estimates concentrations of stable pollutants.

RTDM RTDM is a sequential Gaussian plume model designed to estimate ground-level concentrations in
Rough Terrain Diffusion Model rough (or flat) terrain in the vicinity of one or more co-located point sources.

TOXST/TOXLT TOXST/TOXLT are designed to assist in the evaluation of acute health hazards that may result from
Toxic Modeling System Short Term and short- and long-term exposure to air pollutants.
Long Term

UAM UAM is a three-dimensional grid based photochemical simulation model for urban scale domains.
Urban Airshed Model

VALLEY VALLEY is a steady -state, univariate Gaussian plume dispersion algorithm designed for estimating
either 24-hour or annual concentrations resulting from emissions from up to 50 (total) point and area

WRPLOT WRPLOT is an interactive program that generates wind rose statistics and plots for selected
meteorological stations for user-specified date and time ranges. The wind rose depicts the frequency of
occurrence of winds in each of 16 direction sectors (north, north-northeast, northeast, etc.) and six wind
speed classes for a given location and time period.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Table 4-3: Models available from the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (source: Internet -

Model Description

APRAC-3 APRAC-3 contains the emission factor computation methodology and treats traffic links in the primary
network with low vehicle miles traveled as area sources.

CTDMPLUS CTDMPLUS is a refined air quality model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain

CTSCREEN CTSCREEN is the screening mode of CTDMPLUS. Refer to CTDMPLUS above for all document
information for this model.

HIWAY-ROADWAY HIWAY-ROADWAY are two models which compute the hourly concentrations of non-reactive
pollutants downwind of roadways and predict pollutant concentrations within two hundred meters of a
highway respectively.

INPUFF INPUFF is a Gaussian integrated puff model which is capable of addressing the accidental release of a
substance over several minutes or of modeling the more typical continuous plume from a stack.

MESOPUFF MESOPUFF is a Lagrangian model suitable for modeling the transport, diffusion and removal of air
pollutants from multiple point and area sources at transport distances beyond 10-50 KM.

MPTDS MPTDS is a modification of MPTER that explicitly accounts for gravitational settling and/or deposition
loss of a pollutant.

PAL PAL is a short-term Gaussian steady state algorithm that estimates concentrations of stable pollutants
Point, Area and Line Source Algorithm from point, area and line sources.

PBM PBM is a simple stationary single-cell model with a variable height lid designed to provide
Photochemical Box Model volume-integrated hour averages of 03 and other photochemical smog pollutants for an urban area for a
single day of simulation.

PEM Pollution Episodic Model PEM is an urban scale air pollution model capable of predicting short-term average surface
concentrations and deposition fluxes of two gaseous or particulate pollutants

PLUVUE PLUVUE is a model that predicts the transport, atmospheric diffusion, chemical conversion, optical
effects and surface deposition of point-source emissions.

SDM SDM is a multipoint Gaussian dispersion model that can be used to determine ground-level
Shoreline Dispersion Model concentrations from tall stationary point source emissions near a shoreline environment. SDM is used
in conjunction with MPTER algorithms to calculate concentrations when fumigation conditions do not

TUPOS TUPOS is a Gaussian model that estimates dispersion directly from fluctuation statistics at plume level.

Guidance Documentation Guidance on the Application of Refined Dispersion Models for Air Toxics

Guidance Documentation Evaluation of Dense Gas Simulation Models.

Summary of Air Quality Models Used in Developing Country EIAs

Examples of the use of air quality models in developing country EIAs are relatively easy to find. The most
common applications are for thermal power plants and linear developments such as highways.

Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Model (ISCSTM): The ISCSTM model was used in the Mangalore
Thermal Power Plant project air quality analysis for receptors up to distances of 20 to 25 km. It is capable of
predicting for both simple terrain (below the top of the stack) and complex terrain. It calculates hourly

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

concentrations based on hourly meteorological parameters. These are processed into non-overlapping, short-term
and annual averaging periods. It contains both rural and urban model options.

PTPLU (from the UNAMAP series of US EPA) and ISC2 (Industrial Source Complex): The Nong Chok Gas
Turbine Power Plant Block 1-4 used PTPLU to do their air quality screening. They also used ISC2 (Industrial
Source Complex), an EPA steady state Gaussian plume model, designed for regulatory use in urban areas. This
model was also used to measure ground level concentrations of pollutants from the South Bangkok Combined
Cycle Block-2. This latter EIA developed its own model for thermal plume modeling.

Complex-I (EPA): Complex-I was developed specifically to treat dispersion from point sources involving
complex terrain, where sections of land areas surrounding the source may have elevations as high or even higher
than the emitting stack. This model was used in the Suralaya Steam Power Station Expansion, Indonesia.

CAL3QHC (EPA): CALC3QHC is used to predict pollutant concentration near roadway intersections. It was used
to predict CO concentrations for the Thonburi Road Extension Project, Thailand.

AIRDISP (Developed by ELSAMPROJEKT A/S in Denmark) and SCREEN (EPA): Both of these Gaussian
dispersion models of the point source type used for determining maximum concentrations and its distance from
the source were used in the Masinloc Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant project, Philippines. The most important
difference between the models is the number of parameters included in the modeling technique applied. The
AIRDISP model is the most advanced, taking local meteorological data as well as terrain levels within the area
covered by the calculation into account; this is not possible with the SCREEN model. Calculations of one-hour
maximum concentrations for SO2, NO2 and particles were made with both models, and where comparisons can
be made directly, the results are almost identical. SCREEN is a relatively simple model which is normally used for
an initial judgement of pollution sources and which generally calculates very conservatively. It is only capable of
handling one emission source per calculation. In a case of more than one source, the worst case source is
selected as representative. The AIRDISP model was used for stack height dimensioning until the mid-1980s and
was required in connection with regulatory use. It uses basically the same techniques as SCREEN, but is more
advanced in several fields. It makes it possible to use frequency distribution of local meteorological data divided
according to wind direction, wind speed, and stability class. Terrain levels are included in the model and stated as
receptor heights in the entire area covered by the calculation. Finally, it is possible to include more than one source
(up to 5) which are assumed to be located in the same geographic point.

VALLEY (EPA) and IMPACT: These models were used in the air quality assessment at Mae Moh. The VALLEY
algorithm is a steady-state, univariate Gaussian plume dispersion algorithm designed for estimating either 24 hour
or annual concentrations resulting from emissions from up to 50 (total) point and area sources. Calculations of
ground level pollutant concentrations are made for each frequency designed in an array defined by six stabilities,
16 wind directions, and six wind speeds for 112 program-designed receptor sites on a radial grid of variable scale.

HIWAY (EPA), California Line Source Model, and CALINE2: These are vehicular pollution models used in
Malaysia. HIWAY computes the hourly concentrations of nonreactive pollutants downwind of roadways. It is
applicable for uniform wind conditions and level terrain. Although best suited for at-grade highways, it can also be
applied to depressed highways (cut sections).
CALINE4 (EPA): CALINE4, a line source Gaussian dispersion model in wide use throughout the world, was
used for the Bangkok Elevated Road and Train System. It employs the mixing zone concept to characterize
pollution dispersion over the roadway, including both thermal and mechanical turbulence.

MOBILE4 (EPA): MOBILE4 was used to determine road vehicle emission rates for the Bangkok Elevated Road
and Train project. It calculates emission factors for hydrocarbons, CO, and nitrogen oxides from gasoline-fueled
and diesel-fueled highway motor vehicles, based on eight individual vehicle types in two classes of regions (high

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

and low altitude). Estimates depend on various conditions, including ambient temperature, speed, and mileage
accrual rates.

4.3.2 Surface Waters

Conceptual Model

Surface waters include rivers, streams, canals, ditches, lakes, reservoirs, lagoons, estuaries, and coastal
waters. Impacts on surface waters are usually caused by physical disturbances (for example, the construction of
banks, dams, dikes, and other natural or man-made drainage systems), by changes in climatic conditions, and by
the addition or removal of substances, heat, or microorganisms (for example, the discharge of effluents and
deposition of air pollutants into water). These activities and processes lead to first order effects as manifested by
changes in surface water hydrology, changes in surface water quality, and consequently to higher order effects
reflected by changes in sediment behavior, changes in salinity, and changes in aquatic ecology. The summary
cause-effect network for surface waters is presented in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Summary of cause-effect network for surface waters (source: ERL, 1984).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Basic Concepts

Discharges of Effluents

The calculation of discharges follows the same principles used in calculating releases of emissions to the
air discussed under atmospheric impacts (section 4.2.1). Estimates of discharges of pollutants may be available
from design data, standard predefined values, monitoring similar operations elsewhere or pilot testing. If this
information is not available, it can be calculated using discharge factor models. These models assume the rate of
discharge is directly proportional to the level of implementation of the activity. Predictions of effluent discharges
into surface waters are based on information on the rate of flow of the discharge, the concentrations of
substances present in the discharge, the temperature of the discharge, and the timing and location of discharges.

Data on discharges of effluents may be directly used for comparison of alternatives by comparing the
data with existing discharge standards for different types of effluents and receiving water. Estimates of effluent
discharge may also be used as inputs into models for predicting effects on hydrology and water quality.

The rapid assessment procedure (discussed in section 3.8) illustrates how this approach may be used in
developing countries to estimate effluent discharges.

Run-off Over Land

Run-off into surface water can be predicted by standard mathematical models, experts, and field tests
using tracers to determine movement of the run-off and its appearance in surface water bodies. The interest for
predicting run-off over land in EIA studies is based mainly on its effects to the hydrology and water quality in
receiving water bodies. Special interest may be focused on the run-off of pesticides, fertilizers, and other materials
toxic to water bodies used for domestic, agricultural, and recreational purposes.

Mathematical models are available for predicting run-off for:

permeable or impermeable surfaces;

sewered or unsewered areas;
short-term or long-term predictions; and
quantity or quality, for example, pesticides, sediments, biological oxygen demand, nutrients,
dissolved minerals, bacteria, etc.

Run-off models use the same principles to describe the balance between hydrological inputs and outputs
to surface run-off (precipitation minus evapotranspiration, infiltration, and storage equals run-off). The basic
model may be manipulated to include variables describing relevant processes (for example, erosion, sedimentation,
wash-off of chemicals, adsorption, biodegradation, etc.), in which case they can also be integrated to water
quality models for the receiving surface waters.

These models require a high level of expert assistance as they need extensive calibration and verification
for use in specific areas. Input requirements also include substantial information on rainfall, air temperature,
drainage network configuration, soil types, ground cover, land use, and management measures.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Some simple applications of run-off models and their underlying assumptions include:

prediction of traffic pollutant loads washed off road surfaces through sewers after prolonged dry
periods (the accumulated load is assumed to be washed off in the first heavy rainfall and enters
surface waters); and
prediction of the run-off of a conservative pollutant applied within a catchment area (the total amount
applied is assumed to be uniformly diluted in the total run-off from the catchment).

Flow Models

Knowledge of water flow is a prerequisite to any water quality modeling. In freshwater systems,
hydrological and hydrodynamic models have been developed for use in environmental assessment. In marine
systems models have been used to predict currents and water level in coastal and estuarine environments. Many
hydrological models are available to calculate time varying flow rates (m3 /sec) in rivers, lakes, and manmade
reservoirs. These models are often constructed based on historical data collected at hydrometric monitoring

Hydrodynamic models are based on special cases of the general three-dimensional Navier-Stokes water
movement equations. Depending on the nature of the water body, the equations may be reduced to one or two
dimensions by depth averaging or cross-section averaging. Large water bodies may be divided into segments and
modeled in terms of flows across the boundaries between the segments. Standard computer models are available
for relatively simple models, although because of its inherent complexity, mathematical hydraulic modeling
requires specialist inputs. The models may also be linked to models for predicting sediment behavior, salinity,
temperature, water quality, and surface water movements. Data needed for calibration, validation, and application
of mathematical hydraulic models include the system geometry, data on inflows and outflows (time series), initial
hydrological conditions, bottom conditions, water levels, and wind conditions.

Oxygen Sag Curve - Streeter Phelps Equation

Models for predicting changes in organic materials usually consider changes in dissolved oxygen resulting
from increased demands for oxygen from bacteria during decomposition and supply of oxygen from natural re-
aeration. The classical example is the Streeter-Phelps equation that represents the oxygen sag curve The oxygen
sag curve (Figure 4-5) illustrates how the oxygen concentration changes with time and distance downstream of
a discharge point. The Streeter-Phelps equation actually represents the dissolved oxygen deficit, (Cs - C) as a
function of demand for oxygen and natural aeration, where Cs is the oxygen saturation concentration.

The basic equation is:

K 1 Lo - K 1t - K 2t - K 2t
Dt = e + Do e
K 2 - K1

Dt is the dissolved oxygen (DO) deficit at t;

Lo is the BOD concentration at the discharge point immediately after mixing (t=0);
Do is the initial DO deficit at the point of waste discharge;
t is the time or distance downstream;
K1 is the parameter of deoxygenation; and
K2 is the reaeration parameter.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Other processes that affect BOD and resulting dissolved oxygen concentrations, and that can be integrated
in this model include algal and plant respiration, benthal oxygen demand, photosynthesis, and nitrogenous oxygen

Figure 4-5: Oxygen sag curve obtained from the Streeter-Phelps Equation (source: Canter, 1996).

Water Quality - The Mass Balance

The basic concept that underlies most water quality models is that of mass or material balance (Figure 4-



I is the inflow into the compartment (mass/time);

D is the discharge into the compartment (mass/time);
F is the formation due to biochemical activity in the compartment (mass/time);
J is the transfer from other compartments (mass/time);
X is the outflow from the compartment (mass/time);
R is the degrading reaction (mass/time); and
T is the transfer to other compartments (mass/time).

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 4-6: Mass balance equation for a compartment (source: Mckay and Peterson, 1993).

A volume of space is identified and one or more compartments (for example, air, water, biota) defined. A
simple mass or material balance equation is then written for this volume. The mass balance equation states the
change in inventory (amount present in the compartment) of a chemical is equal to inputs minus the outputs. The
mixing model discussed earlier (section 4.1.4) is perhaps the simplest mass balance model. Canter (1996)
describes the mass balance formulation of dissolved oxygen including transport exchanges with air (atmospheric
exchange), and biota (production of oxygen due to photosynthesis and respiration (in water column and

In cases where there is only one compartment (for example, water) the model may be easily defined. In
more complex models, a number of compartments may be present. McKay and Peterson (1993) describe a six
compartment model of air, water, fish, soil, bottom sediments, and suspended sediment for estimating the fate of
trichloroethylene (Figure 4-7). To describe the fate of trichloroethylene requires estimation of the transfer rates of
some fifteen physical, chemical, and biological processes, including rates of sedimentation, run-off from soil,
evaporation, reaction, and advective flows.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Figure 4-7: Example mass balance diagram for the fate of trichloroethylene (source: Mackay and Peterson, 1993).

The definition of the model and estimation of the various rates for the models processes is only the first
step. The next step is to define the various discharges to the system which may come from various industrial and
municipal sources, spills, and applications of chemicals (for example, pesticides).

The final step is to define and estimate the transport rates between various media. This is important
because a chemical discharged into one media (for example, soil) may be relatively stable, but when conveyed to
another media (for example, air), it may be subject to a large reaction rate. For example, a chemicals lifetime in the
environment may then be controlled, not by how fast it will react in soil, but by how fast it can evaporate from the
soil to the atmosphere (McKay and Peterson, 1993).

In EIA, in the simplest cases, the concern is often limited to the chemical discharges associated with a
specific project (for example, the effluent discharge from a pulp and paper mill). A mass balance model can be
used to estimate the changes in chemical concentrations within environmental components of concern.

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Erosion and Sedimentation

Processes like soil erosion are highly correlated with underlying features of the landscape. These processes
have been used as the basis for the universal loss soil equation (USLE). Westman (1985) summarizes the work of
many researchers in his presentation of the soil loss equation.

The simplest representation of the universal soil loss equation is:

A = 88.27 x R x K x LS x C x P

A is the average annual soil loss (tonnes/km2 per year);
R is a measure of rainfall intensity; and index value related to the maximum 30 minute rainfall intensity
per storm (cm/hr) average over all storms;
K is the soil erodibility factor; an index from 0.001 (non erodible) to 1 (erodible) based on soil texture,
structure, organic matter content, permeability (available for US soils from Soil Conversation);
LS is the slope length factor - where S is the slope angle (% of 45 degrees) and L is the length of the
slope (m). The factor LS is expressed as a ratio of the erosion from that experienced on a slope
of 9% and the length of 22m. The ratios are available from standard slope charts;
C is the vegetative cover and management factor - ranges from .001 for a well managed woodland to
1.0 for no cover;
P is the erosion control or management practice factor - ranges from .001 for effective contouring,
terracing, and other erosion control for tilled land to 1.0 for the absence of erosion control.
88.27 is a conversion factor to convert units of A (tons/acre/year) original formulation to metric units
tonnes/km2 per year.

The USLE is often used to calculate the sediment yield or sediment input into a given water body (for
example, a lake or reach of river).

Models for movement of sediment within a water body concentrate on two processes: bed transport or
sediment transport. The processes are the primary influence sediment behavior and can be expressed
mathematically as a function of stream velocity. Bed transport is normally modeled as a function of stream bed
condition and stream velocity. Sediment transport is normally modeled as a function of a sediment concentration
(integrated over the full water depth) and stream velocity. Models may treat the two processes separately or
simultaneously. Depending on the nature of the water body, sediment behavior may be modeled in one, two, or
three dimensions. The models may also be integrated with hydraulic models to predict hydrological effects.

Areas of Application

Surface water models are applied to make predictions of dissolved oxygen, temperature, instream flows,
suspended sediment, salinity and nutrients. Most models useful for impact assessment contain a number of basic
processes. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Simulator for Water Resources in Rural
Basins-Water Quality was developed to simulate hydrological, sedimentation, and nutrient and pesticide transport
processes in a large, complex rural watershed.

Box 4-1: The USDAs Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins-Water Quality (SWRRBWQ)
(source: General Sciences Corporation, 1993).

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The SWRRBWQ model operates on a continuous time-scale and allows for subdivision of basins to account for differences in soils, land use,
rainfall, etc. It can predict the effect of management decisions on water, sediment, and pesticide yield with reasonable accuracy for ungauged
rural basins throughout the United States.

SWRRBWQ includes five major components: weather, hydrology, sedimentation, nutrients, and pesticides. Processes considered include
surface run-off, return flow, percolation, evapotranspiration, transmission losses, pond and reservoir storage, sedimentation, and crop
growth. A weather generator allows precipitation, temperature, and solar radiation to be simulated when measured data is unavailable. The
precipitation model is a first-order Markov chain model, while air temperature and solar radiation are generated from the normal distribution.
Sediment yield is based on the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). Nutrient yields were taken from the EPIC model (Williams et
al., 1984). The pesticide component is a modification of the CREAMS (Smith and Williams, 1980) pesticide model. SWRRBWQ allows for
simultaneous computations on each subbasin and routes the water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides from the subbasin outlets to the basin

Canter (1996) provides a number of examples of computer based water quality that are in use in the United States
(Table 4-4). Most of these models were developed and are maintained in the US Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experimental Station Environmental Laboratory. Information can be obtained from the World Wide
Web (www.wes.army.mil/el/elmodels/index.html).

Table 4-4: Examples of computer-based water quality models (source: Canter, 1996).

Model name Description Major features Data requirements Output

CE-THERM-1 1-D vertical reservoir Temperature, total dissolved Inflow rates and constituent values Vertical profiles and outflow
model for solids (TDS), suspended solids Outflow rates, operations values for constituents over
temperature (SS) coupled to density time (printed and/or plotted)
Structural configuration and hydraulic
Specify outflow ports or ports constraints of outlets Statistics of predicted and
based on temperature objective observed values
Initial constituent profiles
Reregulation pool, pumped- Flux information
Morphometric data
storage, and/or peaking Operations schedules for
hydropower options Meteorological data
multilevel outlet configurations
Process and rate coefficients
Release flow and temperature targets if
using outflow-port decision routine

CE-QUAL-R1 1-D vertical reservoir All CE-THERM-R1 features Same as CE-THERM-R1 plus Same forms as CE-THERM-
model for water Allows simulation of most major additional water quality data and R1
quality physical, chemical, and coefficients
biological processes and
associated water quality
Simulates anaerobic processes
Monte Carlo simulations

CE-QUAL-W2 2-D longitudinal, Solves 2-D hydrodynamics Basically same as CE-QUAL Velocities and water quality
vertical hydro- Head of flow boundary (THERM)-R1 constituents at all points on 2-
dynamic and water conditions Tidal boundary conditions for estuarine D grid (printed)
quality model for applications 2-D vector plots and 2-D
Allows multiple branches.
reservoir, estuarine, constituent concentration
Simulates temperature, salinity , Morphometric data, including widths for
and other 2-D contour or shading plots
and up to 19 other water quality each cell

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Model name Description Major features Data requirements Output

waterbodies variables Time-series data and plots
Statistical output
Restart files for subsequent
hot restart simulations

SELECT 1-D vertical steady - Computation of withdrawal zone Reservoir profiles for temperature Vertical profile of withdrawal
state model of distribution from a density - (density) and conservative constituents zone
selective withdrawal stratified reservoir Outflow rate, operation Release qualities
from a reservoir Release temperature, density, Structural configuration and hydraulic Appropriate port operations to
conservative constituents constraints or outlet(s) meet quality targets
Quality targets if deciding port operation
Multiple outflow types (spillway,
water quality gate, flood-control
outlet, etc.) handled internally
User specifies ports operating or
selects ports internally based on
quality objective (e.g.,
Reaeration of hydropower and
flood-control releases

STEADY 1-D longitudinal 1-D steady state Flows, depths, and velocities Printed output for predicted
steady -state stream Steady flow Average equilibrium temperature and temperature and DO at each
temperature and DO heat-exchange coefficient node
Allows branches, loops, and
lateral inflows and withdrawals Inflow temperature and DO
Flow can be piecewise Rate coefficients

CE-QUAL- 1-D dynamic flow, Simulates dynamic (highly Physical data, cross-section geometry, Hydraulic information and
RIV1 time-varying stream unsteady) flows elevations, and locations of nodes; water quality constituent
hydraulic (RIV1H), Simulates up to 10 time-varying lateral inflows and tributaries; control values printed for all nodes at
and water quality water quality constituents structures specific print intervals
(RIV1Q) models Initial conditions Time-series plots of selected
Allows branching systems
variables at selected nodes
Allows multiple control structures Boundary conditions for flow and water
Stream, structural, and wind
reaeration options Rate coefficients and other parameters

Direct energy balance or equi- Meteorological data or equilibrium

librium temperature approach for temperatures and exchange coefficients

HEC-5Q Reservoir system Balanced reservoir system Inflow quantity and quality Reservoir and river water
simulation/optimiza- regulation determination Initial water quality conditions quality profiles
tion model for Optimum gate regulation for System configuration and physical Reservoir and river discharge
multiple water- multiple water quality description rates, elevations and travel
resource purposes constituents time
Reservoir regulation manual operation
including water criteria
quality, water supply
System diversions
hydropower and
Water quantity and quality targets at
flood control
system control points

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Summary of Use in Developing Countries

AIT2: AIT2 provides two-dimensional modeling of currents and water levels in estuaries and coastal waters. It
has been widely used, including for the Ao Phai project in Thailand, the Keppel Channel in Singapore, and the
Upper Gulf of Thailand.

Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) (EPA): The CORMIX model was used for the assessment of
potential thermal and chemical impacts resulting from wastewater discharges from the proposed Mangalore power
facility. CORMIX is a series of software subsystems for the analysis, prediction and design of aqueous discharges
into water bodies and streams. It was developed for the EPA and is a recommended analysis tool in guidance
documents on the permitting of industrial discharges to receiving waters.

4.2.3 Soils and Groundwater

Conceptual Model

The integrity of soils and groundwater can be altered by a variety of physical disturbances, including the
addition/removal of soil and/or water, compaction of soil, changes in use of land or ground cover, changes in
water hydrology, changes in climate (temperature, rainfall, wind), and the addition or removal of substances or
heat (for example, discharge of effluents into groundwater, discharge of effluents or disposal of waste onto land,
leaching of contaminants into groundwater, changes in quality of surface water, and deposition of air pollutants on
land). The effects of these vary from first order effects of leaching into soil and groundwater to changes in
groundwater regime, soil structure (including erosion and subsidence), soil quality or temperature, and
groundwater quality or temperature. A summary of these effects are presented in Figure 4-8.

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Figure 4-8: Summary of cause-effect network for soils and groundwater (source: ERL, 1984).

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Basic Concepts

Leaching Into Soils and Groundwater

The volume of leachate percolating through a site can be predicted using mathematical models such as the
water balance method in sites above the water table. The water balance method calculates leachate flow by
balancing flows into and out of a site as follows:


I is the inflow volume;

O is the outflow volume;
S is the storage volume; and
?S is the change in the storage volume.

In the unsaturated zone:


P is the precipitation volume;

Vd is the volume of liquid disposed;
L is the leachate volume;
Evt is the volume lost to evapotranspiration;
Evd is the volume of the liquid disposed lost to evaporation; and
R is the runoff volume.

For predicting long-term effects, the change in storage can be assumed to be zero, evapotranspiration can be based
on existing data or experiments, while run-off can be calculated using an empirical model based on surface
conditions and slopes.

Darcy's Law

Darcy's Law is the basis for most models of groundwater flow in sites below the water table. The method
describes the flow of groundwater through a saturated porous medium. Flow is dependent on the change in head
with distance (that is, the hydraulic gradient) and the permeability of the medium. It is expressed mathematically as:

Q = KA( )

Q is the flow (m3 /day);

K is the permeability (m/day);
A is the cross-sectional area (m2 ); and
dH/dL is the hydraulic gradient (that is, the change in the water table elevation per unit change in
the horizontal direction).

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Changes in Groundwater Flow

The effects of physical disturbances and discharge of liquid effluents on groundwater include changes in
the availability of soil moisture for soil microorganisms and plants, reducing the available yield for abstraction
which can lead to saltwater intrusion to underground water sources or a change in the hydrology of surface
waters. Mathematical models are primarily based on analytical or numerical solution of equations for conservation
of mass using Darcy's law. The groundwater system can be divided into one, two, or three segments depending on
the directions of flows within the system. The flows into and out of each segment are then balanced using Darcy's

Changes in Groundwater Quality

The behavior of nonconservative pollutants can be simulated by superimposing models of chemical

conversion, biological breakdown, system process, etc. Tracer experiments may be used to predict dispersion of
pollutants in groundwater.

Changes in Soil Structure

Changes in soil structure are caused by agricultural practices, ground conditions, surface water conditions,
and by removal of subsurface soil or water. The effects of these changes can manifest on soil microorganisms,
plants and animals, crops and livestock, groundwater and surface water hydrology and quality, visual landscape
and amenity, and the integrity of buildings and other civil engineering works. Erosion resulting from changes in
ground cover, management practices, rainfall and run-off, and wind exposure can be predicted by the universal soil
loss equation.

Effects on Soil Quality

In order to determine the effects on soil quality of contaminants, it is necessary to establish the chemical
composition, quality, and amount of substrate in the various soil strata; absorption and adsorption onto soil
particles; uptake by plants; transport through the soil; and the chemical and biological conversion of substances.
Models have been developed to:

simulate individual processes occurring in soil;

describe behavior of substances in soil such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and pesticides (laboratory
experiments using column tests and lysimeters may also predict the behavior of substances in soil);
predict the behavior of liquids which are immiscible with water (for example, mathematical models
for oil spills on land which simulate the behavior of oil on the surface and in the unsaturated zone and
its dispersion above the groundwater table);
simulate the behavior of gases in soil; or
predict dispersion of heat released by pipelines or cables, or discharged in effluents.

Areas of Application

Table 4-5 lists some of the software the International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC) at the
Colorado School of Mines has to offer, as well as some free, public domain software. Detailed descriptions of
most programs (as well as model demos) can be found on the Centers website under the IGWMC Software

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Table 4-5: Examples of groundwater models available from the Colorado School of Mines International
Groundwater Modeling Center (source: Internet - www.mines.edu.igwmc)

Model Name Model Description

FLOWPATH A DOS-based two-dimensional finite difference model for steady state flow in confined and unconfined aquifers. It
includes an elaborate, user-friendly graphic interface, and extensive graphic display of results. The model is widely used,
among others, for well head protection studies.

HYDRUS-2D A sophisticated Windows-based two-dimensional finite element model for transient unsaturated flow and solute transport. It
includes an elaborate, user-friendly graphic interface, and extensive graphic display of results. The program includes
modern numerical routines securing efficient and stable solutions for highly nonlinear problems.

INFINITE EXTENT A program for aquifer test analysis with on-screen, manual curve matching, and automatic parameter evaluation. The
program includes type curves for confined, leaky-confined and unconfined cases.

MICRO-FEM A finite element model for simulation of transient quasi-three-dimensional flow in aquifer systems. This model, widely
used in northern Europe, includes elaborate grid design, parameter allocation result analysis options, as well as
extensive graphics.

ModelGIS A modeling system operating in the ARC/INFO Environment under Unix. It includes MODFLOW and MODFLOWT.

MODFLOWT A three-dimensional finite difference contaminant transport modeling which fully integrates with MODFLOW.

RPTSOLV A Windows-based finite element model for pumping test analysis in fractured rock

SUPERSLUG A Windows-based program for slug analysis

STEPMASTER A Windows-based program for step-drawdown tests.

THCVFIT A simple interactive DOS program for aquifer test analysis using the HEIS method.

TWODAN A DOS-based multi-functional analytic element model for two-dimensional steady -state flow with a user-friendly graphic
interface and extensive graphic display of results. Well-suited for well-head protection studies.

The United Nations This demo is split up in 4 self-extracting files. It shows in slide show form the hydrogeological and geochemical database
Ground Water for Windows options, its extensive graphic display options, as well as options for aquifer test analysis.

UNITS A DOS-based groundwater units conversion (Shareware)

Visual MODFLOW A MODFLOW-based modeling environment with extensive GUI and support for MT3D and other MODFLOW related

ZBSoft A three-dimensional flow and contaminant transport modeling based on the Zheng-Bennett text book on this topic.

4.2.4 Biological/Ecological Resources

Basic Ecological Concepts

Models of biological and ecological resources should be directed at predicting effects on valued ecosystem

Conceptual Model

Some development activities have direct impacts on biological systems. For example, clearing of land for
infrastructure will destroy vegetation and displace animals. Introduction of contaminants may cause direct mortality
of plants and animals. However, in many cases it is changes in the physical environment caused by development

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

that often lead to secondary or high order changes in plants and animals. For example, changes in downstream
flow as a result of an upstream dam on a river may change the productivity of fish population. Alternatively,
industrial pollution may be transported downstream and move through the food chain and ultimately contaminate
the fish and wildlife populations that depend on the river. A simplified conceptual model of potential effects on biota
is presented in Figure 4-9.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Figure 4-9: Summary of cause-effect network for biota (source: ERL, 1984).

While our understanding of ecological systems is increasing, our ability to predict changes in biological and
ecological resources is less developed than for physical resources. In this chapter, we present few simple concepts
to help in predicting effects on biota. Unfortunately, however, there are few good examples in Asian EIA practice
of using predictive tools for assessing impacts on biota. It should be noted that the assessment of biological
impacts is becoming increasingly more important as EIAs shift beyond their early focus on controlling pollution.

Basic Concepts

Physical Disturbance

Prediction of changes in physical disturbance of plants and animals usually requires that simple maps of
the spatial distribution and abundance of the biota be prepared. The simplest predictive techniques are based on
overlaying the project facilities location plan (buildings, roads, staging areas, etc.) over maps of the existing
environment. Today, this is often done using geographical information systems (c.f. chapter 3). For vegetation,
this technique provides a simple prediction of the area lost. For animals and animal communities, this technique is

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

extended using the zone of influence concept (see Figure 4-10). The zone of influence may extend far beyond
the site of the physical disturbance. For example, in the case of noise from a road or facility the zone of influence
may extend hundreds of meters from the source.

Figure 4-10: Simple illustration of zone of influence.

Habitat Alienation

In the terrestrial environment, the destruction of vegetation and loss of soil usually results in reduction of
habitat for animals. The relationship between the extent of the physical disturbance on the area and the amount of
habitat lost or degraded is non-linear. Small changes in critical areas can make large areas unsuitable as animal
habitat. This is because animal habitat is usually a combination of the basic necessities for an animal: food, water,
cover, and other resources. Some habitats are critical for survival, for example, wetlands that act as staging areas
for wildlife migration, or mangroves ecosystems that provide breeding areas for aquatic organisms.

Canter (1996) describes two habitat-based methods used for prediction of biological impacts: the Habitat
Evaluation System (HES) used by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the evaluation of water resource project in
the lower Mississippi; and the Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) developed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
HEP, originally developed for use in evaluating water resource projects has been applied in many other contexts.
Most habitat based methods involve the use of expert judgement to construct simple indices of habitat quality based
on key ecosystem variables. In most cases, the habitat quality indices must be redeveloped for each assessment.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

These methods are best used to compare the merits of alternatives. They provide neither an absolute measure of
impact, nor the degree of significance of the impact.

Box 4-2: Habitat Evaluation Procedures software (source: Internet -


The philosophy behind the Habitat Evaluation Procedures is that an area can have various habitats, and that these habitats have different
suitabilities for species that may occur in that area. Further, we assume that the suitabilities can be quantified (via Habitat Suitability Indexes)
and that the different habitats have measurable areal extents. The overall suitability of an area for a species we postulate can be represented
as a product of the areal extents of each habitat and the suitability of those habitats for the species. If this is true, we may further postulate that
as habitat changes through time, by natural or human-induced processes, we can quantify the overall suitability through time by integrating
the areal extent-suitability product function over time. Thus, we can quantitatively compare two or more alternative management practices of
an area with regard to those practices affecting species in that area. For example, we can judge the effects of logging, mining, cattle grazing,
versus no use. Furthermore, HEP allows us to quantify the effects of mitigation (not so great a negative impact) or compensation (improve
another like area to make up for lost habitat in the impacted area).

This is an important tool for land use managers, as they can quantify the effects of alternative management plans over time, and provide for
mitigation and compensation that can allow fair use of the land and maintain healthy habitats for affected species. The HEP accounting
program uses the area of available habitat and Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) to compute the values needed for Habitat Evaluation
Procedures (HEP) as described in the Ecological Services Manual (ESM 102) and the HEP training course NR561 [Habitat Evaluation
Procedures]. The compiled program requires two floppy disk drives or a hard disk, and 64 kilobytes of RAM.

Changes in Animal Populations

In many cases, the primary concern is with impacts on fish and wildlife populations. This is because these
populations often have economic and social importance or are protected by national legislation or international
treaties. Population dynamics models are often developed to predict changes in animal populations. The basic model
equation (Walters, 1986) is:

N t+1 = sat N t + s jt R t


Nt is the population size at specific time t in the annual cycle;

Rt is the recruitment to the population during the time cycle between t and t+1;
sat is the survival rate of animals (N t ) from t to t+1; and
sjt is the survival rate of new recruits (Rt ) during the time cycle between t and t+1.

This simple equation allows for the projection of how the population will change over time. Each of the
basic components of the equation (that is, recruitment and survival rates) are usually modeled as functions of
other ecological parameters and outside interventions. For example, one model of recruitment in a fish population
might have recruitment as a function of the population size, fecundity (eggs/female), available spawning habitat,
net migration, and water quality. Similarly the survival rates may be a function of population size, harvesting,
habitat, and water quality.

In conducting an EIA, one first predicts the changes in those factors upon which recruitment and survival
are dependent. Once estimates of recruitment and survival parameters are calculated, the model may be applied to

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

predict changes in population. Walters (1986) provides an excellent description of how to develop the basic model,
estimate parameters, and test its accuracy in prediction.

Areas of Application

Table 4-6 provides examples of computer models available for prediction of impacts on habitat.

Table 4-6: Software for programs for habitat evaluation from United States Geological Survey Midcontinent
Ecological Sciences Center (source: Internet - www.mesc.usgs.gov/swprods/html)

Software Description

HEP The HEP accounting program uses the area of available habitat and Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) to compute the
Habitat Evaluation Procedures values needed for Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) as described in the Ecological Services Manual (ESM
102) and the HEP training course HEP500 [Habitat Evaluation Procedures]

HSI The HSI software is a system of programs that uses mathematical models to compute an HSI value for selected
Habitat Suitability Index species from field measurements of habitat variables. The development and use of HSI models are described in the
Ecological Services Manual (ESM 103) and the HEP Training Course HEP 500 Habitat Evaluation Procedures.

PHABSIM The Physical Habitat Simulation System. This extensive set of programs is designed to predict microhabitat
conditions in rivers as a function of streamflow and the relative suitability of those microhabitat conditions to aquatic
life. The appropriate use of this set of programs is taught in IF310, [Using the Computer-based Physical Habitat
Simulation System (PHABSIM)].

TSLIB TSLIB programs provide for data entry, analysis, and display of daily or monthly flow or habitat values. Some
The Time Series Library programs are useful for integrating microhabitat and macrohabitat, and some are of value in the analysis of water
operations systems. Many of the concepts of time series analysis are taught in IF250 [Theory and Concepts of the
Instream Flow Incremental Methodology].

SNTEMP SNTEMP predicts the water temperature in streams and rivers from data describing the stream's geometry,
Stream Network Temperature meteorology, and hydrology. It handles a dendritic network of streams through time and space. SNTEMP is taught
Model in IF312 [Stream Temperature Modeling]. See More About SNTEMP and SSTEMP.

SSTEMP SSTEMP is a scaled down version of SNTEMP suitable for single (to a few) reaches and single (to a few) time
Stream Segment Temperature periods. SSTEMP is taught in IF312 [Stream Temperature Modeling]

4.2.5 Ecotoxicology - Impacts of Pollutants on Biota

The dose of a chemical to an organism is a function of both the concentration of the chemical in the
immediate environment and the duration of exposure of the population to that concentration. The two factors
interact in multiplicative way; hence the dose of a chemical received by an organism is defined (Westman, 1985)
as: dose is equal to the concentration of chemical times duration of exposure at concentration.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Figure 4-11: The exposure assessment process (source: Suter, 1993).

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Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries


Exposure has been defined as contact with a chemical or physical agent. It is the process by which an
organism acquires a dose (Suter, 1993). The estimation of exposure of a target organism requires an exposure
scenario that answers to four questions (Suter, 1993):

1. given the output of fate models (see section 4.2.2 on mass balance equation for water quality), which
media (ecosystem components) are significantly contaminated;
2. to which contaminated media are the target organisms exposed;
3 how are they exposed (pathways and rates of exposure); and
4. given an initial exposure, will the organism modify its behavior to modify exposure pathways or rates
(attraction or avoidance)?

Table 4-7 identifies some of the major exposure pathways, while Figure 4-12 provides an example of
exposure pathways for two target species: mink, a small carnivorous mammal and the great blue heron, a large
piscivorus bird.

Table 4-7: Exposure pathways.

Media Pathways Comment

Air - gases and Respiration Assuming accurate fate model estimates, exposure is relatively
aerosols predictable based on assumptions of homogenous distribution in

Water - soluble Respiration Assuming accurate fate model estimates, exposure is relatively
chemicals predictable based on assumptions of homogenous distribution in

Sediment (solids and Benthic animals absorb chemicals, respire pore water or Processes are very complicated and usually simplifying
pore water) free water, and ingest sediments, sediment associated assumptions are required
food or food from the water column.
Plants rooted in the sediment may take up material from
sediments, surface water and air

Soil (solids, pore water, Organisms in soils may absorb material from soil, pore Processes are very complicated and usually simplifying
and pore air) water, pore air, ingest soil, soil - associated food. assumptions are required

Ingested Food and Consumption by fish and wildlife Assume that test animal consumption rates in laboratory for a
Water given availability of food or water are the same as those
occurring naturally in the environment

Multi Media More than one of above pathways It is often possible to assume one pathway is dominant. In
some cases, it will be necessary to estimate the combined

Behavioral responses of organisms may modify subsequent exposure. Animals commonly avoid
contaminated food or media, however there are cases where animals are attracted. Due to lack of behavioral
information, most assessors normally assume that behavior does not modify exposure (Suter, 1993).

Because of the complexity involved, most EIA practitioners will have to rely on existing computer
software models (for example, the EXAMS model described in Box 4-3) to provide estimates of exposure.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

EXAMS provides a means of rapidly evaluating the fate, transport, and exposure concentrations of synthetic
organic chemicals--pesticides in aquatic ecosystems. To date there has been little usage of exposure models in
EIA. Three possible reasons can be suggested: 1) there has been little emphasis on assessing the exposure of biota
to pollutants; 2) EIA practitioners are unaware or unskilled in the use of the tools and techniques for exposure
assessment; and 3) the basic baseline data to parameterize the models is unavailable and too costly to obtain.

Figure 4-12: Example of exposure pathways (source: Suter, 1993).

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Box 4-3: The EXAMS Model System (source: Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling

The Exposure Analysis Modeling System, first published in 1982 (EPA-600/3-82-023), provides interactive computer software for
formulating aquatic ecosystem models and rapidly evaluating the fate, transport, and exposure concentrations of synthetic organic
chemicals--pesticides, industrial materials, and leachates from disposal sites. EXAMS contains an integrated Database Management System
specifically designed for storage and management of project databases required by the software. User interaction is provided by a
full-featured Command Line Interface, context- sensitive help menus, an on-line data dictionary and Command Line Interface users' guide,
and plotting capabilities for review of output data. EXAMS provides 20 output tables which document the input data sets and provide
integrated results summaries for aid in ecological risk assessments.

EXAMS' core is a set of process modules that link fundamental chemical properties to the limnological parameters that control the kinetics of
fate and transport in aquatic systems. The chemical properties are measurable by conventional laboratory methods; most are required
under various regulatory authority. When run under the EPA's GEMS or pcGEMS systems, EXAMS accepts direct output from qsar
software. EXAMS limnological data are composed of elements historically of interest to aquatic scientists worldwide, so generation of suitable
environmental datasets can generally be accomplished with minimal project-specific field investigations.

EXAMS provides facilities for long-term (steady-state) analysis of chronic chemical discharges, initial-value approaches for study of
short-term chemical releases, and full kinetic simulations that allow for monthly variation in mean climatological parameters and alteration of
chemical loadings on daily time scales. EXAMS has been written in generalized (N-dimensional) form in its implementation of algorithms for
representing spatial detail and chemical degradation pathways. This DOS implementation allows for study of five simultaneous chemical
compounds and 100 environmental segments; other configurations can be created through special arrangement with the author.

EXAMS provides analyses of:

Exposure: the expected (96-hour acute, 21-day and long-term chronic) environmental concentrations of synthetic chemicals
and their transformation products,
Fate: the spatial distribution of chemicals in the aquatic ecosystem, and the relative importance of each transformation
and transport process (important in establishing the acceptable uncertainty in chemical laboratory data), and
Persistence: the time required for natural purification of the ecosystem (via export and degradation processes) once chemical
releases end.

EXAMS 2.96 includes file-transfer interfaces to the PRZM terrestrial model and the FGETS bioaccumulation model.


Effects assessment is the process of determining the relationship between exposure and its effects on the
target organism. Most effects assessments are based on toxicity tests. Suter (1993) outlines the basic steps in the
effects assessment (Figure 4-13):

1. toxicity tests are conducted to determine the effects of various combinations of exposure
concentrations and the duration on the frequency or severity of the responses of concern, such as
increased mortality and decreased fecundity;
2. statistical models are fit to the test data and an exposure the response model is selected to
represent the toxicological responses in the effects models;

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

3. effects models are generated that represent the relationship between the test results and the target
organisms; and
4. the test results and data concerning relevant population and ecosystem processes are used to
parameterize the effects model which is then used to derive a function relating the level of effects on
the target organism to the exposure.

Figure 4-13: Process of effects assessment (source: Suter, 1993).

Dose - Response Functions

The most common model to test results is the dose-response function. The pattern of response with increasing
dose is assumed to be S-shaped (Figure 4-14). This function assumes that there is no threshold below which there
is no response.

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 4-14: A typical S-shaped dose-response curve (source: Suter, 1993).

Comparison Against Environmental Standards

The final step is to assess the significance of the predicted effect on a target organism. Exposure
assessments allow us to predict the changes in environmental contaminants, but do not provide the means of
evaluating the significance of the changes. Effect assessments provide us with information on the magnitude of
the effect on target organisms.

The practical difficulties in determining effects models for the target organisms that may be of particular
concern to a given EIA, often force the EIA practitioners to ignore biochemical aspects of the environment.
Simple physical models that make predictions of chemical concentrations based on transport and dilution are often
the best tool available in practice. These predictions of concentrations are usually compared against the published
environmental standards without regard to the actual effects on target organisms. The implicit assumption is that if
environmental standards are met, the environmental effects are not significant. This assumption is untested and
mounting evidence of environmental degradation seems to suggest otherwise.

Areas of Application

Table 4-8 provides examples of models available for exposure assessment in aquatic systems.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Table 4-8: Center for Exposure Assessment Software. DOS releases of selected CEAM software are available
through the World Wide Web (source: Internet - ftp.epa.gov/epa_ceam/wwwhtml/software.htm).

Model Name Description

CEAM information system The Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) of the U.S. EPA serves as the focal point for ORD's
Version 3.21 - May 95 multimedia exposure assessment modeling and ecological risk assessment activities. The CEAM Information
System (CEAMINFO) is a collection of reference and information documents and/or files that summarize CEAM
mission, activities, documentation, software products, assistance, support, and software product distribution.

CORMIX model Version Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) can be used for the analysis, prediction, and design of aqueous
3.20 - Dec 96 toxic or conventional pollutant discharges into diverse water bodies. The major emphasis is on the geometry and
dilution characteristics of the initial mixing zone -- including compliance with regulatory constraints -- but the system
also predicts the behavior of the discharge plume at larger distances. The system consists of three subsystems:
CORMIX1 for submerged single port discharges, CORMIX2 for submerged multiport diffuser discharges, and
CORMIX3 for buoyant surface discharges. Further information is available from Cornell University concerning
technical support available to users for the CORMIX model system, version 3.20, dated December 1996.

EXAMS model The Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) provides interactive computer software for formulating aquatic
Version 3.20 - Dec 96 ecosystem Models and rapidly evaluating the fate, transport, and exposure concentrations of synthetic organic
chemicals--pesticides, industrial materials, and leachates from disposal sites. EXAMS contains an integrated
Database Management System (dbms) specifically designed for storage and management of project databases
required by the software.

FGETS model system Food and Gill Exchange of Toxic Substances (FGETS) is a FORTRAN simulation model that predicts temporal
Version 3.0.18 - Sep 94 dynamics of fish whole body concentration (ug chemical/(g live weight fish)) of nonionic, nonmetabolized, organic
chemicals that are bioaccumulated from either: (a) water only - the predominant route of exchange during acute
exposures, or (b) water and food jointly - characteristic of chronic exposures.

FEMWATER model Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Water Flow Through Saturated-Unsaturated Media (3DFEMWATER) and
Version 1.00 - Jul 93 Three-Dimensional Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Model of Waste Transport Through Saturated-Unsaturated
Media (3DLEWASTE) are related and can be used together to model flow and transport in three dimensional,
variably-saturated porous media under transient conditions with multiple distributed and point sources/sinks..
3DFEMWATER is designed to simulate the movement of moisture through variably saturated porous media.
3DLEWASTE is designed to simulate solute transport through variably saturated porous media.

HSPF model Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) is a comprehensive package for simulation of watershed
Version 11.00 - Apr 97 hydrology and water quality for both conventional and toxic organic pollutants. HSPF incorporates watershed-scale
ARM and NPS models into a basin-scale analysis framework that includes fate and transport in one dimensional
stream channels. HSPF simulates three sediment types (sand, silt, and clay) in addition to a single organic chemical
and transformation products of that chemical.

MINTEQ model Version MINTEQA2, a geochemical equilibrium speciation model for dilute aqueous systems, is an update of MINTEQ that
3.11 - Dec 91 was developed by combining the fundamental mathematical structure of MINEQL with the thermodynamic data base
of WATEQ3. MINTEQA2 can be used to calculate the equilibrium composition of dilute solutions in laboratory or
natural aquatic systems. It can be used to calculate the mass distribution between dissolved, adsorbed, and multiple
solid phases under a variety of conditions.

MMSOILS model Version The Multimedia Contaminant Fate, Transport, and Exposure Model (MMSOILS) estimates the human exposure and
4.00 - Jun 97 health risk associated with releases of contamination from hazardous waste sites. The methodology consists of a
multimedia model that addresses the transport of a chemical in groundwater, surface water, soil erosion, the
atmosphere, and accumulation in the food chain. The human exposure pathways considered in the methodology
include: soil ingestion, air inhalation of volatiles and particulates, dermal contact, ingestion of drinking water,
consumption of fish, consumption of plants grown in contaminated soil, and consumption of animals grazing on
contaminated pasture.
The intended use of the exposure assessment tool is for screening and relative comparison of different waste sites,
remediation activities, and hazard evaluation. The methodology can be used to provide an estimate of health risks for
a specific site.

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Model Name Description

MULTIMED model Version The Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model (MULTIMED) for exposure assessment simulates the movement of
1.01 - Dec 92 contaminants leaching from a waste disposal facility. The model consists of a number of modules which predict
concentrations at a receptor due to transport in the subsurface, surface air, or air. To enhance the user-friendly nature
of the model, separate interactive pre- (PREMED) and post-processing (POSTMED) programs allow the user to
create and edit input and plot model output.

MULTIMDP model The Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model (MULTIMED) for exposure assessment simulates the movement of
Version 1.00 - Oct 96 contaminants leaching from a waste disposal facility. The MULTIMED model has been modified (MULTIMDP) to
simulate the transport and fate of first- and second-generation transformation (daughter) products that migrate from a
waste source through the unsaturated and saturated zones to a downgradient receptor well.

PRZM2 model Pesticide Root Zone Model - 2 (PRZM2) links two subordinate models, PRZM and Vadose Zone Flow and Transport
Version 2.00 - Oct 94 (VADOFT) to provide a deterministic simulation of the fate of agricultural pesticides in the crop root and underlying
unsaturated zone. PRZM2 can simulate multiple pesticides or pesticide parent-daughter product relationships, and
estimate probabilities of concentrations or fluxes in or from various media to perform exposure assessments.
PRZM/VADOFT codes are linked in PRZM2 using an execution supervisor that can build loading modules tailored to
site-specific situations.

PLUMES model Version PLUMES includes two initial dilution plume models (RSB and UM) and a model interface manager for preparing
3.00 - Dec 94 common input and running the models. Two farfield algorithms are automatically initiated beyond the zone of initial
dilution. PLUMES also incorporates the flow classification scheme of the Cornell Mixing Zone Models (CORMIX)
with recommendations for model usage, thereby providing a linkage between the systems. PLUMES models are
intended for use with plumes discharged to marine and some freshwater bodies. Both buoyant and dense plumes,
single sources, and many diffuser outfall configurations can be modeled.

PATRIOT model Pesticide Assessment Tool for Rating Investigations of Transport (PATRIOT) provides rapid analyses of ground water
Version 5.10 - Oct 93 vulnerability to pesticides on a regional, state, or local level. PATRIOT assesses ground water vulnerability by
quantifying pesticide leaching potential in terms of pesticide mass transported to the water table. It integrates a tool that
enables analysis of pesticide leaching potential with data required for area-specific analysis anywhere in the U.S.
PATRIOT is composed of: 1.pesticide fate and transport model (PRZM2), 2.comprehensive database, 3.interface that
facilitates database exploration, 4.directed sequence of interaction that guides user in providing necessary information
to perform alternative model analyses, and 5.user-selected methods of summarizing and visualizing results.

QUAL2EU model Version The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2E) is a steady state model for conventional pollutants in
3.22 - May 96 branching streams and well mixed lakes. It can be operated either as a steady -state or dynamic model and is
intended for use as a water quality planning tool. The model can be used to study impact of waste loads on instream
water quality and identify magnitude and quality characteristics of non-point waste loads.
The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model with Uncertainty Analysis (QUAL2EU) is an enhancement to the
QUAL2E model that allows the user to perform uncertainty analysis.

SWMM model Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) - comprehensive computer model for analysis of quantity and quality
Version 4.30- May 94 problems associated with urban runoff. Both single-event and continuous simulation can be performed on catchments
having storm sewers, or combined sewers and natural drainage, for prediction of flows, stages and pollutant
concentrations. Extran Block solves complete dynamic flow routing equations (St. Venant equations) for accurate
simulation of backwater, looped connections, surcharging, and pressure flow. Modeler can simulate all aspects of the
urban hydrologic and quality cycles, including rainfall, snowmelt, surface and subsurface runoff, flow routing through
drainage network, storage and treatment.

SMPTOX3 model Version U.S. EPA regulatory programs have sponsored development of an interactive computer program for performing
2.01- Feb 93 waste load allocations for toxics -- Simplified Method Program - Variable Complexity Stream Toxics Model
(SMPTOX3). It predicts pollutant concentrations in dissolved and particulate phases for water column and bed
sediments and total suspended solid. Separate simulation routines are provided for model calibration, waste load
allocation, and sensitivity analysis.

WASP model The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) is a generalized framework for modeling contaminant fate
Version 5.10 - Oct 93 and transport in surface waters. Problems studied using WASP framework include biochemical oxygen demand and
dissolved oxygen dynamics nutrients and eutrophication, bacterial contamination, and organic chemical and heavy

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Model Name Description

metal contamination.
Two WASP models are provided: Toxics, TOXI5, combines kinetic structure with WASP transport structure and
simple sediment balance algorithms to predict dissolved and sorbed chemical concentrations in the bed and overlying
waters; dissolved oxygen /eutrophication, EUTRO5, combines kinetic structure with WASP5 transport structure to
predict DO and phytoplankton dynamics affected by nutrients and organic material.

4.2.6 Sound and Noise

Conceptual Model

Sound is measured in terms of its intensity and frequency with decibel (dB) and hertz (Hz) as their units
of measurement respectively. Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Sound and noise may be emitted to the
environment from stationary sources (industry, equipment), road traffic and railways, aircraft operations, and
blasting. The emissions can result in changes in ambient sound and vibration levels as well as noise levels which
may adversely affect health and well being of people living and working in the vicinity of the noise source (Figure
4-15). While there are potential noise impacts on wildlife, this discussion focuses on the effects on people.

Figure 4-15: Summary cause-effect network of noise impacts.

Empirical models are available to measure sound and noise emissions from roads (considering vehicle
type, speed, and road gradient), stationary equipment and plants (considering plant equipment size, power rating.
rotation speed, and plant area) and for complex sources like airports. These models are usually integrated with
ambient sound and noise models.

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Basic Concepts

Noise Measures

Noise is comprised of small, very rapid fluctuations in air pressure to which the ear is quite sensitive. Sound
pressure levels are measured on a logarithmic scale in decibels (dB). On this scale 0 dB is the approximate
threshold for human hearing and 120 dB is the approximate threshold for pain. Not all sounds at the same decibel
levels are perceived to be equally loud as the human ear is less sensitive to some frequencies as others. Also people
perceive noise to be more intrusive the longer it persists, the more often it is heard, and the time of day it is heard.
A number of descriptors for noise have been developed to account for these factors, including (US Department of
Transportation, 1978):

1. Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) - the constant sound level which, in a given situation and time period,
conveys the same sound energy as does the actual time varying sound in the same period. The
equivalent sound level is the same as the average sound level.
2. Perceived Noise Levels (PNL) - a sound level in decibels by adjusting 1/3 octave band measured
levels to correspond to a subjective impression of noisiness.
3. Effective Perceived Noise Level (EPNdB) - a measure to estimate noisiness of a particular sound. It is
derived from instantaneous perceived noise level values by applying correction factors for pure tones
and the duration of the noise.
4. Sound Exposure Levels (SEL) - the level (dB) of sound experienced of a given time period.
5. Single Event Noise Exposure Levels (SENEL) - the level (dB) of sound experienced during a single
event (for example, passage of an aircraft).
6. A- Weighted Sound Levels - the measurement of sound approximating the auditory sensitivity of the
human ear (that is, efficient at medium and speech range frequencies). It is measured by an electric
weighting network that is progressively less sensitive to sounds below 1000 hertz and is the human

Table 4-9: Measures of noise exposure (source: US Department of Transportation, 1978).

Factor Noise Exposure Day -Night Average Composite Noise Composite Noise Time Above
Forecasts (NEF) Sound Levels Ratings Equivalent Levels Threshold (TA)
(Ldn) (CNR) (CNEL)

Basic measure of single event EPNdb SEL PNL SENEL Leq


Method of accounting for the Summation of energy Summation of energy None Summation of energy Summation of
duration of single event above a threshold above a threshold above a threshold energy above a

Time periods during which Night Night Night Evening None

single events are considered (22:00-07:00) (22:00-07:00) (22:00-07:00) (19:00-22:00)
more intrusive Night

Weighting applied to more Night - 12dB Night - 10dB Night - 10dB Evening - 5dB None
intrusive events Night - 10dB

Summation of contributions of Logarithmic Logarithmic Logarithmic Logarithmic Simple Additive

single events to estimate

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Factor Noise Exposure Day -Night Average Composite Noise Composite Noise Time Above
Forecasts (NEF) Sound Levels Ratings Equivalent Levels Threshold (TA)
(Ldn) (CNR) (CNEL)
Areas of Application Aircraft Noise Any Source Aircraft Noise Aircraft Noise Any Source

Noise Exposure Models

The choice of the appropriate measure is related to the specific situation. The Ldn was specifically
developed to consider the environmental effects of noise for any source and may be used to compare the noise
environment for different situations. For example, the Ldn might be used to compare the noise exposure
associated with an existing highway to that of a new airport.

For roads, models are available which have theoretical basis and which are calibrated in the field. There
are models for urban roads, waterways, and suburban roads. The models simply apply a variable number of
correcting factors, for example, traffic, road, environment, etc., to the curbside emission level to predict its
attenuation in the acoustic environment. The commonly used noise scales in road models are the Leq and L10
values as they are related to noise conveyance. Figure 4-16 is a sample graph for the attenuation of noise (Leq)
with distance from a road.

Figure 4-16: The attenuation of noise (Leq) with distance from a road (source: ERL, 1984)

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

Models for railway environments have the same format as road models, that is the trackside emission level
is corrected to predict the attenuation of sound over distance, although fewer correcting factors are applied. Both
noise scales and indices are used.

Because of the complexities in aircraft operations, airport models are computerized (for example, the US
Federal Aviation Authority's integrated noise models). Most of the noise exposure indices (NEF, Ldn, CNR,
SENEL and TA) are used in airport models. The corrected noise exposure level, noise exposure forecast, and
composite noise ratings are widely used in military airport studies. Time exposure units (for example, TA65-time
above 65dB) and total acoustic energy unit (for example, corrected noise exposure level) are used in aircraft

Comparison Against Acceptable Levels of Noise

The final step is the prediction of the effect on the target organism, in this case, people. It is not practical
to develop dose-response functions for people similar to ecotoxicological effects model. However, land use
compatibility guidelines have been developed for acceptable levels of noise (Figure 4-17). These are based on the
experience and perceptions of people in the United States. Developing countries may choose to develop other

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction

Figure 4-17: Land use compatibility guidelines for noise environment.

Summary of use of Noise Models in Developing Countries

STAMINA: STAMINA was developed for the Thonburi Road Extension Project in Thailand to forecast traffic

NOISECALC: The New York State Department of Public Services NOISECALC computer program was used to
predict noise impacts associated with the Mangalore Thermal Power Station project.

JICA Noise Model: The Masinloc Coal Fired Thermal Power project analysis used a noise model developed by
JICA based on a report undertaken for the Coal-Fired Thermal Electric Development Project in Luzon Island in
1990. The model considered the attenuation by distance, the effects of the barrier, and adsorption in the air. All
noise sources are assumed to be point noise sources with no directivity.

December 1997
Chapter 4: Approaches to Impact Prediction EIA for Developing Countries

4.3 References

Canter, Larry W. 1995. Cumulative effects and other analytical challenges in NEPA. draft paper, University of
Oklahoma, Norman Oklahoma.
Canter, Larry W. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment. second edition. McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
Inc., New York, NY. 660 pp.
Canter, Larry W. and Barry Sadler. 1997. A Tool Kit for Effective EIA Practice Review of Methods and
Perspectives on their Application. A Supplementary Report of the International Study of the Effectiveness of
Environmental Assessment. Environmental and Ground Water Institute, University of Oklahoma, Institute of
Environmental Assessment, UK and the International Association for Impact Assessment.
Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM). n.d. EXAMS Model System Abstract. National Exposure
Research Laboratory - Ecosystems Research Division Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. Athens, Georgia.
de Brossia, Michael. 1986. Selected Mathematical Models in Environmental Impact Assessment in Canada.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council. Hull, QC. 34 pp.
ERL (Environmental Resources Limited). 1984. Prediction in Environmental Impact Assessment, a summary
report of a research project to identify methods of prediction for use in EIA. Prepared for the Ministry of Public
Housing, Physical Planning and Environmental Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the
Government of Netherlands.
General Sciences Corporation. 1993. SWRRBWQ Windows Interface User's Guide: DRAFT. Office of Science
and Technology, Standards and Applied Science Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington,
Mckay, Donald, and Sally Peterson. 1993. Mathematical Models of Transport and Fate. in Ecological Risk
Assessment. ed. Glenn W. Suter II. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI. 538 pp.
Nicks, A.B., C.W. Richardson, and J.R. Williams. 1990. Evaluation of the EPIC Model Weather Generator.
EPIC - Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator Model Document. USDA. ARS. Technical Bulletin Number 1768:
Schultz International Ltd. 1993. An investigation of acidic deposition in Northern Thailand Draft Final Report.
Prepared for the Electrical Generating Authority of Thailand. Schultz International, Vancouver BC.
Suter, Glenn II. 1993. Exposure. in Ecological Risk Assessment. ed. Glenn W. Suter II. Lewis Publishers, Ann
Arbor, MI. 538 pp.
Thornton, Kent W., David Marmorek, Patrick Ryan, Kim Heltcher, and Don Robinson. 1990. Methods for
Projecting Future Changes in Surface Water Acid-Base Chemistry. Acid Deposition: State of Science and
Technology, Report 14. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. 162 pp.
U.S. Department of Transportation. 1978. Environmental Assessment Techniques - Notebook 2 of Guidance
Notebooks for the Environmental Assessment of Airport Development Projects. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC.
Walters, Carl. 1986. Adaptive Management of Renewable Resources. Macmillan. New York. 374 pp.
Westman, Walter E. 1985. Ecology, Impact Assessment, and Environmental Planning. John Wiley & Sons, New
York, NY. 532pp.
Williams, J. R., A. D. Nicks, and J. G. Arnold. 1985. Simulator for water resources in rural basins. J. Hydr.
Eng., ASCE 111(6): 970-986.

December 1997
Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

5.0 Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental Impact Assessment

Many kinds of uncertainty are present in economic development; for example, financial risk analysis
(such as, return on investment) has long been a part of management information. Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) provides the scope and much of the data for explicitly dealing with uncertainties relating to
environmental risks. This chapter reviews the nature of scientific uncertainties about the environment, and then
provides an introduction to the concept of, and methods for, Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). Rather than
being a separate assessment, ERA is an extension of EIA, undertaken when uncertainties are large and important
to project success.

The two major categories of risk are those to human health and those to ecosystem integrity. They are
sufficiently different that this chapter deals with them individually. Because of the emphasis in U.S. law, human
health risks from cancer are relatively well quantified compared with those from other diseases this warrants
yet another separation of methodologies. A primary use of ERA results, discussed here, is the comparison of
risks, their monetary costs, and the costs of emergency response or avoidance. Remaining issues in the
improvement of ERA are reviewed in each section.

5.1 The Nature of Uncertainty

Science is the activity of understanding the regularities of the universe and revealing the simple laws that
produce them. Prediction (for example, EIA) to guide human actions is also a primary goal of science, however
uncertainties interfere, causing what occurs to differ from what was expected. Scientific truth is always
somewhat uncertain, and information is characterized by kinds and degrees of doubt, change, and availability.

Ecological uncertainty is of two basic kinds: what is not known at all, and errors in what is known. The
latter type is a quantitative departure from the truth, and can sometimes be expressed statistically as a distribution
of a number of repeated measurements around a mean value. Other forms of quantitative uncertainty are
incomplete data, anecdotal data which is not gathered with a statistical design, inappropriate extrapolation, and
temporal and spatial variability of the measured parameter. Most important environmental problems, however,
suffer from true uncertainty that is, indeterminacy, or events with an unknown probability. Surprise is a
manifestation of uncertainty that, by definition, cannot be predicted. Totally unanticipated rapid and adverse
changes in ecosystems may arise from apparently unrelated policy or social events. Long-term effects sometimes
become evident only much after the original cause, and explanation may be confounded. For example, surprising
consequences in ecosystem behavior are likely as a result of rapid climate change, carbon dioxide fertilization, and
enhanced UV radiation. Ocean warming may bring larger and more frequent typhoons, previously unexperienced
by tropical coastal zones. Rare stochastic events such as large meteor impacts, major earthquakes, and large
volcanic eruptions provide another source of surprise. Multiple causes and nonlinear response are also sources of
unknowable outcomes.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Box 5-1: Chemical Time Bombs.

One example of surprise is the potential for chemical time bombs. Long lasting chemicals such as heavy metals and refractory organic
compounds may not be toxic or bio-available in the chemical combination or form in which they first are introduced into the biosphere. They
are thus ignored in conventional ecotoxicology. Accumulating in soils, sediments and groundwater, they can undergo transformations due to
changes in land use, climate, acidification, redox potential, and cation exchange capacity. The responses of biota to these pollutants is time-
delayed and nonlinear. ERA can provide an estimate of these risks.

Uncertainties have relative importance, depending on their size. Stochastic ity is the variation in response
of an ecosystem due to random, uncontrollable factors such as weather, and not to the stressor being studied. If
stochasticity is large, a smaller degree of error in measurement is not of much help, and the predictive power of
the EIA/ERA is limited.

Another source of uncertainty is bias resulting from measurement and sampling errors of the parameters
in a model. These may be reduced at some cost. Field operations, especially in developing countries, make
improvements difficult (see section 5.1.2).

Box 5-2: Sources of Uncertainties.

Uncertainties arise from:

lack of theory, explanatory paradigms, and basic understanding;

inadequate monitoring of parameters of environmental conditions;
sampling and analytical errors;
lack of baseline environmental data at a project site;
models that do not completely correspond to reality because they cannot consider all variables and must be simplified;
the novelty of technology, materials or siting;
inherent variation and stochastic events in complex natural systems; and
control and replication problems in ecological research.

Box 5-3: Types of Uncertainty Suggesting the Need for ERA.

Potential for leaks and spills Movement and fate of pollutants in the environment
Accident rate Dose/response relationships based on animal studies
Errors in human behavior Equipment and structural failure rate
Weather and storm events

5.1.1 Natural Variation

A familiar source of uncertainty is natural variation. Any signal that a change in condition is due to
human action is often hidden in the noise of natural changes in the value measured. For example, no statistically
significant change in the volume of water discharged by the Amazon River, or the amount of sediment delivered
from the deforested Rondonia region, has yet been detected. In this case, a signal that deforestation has altered the
hydrologic cycle or soil erosion rate in that basin is obscured by the high natural variability of rainfall. El Nio

December 1997
Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

events explain most of the occasional trends in the noise evident in the hundreds of river gauging stations.
Scientific research cannot decrease natural variability, but can certainly improve our ability to detect the cause-
effect signal.

5.1.2 Biophysical Measurements in the Field

Collecting statistically reliable data in the field in developing countries over a long period of time can be
problematic. Access to remote sites may be disrupted during rainy seasons. Political unrest, corrupt officials, and
guerilla activities intimidate researchers. Vandalism and theft deplete project equipment and supplies. Heat and
humidity, unreliable electric power, poor or nonexistent repair and maintenance facilities, and untrained manpower
reduce the effectiveness of sophisticated instruments.

Natural variation in rainfall, soil characteristics, crop yields, biomass productivity, and pest population
dynamics are a reality in EIA. The range of natural variability is usually between 100% and 1000%. Spatial
variation can be reduced by sampling a larger area or by using larger representative plots, more sample points, or
more transects. Temporal variation can be reduced by sampling more frequently or over longer time periods. Both
types of variation can be reduced by using a composite sample or by concentrating sampling in the area or period
of greatest variability. The detection of a change in one of these parameters due to some management practice or
action depends on the magnitude of the change compared with the magnitude of the natural variation the signal
to noise ratio. If this ratio is not greater than one, the large number of replicate samples required to give a 95%
confidence level is often too expensive or time consuming to be obtained.

Walters and Holling (1990) explain the necessity for continuous EIA and adaptive ecosystem

Almost by definition, the impacts will be the consequence of disturbances that are unlike any
natural system has yet experienced. . . . [T]he post-project system is a new system, and its
nature cannot be deduced simply by looking at the original one. If the project planning and
development sequence fundamentally incorporates adaptive assessment throughout all of its
stages, then the ecological response of both the old and the new systems will be studied. . . .
[A]ssessment merges into environmental management. . . . Environmental assessment should be
an ongoing investigation into, not a one-time prediction of, impacts (emphasis in the original).

5.1.3 Data Quality

The category of uncertainty that can most readily be reduced has to do with data quality. Determining
which parameters are most relevant to decisions affecting sustainability should focus on field investigations. Better
monitoring program design can make data collection more efficient and cost-effective; more use can be made of
prior similar studies and existing information. Decision makers should be involved in data quality management in
order to express their acceptable decision error rate, that is, the probability of making an incorrect decision based
on data that inaccurately estimate the true state of nature. Acceptable data quality depends on the decision for
which it is to be used and the comfort level demanded by the decision maker.

Accuracy is a combination of precision (standard deviation) and systematic errors (bias in

measurements). Other elements of quality are mean square error, representativeness, comparability and
completeness. Practical management decisions dictate the required degree of certainty. For example, if soil
building processes at a site suggest a tolerable soil loss rate of 7 +/- 3 tons/hectare/year, and soil erosion
measurements under the existing agricultural practice predicted in an EIA are 20 +/- 7 tons/ hectare/year, then a
clear signal of unsustainability is given, even with the uncertainty. Institutional aspects such as budget disruptions
and policy changes may also affect data quality by preventing time series from accumulating. All of these quality
aspects are, however, amenable to standardization and control.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Box 5-4: Statistical Analysis.

The null hypothesis is that human intervention (for example, a development project) causes no effect on the environment. A type I
error is to reject a true null hypothesis. A type II error is to accept a false null hypothesis. When uncertainty prevents both types of error
from being avoided, science traditionally prefers to minimize the risk of making a type I error. For example, if a development or regulatory
agency makes a type I error (that adverse change has occurred when none has), unnecessary protective or corrective expenses may be
incurred. More dangerous, however, is the usual total disregard of variance and the presentation of a single (expected, or mean) value as
a go - no go advisory from the impact assessor. This is misleading at best, and quite often will be disputed by subsequent events, earning
the assessor the future distrust of the decision maker. Uncertainty must be embraced and preserved by the analyst and communicated
clearly to the manager. Statistical power of a hypothesis test is the probability of avoiding the type II error; that is, accepting the null-no
effect when change has occurred. In contrast with the more familiar confidence, or the probability of avoiding the type I error (rejecting the
null when in fact there has been no change), power is seldom considered in designing monitoring programs. If the size of an impact is small
relative to natural variability, it will be difficult to detect with any degree of confidence. The probability of correctly concluding that change has
occurred is equally as important as knowing the confidence level, and may be preferred from an ethical standpoint.

Incidentally, the so-called 95% confidence limit often the minimum statistical significance required for scientific data to be taken
seriously needs to be understood by scientists and their clients for what it is: an artifact of arithmetic in normal distributions of sets of
repeated measurements. The probability is 0.95 that the next measured value will lie in an interval on the distribution between 1.96
standard deviations on either side of the mean. 95% of samples taken in the same way will yield confidence intervals that contain the true
mean. The coincidence of this interval being about ~2 standard deviations, and the comfort that decision makers seem to feel in being right
19 times out of 20, has given a false authority to this arbitrary formulation that is now widely accepted as a standard of certainty. Some
bench mark is required for expediency, however, and this one is useful.

Hypothesis Testing: Let us try to apply these arguments to EIA. Say that a parameter of environmental change or damage (D) exists such
that an acceptable development project or practice produces D 0. The null hypothesis is thus D = 0. A truth table like that below may be

State of Nature, Truth:

Null is true- no damage- Null is false- damage-

Project is acceptable Project is unacceptable
EIA Conclusion:
Do not reject null - Project is acceptable No Error Type II Error
Reject null - Project is unacceptable Type I Error No Error

Whether a management practice at a site is acceptable or not is akin to the question of safety, and safety (a negative concept - the absence
of harm) is not provable in a statistical study. The EIA should not reject the null hypothesis if it is true. The difficulty arises because the
rejection of a hypothesis is a strong statement, while evidence that favors the null hypothesis is regarded as confirmatory evidence but not
proof. The EIA finding that the project is acceptable really means that there is no evidence to indicate otherwise, and the finding should be
viewed with some suspicion. Calculating the power, or probability of a type II error takes more data gathering, and is much more difficult to
do, than calculating the confidence, or probability of a type I error. In contrast to confidence, power does depend on the magnitude of the
hypothesized change to be detected the larger the change, the larger the power. Increasing the number of sampling stations and
frequency of sampling can also increase power, but at some cost in time and effort. Analysis of variance in typical environmental problems
shows that the number of samples required to give a power of 0.95 increases rapidly if changes smaller than 50% of the standard deviation
are to be detected. Thus, the desired emphasis on avoiding type II error must be balanced against other opportunities to use limited scientific
resources to reduce uncertainty in achieving sustainability.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

5.2 Risk Assessment Deals Explicitly With Uncertainty

Risk assessment (RA) is the scientific method of confronting and expressing uncertainty in predicting the
future. Risk is (has the dimensions of) the chance of some degree of damage in some unit of time, or the
probability of frequency of occurrence of an event with a certain range of adverse consequences. These
probabilistic expressions, as opposed to a single (mean or expected) value, are what distinguish RA from mere
impact assessment. The irreducible uncertainties leave uncertain the calculated absolute value of a risk, often by as
much as an order of magnitude or more. Risk itself, therefore, should be expressed and communicated as a mean
plus its standard deviation, in addition to any upper bound or worst case calculation that may be used for purposes
of conservative policy.

Environmental risk assessment is the process of evaluating the likelihood of adverse effects in, or
transmitted by, the natural environment from hazards that accompany human activities. Some of the major
hazards associated with development projects are listed in Table 5-1. The effects from hazards may be on human
health, economic welfare, quality of life, and valued ecosystem components (VECs). The severity, or distribution
of the range of magnitude of the adverse effect (damage), is also evaluated.

Table 5-1: Major hazards associated with development projects.


Type of Project Toxic Flammable or Highly Reactive Extreme Conditions Large Mechanical Collision
Chemical Explosive or Corrosive of Temperature or Equipment
Material Metal Pressure

Refinery/Petrochemical X X X
Pesticide Manufacturing X
Fertilizer (N&P) X X X
Pulp and Paper X
Thermal Electric X X X
Oil and Gas Transport X X X
Heavy Chemicals X X
Light Chemicals X X
Smelting X X X X
Cement X X
Railroad X X X X
Highway X X X
Hazardous Waste X X X
Ports and Harbors X X X X X
Dam and Reservoir X X

In its rigorous form, ERA deals with the excess risk that anthropogenic risk in addition to normal
existing risks from natural variation and natural events. ERA also is limited to residual risk from the project being
assessed, assuming all existing installations are meeting environmental regulations. Natural disasters are recognized
as interacting with anthropogenic hazards to sometimes increase the risk from the latter, but natural disasters are
not usually the focus of ERA.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA) is a subset of ERA. It deals with the condition of ecosystems rather
than human health or individual organisms. The site, or ecosystem occurrence in geophysical terms, is analogous
to the person in human health ERA. EcoRA has a host of special problems (for example, choosing assessment
endpoints) that are well recognized and that add to the uncertainty of the results.

The communication of ERA results should take the form of decision analysis, that is, what options are
available and, for each option, what are the risks, costs, and benefits, and how are these distributed within
society. Proper comparison and communication can change laypeoples misperceptions of risks so participatory
decision making may proceed on a more rational, less emotional basis.

EIA is a prediction based on quantification of cause-effect relationships. The opportunities for variability
of data, only partial understanding of development activities and their consequences, and future surprises are
obvious. These uncertainties may not, however, be properly communicated to the decision maker since the
language of EIA often expresses an if, then finding without explicitly addressing the probabilities that are
implied. The EIA may use the average (mean) or expected value, or alternatively, a worst case value. The implied
choice may be conservative or optimistic, and is usually internally inconsistent. The use of mean values for
measurements of effects, when the actual data are widely scattered and/or skewed from a symmetrical bell-
shaped pattern, is also misleading. The correct and appropriate way to characterize data is to describe the
statistical distribution of a range of values and the confidence with which that range is held to be true. ERA makes
it practical to carry throughout the problem analysis, following the rules of probability theory, an expression of the
likelihood of all possible values of each parameter. ERA is also known as Probabilistic Risk Assessment and
Probabilistic Quantitative Risk Assessment. ERA informs managers and decision makers about the frequency and
severity of those adverse consequences to the environment caused by their activities or planned interventions. If
these officials are not comfortable with the predictions, changes (for example, using a different site or alternative
technology, implementing risk management or emergency response capability) can be made to mitigate or
eliminate the impact and to reduce the risk.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Box 5-5: History of Environmental Risk Assessment.

Technological risks began to be specifically analyzed during World War II in military operations research and thereafter in the nuclear
energy and space exploration fields. The concern was mainly with infrequent but catastrophic events. Since then, the number of severe
industrial accidents that have captured headlines has increased. At the same time, environmental concerns have become a central theme in
public policy discussions. Factory explosions, oil tanker spills, chemical tank car derailments, and petroleum product fires have generated a
public demand for prevention and a profound concern for victims and damage to the natural environment. Official responses have included:

1980- The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of the International Congress of Scientific Unions
published the landmark report Environmental Risk Assessment (Whyte and Burton, 1980).
1982- The European Economic Community issued the so-called Seveso Directive on potential industrial hazards, following a
serious dioxin release incident in Italy.
1984- The World Bank, after the Bhopal, India methyl isocyanate disaster, issued guidelines and a manual to help control major
hazard accidents (World Bank, 1985a, 1985b).
1987- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) compiled a report on risk assessment in the OECD
countries with sections on the nuclear industry, chemicals, petroleum processing, transportation of hazardous materials, and dam-reservoir
projects (Hubert, 1987).
1987- The much referenced [Brundtland] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development called for further
development of technology/risk assessment methodologies ... in pursuing sustainable development.
1990- The Asian Development Bank published Environmental Risk Assessment: Dealing with Uncertainty in EIA. (Carpenter et
al., 1990).
1992- Over fifty commercial banks signed a statement that, as part of their credit risk procedures for both domestic and international
lending, they would recommend EIA and ERA.

Box 5-6: Uses of ERA in development planning and management.

Land Use Planning

Zoning, restrictions, or exclusion distances to separate industry from residential areas
Siting of industrial park components; for example, landfills, incinerators
Transportation routing
Pollution Control Regulations
Standards setting
Design of monitoring systems
Strategies for cleanup of existing hazards
Allocation of Money and Effort for Risk Reduction
Emergency plans
Inspection schedules
Screening chemicals to set priorities
Addressing traditional vs. modern technological risks
Comparing alternative development pathways
Import vs. local manufacture
Different technologies or raw materials to yield the same goods and/or services

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

ERA is expensive and so is performed as a part of the EIA process only when uncertainties are large and
important for prudent decision making. There should be just one environmental assessment report. Figure 5-1
provides a generic illustration of probabilistic concentration of a toxic material that is the consequence of a
hypothetical scenario. When the concentration can be estimated with little error (small standard deviation from the
mean), the mean may be used to decide whether it exceeds the maximum allowable level; but when the error in
the estimate is large, a statistical expression is necessary to convey the risk of exceeding the maximum allowable

A hazard is a danger, peril, source of harm, or an adverse impact on people or property. Risk is an
expression of chance, a function of the likelihood of an adverse impact and the magnitude of its consequences.

Figure 5-1: Generic illustration of probabilistic concentration of toxic material that is the consequence of a
hypothetical scenario. In a) uncertainty is small and an EIA is adequate; in b) uncertainty is large
and ERA should be considered to aid in decision-making. Upper curves are probability density
functions (the area under the curve between the horizontal axis coordinates is the probability that
the actual parameter value lies between those coordinates), and the lower curves are the probability
distributions (the vertical axis coordinate for the curve is the probability that the actual parameter
value is greater than the horizontal axis coordinate). (source: Carpenter et al., 1990).

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Box 5-7: Screening.

While when to do ERA is a matter of judgement, some typical hazards to the environment (and their subsequent impacts) suggest the need
for ERA. These include:

toxic, flammable, or explosive materials (while most ERAs of development projects deal with hazardous materials, the screen test here
is how much of the chemical is present at any one time, and how hazardous is it, usually in terms of toxicity to humans (see Table 5-2));
large and complex mechanical equipment or controls;
extreme conditions of temperature or pressure;
transportation accidents;
natural disasters interacting with technological installations; and
large, rapid changes to valuable ecosystems.

Table 5-2: Chemicals requiring priority attention in developing countries.

Metals: Cadmium, Chromium (Hexavalent), Lead, Mercury

Pesticides: DDT, Arsenicals, Paraquat
Solvents: Trichloroethylene, Perchloroethylene, Benzene
Cyanide (metal processing wastes)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC): Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachloride
Highly Toxic Organic Intermediates: Aniline, Phosgene
Bulk Chemicals: Chlorine, Ammonia

5.3 Performing ERA

ERA addresses four questions:

What can go wrong to cause adverse consequences?

What is the probability of frequency of occurrence of adverse consequences?
What are the range and distribution of the severity of adverse consequences?
What can be done, at what cost, to manage and reduce unacceptable risks and damage?

EIA should answer the first question, and give at least a qualitative expression of the magnitude of the
impacts. The major additional consideration in ERA is the frequency of adverse events. Risk management is
integrated into ERA because it is the attitudes and concerns of decision makers that set the scope and depth of the
study. ERA attempts to quantify the risks to human health, economic welfare, and ecosystems from those human
activities and natural phenomena that perturb the natural environment.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

The five step sequence in performing ERA is:

1. hazard identification - sources of adverse impacts;

2. hazard accounting - scoping, setting the boundaries of the ERA;
3. scenarios of exposure - how the hazard might be encountered;
4. risk characterization - likelihood and severity of impact damage; and
5. risk management - mitigation or reduction of unacceptable risk.

5.3.1 Step 1 - Hazard Identification

This step, which is akin to the qualitative prediction of impacts in EIA, begins to answer the question
What can go wrong? It lists the possible sources of harm, usually identified by experience elsewhere with
similar technologies, materials, or conditions. This is, in fact, a preliminary risk assessment, immediately useful to
managers in appraising the project or activity upon which they are embarking.

Hazardous chemicals are a major topic for ERA. Elaborate screening procedures have been devised to
judge when a chemical merits full investigation (Carpenter et al., 1990). The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the World Bank issue threshold guidelines based on frequently revised lists of highly toxic
chemicals. These thresholds indicate the amounts of each chemical, if present at any one location, that trigger risk
assessment and emergency planning. Similar quantity-related guidelines are issued for highly reactive and
flammable materials.

5.3.2 Step 2 - Hazard Accounting

In the second step, ERA a) considers the total system of which the particular problem is a part, b) begins
to answer questions about the frequency and severity of adverse impacts, and c) sets the practical boundaries for
the assessment. Much of the hazard accounting will be covered during the scoping of the EIA. For example, a
hazardous chemical may pose a risk in any stage of its life cycle, that is, from mining/refining or synthesis
through manufacturing, processing and compounding, to storage and transportation, to use and misuse, and
finally, to post-use waste disposal or recycling.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-2: Generic flow cycle for hazardous chemicals. Any of the stages may involve suboperations of
packaging, storage and transportation (source: Smith et al., 1988). During the hazard accounting
step, it is decided which parts of the flow cycle are appropriate to be included in the ERA
(dependant on the management questions being asked).

Risk managers must state their concerns and indicate possible linkages of operations to mitigation
measures. Some of the scoping choices to be made are:

geographic boundaries;
time scale of impacts;
stages of the causal chain of events;
phase or phases of the technological activity;
whether to include routine releases or just accidents;
whether to include workers or just the general population;
definitive end points for health or ecosystem effects; and
cumulative effects and interactive risks that result from other projects.

The scope should include the social and natural systems around a project, not just a single pollutant path.
For example, it would be wrong to assess the risk posed by small concentrations of halomethanes produced
incidentally to the chlorination of drinking water without comparison of the risks to the same public from not
killing the pathogenic organisms with chlorine.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

The time covered should include all phases of an activity where risk is important, not just the operational
period. Construction, maintenance and dismantling may pose special hazards. For example, it is well known that
the Chernobyl nuclear reactor was being tested, and normal safety systems were disabled, at the time of the
disaster. Toxic effluents such as heavy metals may circulate for a long time and nuclear wastes may have half
lives of thousands of years. It is common practice to look at least one lifetime (about 75 years) into the future.
The important point is that the time horizon should be consciously chosen and recorded as one of the assumptions
of the ERA.

A causal chain for a risk may stretch from an original decision to satisfy some wants and needs, through
the choice of technologies, to adverse events, to exposure conditions, and finally to health impacts. In a sense, the
Bhopal accident originated with Indias desire to be self sufficient and to invite the local manufacture (incidentally
by a multinational concern) of pesticides necessary for the protection of food crops. Such a comprehensive
analysis of all related human activities is difficult and infrequently attempted.

5.3.3 Step 3 - Scenarios of Exposure

No exposure means no risk, so experiential or imaginative constructions (models) are made of how the
hazard might be encountered. For the environmental pathway, the bodily dose/response calculation is only one
step. Knowledge of earlier parts of the exposure sequence can reveal chances to reduce risk. For example, a toxic
chemical may ultimately poison people when inhaled, but ERA seeks information on:

the type, amount, location, and storage conditions of the chemical (an inventory);
releases to the environment, whether deliberate or accidental;
how people are exposed and for how long;
ambient concentrations;
the actual bodily dose; and then
the physical condition of specific victims that might affect how they respond.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-3: The relationship between quantity, emissions, environmental considerations, human exposures,
doses, and health effects. At each step, different units and techniques of measurement are used
with differing degrees of reliability and specificity. A complete understanding of the risk
represented by a pollutant and the potential ways to manage it would entail exploring all the links
shown. In practice, lack of data, time or money substantially limit the direct relationship with
human health (source: Carpenter et al., 1990).

Reasonable sequences of events and environmental pathways by which the source of harm could impact
health and welfare, including the condition of ecosystems, are devised. For example, a toxic chemical might move
from any point in its life cycle through air, water, plants, animals, or soil to cause an exposure by skin contact,
inhalation or ingestion (see Figure 5-4).

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Figure 5-4: Exposure pathways (source: Carpenter et al., 1990)

Accident scenarios and their likelihood are analyzed with methods that evolved from the nuclear energy
industry. Hazard and Operability Studies (HazOps) investigate deviations from the intent of engineering design. A
multidisciplinary team identifies all credible accident scenarios using detailed design information, operating
characteristics, and actual operating experience with engineering components and systems.

The Fault Tree procedure begins with an accident and determines with reverse analysis the equipment
failures or events that could have led to it. The Event Tree procedure begins with a component failure and follows
a forward analysis to determine if a major accident could result. Figure 5.5 illustrates the differences between
the two approaches and also how they can be used in a complementary manner. Maintenance of publicly available
data bases on industrial accidents is carried out by the European Economic Community, the U.S. EPA, and the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-5: Event and fault trees are approaches to schematically breaking down complex systems into
manageable parts for which failure rates or other risk-related data can be found. It is thus
possible to construct some idea of the failure rate and resultant risk of a large, complex, and new
entity, such as a chemical plant, even if no data about its performance exist. This example
shows the differences between the two approaches and also how they can be used in a
complementary manner (source: Smith et al., 1988).

Fault Tree Analysis

During hazard analysis the sequence of events which could lead to hazardous incidents is set out. The
likelihood of the incident is then quantified. Fault tree analysis plays a key role in this part of the risk assessment.

Fault tree analysis is normally used to evaluate failures in engineering systems. The analysis provides a
graphical representation of the relationships between specific events and the ultimate undesired event (sometimes
referred to as the top event). For example, the ultimate undesired event might be a large fire for which the
preceding events might be both spilling a large quantity of flammable liquid and introducing a source of ignition.
Fault tree analysis allows systematic examination of various materials, personnel, and environmental factors
influencing the rate of system failure.

The method also allows for the recognition of combinations of failures, which may not otherwise be
easily discovered. The fault tree analysis is sufficiently general to allow both qualitative and quantitative estimates
of failure probabilities within the analysis. A typical fault tree is given in Figure 5-6. Figure 5-7 is an example of a
fault tree applied to biotic systems.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Figure 5-6: A fault tree.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-7: A fault tree analysis applied to biotic systems (source: Barnthouse et al., 1986).

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Development of Fault Tree Logic

An initial step in fault tree analysis is to organize the fault tree study according to the particular risk
assessment being carried out. For a particular hazardous event, it is important that the analysis be broad enough to
include all identifiable initiating events yet it must also retain a balanced depth. These concepts are examined

Initiating events fall into three broad categories operator error, equipment failure, and external events.
Generally, the analysis of operator error and equipment failure receives thorough attention and can be considered
one of the more reliable stages in risk assessment. The main difficulty is consideration of external events
events which, although external to the plant or operation under consideration, nevertheless have an impact upon it.
They range from catastrophic natural events such as earthquakes or floods to less severe events such as lightning
strikes. Local events, such as incidents at a nearby process unit and loss of main power, are also included.

Simple external events are often missed. For example, there may be no analysis of release of hydrogen
if there is no realization that a hydrogen pipeline located beside a main road will be exposed to vehicular impact.
Thus, whenever possible, the assessor should visit the site under consideration to ensure that the more obvious
initiating events have been taken into account. Visits to similar plants can help in the assessment of new designs.

Quantification of Fault Trees

Once the various initiating events have been identified, the risks of occurrence of hazardous events must
be quantified. Ideally, the assessor identifies the various initiating events, consults a list of probabilities, and inserts
the numbers into the calculations. In practice, the assessor identifies the events, finds the best data available,
ponders the question What seems reasonable?, comes to an expert judgment, and inserts the numbers into the

One uncertainty which should be resolved at an early stage is the degree to which the numbers are based
on historical data rather than expert judgment. It is, therefore, important that the source for each number is clearly
set out to enable some judgment to be made of its reliability. This balance between historical data and judgment
depends very much on the installation/operation under consideration. In some cases there will be a wealth of
operational experience available for a substantial database; in other cases historical data will be lacking
however, even for relatively untried operations, data for the initiating events (for example, valve failure) can often
be readily transferred from other fields of experience. Failure rate data shown on fault trees should be supported
by a narrative to justify particular values.

Obvious guidelines for checking the quantification of fault trees can be formulated. The simplest is that if
the predicted overall likelihood of a major accident far exceeds historical experience then one should either look
carefully at the assessment for any special hazardous features of the operation or question the reliability of the
figures used. Conversely, low likelihood figures (say, less than 10-6 yr-1 , one chance in a million per year) should
be regarded with suspicion either because some initiating events could have been missed or because some of the
figures used are optimistic.

For a hazardous event to happen, a precursor event often must occur with a failure of operator response
(for example, the operator does not act in time to avert the accident, or protective equipment does not operate on
demand). A common fault in hazard analysis is to ascribe a high probability for accident prevention once the
precursor event has occurred. This often reflects a lack of thought about what personnel will do under conditions
which pose a grave threat to their personal safety. Even if emergency shutdown buttons are sited close to highly
reactive chemical processes, they may not be activated once the chemical process starts to go out of control,
especially if personnel panic and rush away from the area.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Uncertainty in Hazard Analysis

The major uncertainties in hazard analysis are the ability of the analyst to include all important initiating
events and the reliability of the figures used to quantify likelihood. Several points should be noted concerning these
uncertainties, including:

1. The magnitude of the final likelihood figures for hazardous events provides an immediate indication
of whether all initiating events have been considered. As a broad generalization, if the predicted
likelihood of a hazardous event, to which many different initiating events may contribute, is much
below 10-6 yr-1 , the chances are some initiating events have been missed. This is based on practical
observation in Western Europe of the likelihoods of failures of well-engineered structures and of
major natural disasters. This is not to say, however, that events with lower predicted likelihoods
should be excluded from analysis.

2. The probability distribution associated with particular events is a second concern. Say a bank of
data on equipment failures gives a statistical confidence that a particular failure rate is 2 0.5 x 10-4
yr-1 . One could therefore use a figure of 2 x 10-4 yr-1 with confidence in a best estimate approach
and 2.5 x 10-4 yr-1 in a conservative approach. Clearly the results of both approaches would be

3. Precision and accuracy is the third concern. It should be clear by now that results of the form 2.56 x
10-3 yr-1 immediately convey a lack of appreciation of the uncertainties inherent in quantification. In
short, precision of better than a few percent is worthless. In terms of overall accuracy, one should
be wary of claims that an accuracy of much better than an order of magnitude has been achieved.

4. There is the issue of operator error, for which data do exist. A routine error rate of one in 1000 is
often used for situations where it does not apply. For example, an operator and a supervisor are
claimed to have a combined probability of failure of 10-6 (1/1000 x 1/1000). This is spurious since
the two are not independent; the supervisor will tend to assume that the operator is competent and so
will not be expecting errors. A combined failure probability of 10-4 (1/1000 x 1/10) is more realistic.
Also, operator error rates under abnormal conditions can be much higher than one in a 1000.

5. Finally, one must consider the operability of protective instrumentation and equipment. A proper
design philosophy is that control and protective items should be independent. Thus, instruments
which control the temperature of a reaction should not be used to sound the alarm for high
temperature since one initiating event, temperature control failure, will also fail the warning system.

It is important when quantifying the hazard to ensure that the events which are being awarded
independent probability/likelihood values are in fact independent. Another fault encountered is the evaluation of
complex protective instrumentation, which incorporates several redundant systems to give a high reliability, in
which no allowance is made for common mode failure. Such failures include a loss of main power or pneumatic
pressure which could disable the entire protective system.

5.3.4 Step 4 - Risk Characterization

Methodically observing or estimating the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of impacts for each
scenario can produce curves as illustrated in Figure 5-8, plotting the probability of frequency of adverse events of
a given severity vs. the severity per event (for example, the number of fatalities). Known as F/N curves, they
present the how often and how bad aspects of risk. As shown in Figure 5-9, the integral under the curve is

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

not the whole story. Hypothetical project (or technology) A has a lower mean risk than does B (for example, spill
and fire from a tank truck in transit), but A also has a larger probability of a catastrophic accident (for example,
explosive dispersion of a toxic material in a highly populated area). There is no objective way to combine these
two criteria and different societies or individuals will make different choices between the two. However, the
explicit depiction of risk is valuable information.

Figure 5-8: Risk is a function of frequency of occurrence of adverse events and the magnitude of their
consequence. Note that while risk deals with uncertainty, there is also uncertainty in the
expression of risk due to the variability of data used to estimate frequency and severity.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-9: Risk distribution for two hypothetical alternative industrial facilities. Plant A has lower mean risk
(expected value of damage) than Plant B. Plant A, on the other hand, has considerably larger
probability (although still small) of causing a large accident that kills many people. There is no
objective way to combine these two criteria (expected value and distribution), and different
groups of people will make different choices (source: Carpenter et al., 1990).

Risk may also be indicated by the breadth and shape of the distributions or probability densities of the
severity values (see Figure 5-10). If the standard deviation is small and the distribution approximately log-normal
(bell-shaped), the mean can adequately represent the impact. If the standard deviation is large and there is a
pronounced positive skew (tail) with low frequency but high severity outcomes, an expression of this risk and a
more thorough investigation are warranted.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Figure 5-10: Plots of Probability Density Functions (PDF) (source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
1997). The probability that a variable will have a value within a small interval around x can be
approximated by multiplying f(x) (that is, the value of y at x in a PDF plot) by the width of the

Even a qualitative presentation of risk is useful (see Figure 5-11). It is obvious that whenever frequent
occurrence is combined with catastrophic or critical severity, the risk must be reduced if the project is to
proceed. Occasional or infrequent adverse events that have only negligible or marginal consequences may be
acceptable because of the benefits of the project or activity. See Section 5.6 for an application using expert
judgment to express relative risk when quantification is not possible.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-11: Risks may be categorized on the basis of their frequency of occurrence and severity of
consequences or damage (source: Carpenter et al., 1990).

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Risk characterization facilitates the judgment of risk acceptability. Risks to health are typically
characterized in terms of:

exposure period;
potency of a toxic material;
number of persons involved;
quality of models;
quality of data, assumptions, and alternatives;
the uncertainties and confidence in the assessment; and
appropriate comparisons with other risks.

Useful risk characterization expressions include:

probability of the frequency of events causing some specified number of prompt fatalities (for
example, equipment failure releasing toxic gas that kills ten or more people is estimated to occur
every fifty years);
annual additional risk of death for an individual in a specified population (for example, one in a
number of excess deaths per million people from a lifetime exposure (for example, 250 people in the
exposed population);
annual number of excess deaths in a specific population (for example, living within a certain distance
from a hazard); and
reduction in life expectancy due to chronic exposure, or chance of an accident.

Figures 5-12 through 5-14 are examples of different means of characterizing risk.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-12: Hypothetical estimate of probability density function for number of persons affected per year
from accidental releases of toxic gas stored at an industrial facility. Each bar represents a
scenario within the range on the horizontal axis indicating the estimated ranges of adverse effects
per year for that scenario. The area of the bar is the estimated probability that the scenario will
occur in any given year. Note that scenarios may overlap and that gaps will occur (source:
Carpenter et al., 1990).

Figure 5-13: Probability per year of an average individual being severely injured.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Figure 5-14: Health risk ladder.

Box 5-8: The psychology of risk acceptability.

Risk comparisons must be carefully chosen because risk acceptability decreases markedly when:

risks are involuntary or controlled by others;

the consequences are feared and delayed;
the benefits and risks are inequitably distributed;
the project is unfamiliar and involves complex technology;
children are threatened; and
basic human needs (clean air, drinking water, food) are at risk.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Whyte and Burton (1980) suggest the following comparisons to interpret the findings of ERA (see
Figure 5-15):

elevation of the risk above the natural background level;

risk of alternative actions to achieve the same goal;
other familiar risks; and
benefits of continuing the project and taking the risk.

Figure 5-15: Alternative yardsticks for measuring risk (source: Whyte and Burton, 1980).

5.3.5 Step 5 - Risk Management

The communication of ERA results should take the form of decision analysis; that is, what options are
available, and for each option what are the risks, costs, and benefits, and how are these distributed within society.
Proper comparison and communication can actually change laypeoples misperceptions of risks so participatory
decision making may proceed on a more rational, less emotional basis. Risk management is the use of ERA results
to mitigate or eliminate unacceptable risks. It is the search for alternative risk reduction actions and the
implementation of those that appear to be most cost-effective. Most human activities are undertaken for obvious
and direct benefits and risks are intuitively compared with these benefits. Avoiding one risk may create another
(risk transference); net risk is a consideration facilitated by ERA. There are strong reiteration and feedback
between risk management and hazard accounting because a) changes in the scope of the ERA may be necessary
to fully answer the questions of management, and b) relatively simple changes in the project may alter the hazard
and reduce risk (for example, different siting).

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

5.4 Human Health Risk Assessment Methods

5.4.1 Exposure and Dose

From the scenarios of exposure it is possible to estimate the amount of a toxin that affects any one
person or a population. The procedure varies with the mechanism of exposure; that is, ingestion in food or water,
inhalation, or through the skin. For example, the concentration of a toxin in air is calculated as mg/m3 , or it may
be converted to an inhaled dose, mg/kg/day, by dividing by 70 kg (an assumed body weight) and multiplying by
20 m3 /day (an assumed human inhalation rate). Published reference concentrations or daily doses are then used
for comparison with the measured values to estimate risk. Oral exposure for drinking water is measured in
mg/kg/day of intake, and the risk is compared with animal-derived data for a safe concentration (or reference
intake that is safe). The concentration in the drinking water supply is measured in mg/l, and then compared with a
safe concentration which is calculated as follows:

safe concentration (mg/l) = reference intake dose (mg/kg/day) x 70kg / 2 l/day

2l/day is assumed to be the amount of water a person uses. All of these individual assumptions need to be
adjusted for specific groups and life styles.

Similarly, diet patterns can yield estimates of a dose by studying the amount of a certain food that is eaten
and the concentration of the contaminant in that food. Reference safe concentrations (RfC) and doses (RfD) are
available from the World Health Organization. The risk assessor must carefully link exposure pathways and
personal habits to estimate a dose and consequently a risk of daily continuous or one time exposure.

5.4.2 Cancer

The U.S. EPA has sponsored the development of methods for estimating the additional risk of an
individual contracting cancer from exposure to some human-introduced carcinogen in the environment. Several
hundred chemical compounds have been tested in animals. The procedure is to expose a group of test animals to
high (maximum tolerated) dosage levels (by inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption) of the suspected carcinogen
for a period of time (usually the animals normal lifetime). Post mortem inspection of each test animal is made for
tumors or malignant neoplasms.

The percentage (probability) of animals developing cancer at each dosage level is recorded. The slope of
this curve is then extrapolated to the low doses expected to be encountered by human beings who may be
exposed to the chemical. Various assumptions are made as to the shape of the extrapolated dose-response curve
as it approaches zero dose and zero response (for example, whether a threshold exists or not). The slope becomes
a unit cancer risk factor, or potency, expressed in terms of (mg/kg/day)-1 , or risk per unit dose (risk per
mg/kg/day). For example, the route specific unit risk for inhalation exposure equals risk per concentration unit in
air equals risk per microgram/m3 . The assessor measures the actual concentration at the point of exposure and
then calculates the risk from potencies published by the U.S. EPAs Health Effects Assessment Summary
Tables, or by international groups such as the World Health Organization.

5.4.3 Dose x Potency = Risk

When the unit cancer risk factor is multiplied by a dose to an individual, expressed as mg/kg/day, the
units cancel and the resulting number is the additional risk to the individual (chance or probability) of contracting
cancer during a lifetime of exposure at that dose level to the toxic agent in question. This is an excess risk over
the sum of all other risks of contracting cancer (one in three). If, for example, a lifetime exposure of a person to a
carcinogenic material in the environment is calculated to yield an added risk of 1 x 10-4 , then the new total cancer
risk for that person is 0.3334. This is a small additional risk, but it is important to determine. Individuals are

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

exposed to many natural and artificial carcinogenic substances, some of which are highly potent. Many naturally
occurring substances in food are more carcinogenic than are the contaminants from industrial chemicals (Ames
and Gold, 1990). It is assumed that risks are additive unless there is strong evidence for synergism or antagonism.
Some exposures of the general public are involuntary (for example, polluted air) and not avoidable by individual
choice. Such risks, no matter how small, are generally not acceptable because they are perceived to be
unaccompanied by any benefit, and people often feel helpless to avoid them.

The expressed risk of contracting cancer is not the same as the risk of death. All cancers are not
ultimately fatal. Toxic substances cause tumors at various sites in the body and different cancers have different
mortality rates. About 50% of cancer patients survive at least five years. One of four deaths in the U.S. is caused
by cancer; thus the overall risk of death by cancer there is 0.25. Developing country statistics may be somewhat
different. The World Health Organization is helping other nations in beginning to assemble locally applicable data.
Most developing country people will soon live in megacities, and, as a result, their health problems will change
(that is, diseases such as cholera, malaria and tuberculosis will be exacerbated by heart disease, AIDS and
cancer). A major health hazard will be the epidemic of smoking-related diseases in PRC and other developing
countries. This is expected to account for 10% of all deaths and disabilities by the year 2020 (World Health
Organization, 1996).

Another useful way of expressing risk is the annual cancer incidence due to exposure to some specific
carcinogen; that is, the additional number of new cases of cancer in a population each year. This carcinogen-
specific incidence depends on the number of people exposed to varying concentrations of that carcinogen. The
U.S. EPA (1990) has made estimates for the American population for a number of cancer-causing agents.

5.4.4 Noncancer Diseases

Risks of contracting diseases other than cancer from exposure to toxic agents in the environment are also
estimated using a potency factor called a reference dose (RfD) or reference concentration (RfC); that is, the
maximum daily exposure unlikely to cause deleterious health effects. The RfD is derived from animal test data as
described earlier. Because of the variety of effects short of death that are associated with diseases other than
cancer, morbidity categories also are established for comparing health effects:

Observable - these effects are detectable but may not show a disability (for example, in the level of
an enzyme or low weight gain in infants).
Serious - development or behavioral abnormalities and/or dysfunction of an organ.
Catastrophic - prompt death or shortened life, severe disability.

An average reasonable exposure scenario (not a worst case) for the general population is usually chosen
for the risk characterization. In some instances, a specially identified subpopulation may be exposed differently
and its risk assessed separately. An exposure from a maximum plausible accident may sometimes be included to
test the sensitivity of a scenario.

5.5 Comparative Risk Analysis

All societies have become aware that there are more requests for government actions and expenditures
for public health and safety than there are revenues to pay for them. Some method of allocating available
resources, not only money but also personnel and management attention, is essential. Since health and safety are
sensitive political issues, choices and priority decisions are often made in response to alarming events and
perceived risks. Decisions in these circumstances can result in wasted resources, unjustified fears, and social
disruption. The products of ERA have been presented and used in several ways. In 1990, the U.S. EPA published
Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection. Here, the idea of comparing

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similar risks, again on the basis of more-or-less absolute calculated values, was efficiency in government. The
goal is to get the most risk reduction per dollar through risk-based strategic planning.

Although this could work fairly well for comparing sources of one kind of risk say cancer it is less
useful in allocating priorities among different diseases or between health and ecosystems risks.

Another, older, use of the term comparative risk assessment involves the comparison of quite varied risks
to human health. These are usually risks evaluated from empirical statistics. Lists are presented, of increasing or
decreasing order, comparing risks to longevity as dissimilar as going skiing, being unmarried, and eating peanut
butter. This misapplication of RA was recognized as long ago as 1980; compared risks must be strictly similar.

Comparative risk assessment is now seen as a tool for more rational and effective environmental
management. A risk-based strategy can show which actions will result in the most risk reduction per unit
expenditure and which uncertainties are most important for additional scientific study.

5.5.1 Criteria for Comparative Ranking of Health Risks

The large uncertainties in risk assessment preclude reliance on the absolute quantitative risk numbers that
are generated. For example, a scenario may produce an estimated exposure dose to a population, which, when
multiplied by a unit cancer risk factor, infers that 100 excess cancer cases may be expected due to a specific
carcinogen. This is based on the so-called 95% confidence limit, upper bound estimate, which contains various
conservative assumptions, so that it is certain not to be exceeded in more than one in 20 incidences.

Carrying through all uncertainties might produce a wide calculated range (from example, from two to two
hundred cases), that also might not be normally distributed; perhaps having a median value of ten, but with a tail
of low frequency/high consequence events. The 100 value is far to the high side of the distribution of possible
values. It alerts users of the ERA to remotely possible, very bad news, but does not remind them of the usual
outcome. This highlights the need to provide both values.

If consistent assumptions and models are carefully used for different scenarios, carcinogenic substances,
and populations, a comparison among the similarly calculated risks is a valid way of ranking risks. Uncertainties
tend to cancel out. There can be confidence in estimating the relative future risk of a project scheme that is
revised in order to reduce risk. A difference of at least an order of magnitude (for example, a hundred versus ten
calculated cases) is significant management information. All else being equal, more risk-reduction attention should
be devoted to the scenario that yields a calculated hundred cases than to the scenario that yields ten. If the
difference is less than a power of ten, other factors in the environmental problem analysis may dominate the
choice of action to be taken.

Despite these limitations, it is necessary to loosely anchor comparative (higher or lower) risk rankings to
an absolute scale. This can avoid absurdities such as a) ranking a risk of 10-8 excess cancer cases as higher than a
risk of 10-9 when both are de minimus (trivial), or b) arguing whether to reduce a 10-3 risk or a 10-2 risk when
both need urgent attention.

Throughout the world, different communities have adopted generally similar absolute values for
acceptable risks to human life from involuntary, technology-caused, anthropogenic hazards. Lifetime excess risks
greater than 10-4 (one in 10,000) for the individual are considered high and unacceptable. Excess risks less than
10-6 (one in a million) are low and acceptable de minimus in legal terms the law does not deal with
trivialities. As a reference, the risk of being struck by lightning is about one in a million in the U.S. For excess
risks of between 10-6 and 10-4 , decisions as to whether to take reduction action are based on additional
considerations such as direct project benefits or costs of avoidance.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

For non-cancer disease risks, the ratio of the exposure dose to the reference dose determines
acceptability because the latter is set by definition presumably to prevent the risk of unacceptable health damage,
that is, < 10-4 . If the ratio is < one, the risk is acceptable. The likelihood of exposure and the type of endpoint
(morbidity or death) considered by the RfD are also factors in acceptability.

5.5.2 Risk - Cost - Benefit

The effectiveness and efficiency of risk management depend on deploying limited resources where they
are most needed. Comparing risks and the costs of their reduction is a valuable decision tool. For example,
hazardous waste sites are perceived by many citizens as posing a high health risk, and large expenditures are made
to clean them up. Yet, when quantitative probabilistic risk assessment is performed on these sites they usually turn
out to be relatively low threats. This is because, in most cases, the chance of exposure is slight due to isolation
from drinking water supplies and prevention of access. In contrast, the risk from indoor air pollutants is found to
be relatively high and worthy of greater reduction efforts than the public might demand. People spend most of
their time indoors, often in poorly ventilated areas, exposed to vapors of hazardous household products, to second
hand tobacco smoke, and, in some locations, to radon.

Finding a small residual risk does not mean the management activities that have brought the risk down
should be decreased, although they should be reviewed for cost effectiveness. It is the further expense of
reducing the small residual risk that is subject to question. For example, in the case of public water supply in most
Western countries, the low risk is testimony to good sanitation and water treatment practices. But, often proposed
drastic and expensive measures necessary to remove trace amounts of pesticides that may pose only a small
residual risk should be judged against other opportunities for protecting public health.

Cost effectiveness may be illustrated by calculation of the cost per life saved. For example, the banning
by law of unvented kerosene fueled space-heaters cost $100,000/premature death averted, whereas regulations
keeping petroleum refinery sludge out of land fills cost $27.6 million/life saved (Ahearne, 1993).

5.5.3 Guidelines for Comparison

The following guidelines can help bring consistency to the ranking exercise. A periodic comprehensive
comparison of all major hazards in a governmental jurisdiction can lead to improved budget allocation and
administration of risk reduction efforts. Where quantitative, probabilistic risk assessment is possible, comparison
is straightforward. Where only qualitative information is available, a group consensus among technical
professional experts is attempted.

Considering the uncertainties of ERA, an ordinal ranking would be inappropriate, and is unnecessary.
Three levels of risks are sufficient to suggest priorities for governmental attention. Environmental health problems
(sources of hazard) are assigned to comparatively higher, medium, or lower risk levels, but are not ranked within
each level. The demarcations are not bright lines, and scientific uncertainties enter into the judgment of
comparative risk. In general, where available data indicate that two risks are about the same calculated magnitude,
the more certain of the two would be given the higher priority for attention.

This guideline recognizes that health protection standards can vary in absolute risk by as much as four
orders of magnitude. Also, some regulations include consideration of the cost and feasibility of risk management.
The laws mandating these standards usually specify that human health is to be protected with an adequate margin
of safety. Therefore, whenever governmental regulations, environmental quality standards, or exposure limits are
based on risk and deemed to be complied with, the risk must, ipso facto, be placed in the lower category for
comparison purposes. If there is evidence of noncompliance, the risk is then based on a much higher exposure.

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The factors considered in health risk ranking for cancer are: a) the excess risk of contracting cancer for
an individual in the general public (or in a specially exposed population) from lifetime exposure to the estimated
reasonably expected concentration of a carcinogen in the environment; b) the excess annual incidence of cancer in
the general population; and c) the degree of epidemiological association of an environmental contaminant with an
excess incidence of cancer.

To warrant a higher priority ranking, the risk of cancer to an individual should be: a) greater than 1x10-5
(one in 100,000); b) the predicted excess annual incidence in the U.S. population should be greater than 2,500
cases; or c) the epidemiological association should be strong. A medium ranking would result a) if the annual
incidence was increased by more than 250 cases; or b) the individual excess risk in the general population was
between 1x10-6 and 1x10-5 ; or c) the individual risk in a special population was 1x10-4 or greater. A lower ranking
would be given where a) health protection regulations are met; or b) the individual lifetime excess risk was less
than 1x10-6 .

The factors considered in health risk ranking for noncancer diseases are: a) the ratio of the estimated
reasonable average exposure dose to the reference dose or reference concentration; b) the morbidity category for
the toxic agent; and c) the proportion of the population exposed.

For noncancer diseases to warrant a higher priority ranking, a) the ratio of dose to reference dose should
be greater than one; b) the morbidity category should be catastrophic; with c) the general population consistently
exposed. A medium ranking would result if a) the dose/RfD was greater than one; but b) the morbidity category
was serious but not life threatening, or only specially exposed populations were at risk, or the exposure was
sporadic. If the dose/RfD is a) less than one (that is, regulations are met); or b) if the morbidity category is only
observable, then the risk is ranked at the lower level.

Developing member countries may use the western statistics cited in this manual as a starting point for
comparative risk analysis, but should begin compilation of their own data. For example:

Typical values related to exposure of individuals to toxic materials must be established for different
populations and cultures. These include body weight, daily intake of air and water, the composition
of diets, and patterns of time spent at various locations.
Perceptions of risk vary among cultures and with the degree of economic development. Risk
management must consider perceived risks as well as objective or real risks. Knowledge about local
citizensconcerns should be systematically collected by surveys, interviews, and observation.
General risk statistics for each region and culture should include major causes of death by age group.
Accidental death causes are particularly important for risk comparisons and for judging priorities in
allocating mitigation efforts. Traffic accident records for major roads and rail lines are necessary for
risk assessment of transportation developments.

5.5.4 Issues in Environmental Health Risk Assessment

Animal testing of potential carcinogens. The transferability of animal response data to humans continues
to be a matter of scientific controversy. More important, the use of a high, maximum tolerated dose (MTD) has
raised the question as to whether an observed tumor is a) the consequence of carcinogenicity; or b) the rapid cell
division that occurs as the animal attempts to repair the general toxicity damage of the test. A two-stage model of
carcinogenicity separating preneoplastic changes from cancer induction is gaining favor. Although MTD may
continue to be one level of testing, a lower level may be necessary too. Additional lower levels might require
unacceptably greater costs in using more animals and time to obtain statistically significant findings. Thus, the
fundamental basis for estimating the potency of chemical hazards is now being debated.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Overly conservative exposure assumptions. The use of the 95% upper bound of statistical distributions
and worst case (often inconsistent) scenarios is challenged as unwarranted and philosophically pessimistic.
Even more, these assumptions are seen to be potentially counter productive because they may shift limited risk
reduction efforts from some significant risks to small, but exaggerated risks. Risk management is, in this view, a
zero sum game and transfers among risks are inevitable. Being overly conservative inhibits optimization of risk
management. The mean values should be carried and presented throughout an ERA to show more about the
magnitude of the uncertainties, just as the low probability-high consequence information is necessary when there
is evidence of abnormal distribution.

Risk communication, perception, and acceptability. The public appears to expect and demand zero risk
along with the benefits of a highly technological civilization and burgeoning economy. Risk professionals must
patiently do more and provide better explanation of the probabilistic nature of science and the realities of risk in
our complex civilization. The unwillingness to consider taking even infinitesimal and vague levels of involuntary
risk must somehow be overcome in a participatory democratic way. The correct choice of familiar risks with
which to compare new risks is all important. Risk cost-benefit analysis should be further developed as a
presentational technique for the results of ERA.

Biomarkers. Sophisticated microbiological techniques are being developed to ascertain effects of toxic
substances on fundamental processes such as enzyme production and cell level behavior in humans and animals.
These indicators may offer short cuts to predicting health impairment, but the skills and equipment required for
these analyses are formidable.

5.6 Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA)

The American National Research Council, in its 1993 report Issues in Risk Assessment, notes:

Ecological risk assessments have no equivalent of the lifetime cancer-risk estimate used in
health risk assessment. The ecological risks of interest differ qualitatively between different
stresses, ecosystem types, and locations. The value of avoiding these risks is not nearly so
obvious to the general public as is the value of avoiding exposure to carcinogens . . . the
function of risk assessment is to link science to decision-making, and that basic function is
essentially the same whether risks to humans or risks to the environment are being considered.

The objective of ERA as applied to ecosystems is usually comparative and qualitative because of the lack
of data on stress/response. It is useful to decision makers to a) rank a comprehensive set of environmental
problems (stressors on VECs at specific sites) relative to one another, using broad levels of risk; and b) target risk
reduction actions toward those geographical areas or ecosystem sites that are of greatest value and at greatest
risk. There is not yet any widely applicable, established procedure for EcoRA.

In general, information is gathered about a) hazards or sources of harm; b) stressors and their pathways
to target organisms; c) adverse responses of species and communities; and d) measurable changes in the
condition (integrity, resilience, productivity, health, sustainability) of the ecosystem (see Figure 5-16). The last set
(d) is termed an endpoint attribute similar to mortality or morbidity in humans.

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Figure 5-16: Conceptual model for logging (source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997).

5.6.1 Ecosystem Integrity, Resilience, Biodiversity, Health, and Sustainability

There are several concepts of ecosystem condition that are used in ERA as equivalents to morbidity in
human health risk assessment. Searching any comprehensive literature data base for the keywords ecosystem (or
biological) integrity, ecosystem resilience, and ecosystem health will reveal the confusion that attends these terms.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature is a source of ecosystem information relevant to
developing countries.

Much current emphasis in land management is on biodiversity. By managing for ecosystem integrity and
resilience, that is, for the maintenance of ecosystem services rather than just species, both productive uses and
biodiversity are achieved.

Integrity of ecosystems remains a vague concept, difficult to quantify, and is rejected as a management
goal by some ecologists. Metaphorical integrity is the most common usage; that is, conveying the idea that an
ecosystem with integrity is, in a general sense, acceptable.

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The following ideas on ecosystem integrity are adapted from Regier et al, 1994.

An ecosystem with integrity:

is an ever changing set of organisms, within adapting populations of evolving species, and with a
capability for creativity;
contains organisms that purposely modify their surroundings, but not so as to impair self-
organizing capabilities;
contains some larger and longer lived organisms that cumulate, integrate, and regulate many
features of the system;
processes energy and information from outside the system in a trophic network so as to increase
energy and information per unit of biomass;
exhibits interactions through organization within a complex spatio-temporal domain so that
relatively persistent structures are overlain with transient, perhaps cyclical processes;
achieves organizational flexibility and redundancy to cope with inevitable surprises that are
simplifying in the short term but complicating in the long term;
interrelates dynamically, across fuzzy boundaries, with adjacent ecosystems;
is a self-organizing dissipative system compromising between the Second Law of Thermo-
dynamic s and the biological imperative of survival and sustained identity.

This is an elegant expression of the concept of integrity but its relevance to the practical definition of
sustainability and calculation of risk is not clear.

Resilience is a promising approach to objective integrity, the ability to recover from a specified stress. It
is a context-dependent measurement; the meanings of recover and stress must be clear and testable in scientific
experiments. Ecosystems are not a static integration of structure and functions. They continually evolve and
change; this is the source of their resilience, which is the desired valuable behavior. Resilience may be gauged and
interpreted by examining trends such as:

the ecosystem has not changed, at a given stress level, from an original satisfactory natural
the ecosystem changes but returns to the original condition, even under continued stress (how much
change? how long to return? is it stable on return?);
the stress is reduced or removed and the ecosystem returns to the original condition (how much
change? how long to return? is it stable on return?); and
the ecosystem changes permanently (collapses? resumes original natural evolutionary pathway? takes
new but derivative evolutionary pathway? takes catastrophically different evolutionary pathway).

A site with high biological integrity is, supposedly, able to withstand natural or human disturbances.
The components of an Index of Biological Integrity are species abundance counts and ratios, water quality, habitat
structure, flow regime, energy source, and biotic interactions. This is essentially a resilience measurement and,
although valuable in EcoRA, does not relate directly to productivity or sustainability. Some quantitative indices
purporting to measure integrity are solipsistic, self-referential, and constitute a pseudo-science exercise.

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Indicators of integrity that could be quantified and monitored include:

general indicators like primary productivity, nutrient cycling, species diversity, population
fluctuations, pest prevalence, spatial patchiness;
threats, like increases in human population density, consumption rates of water, energy, renewable
and non-renewable resources, wastes, infrastructure; and
improvements in integrity, including increases in production, recycling, conservation and citizen

Sustainable development has multiple meanings with diverse roots in ecology (both deep and
conventional), resources, carrying capacity, anti-technology, and ecodevelopment. Operational definitions and
indicators of implementation achievement are required if sustainable development is to be anything more than an
attractive, but empty, phrase. Most natural scientists who are managing ecosystems such as agriculture are
sceptical about their capability to measure sustainability. Sustainability occurs where the productive potential of a
managed ecosystem site will continue for a long time under a particular management practice. The utility,
capacity, or potential of these natural systems for producing goods and services, is what is to be continued, and
even enhanced.

Munn (in Regier, 1994) offers a view of integrity more consistent with this definition of sustainability:

An ecosystem with integrity should exhibit such properties as:

strong, energetic processes, not severely constrained;
self-organizing in an emerging, evolving way;
self-defending against exotic organisms;
reserve capabilities to survive and recover from occasional severe crises; attractiveness, at least
to informed humans;
productive of goods and services valued by humans.

Ecosystem health is an attractive metaphor if it is not confined to an analogy to human vital signs.
Ecosystems are more complex than organisms. The November 1995 (vol.4, no.4) issue of Environmental Values
is devoted entirely to ecosystem health. Therein, Baird Callicott makes the case, Ecosystem health or normal
occurrence of ecological processes and functions is an objective condition of ecosystems, although the
concept of ecosystem health allows some room for personal and social determination or construction.

5.6.2 Ecotoxicology

Where chemicals have been tested against animals or plants for exposure-response, a risk assessment
procedure similar to that for human health is used. For example, the concentration of a toxin in water to a fish
species that kills 50% of the population (LC50) is akin to a maximum daily intake (MDI) in that it may be adopted
as an end-point to be avoided. The risk is then evaluated as acceptable when the quotient of actual measured
concentration to LC50 is less than one. These single chemical-single species consequences seldom reflect the real
world where several chemicals stress several species simultaneously. Figure 5-17 shows how many different
concentration levels of exposure (EC) can be examined. This is useful when the risk assessment outcome is not
based on exceedence of a toxicity benchmark level.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Figure 5-17: Risk estimation techniques: a stressor-response curve vs. a cumulative distribution of exposures
(source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997).

Models may make use of laboratory data to quantify biological and ecological processes and impacts,
primarily at the species and community levels. This can be useful at site specific locations, but extrapolating the
results to ecosystem and regional levels is more difficult, especially if two or more ecosystems and stressors are
involved. A standard water column model comprising many biogeophysical parameters is used at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, ...to extrapolate the results of laboratory toxicity data into meaningful predictions of
ecological effects in natural aquatic ecosystems. (Bartell et al., 1992).

Other methods evaluate structural and functional changes at the ecosystem and regional levels and are
most easily applied where there is large-scale homogeneity in both the ecosystem and the stressor that affects it.
Conversely, these methods break down when a region is a mosaic of many stressors and ecosystems. Normally
there is a lack of sufficient data from a broad region to allow quantification. Figure 5-18 is the classical stressor-
response relationship, but even a qualitative estimate of the relationship is useful (for example, the dose at which
about 50% of the organisms are killed).

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

Figure 5-18: A simple example of a stressor-response relationship (source: U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1997).

5.6.3 Qualitative Comparative EcoRA

Decision makers, politicians, and nonscientists have a need for practical comparative ecological risk
assessments. Comparative EcoRA need not be quantitative; it may be preferable to keep it qualitative. A
combination of best judgment of ecologists and professional land/water managers with on-site experience, and
systematic evaluation of risks from available information is pursued. Effective communication to decision makers
is accomplished through use of maps, simplified scoring systems, clearly defined evaluative criteria, and a
manageable set of ecological stressors. Defining the specific problem areas and classifying the ecosystems of the
study region are important early steps in this approach to comparative EcoRA.

Health risk assessments (with heavy emphasis on public health) differ from ecological risk assessments in
several significant ways. For ecosystems, the ERA must consider effects beyond just individual organisms or a
single species. No single set of ecological values and tolerances applies to all of the various types of ecosystems.
Stressors are not only chemicals or hazardous substances. They also include physical changes and biological
perturbations. For public health purposes all humans are treated equally; with ecosystems, some sites and types
are more valuable and vulnerable than others. Accommodating these factors complicates comparative ecological
risk assessments and renders them more subjective.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

5.6.4 Qualitative Methodology

Risks to ecosystems are based on the values (intrinsic and anthropocentric) of actual individual sites and
the probability that stressors from human activities will significantly degrade these values in the near future.
Uncertainties about value, frequency of adverse impacts, and severity of response to stress are identified and
evaluated as a part of the ERA. The ability of the ecosystem occurrence (site) to recover is also considered.

Just as the individual human being is the focus of health risk assessment, the individual ecosystem site is
evaluated in ecological risk assessment. Ecosystems are bounded biotic communities in interaction with their
physical surroundings of energy, air, water, minerals, and soil (and also other ecosystems). Usually, an ecological
risk assessment treats only natural, more or less intact, ecosystems that are lightly managed or essentially
undeveloped. Urban and agricultural areas that are substantially modified, intensively managed, and where
economic value dominates all others are considered dedicated.

5.6.5 Procedure for Ranking Risks

1. Establish an Ecosystem Classification - Define and select a manageable number of ecosystem types
that are a) identifiable (mappable) through currently available databases and reports, and b)
categorized by biophysical properties (climate, rainfall, topography and elevation, vegetation, geology
and geomorphology, hydrology, soils, etc.). Examples of marine and terrestrial ecosystem types are:
coral reef, freshwater stream, wetland, lowland dry scrub, montane wet forest, and sub alpine dry

2. Inventory and Map the Ecosystem Occurrences (Sites) - Gather data about the location, extent and
status of resources, degree of disturbance, and level of protection. Previous research and monitoring,
and personal interviews may suffice for the inventory but new field studies are often necessary.

3. Develop Criteria of Value for Each Ecosystem Type - For each of the different ecosystem types,
determine individual criteria for the components of value. Valued components include economic
productivity, recreation, biodiversity, and cultural/aesthetic significance. Criteria include wetland
classifications, the presence of endangered species, rarity, the ratio of native to alien species, and
tourism visitor counts. Seek out previous valuation studies, measurable attributes, and changes to
those attributes which degrade the resources.

4. Estimate the Value of Each Ecosystem Occurrence - Assign numerical scores to each value
component at each site on the basis of a simple scalar using quantitative measurements of the criteria
(where available) and professional judgments. The certainty of the score of each value component is
recorded. Sum the component scores for an overall value score.

5. Develop a List of Stressors - Determine which consequences of, and perturbations from, human
activities may plausibly cause unwanted, negative impacts on the natural ecosystems. Examples of
stressors are alien species, toxic chemicals, excessive nutrients, erosion/sedimentation, water
diversion, fire, and human crowding.

6. Gather Data on Stressors and Estimate the Risk from Each - Collect information on past, present and
near-future human activities that affect the specific ecosystem sites chosen for the study.
Environmental experts and site managers estimate the frequency (F) of occurrence and severity (S)
of damage from stressors to each site with which they are familiar. The uncertainty of the estimates
is also recorded. Scalars are used to roughly quantify these judgments and the product, F x S = R,
becomes a risk score for that stressor at that site.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

7. Map the Information - Manually create map overlays or use computerized geographic information
systems to display all data relevant to risk at each site. Data to be displayed may include location and
site boundaries, values, stressors, risk scores, and geographic attributes such as present land use,
native forest distribution, rare or endangered species habitat, historic/cultural sites, alien species
distribution, public recreation areas, and concentrated fisheries.

8. Rank Sites Comparatively According to Risk - Compare a sites overall priority-for-attention score,
which is the product of a sites value score and total risk score. Scores should differ by at least 20%
of their absolute value to be regarded as different in priority.

9. Rank Stressors and Ecosystem Types - Compare the stressors as to importance in a region, and
compare different ecosystem types as to degree of risk. Remedial actions can be guided by learning
which stressors are widely felt and which ecosystem types are most susceptible to damage. These
relative rankings can be used to inform public debate, set budget allocations, focus administrative
attention, and establish site specific priorities for remediation, restoration, or protection. Since
uncertainties are explicitly recognized and preserved in the assessment, areas where further research
and monitoring would be worthwhile to decision makers are also illuminated. A multiple site
comparative ERA can also reveal which stressors are the most common and damaging, which
activities generate the most stress, and which types of ecosystems are most vulnerable.

5.6.6 Ecological Risk Assessment: A Hawaiian Case Study

A study of the well-known area of Hanauma Bay on Oahu, a prime tourist destination that is designated an
underwater park with no fishing allowed, is briefly presented here to illustrate the method for ranking risks. Value
components were rated on a three level scalar: 1 = low, 2 = medium, and 3 = high. Certainty about all ratings was
indicated by a two level scalar: 1 = poor and 2 = satisfactory. The scores for Hanauma Bay were:

Component Value Certainty

Biodiversity 3 2
Recreation 3 2
Economic Productivity 3 2
Cultural/aesthetic 3 2

The total value score is 12, with uniformly satisfactory certainty. This is the highest possible value score and is to
be expected for this bay and its fringing reef. Stressors or sources of harm were identified as toxic chemicals,
excess nutrients, erosion/sedimentation, and human crowding. A panel of environmental scientists familiar with
Hanauma Bay was convened to rate the likelihood and severity of these stressors causing adverse impacts to the
values of the bay.

A six level scalar for frequency (F) of occurrence was used: 1 = remotely possible, 2 = plausible, 3 =
likely in the near future, 4 = occasionally, 5 = ongoing, and 6 = progressively increasing.

A six level scalar for the severity (S) of damage was used: 1 = minor loss with rapid recovery, 2 = partial
loss with recovery, 3 = partial loss with long time recovery, 4 = major loss with long recovery, 5 = total loss with
eventually some recovery, and 6 = irreversible loss of the unique resource.

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

Each expert independently rated the stressors on the site and the results were then discussed by the
group. A consensus was reached on the following ratings:

Stressor Frequency Severity Certainty FxS

toxic chemicals 2 3 satisfactory 6
excess nutrients 5 4 poor 20
erosion/sedimentation 4 2 satisfactory 8
human crowding 6 4 poor 24

The F x S scores (only the top three stressors for any site) were totaled to yield a risk score of 52. This
was multiplied by the value score of 12 to yield a priority-for-attention score of 624. The average of all priority
scores in the study was 300, indicating Hanauma Bay clearly warranted prompt action. The agencies with
jurisdiction decided to close the park one morning each week, to pump all sewage out to a collector sewer and
close all septic tanks, to ban feeding of fish, to begin a good-behavior education program for visitors (for
example, explaining the negative impacts of walking on the reef), and to increase monitoring and research at the
site in order to reduce uncertainties about the impacts and their synergism

In many of the site rating meetings, the experts were divided into two teams and their results compared.
The method appears to have a replicability of about 10 % of the priority score, and so it was decided to ignore
differences in risks of < 20 % in assigning overall action priorities. Despite the qualitative nature of this risk
assessment, it has been well received and found useful by government agencies, opinion leaders, environmental
groups, and in public forums on future planning for Hawaii.

5.6.7 Issues in Ecological Risk Assessment

1. Endpoints. In dealing with ecosystems there is no equivalent to the premature death of an individual
human being that so dominates health risk assessment. Species extinction is analogous, but whole
communities of many species and their surroundings are of interest. Most risks have to do with the
probability of observing an unwanted effect as a result of exposure to a toxic chemical (Bartell et al.,
1992). An endpoint, however, must specify a measurable effect that is relevant to societys
concerns. The measurement problem is often complicated by uncertainty. For example, it may be
impractical, because of the large number of observations required for statistical significance, to
determine the decrease in biomass of a species population more closely than 25-50%, whereas a
decrease of 10-15% might be serious from an ecological viewpoint. The important endpoint might be
the disruption of an ecosystem function that was controlled by a diverse group of organisms. Work
underway at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in aquatic systems is promising but focuses on only one
of the many types of ecosystems to be assessed.

2. Single species, single chemical data. Laboratory experiments to determine exposure-response

relationships are usually restricted to one or a few species and one or a few suspected toxic
materials; in the real world, pollutants are more often a mixture of chemicals, and many species, even
entire ecosystems, are at risk. Further, the mixture usually varies over time and space so that
estimating actual exposure levels is even more difficult. Research is proceeding on bioassays using
actual polluted water, and on the fundamental chemistry and toxicology of the most toxic
constituents of pollutant mixtures (Bartell et al., 1992).

3. Recoverability. It is important to risk managers to know the extent to which a damaged ecosystem
may recover, with or without assistance. Different species show different behavior. Recovery is also
related to the endpoint chosen. There may be no recovery because ecosystems can have more than
one stable state. Where native communities are displaced by alien species, as in Hawaii, recovery is
unlikely. Modeling of recovery is being investigated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

4. Scale. The spatial and temporal scales that can be practically covered in an ERA are much smaller
than those of interest to managers. Extrapolation from observed areas and times to regional scale and
long times requires models. These are not yet reliable, due in part to the inadequacy of ecological

5. Uncertainty. In addition to measurement uncertainties, ecosystems appear to be self organizing and

non-deterministic. This true uncertainty, where even the probability of an event is uncertain,
cannot be reduced by more effort. Ecosystems are extremely complex; according to some leaders in
the field, they evolve in unpredictable, near chaotic fashion.

6. Validation of predictive tools. The lack of long term monitoring and research has hampered the
improvement of models. More retrospective examination of environmental management actions is
needed to establish confidence and to reject misleading relationships.

5.7 Risks to Economic Welfare

Ecosystems have economic value because people derive utility from their use or their existence. A healthy
ecosystem generates market values by providing goods and services, while also providing nonmarket values such
as clean air, soil and water quality, flood protection, biological diversity, recreational and educational opportunities,
aesthetics, and quality of life. Although some of these economic values are nonmonetary, they are nonetheless
important. Pollution, resource extraction, overuse, and alien species invasion can degrade an ecosystem and
reduce its economic value.

International concern for the health of the global environment has been growing and attention has focused
on tropical forests and fragile island and marine ecosystems. Market values for timber and nontimber forest
products, particularly foods and medicines, are used to quantify and monetize the values and damages to existing
ecosystems. Analyses of the services provided by the environment, such as soil stabilization, watershed
protection, climate regulation, and flood protection, are far less developed. A more detailed discussion of
economic evaluation of environmental impacts is presented in Chapter 6.

Recent work in risk to economic welfare because of environmental degradation has indicated the
importance of conserving biodiversity by demonstrating the contribution that biological resources make to social
and economic development (and losses to society when they are damaged). The dollar value of biological
resources may be estimated using actual, option, and existence values.

Dixon and Hufschmidt (1986) illustrate the use of benefit-cost analysis and other techniques in a number
of case studies, including assessment of water resources and watershed protection, and lake and marine bay
fisheries projects. Aesthetic vistas, clean air view distances, and presence of wilderness or specific flora and
fauna are far more difficult to value and are often discussed in qualitative terms or estimated with existence
valuation methods.

Economic studies on environmental quality specifically in tourist destination areas addressed three major
issues: 1) the impacts of pollution on tourism-related economic values; 2) environmental degradation caused by
tourism; and 3) ecotourism. Evaluation has been more qualitative than quantitative because of difficulties in
monetizing the large number of services provided by the natural environment.

The impacts of pollution on tourist areas are well demonstrated in a U.S. Department of Commerce study
(1983) of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill in Britanny, France. Major losses in tourist industry revenues and consumer
welfare due to oiled beaches were recorded. Tourists today are far more environmentally aware (and concerned)

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Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

than their predecessors, and are demanding higher standards of environmental quality. Tour operators now call for
boycotts of degraded sites in favor of other destinations. Ecotourism (environmentally conscious visitors to
unique or outstanding natural areas) is a small but growing sector of the tourism market that is increasing the
value of biological diversity, endangered species, and naturally functioning ecosystems. Successful ecotourism
depends on a high-quality environment, however, tourism development itself may degrade those qualities. The
problem of maintaining a balance between tourism and long-term environmental health (the issue of carrying
capacity) was documented by the OECD (1980), where environmental deterioration in Majorca, Spain, caused a
shift of tourists to other destinations.

5.7.1 Valuation Methods for Economic Damage to Ecosystems

The literature on economic valuation techniques for environmental degradation is large and applied theory
is continually evolving. For comprehensive overviews of techniques, the reader is referred to reviews on
contingent valuation and comprehensive summaries of techniques by the OECD (1989) and Dixon et al. (1994).
Economic damages represent the monetary value of environmental impacts from residual pollution problems.
Direct ecosystem values include production (for example, fishery, forestry, agriculture), commercial services, and
unpriced amenities. Other values are indirect or involve potential use (option value) or nonuse (existence value) of
ecosystems. Where ecosystem damages cannot be valued in monetary terms, damages should be discussed

The primary method for valuing productivity losses from environmental degradation is change in
productivity. The method calculates the difference in production, valued at market prices, from a natural system
with and without degradation. The resource restoration cost method calculates actual or predicted expenditures to
restore the damaged resource to its former condition.

The loss in income method can be used to estimate welfare damages to commercial firms affected by
environmental degradation. This method calculates the difference in the net income of commercial enterprises
with and without resource degradation.

The most generally applicable method of valuing such amenity losses is contingent valuation. This
approach involves direct questioning of consumers to ascertain the willingness of individuals to pay for
environmental improvements or, alternatively, their demand for compensation for environmental losses.

Travel cost and property value are two other methods of estimating amenity values. The travel cost
approach uses information on differences in travel costs and visitation rates from different communities to
estimate a demand curve for a recreation area. The property value method uses multiple regression analysis to
estimate how proximity to amenities such as good beaches or urban parks influences surrounding property values.

Indirect ecosystem values often benefit society at large rather than individuals or businesses. For
example, the indirect ecosystem values of watersheds and wetlands include regulation of freshwater supplies,
nutrient cycling, protection of soils, maintenance of atmospheric quality, and climate control. Option value
measures the willingness of individuals to pay in order to retain the option of having future access to a species or
resource. Existence value is the value people attach to the existence of species or habitat that they may have no
intention of ever using or visiting, but get satisfaction in knowing that they exist.

Contingent valuation is commonly used by economists to estimate indirect, option, and existence values.
Contingent ranking is a related approach, but provides an ordinal ranking rather than cardinal values.
Many of the valuation methods mentioned have theoretical and practical limitations and require careful
interpretation. However, uncertain scientific knowledge about what services ecosystems provide and how
ecosystem services are affected by stressors is probably a more serious problem when performing economic

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EIA for Developing Countries in Asia Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA

welfare analysis. Uncertainties in cause-effect relationships and quantification of impacts preclude useful
economic valuation in many instances of ecosystem degradation from human activities.

5.7.2 Issues in Risks to Economic Welfare

Nonmarket and even nonuse values are important to this element of ERA, but the social science research
techniques to establish the monetary worth of such amenities are still being developed. The dilemma of increasing
tourism revenues, rising visitor counts, and environmental stability that allows continued economic benefits
presents one of the major issues for future research in risks to economic welfare. Contingent valuation surveys
and interviews are dependent on how questionnaires are phrased and administered. Also, the willingness to pay is
affected by the ability to pay, meaning that socioeconomic factors must be taken into account. The subjective
nature of this field is an obstacle to its utility.

5.8 Summary

Environmental Risk Assessment is developing rapidly and there is no one clearly superior approach to its
performance. Adherence to probability theory is the one essential in adding this explicit presentation of uncertainty
to the management information package begun about 20 years ago as EIA. If policies and action programs are to
be effective and efficient, the frequency and severity of adverse impacts should be investigated and interpreted for
decision makers and the interested public.

Health risks and ecosystem risks differ substantially in the endpoints chosen for risk characterization (the
individual compared to the biological community), and in the uncertainties accompanying experimental data.
Human health risk assessment is far more advanced in methodology. However, both are dominated by concern
with toxic chemicals. Both require close communication between environmental scientists and risk managers. A
common but flexible framework for hazard identification, exposure pathway analysis, and hazard accounting is
useful because the underlying treatment of uncertainty and the decision process is the same for both.

A major application of ERA is in allocating limited budgets and setting priorities for risk reduction
programs. Therefore, the economic valuation of damages from adverse events and the cost of reducing or
avoiding the risks is essential. Public acceptability of risks is assisted by ERA if proper comparisons are made
with the benefits of technological activities, the risks of alternative economic development strategies, and familiar
risks in other parts of a modern lifestyle. ERA can help correct misperceptions of risk and avoid unnecessary
public anxiety. Environmental risk assessment is maturing as a practical and valuable addition to the set of
management and policy tools needed in a complex world.


Much of this chapter is based on Carpenter, R.A., 1995. Environmental Risk Assessment. A chapter (pp.
193-217) in Vanclay, F. and D. Bronstein, Eds., Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Wiley, Chichester.
The sections on health and ecosystem risk assessment are based on the report of the Hawaii Environmental Risk
Ranking study (Carpenter et al., 1992), which is copyrighted by the East-West Center. Excerpts are used with
their permission. The introduction, scope, and definition sections are drawn, in part, from the book on
Environmental Risk Assessment prepared for the Asian Development Bank (Carpenter et al., 1990).

December 1997
Chapter 5: Risk and Uncertainty in EIA EIA for Developing Countries in Asia

5.9 References and Further Reading

Ahearne, J. 1993. Risk analysis and public policy in Environment, 35(2): 16.
Ames, B. and L. Gold. 1990. Too many rodent carcinogens in Science, 249 (31 Aug.): 970-1.
Barnthouse, L.W., G.W. Suter, S.M. Bartell, J.J. Beauchamp, R.H. Gardner, E. Linder, R.V. ONeill, and
A.E. Rosen. 1986. Users Manual for Ecological Risk Assessment. Environmental Sciences Division Publication
No. 2679. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
Bartell, S., R. Gardner, and R. ONeill. 1992. Ecological Risk Estimation. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI.
Carpenter, R., C. Claudio, L. Habegger, and K. Smith. 1990. Environmental Risk Assessment: Dealing with
Uncertainty in EIA. ADB Environmental Paper No. 7. Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Carpenter, R., N. Convard, S. Edgerton, J. Maragos, K. Smith, W. Mitter and others. 1992. Report of the
Hawaii Environmental Risk Ranking Study. Department of Health, State of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
Dixon, John A., Louise Fallon Scura, Richard A. Carpenter, and Paul B. Sherman. 1994. Economic
Analysis of Environmental Impacts, second edition, Earthscan, London in association with the Asian Development
Bank and the World Bank.
Dixon, J. and M. Hufschmidt, eds. 1986. Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment: A Case Study
Workbook. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Hubert, P. 1987. Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Accidents Connected with Industrial Activities.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris.
National Research Council (U.S.). 1993. Issues in Risk Assessment. National Academy Press. Washington, DC.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 1980. The Impact of Tourism on the
Environment. OECD Publications, Paris.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 1989. Environmental Policy Benefits: Monetary
Valuation. OECD Publications, Paris.
Regier, H., J. Kay, and B. Bandurski. 1994. An Ecosystem in a State of Integrity. In Woodley, S., J. Kay, and
G. Francis, eds. Ecological Integrity and the Management of Ecosystems, St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Smith, Kirk R., Richard A. Carpenter, and Susanne Faulstich. 1988. Risk Assessment of Hazardous
Chemical Systems in Developing Countries. Occasional Paper No. 5. East-West Environment and Policy Institute,
Honolulu, HI.
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 1983. Assessing the
Social Costs of Oil Spills: The Amoco Cadiz Case Study. Washington, DC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. Washington, DC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for
Environmental Protection. EPASAB-EC-90-021, Washington, DC.
Walters, C. and C.S. Holling. 1990. Large-scale management experiments and learning by doing in Ecology,
71: 2060-2068.
Whyte, A.V. and Ian Burton. 1980. Environmental Risk Assessment. SCOPE #15. New York: John Wiley and
World Bank. 1985a. Guidelines for Identifying, Analyzing, and Controlling Major Hazard Installations in
Developing Countries. Office of Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 1985b. Manual of Industrial Hazard Assessment Techniques. Office of Environmental and
Scientific Affairs, Washington, DC.
World Health Organization. 1996. The Global Burden of Disease. Geneva.

December 1997
Chapter 6: Economic Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

6.0 Economic Analysis

Traditionally, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was meant to be an independent report related
to the environmental impacts of the development project. The assessment had minimal links with economic
analysis. There have been considerable discussions among various stakeholders involved in project processing,
financing and implementation on how to measure the economic importance of expected environmental impacts.
This section focuses on the emerging role of economic evaluation of environmental impacts, specifically on how
to use such information in environmental assessment. A brief summary of the principal methods available for
placing monetary values (costs and benefits) on environmental impacts, a taxonomy of valuation methods, and
steps involved in economic evaluation of environmental impacts are also presented.

6.1 Role of Economics in Environmental Impact Assessment

The economic analysis of development projects has had a relatively long history. Initially, environmental
impacts were deemed external to development projects, and hence were excluded from economic analysis.
Subsequently, it became the practice to describe environmental impacts quantitatively. Since the mid-1980s there
has been a growing interest in placing monetary values on environmental impacts and combining these values into
overall project analysis work. In this regard, the Asian Development Banks (ADB) Economic Analysis of the
Environmental Impacts of Development Projects (Dixon et al., 1988) can be considered an excellent example.
Despite this, until the mid-1990s the analysis described in the publication was rarely applied to actual projects. In
1996, the ADB published Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts: A Workbook as a follow-up to the
1987 work. It provides the practitioner with a step-by-step valuation procedure. Another publication, the ADBs
latest Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects (Asian Development Bank, 1997), documents how the
economic values of environmental impacts can be integrated into project analysis.

The role of environmental economics in an EIA can be divided into three categories, namely: 1) the use of
economic s for benefit-cost analysis as an integral part of project selection; 2) the use of economics in the
assessment of activities suggested by the EIA; and 3) the economic assessment of the environmental impacts of
the project.

Environmental economics can aid in the selection of projects in that benefit-cost analysis can be used in
the prescreening stage of the project, and the environmental components can be brought into the process of
presenting various options and selecting among them. Doing so eventually leads to a project selection process
which takes the environment into consideration. In the second role, the economic assessment is focused on the
cost assessment of environmental mitigation measures and management plans suggested in the EIA. The
economic analysis in the EIA may include a summary of the project costs and how such cost estimates would
change due to the activities proposed under the EIA. This component can be considered as an accounting of the
environmental investment of a project. The third role, which is the economic assessment of the environmental
impacts of a project, is geared towards seeking the economic values (of both costs and benefits) of the
environmental impacts. These impacts are neither mitigated, nor taken into account in traditional economic
analysis of projects. They should be identified by the EIA and sufficient quantitative and qualitative explanations
should be given in EIA documents. The economic evaluation of environmental impacts is related to project
intervention, however, methodological difficulties and the traditional thinking that environmental impacts are
external to the project have prevented its incorporation into the overall economic analysis of the project.

To illustrate the functions of environmental economic s in EIA, consider the case of a power plant. Power
can be generated using various forms of energy, including coal, hydropower and geothermal sources. If, in the
prescreening, environmental economics is used to identify environmental costs and benefits among the options
and is used to select the project, then the first function of environmental economics has been used. Hence, a coal-

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 6: Economic Analysis

fired power plant may have been selected and the environmental components may have already been recognized
through the preliminary accounting of likely benefits and costs. If the power plant installs an electrostatic
precipitator to reduce total suspended particulate emissions, that is a mitigation measure. As such, its costs should
be included in the project cost estimates. If the economic assessment was conducted without including the cost
of environmental mitigations, it would be biased with the actual cost of the project estimated at a lower figure.
Thus, it is important to provide a summary of both the project costs and the related environmental costs in the
EIA report doing so provides insight about the additional costs that a project proponent would incur to correct
the environmental damages caused by the project.

On the other hand, the previously mentioned coal power plant may have many other environmental
impacts; some may be mitigatable, others not, yet each has a distinct economic value. For example, the generation
of CO2 and the emission of additional gases is an inevitable function of coal burning. One may not be able to
directly compensate for such emissions, but there are activities which may reduce the damages caused by them.
For instance, although not a mitigation measure, it is clear that the introduction of an afforestation program will
result in more trees, thereby increasing the potential of forests to absorb CO2 . Now suppose the new power plant
uses state of the art technology in power generation; as a result, the power authority can close some of the old
and inefficient power plants. If this is possible, environmental benefits besides those directly associated with the
project operations may be obtained. Economic analysis of such environmental impacts can help the project analyst
to express the economic benefits of the project in a more complete manner.

In summary, the use of economic analysis in EIA can aide in assessing the proposed project more
objectively. If the EIA exercise is used as a planning tool in an iterative manner, it is possible to reduce the
negative environmental impacts and capture more positive environmental components if the economic analysis of
such impacts is possible with every iteration. The result of integrating economic analysis of environmental impacts
can be very useful in enhancing the quality of a project.

6.2 Steps in Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts

Economic analysis of environmental impacts is important in project preparation to determine whether the
net benefits of undertaking the project are greater than the alternatives, including the non-project scenario. Project
alternatives often vary in their economic contribution and environmental impacts. Economic assessment of
different alternatives in the early stages of project planning should provide important inputs to improve the quality
of decision-making. The economic analysis of the environmental impacts of the selected projects also allows for a
more complete assessment of the projects costs and benefits. A general procedure that can be followed in
economic analysis of environmental impacts is presented in Figure 6-1 (adapted from Asian Development Bank,

Screen 1 of Figure 6-1 indicates that in the case of internal or mitigated impacts, there is no need to look
for an extensive monetization of environmental impacts. They are already treated as part of the project. However,
one has to assure that they are properly costed or valued in economic terms and appropriately incorporated into
the economic cost benefit streams of the project. As explained earlier, this is the first part of the economic
analysis section of the EIA report. A good EIA report should include a section on all economic aspects of the
project, including the results of a cost benefit analysis of the overall project after incorporating the internal or
mitigated impacts.

Screens 2 and 3 reflect instances when qualitative assessment and documentation is important. Screen 4
refers to the second component of the economic analysis of the EIA which gives an assessment of environmental
impacts that can be quantified. At a minimum, the following six tasks need to be completed in the economic
analysis of environmental impacts:

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Chapter 6: Economic Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

1. determine the spatial and conceptual boundaries of the analysis;

2. identify environmental impacts and their relationships to the project;
3. quantify environmental impacts and organize them according to importance the impacts described
qualitatively, if they cannot be expressed in quantitative terms;
4. choose a technique for economic valuation;
5. economic valuation (place monetary values) of environmental impacts identified; and
6. set an appropriate time frame and perform the extended benefit cost analysis.

Figure 6-1: The impact screening process.

The boundary of the economic analysis refers to the conceptual and physical limits of the analysis. It may
consider on-site and off-site environmental impacts that are consequences of project activities. Another
consideration is the type of goods and services that should be included in the analysis. The complexities of a
projects environmental impacts may cause some difficulty in establishing the spatial and conceptual boundary of
the economic analysis. The rule is to start the analysis with directly observable and measurable impacts.

A successful EIA report should provide the required information for economic analysis of the
environmental impacts. Necessary output of Tasks 1, 2, and 3 show a list of all possible environmental impacts of

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 6: Economic Analysis

the project. Thus, the EIA should identify and completely document all impacts, providing sufficient quantitative
and qualitative descriptions. This list becomes the basis for the economic valuation carried out in Task 5.

Valuing environmental impacts in monetary terms is the most difficult part of the economic analysis. This
necessitates the use of valuation techniques (discussed in the remainder of this chapter) appropriate to the
environmental impacts being investigated. Choosing the appropriate valuation techniques is itself a difficult task,
requiring expert judgment from economists and environmental specialists.

6.3 Methods for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts

The remainder of this chapter deals with the various techniques that may be used to determine the
monetary values of environmental impacts. The methods in which market prices are used are fairly standard and
straightforward approaches that rely largely on changes in physical production or on direct cash expenditures.
Other approaches use surrogate markets. The valuation flowchart presented in Figure 6-2 provides a good starting
point towards understanding the valuation aspect of economic analysis. Environmental impacts can be divided into
three categories. The first two categories are those that cause measurable changes in the production of a specific
good or service, and thereby affect: 1) human welfare, and 2) human health. The third category is those that
cause changes in the quality of the environment. Figure 6-2 provides a classification system for alternative
valuation methods.

Table 6-1 presents applications of economic valuation methods to specific environmental impacts of
different types of projects. Readers are advised to refer to the table as each valuation technique is discussed in
section 6.7 (Dixon et al., 1988; Carpenter and Maragos, 1989).

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Figure 6-2: A simple valuation flowchart (source: Dixon and Bojo, 1988).

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Table 6-1: Examples of development projects, possible environmental impacts, and measurement and valuation
techniques (source: Dixon et al., 1988; Carpenter and Maragos, 1989).

Type of Project Environmental Impacts Measurement and Valuation Techniques (comments)

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Development

Hill forest development Project will increase fuelwood and fodder production Change in productivity of forests and agricultural land
and protect critical watershed Opportunity cost of dung as fertilizer to value benefit of
alternative fuel
Fisheries development Project contributes to over exploitation of shrimp Change in productivity of fishery due to overfishing

Project vessels competing with artisanal fishermen Loss of earnings of artisanal fishermen must be subtracted
project catch not fully incremental from project catch projections

Evidence of overfishing inshore

Brackish-water shrimp Removal of mangroves for construction of shrimp ponds Change in productivity of fishery due to mangrove
culture removal
Livestock development Effects on forests and rangeland of overgrazing Change in productivity of forests and rangeland
Opportunity cost of dung as fertilizer

Low lift pump maintenance Shallow flooded areas over drained resulting in lack of Change in productivity due to moisture deficit in dry
water for surface water irrigation in dry season season
Irrigation and settlement Project located in watershed in good condition; there (Watershed management covenant in loan agreement to
should therefore be low sedimentation rate assure that increased development resulting in increased
sedimentation would not affect project's future operation)
Outfall drain Project should have positive environmental impacts by Change in productivity from better growing conditions
correcting waterlogging and soil salinization problems Cost effectiveness of alternative rehabilitation designs

Road development in hilly New cuts in embankments not stabilized with Change in productivity due to soil erosion and
area vegetation, causing potential for soil erosion and sedimentation
landslides Loss of property due to landslides
Urban water supply Project contributed to increased waste-water volume Loss of earnings directly due to flooding or indirectly from
without providing adequate sewerage facilities increased incidence of waterborne disease
Loss of property due to flooding
Willingness to pay
Provincial cities water Watershed denudation in the upper recharge area of the (The broader issue of management of watershed on which
supply project affects project performance the project depends should have been given
Water supply Water diverted from downstream users by artificial well Change in productivity of downstream water users
recharge in river bed Willingness to pay
Low-income urban housing Increased air pollution due to use of underfloor heating Cost effectiveness of alternative heating designs
systems burning soft-coal briquettes Loss of earnings from increased respiratory diseases

Industry and Power

Gas turbine generation Design as peak-load facility to run on gas; no air quality Cost effectiveness of alternative designs to decrease
control included in design; was used as base-load emissions
facility run on oil; air quality adversely affected by

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Chapter 6: Economic Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Type of Project Environmental Impacts Measurement and Valuation Techniques (comments)

Palm oil processing plant Untreated effluent of biological oxygen deficiency Change in productivity in inland fishery due to water
(BOD) of 20,000 mg/l discharged into river pollution
Cost effectiveness of alternative water treatment designs
Loss of earning from increased health problems due to use
of polluted water
Tin mining Environmental aspects given due consideration with (Project accounted for major potential environmental
respect to waste tailing disposal, water storage pond problems. Negative environmental impact should be
dike burst prevention and prevention of malarial- minimal)
mosquito breeding
Hydropower development Service roads gave access which promoted Change in productivity of forests, agricultural land and
project deforestation resulting in changes in hydrological downstream fishery; reduction in useful life of downstream
patterns, soil erosion, siltation, and flooding hydropower facility
Loss of earnings as a direct result of flooding or indirectly
from increased incidence of disease
Hydropower development Run-of-river power facility located in catchment with (Project design and estimates of project's useful life should
project heavy development pressure resulting in increased account for surrounding environmental conditions which
extreme river flow rates and heavy siltation loads will affect project operation even though not a direct
consequence of project)
Preventive expenditures made to reduce downstream
consequence of deforestation

6.4 Taxonomy of the Valuation Methods

There are many methods available for economic valuation of environmental impacts. Table 6-2 presents a
brief summary of such methods classified according to the human behavior and the nature of the market situation.

Table 6-2: Different methods available for economic valuation of environmental impacts.

Actual Market-based Indirect Market-based Hypothetical-based

Information Information Information

Actual Behavior change in production travel cost created or simulated

effect on human health wage differences market
preventive cost property values

Potential Behavior replacement cost surrogate goods contingent valuation

shadow price opportunity cost bidding games

6.5 Guidelines for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts

The methodology of valuing costs and benefits of environmental changes is still evolving. In this respect,
some general guidelines for conducting economic analyses of the environmental impacts of development projects
should be observed in order to carry out any useful analysis. These are, from the Asian Development Banks
Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Projects (Asian Development Bank, 1987):

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1. Start with the most obvious and easily valued environmental impacts. First select the effects that
have directly measurable productivity changes that can be valued by market prices (for example,
changes in fish or crop production due to a diversion of water for a hydroelectric power project).
2. Always look at both the benefit and cost sides. A clear distinction should be made between benefits
(costs avoided) and costs, as these will be the reference from which changes are measured. For
instance, the value of a regulation structure should include, from the cost side, the capital operations
and maintenance costs; and from the cost avoided side, the benefits of reduced flooding
3. Economic analysis should be done in a with- and without-project framework. Project alternatives
should also be considered.
4. All assumptions in the economic analysis should be stated clearly.
5. When market prices cannot be used directly, surrogate market prices should be used.

The time horizon for the economic analysis may coincide with the economically and technically viable
project life span. Where the effects on the environment are expected to persist beyond the projects life span,
however, the time horizon of the analysis should be likewise extended. There are two ways to accommodate an
extended time horizon. The first is to extend the cash-flow analysis for a number of years specific to the project
under consideration. The second is to add a capitalized value of net benefits or costs at the normal end of the
project period. This approach implicitly assumes that the impact on the environment extends to infinity (Carpenter
and Maragos, 1989).

6.6 Issues in the Incorporation of Environmental Values into Benefit Cost Analysis

The evolutionary nature of the process of valuing environmental impacts requires that three important
conceptual issues be addressed. To reiterate previous sections, these issues are: i) the need to choose valuation
techniques; ii) the definition of analysis boundaries; and iii) the selection of an appropriate time horizon.

Aside from these issues, designwise, economic analysis has a series of limitations when incorporating the
environmental values into benefit cost analysis. Economic analysis does not address the effects of the project on
income distribution. Projects which will benefit wealthy individuals at the expense of poor individuals may be
undesirable on distributional grounds, even if they show high benefit/cost ratios. If analysts are careful, however,
they can incorporate distributional impacts into the economic analysis by assigning different weights to the
different income groups.

Another issue in the economic analysis is intergenerational equity. Future generations might have
fewer resources available than they would have had without the project, resulting in a high benefit-cost ratio. One
way of addressing this issue is directly related to the choice of discount rate. A high discount rate will favor
projects with immediate net benefits, while a low one will have fewer restrictive effects on projects with long-
term negative benefits and will give more weight to negative future impacts. The environmental impacts of a
project could be highly affected by this issue, as some of the environmental issues may have impact over a long

Economic analysis also has to deal with risk and uncertainty. Natural events such as drought, floods,
earthquakes, and plant and animal diseases may seriously affect projects. To handle this problem, expected values
are used as alternative values for variables (that is, prices, quantities whose precise value cannot be known in
advance). By using a single number, this expected value method of accounting for risk and uncertainty does not
indicate the degree of uncertainty or the range of values which might actually be expected. Sensitivity analysis can
also be used to handle risk and uncertainty in projects. Here, the use of optimistic and pessimistic values for
different variables can indicate which variables will have the most pronounced effects on benefits and costs.

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Another important issue in the economic analysis is the accounting of the irreversible damage projects
have on available natural resources. Decision makers must give special attention to irreversible impacts since these
may have significant consequences in the future. Irreversibility can be accounted for in the economic analysis by
the opportunity-cost approach since it indirectly provides information on the cost of preservation. In general,
however, the rule should be that if the costs of retaining an option that would otherwise be foreclosed are
relatively low then the decision maker should weigh the possibility of retention. To address this issue, caution
should be made in the choice of projects, by wisely using nonrenewable resources and implementing projects
which promote sustainable use of renewable resources. The welfare of both current and future generations can be

Economic analysis is also limited by ethical and moral considerations in the valuation of human
lives. Although methods have been devised to evaluate project activities which will affect human health, one
cannot readily reply to questions on how much compensation an individual will accept for the loss of his life.
Ethically, no project proponent could brazenly show willingness to buy/pay for human lives that might be affected
by the project.

Economic valuation will also have limits if the resources in question are imbedded in the peoples cultural
traditions and value systems. This is specifically true for cultural, historical, and aesthetic resources where the
peoples perception of losses of these resources depends a great deal on their cultural and historical attachment to
them. People may be unwilling to accept any level of compensation, no matter how high, if they have strong
emotional, cultural, or traditional ties to the resources. Conversely, although people may be willing to pay to
preserve or retain a resource, they might be constrained by income.

6.7 Methods for Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts

There are many methods available for economic valuation of environmental impacts. The valuation to be
undertaken and the appropriate methods to be chosen depend on the data availability and other circumstances
related to the project. The following section provides a brief description of the more important methods available
for valuating environmental impacts. Though inexhaustive, it will familiarize the reader with a range of valuation

6.7.1 Changes in Productivity

Techniques using changes in productivity as the basis for measurement are direct extensions of traditional
benefit-cost analyses. Physical changes in production due to environmental impacts are valued using market prices
for inputs and outputs, or, when distortions exist, appropriately modified market prices. The monetary values thus
derived are then incorporated into the economic analysis of the project.

To use these techniques, the following steps must be taken:

1. identify the changes in productivity caused by the environmental impacts both on-site and off-site;
2. assess the effects on productivity with the project and without the project. The latter option is
used to specify the change the project will cause and to clarify the degree of damage or the damage
avoided by the project; and
3. make assumptions about the time over which the changes in productivity must be measured, the
correct prices to use, and any future changes expected in relative prices.

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The lost earnings and medical costs that result from environmental damage caused by a project or the
comparable savings which would accrue from preventing that damage are the basis for valuation. This technique
is known as the loss of earnings, human capital or forgone earnings approach.

The loss of earnings approach may be used when:

1. a direct cause-and-effect relationship can be established and the etiology of the disease is clearly
2. the illness is of short-duration, not life-threatening, and has no major long-term effects; and
3. the precise economic value of earnings and medical care is known.

In addition to using this technique in health-related morbidity or mortality, it may also be used to measure
loss of (income) earnings caused by exogenous reductions in productivity.

6.7.2 Market Prices

Some techniques use market prices to evaluate actual project costs. They do not attempt to estimate a
monetary value for the benefits produced by the project. The project output or product is described in qualitative
or physic al terms and potential benefits must be determined to justify the costs involved.

To determine the importance individuals attach to impacts on the environment, the preventive expenditure
approach examines actual expenditures. The demand for the mitigation of environmental damage may be seen as a
surrogate demand for environmental protection. Obviously, individuals will commit their resources only if their
subjective estimate of the benefits is at least as great as the costs. An indirect measure of individual perception of
these costs can then be derived by looking at the amount of resources allocated to avoiding them. Since an
individuals willingness to incur costs is constrained by his/her ability to pay, however, this approach only
provides a minimum estimate of the benefits achieved. The assumptions implicit in this kind of analysis are:

1. accurate data on the costs of mitigating expenditures are available; and

2. there are no secondary benefits associated with the expenditures.

The opportunity cost approach is based on the concept that the cost of using resources for unpriced or
unmarketed purposes can be estimated by using the forgone income from other uses of the resource as a proxy.
Rather than attempting to measure directly the benefits gained from preserving a resource, that which is given up
for the sake of preservation is measured. Where the opportunity cost of preservation is low, a decision is usually
made to conserve the resource in its natural state.

Possible situations where this approach may be valuable include alteration of tropical rainforests,
establishment and protection of wildlife sanctuaries, preservation of cultural or historical sites and natural vistas.
The approach can also be used to determine where major infrastructure projects or industrial facilities will be
sited. Where alternative locations exist, the approach helps to clarify the additional costs of preserving one area
versus another. Similarly, this technique can be used to value the effect of the different technological options on
the environment.

6.7.3 Surrogate Market Prices

Surrogate market techniques are approaches which use actual market prices to value an unmarketed
quality of the environment (for example, clean air, unobstructed views, pleasant surroundings, etc.). The basic
assumption is that the purchasers valuation of the environmental qualities at issue is the price differential arrived
at after all variables except environmental quality have been controlled.

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Chapter 6: Economic Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Property Values

The basic assumption in using this approach is that the buyers attitudes toward an attribute of a property
(physical, aesthetics, environmental) is reflected by their willingness to pay for the property. For instance in
deciding to buy a new house, one would expect its value to be equal to its construction costs plus an appropriate
mark-up. In reality, however, decisions to buy a house are influenced by a wide range of attributes, only some of
which are physical.

The property value approach is designed to control certain variables so that any remaining price
differential can then be assigned to the unpriced environmental good. Similarly, environmental bad can be
measured using this technique, or with a drop in property value due to increased noise, air pollution, or view
obstruction. For example, benefits from an urban flood control project could in part be estimated by examining
price differences between housing units located in a flood-prone district and similar housing in less frequently
flooded areas.

Wage Differentials

The wage differentials approach rests on the theory that in a perfectly competitive equilibrium, the
demand for labor equals the value of the marginal product of the worker and the supply of labor varies not only
with wages, but also with working and living conditions. A higher wage is thus needed to induce workers to work
in polluted areas or to undertake risky occupations. Workers are presumed to be able to work freely among jobs,
and therefore to be able to choose particular jobs in particular areas at certain wages which will maximize their

Differences in wage levels for similar jobs may be viewed as a function of different levels in the attributes
of a job relating to working or living conditions. If such a relationship between wage levels and attributes could be
estimated, implicit prices could be determined. Assuming constant implicit prices (reflecting marginal willingness
to pay or the acceptance of lower or higher wages for lower or higher levels of the particular attribute), benefits
could be estimated for improvements in levels of attributes. Common attributes affecting wage differentials are
risks to life and health, and the presence of urban amenities.

Travel Cost

The travel cost approach is based on the simple premise that observed behavior can be used to estimate a
value for an unpriced environmental good by treating increasing travel costs as a surrogate for variable
admission prices. This approach is widely used to determine values people place on recreational facilities. Usually
such goods are provided either free of charge or for a nominal admission fee. The value of the benefits or utility
derived from the park, however, is often much larger than the fee, with the difference being the consumers
surplus. To estimate the total amount of a consumers surplus, one must derive a demand curve from the actual
use of the park.

6.7.4 Replacement Cost

The basic premise of the replacement-cost approach is that the costs incurred in replacing productive
assets damaged by a project can be measured. These costs can be interpreted as an estimate of the benefits
presumed to flow from measures taken to prevent that damage from occurring. The rationale for this technique is
similar to that for preventive expenditures except that the replacement costs are not a subjective valuation of the
potential damages. Rather they are the true costs of replacement if damage had actually occurred. The approach
may thus be interpreted as an accounting procedure used to work out whether it is more efficient to let damage

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happen and then to repair it or to prevent it from happening in the first place. It estimates the upper limit of the
value of the damage but does not really measure the benefits of environmental protection per se.

The assumptions implicit in this type of analysis are:

1. the magnitude of damage is measurable;

2. the replacement costs are calculable and are not greater than the value of the productive resources
destroyed, and therefore it is economically efficient to make the replacement; and
3. there are no secondary benefits associated with the expenditures.

Relocation Costs

This variant of the replacement-cost technique uses the actual costs of relocating a physical facility to
evaluate the potential benefits (and associated costs) of preventing the environmental change which would
necessitate the relocation. A case in point is the construction of an oil palm mill which would discharge waste
water into a nearby stream. Of the various environmental costs associated with this discharge, one might need to
relocate a domestic water supply intake which is downstream from the mill.

Shadow Projects

The shadow-project technique was developed in an attempt to estimate the cost of replacing the entire
range of environmental goods and services threatened by a project.

The assumptions implicit in this analysis are that:

1. the endangered resource is scarce and highly valued;

2 the human-built alternative would provide the same quantity and quality of goods as does the natural
3. the original level of goods and services is desirable and should therefore be maintained; and
4. the costs of the shadow project do not exceed the value of the lost productive service of the natural

6.7.5 Contingent Valuation Methods

Contingent valuation methods are survey-based methods which may be used to value the environmental
impacts of development projects when no data are available on market or surrogate market prices. Some of these
methods may not be applicable in the analysis of many projects in developing countries, however they are
nevertheless valuable tools in some cases concerning such diverse goods and services as species preservation;
historical or cultural phenomena; genetic diversity; preservation of open spaces, unobstructed views; or public
access to amenity resources.

Bidding Games

In a bidding game, individuals are asked to evaluate a hypothetical situation and to express their
willingness to pay or to accept compensation for a change in the level of provision of an environmental good or
service (for example, access to parks, clean air or water, or unobstructed views). Respondents willingness to
pay rather than to do without the good may be summed up to provide an estimate of aggregate willingness to
pay. There are two types of bidding games: single bid games and iterative bid games.

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Chapter 6: Economic Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Single bid games ask respondents the maximum price they would be willing to pay for an environmental
good such as clean water or to quote the minimum amount of compensation they would accept for doing
without that good. The responses are then averaged and extrapolated to come up with the aggregate willingness
to pay or an aggregate level of compensation.

In the iterative (or converging) bid games, individuals are asked whether they would pay a given amount
for the environmental good or service. The amount is then varied iteratively until a willingness to pay or a
minimum willingness to accept compensation is reached.

Take-it-or-Leave-it Experiments

This method is best illustrated by an experiment asking different groups of respondents if they would be
willing to accept $10, $20, or $50 for a decrease in air quality. Each respondent is given only one amount to
respond to. The various amounts are randomly distributed over the entire surveyed population. For each given
amount, the proportion of respondents who would and would not accept the offer can be determined. The
answers are then analyzed to come up with the average consumers willingness to pay, which in return is
multiplied by the number of people affected to arrive at the aggregate willingness to pay.

Costless Choice

The costless choice method involves asking participants to choose from two or more alternatives, each of
which is desirable and will cost nothing. The choice might be between a certain amount of money or some
unpriced environmental good (for example, a reduction in air or noise pollution). If the individual chooses the
environmental good rather than the money, the minimum value of the environmental good to that individual is
established. If the money were chosen, then it would be established that the individual thought the good to be
worth less than that certain amount.

6.7.6 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Although cost-effectiveness analysis is not a straightforward valuation technique, it can nonetheless be

useful. This approach focuses entirely on meeting a predetermined standard or goal given limited resources (for
example, limited funds, inadequate data, or insufficient knowledge of the nature and link between environmental
damage and human health and welfare). After considering all the alternatives, cost effectiveness analysis is used to
determine the most effective way to meet a goal. The major difference between cost-effectiveness analysis and
other approaches is that no attempt is made to monetize the benefits. It is thus a highly useful approach for
projects with benefits that are difficult to measure in monetary terms.

The first step in cost-effectiveness analysis is to fix a target. In the environmental field it may be a certain
ambient quality or an emission standard for industrial facilities. Once a target is chosen, cost-effectiveness
analysis is carried out by examining the various options by which the target can be achieved. This may involve
analyzing the capital and operating costs of different pollution control technologies. The basic goal, however, is to
identify the least-cost alternative which will achieve the goal selected.

Since cost-effectiveness analysis does not give an estimate of benefits that can be derived from meeting a
given standard or goal, it is possible that even the most cost-effective (least-cost) option of meeting a strict
standard is still too expensive. This would suggest that standard should be relaxed cost-effectiveness analysis
can help point this out too.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 6: Economic Analysis

6.7.7 Benefits-Transfer-Method

The Benefits-Transfer-Method (BTM) is a method of estimating the value of environmental impacts by

adapting values reported in other studies, preferably in a similar location under comparable circumstances, through
primary research. Although the BTM is a secondary valuation technique, it is very practical because it saves
budget and time requirements for data gathering and analysis work.

In general there are four basic steps in obtaining BTM values. The first is to select literature in order to
obtain values and estimates of environmental benefits and damages. These values then need to be adjusted, in
order to fit the bio-physical baseline and socio-economic and monetary information of the current project. The
adjusted values are then multiplied by the number of affected individuals to get the total values per unit of time.
Finally, the total discounted values of environmental impacts are calculated over the time period which impacts are
expected to occur.

Although the method is straightforward, sound judgement must be used or else the calculated values may
be totally inapplicable to the project being evaluated. If BTM is to be used, it is important to properly evaluate the
appropriateness of the value because a wide range may be found in the literature due to the differences in
estimation procedures. It is also important to make necessary modifications in the values to account for
differences in the primary study site and the new study site. If the values from a developed country are to be
extrapolated to a developing country (which is often the case), the major differences in personal income, property
rights, land prices, institutions, cultures, climates and natural resources should be considered.

6.8 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank. 1996. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts: A Workbook. Parts I and II.
Environment Division, Office of Environment and Social Development, Asian Development Bank, Manila,
Philippines. 303 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1987. Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Projects. Asian Development Bank
internal document, Aug. 1987. Manila, Philippines. 172 pp.
Carpenter, R.A. and J.E. Maragos (eds). 1989. How to Assess Environmental Impacts on Tropical Islands and
Coastal Areas. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Training Manual. Sponsored by Asian
Development Bank. Prepared by Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI. 345 pp.
Dixon and Bojo, J. 1988.
Dixon, J.A., R.A. Carpenter, L.A. Fallon, P.B. Sherman, and S. Manipomoke. 1988. Economic Analysis of
the Environmental Impacts of Development Projects. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London. 134 pp.

December 1997
Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

7.0 Social Assessment

Evaluation of the social implications of a project is tightly linked to the scrutiny of that projects social
and economic objectives. Social assessments must go well beyond determining a projects adverse impacts. As a
methodology, social assessment refers to a broad range of processes and procedures for incorporating social
dimensions into development projects. In some jurisdictions and agencies, the social assessment is conducted in
conjunction with the environmental impact assessment (EIA); in others, it is conducted separately. In both cases,
the social assessment influences project design and the overall approval of the project.

Many of the methods and techniques discussed in this chapter have evolved in the context of international
development assistance provided by bilateral agencies and the multilateral development banks. As such, they focus
on people as beneficiaries. They also consider people as vulnerable groups that may be adversely affected by the
project. Important distinctions are made between those who will benefit and those who may be harmed. The
social assessment aims to determine the social costs of the project and the degree to which the benefits of a
project will be distributed in an equitable manner. Social assessments are necessary to help ensure the project will
accomplish its development goals (for example, poverty reduction; enhancement of the role of women in
development; human resources development, including population planning; and avoiding or mitigating negative
effects on vulnerable groups, and protecting these groups).

By addressing the specific development goals in the assessment of development projects, developers,
lenders and governments can help ensure that project benefits are realized and negative social impacts are
minimized. Various methods and approaches have been developed to consider social dimensions, including:

social analysis;
gender analysis;
indigenous peoples plans;
involuntary resettlement plans;
cooperation with non-governmental organizations;
use of participatory development processes; and
benefits monitoring and evaluation.

7.1 Social Assessment and the Project Cycle

Chapter 1 illustrated the EIA inputs into the project cycle. As with environmental considerations, the need
to analyze the social factors which influence (and are influenced by) a project continues throughout the entire life
of a project. The major activities involved in incorporating social dimensions into the project are summarized in
Table 7-1. The project preparation stage, in particular the preparation of the feasibility study, is the focus of many
social assessment activities. It is thus imperative that those tasked with preparation of the feasibility study are
given clear, focused terms of reference and specific guidance on how to carry out the necessary analyses to
ensure social dimensions are adequately addressed.

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Table 7-1: Social dimensions activities undertaken during the project cycle.

Project Stage Activities Undertaken

Project Concept & identification of social dimensions and associated processes that may be important in the project
Pre-feasibility selection of key elements of social analysis
identification of initial potential social issues and impacts
initial Social Assessment

Feasibility Study social analysis

involuntary resettlement planning
indigenous peoples planning
gender analysis
poverty impact analysis
benefit monitoring and evaluation planning

Project arrangements for resettlement

Implementation information dissemination on role of beneficiaries
ongoing stakeholder consultation
strengthen beneficiary organizations
improving absorptive capacity of target groups
mitigating adverse effects on vulnerable groups

Monitoring monitoring of social indicators developed during the project design

review missions to assess social dimensions and associated processes
progress reporting by the executing agency (for example, beneficiary participation by number, gender, income
group; participation by adversely affected groups; formation of beneficiary groups (numbers by gender and income

7.2 Conducting a Social Assessment

The basic steps for incorporating social dimensions into a project are (Asian Development Bank, 1994):

1. Social Analysis
a) identifying the client population
b) assessing needs
c) assessing demand
d) assessing absorptive capacity
e) conducting gender analysis
f) assessing adverse impacts on vulnerable groups
- poverty impact assessment
- indigenous peoples
- involuntary resettlement;
2. Targeting;
3. Designing Participatory Development Processes;
4. Formulating Delivery Mechanisms; and
5. Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation.

7.2.1 Basic Steps

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Social analyses are becoming a requirement of most assessments undertaken in developing countries.
These analyses involve three principal steps: initial issue identification; preliminary assessment of all issues; and
detailed social analysis of the potential for the major impacts. Initial issue identification may be carried out in an ad
hoc or informal way, by seeking expert opinion, and by public involvement. The key to success is to incorporate a
range of perspectives in the process. Since the widest range of social, economic, cultural, resource use and
infrastructure effects occur at the local level, local people generally identify most potential effects and are key to
the identification of issues. The success of a social analysis can be enhanced by taking the following measures:

involve a qualified social impact specialist with a solid background in social sciences;
incorporate some form of participatory development process;
hire local experts;
use local knowledge as well as scientific data; and
use realistic assumptions for development practices such as construction practices rather than ideal
or worst case.

Identifying Client Groups

Client groups are those groups that will either benefit or be adversely affected by the project. The first
step in any social analysis is to gather baseline information on client groups. As not all project beneficiaries will
have the same needs and demands, the population may have to be divided into sub-groups. A basic profile for
each sub-group should be developed. This profile should include:

the number in each sub-group,

differentiation by gender,
number of single-headed households,
household size,
income and asset levels,
levels of education and access to education,
health problems and access to health services,
social organization and group formation, and
ethnic or cultural distinctions.

This information should describe the socioeconomic traditions of the client group which affect life-styles, beliefs
and patterns of use of facilities to be affected by the project. It is not always necessary to conduct detailed
socioeconomic surveys to gather this information. In fact, current practice is usually to conduct participatory
rural appraisals as part of the participatory development activities associated with the project (see section 7.2.3).

Client Needs

Once the baseline information on the client group has been identified, the social assessment team should
assess the expressed need of client groups in relation to the benefits to be provided by the project. In assessing
client needs, the social analysis team should:

describe the quantity and quality of related facilities available to each of the sub-groups, including any
problems of access, cost, quality, etc. and the level of service to be provided to each subgroup under
the project;

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

assess the priority given by the expected clients to acquiring the facilities to be established by the
project in relation to their willingness to allocate their resources (for example, time, capital, effort)
for the acquisition of such facilities if the facilities are a priority, determine the clients preference
with respect to type, quality, and cost of project; and
determine the potential to maximize the projects benefits through the addition of project components
designed specifically to ensure benefits flow to affected people.

Client Demands

Once the clients needs have been identified, the social assessment team should:

assess the client groups demand for the project, for example, by assessing present expenditures and
efforts by clients to access such facilities through formal, informal, or traditional means;
for each client group, assess the clients ability and willingness to pay for access to the project; and
assess the projects potential to change the demand for the project (for example, through better
client-provider relations).

The Nong Khai-Udon Thani Water Supply and Sanitation Projects (Thailand) assessment of clients needs
and demands (Box 7-1) identified four client groups, and found that each one had different needs and demands for

Box 7-1: Assessing clients needs and demands - Nong Khai-Udon Thani Water Supply and
Sanitation Project (source: Pro-en Consultant and Management Co. Ltd., 1996).

During the course of the social assessment, the social assessment team identified four client groups: 1) piped water users, 2) non-piped
water users owning their own land, 3) non-piped water users not owning their own land; 4) industries (factories and services industries).
The groups were further sub-divided to those living in Nong Khai, Udon Thani and the Highway corridor. The social assessment was
undertaken to examine the attributes of the potential beneficiaries. Each group was assessed as to its ability to access the project, their
willingness to pay, and the positive and negative social impacts of the project.

The assessment determined that the ability of domestic users to benefit from the project would depend on whether they could connect to a
piped water supply and whether they could afford to pay monthly water supply charges. Based on sample results, 90% of piped water
users in Udon Thani, 70% of users in Highway corridor, and 50% of the users in Nong Khai were willing to pay for an improved system.
Of those currently without piped water, 80% of Udon Thani potential users and 75% of Highway Corridor users would be willing to pay for
a piped water supply. Sample data for Nong Khai was insufficient for analysis, but it is likely the percentage of users willing to pay is similar
to that of the Highway Corridor.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Absorptive Capacity

Absorptive capacity is the capacity of the client group to reap the benefits from the project and/or adapt
to the adverse impacts associated with the project.

The social analysis should:

examine the variations in existing knowledge, attitudes, and practice which may influence the extent
and manner in which the project may be used;
describe the behavioral changes which may be required for clients to use and sustain the benefits
which may be provided through the project; and
assess their ability and willingness to make these changes in terms of their motivation to change,
including aspirations, level of knowledge, skills and experience, social cohesion of the client groups,
and constraints.

Many projects concerned with forestry enhancement and watershed rehabilitation have to be concerned
with increasing the absorptive capacity of target beneficiaries (for example, see Box 7-2). Potential beneficiaries
are often poor with low cash income, little education, and are in poor health. They are likely dependent on a
natural resource base which has been degraded through unsustainable practices.

Box 7-2: Assessing absorptive capacity - forestry sector and watershed rehabilitation projects in
Viet Nam.

Viet Nam is conducting a number of forestry sector and watershed rehabilitation projects, with the aid of foreign donor assistance. These
projects are part of Viet Nams strategy to address the problem of deforestation. Decline in forest cover has reduced the value of remaining
timber stands, resulted in soil loss and loss of soil fertility, reduced biodiversity, and impaired the watershed hydrological functions, thereby
threatening downstream water supplies and increasing risks associated with flooding. Past forestry practices and timber harvesting by state
forest enterprises have been a major source of forest decline. In addition, deforestation and environmental degradation is continuing
through practices of shifting cultivation and illegal logging. Increasing population pressures are such that lowland agricultural systems are
unable to provide for all. This has forced movement and resettlement (aided by Government policy) of ethnic minorities and lowland
immigrants into the upland watersheds. Unfortunately, the movement of people has not been accompanied with the introduction of
economically viable agroforestry systems and appropriate land use practices. Most villagers are aware of the risks of natural resource
degradation. Their unsustainable use of the forest stems from their poverty, scarcity of land and low agricultural productivity. Minority
peoples clearly see the need for forest protection and they traditionally use the forest as a natural reservoir of resource in times of scarcity.

The immediate beneficiaries of the projects (people in the villages) wish to increase their standard of living through production of income
generating crops. There are a number of critical factors needed to ensure that the benefits will flow to the people in the project areas. The
first is the creation of security of land tenure. The projects will hasten the process of land allocation and the creation of rights for individual
households to use forest land. In some communes, this process of allocation of forest land is well advanced. The second important factor is
the availability of credit to allow for improvements to the land. This will allow the individual farmers to invest in new crops and other
improvements to land. The third factor is the knowledge of cropping systems and farm economics to make effective use of the land and funds
for investment. Unfortunately, the knowledge of the project beneficiaries is very low. In fact, the education level is also very low - restricting
the capacity of the beneficiaries to absorb new knowledge and take advantage of the project benefits. It is very important to transfer
knowledge to farmers as early as possible in the project through improved extension services including training of extension workers,
model farms, television, and other education and awareness programs.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Gender Issues

The social analysis must include an examination of gender issues, including:

an assessment of differences in values, roles, and needs of men and women in terms of the impact
of these factors on decisions to use the project; and
an assessment of the access of men and women to the project, and to related training and
employment opportunities including identification of constraints (for example, time, finances,
transportation, literacy, health, social, cultural, legal or religious constraints) faced by women or men
in gaining access to the project.

Gender analysis is discussed in more detail in section 7.3.3

Potential Adverse Impacts

The assessment of potential adverse impacts should include:

identification of those groups which may be adversely affected by the project, including groups who
may be required to relocate, or groups adversely affected by loss of income, loss of traditional lands
and cultural property and possible exposure to health hazards (for example, noise or air pollution,
traffic hazards, etc.);
determination of the possibility of conflict over rights to key resources such as water;
determination of how pricing policies would affect the distribution of and access to project benefits
by poor clients, including an assessment of the ability of client groups who are defined as too poor to
afford a basic level of service to access the project, and identification of financing measures which
are affordable for the poor groups on a sustainable basis;
determination of any significant changes in affected groups life-styles;
identify and assess options for avoiding, mitigating, or compensating groups which may be adversely
affected; and
consult with affected groups to obtain feedback through such means as community dialogues, public
hearings, referendum, formation of multipartite negotiating, or monitoring teams concerning the
proposed solution.

7.2.2 Targeting

To ensure benefits flow to the intended members of the client group, the following should be considered
in the project design and implementation:

determine whether there are groups of people who are not in the targeted client group but may wish
to co-opt the project (for example, at Nam Pong in Thailand, the new reservoir attracted Vietnamese
who moved in and became middlemen Thai fishermen caught fish in the reservoir, but
middlemen took the main profits);
identify the possible methods, opportunities, or extent to which people in this group might co-opt
these services;
if the preceding analysis shows there is a likelihood that people who are not in the target group would
be motivated and able to co-opt the project, then new targeting and monitoring mechanisms should
ensure that the services are provided to the persons outside of the target group.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

if the project has potential for maximizing the access of poor people to a project (as a result of the
goal of enhancing income-generating or income-enhancing opportunities), identify measures or
processes which specify poverty reduction objectives; and
if the project has potential for poor people to access the project, identify measures which would
ensure that the poor will have maximum access.

7.2.3 Participatory Development Processes

"Through participation we lost control of the project and in doing so gained ownership and sustainability,
precious things in our business" World Bank Task Manager

Participation is a process through which stakeholders influence and share control over development
initiatives and the decisions and resources that affect them (Asian Development Bank, 1996). Participatory
development processes (World Bank, 1996):

identify strengths and weaknesses of existing policies and service and support systems; that is, the
stakeholders conduct the analysis and diagnosis collaboratively;
decide and articulate what is needed; that is, the stakeholders jointly set objectives;
decide in pragmatic terms, directions, priorities, and institutional responsibilities; that is the
stakeholders jointly create a strategy; and
develop and oversee development of project policies, specifications, blueprints, budgets, and
technologies needed to move from the present to the future; that is, the stakeholders jointly formulate
project tactics.

Participatory development processes may be used throughout the project cycle; they usually facilitate or
complement the social and related analysis that must be done. There is no single approach or methodology that is
to be followed. The World Bank Participation Sourcebook (World Bank, 1996) provides a number of case studies,
provides an overview of the basic methodologies, outlines the basic practices, and provides guidance on how to
conduct a participatory development process. Box 7-3 summarizes a case study of participatory development in
India based on Forest Protection Committees composed of villagers who band together to care for the forest.

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Box 7-3: Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project (World Bank, 1996).

Forest Protection Committees (FPC) are groups of local people who form themselves into one village-wide organization to negotiate with
one voice with the Forest Department. Members of a FPC take on the duties of keeping the forest free from poachers and take on some
forest husbandry responsibilities in exchange for legitimate access to harvesting timber and non-timber forest products. The Forest
Protection Committee approach originated and has been successfully applied in West Bengal. Through this approach government foresters
shift from a policing role to a social role that provides income to forest dwellers and regenerates the forest.

Introduction of the FPC approach into Andhra Pradesh began in 1991. As a part of the project preparation, a participatory planning
workshop was held to bring various government stakeholders together to collaboratively identify institutional changes needed to support
participatory forestry. During the workshop a stakeholder analysis was conducted. This identified up to sixty different groups, including
villagers from adjoining forests, rural women, cattle owners, tribes, and the Forestry Department. A problem tree and corresponding
objectives tree were collaboratively developed (see Figures 7-1 and 7-2). The objectives were converted into a corresponding set of
actions (Table 7-2). A separate NGO workshop was held with the Forestry Department and broad range of NGOs.

The introduction of the FPCs met some resistance in the Forestry Department, but eventually it was accepted and became a core element in
the Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project.

Figure 7-1: Problem tree for forest protection, Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project in India (source: World Bank,

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 7-2: Objectives tree for forest protection, Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project in India (source: World Bank,

Table 7-2: Forest protection options arising from a participatory planning workshop, Andhra Pradesh Forestry
Project in India (source: World Bank, 1996).

Involvement of the Local Population in rehabilitation of headloaders (firewood poachers) in plantation activities
Forest Protection
participatory management by the villagers
reforestation of encroached areas under the concept of FPC by actively involving the encroachers
training of villagers and farmers in the development of protected forests

Meeting Local Needs Reasonably opening up local fuelwood depots, bamboo depots, and small timber depots
supply of bamboo to local artisan at subsidized rates
raising fodder plots in the forest adjoining the villages

Interface with Welfare Departments in participation in the implementation of welfare in tribal areas
Welfare Activities

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) possess knowledge and expertise they have developed from
direct involvement, especially operational NGOs and NGOs working at the community level. Effective NGOs can
help identify, understand and articulate the problems and needs of the beneficiary community. NGO input is
especially important in addressing social concerns such as involuntary resettlement, indigenous peoples and
women in development. NGO participation in projects can help strengthen accountability and transparency in
project activities.

7.2.4 Delivery Mechanisms

An evaluation of the capacity of the executing agency to deliver the project should be made. This should
include an assessment of:

the ability of the executing agency to provide the project to the prospective clients in ways which are
commensurate with the clients ability to use it consider the agencys mandate and commitment
of leaders, resources, management systems, procedures, experience of the agency with similar
projects, and its attitudes towards participatory approaches;
the approaches used by the organization for attaining the social goals of the project;
training needs in social dimensions for those involved in project implementation;
the major channels for spreading information for both literate and illiterate people, and through
different local languages;
any political constraints or tensions which may interrupt access to the project;
the acceptability of project outreach staff to each client subgroup; and
the need for NGOs to assist as intermediaries within the client subgroups, including definition of the
roles which the NGOs may perform, and identification of criteria for selecting NGOs or other
intermediaries who may be involved.

7.2.5 Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation

Benefits monitoring should be incorporated in the environmental monitoring plan. The benefits monitoring
plan should:

identify a few indicators of the achievement of the project output(s), purpose(s), and goal(s) for
each component;
assess existing management information systems in terms of their adequacy in guiding the operation
of the project for maximum effect;
specify indicators to monitor and evaluate the delivery and distribution of benefits to the client groups
identified, and to identify adjustments required during implementation to meet the needs of client
groups more effectively; and
specify indicators to monitor and evaluate project operation and maintenance.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

7.3 Vulnerable Groups

7.3.1 Involuntary Resettlement Planning

In developing countries, the scale of development-related population displacement has grown rapidly in
the past few decades due to the accelerated provision of infrastructure and growing population densities. The
displacement toll of the 300 large dams that, on average, enter into construction every year is estimated to be
above four million people. The urban development and transportation programs being started each year in
developing countries are estimated to displace some additional six million people. Over the past decade, it is
estimated that about 80-90 million people have been resettled as a result of infrastructure programs for dam
construction, urban development and transportation development (World Bank, 1994).

The costs of inadequate resettlement can be very high, resulting in increased poverty for large numbers of
people. This is especially serious since many of those affected are already very poor. They tend to live in
disadvantaged areas where infrastructure is lacking and social services are very limited. The remote locations of
many dam sites are often inhabited by indigenous people, ethnic minorities or pastoral groups. This heightens the
need for sound policies and effective implementation.


Involuntary resettlement consists of two closely related yet distinct processes: displacing people and
rebuilding their livelihood. These processes are among the most difficult in development work. The complexity of
involuntary resettlement and the enormous diversity of project situations make achieving good resettlement a
formidable task. Recognizing the intrinsic difficulty of resettlement is the prime step for addressing this task

When people are displaced, production systems may be dismantled, kinship groups are scattered, and
long-established residential settlements are disorganized. Peoples lives are affected in very painful ways. Many
jobs and assets are lost. Health care tends to deteriorate. Links between producers and their customers are often
severed, and local labor markets are disrupted. Informal social networks that are part of daily sustenance systems
providing mutual help in child care, food security, revenue transfers, short-term credit, labor exchanges, and
other basic sources of socio-economic support are dissolved. Local organizations and formal and informal
associations disappear because of the dispersion of their members. Traditional community and authority systems
can lose their leaders. Symbolic markers, such as ancestral shrines and graves, are abandoned, breaking links with
the past and with peoples cultural identities.

The cumulative effects can tear apart the social fabric and local economy, and is profoundly disruptive to
large numbers of people. The main risk is impoverishment through landlessness, joblessness, food insecurity,
deteriorating health, or the loss of access to community assets. This is why carrying out resettlement adequately
is an impoverishment prevention and poverty reduction task. Mitigation measures must be adopted to ensure that
project-induced displacement and resettlement do not make people worse off.

Moving people involuntarily also raises legal issues. The potential for violating peoples individual and
group rights makes compulsory relocation unlike any other project activity. The fact that projects frequently are
delayed by courts, and that compensation levels are often raised significantly on appeal, reflects the recognition in
legal systems that people cannot be arbitrarily displaced without just compensation, regardless of national need.
When resettlement processes are carried out in a lawful manner that fully respects peoples rights, opposition to
projects by adversely affected people is reduced (although not eliminated) and overall project implementation is
likely to unfold more effectively. Resettlement that reflects the needs and rights of affected persons is not just
compliance with the law, but also constitutes sound development practice.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

A Framework for a Resettlement Action Plan

A plan of action, or a resettlement action plan (RAP), is necessary to re-establish the social and economic
productivity of the displaced communities. The basic framework for RAPs is well described in Asian
Development Bank (1997). A well crafted plan (see Table 7-3) will have:

a statement of objectives and an overview of the national and donor policy context;
a description of the project design and scope of resettlement which includes a description of efforts
to minimize resettlement;
a special analysis of how the project will affect vulnerable groups;
basic information on the impact of land acquisition and losses to potentially affected persons (PAPs)
and a clear definition of eligibility and entitlement considerations;
a description of resettlement site development and income restoration programs;
the institutional framework for resettlement implementation, including the mandate and staffing for a
resettlement agency, needs for capacity building and training, and roles of NGOs and PAPs in
resettlement activities;
a description of the participatory development approach to consultation and community involvement;
a budget, including land acquisition and resettlement costs, allocation and timing, and funding
sources and approvals; and
the monitoring and evaluation system, including monitoring indicators, reporting system, monitoring
program participants and impact evaluation.

Resettlement action plans are often focused on the issues associated with land ownership and
identification of who is entitled to compensation as a result of the project. The Kali Gandaki A Hydroelectric
Detailed Design Study - Acquisition, Compensation and Rehabilitation Program provides a good example of the
compensation for land acquisition. This project also has a good rehabilitation and resettlement plan that will
strengthen capacity and offer special assistance to women and other vulnerable groups. It provides for:

rehabilitation grants for housing rental allowance, travel to district headquarters, land registration
fees, and compensation for fruit trees and standing crop;
creation of a micro-enterprise revolving fund ($50,000 US);
creation of preferential hiring;
training opportunities for women and other disadvantaged groups; and
other measures including tree planting, regional forester and watershed stabilization specialist,
assistance in improving agricultural production, construction and operation of a fish hatchery, rural
electrification, and community forests.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Table 7-3: Resettlement Action Plan Outline (source: Asian Development Bank, 1997).

I. Objectives of Resettlement and Policy Framework

describe the purpose and objectives of resettlement
national and local land and compensation laws that apply to the project
description of donor policies and how these will be achieved under the project
statement of principles and legal/policy commitments from the borrower/executing agency

II. Project Design and Scope of Resettlement

detailed description, including maps, of the scope of resettlement and how resettlement relates to the main investment project
describe alternative options, if any , considered to minimize resettlement
details of special consideration given to how the project will impact indigenous people and other vulnerable groups, including women
responsibility for resettlement planning and implementation

III. Socio-economic Information and Entitlements

impact of land acquisition on potential affected peoples
identify all losses to resettlers and host communities
details of common property resources
cut-off dates of eligibility
new eligibility of policy and Entitlement Matrix

IV. Resettlement Site Development and Income Restoration

location, quality of site, and development needs
layout, design and social infrastructure
safeguarding income and livelihoods
income restoration programs
gender issues and other vulnerable groups
integration with host communities

V. Institutional Framework for Resettlement Implementation

mandate of resettlement agency
establishing a resettlement unit and staffing
technical assistance for capacity building
role of NGOs and PAPs organizations in resettlement
grievance redress committees

VI. Consultation and Community Participation

identification of project stakeholders
mechanisms for participation
participatory resettlement management
institutions in participation
NGOs as a vehicle for participation

VII. Resettlement Budget and Financing

land acquisition and resettlement costs
budgetary allocation and timing
sources of funding and approval process

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation

establishing a monitoring and evaluation system
monitoring and reporting
NGO/PAPs participation in monitoring and evaluation
resettlement impact evaluation

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Box 7-4: Kali Gandaki "A" Hydroelectric Detailed Design Study - Acquisition, Compensation and
Rehabilitation Program.

The project includes a dam and reservoir site, a power plant site and the transmission line alignments and access road. Two separate
acquisition, compensation, and rehabilitation programs (ACRP) were developed; one for the access road and one for the facilities. The
Access Road ACRP implemented compensation for PAPs: a total of 333 people were compensated, of which 84 were considered to be
seriously affected (SPAP). The Facilities ACRP identified 284 PAPs, of which 65 are deemed SPAPs.

Land Take and Affected Persons for the Facilities ACRP

Site Temporary & Permanent SPAPs PAPs Total PAPs

Land Take (ha)
Dam & Reservoir 89.62 14 133 147
Power Plant 36.95 9 86 95
Transmission Line 1.75 42 42
TOTAL 128.32 65 219 284

The Facilities ACRP has an estimated total cost of 12,156,400 Nepalese Rupees (NRs) for land acquisition and NRs 7,908,850 for other
compensated impacts (that is, structures, infrastructure and relocation) to compensate people for project related losses.

Visits to the project areas by non-project personnel in September, 1995 and comments from residents at the Public Consultation meeting
held in February, 1996 suggest that residents of local communities who received compensation through the Access Road ACRP were
generally satisfied with the process and the compensation. Residents are in support of the Project. Their primary concerns, which the
implementation of the Facilities ACRP should be careful to address, are compensation of Guthi (trust) land, fair and equitable compensation
rates, job training for local residents, support programs for PAPs and SPAPs, and methods for encouraging local participation.

Phases of the ACRP

Study Phase analysis of cadastral survey that required identification of land parcels, establishment of land ownership and types
of land
check of PAPs names for the
records of the District
Survey survey of conducted of PAP households
survey of fodder and fruit trees, affected houses and cowsheds
assessment of the number of PAPs and SPAPs
valuation of land and other assets
proposal prepared for compensation rate, its structure and a payment schedule
Implementation preparation of a primary investigation report to be submitted to Government
Phase publishing of PAPs names in the National Newspaper with the parcel number and areas to be acquired
preparation of the compensation recommendations
meetings held with the Compensation Fixation Committee
make offers of compensation
make decision regarding the ACRP implementation including the complaints of PAPs

This project has a "good practice" rehabilitation and resettlement plan providing for: rehabilitation grants for housing rental allowance, travel
to district headquarters, land registration fees, compensation for fruit trees and standing crop; creation of a micro-enterprise revolving fund
(US$ 50,000); creation of preferential hiring; training opportunities for women and other disadvantaged groups; other measures including
tree planting, regional forester and watershed stabilization specialist, help in improving agricultural production, construction and operation of
a fish hatchery, rural electrification, community forests.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

7.3.2 Indigenous Peoples Planning

Indigenous peoples are amongst the most vulnerable of all groups. They are often disadvantaged in many
ways, including through poverty, low levels of education, poor access to medical care, and isolation from the
mainstream economy. Indigenous peoples may have distinct languages, cultural behaviors and mistrust of
outsiders. They need to treated differently than other target groups in many cases, a separate indigenous
peoples plan should be prepared.

The key elements in the preparation of an indigenous peoples plan are:

consideration during project design of the needs and wishes of indigenous peoples, local patterns of
social organization, cultural belief, ancestral domain, and traditional land and resource use;
studies to identify potential adverse effects on indigenous peoples and identification of measures to
mitigate these effects;
measures to strengthen the capacity of social, legal, and technical skills of staff in those government
institutions mandated to care for indigenous peoples;
involvement of existing institutions (local organizations and NGOs) with experience in working with
indigenous peoples;
support for agricultural and agri-forestry systems that are well adapted to needs, environments, and
capability of indigenous peoples; and
promotion of self-reliance and avoidance to increasing the dependency of indigenous peoples on the

The Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project (Asian Development Bank, 1995)
prepared an indigenous cultural communities development strategy to ensure that five ethno-linguistic groups in
the project area will receive culturally compatible social and economic benefits (see Box 7-5).

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Box 7-5: Indigenous Peoples Plan for the Philippines Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource
Management Project (Asian Development Bank, 1995).

The activities included in the plan are:

Community Mobilization
Socioeconomic profiles of the barangays will be undertaken to assist targeting project beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will be trained in
participatory planning. Barangay needs and priorities will be assessed. A natural resource management plan will be prepared, and the
community will assist in project implementation and monitoring.

Natural Resource Management Including Reforestation

Environmental awareness training will be provided and will form the basis for implementation of community based reforestation, forest
management, forest protection, and land-use planning. The project aims to generate employment for the poor, who will be responsible
for planting and maintaining reforested areas. Traditional methods of preventing erosion and sustainable land management will be

Strengthening of the Institutions Responsible for the Issuance of Land Tenure Security
The ancestral and land tenure programs of the Department of Natural Resources (DENR) and Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
will be made more accessible to indigenous people. DENR, DAR, and local government units (LGUs) will be trained. They will work
closely with indigenous communities to implement an information dissemination campaign on ancestral domain and land claim options. In
addition to the capacity building in DENR and DAR it is estimated that Certificates of Ancestral Domain Claim will be issued for
approximately 150,000 ha with subsequent specific tenurial instruments such as Certificates of Ancestral Land Claim being granted for
480 ha and Certificates for Land Ownership Award being granted for 26,450 ha.

Rural Infrastructure Development

This component consists of rehabilitation of farm-to-market roads, domestic water supply, and community irrigation systems. These are
priority needs that the communities identified and must be addressed to enhance the socioeconomic well being of the communities.

Provision of Support Services for Agricultural Development

These services, consisting of agribusiness, extension, adaptive research, and rural financial services, are aimed at assisting farmers to
develop new market outlets, adopt improved technologies, and seek new investment options. Savings groups will be formed among the
poorer segment of communities to enable them to access formal credit sources to finance priority needs and begin income generating

Gender Specific Activities

Womens roles in the communities will be enhanced to further develop their potential by ensuring equitable access to and control over
project resources. Specific activities directed at women include training and organization of women by the community mobilization officer,
valued added processing by women, and access to financing for small scale livelihood activities. The project will also incorporate
gender sensitive reporting, gender sensitive training for staff, and inclusion of womens issues and concerns in the Barangay natural
resource management plans.

7.3.3 Gender Analysis

The term gender refers to the social facets of culture, religion, and class which condition the way in
which masculine and feminine roles and status are constructed and defined in each society. Gender relations are
dynamic and changing over time in response to varying socioeconomic conditions and ideological circumstances.
As gender (the social differentiation between women and men) is socially and culturally constructed, gender roles
can be transformed by social changes (Moser, 1993)

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Failure to recognize the importance of gender in international assistance to developing countries has often
resulted in men being the major beneficiaries of the development projects. Women often gained very little benefit
and, in some cases, conditions for them worsened. In almost all developing countries, women are in a much
lower position than men, especially in power relations this can usually be attributed to culture (especially
religion) and traditions. Although women must fulfil many duties, both at home and in the community, they rarely
have the right to decide or to take part in decision making processes or contribute to solving problems that directly
affect them. This not only disadvantages women, it also reduces development efficiency because it does not fully
utilize the knowledge and capacity of women. The elimination of inequality between men and women through the
process of gender and development aims at integrating women more fully into the development process as
participants as well as beneficiaries (Hoa, 1996).

The basic rationale for gender analysis in project planning is:

women and men have different economic capacities and some work done by women (for example,
housework) is not easily quantified, although this work will be costly to replace;
women tend to have less control than men over resources;
women play a multitude of social and economic roles and may have limited time available to
participate in the project or partake of the project benefits; and
acceptable social behavior in some cultures may limit womens ability to participate effectively and
take part in decision-making.

Gender responsiveness in project planning is tightly linked to participatory development processes and
targeting women and men as separate groups. Gender considerations can be incorporated into project planning
and design by ensuring that (Connor, 1996):

gender dis-aggregated data is collected and analyzed;

consultations include women and, depending on the cultural context, these consultations may have
women facilitators consulting with women, separate from men;
participatory development processes are directed at creating socially acceptable ways for women to
become an integral part of decision making;
strategies of participation in the projects, and management of project impacts is targeted on both men
and women; and
monitoring and evaluation programs should include specific indicators relating to women and include
women in the collection and interpretation of monitoring data.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Box 7-6: Promoting participation of women in the Bangladesh Forestry Sector Project (Asian
Development Bank, 1996)

In Bangladesh, the continued pressure on forest land for conversion into agricultural lands, for timber and fuelwood, and non timber forest
produce has led to drastic reductions of forest areas in the country. The Bangladesh Forestry Sector Master Plan (FSMP) states that
women and poor people who do not have land based sources of livelihood will be employed on priority basis in nurseries, plantation,
forest management, harvesting, and industrial work. Womens participation in public programs has traditionally remained limited by social
norms and religious practices.

Key Issues for Womens Participation in Forestry

species preference and requirements of non-timber forest produce need to be fully taken into account in
forestry planning;
poor women are important stakeholders in the protection and maintenance of common property forest
resources because they depend on them for subsistence;
womens work schedules and availability must be taken into account when planning forestry activities to
ensure that they can be easily involved;
access to land and land rights is crucial for women. Women need to be given opportunities to access khas
lands for afforestation;
rural poor women have proven more creditworthy than their male counterparts. Ensuing access to
institutional credit for planting and land improvement may bring high returns and increases household incomes;
training programs for women are needed to increase their skills and knowledge of silvicultural practices;
women need access to high quality seed and seedlings.

Project Activities for Women

The Bangladesh Forestry Sector Project will provide equal opportunities for women to participate in a culturally compatible manner, with
access to project outputs through:

the provision of single or joint rights to use forest land and other land being brought under Project activities;
specific rights-to-use for women of matrilineal ethnic minorities participating in Project activities;
specific targeting of female-headed households and other disadvantaged women;
expanded opportunities of women to participate in community decision making, planning, and management
of Project activities through their membership of local community organizations; and
training of women in group formation and in improved nursery and plantation techniques.

This project also includes an Ethnic Minorities Development Plan which uses participatory processes to facilitate full and equitable
participation of ethnic minorities with respect for dignity, human rights, and cultural uniqueness. The objectives of the Plan are to ensure that
ethnic minorities receive culturally compatible benefits and to avoid adverse effects.

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Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

7.3.4 Human Health Impacts Analysis

Health impact assessment procedures have evolved independently in several development sectors,
including irrigated agriculture, multipurpose reservoirs, water supply and chemical manufacture. The methods and
procedures used and the problems encountered share many similarities. Examples of potential health impacts
associated with irrigation, industry, fisheries and aquaculture, watershed development, forestry, land clearing and
rehabilitation, dams and reservoirs, coastal zone development, thermal power, mining and mineral processing,
electricity oil and gas distribution lines, airports, highways and roads, ports and harbors, and urban development
are provided in Appendix I. (Asian Development Bank, 1992).

In the water supply and sanitation sector, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published
procedures for analyzing non-functioning or under-utilized systems and for evaluating the positive health impacts
of fully functioning systems (WHO, 1983a,b). In this sector, health impacts generally refer to the intended health
improvements which are assumed to derive from safe water supply and sanitation. Sanitary engineers are quite
well versed on health hazards of all types.

Vector Borne Diseases

One important group of health risks, vector-borne diseases, has received considerable attention in
development sectors associated with water resources, such as irrigation and reservoirs. There have been many
reviews (Oomen et al., 1988, Service, 1989). Such developments change the distribution and flow of surface
waters, creating a favorable habitat for vector breeding. Human exposure to biting insects or contaminated waters
provides the conditions necessary for an increased health risk. Expensive mitigation measures take the form of
vector control through chemical application of environmental modification.

An important component of environmental management occurs at the design stage. Decisions about
infrastructure, location and resettlement could help reduce vector populations or prevent exposure. This, in turn,
requires a health impact assessment procedure. One such procedure was published as Guidelines for Forecasting
the Vector-borne Disease Implications of Water Resources Development (Birley, 1991). It covers the sub-sectors
of irrigated agriculture and multipurpose reservoirs, and assists the user to identify:

the specific vector-borne disease hazards which occur regionally and in different habitats;
the vulnerable communities; and
the capabilities of the health service to monitor, safeguard, and mitigate.

These three components of the assessment were then combined into a statement of health risk.

A recent report advocated rapid assessment for identifying environmental and health hazards in irrigation
schemes. A set of vector-borne disease hazards were identified and a simple questionnaire was devised to
determine whether the adverse effects (health risks) appeared sufficiently serious to warrant the project manager
seeking specialist advice (Bolton et al., 1990). Although the distinction between health hazard and health risk is
well established in the chemical sector, it has not been in common use elsewhere.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Box 7-7: An example of vector borne disease hazards (source: Macdonald, 1991 in Asian
Development Bank, 1992)

The linkage between housing and health is widely recognized but hard to evaluate. The City Corporation of Yangon (Rangoon) built low-
cost satellite towns on reclaimed swampy land to accommodate large numbers of squatters. Although protected from flooding by bunds and
sluice gates, the ground became waterlogged during the rains. The surface drains were inadequate, mosquitoes bred heavily, and
bancroftian filariasis transmission was soon established. Multi-storied blocks of flats were also constructed with good internal plumbing but
not connected to the city sewage system. Pools of polluted waste water were formed and mosquitoes proliferated.

In the chemical industry sector there are procedures for determining modes of failure and the associated
health hazards. There are two main issues: poisoning by routine or accidental exposure to toxic chemicals; and
traumatic injury from fire, explosion, radiation, or corrosive action.

Over 60,000 chemic als are in common use and adequate information about toxicity and reactivity is not
available for all of them. A meeting in 1986 established principles and objectives for health and safety assessments
(WHO, 1987). Health impact assessment was viewed as a component of EIA. The three main tasks of health
impact assessment were listed as: identification of hazard, interpretation of health risk, and risk management.

7.4 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank. 1997. Handbook on Resettlement - A Guide to Good Practice. Second Draft. Office
of Environment and Social Development, Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. 84 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1996. Mainstreaming Participatory Development Processes. Office of Environment
and Social Development, Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. 19 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1995. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a
Proposed Loan to the Republic of Philippines for the Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management
Asian Development Bank. 1994. Handbook for Incorporation of Social Dimensions in Projects. Social
Dimensions Unit, Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. 105 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1993. Guidelines for Social Analysis of Development Projects. Asian Development
Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1992. Guidelines for Health Impact Assessment of Development Projects. Office of
the Environment, Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1991a. Guidelines for Incorporation of Social Dimensions in Bank Operations. Draft.
Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1991b. Guidelines for Social Analysis of Development Projects. Asian Development
Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1991c. Environmental Planning and Management and the Project Cycle. Environment
Paper No. 1. Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines.
Asian Development Bank. 1986. Economic Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Development Projects.
Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
Birley, M.H. 1991. Guidelines for Forecasting the Vector-Borne Disease Implications of Water Resources
Development (2nd edition). World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland

December 1997
Chapter 7: Social Analysis EIA for Developing Countries

Bolton, D., A.M.A. Imevbore, and P. Fraval. 1990. A Rapid Assessment Procedure for Identifying
Environmental and Health Hazards in Irrigation Schemes. (OD 120). Hydraulics Research, Wallingford.
Branch, K., D. Hooper, J. Thompson, and J. Creighton. 1984. Guide to Social Assessment: A Framework for
Assessing Social Change. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Briones, N. and W. Lagunilla. 1992. Socioeconomic Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of the Antamok
Gold Projects Open-Pit Mining in Benguet, Philippines. Environmental and Resource Management Project.
Burdge, R.J. 1994. A Community Guide to Social Impact Assessment. Social Ecology Press, Middleton, WI.
Burdge, R.J. and R.A. Robertson. Social impact assessment and the public involvement process. Environ.
Impact Assess. Rev. 10: 81-90.
Canter, L.W. 1977. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Canter, L.W. 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Carley, M.J. and E.S. Bustelo. 1984. Social Impact Assessment and Monitoring: A Guide to the Literature.
Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Cernea, M.M. 1988. Involuntary Resettlement in Development Projects. Policy Guidelines in World Bank-
Financed Projects. World Bank Tech. Pap. No. 80. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Connor, Kerry M. Connor. 1996. Public Participation in the EIA Process: Theory and Process (Draft). Annex 5
in Interim Report submitted to Asia Development Bank on T.A. 2351-THA Strengthening the Environmental
Impact Assessment Process in Thailand by Seatec International, Bangkok Thailand, September 1996.
Craig, D. 1990. Social impact assessment: politically oriented approaches and applications. Environ. Impact
Assess. Rev. 10: 37-54.
DMore, L.J. 1978. An overview of SIA. In: F.S. Tester and W. Mykes (eds.). Social Impact Assessment:
Theory, Method and Practice. Detselig, Calgary, AB. pp. 366-373.
Derman, W. and S. Whiteford (eds.). 1985. Social Impact Analysis and Development Planning in the Third
World. Westview Press. Boulder, CO.
Dietz, T. and C.M. Dunning. 1983. Demographic change assessment. In: K. Finsterbusch, L.G. Llewellyn and
C.P. Wolf (eds.). Social Impact Assessment Methods. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA. pp. 127-150.
Finsterbusch, K. 1976. Methodology for Social Impact Assessment of Highway Locations. Maryland State
Highway Administration, Brookland, MD. pp. 10-13.
Finsterbusch, K. and C.P. Wolf. 1977. Methodology of Social Impact Assessment. Community Development
Series, Vol. 32. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, PA.
Finsterbusch, K., L.G. Llewellyn, and C.P. Wolf (eds.). 1983. Social Impact Assessment Methods. Sage
Publications, Beverly Hills, CA.
Freudenberg, W.R. 1986. Social impact assessment. Annu. Rev. Sociol. 12: 451-478.
Gagnon, C., P. Hirsch, and R. Howitt. 1993. Can SIA empower communities? Environ. Impact Assess. Rev.
13: 229-253.
Grossman, W.D. 1994. Socio-economic ecological models: criteria for evaluation of state-of-the-art models
shown on four case studies. Ecol. Model. 75/76: 21-36.
Halstead, J.M., R.A. Chase, S.H. Murdock, and F.L. Leistritz. 1984. Socioeconomic Impact Management:
Design and Implementation. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
Hindmarsh, R.A., T.J. Hundloe, G.T. McDonald, and R.E. Rickson (eds). 1988. Papers on Assessing the
Social Impacts of Development. Institute of Applied Environmental Research, Griffith University, Brisbane.
Hoa, Pham Thi Mong. 1996. Gender and Development. Invited paper at Environmental Management Seminar -
Viet Nam Canada Environmental Project. Hanoi, Viet Nam.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 7: Social Analysis

Interorganizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment. 1995.
Guidelines and principles for social impact assessment. Environ. Impact Assess. Rev. 15: 11-43.
Jalal, K.F. 1993. Sustainable Development, Environment and Poverty Nexus. Occas. Pap. No. y. Economics and
Development Resource Centre, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. 24 pp.
Kim, S.H. and J.A. Dixon. 1986. Economic valuation of environmental quality aspects of upland agricultural
projects in Korea. In: J.A. Dixon and M.M. Hufschmidt (eds.). Economic Valuation Techniques for the
Environment: A Case Study Workbook. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Krawetz, N.M. 1991. Social Impact Assessment: An Introductory Handbook. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
Leistritz, F.L. and S.H. Murdock. 1981. Socioeconomic Impact of Resource Development: Methods for
Assessment. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Liestritz, F.L., B.L. Ekstrom, R.A. Chase, R. Bisset, and J.M. Halstead. 1986. Social Impact Assessment
and Management: An Annotated Bibliography. Garland Publishing, New York, NY.
Liestritz, F.L., R.C. Coon, and R.R. Hamm. 1994. A microcomputer model for assessing socioeconomic
impacts of development projects. Impact Assess. 12(4) 373-384.
McDonald, G.T. 1990. Regional economic and social impact assessment. Environ. Impact Assess. Rev. 10: 25-
Macdonald. 1991.
Moser, Caroline O.N.. 1993. Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training. London:
Murdock, S.H. and F.L. Leistritz. 1980. Selecting socioeconomic assessment models: a discussion of criteria
and selected models. J. Environ. Manage. 10: 241-252.
Murdock, S.H. and F.L. Leistritz. 1983. Computerized socio-economic assessment models. In: K.
Finsterbusch, L.G. Llewellyn and C.P. Wolf (eds.). Social Impact Assessment Methods. Sage Publications,
Beverley Hills, CA.
Oomen et al. 1988.
Pro-en Consultant and Management Co. Ltd. and Team Consulting Engineers Co. Ltd. 1996. Nong Khai -
Udon Thani Supply and Sanitation Project - T.A. No. 2292 -THA Feasibility Study. Producted for Asian
Development Bank. Manila, Philippines.
Ross, H. 1990. Community social impact assessment: a framework for indigenous peoples. Environ. Impact
Assess. Rev. 10: 185-193.
Service. 1989.
Westman, W.E. 1985. Ecology, Impact Assessment and Environmental Planning. John Wiley & Sons, Toronto,
WHO. 1983a. Maximising Benefits to Health: An Appraisal Methodology for Water Supply and Sanitation Projects
(ETS/83.7). World Health Organisation.
WHO. 1983b. Minimum Evaluation Procedure (MEP) for Water Supply and Sanitation Projects (ETS/83.1,
CDD/OPR/83.1) World Health Organisation.
WHO. 1987. Health and Safety Component of Environmental Impact Assessment (15). World Health
Wildman, P.H. and G.B. Baker. 1985. The Social Impact Assessment Handbook: How to Assess and Evaluate
the Social Impact of Resource Development of Local Communities. Australian Social Impact Publications,
World Bank. 1994. Resettlement and Development: The Bankwide Review of Projects Involving Resettlement
1986-1993. Environment Department. Washington, DC.
World Bank. 1996. World Bank Participation Sourcebook. Environment Department. Washington, DC.

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

8.0 Application of Expert Systems

The various methods, approaches and techniques presented in chapters three to seven for identifying,
measuring, and assessing impacts all have two aspects in common. First, they are designed to deal with the
considerable amount of information that must be processed and analyzed as a part of an environmental impact
assessment (EIA). Second, they rely on expert judgement.

The challenge of collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting information can be partially met by use
of various computer and information technologies. The use of predictive computer models (Chapter 4) is
becoming more prevalent. The use of geographic information systems (GIS) (Chapter 3) for handling spatial data
is also becoming more frequent where there are adequate personnel skills and financial resources to acquire the
necessary data. In most cases, however, environmental problem solving is conceptual and cannot always be
reduced to quantitative analysis (that is, modeling). Often, available information is incomplete, subjective, and

Experts are heavily involved in all aspects of the assessment. Many checklists, matrices, and models used
in EIA are accumulations of the experience of many experts gathered over many years. Experts are used to help
identify the potential for significant impacts, plan data collection and monitoring programs, provide judgement on
the level of significance for specific impacts, and suggest ways of reducing or preventing impacts. The
discussion, in Chapter 2, of constraints on implementing EIA processes in developing countries concluded there is
a critical lack of environmental scientific expertise to help government, industry, and development banks apply
existing knowledge to meet the EIA requirements. When there are a large number of projects to consider,
contracting outside experts for each one is not always practical, and EIAs may be undertaken by those lacking
either sufficient training or time to make sound decisions.

Expert systems are promising technologies that manage information demands and provide required
expertise. They thus seem well suited to many of the tasks associated with EIA. Additional advantages of using
expert systems for EIA are:

1. expert systems help users cope with large volumes of EIA work;
2. expert systems deliver EIA expertise to the non-expert;
3. expert systems enhance user accountability for decisions reached; and
4. expert systems provide a structured approach to EIA.

Because the application of expert system technology to EIA is relatively new, one might consider the
technology as too advanced and not appropriate for developing countries. This is not true, and expert systems
are slowly being disseminated throughout developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Before discussing the current application of expert systems in developing Asia and the Pacific, it is
necessary to better describe the technology itself and discuss its present and potential application to EIA.

8.1 Terminology

Developers of expert systems strive to provide systems with the ability to:

1. mimic the reasoning capability of human experts;

2. deal with incomplete and imprecise knowledge;

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

3. explain and provide a rationale for conclusions;

4. provide alternate options for consideration;
5. provide wider distribution and access to scarce expert knowledge; and
6. provide systematic and consistent application of knowledge.

Reasons for developing and implementing expert systems vary, but are most often characterized by one
or more of the following:

1. human expertise is lost due to retirement, transfer, etc.;

2. average practitioners perform inconsistently;
3. tasks are not repetitive (algorithmic), but require extensive thought each time; and
4. human experts are scarce, and a knowledge bottleneck exists.

Expert systems technologies have bewildered many outsiders (such as engineers and technical specialists
who do not specialize in artificial intelligence). This is, in part, because of the use of complex terminology and
unclear definitions. To establish a common base of understanding, some definitions are suggested here (Finn,

Artificial Intelligence: The sub-field of computer science concerned with understanding the concepts and
methods of human reasoning, and the application of this understanding to the
development of computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior.

Expert System: A computer program that performs difficult, specialized tasks at the level of a human
expert. Because of the reliance of these programs on varied types of knowledge,
these programs are also known as Knowledge-Based Systems.

Heuristic Knowledge: Judgmental knowledge underlying expertise often consisting of rules-of-thumb

acquired through personal experience. This heuristic knowledge is usually implicit,
not necessarily being explicit even to the expert.

Domain Knowledge: The term domain refers to the specific area of application, such as pump failure
diagnosis, or chemical analysis. Domain knowledge is that knowledge which is
specific to the domain, rather than general knowledge, or common sense knowledge.

Knowledge Base: That part of the program in which the knowledge is stored, using some method of
representation, such as rules.

Inference Mechanism: Also known as the Inference Engine, this controls the reasoning operations of the
expert system. This is the part of the program that deals with making assertions,
hypotheses, and conclusions. It is through the inference mechanism that the
reasoning strategy (or method of solution) is controlled.

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

8.2 Expert Systems Fundamentals

The general structure of an expert system (Figure 8-1) can be described in terms of six main components:

1. The external data acquisition systems, which provide the input data for the specific application.
These systems may be manual (that is, data must be collected and entered by hand) or automated
(for example, remote sensing);
2. the knowledge base, which is a collection of domain specific knowledge usually represented as rules
based on IF-THEN logic;
3. external application programs, with which the system exchanges information and data. For example,
computer simulation models may provide quantitative estimates of air and water quality parameters or
GIS may provide spatial data on the location and characteristics of key environmental components.
Reports from expert systems may be exported to common wordprocessing or database software
4. the user, who controls the system, inputs information, selects options, and generates reports;
5. the user interface, which is the means by which the user communicates with other components.
Most user interfaces are menu driven and have a number of display and reporting features; and
6. the inference engine, which is the reasoning mechanism that manipulates the rules in the knowledge
base to provide conclusions. These specific conclusions depend on the information supplied by the
user, external data acquisition systems, and external programs.

Figure 8-1: General structure of expert systems.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Knowledge bases in expert systems are based on collections of rules. These rules are constructed by
codifying the experience and knowledge of a group of experts. These rules are often represented in the following

IF <a set of conditions is true>

THEN <certain conclusions can be drawn>

For example:

IF there is a discharge of a pollutant

and the loading of the pollutant is a relatively large volume
and the discharge is into a water body
THEN the water bodys water quality will significantly decline
and IF the water bodys ambient water quality is within environmental standards
THEN ambient water quality will decline below environmental standards.

Note that the rules are represented in natural language (in this case English). One benefit of this natural
representation of rules is that knowledge bases can be developed rapidly without the need to perform extensive
programming. Another benefit is that once a knowledge base has been developed, it is relatively easy to maintain.
Adding, modifying, or deleting rules does not usually require making extensive system changes. The end-user also
benefits by this natural-language format since questions are posed in language which can be colloquial and familiar
to the users. Typically, answers are selected from menus, rather than users being required to type full sentences.

Another feature of expert systems is their ability to perform some form of explanation, or justification.
This means that once a conclusion is reached, the end-user may ask the expert system to explain its answer, and
the system will step back through its solution procedure, or explain its answer in some other way. It is possible to
perform this function because the separation of inference and application allows for the development of
application-independent tracing or explanation mechanisms. In addition, many systems allow users to pause in the
midst of a solution procedure and examine the systems current knowledge about the problem at hand, and its
current reasoning path.

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

8.3 Applications of Expert Systems to EIA

Gray and Stokoe (1988) reviewed a number of expert systems and decision support tools in
environmental assessment and natural resource management. They found only a few examples of systems applied
specifically to EIA, however they found many more applied to natural resources management. Systems were
identified for forestry, hazardous wastes, risk assessment, weather forecasting and a number for specialized
applications that were difficult to categorize. Pages (1989) comparative analysis of environmental expert systems
in Canada and the then Federal Republic of Germany also revealed only a small number of applications specific ally
directed to EIA. He found a number of systems that applied to natural resource management. Pages review
revealed that most of the systems were either in a prototype or demonstration stage. His study found a number of
promising directions in the environmental expert systems being developed, namely:

1. more intelligent (that is, AI-based) user interfaces, employing colored graphics, object oriented
techniques, window systems, flexible help functions on different user levels, explanation facilities and
eventually performing some natural language processing;
2. Intelligent user access support and orientation on environmental databases (for example, literature
of chemical substances), as well as more efficient database search techniques;
3. training and instructional systems allowing for an efficient transfer of environmental expert
knowledge; and
4. straightforward diagnostic/interpretation expert systems for well-bounded domains, which are well
understood in AI, and where powerful tools are already available, as problem solving aids (for
example, in early stages of the EIA process).

Hushon (1990) identified sixty-eight applications of expert systems to a wide range of environmental
problems. Again, very few of those identified were useful as EIA tools. By the early 1990s, a number of expert
systems for environmental assessment had been developed or were in the prototype phase. Geraghty (1993)
reported on eleven expert systems for environmental assessment, of which the majority were in the prototype
phase. Most recently, Beanlands (1994) prepared a bibliography listing expert system applications specific to EIA.

Although the theoretical benefits of expert systems for EIA have been known for some time, to date there
are still only a small number of these systems. A number of limitations to using expert systems for EIA help to
explain this dearth:

1. the high level of effort required to develop the knowledge base, rule base, and/or geographic setting
within the expert system;
2. the frequent need to customize expert systems for each organization (thus making them impractical
for simple one time applications);
3. the training and computer hardware that must be available to the EIA team so they can adequately
use the expert system; and
4. the lack of suitability of such systems for performing algorithmic problem solving tasks.

8.3.1 Applications of EIA Expert Systems in Developed Countries

This section and the next (8.3.2) present brief descriptions of selected expert systems for EIA. It is
important to note that there are very few fully operational systems, and thus, many of the systems described
below are research prototypes that have not been applied to real world situations. It is unclear whether any
prototypes will become fully operational expert systems this is due, in part, to the previously mentioned

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

limitations of expert systems, and the inability to accurately predict technological breakthroughs and large funding
commitments that are required to develop each expert system to a fully operational phase.


SCREENER is a computer assisted environmental expert system that screens projects for potential
environmental impacts. The user selects from a menu of options both the proposed activity and the environmental
features where the activity will take place. The program receives this information and refers to its knowledge and
rule bases to assign a code that describes the potential impact of the activity in the environment designated by the
user (1 - no impact; 2 - insignificant impacts; 3 - mitigable impacts; 4 - unknown impacts; 5 - significant impact).
Based on the code, SCREENER recommends the level of environmental impact assessment required for the
project. SCREENER also provides the user with suggested mitigation measures to help prevent or reduce
environmental impacts. In Canada, SCREENER has been implemented at about forty sites by Canadian
government departments. SCREENER was based on the DOS operating system and has been replaced by the
Calyx technology for Windows.


ESSA Software Ltd. (ESSA), through its Calyx group of products (Calyx), provides a suite of
decision support software tools. The Calyx group of products are PC-based, with applications that allow decision
makers (usually project managers) the ability to assess likely environmental and socio-economic impacts of their
activities before they happen. With Calyx, users can devise several different scenarios for projects, compare their
environmental impacts and recommended mitigations, and reach a conclusion about the most acceptable solution.
From entering the characteristics of the project site and the project activities, to printing the final reports, Calyx
takes users step-by-step through the process.

The core technology and knowledge base associated with its expert system is adaptable to many
applications. The first applications involve the analysis, classification, and mitigation of various environmental and
land management issues and their impacts. Specifically, software applications have been created for the design
and operation of military-bases and power projects, while additional applications are available for international
financial organizations and government agencies for the review & analysis of a variety of issues associated with
infrastructure development projects.

ESSA Software has released two applications of its knowledge-based software to date: Calyx EA
(Environmental Assessment), and Calyx-ADB (Asian Development Bank). A third application, Calyx RM (Range
Management), is currently being evaluated and beta tested by key clients in the military both in Canada and
Australia, and is scheduled for general release in late 1997. Initial development on a fourth product (Calyx EA-
Power) is under way with CH2MHill Ltd., a large U.S.-based international engineering firm, with a client in
Russia. A final product, Calyx - Emergency Preparedness, is currently under development at this time.

The version of Calyx developed in conjunction with the Asian Development Bank for application in
ASEAN countries is described in detail in section 8.3.2.

In contrast to stand-alone, special-purpose software tools currently available in the market, Calyx offers
several unique characteristics, including the ability to successfully integrate relational databases, GIS-based
information, and other software models and applications into its software.


This expert system for EIA was developed by the Universidade Nove de Lisboa for the Portuguese
Department of Environment (Geraghty, 1993). It is written in Prolog with a natural-language interface

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

(Portuguese). This is one of the few expert systems for EIA which currently has such a facility. This facility
makes using and communicating with the system more straightforward and easier than with the usual expert
system shells or programing languages, as the user can program and update the system in the users own
language rather than using computer code.

The system consists of four separate programs: the first is in BASIC for digitizing a subject region (a
region is broken down into a locational grid); the second is for receiving and storing the digitized information; the
third is for knowledge updating; and the fourth comprises two modules in Prolog (the first is a natural-
language interface, and the second is an evaluation and explanation module; each of which runs independently of
the other).

ORBI has expertise in several disciplines, including geology, hydrology, ecology, and microclimate. The
system makes judgments about the suitability of a particular subject region for uses such as industry, agriculture,
and recreation. Quantified values are obtained via inferencing rules that indicate the suitability of the environmental
assets available relative to development requirements (for example, intensive agriculture). ORBI can produce
graphic output in the form of maps, via a plotter.

IMPACT: An Expert System for Environmental Impact Assessment

IMPACT is an environmental analysis screening tool for the U.S. Department of Energys Savannah River
Site in South Carolina (Geraghty, 1993). It uses a simplified GIS approach to assess several types of impacts,
including proximity effects, air and water pollution, and groundwater effects (Loehle and Osteen, 1990). Objects
such as wetlands or wildlife habitat are represented by circles that cover the area of concern; they are stored as an
x-y pair and a radius. This simplified approach is possible because the problem of concern was screening for
possible impacts, thus false alarms (warning of an impact when none is likely) are acceptable. Each object has a
characteristic influence zone extending out from its boundaries. Any activity within this zone generates a warning
of possible impact. The rule base for IMPACT consists of: 1) the radii of zones of influence for each object type;
2) the manner in which objects interact (for example, wells do not adversely affect roads, but waste sites affect
wells); and 3) specific regulatory provisions such as necessary permits. The program communicates its results by
producing a written tabular report. IMPACT has been tested by its developers on a number of situations. It
continues to undergo testing to improve its efficacy (Geraghty, 1993).

8.3.2 Applications for Developing Countries


Calyx-ADB was specific ally designed to assist EIA practitioners in the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) countries. The software, developed during an Asian Development Bank regional technical
assistance project, is based on Calyx EA, a computer system developed for environmental applications by ESSA
Software Ltd. of Vancouver, Canada. Calyx-ADB provides assistance in: 1) screening, 2) scoping the terms of
reference for EIA studies and reports, 3) identifying key issues and impacts to consider during the review of EIA
reports, and 4) developing monitoring requirements and mitigation measures to attach to approvals. In addition,
the system provides information on environmental standards, mitigation measures, guideline documents, and laws
and regulations. The information and knowledge on environmental impacts and mitigation measures contained in
the system are based on experience gained in EIA throughout the ASEAN region. Calyx-ADB was developed over
a two year period by ESSA Technologies Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. in conjunction with international and local
experts in EIA.

The regional technical assistance project was implemented within four countries in the ASEAN region:
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. The implementing agencies are:

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Indonesia - Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan (BAPEDAL)

Malaysia - Department of Environment
Philippines - Environmental Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural
Thailand - Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Science, Technology and

Each of the countries has slightly different needs for computerization of their EIA procedures and
practices. To make the system useful in each of these countries and within the Asian Development Bank itself, the
system was designed to accommodate these different institutional requirements.

The overall objective of the project was to design, develop, test, and implement a computer-based system
for EIA in support of environmental assessment activities in the Banks developing member countries (DMCs) in
the ASEAN. The specific objectives were to: 1) to produce a computer system to increase the effectiveness of the
preparation and review of EIA through systematic scoping for environmental impact assessment; 2) to produce
software to facilitate the determination of appropriate terms and conditions to be attached to approvals of EIA
reports; 3) to test/demonstrate the system in each of the four developing member countries, as well as at the
Asian Development Bank; and 4) to increase accessibility to existing information on environmental standards and
guidelines for EIA. The first version of the system covers four sectors: Irrigation, Urban Wastewater and Water
Supply, Power, and Transportation.

The major components of the ADB expert system are shown in the context diagram (Figure 8-2). The
diagram shows the EIA tasks for which the system provides assistance and the end users. In addition to these
tasks, the complete Calyx-ADB allows knowledge engineers and database administrators to maintain system
knowledge bases and databases.

To date over 150 copies of the software have been distributed throughout Asia and the Pacific (including
Bhutan, Nepal, Tonga as well the original four ASEAN countries). Over 150 people have been trained in the use of
Calyx-ADB. In Thailand, the Environmental Impact Evaluation Division of the Office of Environmental Policy and
Planning used Calyx-ADB as training tool to provide in-depth training on EIA. Current proposals provide for the
introduction of Calyx-ADB into Viet Nam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar.

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 8-2: Context diagram for the Calyx-ADB computerized EIA system.

MEXSES: Mekong Expert System for Environmental Screening

MEXSES is a prototype expert system for environmental screening developed primarily for
implementation by the Mekong Secretariat. The system is a computer program available from the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Fedra, 1991). It draws on a number of established EIA techniques in an
attempt to combine the most appropriate elements into one comprehensive and intelligent, knowledge-driven
framework and easy-to-use tool. The system manages a database of project assessments and a geographical
database of maps and geo-referenced data (Figure 8-3). MEXSES is designed for early assessment and screening
of projects. It allows for evaluation of a project in terms of its potential environmental impacts at any early stage
with a minimum of project specific information. The prototype draws on extensive knowledge and databases on
project characteristics based on generic profiles and a hierarchial classification scheme. The prototypes
knowledge base is limited to a few examples of checklists and rules for one problem class (that is, Dams and
Reservoirs). MEXSES did not proceed past the prototype stage.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Figure 8-3: The basic structure and components of MEXSES.

8.3.3 Other EIA Decision Support Tools for Developing Countries

The system was developed as a component of the Australian-assisted Natural Resources Management and
Development Project of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Its principal aim is to help
strengthen the Philippine Governments EIA system by allowing quick retrieval of relevant information needed by
project proponents, decision-makers, and compliance monitoring teams.

The computer-assisted EIA system is currently being pilot-tested in Cebu Province for two types of
environmentally critical projects sand/gravel quarrying and aquaculture. The system is characterized by the
flow chart depicted in Figure 8-4. The systems four main features are:

1. the Guidelines Routine;

2. the Assessment Routine;
3. the Review Routine; and
4. the Document Monitoring Routine.

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 8-4: The basic organizational structure of the computer assisted EIA system.

The Guidelines Routine enables the user to print the scoping guidelines needed to direct project
proponents in the preparation of EIA project documents for a specific project. The Assessment Routine includes
three database files the main file which is the assessment file, the reference file (issues file) which contains the
environmental issues, and the reference file (impacts file) for the environmental impacts. The Review Routine
provides a text editor to help the EIA Coordinator to consolidate the preliminary assessments made by the project
evaluator. The text editor can generate a formatted review containing relevant issues and recommendations that
should be addressed by the EIA Review Committee for final decision-making. It will access the project output file
and process the project along with the assessor summaries to produce a review report. The Document
Monitoring Routine generates reports useful in monitoring the processing status of the EIA project documents.

EIAMAN: Computerized Environmental Management System

EIAMAN is an operational prototype program for evaluating and managing development in the Marshall
Islands (Carter, 1995). EIAMAN provides a filing and retrieval system for all documents associated with any
development project proposed to the Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Agency. The program has a
number of desirable features:

1. it provides easy access to important reference documents during the evaluation of a project;
2. it may be used to prepare documents that would serve as important elements of the EIA report;

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

3. it helps the user conduct a preliminary proposal evaluation;

4. it helps the user conduct scoping; and
5. It makes recommendations on additional studies that may be required.

The knowledge base is organized in terms of checklists for key environmental factors. It incorporates
many social, biological, and political considerations, but is quite limited with respect to physical considerations.
The user interface is simple to use. It allows the user to:

1. enter information about the preliminary proposal;

2. review the preliminary proposal;
3. conduct scoping;
4. propose additional studies be conducted; and
5. prepare appropriate EIA documentation.

The user interface also manages the interaction with various spreadsheets, memoranda, and documents
that are produced by the system.

Summary of Applications

Expert systems are computer programs that perform difficult, specialized tasks at the level of a human
expert. They have been implemented in a variety of applications, including games (for example, chess) and public
works projects (for example, wastewater engineering). The heuristic reasoning capabilities of expert systems
technology seem well suited to many of the tasks associated with undertaking an EIA, however, to date, only a
few such systems have been developed. Most of these are in the prototype phase. Some of those systems
developed are fully operational at a large number of sites (Table 8-1). Until now, the development of expert
systems in developing countries has been funded by International Assistance Agencies, in particular, the Asian
Development Bank. While there is interest in EIA expert systems in developing countries, the degree to which
these systems will be adopted is uncertain. The degree to which expert systems will be used depends on whether
or not practitioners in developing countries can acquire the necessary skills to effectively use the systems.

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Table 8-1: Summary of selected expert systems for EIA.

Name Description Use in Developed Country Use in Developing Country

SCREENER EIA screening tool fully operational in forty federal government

sites in Canada

Calyx EA determines potential environmental operational system being tested in Canada complete system being tested in a
effects of projects (no GIS) by two government agencies. number of South Pacific island

Calyx GIS determines potential environmental Calyx GIS prototypes being tested by
effects of projects using GIS federal governments of Australia and

ORBI expert system for EIA that produces used by Portugals federal Department of
graphic outputs Environment

IMPACT EIA screening tool operational system being tested by U.S.

Department of Energy at the Savannah
River Site

Calyx ADB determines potential environmental complete system being tested in

effects of projects Bhutan, Nepal, Viet Nam, Thailand,
Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia

MEXSES EIA screening tool prototype system developed for the

Mekong Secretariat

Computer Assisted information retrieval system prototype being tested in Cebu

EIA Province of Philippines

EIAMAN provides filing and retrieval systems for prototype being used in Marshall
all development project documents Islands

8.4 Anatomy of an Expert System

To provide a more in depth understanding of workings and capabilities of expert systems, this section
presents a detailed look at the Calyx-ADB expert system for EIA. The illustrative examples presented are often
simplifications of the information contained in a Calyx-ADB knowledge base. Knowledge bases are constantly
being updated as new knowledge is gained and the current knowledge base for Calyx-ADB may contain
different information.

Calyx-ADB has seven core components (Figure 8-5):

1. a knowledge base that is a collection of domain-specific information;

2. databases that provide information about specific environmental components;
3. databases that contain information on laws, regulations, and environmental standards;
4. an inference engine, which implements problem solving strategies to utilize the knowledge base and
derive new conclusions;
5. a user interface that controls and guides the practitioner-machine dialogue, including an explanation
component that can, on request, explain the systems inference procedures;

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

6. a reporting system to present the conclusions of the expert system; and

7. output databases that store the results of EIA tasks performed by the system.

Figure 8-5: Components of ADB expert system.

8.4.1 Knowledge Base

The computerized expert system for EIA developed for the ADB (ESSA Technologies Ltd., 1996) uses a
sophisticated knowledge representation system. The system requires information about the project activities and
the environmental setting. Each rule states the conditions under which a project activity will have a degree of
impact on an environmental component.

Elements of an Impact Rule

The generic elements of a rule (Table 8-2) are:

1. activity: which is the basic element of a project or plan that has potential to affect any aspect of the
environment. Projects are composed of activities;
2. activity characteristics: which define the magnitude, duration, intensity, or extent of an activity;
3. component: which is a basic element of the physical, biological, social, or economic environment.
Environmental components receive environmental impacts from activities;
4. component characteristics: which define the susceptibility, sensitivity, or vulnerability of a component
to an impact;
5. impact mode: which defines the mechanism by which the impact may occur;

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

6. relationship: which defines the spatial and temporal relationship between the activity and the
component; and
7. site characteristics: which define characteristics of the site that may influence the nature and degree
of impact.

In terms of the IF-THEN format, a rule may be stated:

IF the activity occurs

and the activity has certain activity characteristics
and the component exists
and the component has certain component characteristics
and the activity and component have a specific spatial and temporal relationship
and certain site characteristics exist
THEN the activity will have a degree of impact on a component acting through the mechanism
defined by the impact mode

For example,

Activity: IF emissions occur

Activity Characteristic: and the emissions are in large volume
Component: and an airshed for a population center exists
Component Characteristic: and the population is very large
Relationship: and the emissions occur upwind of or into the airshed of the
population center
Site Characteristic: and the atmosphere conditions at or near population are subject to
First Order Impact: THEN there is potential for significant impacts on air quality in
the airshed through increasing concentration of pollutants.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Table 8-2: Generic elements of a rule.

Element Description

Activity project activity; only one identified per rule

e.g., blasting/drilling, asphalting/paving, truck traffic/hauling

Activity Characteristic attribute(s) of the project activity; one or more may be identified
e.g., volume, toxicity, areal extent, frequency, duration

Component environmental component; only one identified per rule

e.g., terrestrial birds, trees, soil, rivers, aboriginal peoples

Component Characteristics attribute(s) of the environmental component; one or more may be identified
e.g., root depth, life stage, rare/endangered, flow rate

Impact Mode mode of potential impact; only one may be identified per rule
e.g., contamination, erosion, destruction, change in behavior

Relationship descriptor of spatial or temporal relationship between impact mode and component; one or more may be
e.g., on/in, up slope of, upwind of, near, coincident with, adjacent to

Site Characteristic other characteristics that may be necessary to include in a rule, but describe something about the site or
location rather than about the activity or component; one or more may be identified
e.g., heavy rainfall, in a valley, subject to earthquakes
the information on site characteristics will be part of the setting information, and will be identified on a setting-
specific or location-specific basis

Triggering Higher Order Rules

First order rules describe the direct impacts of a project on a component. The knowledge base contains
higher order rules to ensure that higher order impacts are identified. The structure of first order and higher order
rules is almost identical. The only difference is in the initiator portion of the rule: for first order impacts, it is an
activity, and for higher order rules it is a component that has been affected by a previous impact and the mode of
that impact. Higher order rules are similar to the cells of component interaction matric es (described in Chapter 4).
For example, a higher order rule may describe the relationship between changes in air quality and health of
residents in a nearby city.

For example,

Mode/Component: IF air quality in the airshed is reduced through pollution

Component Characteristic and ambient air quality was within acceptable limits
Component: and there are local residents
Relationship: and local residents reside in the area that defines the airshed
Higher order impact: THEN there is potential for significant impact on the health of
local residents.

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Linkages to Other Databases

In the ADB knowledge base, the rulebase is linked to three other main databases (Figure 8-6): 1)
information requirements; 2) monitoring requirements; and 3) mitigation measures. The information requirements
database contains a description of the information that must be gathered to conduct the assessment. This
information is made available during scoping to help define the terms of reference. The monitoring requirements
database contains suggestions on data that should be collected to monitor project impacts. The mitigation database
contains recommended mitigation measures that will prevent or reduce project impacts. Both the monitoring
requirements and mitigation measures are available to help the user in specifying terms and conditions of

Figure 8-6: Major databases in the ADB knowledge base.

Box 8-1: Information requirements for the first order rule: Site clearing and preparation
damages/destroys terrestrial flora.

adjacent to: Determine the proximity (distance) from the various project activities to the various environmental components.

ecologically sensitive: Determine whether there are any ecologically sensitive areas present. Such areas include: protected forest
land, wildlife sanctuaries, national forest land, wetland (Thailand has a Wetland Directory), mangrove, sites of high biodiversity (e.g.,
areas that may contain herbal medicines), sites containing rare/endangered species, national parks, watershed classification areas,
and areas of genetic importance for particular species (e.g., gold teak in Thailand).

area cleared: Determine the length of time (in months) that any portion of the area will be without vegetation, and the total area
to be cleared at any one time.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Information Requirements

During the scoping stage of EIA it is often necessary to determine the information required to conduct the
assessment. In Calyx-ADB, most elements in an impact rule are linked to specific information requirements.
Consider the first order rule:

IF site clearing and preparation occurs

and the area to be cleared is large
and terrestrial flora exist
and the terrestrial flora are adjacent to the site clearing
and the site is characterized as ecologically sensitive
THEN there is potential for significant impact on terrestrial flora through damage and
destruction by site clearing and preparation.

Each of the rule elements (that is, activity characteristic, component characteristic, site characteristics,
and relationship) is linked to specific information requirements. The expert system will let the user know about
these information requirements whenever Site clearing and preparation is identified as one of the project
activities, and specific terrestrial flora is identified or if the user is uncertain about the presence of terrestrial flora
(Box 8-1).

Mitigation Measures

Each of the impact rules in the knowledge base is linked to one or more mitigation measures. For our
example impact rule, Site Clearing and Preparation damages/destroys terrestrial flora, one mitigation measure is:

Shifting flora from the project site: Check for the presence of any rare and endangered species.
Record the number of different species present. Where possible relocate rare and endangered
species If this is not possible avoid areas where the species are present and prevent access.

The system will present the user with this mitigation option whenever there is potential for an impact on
rare and endangered terrestrial flora.

Monitoring Requirements

Each of the impact rules in the knowledge base is linked to one or more monitoring requirements. For our
example impact rule, Site Clearing and Preparation damages/destroys terrestrial flora, one monitoring
requirement is:

Protection of trees during construction: Check for the presence of any rare and endangered
species as well as protected species. Monitor the number of different species present before and
after the project in the area. Such monitoring should be done once in a year during the first five
years and later can be done once in every five years.

In developing terms and conditions for approval, the system will present this monitoring requirement as
one of a number of suggested monitoring requirements.

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

8.4.2 Knowledge Acquisition

The rules in the knowledge base are representations of expert judgement. In the Calyx-ADB system, this
expert judgement was acquired in three ways: 1) interviews with individual experts; 2) interdisciplinary workshops
focusing on industrial sectors; and 3) review of numerous environmental impact statements and other documents.
The task of developing the knowledge base is referred to as knowledge engineering.

Procedure for Knowledge Acquisition

Issues are broad statements about the potential of a project to generate environmental impacts. For example, an
issue statement might relate to effects of wastewater of thermal generation stations on human health (Box 8-2). A
number of rules are required to represent issues in the knowledge base.

Box 8-2: Wastewater from thermal power stations statement of issue.

There are generally three kinds of wastewater from thermal power plants:

1. Domestic wastewater from the canteens, dormitories, and offices, which can be categorized as high BOD wastewater.
In the case that the sewer system is a combined one, rainwater may dilute the wastewater, causing it to bypass the system into the receptors
outside the plant. Treatment is by biological process (i.e aeration, activated sludge treatment).
2. Spent water from processes. This includes the boiler water, cleaning water, cooling tower water. The water is
characterized by high mineral content or high grease and oil content. Nitrogenous compounds (i.e hydrazine used for antifouling) may be
found. Treatment is by chemical precipitation and oil and grease removal.
3. Once-through water for cooling for the power plant, which will have about +9 C added to the existing water
temperature. The volume is enormous, about 7-12 m3 for a 300 MW power plant. The characteristics are the same as at intake, except that
the living organisms are likely to perish from temperature shock. Heat dissipation when released to receiving body of water is required to
minimize impact to the living organisms.

The wastewater issue can be significant only in the following cases:

1. The project design does not include provision for needed treatment facilities (for reducing contaminant levels and for
effective heat dissipation method for cooling water).
2. Faults in the design and operation of the treatment plants (under capacity, bypassing in the case of combined sewers,
etc.) which can be evaluated by wastewater treatment experts.
3. There are sensitive receptors downstream:
3.1 The receiving body of water may be too small, such that the effluents from the power plant can effect the characteristics of the
water (BOD, COD, temperature, chemicals).
3.2 Inadequate dispersion, such as the still water in lakes and lagoons, rivers with low current speed or with tidal effects that alternate
current directions often.
3.3 Uses of the water downstream which require exceptionally good quality of water, such as aquaculture, recreation, potable water

In developing Calyx-ADB, the first step was to define a preliminary set of issues that might arise in the
conduct of an EIA for projects in the power, urban water supply and wastewater, irrigation, and transportation
sectors. These issues were developed by preliminary review of EIA documents and written submissions by
domain experts. The next step was to define a set of rules for each issue. In working with experts and/or EIA

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

documents, knowledge engineers first tried to obtain answers to the questions listed in Table 8-4. The answers to
these questions were recorded in special rule templates. The information from rule templates was entered into a
Knowledge Acquisition Tool (KAT ). KAT allows easy entering and editing of all elements of the knowledge
base. KAT is used to generate the knowledge base in a format that may be used in computer systems.

Table 8-3: Basic questions asked by knowledge engineers.

1. Under what conditions will a significant impact occur?

In answering this question, knowledge engineers are expected to identify the activity, component, impact mode, relationship(s) and
attributes(s) for each impact (preferably from the existing lists, but adding new ones if needed). This information should be recorded on the
rule templates. Once the conditions for a significant impact are identified, determine the conditions under which the impact might be
insignificant (as opposed to there being no impact at all). For ex ample, would it be insignificant if the degree of impact were smaller? If the
component were less susceptible/vulnerable? The conditions for an insignificant impact should be documented at the bottom of the rule
2. What information will be needed to assess the significance of the impact?
This is a double-check to ensure that all the conditions for an impact are identified; it may also provide a useful list of information
3. What mitigation measures will prevent or reduce this impact?
The mitigation keywords should be written on the rule templates, and then the complete mitigation information should be filled out on the
mitigation templates (or entered directly into the Knowledge Acquisition Tool). The minimum information we need for the mitigation is the
name or keyword of the mitigation, a description of the mitigation, the reference for the mitigation, and the activities and/or components
and/or impact modes to which it applies. For every mitigation you list on the rule templates, there must be a detailed entry in the
mitigation templates.
4. If the project were to proceed, what monitoring will be required?
These monitoring requirements may be to track project impacts, track the success of mitigation measures, or both. If the monitoring
requirements refer specifically to the mitigation measures, this information should be entered into the mitigation template for that mitigation.

8.4.3 Environmental Setting Databases

The system requires information about: 1) the project activities; 2) the environmental setting (including all
biophysical, social, and economic components); and 3) the relationship between the project activities and the
environment. For Calyx-ADB, activities lists have been developed for four sectors: urban wastewater/water
supply, irrigation, power, and transportation. The activities lists are similar to those developed for various
checklist and matrix methods. Sets of characteristics that might be necessary to further describe these activities
have also been developed. For example, the activity Application of herbicides has the following characteristics:

toxicity (strong, moderate, weak)

quantity (large, medium, small)
frequency (high, medium, low)

The significance of the impact will be affected by the values chosen for each of the activity

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Environmental Settings

In very sophisticated computer systems, environmental information may be gathered by automated

systems through remote sensing or by linking to already existing GIS data. In most systems, however, it must be
entered by the user. In Calyx-ADB, the information must first be gathered by the user. During the session with the
system, the user inputs the necessary information through the user interface. A hierarchy of environmental
components has been developed to guide the user. This hierarchy contains all of the environmental, social and
economic components that might be affected by a project. Table 8-4 illustrates the component hierarchy for
physical resources. The complete hierarchy is presented in Table 8-6. A set of characteristics that might be
necessary to further describe these components has also been developed. For example, the component canals
has the following characteristics:

dissolved oxygen concentration (well above 4 mg/l, at or just above 4mg/l, < 4 mg/l)
public water supply (yes, no)
source for domestic/industrial water (yes, no)
used for fisheries (yes, no)
used by wildlife (yes, no)
size (small, large)
N content (high, low)
P content (high, low)
flow rate (slow, fast)
volume of water (low, high)
BOD (above standards, below standards)
suspended solids (above standards, below standards)
fecal coliform (above standards, below standards)
provides aquifer recharge (yes, no)
normal iron concentration (yes, no)

Note that some characteristics (for example, dissolved oxygen concentration) are expressed as
quantitative ranges, while others (for example, used for fisheries) are expressed as qualitative choices. In some
cases, the characteristics in the expert system are represented as qualitative choices (for example, flow rate)
where normal EIA data collection practices will provide quantitative data for the parameter values. In these cases,
the user must exercise their judgement in making the qualitative choices.

The significance of the impact will be affected by the values chosen for each of the characteristics. It is
not necessary for the user to specify all the values for the characteristics. In cases where information is missing
or unknown, the system simply assigns a greater range of uncertainty with respect to the significance of the

All information on components and their characteristics and the relationships between components is
stored in an environmental setting database. Separate databases may be created for each specific environmental

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Table 8-4: Component hierarchy for physical resources.

air quality
Atmosphere climate

Groundwater groundwater springs

Surface Water streams

Hydrology hydrological regime

aquifer recharge areas

aggregate resources
barren land
mineral resources
river beds
Physical Resources Land Resources river banks

8.4.4 Library Databases

Calyx-ADB contains a hypertext library that lets the user view information on laws, regulations, EIA
procedural guidelines, and environmental standards for Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and the Asian
Development Bank.

8.4.5 Inference Engine

The inference engine is a computer software that manipulates the rules in the knowledge base to provide
conclusions based on the information provided as input. The inference can provide answers to a question like:

1. What are all the potential impacts associated with hydroelectric dams?

If this question is asked in Calyx-ADB, hundreds of potential impacts will be presented. A more focused
question might be:

2. What are the impacts of reservoir impoundment on people currently living in or near the reservoir
area?; or
3. How will alteration of downstream flow affect drinking water quality?; or
4. What mitigation and monitoring is required to ensure that water quality remains within acceptable

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Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

While the inference engine is highly efficient at manipulating the knowledge base, it relies on the user
interface to tell it what to do.

8.4.6 User Interface

The user interface controls the interaction (in computer terms the dialogue) between the user and the
inference engine. Most expert systems are designed for a specific task or to help the user solve a particular
problem. The user interface must guide the user through the performance of the tasks. For example, if a user
wishes to develop a terms of reference for an EIA, the user interface must ensure that: 1) all necessary input is
provided by the user; 2) necessary linkages to the inference engine to get the appropriate information are made;
and 3) the information is assembled into a format suitable for reporting.

EIA Tasks Performed

Calyx-ADB has been designed to help with: 1) screening; 2) scoping; 3) assessment; 4) review of EIA
reports; and 5) determining appropriate mitigation and monitoring requirements.


Screening is the process of deciding upon the level of environmental review required. In some countries,
it is simply a decision as to whether an EIA is required or not. Prescribed lists or criteria are used to determine
whether a project requires an EIA. In Calyx-ADB, screening criteria for the four countries and the Bank are
contained within the system. The screening criteria are divided into two lists: 1) project criteria which relate to the
magnitude and nature of the projects; and 2) site criteria which relate to the sensitivity of the environment to
potential impacts. The user simply selects from the list and the screening is completed.

Scoping to Determine the Terms of Reference

As defined in Chapter 2, the scoping or IEE stage is the process of determining the issues to be
addressed, the information to be collected, and the analysis required to assess the environmental impacts of a
project. The primary output of scoping is the terms of reference for the information and analysis required to
conduct an EIA and the preparation of an EIA report. In the Calyx-ADB system, the user provides available
information about the project and the environment. Based on this information, the system provides a listing of:

1. issues that should be considered;

2. information that will be required to resolve the issues;
3. recommendations on mitigative or offsetting measures to be considered; and
4. recommendations on monitoring requirements to be considered for the project.


In conducting the assessment, Calyx-ADB uses the inference engine to determine the significance of the
environmental impacts. Based on information about the project activities, activity characteristics, components,
component characteristics, relationships, and site characteristics, the inference engine determines a level of
significance for each rule in the knowledge base. The system also identifies mitigation measures for each of the
impacts and asks the user to choose those mitigations that will be incorporated in the project design.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Review of EIA Reports

The review of EIA reports is normally done by a review agency or by a special Standing Committee or
Commission established to review projects in a given sector. In most cases, a technical evaluation of the EIA
report is made by specialists. This technical evaluation provides the basis for the review. To assist in the technical
evaluation, the Calyx-ADB system provides a checklist of the important elements that should be considered in the
review of the EIA report. The review checklist generated by Calyx-ADB is based on the Terms of Reference for
the EIA.

Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements

One output of the EIA review process is the terms and conditions that are attached to approvals. These
terms and conditions define the environmental protection measures that must be integrated into a project. The
terms and conditions may also specify environmental monitoring that must be undertaken in conjunction with the
project. Calyx-ADB provides a draft of these terms and conditions for incorporation into project approval reports.

8.4.7 Reporting System

Before the results of an expert system can be of any use, it must be able to provide reports in an easily
understandable format. Many matrix and checklist techniques have been adopted for organizing the output from
expert systems. Experts systems that are linked to GIS can provide sophisticated map overlays indicating areal
extent of impacts.

The reports in Calyx-ADB have five main blocks:

1. registration blocks: which contain specifics of the project, the agency preparing the report, any
registration numbers, dates, etc.;
2. person responsible blocks: which contain names, addresses, and contact details for those people
responsible for preparation of the report;
3. comment blocks: which represent user supplied comments
4. report type fixed information: which contain additional information that is specific to that report
type or jurisdiction.
5. the main body of the report: which is generated by the system for a specific project. Depending
on the report, one or more blocks of the following information will be included:
i. Information Requirements;
ii. Mitigation Measures (TOR);
iii. Monitoring Requirements (TOR);
iv. Activities and Activity Attributes;
v. Components and Component Attributes;
vi. Impacts Summary;
vii. Impacts Detailed;
viii. Issues Summary;
ix. Issues Detailed;
x. Screening Conclusion;
xi. Mitigation Recommended; and
xii. Monitoring Recommended.

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Illustrative Example: Scoping of a Hydro Project

In our example, Calyx-ADB was used to develop the terms of reference for the Initial Environmental
Examination of a hydro-electric project. Calyx-ADBs scoping module was used to generate a report on the
recommended terms of reference (Table 8-5). The terms of reference presented in Table 8-5 has been condensed
and is only a partial representation of the information that was provided by Calyx-ADB. Calyx-ADB has used a
report template for the major headings in the terms of reference report. The information presented in italics in
Table 8-5 is generated from the Calyx-ADB knowledge base by the inference engine.

Table 8-5: Sample scoping report produced by the Calyx-ADB computerized EIA system.



Project Registration

Assessment Number: 1
Project Title: Hydro Project
Project ID: 1
Project Location: South East Asia
Project Description: An example hydroelectric project to illustrate reporting features of Calyx-ADB. Actual output condensed for
presentation purposes.
Size of the Project:
Project Proponent: A large independent power producer.

Terms of Reference

The initial environmental examination should have the following contents:


1. This section should include the purpose of the report, extent of the IEE study and brief description of any special techniques
or methods used.


2. This section should include the type and the need for the project, location,, size or magnitude or operation and proposed
schedule for implementation.

Project Activity Information

Specific information about the following activities is required to conduct the assessment.

Reservoir impoundment
Determine the surface area, the depth and the size of the reservoir, the amount of shallow water that it will contain, and the
degree of fluctuation in surface level that is expected (particularly between wet seasons and times of drought). Also determine
if the reservoir will result in reduced fluctuation levels in downstream waters.

Determine the expected reduction in flow in the watercourse being diverted to fill the reservoir, and/or in the watercourse being
impounded, during the period in which the reservoir is being filled.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems


3. This section should include the physical and ecological resources, human and economic development and quality of life

Environmental Components Information

Specific information about the following types of components is required to conduct the assessment.

Physical Resources

Surface Water
Determine the flow rate of the watercourse, during both the wet and the dry seasons.

Determine whether the water is used for domestic (e.g., drinking water, washing water), agricultural (e.g., irrigation) or industrial purposes
(e.g., pulp and paper mills, textiles, food processing require high amounts of water). Also determine whether it is a source of water for local

Determine whether the water contains normal concentrations of iron or normal salinity, and whether the dissolved oxygen concentration is
above or below 4mg/L.

Ecological Resources
Determine whether any of the species in the area are protected by law or regulation. Lists of protected species can be obtained from
government wildlife or environment agencies. .

Determine whether any of the species in the area are of commercial value (harvested for sale in the marketplace). Information on whether a
particular species is of commercial value can be obtained from the government wildlife, fishery or environment agencies.

Determine whether any of the species in the area is used for traditional purposes by the local people.

Determine the presence of fish species that migrate, or change habitat to other areas during different stages of its life cycle.

Determine whether the habitat in the area for local aquatic bird and animal species is critical for their survival. Critical habitat includes
breeding areas, spawning grounds, feeding areas and migration corridors.


4. This section should screen out no significant impacts from those with significant adverse impacts and should discuss the
appropriate mitigation measures, where necessary.

Issues to be Addressed:

reduced downstream aquatic habitat and restricted human use of river

Reservoir filling can cause a short-term stoppage or significant decrease in river flow downstream of the dam. The reduction in flow can
also occur in a source river if the reservoir being created is not in that river. Such dewatering can significantly affect downstream aquatic
biota, and human uses of the river, such as water supply, recreation, navigation, and aquaculture.

water quality degradation in/below reservoir

Reservoir impoundment may lead to increased iron concentrations, increased heavy metal concentrations, increased salinity, increased
turbidity, temperature changes in the water, and/or reduced dissolved oxygen concentrations in the reservoir. The kind of effect depends
on the geology of the reservoir catchment, the nature of the reservoir (e.g., flushing rate, shape and depth). Reduced dissolved oxygen
may result from eutrophication of the reservoir which may be the outcome of land uses in the watershed above the reservoir. If the
reservoir water is used as a source for drinking or irrigation water, then the contamination will be significant. Contamination may also be

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

observed in the rivers and canals downstream of the reservoir. Again if these are used for drinking or irrigation significant problems may
result. If the reservoir has reduced oxygen levels this may negatively affect fish populations. Conversely altered temperature and nutrient
levels may lead to an increase in some fish populations.


Information about the following potential mitigation measures to prevent, reduce, or ameliorate impacts is required to conduct the assessment.

Create artificial rapids downstream

Increase oxygen levels downstream by creating artificial rapids. This will increase the mixing of water and air, and thereby increase
oxygen levels in the water.

Develop new spawning sites/stock fry

New natural spawning sites will be developed using diversion canals and permanent water depressions in the project area to make up for
the loss of fish due to the construction of dams and/or reservoirs. Also pond fisheries, paddy fisheries through the incorporation of ring
canals at the periphery of individual fields, and public stocking of canals will be studied and encouraged. If suitable areas can be identified
then cage culture projects will be encouraged.

Fill reservoir during wet/rainy season

Reservoir filling should occur during the rainy season to minimize the impact of water shortage downstream, and should not reduce the
downstream flow by more than 10%. This applies both to the watercourse on which the reservoir is located, as well as to the watercourse
serving as the source of the impounded water (if the two watercourses are different).


5. This section should describe the institutional capability (both hardware and software needs) and the monitoring or
surveillance program and submission of progress reports.

Monitoring Requirements
Information about the following potential monitoring requirements associated with potential impacts is required to conduct the assessment.

Monitor spawning habitat and fish yields

Monitor the area of spawning ground available to fish before and after the project. Also monitor the fish yields from the reservoir which
would give an approximate idea of the fish population in the water.

Sample water quality parameters (DO, temp)

Sample the temperature of the receiving waters upstream, at the discharge point, and at several points downstream (location to be
determined by the results from thermal plume modeling). Sample the water at 1 m depth for standard water quality parameters, as well
as for microorganisms (zooplankton, phytoplankton). Sample the water downstream, if used for agriculture, for DO levels. Also, take
sediment samples of the benthic community to monitor any changes in species composition or abundance.

Monitor river flow below impoundment

Monitor the flow rate of the watercourse below the reservoir (and below the diversion for filling the reservoir, if this is happening on a
different watercourse) and compare the data to the flow rates in that watercourse prior to the impoundment.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems


6. This section should include an evaluation of the screening process and recommendations should be provided whether
significant environmental impacts exist needing further detailed study or EIA. If further additional study is needed, then this
section will include a brief terms of reference (TOR) for the needed follow-up EIA, including approximate descriptions of the
work tasks, professional skills required, time required, and estimated cost.


7. This section should discuss the result of the IEE and justification, if any, of the need for additional study or EIA.


These terms of reference report was prepared by:

Name: John Doe
Title: Environmental Specialist
Agency/Division: Consultant
Telephone: 555-1234
Fax: 555-1233

Name: Jane Ray

Title: Project Manager
Agency/Division: International Power Inc.
Telephone: 555-2345
Fax: 555-3456

8.4.8 Output Databases

The results of the screening, scoping, assessment, review, and define appropriate conditions for
mitigation and monitoring are stored in output databases. The user has direct access to report files which can be
imported in third party word processing packages. In addition, all the information entered by the user, and record
of all the EIA tasks performed to date is stored in a project file. The user can easily load previous work and
complete or revise an EIA.

December 1997
Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems EIA for Developing Countries

Table 8-6: Component hierarchy used in the ADB expert system.

Physical Resources

Atmosphere Surface Water Land Resources

air quality canals aquifer recharge areas
micro-meteorology estuaries aggregate resources
climate lakes/reservoirs floodplains
marine waters barren land
Groundwater rivers coastline/shoreline
aquifers streams geology/seismology
wells landforms/topography
groundwater springs Hydrology mineral resources
hydrological regime soil
river beds
river banks
Ecological Resources

Aquatic Flora Terrestrial Flora Ecosystems

emergent vegetation crops freshwater ecosystem
free floating-vegetation grasses/herbs/ferns marine ecosystem
submerged vegetation lichens/moss terrestrial ecosystem
shrubs wetland
Aquatic Fauna trees
aquatic mammals
aquatic birds Terrestrial Fauna
aquatic reptiles/amphibians terrestrial mammals
aquatic invertebrates terrestrial birds
benthic organisms terrestrial reptiles/amphibians
fish terrestrial invertebrates

Socio-Economic Resources

Land Use Built Environment Services

agricultural land use dams communication services
aquaculture land use dikes water supply
commercial land use bridges education
forestry land use buildings electricity
industrial land use communication structure emergency response
institutional land use marine structures firefighting
mining land use transmission structure flood control/drainage
recreational land use hydro power facility gas
residential land use flood control system general social services
transportation land use oil/gas lines government
buffer zone electricity lines green space
native land telephone lines health services
planned development areas roads/railways irrigation water
parks and sanctuaries sewerage system law enforcement
potential mining areas trails mass transit
waste disposal sites navigation
water supply system provision of goods and services
water intake structure sewage treatment
infrastructure solid waste disposal

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 8: Application of Expert Systems

Table 8-6: (continued).

Economy Human interests/values

employment aesthetics commercial resource users
inflation and property value businesses recreational resource users
local tax revenues community structure traditional resource users
personal income family structure current resource users
business income social well-being farmers
regional income human health religious groups
distribution of income human safety special status groups
regional economic activity mobility people
standard of living archeological feature population distribution
religious features/cemeteries local residents
traditional/historic/cultural features land owners
tradition and culture land prices/value
artists/artisans personal property
commuters water resource users
developers workers

8.5 References and Further Reading

Beanlands, G.A. 1994. The Application of Expert Systems to Environmental Impact Assessment. Annotated
Bibliography. GEBEC Consultants, Halifax.
Bielawski, L. and R. Lewand. 1991. Intelligent Systems Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Toronto. 302 pp.
Carter, R. 1995. Review of EIAMAN Program Version 1.0. Report Prepared for As ian Development Bank,
Manila. 32pp.
ESSA Technologies Ltd. 1996. RETA 5544: Development of Computerized EIA Systems, Final Report.
Submitted to Asian Development Bank by ESSA Technologies Ltd. Vancouver, BC. 23p, and appendices.
Fedra, K. 1991. A computer based approach to environmental impact assessment. In: A.G. Colombo and G.
Permazzi (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop in Indicators and Indices for Environmental Impact Assessment
and Risk Analysis, pp. 11 - 40.
Finn, G.A. 1989. Applications of expert systems in the process industry. In: G.G. Patry and D. Chapman (eds.).
Dynamic Modeling and Expert Systems in Wastewater Engineering. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea, MI.
Chapter 6, pp. 167-192.
Geraghty, P.J. 1993. Environmental assessment and the application of expert systems: an overview. J. Environ.
Manage. 39: 37-38.
Gray, A. and P. Stokoe. 1988. Knowledge-based on Expert Systems and Decision Support Tools for
Environmental Assessment and Management: Their Potential and Limitations. School for Resource and
Environmental Studies. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Hushon, J.M. 1990. Overview of environmental expert systems. In: J.M Hushon (ed.) Expert Systems for
Environmental Applications. American Chemical Society.
Loehle, C. and R. Osteen. 1990. IMPACT: An expert system for environmental impact assessment. AI
Applications in Resource Management 4: 35-43.
Page, B. 1989. An Analysis of Environmental Expert System Applications with Special Emphasis on Canada and
the Federal Republic of Germany. Bericht Nr. 144/89, Fachberiech Informatik, Universitat Hamburg. Hamburg,
Federal Republic of Germany.
Table of Contents

December 1997
Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

9.0 Environmental Monitoring Program

Environmental monitoring provides feedback about the actual environmental impacts of a project.
Monitoring results help judge the success of mitigation measures in protecting the environment. They are also
used to ensure compliance with environmental standards, and to facilitate any needed project design or operational

The importance of monitoring can be illustrated by using a hypothetical example of a wastewater

treatment plant. The plant may have been built according to the Environmental Management Plan specified in the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, due to lack of funds, bad management, or insufficient skills,
the plant is functioning poorly. Without monitoring, the impacts caused by the poor functioning could continue
indefinitely. With monitoring (and response by the appropriate regulatory agency), the problems can be recognized
and resolved. For example, assume that the wastewater treatment plant described above is operating as originally
planned. The receiving body of water, for instance a river, was assumed to have sufficient capacity to assimilate
wastewater that had received only primary treatment. If, however, a large amount of water is abstracted upstream
of the wastewater treatment plant, the assimilative capacity of the river will be reduced. The monitoring program
would show the water quality had deteriorated and that secondary treatment was required. (This situation could be
avoided by proper regional environmental planning.)

A monitoring program, backed up by powers to ensure corrective action when the monitoring results
show it necessary, is a proven way to ensure effective implementation of mitigation measures. By tracking a
projects actual impacts, monitoring reduces the environmental risks associated with that project, and allows for
project modifications to be made where required. An excellent example of an effective monitoring program is the
irrigation component of the Tarim Basin Project in the PRC. Previous irrigation facilities in the area did not include
appropriate drainage, and severe soil salinization occurred, resulting in large reductions in crop yields. The Tarim
Basin Project, which was initiated in 1992, provides adequate drainage to prevent additional salinization, and to
reverse some of the damage already done. The need to obtain firm data on the extent of the problem during
project operation was recognized. A detailed, continuing monitoring program to evaluate the actual project
impacts, and to initiate research and development work to optimize the irrigation techniques, was specified in the

9.1 Implementing an Environmental Monitoring Program

9.1.1 Environmental Monitoring Defined

In general, environmental monitoring programs will collect data for one or more of the following
purposes (Everitt, 1992):

1. to establish a baseline; that is, gathering information on the basic site characteristics prior to
development or to establish current conditions;
2. to establish long term trends in natural unperturbed systems to establish natural baselines;
3. to estimate inherent variation within the environment, which can be compared with the variation
observed in another specific area;
4. to make comparisons between different situations (for example, pre-development and post
development; upstream and downstream; at different distances from a source) to detect changes;
5. to make comparisons against a standard or target level.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

Compliance Monitoring

Compliance monitoring is a commonly practiced form of environmental monitoring. The purpose of

compliance monitoring is to ensure that the quality or quantity of an environmental component is not altered by a
human activity beyond a specified standard of regulation level. An example of compliance monitoring is a sampling
program conducted by either industry or government to ensure that concentrations of a contaminant do not
exceed a specified level either in the effluent or in the receiving waters. Implicit in compliance monitoring is the
assumption that if the characteristic being monitored is within acceptable limits, then the effects will be within
acceptable limits. Compliance monitoring is not concerned with determining actual effects.

Environmental Effects Monitoring

When the objectives of the monitoring program require that actual effects be determined, environmental
effects monitoring is required.

Environmental effects monitoring has been defined as the repetitive measurement of environmental
parameters to test specific hypotheses of the effects of human activity on the environment (LGL Ltd. et al 1984).
Conover (1985) added to this definition the notion that environmental monitoring measures changes for the
purpose of establishing cause-effect relationships. This manual adopts the following definition of environmental

Environmental effects monitoring is the repetitive and systematic measurement of the

characteristics of environmental components to test specific hypotheses of the effects of human
activity on the environment. Environmental monitoring is undertaken primarily to determine the
environmental effects of human activities, and secondarily to increase understanding of cause-
effect relationships between human activity and environmental change.

The implications of this definition are that:

1. environmental monitoring programs should involve repetitive sampling over a number of years;
2. environmental monitoring programs should be scientifically rigorous and be based on testable
3. sampling programs designed to test the hypotheses should be such that the results may be used to
detect temporal trends and/or spatial differences; and
4. environmental monitoring programs should attempt to establish empirical links between human
activities and their effects on the environment.

Environmental Effects Monitoring in Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental effects monitoring programs provide the necessary information to:

1. verify the accuracy of EIA predictions; and

2. determine the effectiveness of measures to mitigate adverse effects of projects on the environment.

Feedback from environmental monitoring programs may be used to:

1. determine whether more or less stringent mitigation measures are needed; and
2. improve the predictive capability of EIAs.

Improving the Predictive Capability of Environmental Impact Assessments

December 1997
Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

In recent years, the effectiveness of EIA studies has come under serious challenge, and repeated calls
have been made for a new, more scientifically sound approach to forecasting environmental effects.
Unfortunately, despite the large number of impact predictions that have been formulated, few attempts have been
made to test previous predictions (Marmorek et al., 1986; Munro et al., 1986; Bernard et al., 1989). As a result,
many inaccurate predictions are probably being propagated in ongoing EIA processes.

Environmental monitoring programs capable of detecting environmental effects are essential if we are to
learn from experience. In addition to enhancing the predictive capability for assessing potential effects,
information generated from environmental monitoring programs can benefit future EIA activities by providing for
better monitoring plans.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures

Without monitoring there is no mechanism for evaluating the success of the mitigation measures
undertaken. Environmental monitoring provides important information that allows for more effective planning and
an adaptive response based on an assessment of the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Normally a number of
environmental operating conditions are laid down upon granting of project approval. These, along with any
conditions set out in permits and licences, become part of the overall environmental management regime for the

Environmental monitoring is required to assess whether the various mitigation measures are effective in
attaining the goals of environmental protection. Without an environmental monitoring program, it is not possible to
determine whether the environment is being protected or not. The absence of such a program also leaves the EIA
process without a mechanism for evaluating its performance against its goals. Environmental monitoring can help

1. describe the extent of environmental effects and resource losses;

2. provide scientific information about the response of an ecosystem to a given set of human activities
and mitigation measures; and
3. provide data for use as a part of environmental auditing of environmental management practices.

9.1.2 Monitoring Program in the EIA Methodology

Environmental monitoring must be an integral part of all phases of the project cycle. By providing
information about the current status of our environment, environmental monitoring programs provide information
feedback on the actual effects of human activities on the environment, and of the effectiveness of prescribed
mitigation measures to protect the environment. This feedback is essential to ensure that those who plan
development and those who manage environmental resources are supplied with information upon which to base
their decisions and follow up activities (Everitt, 1992). This is critical if we are to learn from one project to the
next. Information generated from environmental monitoring will increase the scientific understanding of
environmental impacts, thereby permitting increasingly better EIA of future projects.
The role of environmental monitoring programs in EIA can be seen by examining the three major
information feedback loops they provide (Figure 9-1):

1. Within project corrections (loop 1-2-3-1). Mitigation measures are implemented as specified by
project planning and the EIA. These measures, together with the project activities, lead to actual
effects (Figure 9-1: link 1). Environmental monitoring provides information on the actual effects (link
2), which can be used by management to modify how they execute the project (link 3). Information
through this loop continues because adjustments to project management can lead to new
environmental effects.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

2. EIA process helps monitoring design which in turn provides information to the EIA process (loop 4-
5-6-7). Scoping and analysis of issues in the early stages of the EIA process helps define the
monitoring program plan (Figure 9-1: link 4), and then, the monitoring program (for example,
baseline monitoring) (link 5). Initial monitoring data guides the impact assessment (link 6), which in
turn can be used to revise the monitoring program (link 7).

3. Environmental monitoring programs provide information for follow up activities (loop 8-9).
Environmental monitoring data provides the information upon which environmental follow-up
programs can evaluate the success of mitigation measures and determine the accuracy of impact
predictions (Figure 9-1: link 8). Once the evaluation is complete this information will lead to better
design of mitigation measures, more effective EIA procedures, increased predictive capability, and
improved monitoring programs for future projects (link 9).

9.1.3 Objectives of Project Based Environmental Monitoring Programs

Two phases of monitoring are undertaken. The first is baseline monitoring (or surveys), which takes
place during the EIA phase (or earlier). Baseline monitoring records the status of the environment prior to project
implementation. Requirements for baseline data are normally outlined in the terms of reference for the EIA. The
second stage, which is the focus of this chapter, is monitoring undertaken in the project design, construction, and
operation stages.

Both compliance and environmental effects monitoring are required. The objectives of project-based
monitoring programs are to: 1) ensure compliance with the mitigation measures (including off-setting and
enhancement measures) identified in the EIA; and 2) determine the projects actual environmental impacts so that
modifications can be made to the project or the projects mitigation measures, if necessary (Asian Development
Bank, 1994). Most monitoring is directed towards these objectives.

The goal of the environmental management plan is to ensure that all necessary corrective actions, both
mitigative and off-setting, are carried out to counter any adverse environmental impacts, and that enhancement
measures are used where feasible and practical. One of the goals of the monitoring program is to actually observe
and analyze the projects impacts, thereby providing information to help in re-designing mitigation measures to
reduce the risks associated with a project.

December 1997
Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 9-1: Monitoring provides important information feedback for more effective planning for environmental
protection (source: Everitt, 1992).

Compliance and effects monitoring occurs during the project construction, operation, and abandonment
stages. The resources and institutional set-up should be available for the monitoring at these stages. All large-scale
construction projects will require some construction stage monitoring. To control the environmental hazards of
construction as specified in the EIA, a monitoring program should be established to ensure that each mitigation
measure is effectively implemented. There are numerous potential areas for monitoring during operations.

Two questions must be asked regarding each mitigation measure: 1) is it necessary to include monitoring
provisions to ensure that the mitigation measure will be successfully implemented (constructed and operated) as
outlined in the EIA; and 2) is there a chance that the actual impacts will be different from the predicted impacts,
and are the associated risks great enough to warrant a monitoring program to track the actual impacts and make
modifications to the project if required? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then a monitoring
program for the mitigation measures needs to be developed.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

Institutional Requirements

In addition to devising a monitoring program, it is also necessary to work out a plan for its
implementation. This includes assigning institutional responsibility, reporting requirements, enforcement capability,
and ensuring that adequate resources, in terms of staffing and skills, equipment, training, and budget, are
provided. A monitoring program that does not have a management component will have little chance of success.
Often an environmental management office (see Chapter 10) must be included in the overall project management
structure. The organization responsible for monitoring must have sufficient staffing and skills, training, equipment,
and funds to carry out the required monitoring tasks.

9.1.4 Cost Justification for Monitoring

The EIA report should show clearly how the recommended monitoring will enhance, rather than detract
from, the projects economic and environmental objectives. The proposed monitoring program should include its
own benefit/cost analysis to ensure the monitoring program will bear critical scrutiny whenever cost-sensitive
project review officials evaluate the program.

A monitoring program should be the least cost alternative to achieve the stated monitoring objectives, and
should be included in the core project funding. It is crucial to include the monitoring program budget in the project
core budget. Experience has shown that it is extremely difficult to go back and obtain more funds for monitoring
after the core budget has been approved. Most developing country EIAs in the past did not arrange for such
funding, and in most cases, the recommended and approved monitoring was not implemented.

9.1.5 Reporting and Enforcement Capability

Should the data analyses indicate that corrective actions are needed, information collected through the
monitoring program must be transmitted to an organization that has the power to take appropriate action. The
institutional arrangements for monitoring, including who should receive the results and analysis, and who is
responsible for taking corrective actions, should be specified in the EIA. Enforcement capability implies that some
government organization has the power to compel the implementing organization to abide by the terms of the
original project agreement. This usually implies either legal or financial power. Since it is often difficult to obtain
legal power to enforce the conditions in the EIA, it may be more effective to apply financial pressure. For
example, if the resettlement program for a reservoir project was not proceeding as outlined in the EIA, further
funding for the construction of the dam could be withheld until compliance was achieved.

9.1.6 Monitoring Requirements For Effective Pollution Control

Environmental monitoring is absolutely essential to the success of any program aimed at controlling
environmental degradation, including environmental pollution control. Four elements are needed to achieve
effective control: 1) appropriate environmental standards; 2) enforceable legislation and regulations; 3)
enforcement capability; and 4) adequate monitoring to obtain the data required by the regulatory agency to enforce
the regulations in the courts. Without monitoring there can be no awareness of noncompliance.

Most developing countries have enacted pollution control regulations, but lack the monitoring capabilities
necessary to enforce them consistently. Some developing countries have carried out pilot monitoring projects,
mostly in the fields of water and air pollution control. The programs have been sponsored by various international
assistance agencies and implemented by the national environmental protection agencies. Designed to demonstrate
proper use of monitoring, and to train staff in appropriate environmental monitoring technologies, the intent of
these pilot monitoring projects was that they would be followed up by continued monitoring financed locally.
Most of the projects have been unsuccessful because the sponsors and developing countries alike did not realize
the complexities of planning and conducting a meaningful environmental monitoring program. To be sustainable, a

December 1997
Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

national environmental monitoring program requires a sound foundation of technical, institutional, economic, and
financial structures.

9.2 Designing Environmental Monitoring Programs

There are many institutional, scientific, and fiscal issues that must be addressed in the implementation of
an environmental monitoring program. Careful consideration of these issues in the design and planning stages will
help avoid many of the pitfalls associated with environmental monitoring programs. Completion of the following
tasks will lead to an effective environmental monitoring program.

9.2.1 Analysis of Significant Environmental Issues

At the outset of planning for an environmental monitoring program, the manager of the program may not
know exactly what should be monitored, when monitoring should begin, where it should occur, which techniques
should be employed, and who should take responsibility for its conduct. Because there are usually a number of
subjective decisions to be made, it is important to start with an analysis of environmental issues. The scoping
phase of EIA is designed to identify and focus the major issues. Scoping should provide a valuable source of
information on the concerns that need to be addressed by the monitoring program (see Chapter 11). Practical
experience with environmental monitoring programs in developed countries shows there is a wide range of public
and professional concerns that are industry specific. Broad participation by a range of interests will likely be
required. Stakeholders that should be considered include government environmental and regulatory agencies,
environmental interest groups, local communities, industry, and the professional community (Everitt, 1992).

9.2.2 Formulation of Specific Objectives

It is often necessary to formulate broad objectives for an environmental monitoring program. For
example, suppose the objective is to protect the environmental quality of an estuary but most of the concerns
relate to a fishery, fish populations and fish habitat that may be affected by effluent from an industrial outfall. In
the design of the monitoring program more specific objectives must be developed. For example, the:

General Objective: to protect the environmental quality in the estuary

could lead to the:

Specific Objectives: to determine amount of degradation of fish habitat associated with the
industrial effluent;
to determine population trends in fish populations; and
to determine losses to the fishery.

9.2.3 Formulation of Specific Questions Defining Assessment Endpoints

Effects monitoring programs work best when the scientific method guides data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. Formal hypotheses of the effects of a project help link the subjective issues and objectives to the
more objective field sampling and data analyses. Prior to defining a hypothesis, a question to be answered must be
formulated. The answers to these questions are the assessment endpoints. Assessment endpoints are information a
decision or policy maker might wish to know about the status of valued environmental components (VECs).

Environmental monitoring programs collect data on environmental indicators, to provide information for
the evaluation of assessment endpoints, which reflect environmental values (Figure 9-2).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

Figure 9-2: The relationship between environmental values, assessment endpoints and environmental indicators in
environmental monitoring (source: Everitt, 1992).

Environmental values are the qualities or quantities we desire in our environment. The environmental
values are what we ultimately are trying to protect, or are striving for, with respect to the environment. Examples
of environmental values are contaminant-free fish, or sustainable fisheries.

Environmental monitoring programs must have clearly defined assessment endpoints. As sessment
endpoints are expressions of the environmental values that are to be protected (Suter, 1990). An assessment
endpoint is generally the answer to a question regarding the environment effects that was posed at the beginning
of the environmental monitoring programs. If the question was embodied in a formal hypothesis, the assessment
endpoint is the rejection or acceptance of the hypothesis. Without assessment endpoints, environmental
monitoring programs may be terminated prematurely or be continued longer than necessary.

Assessments often fail because the endpoints lack unambiguous operational definition. A complete
operational definition of an assessment endpoint requires a subject (for example, a rare and endangered species)
and a characteristic of the subject (local extinction or percentage reduction in range) (Suter, 1990).

The choice of VECs is related to the perceived significance of the environmental components (Everitt,
1987). In general, the significance or importance of environmental components may be based on: 1) legal status
(for example, rare and endangered species); 2) political or public concerns (for example, resource use conflicts);
3) scientific judgement (for example, ecological importance); or 4) commercial or economic importance. In
addition to their economic, social, political or ecological significance, chosen components should: 1) have
unambiguous operational definition; 2) be accessible to prediction and measurement; and 3) be susceptible to

In many cases, VECs can be directly measured (for example, extent of habitat for an endangered
species), however in other cases, direct measurement is impossible or impractical. The chosen measurement
endpoints or environmental indicators must correspond to, or be predictive of assessment endpoints (see box 9-1
and 9-2).

Environmental indicators must be: 1) measurable; 2) appropriate to the scale of disturbance/

contamination; 3) appropriate to the impact mechanism; 4) appropriate to temporal dynamics; 5) diagnostic; and
6) standardized; as well as have: 1) a low natural variability; 2) a broad applicability; and 3) an existing data series.

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Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

Box 9-1: Environmental indicators correspond to assessment endpoints.

People wish to be assured that fish is wholesome and free from contamination. This environmental value might be reflected in
environmental monitoring programs that determined assessment endpoints that show that the body burdens of chemical x in fish
increased after an industrial plant became operational, or that fish harvests (consumption) did not decrease despite the discoloration of
fish flesh from accumulation of chemical x.

Environmental indicators corresponding with these assessment endpoints are the concentration of chemical x in a sample of fish, and
the size class structure of the population of fish that have accumulated chemical x.

For example, key questions associated with the objectives defined above might be:

1. will or has fish habitat in the estuary been degraded as a result of the human activity?;
2. are fish populations declining, increasing, or stable?
3. are current levels of fish harvests sustaining the local fishery?

The VECs in the key questions are fish habitat, fish populations, and fish harvests.

Box 9-2: Criteria for Choosing VECs for Assessment Endpoints.

The following criteria are useful when choosing assessment endpoints:

predictable and measurable

legal, political, economic, ecological relevance
unambiguous operational definition
sensitive to human activity

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

Box 9-3: Monitoring programs require specific objectives, specific questions, valued environmental
components and environmental indicators.

Suppose the objective is to protect the environmental quality of an estuary but most of the concerns relate to a fishery, fish populations
and fish habitat that may be affected by effluent from an industrial outfall.

General Objective:

to protect the environmental quality in the estuary

Specific Objectives:

to determine the amount of degradation of fish habitat associated with the effluent
to determine population trends in fish populations
to determine losses to the fishery

Valued Environmental Components

fish habitat
fish populations
fish harvests

Specific Questions Assessment Endpoints

1. will, or, has fish habitat in the estuary been degraded as a result of the human activity?
2. are fish populations declining, increasing, or stable?
3. are current levels of fish harvests sustaining the local fishery?

Environmental Indicators

1. fish population by size class; and

2. area of contaminated fish habitat.

9.2.4 Construct Simple Conceptual Models of Impact

It is desirable to have simple conceptual models of the mechanisms by which impact might occur. In
addition to being useful in determining which variables to monitor, these models are extremely valuable in
communicating the rationale for monitoring. One of the best ways to represent a conceptual model is with an
impact hypothesis (see Chapter 4). An impact hypothesis is simply a statement of our understanding of the
mechanism of the potential effect of the particular activity. Mechanisms of effect can be physically, ecologically,
physiologically, and behaviorally based. For example, the three questions above can be embodied within an impact
hypothesis that incorporates the environmental components: the fishery, fish, and fish habitat (Figure 9-3).

The hypothesis exemplified in Figure 9-3 describes the cumulative effects through time of industrial
effluent on fish harvesting. An elaboration of the hypothesis in Figure 9-3 that would exemplify a spatially
cumulative effects hypothesis would be inclusion of the effects of other human activities (for example, fishing
pressure, erosion from forestry activities, and acidic precipitation) on fish harvesting. In practice such multi-

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Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

activity hypotheses are not testable as a whole, but need to be disaggregated into component activities. An
example of a hypothesis of an immediate and direct effect drawn from Figure 9-3 could be the effects of
industrial effluent on bottom substrate.

Figure 9-3: Example impact hypothesis of the cumulative effects through time of industrial effluent on fish
harvesting (source: Everitt, 1992).

9.2.5 Selecting Environmental Indicators

After the impact hypothesis is defined, monitoring effort can be concentrated on the specific
environmental indicators of impact. It is necessary that the indicators chosen be relevant to the impact
mechanisms, be indicative of the VECs of interest, be measurable, and be appropriate to the spatial and temporal
scale of disturbance/contamination (see Box 9-4). Where possible, standardized indicators with existing data series
should be chosen. Other desirable characteristics of environmental indicators include: 1) low natural variability; 2)
broad applicability; 3) being diagnostic with respect to the potential cause.

Two environmental indicators relevant to our example are:

1. fish population by size class; and

2. area of contaminated fish habitat.

The complexity of most ecosystems makes it impractical to measure environmental indicators

corresponding to all the desired VECs. A smaller, more manageable set of environmental indicators must be
chosen. In selecting indicators it is desirable to identify those which reflect the response of other indicators. This
form of correlation amongst the responses of indicators can expedite effects evaluation in environmental
monitoring because the response of one indicator can be taken as being representative of the response of other
indicators. For example, if a particular color of fish flesh is specific to chemical X, then fish color observation
alone, instead of time and resource consuming tissue residue analyses, could be used as the indicator of chemical

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

accumulation in fish. However, in most cases the development of multiple lines of evidence of effects is still
necessary in environmental monitoring (Cairns, 1990).

Box 9-4: Criteria for Selecting Environmental Indicators.

The following criteria are useful in selecting environmental indicators:

indicative of VEC
sensitive to VEC
appropriate to the scale of disturbance/pollution
low natural variability
appropriate to the impact mechanism
broad applicability
appropriate to temporal dynamics
existing data series
diagnostic with respect to the potential cause

9.2.6 Establish an Information Management System

An information system for receiving, storing, retrieving, manipulating and disseminating data must be in
place in the monitoring program. Because monitoring requires that repetitive measurements be made, the
information management system needs to be capable of processing time series data for reports based on the
analytical framework required for interpreting monitoring results. In the absence of existing data collection
programs, baseline data will have to be collected as part of the initial stages of the environmental monitoring

Define Data Analyses Prior to Data Collection

The data analyses to be conducted are dictated by the objectives of the environmental monitoring
program. The statistical methods used to analyze the data should be described in detail prior to data collection.
These methods should be chosen so that uncertainty or error estimates in the data can be quantified. Example
statistical methods useful in an environmental monitoring program include: 1) frequency distribution analysis; 2)
analysis of variance; 3) analysis of covariance; 4) cluster analysis; 5) multiple regression analysis; 6) principal
components analysis; 7) time series analysis; and 8) the application of dynamic systems models (Green, 1979).


A critical component of environmental monitoring is the reporting phase. A report that documents the
environmental monitoring from rationale to results and interpretations must be prepared. It should include
recommendations, where appropriate, for more or less stringent mitigation measures, or improvements in the
effectiveness of EIA procedures. In addition to documenting present environmental monitoring, information in the
environmental monitoring report is also used to assist in the development of future environmental monitoring

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Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

9.2.7 Development of a Rigorous Sampling Design

There is a need for more consistent, systematic, and statistically valid approaches to sampling. Green
(1987) provides a set of guidelines for statistical design in research and monitoring:

1. Clearly formulate the question. Rephrase as a null hypothesis (see also Box 5-4) and an alternative
2. There should be a control. If it is an observational study over space and time, try to have both a
spatial and temporal control (reference site).
3. Have replicate samples within treatments, areas, etc.
4. There should be a balanced (equal) and random (or at least unbiased) allocation of samples with
respect to the variables of interest (see #8).
5. Do some preliminary sampling (a pilot study) so that steps 6-9 can be done.
6. Evaluate the sampling method for consistency (lack of bias) over the entire universe that will be
7. Estimate necessary sample number (or adequacy of feasible sample number), and optimum sample
unit size.
8. If there is a large scale spatial pattern, consider a stratified sampling design. To estimate spatial
distribution allocate samples evenly over the area; to estimate abundance allocate samples
proportional to estimated abundance.
9. Decide how to handle problems in data: transform it? use nonparametric statistics? use simulation,
randomization or jackknife? use sequential sampling? apply corrections for bias?
10. Stick with the results (that is, let the hypotheses be falsifiable).

Formulate Statistical Hypotheses

Statistic al hypotheses (see Box 9-5) will have to be formulated as a part of the statistical design of the
data analyses.

Box 9-5: Example statistical hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1:

Ho: Fish habitat in the effluent-exposed area is as productive as non-exposed area.

Ha: Fish habitat in the effluent-exposed area is not as productive as non-exposed area.

Hypothesis 2:

Ho: There is no change in the fish community in the effluent-exposed area.

Ha: The fish community in the effluent-exposed area has changed since effluent discharge began.

Hypothesis 1 implies that sampling will have to be stratified spatially; Hypothesis 2 implies that time series information will be required.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

9.2.8 Establish Rigorous Quality Assurance Quality and Quality Control

The accuracy and precision of data generated by a monitoring program can only be assessed if a good
quality assurance and quality control program is in place. The objectives of the quality assurance and control
programs are to:

1. generate quality analytical data using standardized and accepted sampling techniques;
2. capture natural spatial and temporal variability in environmental indicators;
3. be sensitive to sampling and analytic error;
4. be sensitive to sample contamination, and to extreme values due to natural or special source
5. ensure complete documentation and defensibility of all data; and
6. expedite data evaluation and acceptance.

A successful environmental monitoring program requires field and laboratory staff trained in sample
collection and sample processing procedures. If appropriately trained staff are not available, the available staff
should be sent to a commercial or government laboratory for detailed instruction in the methods required. Specific
protocols for: 1) sample collection and storage; 2) sample shipments; and 3) testing laboratories should be
provided in the overall design.

9.2.9 Prepare a Cost Estimate for the Entire Monitoring Program

There are at least six major cost elements associated with monitoring programs (in addition to overall
administration and coordination costs):

1. program design costs;

2. field sampling programs;
3. laboratory analyses;
4. operation and maintenance costs associated with information management;
5. quantitative analysis and reporting; and
6. communication and liaison.

A cost estimate for each of these program elements should be provided in detail at the outset of the monitoring

9.2.10 Periodic Program Review

The environmental monitoring program must continue through time as prescribed by the objectives and
endpoints of the program. Explicit in an environmental monitoring program is periodic program review to ensure
that the data being collected and the information being provided to decision makers is still relevant, and of
maximum utility. Systematic review of the program will allow for new scientific understanding to be incorporated
into the program, conceivably leading to additions, deletions, and modifications to impact hypotheses and to the
sampling programs.

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Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

9.3 Examples of Monitoring from Developing Country EIAs

Samut Prakarn Wastewater Management Project, Thailand

This Asian Development Bank funded project has a long history dating back to the early 1980s of
planning and environmental analysis. Initially the concept was to build an industrial pollution control facility for a
relatively small area of high density industrial development in Samut Prakarn, south of Bangkok (see Chapter 16 in
the case studies volume for a more detailed review of this project). Environmental analysis took place over the
period from the early 1980s until the project was approved in 1985. Decisions on the need to invest in the project
and on the scope of the project were based on two main sources of information: 1) monitoring by the Thai
government which indicated continuing environmental degradation, and 2) a periodic review of the alternative
approaches to dealing with the water pollution problem. A technical assistance study determined that both a cost
comparison and an environmental comparison of the alternative approaches to wastewater management were

The EIA consisted of a two-staged approach. An initial environmental examination (IEE) was used to
evaluate thirteen options (including a no-action option) for wastewater management. The IEE results were
combined with the results of the cost comparison to identify the optimum approach to wastewater management.
The preferred alternative is two large centralized collection and treatment schemes, servicing industry as well as
community or domestic wastewater. The IEE also outlined the detailed analysis required for the highest priority
alternative. A subsequent EIA of this alternative was undertaken as a part of the feasibility study.

As a follow-up to this EIA, an environmental monitoring program with the following two objectives was

to monitor changes in key environmental elements so any long-term adverse impacts caused by
project interventions can be predicted in a cost-efficient and timely manner; and
to provide a tool for decision-making on whether any project modifications or mitigation of adverse
impacts are necessary.

Monitoring programs included:

1. unit operations and processes, of the collection, transfer, treatment and disposal facilities of the
project, and their relevant health and safety features.
2. beneficiaries, including industries, commercial establishments and households. Apart from gathering
data that are necessary for assessment of impacts on communities and beneficiaries, this type of
monitoring can also help increase awareness of users and enhance the public -relations strength of the
project. Whether the project achieves overall environmental improvement benefits will depend largely
on the attitudes and awareness of beneficiaries.
3. Chao Phraya and khlong water quality. The current Pollution Control Division monitoring program is
sound in its methodology and approach. Its areal coverage is to be expanded to provide a more
meaningful picture of the entire project area.
4. human use values, with a focus on agriculture and both freshwater and brackish/coastal aquaculture.
As mentioned above, concerned relevant sector agencies could participate in the monitoring program,
perhaps with minor modifications to their current effort.
5. special ecosystems, with a focus on the mangrove forest areas, the marine environment and the Bang
Krachao area.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

Tarim River Basin Comprehensive Water Resources Development Project

The Tarim project, including a detailed EIA, was completed in 1991 under the direction of the Xinjiang
Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau (Gunaratnam, 1992). The monitoring program specified in the EIA for
comprehensive water resource development in the Tarim River Basin of Xinjiang Province, northwestern PRC,
includes all parameters relating to irrigation, drainage, land reclamation, and regreening for anti-desertification
(Table 9-1). Full scale monitoring was initiated in 1992. Financing for monitoring was included in the project loan.

A primary goal of the project was to increase the area under irrigation. The danger of salinization due to
improper application of water and insufficient drainage was addressed in the EIA, however the factors affecting
the actual extent of salinization are extremely complicated and could not be assessed until irrigation actually began.
The project hence included a monitoring program to determine the extent of salinization and to take corrective
actions where necessary as part of the environmental management plan (EMP).

Table 9-1: Monitoring parameters for the Tarim River Basin Project (source: Asian Development Bank, 1994).

Resource Parameter or Unit of Measurement

Crop yields bushels, bales, kilos or output
Animal productivity kilos produced per year
Family income income per household per year
Public health doctor visits per capita
specific cases by disease per capita
Status of relocated families homelessness per capita
persons per household

Water Resources
Water resource balance groundwater depth
surface water levels
flow rate
Water distribution to three areas flow rates through each of the supply canals
Water quality: salinity total dissolved solids

Effectiveness of regreening program (lower ratio of ground area covered by plants to total surface
Tarim Basin) area
Effects on wetlands abundance of 4 indicator plant species

Xiaolangdi Dam and Reservoir Comprehensive Water Resources Development Project

The Xiaolangdi Project is a US$1.3 billion project to stop the continuing serious flooding hazards in the
Lower Yellow River Basin which is inhabited by 70 million people. In addition, the project has large-scale irrigation
and hydro-power components, plus numerous additional components of lesser scale as needed for comprehensive
water resources development. These include measures to minimize or offset environmental hazards, and
environmental enhancement measures. The project EIA team was converted into the Projects Environmental
Management Office, and was given the responsibility to implement and coordinate a comprehensive environmental
monitoring plan. Funding is included in the project loan.

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Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program EIA for Developing Countries

The EIA covered all environmental aspects. The assessment singled out four issues of significance:
1) dam stability and safety; 2) resettlement; 3) cultural heritage; and 4) public health. These issues became the
focus of the environmental management plan and subsequent monitoring activities. The institutional arrangements
for the environmental management plan and environmental management office for the project are described in
Chapter 10.

During the pre-construction phase, environmental monitoring involved environmental surveillance and
inspection during the preparation of the construction site and monitoring activities related to resettlement. During
the construction and operation phase, the monitoring system is designed to: 1) ensure that contractors and
operators properly carry out mitigation measures; and 2) evaluate the adequacy of the environmental management
plan. Monitoring programs are designed to observe actual effects; and in the event there are unacceptable adverse
effects, recommend corrective action.

9.4 Post Audit and Evaluation

Post project evaluation procedures are becoming a more common practice, particularly with International
Financial Institutions. For example, after the completion of project construction, the Asian Development Bank
sends a review mission to undertake discussions with concerned executing agencies to determine the
implementation of environmental mitigation measures earlier agreed upon by both the borrower and the Bank. It is
the task of the review mission to verify that environmental safeguards built into the project design are
satisfactorily implemented by the borrower/executing agency during the construction and operation of the project.
The Asian Development Banks post-evaluation reports and project performance audit reports include a final
assessment of the degree to which the projects satisfied the proposed environmental requirements, the
effectiveness of mitigatory measures and institutional development and whether any unanticipated effects
occurred as a result of project activities. These reports are often prepared within a year or two of the completion
of construction. As such, they cannot identify long term adverse effects or failures in mitigation measures that
may occur later in the projects life.

Post audit and evaluation of environmental management plans and monitoring programs provides us with
a way to learn from experience. Monitoring results are an important source of information to verify the accuracy
of EIA predictions. Systematic evaluation of monitoring results allows EIA practitioners to understand strengths
and weaknesses in existing approaches. This understanding will naturally lead to better techniques and approaches
to impact assessment. Monitoring information is essential in helping us determine the effectiveness of mitigation
measures. Without essential feedback provided by monitoring programs on what works and what does not
work, each new project will be designed like the last one. There will be little opportunity to learn from our
mistakes and to apply new and better mitigation techniques.

Post evaluation reports like those prepared by the Asian Development Bank are a useful source of
information, however, one further step is required. We must ensure that we learn from experience. From time to
time, there needs to be a formal and systematic post hoc evaluation of the effectiveness of our environmental
protection efforts on development projects. The results need to be gathered together and disseminated, widely and

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring Program

9.5 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank.. Forthcoming (draft, May 1994). Asian Development Bank Environmental Impact
Assessment Training Program. Office of the Environment, Asian Development Bank.
Bernard, D.P., Donald B. Hunsaker Jr., and D.R. Marmorek. 1989. Tools for improving predictive
capabilities of environmental impact assessments: structured hypotheses, audits, and monitoring. Paper prepared
for The Scientific Challenges of NEPA: Future Directions Based on 20 Years of Experience. Ninth Oak Ridge
National Laboratory Life Sciences Symposium, Knoxville, TN, 24-27 October 1989.
Cairns, J., Jr. 1990. Prediction, validation, monitoring, and mitigation of anthropogenic effects upon natural
systems. Environmental Auditor 2(1): 19-25.
Conover, S.A.M. 1985. Environmental effects monitoring and Environment Canada: a synthesis of the findings of
four workshops. In: B. Sadler (ed.). Audit and Evaluation in Environmental Assessment and Management:
Canadian and International Experience: Volume II Support Studies. Proceedings of the Conference on Follow-
up/Audit of EIA Results. Organized by the Environmental Protection Service of Environment Canada and The
Banff Centre, School of Management, October 13-15, 1985, pp. 408-434.
Everitt, R.R. 1992. Environmental Effects Monitoring Manual. Prepared for the Federal Environmental
Assessment Review Office and Environment Canada, Environmental Assessment Division, Inland Waters
Directorate. Ottawa, ON.
Everitt, R.R. 1987. Determining the Scope of Environmental Assessments. Report prepared for the Federal
Environmental Assessment Review Office. Vancouver, BC.
Gunaratnam, Daniel, 1992. Engineering-cum-environmentalism: case study of the Tarim River Basin in China.
ASEP Newsletter, September 1992.
Green, R.H. 1979. Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environmental Biologists. John Wiley & Sons,
New York, NY. 257 pp.
Green, R.H. 1987. The Fundamental Principals of Research and Monitoring Program Design in Relation to the
BEMP Process and the Design of Systematic Aerial Surveys for Whales. Appendix B. In: Beaufort Environmental
Monitoring Project 1986-87 Final Report. Northern Affairs Program Environmental Studies Report No. 52. Indian
and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, ON.
LGL Ltd., ESL Environmental Sciences Ltd., Arctic Laboratories Ltd., and Atlantic Oceanics Co. Ltd.
1984. Effects Monitoring Strategies and Programs for Canadas East Coast. Prepared for Environmental Studies
Revolving Funds (EMR), Canada Oil and Gas Lands Administration.
Marmorek, D.R., D.P. Bernard, R.R. Everitt, N.C. Sonntag, G.D. Sutherland, A. Sekerak, R. Eccles, A.
Chiasson, and M. LeBelle. 1986. Predicting environmental impacts of hydroelectric developments in Canada.
Prepared for the Canadian Electrical Association. 140 pp. and appendices 2,3,4.
Munro, D.A., T.J. Bryant, and A. Matte-Baker - Naivasha Consultants 1986. Learning from experience: a
state-of-the-art review and evaluation of environmental impact assessment audits. Background paper prepared for
the Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council. Hull, QC.
Suter, G.W., II. 1990. Endpoints for Regional Ecological Risk Assessments. Environmental Management, 14(1):

December 1997
Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

10.0 Environmental Management Plan and Office

A primary goal of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to develop procedures to ensure that all
mitigation measures and monitoring requirements specified in the approved EIA will actually be carried out in
subsequent stages of project development. These mitigation measures and monitoring requirements are normally
set out in an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). A well structured EMP usually covers all phases of the
project, from preconstruction right through to decommissioning. The Plan outlines mitigation and other measures
that will be undertaken to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations and to reduce or eliminate
adverse impacts. Specifically, the EMP outlines:

the technical work program to carry out the EMP, including details of the required tasks and reports,
and the necessary staff skills, supplies, and equipment;
a detailed accounting of the estimated costs to implement the EMP; and
the planned operation or implementation of the EMP, including a staffing chart and proposed
schedules of participation by the various members of the project team, and activities and inputs from
various governmental agencies.

The main mechanism for implementation of the EMP si the establishment of an Environmental
Management Office (EMO). The EMO is to be established, with sufficient staffing and budget, as part of the
project proponents Project Management Office. Environmental staff in this office work alongside the
construction and operation personnel to ensure that the measures and requirements outlined in the EMP are
actually carried out. The establishment and funding of an EMO is essential insurance for environmentally sound

10.1 Implementing an Environmental Management Plan

Implementation of the EMP requires that:

1. the detailed final design (plans and specifications) for the project incorporates all mitigation measures
specified in the approved EIA. This is facilitated if the EIA is conducted as an integral part of the
project feasibility study;
2. the contract for construction of the project includes all mitigation measures to be implemented. The
mitigation measures should be sufficiently detailed that the construction contractor, in preparing his
bid, will be clearly aware that he will be required to comply with these mitigation measures;
3. the construction contractors' performance is duly monitored for compliance with the EMP by
competent environmental construction inspectors furnished by the EMO. This means implementation
of the construction stage portion of the Environmental Monitoring Program specified in the EIA;
4. on completion of construction, inspection takes place to check that the works, as built, meet all
significant environmental requirements before the project is officially accepted;
5. the operations stage monitoring program is implemented as specified in the EMP; and
6. there is effective reporting by the EMO, through the Project Management Office, to show that the
EMP is being properly managed.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

10.1.1 Modifications in Detailed Final Design

In developed countries, laws and regulations require that mitigation measures specified in the EIA be
incorporated into the detailed final design of the plans and specifications. These requirements are duly enforced. In
many developing countries, it has been difficult to ensure the mitigation measures are incorporated in the final
design. Numerous projects have been constructed without proper attention to the specified mitigation measures.
The EMO staff are responsible for working with the project design engineers to ensure the mitigation measures
are incorporated into the detailed design; as such, the description in the EIA of the required mitigation measures
must be sufficiently detailed to permit the design engineers to understand exactly what is needed. It is thus
preferable for the EIA to be an integral part of the overall feasibility study thereby allowing for mitigations to be
routinely included by the design engineers.

10.1.2 Construction Contractors Contract Requirements

Past experience has shown that many construction contractors do not fully understand their obligations
with respect to mitigation measures. Often, they do not make adequate provision for this work during bid
preparation, and they find themselves without sufficient monies to carry out the works needed to implement
mitigation measures. This makes them reluctant to comply with the requirements of the EIA and EMP. It is
important that the construction contract include provisions to ensure: 1) the construction contractor clearly
understands mitigation requirements, 2) environmental construction inspectors from the EMO monitor the
contractors performance in this regard; and 3) the mitigation measures are specified in sufficient detail that the
contractor can make reasonable estimates of actual costs (see Box 10-1). Staff from the EMO must work and
cooperate with the design engineers to gain agreement on final contract details.

Box 10-1: Mitigation measures must be of sufficient detail to guide construction contractors and allow for
realistic cost estimates.

Mitigation Measure Contract Requirements

resurfacing of exposed areas provide estimate of actual area to be resurfaced

prevent soil erosion operations so as not to incur require that dikes or other erosion control
damages to adjacent properties and downstream structures must be built and provide examples of
waterways acceptable structures

eliminate objectionable noise nuisances to specify allowable noise limits

neighboring properties

will control dust nuisances specify dust control is to be undertaken

10.1.3 Environmental Supervision of Construction

Environmental construction inspectors from the EMO must work alongside and together with the
engineering construction supervisors to ensure the specified mitigation measures are carried out. The
environmental construction inspectors must keep daily log books of their work and observations for this purpose.
This is a common practice for engineering construction supervisors. Environmental construction inspectors
should prepare periodic reports (weekly and monthly) to the EMO. These reports should document instances of
inattention to mitigation measures and suggest needed improvements in the mitigation measures. Copies of this
report should be provided to the chief engineering construction supervisor.

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

The EMO should cultivate appropriate working relationships between the engineering construction
supervisors and the environmental construction inspectors. General agreement should be made on reporting
procedures. Usually the construction contract will give legal authority to the engineering construction supervisor
to supervise the work; in such cases, the instructions from the environmental construction inspector to the
construction contractor may need to be transmitted via the engineering construction supervisor. When problems
are identified by environmental construction inspectors, it is essential that the EMO act quickly to ensure that the
construction contractor take corrective action.

10.1.4 Environmental Acceptance of Completion of Construction

Environmental Management Office staff should participate in the inspection of completed construction
works to ensure that the mitigation measures have been completed as related to environmental requirements.
Where possible, final payment to the construction contractor should be withheld until the EMO certifies
concurrence with mitigation measures proposed in the EIA and EMP.

10.1.5 Monitoring During Operations Stage

Staff from the EMO are responsible for ensuring the operations stage monitoring program is successfully
implemented. Part of this responsibility includes ensuring proper report preparation and distribution. This includes
periodic reports as well as special reports needed for managing special environmental problems which may arise.
Monitoring is necessary to ensure that the mitigation measures specified in the EIA are effectively implemented. It
is also necessary for identifying any significant environmental deficiencies in the project plan. Quantified
descriptions of deficiencies in the project facilities and operational procedures should be prepared.
Recommendations for corrective action should include firm justifications based on the monitoring observations.

10.1.6 Opportunities for Environmental Improvements

The EMOs monitoring operations, at both the construction and operational stages, should identify
potential modifications to the overall project plan to enhance environmental protection. Many development projects
present opportunities for add-ons not directly related to the primary project objective. Often valuable
environmental benefits can be realized for a small incremental cost.

10.2 Environmental Management Office

The EMO should be established by the Project Management Office as soon as possible, preferably in time
to manage planning and carrying out of the EIA, and certainly prior to implementation of construction. Should it
not be possible to establish the EMO until after completion of the EIA, consideration should be given to use of the
EIA team to serve as the interim environmental management office pending official establishment of the EMO.

A budget (covering the projects design life period) for the EMO should be an integral part of the
projects core budget. It should include funding for the EMO staffing, environmental construction inspectors, and
monitoring done by other agencies on behalf of the EMO. The budget should cover both the construction and
operational stages, as well as facilities and support. For major projects, the EMO staff should include a
professional engineer (usually as the full-time EMO Chief), an ecologist, a sociologist, and an economist.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

10.2.1 Reporting by Environmental Management Office

The EMO is to prepare and distribute, through the Project Management Office, periodic reports. These
monthly and annual reports on its operations should be of sufficient detail to allow both public and private sectors
to evaluate the environmental soundness of the project. The report should provide information on both the project
plan and operations, including attention to needed corrective measures. Generally these reports should be
distributed by the Project Management Office to concerned government agencies (including the environmental
agency) and to other concerned agencies, including those participating in project funding.

The EMO, based on the information from its various activities, is in an excellent position to assist in
preparing post evaluation and auditing reports which may be required by the multi-lateral development banks (for
example, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank).

10.3 Environmental Review Panel

In the event of major projects, it may be desirable for the project proponent to establish an Environmental
Review Panel which meets periodically (for example, semi-annually) to guide the EMO operations. The Panel
would prepare reports on each visit (say ten days per visit for major projects); these reports would include a
description of observations, findings, and recommendations for improvements. Such a panel is not only valuable
for guiding the EMO operations to suit the project proponents needs, but also for ensuring optimal cooperation
with all agencies who have significant concerns about the projects environmental effects.

10.4 Difficulties in Implementing the Environmental Management Plan and the Environmental
Management Office

Those responsible for managing development projects in developing countries may not readily be
receptive to the need for an EMP and the creation of an EMO. Some decision makers and developers lack proper
understanding of the necessity and benefits of environmentally sound design and effective mitigation measures.
Others are reluctant to commit the financial resources necessary to hire staff and operate an EMO. Many wish to
minimize the costs associated with implementation of the mitigation measures and monitoring requirements. These
costs are really quite small relative to overall project costs, yet are usually essential in terms of achieving an
environmentally sound and sustainable project.

10.5 Generic Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office

The generic EMP and EMO (Figure 10-1 and Tables 10-1 and 10-2) are representative summaries of an
approach being utilized for major water resource development projects in PRC. Similar approaches can used for
any type of project.

The basic functions (Table 10-1) that must be discharged to implement the EMP change as the project
moves through its various phases. During the pre-construction stage, the focus is on establishing the EMO,
ensuring the final design incorporates the appropriate mitigations, and finalizing construction contract
requirements for mitigation and monitoring. During construction, the focus is on ensuring the construction
contract requirements are fulfilled. These requirements include basic health and safety requirements as well as
ensuring the project works and mitigation measures are environmentally sound. During operations, the monitoring
programs begin in earnest and the role of the EMO shifts to identifying problems and recommending corrective
actions. Throughout implementation of the EMP there are a number of functions that must be discharged. These

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

include liaison with environmental agencies, preparation and distribution of periodic reports, preparation of press
releases, public participation and consultation, and benefit cost analysis of the EMP.

The staff of the EMO (Table 10-2) will include a chief engineer, an assistant chief engineer, an ecologist,
a socio-economist, an economist, consultants, and inspectors. The level of effort required from these individuals
changes throughout the project. The estimates of level of effort (Table 10-2) are based on: 1) a 0.5 year pre-
construction period; 2) a 2.5 year construction period; and 3) a 20 year operational period. The estimates do not
include the costs of monitoring or training, but do include the costs of supervising monitoring and training. The
estimates also do not include the level of effort for the Expert Panel which includes four local professionals plus
two foreign experts. The Panel meets every six months, for a total of six meetings from start to end of the
construction period. These estimates are based on the approach being taken in the Peoples Republic of China for
large water resource developments. The required level of effort for projects in other sectors and jurisdictions may
be very different.

Figure 10-1: Implementation of an Environmental Management Plan.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

Table 10-1: Example environmental management functions and Environmental Management Office work load.

Annual Level of
Work Items Frequency / Timing Effort (Person

1 Pre-construction (PC)

1.1 Establishment of Environmental Management Liaison Group and Environmental as soon as possible 6
Management Office

1.2 Ensuring that final designs incorporate mitigation measures during preconstruction 6

1.3 Ensuring that contractors contract includes mitigation measures during preconstruction 6

1.4 Planning of construction stage Environmental Management Office program during preconstruction 2

1.5 Beginning implementation of training program during preconstruction 6

1.6 Planning for use of Expert Panel on Environment during preconstruction 2

Total 28

2 Construction Period (CP)

2.1 Complete environmental training program start of construction 2

2.2 Implement use of environmental construction inspectors and use of environmental start of construction 72
inspection reports for controlling the construction contractors operations

2.3 Medical screening and facilities for construction works start of construction 2

2.4 Water supply, sanitation, housing for construction camps start of construction 2

2.5 Insecticide spraying of construction camp buildings start of construction 1

2.6 Ensuring health and safety of tunnel construction workers start of construction 2

2.7 Ensuring carrying out of mitigation measures of resettlement program (housing, start of construction 1
water supply, sanitation, etc.)

2.8 Checking on disease rates in construction camps and in service areas/vicinity for start of construction 2
hemorrhagic fever, malaria, encephalitis

2.9 Rat control measures at construction camps start of construction 2

2.10 Check on adequacy of disposal of tunnel excavation materials start of construction 2

2.11 Other mitigation measures start of construction 4

2.12 Planning and implementation of special studies shown needed by items above during construction 2

2.13 Assisting in establishment of institutional system for integrated water and waste during construction 4
management and reuse for optimal use in target areas, including permit systems

2.14 Assistance to institutional system of 2.13 in planning and implementation of water during construction 4
use, waste management, and water reuse facilities

2.15 Use of expert panel on environment during construction 4

Total 118

3. Operation Stage

3.1 Implementation of monitoring program start of operation 36

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

Annual Level of
Work Items Frequency / Timing Effort (Person
3.2 Based on results of 3.1, plan and implement necessary connections for project during operation 2
facilities and for operation/ management of project facilities

3.3 Based on results of 3.1, plan, recommend, and implement desirable environmental during operation 2
enhancement facilities/programs

3.4 Formulate and implement needed additional training during operation 1

3.5 Formulate and implement needed additional special environment studies during operation 1

3.6 Continuation of 2.13 during operation 2

3.7 Continuation of 2.14 during operation 2

Total 46

4. Continuing Activities

4.1 Liaison with environmental agencies, provincial agencies, local agencies continuing 6

4.2 Preparation and distribution of periodic Environmental Management Office reports semi-annual plus specials 3

4.3 Preparation and use of media releases continuing 3

4.4 Public participation and consultation continuing 6

4.5 Estimation of the cost and benefits of environmental management plan annual 2

4.6 Overall administration of environmental management office continuing 12

Total 32

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

Table 10-2: Estimated staffing requirement for the Environmental Management Office.

Pre-construction (half- Construction Period Operation Period

Item / Professionals year) (2.5 years) (20 years)

Total Months Annual Months Total Months Annual Months Total Months

Chief Engineer 6 12 30 12 240

Asst. Chief Engineer 6 12 30 12 240
Ecologist 6 6 15 6 120
Socio-Economist 6 8 20 6 120
Economist 2 4 10 2 40
Consultants 2 4 10 4 80
Inspectors 0 72 180 36 720
Sub Total 28 118 295 78 1560

10.6 Xiaolangdi Project

An EMP was prepared for the Xiaolangdi multipurpose dam and reservoir project on the Yellow River at
Xiaolangdi in Henan Province of the Peoples Republic of China (Ludwig et al, 1994). The Xiaolangdi Project,
under construction (circa 1997), is a major project with the primary objectives of flood control, sediment control
in the Yellow River channel, power production, and water supply. The EIA took six years and involved a team
from the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC) supported by eighty-eight Chinese experts. An
international Panel of Experts was appointed to provide advice on dam design and safety factors.

The EMP provided for the establishment of an EMO to lead and coordinate the implementation of all
mitigation measures and monitoring requirements (section 9.3 provides more information about the monitoring
program). The responsibilities of the EMO include: 1) management of periodic monitoring for assessing actual
effects; 2) planning and implementing corrective measures; 3) providing periodic reports and, as needed, special
reports for distribution to concerned government agencies and the World Bank. The work of the EMO is funded
by the core project funding.

The EMP includes a number of major sub programs (Table 10-3).

seismic monitoring program;

resettlement program;
protection of cultural relics;
sanitation and anti-epidemic program;
monitoring of hydrology, sediment, meteorology, and water quality;
management of the construction area;
reservoir clearing;
special studies; and
environmental library, consultants, and technical exchanges.

Most of these programs will be implemented by agencies other than the EMO, however, it will have major
responsibilities to monitor and report on the performance of these programs. For example, the YRCC
Hydrographic Bureau will be responsible for monitoring of hydrology, sediment, meteorology, and water quality,

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

while the EMO will monitor their performance, evaluate the monitoring results, and, if necessary, recommend
corrective action.

Table 10-4 illustrates the staffing requirements and responsibilities for the EMO. The staff are organized
into five sections: 1) chief engineers office; 2) deputy chief engineers office; 3) management section; 4)
monitoring section; and 5) administrative section.

The total budget (Table 10-5) for the EMP is 132 million Chinese Yuan (approximately $US 16 million in
1994). While not specifically included in the EMP, environmental enhancement programs for recreational
development and aquaculture were identified in the EIA. An additional investment of 8,130,000 Yuan for
recreational development and 850 million Yuan for downstream aquaculture is required to maximize the benefits
from the Xiaolangdi reservoir.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

Table 10-3: Summary description of Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Plan.

Task Description Implementor Monitor

organize and monitor implementation of environmental protection activities Yellow River Water and National Environmental
oup and Env. Mgt. Office Hydropower Development Protection Agency, Ministry of
Corporation (YRWHDC) Water Resources

eismic Monitoring Planning 1. organize and monitor implementation of environmental protection activities Reconnaissance Planning and Environmental Management
2. monitor the region 35 km upstream and 10 km downstream of the dam Design Institute under YRCC Office (EMO) under YRWHDC
3. prepare monthly seismic reports, and to expeditiously report unusual events to the
appropriate decision makers

1. complete EIA of resettlement area local resettlement offices, EMO under YRWH
2. organize and implement environmental aspects of resettlement planning environmental protection bureaus
3. write up quarterly report on resettlement progress (EPBs), experts employed by
4. do annual socioeconomic environmental evaluation in the host area EMO
5. conduct environmental management of development projects

rotection of Cultural Relics 1. organize and monitor implementation of environmental protection activities provincial cultural relics bureaus Nation Cultural Relics Bureau
2. prepare quarterly reports EMO under YRWHDC

epidemic 1. give annual physical examinations to construction workforce and to 1-10% of people in reservoir anti-epidemic station, EMO of YRWHDC
host areas or other affected areas and station at province,
2. monitor epidemic situations, rats, mosquitoes, diet, hygiene prefecture, and municipal levels
3. control rats and mosquitoes to prevent malaria, encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever
4. distribute vaccines to susceptible communities

1. monitor reservoir and downstream hydrology YRCC Hydrographic Bureau EMO under YRWHDC
2. monitor reservoir and downstream sediment
3. conduct meteorological monitoring
4. analyze water quality and bottom sediment

anagement in Construction check on contractors implementation of environmental protection rules local EPBs, EMO of YRWHDC EMO under YRWHDC

clear the reservoir area Resettlement Offices EMO under YRWHDC

1. Study of surface and ground water balance YRCC, relevant authorities of EMO under YRWHDC
2. Study of downstream aquaculture Henan Province
3. Planning of recreation development
4. Feasibility study of reservoir navigation
5. EIA for irrigation areas

1. set up an environmental library EMO under YRWHDC YRWHDC

2. employ expert consultants as required
3. technically train staff of EMO and EIA Team

Table 10-4: Staffing and responsibilities of Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Office.

Man-Month /
Sub-Division Person Main Tasks

Director 12 1 overall responsibility, representative on Environmental Management Leading Group

Chief Engineer 12 1 1. Assisting Director in preparing and reviewing Environmental Management Office
technical reports
2. Responsible for annual technical reviews and appraisal

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

Management 6 0.5 1. Long-term planning of mitigation measures, annual work plans

Section 6 0.5 2 Assisting Planning and Financial Department in allocating money in EMMs.
24 2 3. Checking and monitoring implementation of mitigation measures
12 1 4. Coordination between resettlement agencies, local environmental protection bureaus
and cultural relics bureaus
12 1 5. Controlling environmental protection at site, monitoring and checking contractors
implementation of environmental provisions
12 1 6. Preparing quarterly and annual reports on performance of mitigation measures

Monitoring Section 12 1 1. Responsible for implementation and coordination of environmental monitoring programs
12 1 2. Statistics and analysis of monitoring results, recommending how to control unfavorable
impacts (in consultation with management section)
12 1 3. Preparing annual monitoring reports on XLD Project

Administrative & 18 1.5 1. Management of library and technical files including translation as necessary
Foreign Affairs 6 0.5 2. Technical training and international liaison, accessing funding for environmental work
Section form various sources
6 0.5 3. Preparing bulletin on XLD environment
18 1.5 4. Daily affairs of Environmental Management Office (secretarial, etc.)

Total 180 15

Not all the costs will be part of the implementation of the EMP. Other agencies will also have significant
disbursements. For example, an additional 105 million Yuan is required for environmental aspects of the
resettlement plan, and another 18,660,000 Yuan will be spent on protection of cultural relics.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

Table 10-5: Cost estimate (millions of Yuan) for the Xiaolangdi Environmental Management Plan.

Capital Implementation &

Total Equipment
Item Construction Operation Cost
(106 Yuan) (106 Yuan)
(106 Yuan) (106 Yuan)

1. Seismic Monitoring 7.10 0.73 2.05 4.32

2. Resettlement Management 1.07 1.07
1) Impact Assessment 0.61 0.61
2) Management & Monitoring 0.46 0.46
3. Salvage of Cultural Relics 17.16 17.16
4. Sanitation & Anti-epidemic 4.24 0.27 0.30 3.67
5. Monitoring of Hydrology, Sediment, Meteorology & Water Quality 71.62 9.05 16.25 46.32
6. Reservoir Clearing 10.85 10.85
1) Optimization 0.04 0.04
2) Reservoir Clearing 10.81 10.81
7. Environmental Management Office (including library) 4.65 0.50 0.60 3.55
8. Technical Exchanges & Training 0.50 0.50
9. Special Studies 0.65 0.65
10. Advice by Experts 2.43 2.43
11. Sub-total of items 1-10 120.27 10.55 19.20 90.52
12. Contingency (10%) 10.03
13. Total for EMP Implementation (items 1-12) 132.30
14. Recreation Development 8.13
15. Downstream Aquaculture 850.00

Table 10-6 shows an example table of contents of a report prepared by the EMOs Expert Panel for the EMO
of the Xiaolangdi project, based on a periodic inspection/review of the EMOs environmental monitoring during
the construction stage. A brief excerpt from the report (Box 10-2) illustrates the type of conclusions and
recommendations contained in the report.

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

Table 10-6: Example table of contents for a report by the Environmental Management Office of the
Xiaolangdi project.

Report of Xiaolangdi Expert Panel on

Visit to Zhengzhou of 3 to 11 September 1995 (3rd Panel Meeting)
For Review of Environmental Management Offices Construction Stage Monitoring

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Scope of Work and Approach
1.2 Reports Utilized
2. Overall Evaluation of Environmental Management Office Operations
3. Institutional Aspects
4. Environmental Sector Reviews
4.1 Sectors to be Included in Progress Reports
4.2 General Observations on Environmental Task Writeups
4.3 Review of Environmental Task Writeups in Fourth Report of Environmental Management Offices Construction Monitoring Team
4.3.1 Monitoring of Construction Performance
4.3.2 Flood Control
4.3.3 Dam Stability
4.3.4 Cultural Relics
4.3.5 Health and Disease Control
4.3.6 Water Quality in Construction Area Scope of Task Drinking Water Supply
4.3.7 Sewerage Management in Construction Area
4.3.8 Solid Waste Management in Construction Area
4.3.9 Air Quality in Construction Area
4.3.10 Noise in Construction Area
4.3.11 Surface Water Quality
4.3.12 Groundwater
4.3.13 Resettlement Monitoring Water Supply Sewerage Management Solid Waste Management Schools, Clinics, Hospitals, Roads Future Visits to Resettlement Villages
4.3.14 Missing Items in PR/4
4.3.15 Conclusions and Recommendations (PR/4/Section 3)
5. Management Information System (Environmental Aspects)
6. Recommendations for Preparation of Future PRs
7. Recommendations for Future Visits by Environmental Panel
8. Next Panel Meeting

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office

Box 10-2: Excerpt from Expert Panel Report - Xiaolangdi project. The text has been edited for
readability and to remove direct references to specific individuals.

4.3.15 Conclusions and Recommendations (Progress Report /4/Section 3) Progress Report /4/Section 3 (ii)

This discussion notes that the overall construction program managed by XECC treat environmental protection lightly. This is
precisely why environmental monitoring of the construction operation is so important.

Item (ii) of progress report 4/Section 3 notes that the Environmental Handbook (Reference 2) is to be distributed to all
construction zone staff so that they will pay conscientious attention to environmental protection in their future work. The Handbook
should indeed be distributed to officials concerned with dam construction (and also to those concerned with Resettlement), but this
should not be interpreted to mean there will be compliance, compliance can be expected only with use of enforcement
procedures noted in Section 4.2. Progress Report 4/Section 3 (iv)

This statement is not consistent with progress report 4/Section 2.5 (which indicates that all is OK). Progress Report 4/Section 3 (v)

See Section 4.2 (a)(b)(c).

5. Management Information System (Environmental Aspects)

This is missing in progress report 4. Please include this in future progress reports.

6. Recommendations for Preparation of Future Progress Reports

Based on all of the discussion above, Annex A has been prepared to serve as a guideline for preparation of future progress

7. Recommendations for Future Visits by Environmental Panel

(a) One day of the field visit should be allocated for a classroom meeting at the dam site of the Environmental Panel with
Environmental Management Offices group of Environmental Inspectors, plus others, for detailed discussion of the work of the
Environmental Inspectors. This should include I) presentation by each Environmental Inspector to describe his own work, with
typical copies of his routine reports, ii) presentation on effectiveness of relationships with the Engineering Supervisor of
Construction, and iii) presentation on technical problems.
(b) The next field visits to the construction zone should include inspection of points of discharge of sewage effluent to waterways
and of the refuse disposal site.
The Environmental Panel and the Resettlement Panel both need to focus their field visits to Resettlement communities on
Resettlement communities which have been completed, including infrastructure, and which are occupied and being lived in.
(d) One full day should be allowed by Environmental Expert to prepare his final draft report (same for the Resettlement Expert)
and the next day for translation, with the following day for discussion of the draft (Panel Member to read Chinese draft at the
beginning of the third day, to set the stage for discussion of the draft).

8. Next Panel Meeting

This is scheduled to begin 14 April, 1996.

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Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan and Office EIA for Developing Countries

10.7 Summary and Conclusions

The implementation of an EMP and EMO is relatively new in EIA for developing countries, having evolved in
the early years of the 1990s. This evolution happened because it was found that, in many past projects, the EIA
requirements were not actually achieved in the project's final design, construction and operation. It is now
recognized that an EMP implemented through an EMO is essential for ensuring environmental soundness in
developing country project planning and implementation. The benefits are great compared to the relatively low

10.8 References and Further Reading

Ludwig, H.F., D. Gunaratnam, and Z. Yuming. 1994. Environmental impact assessment for Xiaolangdi Yellow
River multi-purpose economic -cum-environmental improvement project. The Environmentalist, 14(3): 1-12.

December 1997
Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

11.0 Preparing an Environmental Impact Assessment Report

This section outlines the structure of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. It provides a
framework for applying the methods and approaches detailed in previous chapters. With the guidance given in this
chapter, the EIA practitioner can proceed in a step-by-step fashion to prepare an EIA report.

At a minimum, an EIA report should contain: 1) an introduction; 2) a project description; 3) a detailed

description of the environment; 4) an assessment of environmental impacts and mitigation measures; 5) an
environmental management plan; and 6) an environmental monitoring plan. In many jurisdictions, the EIA report
also contains an evaluation of alternatives, environmental economic analyses including a cost-benefit analysis, and
a description of the public participation program. For example, Box 11-1 provides the suggested format for an
EIA report for the Asian Development Bank (Asian Development Bank, 1993).

Box 11-1: Suggested Format for an EIA Report for the Asian Development Bank.

Description of Project
Description of Environment
Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Cost-Benefit Analyses
Institutional Requirements and Environmental Monitoring Program
Public Involvement

11.1 Terms of Reference

Requirements for the preparation of an EIA report should be clearly outlined in a terms of reference
(TOR), which should be prepared for the specific project to be assessed. The EIA report should be prepared by
the proponent to the requirements of the review authority that will examine the report. If the report is not suitable
for review and evaluation, the review bodies will not be in a position to a) decide whether the project should be
permitted to proceed, and b) if it does proceed, set appropriate terms and conditions to ensure an environmentally
sound project.

Chapter 2 emphasized the importance of scoping to develop the appropriate TOR. The effectiveness of
EIA is compromised whenever time and money is spent searching for sophisticated answers to unimportant
questions. It is also compromised whenever important issues are neglected through failure to consider a broad
range of interests in the early stages of the EIA. Scoping has the objective of identifying the right questions to ask
during the conduct of an environmental assessment.

11.1.1 Scoping Defined

Scoping is a process of interaction between interested public, government agencies and proponents to
determine the important issues and alternatives that should be examined in EIA (U.S. Council on Environmental
Quality, 1981).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

Scoping is the process of determining the issues to be addressed, the information to be collected, and the
analysis required to assess the environmental impacts of a project. (ESSA Technologies Ltd., 1994).

Scoping is a process within which various methods are applied to:

identify concerns of the public and scientists about a proposed project or action;
evaluate these concerns to determine the key issues for the purposes of the EIA (and to eliminate
those issues which are not significant); and
organize and communicate these to assist in the analysis of issues and the ultimate making of
decisions (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, 1987).

There are two key concepts in these definitions:

consultation with stakeholders to identify issues and concerns; and

evaluation and priorization of issues.

The Asian Development Bank uses an initial environmental examination (IEE) to implement scoping for
development projects. As defined in Chapter 2, the primary objectives of the IEE are to:

1. identify the nature and severity of specific, significant environmental issues associated with the
2. identify easily implementable mitigations for the significant environmental issues; and
3. produce a detailed terms of reference should further EIA studies be needed.

The TOR should provide those preparing the EIA report with explicit direction on preparing the EIA report. It
should be specific about the information requirements and level of detail to be included in each major section of
the report.

11.2 Contents of the EIA Report

This section outlines the basic components or sections that should be included in an EIA report. A
recommended table of contents for an EIA report is presented in Box 11-2.

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

Box 11-2: Table of Contents for an EIA Report.

Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Description of the Project
3. Description of the Environment
4. Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures
5. Alternatives
6. Environmental Monitoring
7. Additional Studies
8. Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office
9. Summary and Conclusions
10. Annexes

11.2.1 Executive Summary

An executive summary should be prepared. This critical document summarizes the significant findings of
the EIA report. The executive summary must describe each significant environmental issue and its resolution in
sufficient detail so that the reader can understand its importance and scope, as well as the appropriateness of the
approach taken to resolve it. The executive summary should be a clear presentation of the critical facts that make
up each issue, and the resolution of the issues. Whenever possible, the summary should make use of base maps,
tables and figures. Information should be condensed into succinct, but meaningful presentations. It must be able
to stand alone as a document.

11.2.2 Introduction

The introduction section of the EIA usually should include the following:

i. Purpose of the report, including a) identification of the project and project proponent; b) a brief
description of the nature, size, and location of the project and of its importance to the country; and
c) any other pertinent background information.
ii. Stage of project preparation.
iii. Extent of the EIA study, including scope of study, magnitude of effort, and person or agency
performing the study.
iv. Brief outline of the contents of the report, including mention of any special techniques or methods
used for identifying issues, assessing impacts, and designing environmental protection measures.
v. Background references.
vi. Acknowledgments.

A review of relevant studies and examples of environmental impacts of similar projects should also be presented.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

11.2.3 Description of the Project

The project description should be based on the project feasibility study. Not all the detailed engineering
information needs to be included as much of it is unnecessary for the environmental review. The project
description should present a condensed description of those aspects of the project likely to cause environmental
effects. The project should be described in terms of its basic activities, location, layout, and schedule (in terms of
the project life cycle). This project description section of the report should furnish sufficient details to give a brief
but clear picture of the following:

i. Type of project.
ii. Need for the project.
iii. Location (use maps showing general location, specific location, project boundary and project site
iv. Size or magnitude of operation, including any associated activities required by or for the project.
v. Proposed schedule for approval and implementation.
vi. Description of the project, including drawings showing project layout, components of project, etc.
Schematic representations of the feasibility drawings which give the information important for EIA
purposes should be produced to provide reviewers a clear picture of the project and its operations.
vii. Description of mitigation measures incorporated into the project to meet environmental standards,
environmental operating conditions, or other EIA requirements.

Any new and untested technology should be highlighted and an assessment of the risk of technological failure

11.2.4 Description of the Environment

Study Area

A clear delineation of the study area is important to define the area within which impacts must be
considered. The additional description of the study area that will be required for the EIA is dependent on the types
of resources located in the area, and upon the magnitude of the anticipated impacts. The area to study must be
large enough to include all valued environmental resources that might be significantly affected by the project.

Establish a Baseline

Once the study area is well defined, studies to gather the baseline conditions for valued environmental
components must be developed. Many jurisdictions have developed standard checklists that allow for consistent
terminology in organizing the data assembled for environmental components. The system used in Thailand is
presented in Table 11-1. In general, it is necessary to provided sufficient information to give a brief but clear
picture of the existing environmental components and values. These components and values include, to the extent
applicable (but are not necessarily limited to):

i. Physical components: topography, soils, climate, surface water, groundwater, geology/ seismology.
ii. Ecological components: fisheries, aquatic biology, wildlife, forests, rare or endangered species,
wilderness or protected areas.
iii. Human and economic development: population and communities (numbers, locations, compos-
ition, employment, etc.), industries, infrastructural facilities (including water supply, sewerage, flood
control/damage, etc.), institutions, transportation (roads, harbors, airports, navigation), land use

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

planning (including dedicated area uses), power sources and transmission, agric ultural development,
mineral development, and tourism components.
iv. Quality of life values: socioeconomic values, public health, recreational components and
development, aesthetic values, archaeological or historical treasures, and cultural values.

Table 11-1: Classification of environmental components used in EIAs in Thailand (source: adapted from the
National Environment Board, 1979).

National Environment Board Parameters

Physical Resources Surface Water Hydrology Air Quality

Surface Water Quality Soils
Ground Water Hydrology Land Quality
Ground Water Quality Mineral Resources
Climate Geology / Seismology

Ecological Resources Forest, Vegetation Cover Aquatic Biology

Terrestrial Wildlife Fisheries
Endangered Species

Human Use Values Agriculture Industries

Land Use Highways, Railways
Flood Control Navigation
Water Supply Housing
Power Sanitation

Quality of Life Values Aesthetics Public Safety

Cultural Socio-Economic
Archaeological Recreation
Public Health Dedicated Use Areas

It is not necessary to gather information on all the components listed in such environmental component
checklists. The baseline studies should concentrate on identifying those environmental components that may be
significantly impacted by the project.

Base Maps

Many environmental components can be best represented as spatial data through various types of maps.
In addition to the basic physical features and infrastructure of the study area, it is valuable to have maps
identifying vegetation types/communities, animal habitat, and major population centers.

11.2.5 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

A thorough treatment of project issues, their impacts on valued components and recommended mitigation
measures to minimize impacts are the core of a successful EIA. One approach is to present this information in
terms of the various stages of the project: preliminary design, final design, construction and operation. This
methodology ties the impacts on the components to the stage(s) of the project during which they are triggered.
Addressing impacts through the associated project stage indicates clearly which aspects of the project will require

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

mitigative actions in the form of design changes, and matches the decisions regarding mitigation with the project
implementation schedule.

Item-by-Item Review: This section of the report should evaluate the expected impact (quantified to the
degree possible) of the project on each component or value and, in the case of applicable sectoral environmental
guidelines, wherever any significant impact is expected (this would include environmental risk assessment, where
appropriate). Environmental impacts to be investigated should include those due to project location; those caused
by possible accidents; those related to design; and those resulting from construction, regular operations, final
decommissioning or rehabilitation of a completed project. Where adverse effects are indicated, discuss measures
for minimizing and/or offsetting them. Opportunities for enhancing natural environmental values should be
explored. Both direct and indirect effects should be considered, and the region of influence indicated. As required,
the impact on the global environment should be described.

This analysis is the key presentation in the report if not sufficiently complete, it may be necessary to
delay the project until the analysis can be completed. It is necessary to present a reasonably complete picture of
both the human use and quality of life gains to result from the project due to the utilization, alteration, and
impairment of the natural components affected by the project, so that fair evaluation of the net worth of the
project can be made.

Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Components: The EIA report should identify the
extent to which the proposed project would irreversibly curtail potential uses of the environment. For example,
highways that cut through stream corridors, wetlands, or a natural estuary can result in irreversible damage to
these sensitive ecosystems. Other impacts that may be irreversible include alteration of historic sites, and
expenditure of construction materials and fuels. Projects through sensitive areas like estuaries and marshes may
permanently impair the natural ecology of the area, while elimination of recreation areas and parklands can
precipitate drastic changes in an areas social and economic character.

Effects During Project Construction: The construction phase of the project usually involves
environmental impacts that will cease at completion of construction. These impacts may be significant,
particularly when construction occurs over a number of years. These impacts and the mitigation measures
proposed to reduce or prevent them should be discussed separately in the report.

In Chapter 1, EIA analysis was defined as having three sequential phases identification, prediction and
assessment. Identification involves characterizing the existing baseline environment and components of a
development project which are likely to impact the environment. Many of the methods discussed in Chapter 3
along with scoping techniques are well suited for impact identification. During the prediction phase, the project
impacts are quantified using standards and by comparison with the findings of other projects. Basically, the
predictive function of an EIA is to forecast the nature and extent of the identified environmental impacts, and to
estimate the probability that the impacts will occur. The methods described in Chapter 4 are designed for the
prediction phase of EIA. During the assessment phase, the importance or significance of impacts is evaluated. The
assessment should include consideration of the proposed mitigation measures that have been incorporated into the
project design. Overall assessment of significance is based on the net impact assuming the proposed mitigation
measures will be effective in minimizing adverse effects.

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

Assessment of Significance

As part of the International Study on the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment sponsored by the
International Association of Impact Assessment, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, and Australian
Environmental Protection Agency, Hilden (1995) prepared a review of the practice of assessing the significance of
environmental impacts. He found that significance criteria could be used throughout the different stages in the EIA
process, and he concluded that an assessment of significance at different stages in the EIA process based on clear
guidelines and criteria could be highly effective in assisting practitioners in assigning significance.

Canter (1996), in his description of the prediction and assessment of impacts on the environment,
provides specific guidance on and examples of how to assess significance for: 1) air; 2) surface water; 3) soil and
groundwater; 4) noise; 5) biological environment; 6) cultural (architectural, historical and archaeological) environ-
ment; 7) visual environment; and 8) socioeconomic environment.

Criteria for Determining Significance

Determination of the significance of the anticipated impacts of proposed projects is a key component of
the EIA process. While considerable expert judgement is exercised in the assessment of significance, there are
few guidelines that can be followed in performing such an assessment. Definitions of significance and/or
significant impacts are now included in EIA guidelines or regulations of many countries and international
organizations (Canter and Canty, 1993). Some criteria for determining adverse impacts include:

loss of rare or endangered species;

reductions in species diversity;
loss of critical/productive habitat;
transformation of natural landscapes;
toxicity impacts on human health;
reductions in the capacity of renewable resources to meet the needs of present and future
loss of current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes by aboriginal persons; and
foreclosure of future resource use or production.

The significance of adverse impacts depends on magnitude, geographic extent, duration and frequency,
irreversibility, ecological context, social context, and economic context. Likelihood is determined by probability of
occurrence and scientific uncertainty.

Major questions that need to be asked and answered in assessing significance are (Asian Development
Bank, 1994):

1. Will the project create unwarranted losses in precious or irreplaceable biodiversity or other
2. Will the project induce an unwarranted acceleration in the use of scarce resources and favor
short-term over long-term economic gains?
3. Will the project adversely affect national energy to an unwarranted degree?
4. Will the project result in unwarranted hazards to endangered species?
5. Will the project tend to intensify undesirable rural-to-urban migration to an unwarranted degree?
6. Will the project tend to increase the income gap between the poor and affluent sectors of the

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

Additional questions that might require consideration are:

7. Will the project contribute to global effects (for example, increasing carbon dioxide, ozone depletion,
climate change)?
8. Will the project have effects on national financing (for example, domestic hydropower projects
reducing dependence on imported oil)?

The criteria for evaluating a projects environmental issues are listed below. The application of these
criteria is somewhat subjective and will require justification in the EIA report. These criteria must be evaluated
simultaneously as they are interrelated.

1. Importance: The value that is attached to a specific environmental component in its current
2. Extent of Disturbance: The area affected by the disturbance which is anticipated to occur from the
3. Duration and Frequency: The amount of continuous time the disturbance-causing activity will
occur and the frequency of occurrence.
4. Risk: The probability of an unplanned incident caused by the project that would result in significant
adverse impacts.
5. Reversibility: The ability of the environmental components to recover their value after a disturbance
has occurred.

Assigning Significance

Most EIA reports assign a significance to potential impacts. H.A. Simons Ltd. Consulting Engineers
(1992) used a five-fold classification for assessing the impacts of a pulp mill project in Thailand (see details of the
classification system in section 3.5). The potential impacts of this project, that is, each combination of project
activity and environmental parameter of the impact matrix, were classified into one of five possible categories:

1. No Impact;
2. Significant Impact;
3. Insignificant Impact;
4. Unknown Impact; or
5. Mitigated Impact.

Mitigation Measures

The EIA report should provide a detailed description of recommended mitigation measures. Where
appropriate, alternative means of mitigating the impacts should be presented. Each mitigation measure should be
described in terms of:

1. the impacts it is designed to mitigate;

2. an assessment of its likely effectiveness in terms of reducing or preventing impacts;
3. its next best alternative;
4. its cost; and
5. the implementation plan for putting the measure into practice.

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

11.2.6 Alternatives

If the proposed project is expected to cause serious losses of natural environmental components and/or
serious health effects, the EIA report should include consideration of both alternative projects or approaches
which could achieve the same or equivalent results and the advantages/disadvantages of the alternatives from the
point of view of environmental protection. Consideration of multiple alternatives can greatly increase the cost of
the EIA report and great care should be undertaken in developing the TOR for this part of the EIA. Ideally, the
TOR should spell out the alternative to be evaluated and identify the environmental and social factors upon which
it is to be evaluated. In some cases, the TOR may also identify project-related economic factors to take into
consideration. A method to be used to evaluate alternatives may be detailed in the TOR. In general, the TOR
requirements should include: 1) a summary of adverse impacts of each alternative; 2) the mitigation measures
proposed for each alternative; and 3) a discussion with respect to whether the proposed project alternative
minimizes the environmental impact and is within acceptable environmental impacts limits.

EIAs address at least two alternatives (with and without the project); they can include multiple alternatives
(usually limited to three to five alternatives). A number of factors are usually considered in evaluating alternatives.
For example, an assessment of a highway project may include consideration of different routes, different traffic
capacities, or various ways of scheduling construction. Depending on the project need, available budget and the
TOR, it may be necessary to consider alternate modes of transportation (for example, railroads). In general,
alternatives for projects may involve: 1) site selection; 2) design alternatives for a given site; 3) construction,
operation, and decommissioning alternatives for a design; 4) project scale; 5) phasing alternatives for large staged
projects; and 6) timing alternatives for project construction, operation, and decommissioning (Canter, 1996). The
factors considered and degree of scrutiny depends on the time and budget available. Few EIAs consider all
alternatives to same degree.

11.2.7 Environmental Monitoring Program

The technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures must be described in the
environmental monitoring section of the report (Asian Development Bank, 1994). The description of the
monitoring program should include:

1. a technical plan which spells out in detail: 1) the methodologies for measurement, 2) the required
frequency of measurements, 3) the planned location of measurements, 4) data storage and analysis,
5) reporting schedules, and 6) emergency procedures; and
2. detailed budgets and procurement schedules for the 1) necessary equipment and supplies, and
2) technical and administrative manpower.

11.2.8 Additional Studies

This section contains a description of other major studies undertaken in support of the preparation of the
EIA. For example, in early chapters, we presented material on public participation, environmental economics, and
environmental risk assessment. If formal studies on these subjects have been undertaken as part of the EIA, these
need to be included.

Public Participation

Public participation in the EIA process is a practice that has been adopted by many national governments
and is required by international assistance agencies including the multi-lateral development banks. For these
governments and agencies, the completed EIA must include documentation on the affected peoples responses to
the project. The determination of public response to a project may include an initial educational campaign using

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

mass media or public forums to describe the project, followed by a structured poll or survey of peoples attitudes.
The extent of public education about the project, and the level of public participation required in the EIA, depend
upon the magnitude of the impact, the size of the affected population and the requirements of the approving
authority (government and/or lending agency). The TOR for an EIA requiring public participation must describe
how the issue will be addressed, including the media to be used and the fraction of the population contacted by the
educational program and survey.

This section of the EIA report should include:

summary issues identified by stakeholders;

the TOR for the EIA public meetings and participation;
list of persons receiving this and previous draft reports;
compliance with coordination and regulatory requirements;
public hearings, press releases, notifications; and
a summary of the principal community/interest group concerns.

Environmental Economics

Economic analysis of environmental impacts provides one means of quantifying the severity of the
impacts. The net environmental benefit or loss provided by a project can be evaluated if monetary values may be
assigned to environmental and social components. Project options may be compared by their net economic
impact. Economic analysis may also be used to develop equitable impact mitigation measures. For example, if a
project is anticipated to cause negative impacts to a component such as fisheries, resulting in quantifiable loss of
income to local fishermen and subsequent losses of income to fish marketers or processors, an appropriate
mitigation measure may be the development of aquaculture at a scale that would at least offset the economic
losses from the original fishery.

Economic analysis of the projects should include the present value of all benefits and all costs compared
in the form of internal rate return on investment, and net present value. Cost-effectiveness of mitigating measures
may have to be presented separately.

The net of economic cost and benefit impacts may be totaled by component, by implementation phase of
the project, and for the project as a whole. If there are several project alternatives being considered, the net
economic cost or benefit may be an important deciding factor in choosing the appropriate alternative. If there are
no means of quantifying the value of a component, the importance of the component must be described in such a
way that the severity of impact may be evaluated.

If a cost-benefit analysis has been undertaken, the EIA report should spell out the factors taken into
account and define the key assumptions. These assumptions include: 1) setting the discount rate if applicable; and
2) specifying any constraints on costs.

Environmental Risk Assessment

An environmental risk assessment may be a necessary part of the EIA if there is considerable uncertainty
about the likelihood or the magnitude of environmental impacts. The data collected during basic EIA studies
provides much of the information needed for explicitly dealing with the uncertainties relating to environment
impacts. There are two major categories of risk: 1) those to human health, and 2) those to ecosystem integrity.
The primary goal of environmental risk assessment is to evaluate risks, their monetary costs, the costs of
emergency response and/or avoidance of risk.

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

Environmental risk assessment studies require a high degree of scientific and mathematical rigor and may
be costly if not properly planned.

11.2.9 Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office

The environmental management plan (EMP) is needed to ensure that the mitigation measures specified in
the EIA will actually be complied with when the project is approved for implementation (Asian Development Bank,
1994). The administration of an EMP may require the establishment of an Environmental Management Office to
house monitoring staff after the closure of the EIA office. Funding to cover the costs of establishing and
operating an appropriate Environmental Management Office to administer the EMP should be guaranteed in the
basic project budget.

The EIA report should include a description of the administrative aspects of ensuring that mitigative
measures are implemented and their effectiveness monitored after approval of the EIA. These details are the
subject of the environmental management plan. They include: 1) checking the final design documents to ensure
they incorporate the management measures; 2) monitoring the construction and interacting with the contractor to
ensure an understanding of compliance with the constraints involved with the environmental protection or
mitigation measures during construction; and 3) following construction, continued monitoring during project
operations to ensure that the project meets its environmental goals, and to initiate needed modifications to the
project design or operations for this purpose.

11.2.10 Summary and Conclusion

The EIA report should present the conclusions of the study, including: a) the overall net gains which
justify implementation of the project; b) explanation of how adverse effects have been mitigated; c) explanation of
use or destruction of any irreplaceable components; and d) provisions for follow-up surveillance and monitoring.
Simple visual presentations of the type and magnitude of the impacts may aid the decision-maker.

11.2.11 Annexes

A number of annexes are normally included as part of the EIA report. These annexes provide important
detailed information that is not appropriate for presentation in the main body of the EIA report. These annexes
may include:

terms of reference for the EIA;

abstracts or summaries of relevant background documents;
tabular and graphical summaries of data;
a list of contacts and meetings; and
a list of data sources.

11.3 Managing the Preparation of the EIA

11.3.1 The EIA Work Plan

The EIA work plan is the management outline of the EIA. It breaks the significant environmental issues
into tasks, assigns the tasks to EIA team members, describes the qualifications required of each team member,
schedules the completion of tasks, and budgets each task according to its schedule. Each of the functions of the
work plan is essential for the proper execution of the EIA process. The work plan is as important as the technical
components for the completion of a successful EIA report (Asian Development Bank, 1994).

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

Typical work plan tasks are listed in Table 11-2. The tasks relate primarily to the performance of items
contained in the project description, description of the environment, anticipated environmental impacts and
mitigation measures, environmental monitoring plan and environmental management plan chapters of the
suggested EIA format. The scheduling of the interim, draft final and final reports also is critical. The preparation
of the executive summary must also be planned, ideally as a distinct plan item.

Table 11-2: Listing of typical work plan tasks (source: Asian Development Bank, 1994).

EIA Work Plan

1 Work Plan Tasks to be Specified in Terms of Reference
1.1 Assemble, review, and evaluate background information
1.2 Confirm the proper delineation of the study area
1.3 Develop environmental base maps for the study area
1.4 Quantify baseline component data for each significant environmental issue
1.5 Quantify impacts for significant environmental issues
1.6 Develop feasible mitigation measures
1.7 Collaborate with the feasibility study team on mitigation measures
1.8 Carry out all related tasks described in the EIA format
1.9 Prepare project reports (interim, draft, and final)
1.10 Review report submittals with government regulators

2 Task Scheduling: Each task must be scheduled using a critical path defining interrelated or
dependent action items.
3 Budget: Each task must be budgeted in time and monetary units
4 Staff Requirements: A list of staff and their qualifications required to complete the tasks must be
included in the work plan.

EIA Team Personnel

Most EIA reports are prepared by a team of environmental specialists drawn from various disciplines. In
general, each team should have at least one qualified environmental engineer, social scientist, biologist, and
physical scientist. All teams should be directed by an EIA Team Leader who has a good understanding of the
administrative, procedural, and technical requirements of the countrys EIA process. Experience with the type of
development and its associated environmental impacts is also required.

The EIA team must include personnel with the managerial and technical expertise required to perform the
work required by the EIA. The management skills are provided by the Project Manager and Deputy Manager, with
planning and technical assistance provided by the Project Planner or Technical Analyst. Ideally the management
team will have an extensive background in EIA work, but if this expertise is lacking in the management staff it can
be provided by hiring an EIA expert. Project delays due to incomplete EIAs can be expensive, and have the
potential to jeopardize funding from an international assistance agency. Staffing decisions should be based on the
need to provide the skills required to complete the report. Table 11-3 deals with the staffing requirements of the
EIA team.

Selection of the environmental specialists is based on the natural and human resources in the study area
which may be affected by the project. As an example, a dam and flood control project may require the skills of a

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

water resources engineer or hydrologist, an aquatic ecologist or fisheries specialist, an agricultural specialist, a
socioeconomist, and an expert in resettlement. The personnel selection will be different for each project based on
the components in the study area and the type and magnitude of project.

Task Schedule

EIA tasks must be scheduled so the subject items can be completed within the overall time frame of the
EIA and feasibility study. The general concept of task scheduling represented in Figure 11-1 is complicated by the
interlinking of tasks. For example, the models in Task 3 may require the data assembled during Task 2 as input
prior to its inception. Often the work of one environmental specialist is dependent upon information from another
specialist. For example, to evaluate fisheries impacts in a lake which is enlarged and deepened for water supply
purposes, the fisheries specialist will need information regarding water quality impacts, provided by the water
resource specialist or hydrologist. If the fisheries specialist cannot begin evaluations until the hydrologist has
completed a task, this must be taken into account in overall planning. This interdependency of tasks is a result of
the interconnected nature of components and requires careful task planning.

The EIA Budget

The EIA budget is a natural outgrowth of the task scheduling and staffing processes. The budget should
be tied to the completion of tasks such as submittal and acceptance of interim, draft final, and final reports. For
tasks which extend beyond the time frame of the EIA process (for example, the EMP), sufficient budget and
payment scheduling must be provided.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

Table 11-3: EIA team staff requirements (source: Asian Development Bank, 1994).

1. Project Manager
Extensive EIA project management experience
Experience on EIA projects of similar magnitude
Good communication and organization skills
History of completing projects on time and within budget
Prior EIA expert experience, if possible

2. Deputy Project Manager

Project management experience
Experience in the local or regional area
Familiarity with the local situation
Excellent written and oral communication skills
EIA experience or knowledge

3. Project Planner / Technical Analyst

Knowledge of the project type design, planning, and operations
Understanding of EIA process and objectives
Extensive background in project planning

4. Environmental Specialists
May include
Physical scientists
Biological and ecological scientists
Social scientists
Other Specialists

5. EIA Expert

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Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

Figure 11-1: Work plan task schedule example (source: Asian Development Bank, 1994).

11.4 References and Further Reading

Asian Development Bank. 1993. Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review
Procedures of the Asian Development Bank. Office of the Environment, Asian Development Bank. March 1993,
44 pp.
Asian Development Bank. 1994. Asian Development Bank Environmental Impact Assessment Training
Program. Office of the Environment, Asian Development Bank. May 1994.
Canter, L.W. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment. Second Edition. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 660 pp.
Canter, L.W and G.A. Canty. 1993. Impact significance determination- basic considerations and sequenced
approach. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 13: 275-297.
ESSA Technologies Ltd. 1994. Preliminary Design and Project Charter for ADB RETA 5544: Computerized EIA
System. Report prepared for the Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines.
Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office. 1987. Determining the Scope of Environmental Impact
Assessments. Prepared by ESSA Environmental and Social Systems Analysts Ltd. Vancouver, BC.
H.A. Simons Ltd. Consulting Engineers. 1992. Pulp and Paper Mill Feasibility Study: Phase I: Wood Supply,
Environmental Screening, Site Assessment. Prepared for Advance Agro Group, Thailand.
Hilden, M. 1995. Evaluation of the significance of environmental impacts. Theme paper prepared for EIA Process
Strengthening Workshop, April 4-7, 1995, Canberra, Australia as part of International Study on the Effectiveness
of Environmental Assessment sponsored by the International Association of Impact Assessment, the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Agency, and Australian Environmental Protection Agency. 11 pp.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 11: Preparing an EIA Report

National Environment Board. 1979. Manual of NEB - Guidelines for Preparation of Environmental Impact
Evaluation. National Environment Board, Bangkok, Thailand.
Thompson, M.A. 1990. Determining impact significance in EIA: a review of 24 methodologies. Journal of
Environmental Management, 30: 225-250.
U.S. Council on Environmental Quality. 1981. Memorandum: Scoping Guidance. U.S. CEQ, Washington, DC.
19 pp.

December 1997
Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

12.0 Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report

12.1 Introduction

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is normally reviewed once it has been completed,
before being submitted to the decision making authority. The main purpose of the review is to verify that the
information and conclusions presented in the EIA report are sufficient for informed decision making. In most
countries the formal review is undertaken by a governmental environmental review agency. The results of the
review are then passed on to another agency for ultimate approval of the development project.

In spite of the important role that EIA information plays in project approval processes, the quality of EIA
reports is highly variable. The scientific and technical information upon which environmental assessment decisions
are being made is often inadequate. In a recent review of EIAs submitted to the Asian Development Bank (ADB,
1993), reports were evaluated for both their compliance with the Banks prescribed format and the substance of
the information provided. This review showed that EIA reports submitted to the ADB still require improvement.

Two primary reasons for poor quality EIA reports are lack of qualified environmental experts, and
insufficient time and money. An additional cause is inadequate terms of reference (TOR) for the EIA study.
Perhaps the main reason why poor quality EIA reports are still being prepared, however, is the lack of concerted
effort by government environmental agencies to force improvements. Review authorities are not very rigorous in
their review of EIA reports. This is evident in that there are few systematic approaches for review and evaluation.
Problems in EIA reports are often identified during the review stage, however information on how to correct these
problems and thus improve future reports is not being passed on to the consultants and academics who prepare
them. Hopefully, the requirements of review authorities will become more stringent and the capabilities of
reviewers will improve. This will lead to gradual improvements in EIA report quality.

This chapter outlines the main considerations in a proper review and evaluation of an EIA report. It
follows Sadler (1996) in using the triple A-test of appropriateness (coverage of key issues and impacts), adequacy
(of impact analysis), and actionability (does the report provide the basis for informed decision making?).

12.2 Review Criteria

An EIA report should satisfy three criteria:

1. completeness and conformance with the TOR for the EIA;

2. accuracy and veracity as defined by general acceptable scientific criteria (for example, quality
assurance and quality control procedures for analysis of sampling data) and use of acceptable
methods for the assessment of environmental impacts; and
3. clear description of environmental impacts, recommended mitigation measures, environmental
monitoring plan, and environmental management plan.

12.3 EIA Report Quality Control

The EIA should be critiqued internally before being released for formal review by the EIA review
authority. This critique should be undertaken to ensure the environmental assessment is complete, and that all
tasks in the TOR have been performed satisfactorily. If the critique indicates that some requirements have not
been met, they should be clearly defined for additional attention. The output of the critique is a written set of

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report

instructions on the additional work to be done by the EIA team. The critique is the quality control step for an EIA
report. This is a critical step in the EIA process, as the outcome may affect the environmental acceptability of the
proposed project.

The purpose of the critique is to ensure the final EIA reports sent to governmental agencies and other
funding agencies for review and approval are complete, and present as accurate a picture as possible of the likely
environmental effects of the project. The critique confirms that all significant issues have been addressed and that
provisions for the management of these issues are contained in the EIA report. The critique ascertains that all
tasks listed in the TOR for the EIA have been performed, especially the special requirements of any involved
international assistance agencies.

A team of environmental and technical specialists normally assists with the critique of the EIA. The most
practical approach to critiquing is first to examine the EIA reports Table of Contents to check that all the items
required by the TOR are included. Each report section should then be reviewed to ensure it has been adequately
handled; the TOR should be used for this purpose. In the Peoples Republic of China, quality control of the EIA is
a specific step in the EIA process (Box 12-1).

Box 12-1: Critiquing EIA in the Peoples Republic of China

Once the EIA practitioners have completed the EIA report, it is reviewed prior to submission to the National Environmental Protection
Agency or the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. This review may be undertaken by the staff or consultants of the project
proponent. In some cases, special groups within environmental research institutes have been sent up to ensure quality is maintained in all
EIA reports.

12.4 Formal Review of the EIA Report

Formal review of the EIA report is undertaken by a review authority that is part of the EIA administrative
agency. In many cases, a technical review by agency staff occurs prior to the formal review by the review

12.4.1 Two Approaches to Review

The review occurs at two distinct levels, both of which are required. There is also much interaction
between levels (Schibuola and Byer, 1991). The first level is a systematic review of each major step or aspect of
the EIA. Methods and approaches used are critiqued both on technical grounds and based on what is expected.
The TOR may be used to define what is expected. Review at this level may be made on: 1) conformance and
completeness as defined by the TOR; 2) accuracy and veracity as defined by general acceptable scientific criteria
(for example, quality assurance and quality control procedures for analysis of sampling data); and 3) use of
acceptable methods for assessment of environmental impacts.

The first level of review requires a standard (that is, the ideal EIA report) for comparison. While the TOR
come closest to defining what should be in the ideal EIA, they are only useful if properly prepared if the terms
of reference are inadequate and imprecise, they will not serve as useful guide for the reviewer. It is, in fact,
difficult to see how an EIA can be systematically evaluated without a well defined TOR for the EIA report. With
knowledge of the TOR, the reviewer can easily search through the EIA to determine its completeness and

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Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

conformance to the TOR. The Calyx-ADB expert system described in Chapter 8 uses this approach. Based on the
TOR generated by the system, a review checklist is prepared that may be used to evaluate the EIA report.

The second level of review, which probes deeper into the EIA, does not rely on an objective standard for
evaluation. It does rely on common sense, world knowledge, and understanding of the context and setting for the
EIA. For example, a reviewer may notice, that in the analysis of alternatives, the preferred alternative is the one
that was preferred by the proponent prior to conducting the environmental assessment (Schibuola and Byer,
1991). If the level one review indicates the methods used or the veracity of the results is in question, this
knowledge may cause the reviewer to argue that the EIA is biased in favor of the proponents preferred

12.4.2 Section-by-Section Review of the EIA Report: A Checklist

This section, organized according to the table of contents for a typical EIA report as presented in
Chapter 11, provides a list of what to look for in each section of the EIA report.

Executive Summary

an adequate summary of the significant findings of the EIA report

a sufficiently detailed description of how significant environmental issues will be resolved enough
to allow the reader to grasp its importance and scope, as well as the appropriateness of the approach
taken to resolve
a presentation of the studys conclusions
effective, simple visual presentations of the type and magnitude of the impacts


the project rationale

methods used to identify, predict and assess impacts
a review of similar projects
the purpose and overview of the report

Project Description

a listing of project activities that are likely to cause significant impacts to environmental resources
a listing of mitigation measures to be incorporated into the project
the location, scale, and scheduling of activities
potential accident or hazard scenarios covered in the risk assessment are based on the characteristics
of the project and the history of accidents at similar types of facilities
information should match the expected operations according to the feasibility study

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report

Description of the Environment

a description of the environmental components that may be significantly affected by the project
an explanation of the derivation of environmental indicators chosen to represent environmental
base maps for spatial data (Base maps are an extremely valuable tool to orient the intended audience
of the EIA report with regard to the distribution of the various resources, and their proximity to the
project site. The map legends must be clear for each resource, and the maps easy to read and
accurately scaled. All of the major topographical and land use features in the project area should be
included on the maps. A common mistake in many developing country EIAs is to use the feasibility
study maps. Feasibility study maps contain much information that is superfluous for EIA purposes.
Experience has shown that the presence of carefully planned environmental base maps is a good
indicator of the quality of an EIA report (Ludwig et. al., 1988).)
baseline values, or some other appropriate form of quantitative and qualitative information, for
resources that may be affected either directly or indirectly by project activities (Baseline values are
important because they represent the pre-existing conditions that the environmental protection
measures identified in the EIA are intended to preserve to the extent possible, within
economic -cum-environmental development constraints.)

Anticipated Impacts

a description of the major issues

documentation of the cause and effect relationships between planned project activities and the
environmental components
identification of secondary or higher order effects, with clearly defined pathways of impacts from
higher order effects
impact prediction includes a number of stated assumptions that affect the predicted impacts, their
probability of occurrence and degree of impact
methods used to predict impacts
an assessment of the significance of predicted impacts
methods or approaches to assigning impact significance
justification for the choice of methods used to predict environmental impacts (This can be based on a
review of the previous use of the model, which can be substantiated by a review of relevant
published scientific and technical articles and reports.)

Mitigation Measures

a description of all the environmental protection measures considered to mitigate or offset damaging
environmental impacts from project activities
a description of the costs and benefits for each recommended environmental protection option
developed to resolve a significant environmental issue, as well as a comparison of each option to the
other options; the justification for a recommended option must include an explanation of how its cost
was weighed against the projected reduction in value of the environmental resource
appropriateness and cost effectiveness of environmental protection measures
. a description of the technology used in each environmental protection measure, including information
regarding its prior effective use, the range of environmental conditions under which it is effective,
and the level of skill required to operate or maintain the technology

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Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

a time schedule for implementation of the environmental protection measures, showing that they will
be in use before the project impacts are felt
a drawing or table that illustrates how the mitigation measures address the significant environmental


an acceptable evaluation method

a definition of environmental factors
a comprehensive listing of environmental factors considered
an acceptable range of alternatives
a defined method of scaling
a defined method of weighting
a defined method of aggregation
a correctly applied method
explicitly stated assumptions
uncertainty considered

Environmental Monitoring Plan

monitoring objectives (that is, is monitoring linked to determine actual effects and effectiveness of
environmental protection measures)
well specified questions to be addressed by the monitoring program
clearly defined measurable environmental indicators
a sampling design (frequency, intensity) sufficient to provide the information necessary to answer
analytical system quality assurance and quality controls are effective
information for reporting monitoring results in place

Additional Studies: Environmental Economics

evaluation method acceptable

environmental factors defined
environmental factors comprehensive
methods for valuation of environmental components described
methods applied correctly
assumptions explicitly stated
uncertainty considered

Additional Studies: Public Participation

strategy and approach

chronology of individuals and groups consulted
descriptions of methods used to consult with public

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report

summary of information obtained during consultations and how it was used in preparation of the EIA

Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Management Office

detailed descriptions of the environmental protection measures, the monitoring program, and a variety
of other required follow-up activities
monitoring requirements
staffing requirements
budgets and schedules
administrative arrangements
administrative mechanisms for enforcement and taking corrective action are in place

Summary and Conclusions

net benefits which justify the project

explanation of how adverse effects have been mitigated
explanation of use or destruction of any irreplaceable components
provisions for follow-up surveillance and monitoring


quality of relevant background documents

quality assurance of data presented
assessment of people contacted
reliability of data sources

12.5 Problems in Conducting EIA Reviews and Evaluations

The expertise required for EIA review is essentially the same as that required for preparing the EIA
report. While it is desirable that the first stage of the review be done by technical staff in the EIA administration
agency, in most developing countries, the EIA administrative agency is short on the necessary environmental
expertise required to conduct the review. The usual solution to this problem is to furnish these skills to reviewers
in the EIA administrative agency through either training or use of advisory committees composed of academics or
consultants from the private sector. In Thailand, where advisory committees are used (see section 2.10),
experience has shown that the advisory committee members themselves (despite the high status in the developing
country) may lack sufficient expertise.

There are very real constraints on the availability of environmental information to be used in an EIA
report. Time and budgets often do not allow for extensive new data collection and there is considerable reliance on
existing and secondary data. In spite of this, most EIAs provide considerable background information on the
environment. The problem is that they often provide little else. Where they are most obviously lacking is in the
assessment or prediction of impacts and in the provision of details of appropriate environmental protection

12.6 References and Further Reading

December 1997
Chapter 12: Reviewing and Evaluating an EIA Report EIA for Developing Countries

Asian Development Bank, 1993. Environmental Assessment Requirements and Environmental Review
Procedures of the Asian Development Bank. Office of Environment, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
44 pp.
Ludwig, H.F., et. al. 1988. Environmental Technology in Developing Countries. South Asian Publishers, New
Delhi, India.
Ross, W.A. 1994. Environmental impact assessment in the Philippines: progress, problems, and directions for the
future. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 14: 217-232.
Sadler, Barry. 1996. Environmental Assessment in a Changing World: Evaluating Practice to Improve
Performance. Final Report of the International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment. Minister
of Supply and Services (Canada), Ottawa, ON.
Schibuola, S. and P.H. Byer. 1991. Use of knowledge based systems for the review and evaluation of
environmental impact statements. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 11: 11-27.

December 1997
Chapter 13: Future Trends in EIA EIA for Developing Countries

13.0 Future Trends in Environmental Impact Assessment in Asia

The practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA) is evolving. Major problems exist, and many
question its overall effectiveness. The recently completed International Study of the Effectiveness of
Environmental Assessment focused on ten organizing themes (Table 13-1). The Effectiveness Study was based
primarily on developed country experiences in North America and Western Europe, however, these ten basic
themes have much in common with many of the emerging trends in the development of EIA principles,
procedures, and practices in developing Asia.

13.1 Examining the Foundations

Most countries in Asia have established EIA processes. Some countries have considerable experience
with EIA. The early focus in the region was on controlling pollution and restricting industrial development that
was clearly detrimental to human health and the natural environment. Today, environmental assessments must
deal with a wide range of environmental, economic, social, and cultural issues. As living standards increase,
people are demanding better environmental quality and a greater say in development decisions. In addition to
considering a broad range of issues, EIAs are becoming more inclusive with respect to the participation of
interested stakeholders. Most national governments are thus being forced to reexamine the basic principles
embodied in their EIA processes. This reexamination is creating increased impetus to ensure that EIA
processes are effective.

The biggest single constraint on the effectiveness of EIA is the timing of the assessment in the
development project cycle. In spite of attempts to ensure that EIA information reaches decision makers early in
the development planning cycle, many EIAs occur only after major decisions (for example, site selection and
investment) have been made. As a result, any EIA findings that may result in delays, major project
modification, or outright cancellation are difficult to accept.

The practice of EIA is not without other shortcomings. For example, EIA has not been very useful in
addressing environmental degradation caused by the development or continued operation of small- and
medium-scale industrial production. Similarly, it has not been very effective in planning rural
development/agriculture projects. To apply EIA in the planning of small-scale/dispersed developments,
governments need to (i) strengthen the regional environmental planning practices and enable institutions
responsible for monitoring regional developments to use EIA for regional as well as project specific
developments, and (ii) strengthen industrial permit systems and enable environmental agencies to use EIA as
one of the key permitting parameters for new as well as existing industries.

13.2 Sustainability

EIA has been accepted as an essential tool for implementing the principles of sustainable development.
In this light, there is an increasing trend to assess the sustainability of projects. In some cases, this is merely an
extension of traditional approaches (for example, a raw material supply analysis for a pulp and paper mill, a
water supply analysis for a new industrial park). In other cases, it may mean incorporating an examination of
the capacity of a water body or an airshed to provide a sustainable flow of economic, social, and environmental
benefits to people.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 13: Trends in EIA

Table 13-1: Frames of reference for initial review of trends and innovations (source: Sadler, 1995).

Organizing Theme Level and Focus of Review Key Issues

A. Foundations Adequacy of EA Systems What is the Role of Second Generation EA?
I) Guiding Values and purpose and orientation of EA How are the functions of EA changing? To what extent
Principles basic requirements for all effective processes do the purposes and assumptions that guided the
key values, objectives and principles of approach design and institutionalization of the process still hold?
procedural and methodological implications What are the characteristics of effective EA process
and practice? How are / might they be expressed in
law, policy and institutional arrangements?
B. New Dimensions Scope of EA Process Where is EA Going?
ii) Application of nature and implications of sustainability concepts What is the value and relevance of sustainability
Sustainability translation into operational guidelines and rules of concepts, such as biodiversity, natural capital and
Concepts thumb intergenerational equity? How might these be
incorporation into EA policy and practice substantiated and applied in EA? What accompanying
adjustments to procedures and methods process adjustments may be necessary, e.g., to
significance criteria, impact analysis and mitigation?
iii) Strategic Environmental rationale and potential of SEA What institutional frameworks are in place for applying
Assessment (SEA) linkages to project EA and other policy and SEA? How is the conduct of SEA similar to or different
planning instruments from project EA? Which methods and procedures are
recent approaches and arrangements for the employed and what are their strengths and
conduct of SEA weaknesses? What are requirements for, and barriers
institutional and methodological constraints and to, an effective process?
iv) Cumulative and Large definitions and requirements for addressing What is the status of the theory and the practice of
Scale Effects cumulative effects assessing cumulative and large scale effects? How are
project oriented versus ecosystem approaches incremental, regional or global changes addressed in
frameworks for planning and monitoring EA processes? Which procedures and methods are
relationships to product assessment life cycle employed and with what results? Where might
analysis and environmental audits immediate improvements be made to our approaches?
C. Process Strengthening Elements of Approach How Can EA Methods and Procedures Be
v) Relationship to utility of inputs to decision making process How is EA related to types and levels of decision
Decision Making importance of evaluation of alternatives making? To what extent does this process focus on
EA documentation and quality review the justification for and to a proposal? How useful for
implementation of terms and conditions decision making are EA reports in clarifying the pros
and cons of proposed action? What changes might
improve their relevance for this purpose?
vi) Integrated Approaches best guess science paradigms and practices How well does impact assessment serve decision
to Impact Analysis traditional knowledge making under conditions of uncertainty? Which
user-friendly tools, techniques and information approaches and instruments are or can be applied for
technologies policy integration of cross-media and cross-domain
relationship of socio-economic, biophysical, health impacts? How can we best deploy scientific analysis
and risk components and interest-based negotiation to integrate knowledge
and values in the form of advice to decision makers?
What tool kits are available to facilitate problem solving
by local communities and groups?
vii) Public Participation and conflict resolution in the EA process What are the roles and scope of public participation in
Dispute Settlement provisions for public scrutiny and involvement EA? What procedures are followed to ensure
forms of participation and negotiation openness and fairness of processes? Which methods
relationship to decision making powers and are employed and with what results? Are mediation
responsibilities and other alternative dispute resolution procedures
being used and with what success?

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Chapter 13: Future Trends in EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Organizing Theme Level and Focus of Review Key Issues

viii) Follow-up and Post requirements for follow up to EAs What is the scope of EA review and follow-up? Which
Project Analysis experience with effects monitoring and impact types of follow-up procedures are employed and with
management what results? How are the results incorporated into
use and results of EA audits impact management, future project cycles, and EA
ex-post review for process development policy and practice?

ix) Total Process managing for quality, integrity and innovation How can the cost-effectiveness of EA processes be
Management coordination of EA processes with other policy, improved? How is EA linked to other processes, such
planning and regulatory instruments as sustainability strategies, land use planning and
coherence of EA systems, including protocols and pollution control? What measures are followed to
procedures for transboundary EA harmonize EA systems, nationally and internationally?
information and communication media How can administrators best communicate with EA
users, including decision makers and the public?
x) Capacity Building needs and demands What are the needs of industrial and developing
training, networking and cooperation countries, and how do they vary regionally and by
research, development and pilot projects country? What is the actual and potential contribution
EA skills and competencies for the 21st century of EA training to professional and institutional
international standards strengthening? How might cost-effective support and
cooperation be established? What are the priorities for
EA research and development?

Inclusion of sustainability criteria often forces examination of the very difficult questions of the
maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. For example, the development of tourist facilities and
aquaculture facilities in the coastal zone has often been at the expense of mangrove and other coastal
ecosystems that have provided a sustainable flow of benefits to coastal peoples over countless generations.

EIA is expected to play an increasing role in ensuring that projects meet sustainability criteria. To
achieve this, EIA of the future must take a lead planning role in orienting industry, tourism, urban
infrastructure and other developments toward cleaner production, waste minimization, and pollution
prevention. The analysis should compare proposed processes to alternative, cleaner technologies. Similarly a
life cycle analysis should be incorporated in the EIA and impacts should be evaluated for alternatives. It will be
appropriate for EIA reports of the future to evaluate requirements for selected projects to meet ISO 14000; to
recommend self monitoring potentials and integrate such with recommended command and control monitoring;
and to recommend voluntary compliance alternatives. It is likely that these approaches to environmental
management will be realized in developing countries only if industry/developers take the lead. This possibility
will become more likely if the project EIA quantifies the benefits and prescribes the steps and inputs required.

13.3 Strategic Environmental Assessment

Strategic environmental assessment has been defined as:

The formalized, systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating environmental impacts

of a policy, plan, or program and its alternatives, the preparation of a written report on the
findings, and the use of the finding in publicly accountable decision making (Therivel, 1995).

The European Commission is scheduled to publish a draft of its directive on strategic environmental
assessment. This directive applies to plans and programs which are being adopted as part of the land use
decision making process for the purpose of setting the framework for subsequent development consent
decisions which will allow developers to proceed with projects (Explanatory Memorandum accompanying the
draft Directive). The proposed directive provides a procedural framework for carrying out a strategic

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 13: Trends in EIA

environmental assessment of plans and programs. An environmental statement containing the following items
is required:

1. contents of the plan;

2. environmental characteristics of any area to be significantly affected by the plan/program;
3. any existing environmental problems relevant to the plan/program;
4. likely significant direct and indirect environmental effects of implementing the plan/program on
people, biota, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, material assets, and cultural heritage;
5. alternative ways which have been considered for achieving the objectives, and the reasons for not
adopting the alternatives;
6. measures to prevent, reduce, and where possible offset significant adverse environmental effects;
7. difficulties encountered in carrying out the environmental assessment; and
8. a non-technical summary of the environmental statement.

Strategic environmental assessment is a response to the recognition that project-focused EIAs are not
adequate for all levels of decision making. Many of the new approaches to EIA are designed to extend beyond
its more traditional project focus. These new approaches include:

Class Assessments, which cover the common impacts of similar projects that are unlikely to vary
with location. For example, dredging in riverine environments will generate similar impacts in
many different rivers and estuaries. The EIA for any particular project may draw upon a
generalized impact analysis. As experience has grown, the efficiency of class assessments has
increased with their use.
Programmatic EIAs, which address the impacts of large scale projects at many sites (e.g., strip
mining of coal in a region of generally homogeneous terrain). An overall assessment may suffice
for many individual project localities.
Sectoral EIAs, which highlight the impacts of development in an industrial sector by comparing
different technologies that may eventually be chosen. For example, if the initiating project is a
highway, the sectoral approach would assess alternative transportation modes (e.g., light rail
transit) to accomplish the same goal.
Regional Master Planning, which is the most attractive level for managing the environment. In
this case, an entire river basin, a watershed, an air quality district, a managed ecosystem, a coastal
zone, or an island is analyzed for the probable environmental impacts of all types of economic
development. Current and future pollution controls are estimated. Vulnerable and valuable natural
areas are marked for conservation. Industrial parks are sited in appropriate areas where wastes and
infrastructure can be concentrated for the most cost-effective management. In the context of
regional master planning, ecologically sensitive areas should be identified, research begun on the
major ecosystems, cumulative effects of past, current and future development analyzed, and rough
carrying capacity established. To fund such studies of these natural systems, contributions are
solicited from all development interests. Programs are coordinated and organized by the local
Development Strategies, which require environmental assessments because they select
technologies, and set priorities and timetables for large financial investments. For example, in
considering whether to exploit some natural endowment of mineral resources, potentially great
environmental consequences should be assessed at the outset. The usefulness of comprehensive
assessment can also be illustrated by examining the effects of our strategy of dependence on large

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Chapter 13: Future Trends in EIA EIA for Developing Countries

hydro power projects around the world including the effects of displacing many persons from
reservoir zones.
National Budgets, which should have specific reference to environmental protection expenditures
and environmental degradation costs. The availability of full environmental cost accounting is
growing and is based on the same quantitative bio-geophysical indicators and measurements as are
generated in the basic EIA. So called "green report cards" are being considered by both the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank for noting the
environmental management performance of various countries.

Methods and procedures for conducting EIAs for these higher levels of decision making are not well
developed. Few of the large body of EIA practitioners that are well qualified to conduct project level
assessments can claim expertise in the various facets of strategic environmental assessment.

13.4 Cumulative and Large Scale Effects

Cumulative impact assessment (CEA) allows for interest in the valued environmental resources, not
simply the impacts of a single project. The problem with CEA is how to practically limit the scope of its
application. In the absence of guidance on how to bound the CEA, the EIA practitioner will claim to have
inadequate resources and will thus limit their assessment to the project direct impacts.

Examples of cumulative effects problems encountered in developing Asia are:

long range transport of air pollutants;

urban air quality and airshed saturation;
mobilization of persistent or bio-accumulated substances;
climate change;
habitat alienation;
habitat fragmentation;
reduction in soil quality and quantity;
reduction in ground water supplies and ground water quality;
effects associated with agricultural, silvicultural, and horticultural chemicals;
increased sediment, chemical, and thermal loading of freshwater and marine water;
accelerated rates of renewable resource harvesting;
long term containment and disposal of toxic wastes; and
productive land loss due to infrastructure development.

Consideration of the potential of new projects to exacerbate these problems has not been effectively
integrated into EIAs in developing Asia. This is partly because cumulative effect is one of the most
confusing of all EIA concepts. Cumulative effects are difficult to analyze and there are few agreed upon
methods for their assessment.

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 13: Trends in EIA

Canter (1996), following the United States approach, defines cumulative impact as:

the impact on the environment that results from the incremental impact of the action when
added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what
agency (federal or non federal) or person undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts
can result from individually minor, but collectively significant actions taking place over a
period time.

Another view (Sonntag et al, 1986) states: Cumulative effects can be characterized as impacts on the natural
and social environments which: 1) occur so frequently in time or so densely in space that they cannot be
assimilated; or 2) combine with effects of other activities in a synergistic manner

Most EIA practitioners and EIA processes in Asia are not well suited to the assessment of cumulative
effects. It is, however, anticipated that much greater consideration of concepts such as sustainability,
assimilative capacity, ecological thresholds, and carrying capacity will be used in future EIAs. There
will likely also be much greater understanding of the need to place EIA of individual projects in the context of
regional planning.

13.5 Decision Making

There is every reason to believe that the results of the EIA process will have increasing influence over
development decision making. National governments and international assistance agencies (IAAs) are
increasingly recognizing the environmental costs associated with failure to account for the environmental
impacts of projects. EIA processes have been criticized for lack of effectiveness by many quarters. In most
cases, the response has been to strengthen the legal, regulatory, and institutional capability of EIA agencies.

Most development assistance, whether multilateral or bicameral, is now subject to the environmental
assessment requirements of the donors jurisdiction. In addition, some countries (e.g., The Netherlands) are
implementing procedures within their embassies to assess the environmental impacts of all their activities in
developing countries. Developing countries, while actively encouraging foreign and domestic investment, are
very conscious of ensuring that investors incorporate environmentally sound technologies into their projects.
Procedures and practices at two major decision points in the EIA processes are constantly changing. The trend
toward improvements in 1) screening and scoping; 2) EIA report quality and EIA review; and 3) environ-
mental monitoring will continue.

13.5.1 Screening and Scoping

Screening is necessary to avoid overwhelming the EIA administrative agencies with unnecessary
assessments. Screening helps limit the number of projects that require detailed scrutiny within the EIA process.
Screening criteria have been developed based on experience with the environmental impacts of various types of
projects gained over many years. These criteria will continue to be refined to ensure increased efficiency in
defining the EIA requirements of development projects. The EIAs of those projects that do require more
detailed environmental assessments will be better prepared. Greater emphasis during the scoping stage is being
placed on the terms of reference for the EIA being jointly developed by the EIA administrative body, the
project proponent, and the EIA practitioners.

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Chapter 13: Future Trends in EIA EIA for Developing Countries

13.5.2 EIA Report Quality and EIA Review

Better terms of reference will increase the likelihood that high quality EIA reports are prepared. The
scientific and technical quality of impact analysis will naturally increase as the capability of the EIA
practitioners increases. Increased participation by the public and other stakeholders in the EIA process will also
raise the quality of EIA reports. Public participation, however, is likely to have a more dramatic effect on the
nature of EIA review. There will be increased demands for accountability of EIA reviewers, EIA administrative
agencies, EIA practitioners and proponents alike. This will increase the care and attention taken in the scrutiny
of EIA reports.

A related problem is the institutional weakness of governments (and institutions such as IFIs) to
efficiently and accurately determine prescriptions for environmental management and monitoring which are
affordable, achievable and meet environmental quality management needs. It may be that the routine review
process does not take advantage of local government knowledge or selected individuals expertise. Future
changes to the EIA process should include improvements to ensure key individuals or institutions are included
in this aspect of the review process.

13.5.3 Monitoring

Current problems with the use of EIA for environmental planning have little to do with shortcomings
in the planning approach and more to do with the reliance on monitoring and enforcement by governments to
see that recommended mitigation/management measures are effectively implemented. The EIA report can
address this shortcoming by including an assessment of the capabilities of designated responsible parties to
implement the measures. Where there are risks of noncompliance, the EIA should recommend alternative
implementation measures (e.g., giving responsibility through contracts to independent parties).

The most widely recognized weakness in the EIA process is the apparent inability of governments and
IFIs to follow approval of project EIAs with monitoring. The EIA could include an institutional evaluation of
the capabilities of the approving agencies to monitor the implementation of mitigation and/or management
measures and recommend how a) to strengthen their capacity to do so, or, b) probably more realistically, how
to achieve the measures through alternative approaches (again through contracting or other alternatives).

13.6 Improvements in Methods and Approaches

13.6.1 Best Practices

Developing Member Countries (DMCs) must build their own databases and make use of past EIAs.
Usually, past EIAs are not available to those preparing subsequent ones; sometimes they are treated as
confidential. In addition, some map-based data are only available for military purposes. Continued efforts to
develop and make accessible libraries, inventories and databases of best EIA practices will lead to increased
capability of EIA professionals in DMCs.

13.6.2 Sectoral Guidelines

In the short term, improvements to EIA methods and approaches will focus on developing technical
guidance for the preparation of environmental assessments. Sectoral guidelines help proponents more clearly
understand the scope and required level of detail for EIA reports. The trend is toward each country preparing
its own set of guidelines for each sector; certainly most ASEAN countries are moving this way (e.g., Malaysia
is well advanced in guideline preparation). IAAs like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have also

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EIA for Developing Countries Chapter 13: Trends in EIA

developed sectoral guidelines for most major project types. Other countries will benefit greatly from adapting
these guidelines and preparing guidelines in their own languages suitable to their own special needs.

13.6.3 Disciplinary Guidelines

Sectoral guidelines will be complemented by disciplinary methodological guidelines. These will also
be provided in each DMC. Guideline development will be coordinated by national working groups composed
of selected experts from throughout each country. Initial work on national guidelines should concentrate on the
following: 1) ecological impact assessment, 2) social impact assessment, 3) environmental economic analysis,
4) regional development impact assessment, 5) public consultation, and 6) environmental risk assessment.

13.6.4 Environmental Information Systems

There will be increased use of information technologies in all aspects of environmental assessment.
There are some redirections required for EIA to optimize availability of new technologies and environmental
management practices. For regional environmental management, EIA must take better advantage of GIS-based
planning and monitoring systems. Remote automatic monitoring systems should also be considered at the
project level and linked to national or regional monitoring systems. Other examples include use of CD-ROM
technologies to deliver EIA knowledge through training, EIA tracking systems for managing the administrative
aspects of the EIA process, computer models to help provide more rigorous predictions of impact, and expert
systems to provide EIA procedural and technical knowledge to a wide range of EIA stakeholders.

13.7 Public Participation and Dispute Resolution

Public participation is becoming increasingly more important in EIA processes in Asia. A recent ADB
technical assistance project, Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment in Thailand, was tasked with
both incorporating public participation requirements into the environmental assessment process and developing
guidelines for public participation. The approach taken in the guidelines is consistent with the participatory
development approaches being used by IAAs in project design, development, and implementation.

13.8 Follow-up and Post Project Analysis

Post audit and evaluation of environmental management plans and monitoring programs provides a
means to learn from experience. Systematic evaluation of monitoring results allow EIA practitioners to
understand strengths and weaknesses in existing approaches. This understanding will naturally lead to better
techniques and approaches to impact assessment. Monitoring information is essential in helping to determine
the effectiveness of mitigation measures. Without the essential feedback on what works and what does not
work provided by monitoring programs, each new project will be designed like the last one. There will be
little opportunity to learn from previous mistakes, and to apply new and better mitigation techniques.

In the future, increased emphasis will be placed on post-approval monitoring and post-project
evaluation procedures, particularly within IFIs. In some DMCs, however, it will not be practical to incorporate
strict provisions for post approval monitoring into the EIA process for some time. The costs and staffing needs
for such a program may not currently be justifiable. Initially, educational programs will be needed to increase
awareness of the role that post-project approval monitoring can play in the EIA process. As a first step, it will
be desirable to provide training in environmental effects monitoring programs, including the design of such

December 1997
Chapter 13: Future Trends in EIA EIA for Developing Countries

Post evaluation reports like those prepared by the ADB (see Chapter 9: Environmental Monitoring
Program) are useful sources of information. Nonetheless, one further step is required. We must ensure that we
learn from experience. From time to time, a formal and systematic post hoc evaluation of the effectiveness of
environmental protection efforts on development projects must be undertaken. The results must be assembled
and then disseminated, widely and rapidly, by an independent body. For example, the International Association
of Impact Assessment or some other professional society should be mandated to conduct retrospective
appraisals and report on the results.

13.9 Capacity Building

Capacity building in the context of EIA is far more difficult than most donor agencies realize. Current
approaches to capacity building are being re-evaluated, yet there remains a great emphasis on training courses
and seminars. These are very visible, but unfortunately, unless they are extraordinary well designed, many of
these do not achieve tangible results. The focus on increasing the skills of those involved in EIA is correct, but
the mechanism of delivery is often inappropriate. The best training programs are those developed in
consultation with the EIA professionals in the country. Training materials should always be translated into the
national language. In doing so, a set of teaching materials and a cadre of trainers is left behind. This provides
the basic capital necessary to undertake training but does not provide for the operating funds. The next step is
to provide the financial resources to deliver the training programs. The best programs are those that are able to
access a substantial counterpart contribution and commitment. Future training courses will be increasingly well
targeted at the four main groups that require training: those that manage the EIA process, those that prepare
EIA reports, those that review EIA reports, and proponents who are responsible for environmental planning,
assessment and management of their developments.

Guideline development (see section 13.6) is another major focus of capacity building. Here the trend
is toward sectoral and jurisdictional guidelines. The trend is also to have these sectoral guidelines developed by
a team or committee of national and international experts. The international experts bring a broad perspective
and the latest knowledge, while the national experts best understand the local needs and context. Guideline
development is often complemented by case studies. These case studies provide practical experience to a small
group of practitioners, while allowing for EIA methods to be adapted to the local context.

Capacity building will continue to provide assistance in strengthening the public administration of
EIA processes. In addition to increasing the skills of public servants, there will be increased help to develop
standard operating procedural manuals, computer-based systems for tracking proposals, and databases for
managing information.

13.10 References and Further Reading

Canter, L.W. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Sadler, Barry. 1997. EIA process strengthening - perspective and priorities. Pages 1-29 in Report of the EIA
Process Strengthening Workshop, Canberra 4-7 April, 1995. Published by the Environmental Protection
Agency, Canberra, Australia for the International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment.
Sonntag, N.C., R.R. Everitt, L. Rattie, D.L. Colnett, C.P. Wolf, J. Truett, A. Dorcey, and C.S. Holling.
1986. Cumulative Effects Assessment: A Context for Further Research and Development. Canadian
Environmental Assessment Research Council (CEARC), Hull, QC. 99 pp. and appendices.
Therivel, R. (ed). 1995. Environmental appraisal of development plans 2; 1992-1995. Working paper 160,
School of Planning, Oxford Brookes University.

December 1997
Appendix - Using the Internet as an EIA Resource Tool EIA for Developing Countries


Using the Internet as an EIA Resource Tool

As more and more of the world becomes linked by computer and communications technology, the
possibilities for using the Internet as a resource for environmental impact assessment (EIA) are growing. The
purpose of this appendix is not to explain how to use the Internet, but rather to highlight some of the many
types of information accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW). While some potentially useful web site
addresses are provided, it is important to note that the WWW is a dynamic, constantly evolving place. As such,
the addresses and the information available through the Internet are always subject to change. The best way to
appreciate the utility of the WWW is to spend some time getting comfortable with search mechanisms and
looking at what is available through various sites.

One of the features of the WWW is the ability to be linked electronically from one site to another. As
such, once one finds a site of interest, many more relevant sites may be easily accessible without further
searching. The International Association for Impact Assessments (IAIA) home page, for example, contains an
extensive index of useful Internet web sites, with links to most. This index, developed by the Environmental
Assessment and Compliance unit of the Canadian International Development Agency, includes sites covering
a wide range of EIA-related topics everything from databases of EIA training courses to predictive models
to strategic EIA. Some sites that may be of interest to practitioners of EIA in developing countries in Asia are
listed below, along with brief descriptions of the type of information the sites contain.

ACCESS EPA: An Environmental Directory


This site provides a directory of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other public sector
environmental information resources. There is an extensive list of environmental topics.

Australian EIA Network


This is an extensive site managed by Environment Australias Environmental Protection Group which includes
contact names and addresses, case studies; information on EIA training resources (for example, the UNEP EIA
Training Resource Manual, the IAIA training course database), EIA in Australia, and legislation and
agreements; discussion and policy documents (on such topics as social impact assessment, public participation,
strategic assessment, cumulative impact assessment, etc.).

Bibliography of Biodiversity Assessment Methodologies


This site provides a large bibliography of methods for assessing biodiversity.

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency


In addition to information about the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, this site contains reports of the
study on environmental assessment effectiveness and links to numerous other relevant sites.

December 1997
EIA for Developing Countries Appendix - Using the Internet as an EIA Resource Tool

Ecological Risk Analysis: Tools and Applications


Information, provided by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which can be used to conduct ecological
screening and baseline risk assessments. The site includes a database of benchmarks for aquatic organisms,
wildlife, and sediments; guidance documents for performing environmental assessments; and links to other
good assessment sites.


This site provides a compilation of comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources available through the
WWW. It has links to sites covering just about any topic related to the environment field, including risk


This site is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys pollution prevention forum; a repository of
information related to pollution prevention, compliance, pollution control technologies, etc. It has numerous

International Association for Impact Assessment


This site contains information about the IAIA, selected references on various aspects of EIA, and numerous
links to relevant sites, including the Impact Assessment Journal and the IAIA Newsletter.

International Institute for Sustainable Development


This homepage has a number of documents relevant to EIA, including an EIA database. It also contains ISO
14,000 information.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Air Pollution Database


This is a repository of resources relevant to airborne pollution in various countries. The extensive list of
resources includes data from monitoring systems, a list of air pollution point sources, reference data, and a
technology transfer network.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Purdue University Software for Environmental Awareness


More than 40 of the EPAs environmental software programs can be found at this site, as well as an
Environmental Assessment Resource Guide (a generic source of information for conducting EIA for many
types of projects, this document covers scoping, alternatives identification, impact identification and analysis,
mitigation measures, and decision-making) and a Comparative Risk Assessment methodology.

December 1997
Appendix - Using the Internet as an EIA Resource Tool EIA for Developing Countries

University of Manchester, EIA Centre


This homepage contains EIA newsletters, an EIA leaflet series, discussion papers, lists of the Centres
publications and training activities, and documents regarding developing country initiatives in EIA.

Water Quality Assessment


This site provides an on-line computer modeling program for water quality assessment; it predicts the two-
dimensional concentration distribution of pollutants in a river downstream from a discharge point. The model
adopts an approximate solution identified as a standard EIA calculation method by environmental authorities in
many countries for new and extension construction projects.

World Bank

A search on environmental assessment retrieves a number of documents, including papers detailing EIA case
studies in developing countries.


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