Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Wood Elves v1.1
Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Wood Elves v1.1
Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Wood Elves v1.1
by Gaetano Ferrara (
The elves exist in symbiosis with the magical forces of the If youd like to support the continued development of our
woods and rely heavily on its use in their lives. These magical games you can donate on
forces are so powerful that trees imbued with it come to life
in order to protect it. Now that the great rift has opened they Find more of our games at
are going to have to fight hard to avoid extinction, as evil
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daemons set the forest ablaze.
This has forced the Wood Elves to go far out of their territory
in order to tackle all enemies that threaten them.
Try to keep your elves out of reach and take out the enemy
with specialized arrows. Taking a variety of them will ensure
that you are always prepared for all enemies. Also remember
to be very aggressive with your treemen, by having the fear
special rule they can easily dominate over weaker opponents,
even when they are outnumbered.
F Replace Longbow:
Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) +5pts
Scythe (A3, AP(3)) +10pts
G Replace Spears:
2x Hand Weapons (A1) +5pts
H Replace Claws:
Magical Sword (A2, AP(1)) +5pts
Magical Glaive (A2, AP(2)) +10pts