Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Mummified Undead v1.0
Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Mummified Undead v1.0
Age of Fantasy Skirmish - Mummified Undead v1.0
by Gaetano Ferrara (
Once upon a time Tyria was ruled by a king that had managed If youd like to support the continued development of our
to imprison the havoc gods in a magical orb. This king had two games you can donate on
sons, spoiled and arrogant, who destroyed the orb once their
father died. This opened the great rift across the lands and so Find more of our games at
began the daemon invasions from below.
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The twins, now without a throne, went on to form kingdoms
of their own, one in the cold and one in the heat
If you want to give us your feedback or have any questions
The Mummified Undead are made up of weak skeleton line feel free to contact us:
troops and powerful animated constructs as support for the
main force. They have a wide variety of unit types that cause Forum:
fear and have the undead special rule, which allows them to E-Mail:
hold off waves of stronger enemy units.
Thank you for playing and happy wargaming!
Since your main force will consist of very weak troop which
can tie up enemy units in combat, your support units are Gaetano Ferrara (onepageanon)
what is really going to shine. Guardian statues and snakemen
or snake riders make for great flanking units and can also soak
up a good deal of damage.
B Upgrade Wizard(1):
Wizard Spells
Protection (3+): Target friendly unit within 12
Wizard(2) +20pts
gets Regeneration until the end of the round.
Wizard(3) +40pts
Smiting (3+): Target friendly unit within 12 gets
Mount on:
+1 attack in melee until the end of the round.
Skeletal Steed +5pts
Blade Curse (3+): Target friendly unit within 12
gets AP(1) in melee until the end of the round.
C Replace Hand Weapon:
Storm of Skulls (4+): Target enemy unit within
2x Hand Weapons (A3) +10pts
24 takes D3 automatic hits with AP(1).
Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) +10pts
Desiccation (5+): Target enemy unit within 24
Upgrade with:
gets Defense -1 until the end of the round.
Great Bow (30, A1, AP(2)) +20pts
Vengeance (5+): Target enemy unit within 18
D Replace all Hand Weapons: treats the whole battlefield as Dangerous Terrain
Spears (A1, Phalanx) +5pts until the end of the round.
F Upgrade with:
Ambush +5pts