War Machines
War Machines
War Machines
Ballista 211 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 1 / 3, Range:30”, Str (3), Fires Every Turn
d3 hits, d3 wounds Base 4
Light Catapult 166 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 Stone: 1 / 3, Range:30”, Base 9
Str (3), d3 hits, d3 wounds
Shot: 1 / 3, Range 18”, Str
(1), 3d3 hits
Catapult 298 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 Stone: 1 / 3, Range:36”, Base 9
Str (3), 2d3 hits, d3
Shot: 1 / 3 , Range 24”,
Str (1), 4d3 hits
Light Cannon 348 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 Ball: 1 / 3, Range:30”, Str Base 9
(4), 2d3 hits, d3 wounds
Shot: 1 / 3 , Range 24”,
Str (2), 3d3 hits
Cannon 691 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 Ball: 1 / 3, Range:36”, Str Base 9
(4), 2d3 hits, 2d3 wounds
Shot: 1 / 3 , Range 24”,
Str (2), 4d3 hits
Heavy Cannon 1025 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 Ball: 1 / 3, Range:36”, Str Base 9
(5), 2d3 hits, 2d3 wounds
Shot: 1 / 3 , Range 24”,
Str (2), 5d3 hits
Mortar 199 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 1 / 3, Range: 12” - 36”, Base 9
Str (2), 4d3 hits
Heavy Mortar 342 6” 4 3 Fixed 1 8 Wounds / 2 1 / 3, Range: 12” - 45”, Base 9
Str (2), 6d3 hits
Special Rules
All war machines are considered to have a morale of 8, unless otherwise stated in the different races' army lists.
All war machine missile attacks are considered to have the "Artillery" ability.
All war machines fire every other turn, unless otherwise marked.
All war machines are Base 9 unless otherwise stated.
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