Cold Formed Steel Structures Around The World PDF
Cold Formed Steel Structures Around The World PDF
Cold Formed Steel Structures Around The World PDF
The objective of this paper is to provide a brief review of recent (over approximately the last 2.1 Framing
five years) advances in the application, analysis and design of cold-formed steel structures.
Attention here is focused on load-bearing cold-formed steel structures; as opposed to sec- For many engineers, their first reac-
ondary systems, curtain walls, etc. Cold-formed steel applications continue to advance in tion to CFS framing is that it can only
three primary categories: framing, metal buildings, and racks. Examples largely derived be a low-rise solution. Views of low-
from the authors experiences in North America are used to illustrate the applications. The rise structures framed from CFS are
behaviour of cold-formed steel structures can be complicated due to the thin-walled nature superficially similar to timber construc-
of the sections; thus, analysis advances are required. Recent work in Generalized Beam tion, and thus the general presump-
Theory and the constrained Finite Strip Method demonstrate that, at least when it comes to tion is that CFS framing will only be
thin-walled members, significant advances in structural analysis are still possible and desir- competitive in countries with timber
able. Design of cold-formed steel structures continues to see significant improvements and framing traditions, and then only for
refinements. Recent efforts related to the Direct Strength Method of design are highlighted,
one, or maybe two, story structures.
including novel extensions from the member to the system level. Finally, similar to many
Thus, the increasingly common use of
other areas of structural engineering, seismic engineering has motivated notable advances
mid-rise CFS framing in the United
in applications, analysis, and design. For cold-formed steel structures these advances are
States, even in seismically active ar-
reviewed to demonstrate current progress and future directions in this important area.
eas, can be a surprise for some. Fig. 1
provides an example of a six story
mid-rise CFS structure constructed in
1 Introduction topics and discussions have two strong the United States [8]. Many mid-rise
biases that must be recognized from CFS structures utilize ledger framing
Today, cold-formed steel (CFS) struc- the outset: (1) many of the applications
tures enjoy widespread use in many are focused on North America, where
countries and design specifications, the author resides and has the great-
e.g., [1] and [2] are well established, est interaction with the practice, and
even if they are ever changing! Exten- (2) the selected topics largely reflect
sive reviews of the CFS literature are areas where the author has been in-
available [3], [4] and more targeted re- volved in one form or another (through
search reviews also exist: [5], [6] and direct research, committee work in the
Chapter 13 of [7]. However, even in development of codes and specifica-
the last five years significant progress tions, or international collaborations).
has been made, particularly in analy- Given these biases, it is without a
sis and design. Further, the state of doubt that, novel applications and im-
the art in cold-formed steel applica- portant research will be missed, for
tions, both structures and members, these shortcomings the fault is that of
has not been detailed. the author alone, and apologies are
This brief review paper provides extended.
an overview of recent advances in
CFS structural applications, members, 2 Structures
analysis, member design, system de-
sign, and seismic design. The selected The three primary areas of load-bear-
ing CFS applications are: framing,
Selected and reviewed by the Scientific metal buildings, and racks. Each of
Commitee of the 6th European Confe- these areas is briefly reviewed here
rence on Steel and Composite Structu- with an emphasis on recent advances
res, 31 August to 2 September 2011, in applications, and in targeted re- Fig. 1. Mid-rise CFS framing, adapted
Budapest, Hungary search on these applications. from [8]
Ernst & Sohn Verlag fr Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin Steel Construction 4 (2011), No. 3 141
B. W. Schafer Cold-formed steel structures around the world A review of recent advances in applications, analysis and design
are typically designed as an entire sys- five years cross-section innovation has
tem. In some cases panelized CFS begun to take greater advantage of
framing construction is extended to manufacturing technology, and begun
metal buildings (e.g. Nunconsteel in to seriously push the boundaries of
the United States provides such a sys- available design methods.
tem). However, even in the last five North America has long ne-
years, interesting efforts exist: in Aus- glected cross-section innovation, pre-
tralia with frames relying only on stiff- ferring a more commodity-based ap-
ened sheeting [10], in Hungary [11] and proach, but this is changing as evi-
Poland [12] with frames using utiliz- denced by Fig. 3. For example
ing novel built-up sections and con- sections are now available in North
nections, and in the UK with a long America (Fig. 3a), though the long-
term research effort employing cas- span deck sections in use in many
sette walls for the structure [13]. parts of Europe are still yet to be uti-
lized here. The most significant cross-
2.3 Racks section innovations occurring in North
America are associated with propri-
CFS storage racks are remarkably ef- etary, pre-engineered, solutions. In
ficient structures that have long used particular, several truss companies in
Fig. 2. CFS typical ledger framing detail
novel cross-sections and connections North America use novel sections with
in their design. Although the members narrow webs, wide flanges, intermedi-
as opposed to platform framing. In and connections have not changed ate stiffeners, and return lips as chords
ledger framing the building is con- significantly in the last five years un- in their trusses (Fig. 3b and c).
structed story-by-story, but the floors derstanding of behaviour and trans- The CFS framing industry has
are hung from the studs using rim lating that understanding into im- also introduced a variety of novel
track, see Fig. 2. proved designs has been very active. variations on typical C sections for
Mid-rise CFS construction re- Significant new testing has been con- use as studs, headers, jambs, distribu-
quires technical expertise on the part ducted on uprights [14], [15] upright tion members, and even bracing. One
of the engineer/designer, and the de- to shelf beam connections [16], [17] of the most popular versions of these
velopment and support of applicable and base plates [18]. Testing protocols advanced sections uses stiffened holes
code provisions. An entire family of have advanced and become formal- in the webs of joists to provide room
CFS standards specifically for fram- ized [19], as well as analysis protocols for services, the evolution of this idea
ing have been developed in North particularly in the use of second-or- is the creation of a hybrid between
America (e.g., [9]) and form the basis der analysis [20], [21]. Contemporary the bar joist and the CFS floor joist as
for the adoption of these systems in concerns such as impact forces [22], exemplified by products such as that
building codes. In addition, many com- [23] and progressive collapse [24] have of Fig. 3d. For non load-bearing ap-
panies working in this market are pan- also seen recent study. Standards or- plications sections cold-formed from
elizers, and thus perform significant ganizations supporting the CFS rack knurled steel have been developed
construction offsite. In North America, industry are active, and in many in- (Fig. 3e) with the primary advantages
the pre-engineered truss industry pro- stances quite progressive due to the coming from improved fire/thermal
vides a model for this form of con- complicated nature of rack structural and acoustic performance,
struction; and indeed pre-engineered performance. For example, the forth- Any discussion of new CFS mem-
metal trusses are used extensively in coming Australian rack standard bers would be remiss if it did not in-
North America today. (AS 4084) will provide complete cod- clude the highly researched: LiteSteel
ified guidance on performing geomet- Beam (Fig. 3f). By using closed tubu-
2.2 Metal Buildings ric and material nonlinear analysis lar sections for the flanges of a chan-
on the imperfect structure (GMNIA), nel this section is able to provide ca-
In metal buildings CFS members typ- similar in spirit to Eurocode for shell pacities more typically associated with
ically only provide the secondary sys- structures. hot-rolled, than cold-formed steel [25],
tem: purlins, girts, sheeting, etc. Re- [26]. However, as the researchers have
search work on these secondary sys- 3 Members shown high torsional rigidity concen-
tems remains active (particularly with trated in the flanges, while overall ex-
purlins), but is not the focus here. The CFS members in common use in tremely beneficial, does lead to unique
distinction between CFS framing and North America include the C (with behaviour and interactions most-no-
load-bearing CFS metal buildings is and without lips), the Z (typically with tably lateral-distortional [27]. The Aus-
not perfect, but CFS metal buildings sloping lips), and a variety of gener- tralian CFS Specification provides the
typically attempt to create clear span ally hat-shaped deck sections. Spe- most up to date treatment of this
space in the interior, while CFS fram- cialty cross-sections are also used in unique CFS building product.
ing may not. Further CFS metal build- the CFS rack industry for both up- A number of even more unique
ings use steel sheet for sheathing as rights and beams. All of these con- CFS cross-sections, that stretch the
opposed to plywood, gypsum board, ventional sections have been in regu- boundaries of what it means to roll-
etc. In addition, CFS metal buildings lar use for numerous years. In the past form a section, and combine multiple
Fig. 3. Example of recently developed CFS members in use in North America; (a) TSNSigmaStud, (b) TrusSteel Dyna
Truss Chord, (c) Nuconsteel NUTRUSS Chord, (d) SteelForm DeltaStud, (e) ClarkDietrich UltraSteel Stud, (f) LST Lite
Steel Beam
manufacturing technologies, exist in alternatives from conventional civil general boundary conditions for sta-
various stages of product development. engineering analysis. Most notably, the bility analysis [32], the constrained Fi-
The desire to achieve even lighter, finite strip method (particularly on the nite Strip Method (cFSM) which en-
greener structures, and minimize ma- member level) has been demonstrated ables modal decomposition and iden-
terial cost and impact will aid in bring- to provide a useful compromise be- tification [33] to [36], and the develop-
ing many of these ideas to market. The tween the power of shell finite ele- ment of finite strip-based modal iden-
challenge remains for researchers, de- ments and the needed efficiency of tification tools for general purpose
sign methods, and design specifica- frame finite elements. In fact, the sig- shell finite element analysis [37]. Ef-
tions/codes to keep up with these in- nature curve generated by a stability forts are underway to enrich frame fi-
novations and be vehicles for progress member analysis using the classical nite elements with cross-section finite
instead of impediments to new tech- finite strip method [30] provides the strip analysis; however, more elegant
nology in CFS applications. organizing principles that much of approaches with Generalized Beam
the design advances of the last thirty Theory (GBT) exist.
4 Analysis years have been based upon. Recent GBT, which is predicated on an
advances in the finite strip method in- enriched Vlasov beam theory, is ide-
Analysis of CFS members presents a clude the continuing development of ally suited for the needs of frame ele-
unique challenge in civil engineering. open source tools [31], extensions to ment-based civil engineering system
At one end of the spectrum GMNIA
analysis with shell finite elements
provides a compelling multi-purpose
simulation tool, even if sensitivity
and knowledge of the required inputs
can be a challenge [28], [29]. While at
the other end of the spectrum typical
CFS practice either uses no formal
computational structural analysis, or
when analysis is employed it is linear
elastic with frame elements. Frame el-
ements in typical use do not properly
include torsional-flexural coupling in
unsymmetric members (such as the
CFS C-section), and are completely
incapable of including cross-section
deformations associated with local or
distortional buckling. However, cur-
rently frame elements are the only so-
lution that is computationally efficient
enough to be used on large-scale civil
systems for linear and nonlinear analy-
sis, and under the multitude of neces-
sary load cases.
Given this situation CFS analy- Fig. 4. Comparison of member stability analysis by GBT and cFSM, adapted from
sis has always been a vibrant area for [38]
analysis. In theory, if only classical it must be recognized that CFS mem- standing and modelling the impact of
modes are contained in the model bers have significant sensitivity to geo- holes on cross-section buckling modes
then traditional framework finite ele- metric imperfections, residual stresses from plates [50] to members [51], see
ment results will be obtained. How- and strains, and modelling parame- Fig. 6a. Using a combination of new
ever, as cross-section deformation ters [28]. Thus, characterization of the testing [52] and nonlinear finite ele-
modes are included: local-plate, dis- inputs to GMNIA analysis remains an ment collapse analysis correct imple-
tortional, shear, transverse extension, important area of research for CFS mentation of the DSM strength curves
then the frame element takes on the members and structures. Progress has was also established; this included
mechanics of a typical shell finite ele- been made in statistical characteriza- the use of net section yielding proper-
ment but with the advantage that tions of manufacturing imperfections ties and modifications in the inelastic
the deformation fields are separated [45], and in residual stresses and strains buckling regime for distortional buck-
and known a priori in the analysis. The from the roll-forming process [46], [47], ling failures [53], [54], to handle tran-
cFSM approach was derived based but significant work remains. sitions like Fig. 6b. This work is cur-
on the mechanical assumptions un- rently under ballot for North Ameri-
derlying GBT and as [38] and Fig. 4 5 Design: member can CFS design in [1].
show, they provide similar solutions. Additional progress has been
Recent GBT research demonstrates Member design for CFS is compli- made on a general/DSM method for
that geometric and material nonlin- cated by the existence of local, distor- shear, and shear and bending interac-
ear analysis on the member level [39] tional, and global buckling modes. In tion. Current design provisions essen-
and GBT-based frame elements for addition, the fundamental modes tially only include shear buckling of
system analysis even including local may interact with one another as well the webs, and further presume the
loads and load height effects are pos- as with material yielding. Of course webs are flat. The newly proposed
sible [40], [41]. Further GBT, and its member-system interaction through methods treat shear buckling as a
ability to identify and isolate the par- secondary bracing, or through the cross-section buckling mode, similar
ticipation of a given deformation primary framing (e.g., second-order to compression and bending. The im-
mode, has been shown to provide effects) also must be considered. The pact of the flange on the solution is
new insights on difficult problems in primary design philosophy used in explicitly considered, as is the impact
CFS behaviour [42]. Tools even exist codes and standards for CFS member of other cross-section details such as
for engineers to experiment with GBT design is the Effective Width Method, rolled-in longitudinal stiffeners [55] to
analysis on their own [43]. Nearly all e.g., in [1], [2]; however the Direct [59]. Research continues to determine
of the work for a fully nonlinear GBT Strength Method (DSM) as provided the proper analogs to local, distor-
frame element appropriate for CFS in Appendix 1 of [1] and fully re- tional, and global buckling for shear;
structures is in place, and the poten- viewed in [48] has been developed as meanwhile proposals are under bal-
tial impact of this advancement on an alternative approach. lot in North America to integrate the
the analysis of CFS systems cannot DSM has been formally adopted improvements already established [60],
be overstated. in many countries for CFS design, e.g.: [61].
With either shell finite element Australia, the United States, Canada, In North America fire analysis of
analysis or advanced models based on Mexico, and Brazil. Under Eurocode CFS is typically completed experimen-
cFSM or GBT, GMNIA based proce- the Direct Strength Method is best tally on a given (wall or ceiling) as-
dures for CFS are possible. However, understood as falling in the family of semblage. However, recent work has
before they can enjoy widespread use, general methods (e.g., see [49] for shown that available DSM expres-
more on general methods). DSM sions can properly predict the reduced
combines linear eigenvalue analysis strength of members, and even the
(i.e., elastic buckling analysis) with switching between controlling buck-
material nonlinear analysis to provide ling modes that occurs due to the
a prediction of the strength. From the temperature dependence of elastic
users standpoint DSM is more for- buckling and yielding properties [62]
malized/simplified than the Eurocode to [65]. Integration of these degraded
general methods in that the strength strengths with a true fire analysis is
curves to connect linear eigenvalue not yet completed, but is certainly on
Pcr = 48.46 kN
analysis with material nonlinear analy- the horizon.
GBT frame element
DOF: order 100 sis in local, distortional, and global As implemented DSM covers
buckling have already been estab- beams and columns explicitly, but re-
ANSYS lished. Regardless, the philosophy and lies on interaction equations for beam-
Pcr = 48.03 kN implementation are in essence the columns. Such an approach is not in
Shell elements same. Significant new work in the de- the spirit of the general methods or of
DOF: order 10,000 velopment of DSM has been com- DSM. Instead the cross-section sta-
pleted in the last five years. bility: local, distortional, and global
CFS members commonly include should be assessed under the actual
Fig. 5. GBT frame stability and com- holes, but until recently DSM pro- applied loads (at least axial plus bend-
parison with shell elements, adapted vided no guidance on this situation. ing). Section yielding may also be de-
from [44] Recent work provides tools for under- termined under the actual applied
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Modeling and design method development for members with holes, adapted from [54], (a) stability analysis with and
without holes, (b) transition from distortional buckling to net section failure as hole size increases
loads. Preliminary work [66] demon- ists in explaining and determining the 6 Design: walls and systems
strates that extension of DSM in this best way to handle these interactions
manner is possible and desirable in in the future [42], [69] to [72]. One ap- Many innovations in CFS involve sys-
many cases provides significant im- proach may be to evolve DSM fur- tems, as opposed to isolated mem-
provements over current design. ther, recently the author explored the bers. Thus, design methods need to
One shortcoming of DSM, as im- use of the strain energy distribution evolve towards incorporating system
plemented, is that the buckling mode of the cross-section buckling modes analysis. This trend is most prevalent
interactions that are considered are as a means to determine an effective in seismic design, see Section 7, but is
not cross-section dependent. So, for thickness in the cross-section [73]. In also important in basic CFS systems
example a lipped channel with inter- addition, work towards true nonlin- such as walls and roofs. For example,
mediate stiffeners in the flange and ear analysis (GMNIA analysis in Euro- a multi-year effort to develop axial ca-
web has been experimentally shown code parlance) may be the best final pacity design provisions for CFS studs
to have meaningful distortional-global direction for CFS member design. In- braced only by external sheathing was
interactions [67], [68], but DSM only deed, recent efforts lead by Rasmus- recently completed [74] to [76]. As
includes local-global interaction and sens research [17], [18], [22], [23] and Fig. 7 indicates, even for a wall with
assumes distortional buckling modes codified in the Australian CFS rack nominally identical studs, the sheath-
do not interact with other modes. This standards (AS 4084) provide a pio- ing plays a crucial role in the strength,
assumption was validated for lipped neering example of such an approach stiffness, ductility, and observed limit
channels [7], but intense interest ex- in CFS member design. state. The research in [77] provided
Fig. 7. Performance of CFS sheathed walls in compression, adapted from [75], (a) P- response of full scale walls in compression,
(b) OSB-Bare Failure (flex-tors), (c) OSB-Gyp failure (local), (d) OSB-OSB failure (local)
the key step for integrating the system from Canada on strap-braced walls important structural domains and
behaviour into the DSM method of [80], from Canada and the United continues to expand into new areas,
design, namely, if the stud-to-sheath- States on steel sheet shearwalls [81], such as mid-rise construction. Cold-
ing fastener stiffness and sheathing [82], from China on corrugated steel formed steel members have definitive-
diaphragm stiffness are tested or cal- sheet shearwalls [83], and from the ly evolved to include numerous opti-
culated these may be integrated into United States on wood sheathed walls mized shapes beyond the conventional
the cross-section stability analysis (as with pins [84] and adhesives [85]. Re- cross-sections. Analysis advances in
spring restraints) and thus provide search on the translation of CFS the Finite Strip Method and General-
member local, distortional, and global shearwall test data into seismic de- ized Beam Theory provide unique ca-
buckling loads that reflect the system- sign also continues worldwide [86] to pabilities for modal decomposition
level bracing behaviour. This was com- [89]. In North America, all CFS shear- and identification of thin-walled mem-
pleted and the conventional DSM ex- wall design criteria have recently been bers, but important work still remains
pressions used for strength prediction brought together into a single design to provide efficient tools that can be
are shown to agree well with tests specification [9]. readily integrated with conventional
[74] when the elastic buckling loads In the broader seismic engineer- structural analysis. Member design
were suitably updated to include the ing community significant research has advanced significantly due to the
system-level bracing. effort has been expended in develop- flexibility afforded by the direct inte-
As another example of the evolu- ing systems that concentrate inelastic gration of computational cross-section
tion of system-level design the DSM energy dissipation into replaceable stability in the Direct Strength Me-
methodology was also extended to fuse elements. This concept has thod. New tools for system design are
the design of continuous roof purlins, been recently extended to CFS shear- aiming to duplicate that success for
where the entire multi-span beam and walls by Japanese researchers with a cold-formed steel systems. Finally, a
all its possible limit states are treated remarkably innovative system that in- rich array of work is underway in cold-
together for the stability analysis and tegrates a ductile fuse into the hold- formed steel seismic design. Taken in
for the strength prediction, instead of down [90]. As demonstrated experi- total recent advances in cold-formed
reducing down to the cross-section as mentally, the resulting shearwall sys- steel structures indicate that signifi-
in traditional design [78]. System-level tem has stable loops in cyclic testing, cant potential continues to exist for
analysis methods like these hold par- with little if any degradation. Analyti- this versatile thin-walled building ma-
ticular promise for predicting efficien- cal modelling indicates an energy dis- terial.
cies in repetitively framed structures sipating performance that is far and
such as those commonly used in CFS above what is available today in CFS Acknowledgments
framing. shearwalls.
As an alternative to shearwalls a This paper came about through dis-
7 Design: seismic novel seismic system using hot-rolled cussions with Laszlo Dunai, and I
steel tube columns bolted to CFS would like to thank him for the op-
Seismic engineering and design is an beams was successfully developed and portunity to provide this review. I
area of high research activity through- approved for use in seismic design in would also like to thank the members
out structural engineering, and CFS the United States [91], [92]. The sys- and staff of the American Iron and
is no different. In North America tems original use was for mezzanine Steel Institute Committee on Specifi-
CFS seismic design is not codified in structures in industrial buildings, but cations and Committee on Framing
one standard, forcing engineers to in the United States the system has Standards, many of the big picture
work across multiple standards to spawned commercial framing prod- viewpoints shared in this review were
achieve their designs. Nonlinear time ucts for the residential market (e.g., developed though my participation in
history analysis, which forms the BlueSky FrameTM). those committees. I would also like to
computational engine for modern Current CFS seismic research thank Dinar Camotim who provided
seismic design philosophies such as projects that the author is aware of as me with the insight and parallels be-
performance-based design, must be being underway, but not yet repre- tween the Direct Strength Method
grossly simplified for CFS structures sented fully in the literature, include and Eurocode general methods;
due to limitations in modelling (as cyclic tests on CFS members, shake however any misinterpretations of
discussed in Section 4). System-level table tests on multi-story shear walls, Eurocode still remain my own. I
seismic design of CFS is still in its in- diaphragms, and even full-scale build- would also like to thank the numer-
fancy, currently the governing philos- ings. The authors recent work in CFS ous collaborators and students who
ophy is to drive all energy dissipation seismic design is summarized in [93]; informed the research that is so
into pre-identified discrete elements, clearly, much work remains. briefly summarized here. Finally, I
such as prescriptively designed shear- would again like to apologize for
walls. 8 Conclusions those in the cold-formed steel re-
The primary lateral force resist- search community who are not de-
ing system in CFS framing is the This paper provides a review of the tailed herein; due to the topics I have
shearwall, and testing on this system state-of-the-art in cold-formed steel chosen, a lack of space, and most im-
continues worldwide, with recent (in structural applications, members, portantly my own ignorance, I am
the last five years) contributions from analysis, and design. Cold-formed steel sure I have missed important contri-
Italy on wood sheathed walls [79], enjoys widespread use in a number of butions, for this I am truly sorry.
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