Inefficient Randomness
Inefficient Randomness
Inefficient Randomness
Inefficient Randomness
7 Inefficient Kettlebell Workouts for Fat Loss & Strength
by: Chris Lopez, CSCS, SFGII
Inefficient Randomness 1
This book is for personal use ONLY.
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Copyright 2017 and Beyond - AlphaDad Media Inc. All rights are reserved. You my not
distribute this book in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without the written
consent from the author (Chris Lopez) and publisher (AlphaDad Media Inc), except for the
inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Inefficient Randomness 2
You must get you physicians approval before beginning this exercise program
These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You
must consult with your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical
conditions or injuries that contraindicate physical activity.
This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older ONLY.
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any
medication, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including The
Wolf. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while
exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.
It is strongly recommended that you have a complete physical examination before starting this
program if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if
you are overweight or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with
your physician or a registered dietician. If you physician recommends that you NOT use The
Wolf, please follow your doctors orders.
All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to
take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in
this workout, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your
level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. There exercises and dietary programs in this
book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or dietary regimen that may have
prescribed by your physician.
Dont lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured or fatigued. Dont perform any
exercise without proper instruction. Always perform a warm-up prior to all forms of training.
Inefficient Randomness 3
ALWAYS start with your left arm.
This has nothing to do with whether you are left handed or right handed. Its simply just
for simplicity purposes. If you always start with your left then theres no confusion as to
what set youre on or whether or not youve switched arms yet.
For men that means a 24kg and for women either a 12kg or a 16kg. If your snatch-
sized is too light, then youre probably an experienced girivek, so youll know how to
play with leverage and make your KB feel heavier (use more tension, overspeed
eccentrics for you ballistic work, focusing on PERFECT TECHNIQUE, only using nasal
Even though youre doing these random workouts and not a program like I preach, that
doesnt mean that the standard training rules go out the window. This is especially true
with TRAINING TO FAILURE. Stay away from failure and make sure you are performing
each and every rep with perfect technique. When your technique starts to falter, kill the
set youre done. We want to do this because 1. We dont want to teach our bodies to
fail at any lifts and 2. We dont want to tax our nervous system.
This guide was created to allow you time for LIFE. The workouts were designed to be
quick, efficient and have maximum impact. Remember that you dont gain anything
during the workout itself, your gains will occur if you give your body adequate rest. With
that said, the optimal training frequency is 2-4 times per week with a day of rest
between workouts.
This goes without saying, but if your technique starts to fail or your current rep looks
nothing like your first rep, then stop the set. Even though these are workouts, that
doesnt mean that we throw our principles out the window.
Inefficient Randomness 4
Loaded Carries (along with the swing and get-up) are one of the most COMPLETE
They are ESSENTIAL to any program and they should be a part of your weekly
Loaded Carries provide you with Everyday Strength and work capacity.
If youre moving house, who would you rather have help you: the guy who can
bench 300lbs for 2-5 reps or the guy who can Farmers Carry 100lbs over 400m
without putting the weights down?
Here is a simple Loaded Carry Complex that can be used 3-4x per week.
The goal here is to NOT put the kettlebell down until its time to switch arms.
1. Go the distance with each carry. That is, go for as long as you can carrying the
kettlebell overhead (with perfect form, of course) and then pull the kettlebell down
into the rack. Then rack carry for as long as you can tolerate and then finish going
as far as you can with the suitcase carry. Then turn around and go back.
2. Use this complex to transport your kettlebell to the park for another workout.
Basically, youre using this complex as a warm-up to your main workout.
3. It goes without saying that you dont have to just go 40m. You can set your distance
for as long or short as you need to.
Inefficient Randomness 5
Workout 2: EDC+
Everyday Carry PLUS combines each loaded carry with a corresponding ballistic.
This differs from the regular EDC in that you are switching arms after every carry
instead of aiming to NOT put the kettlebell down.
You could do this all with one side and then switch to the other, but the most important
thing is to always emphasize QUALITY. So if your technique starts to fail, then its time
to stop and rest.
1. While your LEFT is working, your RIGHT is resting (and vice versa)
2. You will increase work capacity because you can better train continuously without
Snatch x 5 Left
Overhead Carry x 40m Left
Snatch x 5 Right
Overhead Carry x 40m Right
Clean x 5 Left
Rack Carry x 40m Left
Clean x 5 Right
Rack Carry x 40m Right
Inefficient Randomness 6
Workout 3: Descendants
Descendants is just a simple descending ladder workout where your swings stay
consistent, but your Goblet Squats & Push-Ups descend in rep count.
Workouts like these are enjoyable for me because I can easily track where I am in the
workout without having to write anything down.
Dan John has called this type of workout inefficient and therefore incredible for fat loss
(we want our fat loss workouts to be inefficient to demand more energy from out
bodies - as opposed to being efficient and our conserving energy).
Swing x 10
Goblet Squat x 10
Push-Up x 10
Swing x 10
Goblet Squat x 9
Push-Up x 9
Swing x 10
Goblet Squat x 8
Push-Up x 8
etc, all the way up to
Swing x 10
Goblet x 1
Push-Up x 1
Inefficient Randomness 7
Crawling is what has allowed me and dozens of my personal clients rehab their
Crawling is how you can easily tie yourself together and clean up mobility and
movement pattern issues.
Inefficient Randomness 8
With a high emphasis on ballistics (12 reps total), youre heart will really be pumping.
You can use both DENSITY (set your timer for 20 minutes and do as many rounds of
this workout within that time frame)
Swing x 5
Snatch x 4
Clean x 3
Squat x 2
Press x 1
-Perform all reps with the left arm first, REST then switch to the
Inefficient Randomness 9
These are also the 3 exercises that need the most mastery in order for you to progress
into more advanced exercises and routines. They build the foundation for all the other
KB Exercises.
The swing is self-explanatory it is the foundation for the ballistics and will allow you to
have both a strong clean and snatch later on.
The goblet squat can be considered a foundational exercise for both mobility and core
The Get-Up is the foundation for any overhead work you will be doing as it will
bulletproof your shoulders.
Dont be fooled by the simplicity of this workout. If you can master this with your Snatch
Sized KB, go heavier - without sacrificing technique of course!
The Minimalist
Swing x 10
Goblet Squat x 10
Get Up x 1L
Swing x 10
Goblet Squat x 10
Get Up x 1L
Inefficient Randomness 10
This is a simple way to juice more out of your lifts through the Phenomenon of
Irradiation - where tension in one muscle will spill over into the surrounding muscles.
Try crush gripping the handle, bracing your abs and squeezing your glutes hard and a
difficult press will become markedly easier.
So heres a workout to help improve your GRIP & CORE so you can hack your
-REST doing 30-60s of Fast & Loose Drills shaking out the
tension, then
Inefficient Randomness 11