Unit - I
Unit - II
Nature, Purpose and pattern of Human Activities: Economic and Non-Economic- Entrepreneurial
Pursuits and Human Activities- Need for Creativity and innovation in societies -Building enterprising
Personality and Society - Entrepreneurship as a Human Resource Development concept -
Unit – III
Unit - IV
Attitudes and Motivation- Self-efficacy, Creativity, Risk Taking, Leadership, Communication and
Influencing Ability and Planning Action. - Developing Entrepreneurial Motivation and other
competencies - Achievement Motivation:Concept And Process- Entrepreneurship as a desirable and
feasible career option- Entrepreneur competencies and attributes- Characteristics of a successful
Unit - V
Unit - I
Institutions and Schemes of Government of India- Schemes & Programmes: GOI Min of Food
Processing, Dept of Sc & Tech schemes - STEP- STED- Nationalised banks- Other Financial
Institutions etc –SIDBI- NSIC- NABARD -IDBI- IFCI – ICICI-The EXIM Bank -ECGC [Specific focus on
institutions financing long and medium term loans-Short term or working capital requirements -Risk
Capital -Seed Capital/Marginal Money- Bridge loans]
Unit - II
Institutions and schemes in Tamilnadu for SSI support-State level Financial Corporations [SFC's:] -
Schemes & Programmes :Small Industry Development Corporations, TN Women Development
Corporation, TN Adi Diravidar Housing Dev Corpn- Other allied Schemes and programmes in
Unit - III
DIC ,DRDA: Roles, Schemes and programmes - Local Commercial banks- Lead Bank - Single Window
scheme- Venture capital funds and non-government finance companies.
Unit - IV
Unit - V
Unit - I
Unit - II
Market survey & Assessment – Demand, Supply and Nature of Competition- Cost and Price of
Products - Project Innovation and Changes- Feasibility Study – Identification of applicable
Entrepreneurial Opportunities- Selection of an Enterprise - Identification of product or service -
identifying problems and opportunities- Defining Business Idea.
Unit - III
Data collection for setting up small ventures -Preparing to set up a small-scale enterprise- Assessing
Opportunities [Market, Resources, Control mechanism to mobilize resources, Organizational
structure, Facilities and Technologies for starting an Enterprise] - Preliminary screening and
preparation of detailed feasibility plan- main features of feasibility plan- [Four] Core questions prior
to preparing a Business Plan.
Unit - IV
Business Planning: Importance, Levels, Purpose - [Seven] steps in Business Planning- Elements/
Components of a Business Plan- Planning location of the industry: factors for reckoning-Sourcing
process: Raw materials, machineries and equipments- Infrastructure: land & Building - water &
Power-planning production-Pricing –paying back loans and profit generation..
Unit - V
The Project report - importance - uses– Characteristics of a Project Report- [7] Basic elements of a
Project Report- Preparation of Project Report- [bearing every detail of the project under various
heads like history, product, marketing strategies, manufacturing process, machinery, raw material,
land and building, staffing, cost, means of finance, profitability etc ]
Marketing Models, Kotler.P., and G.Lilien, Prentice Hall international inc., 1992
Starting a Sucessfull Business, - A Step by Step guide, Rajan Chhibba, Penguin Books India(P) Ltd.,
Skill Based Elective - IV (Semester – V)
General Management & Finance
Unit - I
Unit - II
Unit - III
Unit - IV
Meaning of Finance - Need for Financial Management - Ingredients of Finance Management- form of
business organisation & entrepreneur’s function in financial management – Types of business
Finance [fixed capital and working] & management.
Unit - V
Meaning and Process of Financial Planning - Role of Financial Planning in Financial Management -
Factors affecting the formulation of a financial plan - Meaning and Factors of Capital Structure - -
Importance of Budgets- Basic concepts - Kinds of Budgets- Profit Maximization- Wealth
maximization- Minimization of assets.
Market Management
Unit - I
Unit - II
Marketing for Total Gain (MTG) -new elements: three Cs [cooperation, competency, capacity] and
three Ts [talent, timing, teamwork] - Market Research-importance, process, primary and secondary
data- assessment-
Unit - III
Product planning and development- Standardization and grading- Consumer expectations and
quality- statutory requirements- Budgeting and financing marketing efforts for SSIs - Packaging-
Branding- Pricing- Promotion: issues and practices with specific reference to regional environment
(including legislations) impacting SSI sector/products and services.
Unit - IV
Mass Markets and issues in small business marketing- Marketing Orientation for SSI- Retaining and
creating market segments -The concept and application of product life for SSI products - Marketing
assistance, subsidies and other Fiscal & Monetary Incentives-tax concessions and stipulations.
Unit - V
A Guide to Small Scale Entrepreneurs, Director of Industries, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
A Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Edited by BS Rathore and Dr JS Saini; Aapga Publications,
Panchkula (Haryana)
A Hand Book for Entrepreuners, TANSTIA,Chennai, 1994.
Building A Chain of Customers, Richard J Schonberger, The Free Press, New York,1990.
Behavioral Exercises and games - Manual for trainers, , M. V.Despande, P. Mehta and M. Nandami.
Learning systems, Greeter Kailash, New Delhi, 1978