MBA III Semester
MBA III Semester
MBA III Semester
III Semester
Definitions – Basic Concepts for strategic management- Concept of Strategy, Strategy
Formation Process – Stakeholders in business – Vision, Mission and Purpose – Business
definition, Objectives and Goals - Corporate Governance and Social responsibility-
Competetive Advantage: External Environment - Porter’s Five Forces Model -
Competitive Changes, evolution - Globalization - - Competitive advantage Resources-
Capabilities and competencies – core competencies, Generic Building Blocks- Distinctive
Competencies-Resources and Capabilities - durability - Avoiding failures and sustaining
- Case study.
The generic strategy - alternatives – Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination
strategies - Business level strategy- Strategy in the Global Environment - Corporate
Strategy- Vertical Integration - Diversification and Strategic Alliances- Building and
Restructuring the corporation - Strategic analysis and choice - Environmental Threat and
Opportunity Profile (ETOP) - Organizational Capability Profile - Strategic Advantage
Profile - Corporate Portfolio Analysis - SWOT Analysis - GAP Analysis - Mc Kinsey's
7s Framework - GE 9 Cell Model - Distinctive competitiveness - Selection of matrix -
Balance Score Card - case study.
Implementation process, Resource allocation, Designing organizational structure,
Strategic Control Systems - Matching structure and control to strategy - Implementing
Strategic change-Politics-Power and Conflict-Techniques of strategic evaluation &
control- Managing Technology and Innovation- Strategic issues for Non Profit
organisations. New Business Models and strategies for Internet Economy, Ethical
Aspects - case study
UNIT – IV: Business Process Management
Business analysis technique: Process Analysis, Flow Diagram, Performance Measures,
Bottleneck, Starvation and Blocking, Improvement- Little's Law. Business analysis:
Basics, sub-disciplines, techniques, process improvement, Goals, Techniques - Right
requirements documentation, Improve project efficiency. Techniques: PESTLE – MOST
– SWOT – CATWOE, MoSCoW - VPEC-T – Roles of business analysts: Strategies,
Architect, Systems analyst - Business process improvement - Selection of process teams
and leader - Process analysis training - Process analysis interview- Process
documentation - Review cycle - Problem analysis - Goal of business analysis – Case
Capability Maturity Model Integration: Overview, CMMI representation, CMMI
model framework - CMMI models, Appraisal, Achieving CMMI compliance,
Applications. Requirements analysis – Basics, Stakeholder identification, interviews -
Joint Requirements Development (JRD) Sessions - Contract-style requirement lists -
Strengths - Weaknesses - Alternative to requirement lists - Measurable goals -
Prototypes. Requirements: specification, Types. Issues of analysis, Stakeholder,
Engineer/developer - Attempted solutions – Business Process Reengineering – various
aspects - Case Studies.
1. Thomas L. Wheelen, J.David Hunger and Krish Rangarajan, Strategic Management
and Business policy, Pearson Education., 2006
2. Charles W.L.Hill & Gareth R.Jones, Strategic Management Theory, An Integrated
approach, Biztantra, Wiley India, 2007.
3. Azhar Kazmi, Strategic Management & Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill.
UNIT I: Law of Contract
Law of Contract: Meaning, Nature, Classifications and essentials of valid contract – Offer, Acceptance
and Agreement - Formation of Agreement - Consideration and Contracts - Performance of the contract -
Void Contract - Contingent Contract - Breach, Damages and compensation. Case Laws.
Sale of goods: Definition and essentials of a contract of sale - Goods and their classification - Sale and
transfer of ownership - Transfer of title by non owners – Performance - Unpaid seller and his Rights –
remedies for breach. Case Laws.
Concept and formation of partnership - kinds of Partners - legal relations between partners - Rights of
incoming and outgoing partners - Retirement and Expulsion - Dissolution of firm. Concept of Negotiable
Instruments and its importance - Transfer of Negotiable Instruments and liability of parties - Definition of
promissory note - Cheques and bill of exchange - Holder for value and holder in due course - Types of
negotiation – consignment – rights and duties of collecting and paying bankers – forgery. - Limited
Liability Concepts. Case Laws.
Sales tax – single point and multi point sales tax – central sales tax Act,1956 - Inter - state Trade – Inter
state sales tax – The Tamil nadu General sales Tax act,1959 – Registration of dealers – Mode of charging
sales tax – Excise Duties – The central Excises and salt act 1944,VAT – MODVAT. Case Laws.
(iv) Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and its amendments - Case Laws.
1. N.D.Kapoor, Elements of Mercantile Law-Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi-
2. Sen & Mitra. Arun Kumar Sen & Jitendra Kumar Mitra-Commercial and Industrial
Law - The World press, Private Ltd., Calcutta-1996.
1. P.P.S.Gogna, Mercantile Law.S.Chand & Co.Ltd.New Delhi-1999(1997 Edition)
2. Dr.Vinod K.Singhania-Direct taxes planning and Management,1997 Edition
3. R.S.N. Pillai & Bagavathi “ Business Law “ Sultan Chand & Sons 1999 Edition
4. N.D.Kapoor, Busienss Laws- Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi-2009.
charts for variables X chart, R chart - fraction defectives and defects – Operating
Characteristics curve – ISO Certification procedures for Industries – Application oriented
problems and case studies.
Unit – V: Methods analysis and Work Measurement:
Methods study procedures- Purpose of time study-Stop watch time study-Performance
rating-allowance factors-standard time-work sampling technique.
Text Books:
1. Production Management-Edword S.Buffa.
2. Chase, Acquilano, Jacobs Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw
Hill 1999.
3. O.P Khanna Industrial Engineering and Management , Dhanpat Rai Publications P
4. Materials Management-Gopalakrishnan.
5. Panneer Selvam.R, Production and Operations Management
1. Steven Nahmias, Production and Operations Analysis.
2. William J.Stevenson – Production and Operations Management
3. Raymond Myer, Production Management
1. Thomas E.Copeland and J.Fred Weston – 'Financial Theory & Corporate Policy',
Addison – Wesley Publishing Company.
3. M.Y. Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2008.
4. Dr. S.N. Maheshwari, Financial Management – Principles and Practice, Sultan Chand
& Sons.
8. Comparative Corporate Governance: 'The State of the Art and Emerging Research',
by Klaus Hopt.
1. E.Gordon & K.Natarajan, Financial Market And Institutions, HPH, 2004
2. “L.M.bhole”, Financial Institutions and Markets, 4th edition, TMH, 2008.
3. “Dr.S.Gurusamy”, Financial Services, Vijay Nicole, 2005.
4. “Dr.S.Gurusamy”, Financial Services and System, Thomson, 2004.
5. “Meera Sharma”, Management of Financial Institutions, PHI, 2008.
6. “Avadhani .A”, Marketing of Financial services and Markets, Himalaya Publishing
7. “Herbel.J.Johnson”, Financial Institutions & Markets, TMH.
8. M.Y.Khan, Financial Services, Tata McGraw-Hill, 11th Edition, 2008
9. Nalini Prava Tripathy, Financial Services, PHI Learning, 2008.
10. Machiraju, Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing House, 2nd Edition, 2002.
11. J.C.Verma, A Manual of Merchant Banking, Bharath Publishing House, New Delhi.
12. Website of SEBI
Sources of primary and secondary data – Evaluating secondary data – Method of primary
data collection: Survey, Observation method – Questionnaire design - Questionnaire Vs
Interview schedule-Sampling techniques: Sampling procedure, sampling methods –
Processing of collected data – Case studies.
Definition – Objectives, importance, scope and roles and types of sale promotion - sales
promotion techniques: trade oriented and consumer oriented - Requirement identification
- Sponsoring events - sales promotion through merchandising - limitations of sales
promotion – case studies.
1. Shimp, Advertising and Promotion: An IMC Approach, Cengage Learning, 2007
2. O’ Guinn, Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, Cengage Learning, 2006
3. Williams. F. Arens”, Contemporary Advertising, TMH, 2006.
4. “Batra, Myers and Aaker”, Adwertising Management , 5th edition, PHI, 2007.
5. “Larry.D.Kelley and Donald.W.Jugenheimer”, Advertising Media Planning: A
Brand Management Approach, PHI, 2007.
6. “William Wells, John Burnett and Sandra Moriarty”, Advertising: Principles and
Practice, 6th edition, PHI, 2007
7. Mishra. M. N., Sales Promotion, HPH, Mumbai.
8. George Belch and Michael Belch, Advertising and Promotion.
Text Book:
Reference Books
1. Jeffrey A. Mello, “Strategic Human Resource Management”, Thompson, Singapore,
Southern Western 2003.
2. Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, “Human Resource Management”, Thompson,
Singapore, Southern Western 2003.
3. Rosemary Harrison, “Employee Development”, University Press, New Delhi, 2003.
4. Strategic Management - Gregory Dess and Allex Miller
5. Strategic HRM – Jeffery Mello, Thompson publication, New Delhi
6. Strategic HRM- Charles Greer, Pearson education Asia , New Delhi
7. Strategic HRM-Michael Armstrong, Kogan page , London
8. Strategic HRM- Agrwal, Oxford University press , New Delhi
9. Human Resource Management- Garry desseler, PHI, New Delhi