Savage Streets

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Special Ops Issue #1

Savage Streets 1.5 Set-up

1.51 The Soviet player places his 20 Event Chits into an
The Battle for Central Stalingrad opaque container, hereafter referred to as the Chit Draw Pile.
Many of these will be drawn during the course of the game.
1.0 Introduction
1.52 The Soviet player examines and places each of the 9
This Area-move game is inspired by the system used for the yellow-striped at-start units in any numbered Area, face
Pocket Battle Game Rattenkrieg published by Turning Point down. The stacking limits (see 1.21) must be observed at the
Simulations. This game is designed both as a two-player game end of the Soviet set-up.
and as a solitaire game (in the solitaire game the player takes
1.53 Place a Soviet control marker in each numbered area.
the German side).
1.54 Place the Turn marker on the Turn 1 space of the Turn
Savage Streets covers the desperate battle between the Ger-
Record. Place the German Stuka counter on its available side
man 6th Army and the Soviet 62nd Army for control of central
next to the map.
Stalingrad and the all-important ferry landings during the two
week period from September 14th to September 27th, 1942. 2.0 Reinforcement Phase
1.1 Dice If there are any reinforcement units with an entry turn of the
This game requires eight six-sided dice which the player must current turn number, they are placed on the map.
provide. Unless otherwise noted, a dr refers to rolling one six- 2.1 First the German player places each of his units, full
sided die while a DR refers to rolling two or more six-sided dice. strength side up, in either Areas A, B or C (color coded by
division, Black stripes in Area A, Green stripes in Areas B
1.2 Stacking Limits
or C). NonDivisional armor units are not restricted to which
1.21 Up to three Combat Units (i.e. Regt H.Q., Infantry (which letter area they are placed in. Stacking limits apply at the end
includes Engineer or Pionier), Armor or Anti-tank) per side of placement, any units in excess of the stacking limits are
plus one additional Armor/Anti-tank unit per side plus one eliminated.
additional Regt H.Q. (German only) plus three Event Chits
2.2 Next the Soviet player places each of his reinforcing units
(Soviet only, this limit includes both revealed and hidden
Event Chits) may stack in any Area during setup, at the start
of the Reinforcement Phase, and at the end of the Movement a. If Area 7 and/or 8 is Soviet Controlled, he can place his
Phase. Any units in excess of stacking limits are eliminated units in any SovietControlled or Contested Area that
(by the owning player) after the end of a Movement Phase. can trace a continuous chain of SovietControlled or
A revealed Fanatic Strongpoint counts as an Event Chit for Contested Areas back to a SovietControlled Area 7 or
stacking purposes. 8.
b. If both Area 7 and 8 are Contested, he can place his
1.3 Area Control
units in Area 7 or 8. These reinforcing units are consid-
1.31 An Area is Controlled by the last side that ered to be arriving under fire and a dr is made by the
solely occupied it. However, at the end of com- German player for each reinforcing unit to see if the unit
bat if an Area is occupied by units of both sides may be placed in the Area; a dr result of 1 or 2 results in
it is a Contested Area and Controlled by neither a successful landing and the reinforcing unit is placed
side. Area Control markers can be placed in an in the Area; a dr result of 3 or 4 results in the reinforcing
area to show who controls it, and this marker unit being turned awayit may attempt to enter on a
does not count towards the stacking limit. later turn; a dr result of 5 or 6 eliminates the reinforcing
1.4 Sequence of Play unit.
After set-up (see 1.5), the following sequence of play is fol- c. If both Areas 7 and 8 are German controlled, the units
lowed each turn: cannot be placed and they are delayed to the next turn.
Place German Reinforcements (2.1) If the Unit has a red circle for its turn of entry, it has special
Place Soviet Reinforcements (2.2) placement rules, and the placement rules are modified as
Place Soviet Event Chits (3.0) follows. For cases a and b above, Area 6 can also be used for
Soviet Movement Phase (except Turn 1) (4.0)
German Movement Phase (5.0) reinforcements in addition to Areas 7 and 8, but there is no
Combat Phase (7.0) die roll for arriving under fire if Area 6 is contested. For case c
End of Turn Phase (8.0) above, if Area 6 is German controlled, the unit can be placed

German Units Soviet Units Soviet Event Chits

71st Division 295th Division Non-Divisional Armor AtStart Unit Reinforcement
Regiment ID

Special Placement

Turn of entry
Turn of entry




Infantry Pionier Armor Engineer


Regt H.Q. Infantry Anti-Tank

(Regimental Headquarters)

403 Headquarters Drive, Suite 7, Millersville, MD 21108 SS 1

Special Ops Issue #1

in Area 6, but a die roll is made for the unit due to arrving of 3 or 4 the Armor unit is Suppressed (see 7.1), and a dr re-
under fire, as described in 2.2b. sult of 5 or 6 causes the Armor unit to flip over to its depleted
side (or if already depleted the Armor unit is eliminated). If
3.0 Place Soviet Event Chits there are multiple German Armor units in the Area, each Mo-
Each and every turn, including turn 1, the Soviet player then lotov Cocktail Event Chit only attacks one of the Armor units,
draws three Event Chits from the Chit Draw Pile, inspects selected by the Soviet player. If there are multiple Molotov
them and then places each of them face-down in any Soviet- Cocktail Event Chits to be resolved, they may target the same
Controlled or Contested Area. They may be placed in the same or different Armor units. After Combat resolution (or if there
or different areas, providing the stacking limits (see 1.21) are are no German Armor units in the Area) the Molotov Cocktail
observed. These Event Chits may be concealed within stacks Event Chit is placed back in the Chit Draw Pile.
of units if the Soviet player wishes.
6.3 Artillery: Add a die to the Soviet Dice Pool in
4.0 Soviet Movement Phase the upcoming Combat Phase in this area. After the
4.1 There is no Soviet Movement Phase on Turn 1; during the attack is resolved in the Combat Phase the Artillery
Movement Phase of all subsequent turns the Soviet player Event Chit is placed back in the Chit Draw Pile.
may move each of his Combat Units and face-down Event 6.4 Ambush: If there is currently one or more Ger-
Chits into an adjacent numbered Area (but not into a lettered man Combat units (Exception: German Regt H.Q.
Area). If the Area the Soviet unit is leaving is a Contested are never affected by Ambush) in the Area, the So-
Area, then it is not allowed to enter a German-occupied Area viet player rolls a dr for each Ambush Event Chit;
(it may enter a German-controlled Area that is vacant of a dr result of 1 or 2 has no effect, a dr result of 3
German units) (Exception: Optional Soviet SMG Companies or 4 the Combat unit is Suppressed (see 7.1), and a dr result
Rule, see 9.5). of 5 or 6 causes a Combat unit to flip over to its depleted side
4.2 After movement, any face-up Soviet units that are in an (or if already depleted the Combat unit is eliminated). If there
area without any German units are flipped facedown. Face- are multiple German Combat units in the Area, each Ambush
down units in Areas containing German units remain face- Event Chit only affects one of the Combat units, selected by
down for now. the Soviet player. If there are multiple Ambush Event Chits
4.3 If a Soviet unit enters an empty area that is German con- to be resolved, they may target the same or different combat
trolled, it now becomes Soviet controlled. units. The Soviet Player selects the targets for all ambushes
before resolving any of them. After resolution (or if there are
5.0 German Movement Phase no German Combat units in the Area) each Ambush Event
5.1 The German player may move his units into adjacent Chit is placed back in the Chit Draw Pile.
Areas (numbered or lettered), with each Area entered costing 6.5 Fanatic Strongpoint: During the Combat
1 Movement Point. He may move a unit as far as he wishes, Phase, add 1 star (see 7.1) to the Area it occu-
until the units Movement Points have been exhausted. Should pies, and it may never move after it is revealed. A
a German unit enter an area containing any Soviet units, a re- hit may be scored on (thus eliminating) a Fanatic
vealed Fanatic Strongpoint, or hidden Event Chits, it must im- Strongpoint Event Chit once all other Soviet units
mediately stop and end its movement. He may move directly in the Area are eliminated. After Combat resolution if the
from a Contested Area to an Area containing Soviet units. Fanatic Strongpoint Event Chit was eliminated it is returned
5.2 If a German unit enters a Soviet controlled area that is to the Chit Draw Pile (otherwise it remains in the area). Only
empty, it immediately becomes German controlled, and the one revealed Fanatic Strongpoint Event Chit at a time may oc-
German unit may continue moving. cupy an Area, and any excess Fanatic Strongpoint Chits are
5.3 At the end of the German Movement Phase, all Soviet removed if revealed and placed in the Chit Draw Pile.
face-down units in an Area containing German units are now 6.6 Guards Counterattack: Add a die to the
flipped face-up, along with all Event Chits. Soviet dice pool in the upcoming Combat Phase
6.0 Soviet Event Chits in this area. The Soviet player wins combat if there
is a tie, even if a German Regt H.Q. is present.
In each Area with a revealed Soviet Event Chit each Event Chit
If the Soviet player wins the combat, all Soviet
is resolved (if possible) as follows:
units remain in the area and for each Soviet die roll greater
6.1 Sniper: If there is currently a German Regt or equal to the Germans highest die roll, a hit is scored; any
H.Q. in the area, the Soviet player rolls a dr for hits scored in this manner are in addition to the hit scored per
each Sniper Event Chit; a dr result of 1 or 2 has 7.32. After the attack is resolved in the Combat Phase the
no effect, a dr result of 3 or 4 the Regt H.Q. is Counterattack Event Chit is placed back in the Chit Draw Pile.
Suppressed (see 7.1), and on a dr result of 5 or
6.7 Dummy: The Dummy Event Chit is placed back
6 causes the Regt H.Q. to flip over to its depleted side (or
in the Chit Draw Pile. If no other Soviet Combat
if already depleted the Regt H.Q. is eliminated). If there are
units, Artillery or Fanatic Strongpoint Event Chits
multiple German Regt H.Q. in the Area, each Sniper Event
are in the Area the German player may treat this as
Chit only attacks on of the Regt H.Q.s, selected by the Soviet
a breakthrough (see 7.31).
player. If there are multiple Sniper Event Chits to be resolved,
they may target the same or different Regt H.Q. units. After 7.0 Combat Phase
resolution (or if there are no German Regt H.Q. in the Area) After the Event Chits are resolved, in each Area containing both
the Sniper Event Chit is placed back in the Chit Draw Pile. German and Soviet units and/or remaining Event Chits, combat
6.2 Molotov Cocktails: If there is currently one or will take place. Resolve each Area combat one at a time, with
more German Armor units in the area, the Soviet the German player selecting the order.
player rolls a dr for each Molotov Cocktail Event 7.1 For each combat Area, determine the number of dice each
Chit; a dr result of 1 or 2 has no effect; a dr result side will roll in the battle. To do this, the Soviet player adds up

SS 2 2011 MultiMan Publishing, Inc.

Special Ops Issue #1

the Combat Value of all the Soviet units in the Area, plus the or Fanatic Strongpoint Event Chits, the German only suffers a
number of stars in the Area (1, 2 or 3) plus 1 additional star hit if he loses the combat). The German player decides which
if a Fanatic Strongpoint Event Chit is in the Area to get his unit is flipped or eliminated. (Exception: if a non-Suppressed
total combat Value. One star is subtracted if the battle Area Regt H.Q. participated in the Combat and the result was
is German-Controlled. The German player adds together the a tie and the highest Soviet dr was a 6 then the Regt H.Q.
Combat Value of all his participating units in the Area (Excep- must suffer the hit). This elimination takes place before any
tion: a Suppressed unit has a Combat value of 0 and no breakthrough movement (see 7.31), and if there is a second
Optional Special Unit Capabilities, see 9.0 ). combat due to any breakthrough, a second hit is applied.
The side with the greatest total Combat Value gets to roll two 7.33 If after combat there are both German and Soviet units
dice. The other side rolls one die. If the total Combat Values in the area, the area is now Contested, and remove any
are equal, both sides roll two dice. If the side with the greatest control markers in the area. If only one side remains in the
total Combat Value has more than double the total Combat area, that side controls the area, and the appropriate control
Value of the other side, that side rolls an additional die. marker is placed in the area.
The Soviet player adds one die for each Artillery Event Chit and 8.0 End of Turn Phase
Guard Counterattack Event Chit revealed in the Area that turn.
8.1 The German Player wins immediately at the end of any
The German player can add one die if he places his turn if no Soviet counters remain on the map.
Stuka counter in the Area. The Stuka counter can
8.2 Advance the Game Turn marker to the next turn and flip
be placed in any one Area per turn by the German
the German Stuka counter to its fresh side, and then repeat
player at the start of combat in an Area (before any
the turn sequence starting with the Reinforcement Phase.
dice are rolled for that Area). Once the combat has
If the Game Turn marker was already on turn 9, the game
been resolved, flip the Stuka to the Used Stuka side and
comes to an end. The German wins at the end of Turn 9 if
place it next to the map.
Areas 7 and 8 are both German-Controlled, providing he can
7.2 The dice (or die) are rolled. The side with the highest die trace a path of German-Controlled Areas from Areas 7 and 8
roll wins (do not add the dice together). In the case of a tie the to one of the German Entry Areas (A, B or C). Otherwise the
side with the most high rolls wins. If still tied the Soviet player Soviet player wins.
wins, unless there is a participating non-Suppressed Regt
H.Q. with another participating German combat unit that is 9.0 Optional Special Unit Capabilities
not a Regt H.Q. in the area, in which case the German player The following rules are optional, and any may be added if both
wins. players agree to them.
Example A: German die roll is a 4 vs. Soviet rolls of 2 and 3 - a 9.1 Engineer/Pionier Company
German win (for the single highest die roll). Prior to combat a player (German player decides
Example B: German die rolls are 4 and 5 vs. Soviet rolls of 5 first) may choose to add 1 to a single die of his com-
and 5 - a Soviet win (for most number of high dice). bat resolution dice roll (the die is chosen after the
Example C: German die rolls are 6, 5 and 4 vs. a Soviet roll dice have been rolled) if the combat Area contains
of 6 - a tie, becomes a Soviet win (unless there is a non- at least one of his Engineer Companies (if Soviet)
Suppressed Regt HQ in the Area with another non-Regt HQ or participating Pionier Companies (if German). The
German Combat unit, in which case it would be a German win, final result may never exceed 6 for a single die. If
and the Regt HQ would suffer the hit when damage is applied, the player using his Pionier or Engineer loses the
see 7.32). combat, the Engineer or Pionier Company must
7.3 If the Soviet wins the combat, all Soviet units remain in the suffer the first hit (for the Pionier Company this will be the only
Area. If the German wins the combat, for each die roll greater hit the side suffers, unless 9.6 has been added). If a Regt HQ is
than or equal to the Soviets highest die roll, a hit is scored. also required to take a hit the German player decides which of
For each hit scored by the German player on the Soviet play- these two units takes the hit.
er, a Soviet unit in the Area is eliminated (the Soviet player 9.2 German Armor
decides which unit is eliminated). If there is a Fanatic Strong-
9.21 Unopposed Armor: During combat the Ger-
point in the Area it is the last unit to take a hit in the Area.
man player may add 1 to a single die of his combat
7.31 If the number of hits scored in an Area is greater than resolution dice roll (after they have been rolled) if
the number of Soviet units in the Area, the German has the battle Area contains one or more participating
achieved a breakthrough and may immediately move the Armor unit (i.e.- StuG or FlaK) and the Area con-
units to an adjacent vacant or Soviet-occupied Area (but not tains no Soviet Armor, Anti-tank or Molotov Cock-
an Area that already contains both Soviet and German units). tail Event Chit. The final result may never exceed 6.
Not all the German units have to move, but those that do If a German Pionier Company (see 9.1) also adds
must move to the same Area. If the Area the German unit(s) one to a die, both modifiers can be added to the
move into contains Soviet units, the Soviet units are flipped same die or two different dice.
over, and the combat in this area is resolved immediately
9.22 Unsupported Armor: During combat if the only German
using the normal combat procedure, and the Stuka may be
units are Armor units and there is one or more Soviet Infantry
used for the breathrough combat if it has not yet been used
unit present in the Area, then the Combat Value of each Ger-
for this turn. Units that have performed one breakthrough
man Armor unit is decreased by 1.
may not perform additional breakthroughs in the same turn.
7.32 In all cases, following combat resolution one German 9.3 Soviet Armor/Anti-tank
unit in the battle Area suffers a hit and is flipped to its deplet- At the beginning of combat if the combat Area contains one or
ed side or eliminated if already depleted (Exception: if the more German Armor units and one or more Soviet Armor or
only Soviet counters in the Area are Artillery Event Chits and/ Anti-tank units that were revealed (flipped face-up) this turn,

403 Headquarters Drive, Suite 7, Millersville, MD 21108 SS 3

Special Ops Issue #1

the Soviet player rolls a dr for each Soviet Armor Event Chits should be kept in a separate stack from face-
and Anti-tank unit; a dr result of 1 or 2 has no ef- down Combat units.
fect, a dr result of 3 or 4 the German Armor unit
10.3 Solitaire Soviet Reinforcement Phase
is suppressed (see 7.1), and a dr result of 5 or 6
causes the German Armor unit to flip over to its 10.31 Soviet Reinforcements entering in the current turn turn
depleted side (or if already depleted the Armor unit are placed as follows:
is eliminated). If there are multiple German Armor The units are first shuffled face-down to conceal their identity,
units in the Area, each Soviet Armor or Anti-tank then place one unit in each vacant Soviet-controlled Area that
unit may only attack a single German Armor unit, borders a German-controlled or Contested Area; if reinforce-
selected by the Soviet player. If there are multiple Soviet Armor ments still remain, place one each in Areas 7 and 8, alternat-
or Anti-tank units in the area, each may target the same or dif- ing back and forth until the stacking limit of three is reached; if
ferent German Armor unit, but all targets must be selected prior reinforcements still remain, place one in each occupied Soviet
to resolution. controlled Area; if reinforcements still remain, place one in
each Contested Area; if reinforcements still remain, place one
9.4 Regimental Integrity in each vacant Soviet-controlled Area.
9.41 A Regimental H.Q. has its Combat Value reduced by one In all cases stacking limits apply, and the conditions for plac-
if not stacked with at least one battalion from the same regi- ing Soviet Reinforcements as stated in rules 2.2 - 2.21 still
ment. Example: if not stacked with either the I/518 or II/518 apply. The Turn 7 Soviet Reinforcements with a red circle
Infantry battalion, the 518/Henze Regt H.Q. would have its should be placed face-down in a separate pile from the
Combat Value reduced by 1. reinforcements with a black circle due to their different entry
9.42 If all three battalions from the same regiment are stacked conditions.
in the same Area (and stacked with the Regt H.Q if German) 10.32 When placing reinforcements if more than one Area is
then the total Combat value for the stack is increased by one. eligible, place units using the following priority: Area 7, 8, 6, 5,
A regiment that has only 2 battalions cannot receive this ben- 9, 10, 4, 3, 11, 2, 12.
efit. Example: the 518th and 194th Regiments each have only
10.33 The Soviet player then draws three Event Chits from
2 battalions, and would not be eligible for this benefit.
the Chit Draw Pile, and keeping them face-down, makes a DR
9.5 Soviet Infiltration for each and places it in the Area number that corresponds to
9.51 The four Soviet SMG companies (SMG/34 Gds; SMG/39 the total of the DR, providing the Area is Soviet-Controlled or
Gds; SMG/42 Gds; and SMG/284 RD) are allowed to move Contested. If the DR result is an ineligible Area, reroll the DR
from a Contested Area to an Area that contains German units. until it results in an eligible Area.
This optional rule acts as an exception to 4.1. 10.4 Solitaire Soviet Movement Phase
9.6 Schwere Angriff At the beginning of each Soviet Movement Phase, a DR is
Once during the game, the German player may declare he will made for each Soviet Combat unit and face-down Event Chit
add one additional die to an attack in any one Area. As a result on the map, starting with Area 7 and progressing in the order of
of this all-out heavy attack, in step 7.32 one additional German priority spelled out in rule 10.32.
unit in the battle Area must suffer a hit. The German player If the DR result corresponds to an Area adjacent to the Area
must have at least two units in the area to launch this attack. the unit is currently in, and both this adjacent Area and the
10.0 Solitaire Savage Streets current Area do not both contain German units, then the unit is
moved to the adjacent Area, providing the Soviet Stacking Limit
The following rules for Soviet set-up and movement are used to
is not exceeded (if the Stacking Limits would be exceeded,
play the game solitaire, these rules modify the following rules
the unit does not move). A Soviet unit may never move from a
sections: 1.2, 1.51, 1.52, 2.2, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0.
Contested Area to another Contested Area (Exception: Soviet
10.1 Soviet Stacking Limits SMG Companies. See 9.5).
10.11 In solitaire Savage Streets the Soviet is limited to three 10.5 Solitaire German Movement Phase
Combat units and three Event Chits per Area. German Stack-
10.51 The German moves his units one Area at a time,
ing Limits are the same as the two-player game (see 1.21).
completing all movement in that Area before moving units in
10.2 Solitaire Soviet Set-Up another Area. At the start of the Movement Phase the German
10.21 Shuffle all nine Soviet orange-striped units keeping them must make a Command dr for each unit in an Area that he
facedown to conceal their identity. Place one unit in each of wishes to move. If the final Command dr result is 1, 2, 3, or 4
the following Areas: Area 2 (Rail Yards), Area 3 (Downtown the unit may move (see 5.0) normally; if the final Command dr
District), Area 5 (Station Stalingrad-1), Area 6 (Lenin Square), result is a 5 or 6 the unit cannot move, but may participate in
Area 9 (Red Square) and Area 12 (Rail Crossing). The player Combat (see 7.0) normally. If a Regt H.Q. is in the Area there
then makes a DR for each of the remaining three Soviet is a 1 drm that applies to each Command dr (including for
orange-striped units, placing the unit facedown in the Area the H.Q.).
number that corresponds to the total of the DR. Example: a DR 11.0 Savage Streets Credits
result of 7 would place the unit in Area 7 Rodimtsevs H.Q..
Designer: Tom Morin
10.22 The player then shuffles all of the Event Chits, keep-
Developer: Nick Richardson
ing them face-down to conceal their identity, and draws three
of them. The player then makes a DR for each and places it Art: Niko Eskubi & Don Petros
in the Area number that corresponds to the total of the DR. Playtesters: Joe Gochinski, Tom Morin, Kiri Naiman, Tom
To keep track of Stacking Limits in each Area, all face down Ruta, Nick Richardson, Arnie Shimo, Brian Youse & Pronoblem
Dedicated to Dot Morin

SS 4 2011 MultiMan Publishing, Inc.

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