For the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.-Rudyard Kipling
Carla Bruning
7 .04% American Indian/Alaskan Native
Tyvan Lindbeck 59 3.0% Asian/Pacific Islander
Assistant Principal of Curriculum
152 6.0% Black
Diane Finch, A-Coo 236 13.6% Hispanic
School Counselor 99 5.0% Multi-Racial
Kelsey Wise. Cop-Gra 1831 72% White (Caucasian)
School Counselor 2708 100% TOTAL ENROLLMENT
Hilary Waluzak, Hb-La
School Counselor GRADING and GPA
Joanne Grogan, Lb-Os A 90-100 4.0 B 80-89 3.0 C 70-79 2.0 D 60-69 1.0
School Counselor
Honors weight adds .04 per semester, Advanced Placement/Dual Enrollment adds .08 per semester
Joseph Sandfrey, Ot-Sj
School Counselor, Department Head The grade point average is cumulative and includes the high school courses taken
in grades 9-12. All courses taken are included in the compilation of the GPA.
Jaime Weston-Myers, Sk-Z Grades are computed on a 4.0 system with .04 added to the students cumulative
School Counselor
GPA for each semester Honors course (indicated with a Y or an H in the course
Linda Hacker flag column on the transcript) and .08 for each Semester Advance Placement
College and Career Counselor course (indicated with a Z in the course flag column on the transcript). Class rank
Cynthia Scull is computed on the basis of high school credits earned after promotion from the
Registrar 8th grade through the first semester of grade 12.
SAT (655) Middle 50% Mean ACT (392) Middle 50% Mean
2 Year
4 Year
Subject Area Honors Courses AP Courses Athletic Programs
English English 9, 10, 11, 12 Language and Composition Baseball (M)
Literature Basketball (M)
Math Geometry Statistics Basketball (W)
Algebra 2 Calculus AB/BC Cheerleading
Trigonometry Computer Science Principles Cross Country (M)
Pre-Calculus Cross Country (W)
Science Biology Biology Flag Football (W)
Chemistry Chemistry Football (M)
Physics Physics Golf (M)
Genetics Environmental Science Golf (W)
Marine Science Physics Lacrosse (M)
Astronomy Lacrosse (W)
Anatomy and Physiology Soccer (M)
Social Studies US Government Macro/Micro Economics Soccer (W)
US History US and Comparative Government Swimming (M)
World History US History Swimming (W)
Economics and Financial Literacy World History Tennis (M)
Psychology Tennis (W)
Human Geography Track (M)
European History
Track (W)
World Language Spanish 3, Spanish 4 Spanish Language
Volleyball (W)
Latin 3, Latin 4 Latin: Vergil
French 3, French 4 French Language
Fine, Practical, and Ceramics 2, Ceramics 3 Art History
Performing Arts Digital Design 2, Digital Design 3 Music Theory
Web Design 2, User Interface
Career and Technical
Criminal Justice Operations 3
Animal Science
Electives Philosophy 2561 AP exams taken
Anthropology Business Entrepreneurship
Forensic Science
45.5% of students earning a Criminal Justice
Zoology score of 3-5 Digital Design
Agriscience Foundations Interior Design
Vet Assisting Television Production
Business and Entrepreneurial
61% of total exams earning a Technical Ag Operations
TV Production 3, TV Production 4 score of 3-5 Veterinary Assisting
Web Design
Colleges & Universities where Newsome students have been accepted over the past four years:
Auburn University Florida State University U.S. Air Force Academy University
Baylor University Georgia Institute of Technology of Florida
Boston University Jacksonville University U.S. Military Academy
Brigham Young University Johns Hopkins University U.S. Naval Academy
Brown University Johnson & Wales University of Alabama
Clemson University Liberty University University of Central Florida
City College NY MIT University of Georgia
Colorado State University New College of Florida University of Miami
Cornell University Michigan State University University of Michigan
Duke University North Carolina State Univ. University of North Florida
East Carolina University Embry- Miami University University of West Florida
Riddle Norwich University of South Florida
Emory University Ohio State University University of Pennsylvania
Flagler College Penn State University Wake Forest University
Florida A&M University Florida St. Francis University University of Tampa
Atlantic University St. Leo University Vanderbilt University
Furman University Stetson University